Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 18 min ago

Exeter Parlour

Though it was not yet the prescribed time for refreshment, Margaret could not stifle her nerves enough to prevent a sip from the crimson bitterness of her wine. Neither could she stop from downing the entire glass afterward, but still the skin of her hands itched unbearably, inspiring a jitter in her nerves that the steady, thick beat of rain against her parlour’s cross-latticed windows. From behind their glossy security, Ebb shrouded in lane looked all too much like the ocean, the same primeval sea that lapped in her nightmares for the past fortnight. “Someone had to do something,” she quavered aloud, watching the blurry yellow-orange lights of the city through the latticed pane.

The mounting evidence of a lurking continuity beneath the waters of Ebb had forced her hand. Families distraught at their loved ones still, soaked forms laid to barnacled rest by the departing tide, an entire building reduced to ominous nothingness by an impossible whirlpool, and beside it all that accursed phantom submarine. Before Margaret had sent down the first team, the nearly-nightly sojourns of the Ankou's grim, diving-suited crew turned a smoldering ember of fear into a roaring fire. Surely no normal citizen could lend a credulous ear to the pleas of those horrid sailors? And yet, with the recent events, the scuttling, gangly shapes in gutters and murky, foul waters pouring unbidden from sinks and bathtubs, the people of Ebb were in a tumult, and ready to believe anything.

And for now, and amongst other things, they believed that the ill-fated investigation team ventured still beneath the slimy cisterns of the city, pinpointing the source of the dilemma. In truth not a peep had reached Margaret or her detective since they had departed; the Sensus-laden conduit radio stood silent and untouched upon the coffee table in the parlour's center as it had for days. Margaret had planned to use it as part of her presentation to the newly-enlisted investigation team B, but now, with her hands trembling and mind clogged with worry, not just for the drowned, or the first team, or herself, but for the whole city, the urge to give in threatened to burst from behind her dike of resolution. No amount of study in Ebb's college, Tarpon University, could have prepared her for the slow terror of creeping calamity to which only she and her detective were only remotely aware.

But it was too late to back down now, even as she tentatively reached her hand out the window and beheld telltale spatters of red on her palm. The noise of entrance by way of the front door, and the admittance of entry by the butler, cemented this fact in her mind. Margaret pulled herself away from the window and placed her glass upon a driftwood-carved cabinet. She noted with no small degree of wry humor exactly how much Ebb depended on the sea, always assuming that while fickle, the sea held no greater hatred of human life and would never see fit to conspire against mankind.

Making sure that her nut-brown hair, tinged with streaks of gray, was in order, Margaret cast her cerulean eyes upon the first arrival. True to form, it was the detective himself. No ordinary investigative authority, the strong but silent figure who had assisted her in the organization of her approach to this crisis hailed from a southeastern island chain off the coast of Chalcedony, where cherry blossoms bloomed and the mountains tall, somber dignity served as model for the likes of Udo Koro Kai. Previously no more than an enigmatic foreigner when he had arrived on foot, Kai had experienced in order to curry her favor a horrible event, made all the more horrible by the admission of so formidable a warrior. To hear him tell it, the ninja had been prowling the riverbottom canals at the day's lowest tide, and identified a writhing, goopy mass puddled on the canal's edge. Further investigation proved the sludge to be detestable manlike, fluctuating between an amorphous, runny white gel and pale-skinned person constantly. When Kai had approached, the creature had oozed into the water, only for clammy, grasping fingers to stretch from the canal seconds later, seize the ninja, and forcibly submerge him underwater. If Kai's mastery of the Motus affinity hadn't been so great, he surely would have been dragged to the depths, but as it was the man had escaped with his sanity attacked and returned with his tale. Just the thought of it made Margaret's skin crawl.

Kai's voice yanked her from the past, however, letting her know that a couple distinctly interesting characters were headed this way. “Time to meet the team, then. Let us pray to Lugus that they...fare better.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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SpookySquid 3 Spooky 5 Me

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kadoodle did his best to remain calm. He was happy that he would finally be going on his long awaited adventure and he could wait to try some new meals out on different people, but at the same time, he was a bit confused. When he was contacted, he had been told that the expedition would be purely for investigative purposes, but he was beginning to have doubts. It didn't take long for the goblin to notice that the bulk of the individuals that were around the mayor's parlor seemed to be fighters. Kadoodle had seen plenty of warriors, and usually there was something different about the way they walked, talked, and acted that made them different from others. What kind of "investigation" required this many people like that? Maybe he was just letting his nerves get the better of him. For all he knew, he could be wrong, and those warrior could just happen to be standing near the parlor. Either way, he was glad he had brought his club with him... he knew he might need it.

The civil unrest didn't soothe his nerves either. Kadoodle glanced at a group of a dozen or so elves huddled closely to a cracked fountain, and they seemed to be eagerly awaiting something. Kadoodle gulped as he realized what that must be... the submarine. What kind of things had happened in this city that people were willing to pack their bags and trust some strangers just to escape? It was obvious that this had something to do with what was happening in the city. Kadoodle knew that it had been bad, but he hadn't realized how out of hand things had become, especially in the parts of the city that weren't as far inland.

Kadoodle pushed his worries aside and continued observing the people who were approaching or waiting outside of the parlor. Kadoodle smiled. It would be great to meet new people! He finally built up his courage, grabbed his pack, and then walked over to the parlor, hoping he could perhaps strike up a conversation with some of the other people that were clearly going to be investigating with him. Perhaps talking to these people would soothe his nerves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Marianne & Ricard Delacroix - En route to the Mayor Margaret's Estate.

Amidst the humid fog and orange glow of the city lights, a Machina-empowered automobile sputtered along the wet and dark streets. From within the glass panes of the machine's windows, a fair Elvish maiden's face peered out at the strange world outside. Brown eyes twinkling like stars thanks to the passing street light fixtures, her mouth was slightly agape with awe. Never before had the young woman seen such an interesting and lively city. At least, lively in comparison to her home. Anything was lively when compared to that. Turning her head suddenly to her opposite side, she addressed the large canine seated next to her.

"Ricard! Have you ever seen anything like this city before?"
She gleefully hopped up and down in her seat, her evening gown rustling with the movements.
Ricard, the tremendous creature, merely looked away from his window to glance sidelong at the young lady.
"No, dearest Princess. I hath not." a symbol on his forehead faintly pulsated with his 'words'. His 'voice' deep and booming. His answer rather deadpan in its delivery.
Marianne's shoulders slumped, displeased with his answer. Blowing a strand of her dark hair out of her face and promptly shoving the large wolf, she crossed her arms in disappointment.
"Ricard!" She had barely budged the canine with her actions.
The wolf still looking at her, simply answered again.
"Yes, dearest Princess? Didst my answer displease you?"
Marianne puffed out her cheeks, pouting.
"You're so dull, Ricard! Why must you always answer so straightforwardly? Don't you have anything more to add or say?"
Ricard quietly sighed to himself, fogging the glass pane of the window next to him slightly.
"No, dearest Princess. I hath not laid eyes on a city such as this. It is very wet. It is very dark. I do not like this place."
Marianne's shoulders sagged more, she wanted to be more talkative with Ricard but he hardly ever enjoyed holding a conversation with her. Whenever she would try to entice him to speak further, it was never what she intended. Hardly ever with anything positive to add or say, he was too brutally honest at times. Huffing, she turned away from Ricard and resumed her 'sight seeing' from her window.
"Never mind.."

Ricard, picking up on her discontent, turned so that he fully faced her and gently pawed at her. Marianne glanced at the giant. "What is it, Ricard?" Ricard stretched himself out ever so slightly in his seat, being careful not to encroach upon Marianne's space. Laying his snout on her lap, he closed his eyes. "My apologies, dearest Princess. This city is very interesting. Quite unlike the northern territories of Chalcedony. I hath not ever seen such technology before." Smiling, Marianne reached down and caressed Ricard's snout and head. At least her companion always meant well by her. "Isn't it so? The city feels as though it is a living, breathing thing! I wonder how exactly this horseless carriage functions. Would you know, Ricard?" Tail happily wagging, Ricard lifted his head and sniffed around the interior. "I can detect powerful Machina Affinity, dearest Princess. As to the machinations of its inner workings, I could not tell." Marianne laughed, wrinkling her nose as she did. "I wonder who was the man responsible for its invention? I would love to meet him, Ricard! Wouldn't you?" Ricard lowered his head once more onto her lap and closed his eyes. "Indeed, dearest Princess."

The chauffeur at the front of the automobile nervously looked back at Ricard and adjusted his rear-view mirror. They had arrived at Mayor Margaret's estate. When the poor chauffeur had arrived at the previous location to retrieve Ms. Delacroix and Ricard, he had apparently been a few minutes late. Ricard didn't quite appreciate that and gave him a rather vicious scolding. The scolding worsened when the sad man made the mistake of not addressing Ms. Delacroix correctly. For having informally spoken to her as though she were any other lady, though he was far from discourteous and rude, Ricard nearly tore his throat out. Were it not for Ms. Delacroix's grace, the chauffeur feared he would've done exactly that had she not silenced him. Slowing the automobile to a rumbling stop, the man deliberated the best course of action to take for a smooth departure. Swallowing dryly, the man powered off the machine and stepped out into the rain. Grabbing the door handle, he slowly swung it open and backed away, bowing his head low. "W-we have a-arrived your highness, Ms. Delacroix."

Ears perking, Ricard raised his head. Realizing that the horseless carriage was slowing to a stop, Ricard bit the strap to a pack underneath his seat and swung it around behind him. Rummaging through the contents of the pack with his snout, he pulled out a parasol and held it between his fangs. Watching the chauffeur exit the vehicle, he waited until the man opened the door to see what he would do. Angered at his lack of preparation and having expected it, Ricard tossed the parasol at the man. The man caught the parasol and was startled by the sudden flying object. Looking at the object in his hands and back up at the terrifying beast glaring back at him, his mind blanked for a few seconds.

Ricard's anger quickly grew, his muzzle twisting into an angry snarl. "It is raining, filthy human. Unravel the given parasol and assist milady out of the vehicle. Or doth thou not have the mental capacity to accomplish such a simple t-" Marianne smacked Ricard on the snout, interrupting his speech. Marianne pointed a white gloved finger at him, Ricard taken aback. "Be kind, Ricard! Hold your tongue! Ricard's ears lowered, "Y-yes, dearest Princess. My deepest and sincerest apologies."

The idea finally registered and clicked within the chauffeur's mind and he scrambled up to Marianne to offer his hand to her, opening the parasol to shield her from the falling rain. Marianne smiled at him sweetly and took his hand, stepping out of the automobile and taking the parasol from him. "Thank you, kind sir." The man's cheeks heated and he lowered his eyes, bowing his head. "Not at all, your highness!" At that moment, the chauffeur was slammed by a large leather satchel. Powering out of the automobile, he took his place at Marianne's side and turned back to the man. "Carry milady's things inside!" Ricard snarled at him. Nearly urinating himself, the chauffeur bear hugged the satchel and bolted for the front entrance of the estate, slipping and splashing a few times in the rain. "A-at once, sir!"

Ricard turned to Marianne and gently took the parasol from her, holding it up for her. "Dearest princess, thou hath not been soaked or soiled? Would be a shame to dirty your dre-" Cutting off Ricard's words once more, Marianne rapped a knuckle against his skull. "What did I say, Ricard? Be nice!" She gave him an angry look. Ricard was silent for a moment before finally answering, "My apologies, dearest Princess." As the two walked toward the entrance, Marianne quietly muttered at Ricard. "You don't actually mean that, do you Ricard?" His claws clicking on the ground in time with Marianne's heels, he responded "I know not of what you mean, dearest Princess."

The chauffeur had the foresight this time to bring the Elven Princess' things inside first before returning to open the door for the two of them. His bowed low to appease the giant wolf, Marianne smiled and thanked him as she entered. When Ricard entered, he growled menacingly as he walked by. The man shivered, from a combination of the cold wet and deep fear. Marianne took the parasol from Ricard to close it and returned it to their belongings, retrieving her coin purse she turned Ricard and had him take it. Giving her a curious look, Marianne said "Give the kind gentleman a few coins for his troubles."

Ricard thought to question her, but didn't. He himself didn't believe the human deserved it, though he did provide a service. Turning, the wolf padded over to the chauffeur who shied away from him in fear. Setting the coin purse down, Ricard bit down on a few coins and tossed it up at the chauffeur. Catching them, the man looked at the currency in his hands and back at the wolf in confusion. Ricard growled low, but explained "Accept this gracious gift from Princess Delacroix and begone with you." The man looked at the money in his hands and back up at Marianne who stood smiling at him. Removing his cap, he bowed at the waist at her. "Thank you, your highness!" and promptly left. The man nearly ran back to his vehicle to get further away from Ricard.

Before the front doors to the estate swung closed, Ricard moved outward for a few steps. Looking up at the overcast, rainy sky, he sniffed at the air. Ears twitching and flicking, a low growl rumbled in his chest. Though their trip was rather uneventful and peaceful, something told him not all was well within the city. There was unrest and panic in districts of the city farther from them. Huffing, Ricard stepped back inside and returned to Marianne's side. Already, she was off in her own world exploring. Gasping in awe at every little thing, Marianne absorbed the sight of every little new and different thing she could see. She had never seen such wonderful and beautiful architecture. The interior of the estate, though a bit crowded with various knick-knacks and books, was warm and inviting. It was comfortable, homely. Ricard, contented himself by sitting near their possessions, watching Marianne as she went about touching and examining everything.

Shortly thereafter, a butler greeted the two of them and welcomed them. Explaining that Mayor Margaret would see to them shortly. As the butler left, Ricard huffed and couldn't help but shake his head slightly. Typically, Marianne was content with missions to the surrounding towns and villages at their home in the northern tundras of Chalcedony. Simple charity missions, to provide those less fortunate with clothing, warm food, and basic necessities of life. Why his precious Princess decided to suddenly travel so far from home to answer the plea of some Mayor of some port city was beyond him. He just couldn't understand why, but held his tongue from questioning his princess' motives. Sometimes, she would do things simply as spur of the moment. Whatever thoughts ran through her mind, would take him multiple lifetimes to attempt to understand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Riad was perched on a step while he watched a rat scurry about, looking for food. He made a soft giggle as he watched it run around. He enjoyed the futility of its efforts, since it was going to die in the end anyway. As the rat stopped to look around, he leaned forwards quickly. "Such a cute little thing... Why don't you scream for me little guy?" He put a finger to its side, and immediately let out a pained screech, rolling into its side and biting into its skin, trying to make the pain go away. Riad giggled as he watched it rip itself apart, leaving a pool of blood on the sidewalk, and he stood up as its heart slowly came to a stop. Licking his lips, he decided a rat wouldn't make a good meal, especially in this place, but it was fun to watch them squirm and die all the same.

Riad considered for a moment returning to his little knapsack, but instead decided to wander the city more. He stood up and began walking through the crowds of people, his short height and slight hunch making him inconspicuous among all the much taller individuals. There was so much to do and see in this city, though it did bother him a little it looked so much like the cities in Spinel. As he continued walking about, he almost ran into a pole he had somehow not noticed before. Looking at it, and finding a paper, he read it as best he could. The thing that interested him the most was the suggestion of money. He needed that, as he was running out of food, and even the vermin here were below his standard of eating.

He grabbed up the flyer, and quickly moved to prepare himself for the job. It seemed easy to boot! Moving quickly, he pick-pocketed a few individuals, using his magic to make him not be felt, and found a shop willing to let him buy a few decent clothes to wear to the Mayor's house when it was time to head there. A brand new white collarless shirt and some long, sturdy pants. He made his way quickly to where the Mayor lived, avoiding a few more brutal specimens as well as someone trying to start a riot for no good reason. Once he arrived at the estate, the amount of convincing it took was absurd, he didn't look that bad, did he?

Once he was inside the, what he considered, overly posh house, he found himself fixated by a girl in a dress, disregarding the butler. She looked far to rich and formal to be in a city like this, was his first thought. His second was I wonder how loudly she'd scream. He studied every detail of the girl. She had freckles, her dress was nice, and the wolf beside her seemed like quite a companion. Both were bright and pretty, much better than the dreary rain and people outside. That was all dull and grey. He suddenly spoke, despite being across the room from her, directly to her. "I like you." The statement was all he needed to confirm he did, and he stopped staring at her, going back to his business of waiting for whomever had put out the flyer to show up, humming small tunes and looking around for any more rodents or house pets to torment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ricard's ears were the first thing to alert him, the second was the abhorrent stench. Ears and tail sticking straight up, Ricard got to his feet and spun towards the entrance. There was a slight commotion as another butler was in a bit of a spat. Something regarding a vagabond from the streets demanding admittance. However the conversation ended up, the exasperated butler reluctantly allowed passage into the estate. Immediately, Ricard's hackles raised and his muzzle twisted into a vicious snarl. A Perili man walked in and his eyes immediately locked onto Marianne. Ricard didn't quite appreciate his lingering gaze admiring her the way they hungrily did. Swiftly moving to Marianne's side, Ricard gnashed his fangs and loudly growled at the detestable Perili.

Frowning, Marianne hadn't yet noticed the man and looked down at Ricard.
"Ricard! What has gotten into you?" She reprimanded him for his behavior yet again.
The man suddenly spoke to Marianne from across the way, causing her to jump with a start.
"Disgusting serpent, thou would do well to remove thine gaze from my fair lady! Lest I gouge out thine eyes to serve as a lesson!" Ricard's words bellowed throughout the foyer, snarling.
Marianne had her hand on her chest. Looking at Ricard and at the newcomer, she stepped in front of the threatening canine. Cheeks a slight pink from the unabashed declaration of admiration by the strange man. "Do excuse my companion, he's overly defensive. I am Marianne V. Delacroix of the Delacroix Royal Elven family, it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." She curtsied politely.

Ricard muscled his way around Marianne and continued to snarl at the Perili man.
"Dearest princess, thou doest not need to introduce thyself to such vermin as he! Stay your distance lest he harbors ill intent!" Ricard was practically foaming at the mouth. He did NOT like the newcomer. As if to test him further, a goblin had come into the foyer and the sight only served to drive him further into a blind rage. Having enough of his behavior, Marianne wrapped her arms around his neck to restrain him. "Ricard!"
"Dearest princess, I request that we return home immediately! I will not have thyself associate with such lowly scum!" he was now loudly barking at the two, alternating periodically.
Incredulous at his rude remark in considering the other guests as 'scum', Marianne stood tall and straight in front of him and yelled. "RICARD S. DELACROIX! I will NOT have you making such rude remarks to other honored guests of this estate! Carry yourself with the honor of the Delacroix Dire Wolves and behave respectfully of others or I ask that you dismiss yourself from my presence!"

That was enough. Falling silent immediately, Ricard made a barely audible whine. Slowly settling down and sitting. His ears flattened against his head and he kept his eyes low, embarrassed. Sighing forcefully, Marianne smoothed the front of her white gown and turned. Looking from the goblin and Perili man, she placed her hands together and apologized. "Again, do excuse my companion. He has a very short temper and is quick to make distasteful insults of those he doesn't know and trust." She glanced back at Ricard. Ricard averted his eyes away from her. Marianne stepped forward a few steps toward the two gentleman with a smile on her face. "Might I ask who you two may be?" Ricard motioned to stand and return to her side, but a sharp look from Marianne forced him to remain where he sat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oswald The Penguin
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Oswald The Penguin That Guy Over There

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The pouring rain soaked Edwin's clothes, causing them to sag and cling to his skin, along with staining them red. "How bothersome..." He muttered, though the rain drowned out his words. He had managed to lose track of where he was in relation to the parlour while watching the slithers, as if getting caught outside in this weather without an umbrella wasn't bad enough. The white snake-like creatures usually stuck to the water and the shore, but during the storms they would make their way inland, coiling their bodies around whatever they could find. These 'slithers' also happened to be one of many creatures only he could see. Most days he was comfortable with the assumption that they were just a figment of his imagination, an unfortunate side effect of the spell, but sometimes he wondered. Sometimes they just seemed too real. This town made him wonder as well. The apparitions appeared in greater numbers here, and Edwin couldn't help but wonder if it was just his nerves, or if perhaps they too were living things drawn in by whatever mystery lies within this city.

He was pulled away from this train of thought when one of the slithers made it's way up his body, and gently wrapped itself around his neck. "Well, whether you're real or not, you're here." Edwin smiled faintly. With his new companion he returned to his search for the parlour, taking in his surroundings as he walked. Even through the blood rain, which slowly chipped away at the stones, you could see some of this city's former beauty. Even in this weather people walked the streets, persevering in whatever task brought them outside in the first place. A few of which seemed as though they were prepared to leave. Edwin hoped that they were just moving out of the city, but he knew that some were on their way to the Ankou. It was a sad sight which he could respond to with little more than a sigh. To think that these people would just throw their lives away. It made Edwin wish he could have come here before all this.

It didn't take him too long to find his way back to a recognizable street. The hotel where he had been staying, and from which he had begun this walk. After taking a moment to laugh at the situation, he had started the journey anew, and before long he found himself at the parlour where he would meet the mayor, and his new companions. Rounding the corner, he observed the rather odd group of people that had gathered in front of the Exeter Parlour. He approached them, placing a hand in one pocket, waving with the other, and shouting through the rain "Hey! I'm here to meet with the mayor. This is the Exeter Parlour right?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A very faint, almost undetectable puff of smoke whisked through the air outside. If one were to study it, they would find it odd. Where would smoke come from in a city as damp as the city of Ebb? The small puff of smoke floated into the mayor's house, through the gaps in the door. Down the hall and into the parlour. It wound through the room, almost undetectable. It wound its way to the shadows by the window. Unseen, it collected with small embers and more smoke. The smoke collected into the shape of a man. The smoke solidified, and he appeared. Ash appeared in the shadows, smelling of smoke.

Ash stayed in the shadows. He'd studied his soon-to-be colleagues for a time, and he'd tried to find out as much information as he could. There were some of which he was skeptical about. Ash wasn't sure he'd appreciate working with them, and he wasn't sure they would even work with him in the first place. Regardless, there were things he could only make sure of if he met them in person.

That was why he agreed, of course. Besides the usual lucrative payment, and he couldn't miss the chance for information. There were some people he'd heard of taking part in the expedition, some he didn't. But he couldn't miss a chance to work with the daughter of a noble snow elf family, if only to gauge her political impact, and there were other points of interest.

Ash had known his 'colleagues' would arrive early, but he didn't speak up. He stood back in the shadows, out of sight, watching. His role in the expedition was mainly information, so he didn't feel the need to make his presence known. He thought of it as a little test. He could gauge his colleagues' perceptional skills by finding out whether they saw him or not.

Ash was certain that the dire wolf could sense him, but its behaviour had signified that it was devoted to protecting its master, and Ash had done nothing to suggest he wished harm on her. There would be no reason for the dire wolf to move against Ash, as Ash had no reason to move against its master.

Ash leaned back on the wall quietly, waiting for the rest of the group to show up.



A loud curse echoed from a nearby sewer drain, scaring several passers-by. They looked to the drain in confusion, wondering what made the noise. The bars on the sewer gate burst forth and a bearded man emerged from the drain, giving off a bad smell.

"Hurgh, I'm late!" Aron cried in a heavily accented voice.

He jumped up from where he lay. He reached into the drain and pulled out his boots. He then began hopping on one foot, struggling to put his boots on.

"Hogh, a tight fit. Need a new pair..." Aron said, despairing.

This meant he had to buy or find some boots bigger than the current pair. Certainly, he could find one boot by fishing, but a good pair without holes was rare. He finally struggled the boots onto his feet and looked around. The onlookers were being repelled by his bad smell. Aron sniffed his armpits but immediately regretted his decision. It smelled incredbly bad.

"And a shower." Aron said, adding it to his list of things he needed.

WHile that and a pair of new boots was on his list, there was one thing that was always higher than the rest, and that was money! And speaking of money, he had to get to the mayor's house!

Aron broke into a sprint down the road, looking for the highest point in town.

"Money, money, money, money..." He chanted as he ran.

Soon, he found an old tower. Jumping up, he grabbed onto a handhold and quickly scrabbled up the derelict building. He was always skilled at climbing, and he'd climbed this particular tower a lot. Scrambling to the top of the tower, he looked out like he did in his childhood. Scouring the landscape, Aron found what he wanted quickly.

"Haha!" Aron said in triumph. "The lake! And the Mayor's house!"

Aron scrambled down and landed on the ground with a thump. He quickly started sprinting towards the lake (well, the sea really). It was a good thing that it wasn't far, but what he was about to do would be considered insane by most people.

As Aron reached the waterfront, he jumped straight in. Many pedestrians ran to the water front in horror, believing he was commiting suicide. However, Aron resurfaced a dozen meters away and began swiftly swimming towards the mayor's house. Now the pedestrians didn't think he was suicidal; they just thought he was crazy.

The advantage of swimming to the mayor's house was that it was faster. The land route curved around the bay, and one would have to twist through the cluttered streets and bridges to get there. If one swam, however, it was a straight line towards the mayor's house. The reason no one did it, though, was because it was dangerous. You had to swim all the way to the mayor's house in a straight line without stopping, and that wasn't even mentioning the fish in the bay. Most were relatively docile, but some...

A shark circled the oblivious Aron. There were sharks in the water. Sharks ignored boats, of course, but a single swimmer was easy prey. The second reason why no one wanted to swim in the lake. However, Aron wasn't no one, he was someone. Someone special.

As the shark went in for the kill, Aron kept swimming. The shark lunged for Aron, but he twisted quickly, turning to face the shark in the water. He twisted out of the way and grabbed onto the shark. It thrashed in his hands, but Aron was too strong. He'd taken manual labour jobs when he was young, and he realized he had to be strong. With his powerful legs, Aron kicked the water and burst out in a shower of glory. Shark and man flew through the air as water flew around them. He drew in close to the shark and then opened his mouth.


Aron bit the shark. Blood blossomed from the fresh wound Aron had inflicted, before Aron let go. The shark ran away, bleeding from the wound he received from Aron, next to the other few holes it had. Aron floated in the water, chewing the shark meat before swallowing it and grinning.

"3 for me, 1 for you!" He yelled at the shark.

They had a kind of rivalry, you see. Or, Aron did, anyway. The shark bit him once, but he'd escaped and gotten revenge. Now they just traded attacks, but Aron won most of the time. Aron floated a bit before continuing his swim.

A bath and free breakfast. Aron thought. Lucky me.

He continued swimming down bay. He was almost at the mayor's house, his next source of money.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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SpookySquid 3 Spooky 5 Me

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kadoodle had little trouble getting into the parlor. He had simply produced a jar full of cookies from his pouch and explained that he was their chef. As soon as the guards sunk their teeth into the treats, they let him past. He happily entered and then stopped dead in his tracks.

He couldn't believe his terrible luck. First of all, the small boy and the hungry looking man smelled horrible, and clearly ate plenty of food. More work for him. But his biggest worry was the Snow elf. All elves despised goblins, or, at the very least disliked goblins. The elves grow up learning how terrible goblins are. But even worse then the elf was her companion. Clearly he was protective of her, and most likely hated him as well. The goblin was almost certain they would try and avoid having him on the mission. Kadoodle tried to slink into the corner of the room, but he knew that the pair would confront him soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Helvetica ran through the streets, feet splashing in the water on the streets. Soft gold glows came from the streetlights as Helvetica ran. The rain fell, dripping down Helvetica's face and her hair. She hugged her jacket closer, keeping her clothed dry as she ran. The wind whistled past her as she ran, ignorant of her surroundings.

A soft mewling fought Helvetica's attention as she ran. She skidded to a stop and turned to the source of the noise. A speck of white fought her eye and she walked closer. It was a small kitten, a runt, with pure white fur, stained with mud, and bright blue eyes. Helvetica reached down and scooped up the kitten. She opened her jacket slightly and nestled the small kitten inside, keeping it warm. The kitten began to purr softly. Helvetica smiled and began to run again, this time slower.

Helvetica stopped in from of the door of the Mayor's Parlor. She pulled it open and slipped inside, trying to avoid drawing attention to herself. Edging closer to the walls Helvetica found a nice spot, uncrowded and empty. Helvetica leaned against the wall and pulled out the kitten, holding it close to her, softly petting it's head. She pulled out a damp cloth and began to was the dirt out the kittens fur.

I need to give you a name, don't I? Helvetica thought looking sweetly at the kitten, Li. That sound good. "Your name is gonna be Li," Helvetica whispered at the kitten. Li would be a nice companion. Plus now Li wasn't on the streets. Now the little thing had a home where she wouldn't have to fight for food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reddy
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

To say that the entire situation bothered Ghurst was a joke made in the worst taste. With no time for study or investigation on his own terms his colleagues in Fogi bid him to do this favor for them. Of course he knew why they asked. Rare materials and access the private libraries cost both influence and money. It was only natural that he needed something from them and they needed something from him. It was the spirit of the free market, but still... Every time he departed from his quest for the Panacea it felt like he was daring fate to take his mind as it had taken his father's.

Beyond that morbid thought he wasn't too hopeful that he could do much to help at this point. Going in blind to an investigation was an invitation for all sorts of misinformation and assumptions to be regarded as fact. So many times he'd come in as an impartial observer and managed to see what others had dismissed out of hand. Today he only knew as much as anyone else did, that Ebb was drowning. This lack of perspective was going to get him or someone else killed. Not that it would matter much if the Ankou were right.

From the rear window of the cab he rode in he could see the tower of their sub descend back into the puddle from whence it came. No doubt the parasites had another boatload of the gullible or the desperate. It was pitiful, but Ghurst couldn't bring himself to morn them, they had made their choice.

As the cab pulled up to the mayor's door, Rhastulah, left the driver a generous tip and dashed for the door's overhand. Each blood red droplet made him curse the fact that he'd left his umbrella behind. As the door opened Ghurst rushed in and nearly ran into a rain soaked man. Beyond him the parili could see a gaunt revenant, and elf maiden, and a clean(ish) goblin. As his eyes fell on the wolf though, some part of his brain that still belonged to his deer ancestors insisted that he flee. Instead Ghurst fought the feeling and inclined his head respectfully to the group as a whole.

"My name is Rhastulah Ghurst, but I would prefer to be called Mr. Ghurst. I assume that you were all summoned here as I was."

"I think you assume correctly," came a hollow, yet feminine voice behind him, "Now if you would kindly move aside so I may enter..."

As Ghurst moved a slender, metallic form slipped underneath the too-short door frame and into the waiting room. Obviously a golem and a woman, she glided across the floor. Entering with her, a fairly nondescript, elderly manservant moved to deposit her umbrella in to the umbrella stand. Once hers was deposited, she turned to regard the small gathering. In that entire time her face hadn't moved an inch, frozen in a look of bemused contemplation. As she began to speak again, it remained that way.

"It seems dear Margaret's endeavors have born fruit once again. Since introductions are in order, I am Eresa Aedon. I'm looking forward to working with each and every one of you."

As she finished the mask finally moved as her eyes narrowed slightly. While it was most likely meant to seem affectionate, it managed to push her look from amusement into something closer to predation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Malte was slowly walking towards the mayor’s house, the rain drenching his clothes. This job should allow him to get some money. What could he buy though? Maby he could get a new spell? Could you possibly even buy spells? What’s that wheeled thing moving down the street? Malte emedietly stopped walking towards the mayor’s house, and chased down the mortus powered vehicle. This was 20 times more interesting. How in the world did these things work, and oh look! A rat! Malte wandered off into one of the alleyways, trying to look closer at the rat. The poor creature was covered in blood, seemingly self-inflicted. Why in the world would it do that? This town is so interesting. And to top it off, there was some yells coming from a nearby area. Malte ran over there as fast as he could, trying not to slip on the wet, red ground. A crowd had gathered around the lake watching a person bite a shark… that’s new. The person was swimming through the sky…no wait that’s the ocean. Malte could never really tell the difference. Either way that person was getting close to a big house… perhaps that’s the house that he has to go to? Where did he even have to go again? He could not remember, and he did not have the little flyer that advertises the job. Might as well chase down that dude.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

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As if the wizard needed to like any more like a monster, the eerie blood-colored rain had stained his pristine white cloak red in places. Though no more than a mere garment in terms of properties, the mantle spelled for Mancer a comfort very much like snow. With its purity and expanse, it covered up the ugliness of the world, at least where he was concerned. Now, however, he found himself in a place far too ugly for any mundane enchantment of frozen water to conceal. The dark and the storms themselves were trivial, even if a morbid liquid nigh-indistinguishable from vital fluid dripped from the tempestuous heights. It was the feeling of Ebb, the dankness and pervading fear, seasoned with gloomy desperation and topped with alarming magical anomaly, to hear the citizens speak of it. Mancer never needed to look for to see decay, for it festered within him, held at bay only by his self-control and self-administrated ablutions. To see it everywhere around him, however, a damp degeneration whose very sight inspired a creeping unease in the mind, affected him deeply.

He could not put these apprehensions aside as his approached the home of Mayor Exeter, but approach he did nonetheless. Money motivated him, certainly, as it did all, but something else convinced Mancer to follow through on the application he filled out on the spur of a moment yesterday. Perhaps it was foolish bravado, seemingly so abundant in those of heroic ideals as he used to be, but the sorcerer knew that if his actions could accomplish, or at least assist in the achievement of, wiping the taint of Ebb off the face of the planet, then he was obliged to do so. All residents of Chalcedony, Mancer perhaps most of all despite the brief fortnight he'd spent in Ebb, would sleep easier with this darkness erased.

Mancer chanced to enter the main parlour just as the mayor herself, closely followed by her strangely-clothed detective, entered the room. For a moment trepidation surged through Mancer's veins, but he assured himself that the days of flinching when others looked upon him were gone. It was time he faced the unknown like a man. Nevertheless, Mancer made sure that his broken-off horn was aptly covered by his hood before joining the small assemblage of people within.

A quick search of the room determined the whereabouts of its occupants. In a corner squirmed an anxious-looking goblin, trying to hide. Mancer spared him a sympathetic glance. Before his unspeakable ordeal in Sheol, he hadn't spared the gangly little humanoids much thought, but even if the atmosphere of the dead land afflicted him, deformed him, and crazed him, it opened his mind. Many specters of goblins had been encountered in the place; they had spirits like anyone else. More than anything else, however, Mancer could understand distrust and fear based on appearance.

Dripping on the carpet was a heavy-set man, freshly swum in a nearby basin or reservoir judging by the lack of waterborne filth permeating his garb. Perhaps, Mancer reflected, he'd even been in the ocean, for in this upper level of Ebb, both literally and figuratively for its elevation and class, the open waters lapped not too far away behind the towering seawall. It had been by sea that Mancer had arrived. Most interesting was this fellow's mouth, which gleamed a metallic sheen in the parlour's lamplight.

The glinting alloys in Aron's mouth, however, paled in comparison to the splendor of the figure Mancer next spotted. Though appearing to be a woman at first glance, Eresa proved anything but—she gave off every impression of a statue cast in bronze, but no statue spoke and strode and clothed itself in fine black fabric. Totally unknown to him were the golems of Monolith. An ordinary person, Mancer grudgingly mused, might have been unnerved by her inhumanity.

Mancer's observation of the antlered gentleman near Eresa was interrupted by his sudden notice of Marianne's fearsoem direwolf, and shortly thereafter Marianne herself. Mancer took one look at the elf and diverted his eyes to the floor. She was so exquisitely lovely that he felt impinging upon her beauty merely by affixing her with his accursed stare.

Fortunately, the voice of his host rescued Mancer from his embarrassment. “Thank you all for coming. I am Margaret Exeter. Please, sit, and have a sip of wine if you need to. I wish to waste as few words as possible, for every passing second is potentially another calamity come to my city.”

Exeter seated herself, noticing Eresa. “Ms. Aedon, I particularly appreciate your presence. With the state Ebb is in, I expected you to be concerned with your other business, so I am honored to have you here.” Addressing everyone now, she motioned to the bald, armored figure standing to her right. “This is my detective, the impromptu leader of this investigation, Udo Koro Kai. He'll be your guide to the city's bottom levels and beyond. The nature of your assignment is this: you are to descend into the cisterns beneath Ebb and seek whatever is causing these phenomena. A vague and dangerous journey, yes, but for the good of the city -not to mention a hefty reward- it is one you will be taking. If any of you have qualms, now is the time to quit. Right now the tide is falling, and in an hour it will be at its lowest. By that time you will be entering. Kai?”

Udo Koro Kai stepped forward. In a low, silky voice, he intoned, “From time of entry we will have six hours to find out what we can and return before the tunnels flood. We have a collection of aura-aqua conduits for each of you that needs one, which will keep you breathing for a half hour, but best if we accomplish what we need to with haste. I assume some of you have questions.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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SpookySquid 3 Spooky 5 Me

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Immediately, questions flooded Kadoodle's mind (see what I did there? Ehhhh???). Why was he being recruited for this mission? He was sure that most of these people could go six hours without eating. If needed, they could just be given food to take along the way, they wouldn't have to have a personal chef along with them.

Kadoodle fidgeted nervously and glanced around the room. What was he doing here? These people were trained professionals! They didn't need a chef, did they? His services would be utterly useless! While they investigated, he would do little other than wander around the tunnels making a fool of himself. Maybe they had thought he was a mercenary? Kadoodle frowned. People always assumed that goblins were simple minded. Goblin chefs were rare; typically a job that required such finesse was left to a human or elf. Usually, even when he insisted, many didn't believe him until they tried his cooking. He finally built up enough courage to ask a question.

"Excuse me, but there must be some kind of mistake..." Kadoodle started quietly, "I'm just a... well... erm...." Kadoodle lost his confidence as he looked up at the others. He shouldn't have said anything. He should have just slunk out of the room and gone home. Fear bubbled in his chest. He glanced at Ricard. Clearly the elf was a royal, and none hated goblins more then the elves who had only heard the horrible stories never met a goblin. What was he thinking? They wouldn't just kill or imprison him for no reason! Right...? He had been dumb. He shouldn't have made himself noticeable...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Marianne tilted her head curiously as the goblin she addressed seemed to shrink away from the sight of her and sound of her voice. It wasn't until she recalled her elven relatives speaking so hatefully of their kind that she realized what was wrong. Upon her epiphany, her expression softened into one of sorrow. Before she could apologize on behalf of all Elven-kind and take a step, the parlour's door swung open. Countless other characters followed shortly thereafter, one after the other. Blinking, she thought to formally introduce herself to each one but only found herself quietly stuttering to herself. Unable to properly collect her thoughts to address each and every one of them. Taking a few steps back and placing her hand on her chest, Ricard sensed her discomfort and stood. Returning to her side, a low growl rumbled in his chest as the wolf made sure to keep track of each and every one of the guests. Eying each of them with apprehension and suspicion, he was most wary of the silent character that leaned against the furthest wall. Ricard was most distrusting of the quiet ones, especially those whose eyes he could feel linger over his dearest Princess.

Marianne moved her hand from her chest to rest it upon Ricard's head, gently stroking the massive beast's ears. She was suddenly quiet and shy, her voice lost to her. Calming from the motion, Ricard remained on alert as evident by his erect tail, but his rumbling growl remained as a constant reminder that the pair were not to be trifled with. Ricard was clearly uncomfortable with the entire situation. Too many strange faces, too many different and odd characters. What sort of mission had the dearest princess undertaken? At that moment, another manservant had taken their things to properly store it away. As other guests arrived, the Mayor herself had appeared and bid them all to take their seats. As Marianne moved to take her seat closest to the Mayor, Ricard bit the leg of her chair and pulled it out for her. As she took her seat, Ricard gently moved her closer toward the table. Biting the leg of the chair next to her, he simply moved it aside. His hulking form unable to properly seat himself in furniture designed for bipedal creatures. A woman who was all business and no nonsense, she cut straight to the point of the matter. Though the details she gave were vague, Ricard found himself respecting the human slightly. Very slightly.

Marianne looked at the presented glass of wine in front of her and was transfixed by the crimson-filled glass momentarily. Never allowed to partake, she also was partially fearful of the alcoholic liquid. Though, she was always curious as to the drink's taste. Sensing her interest, Ricard nudged her with his snout. Marianne looked at Ricard, who huffed and shook his head. Sighing, she gently pushed the glass away from her. When the detective opened the floor for questions, Marianne began to speak but was cut off by the bashful goblin from before. Though, she had a hard time understanding the goblin's ramblings. Allowing the goblin to finish and fall silent, Marianne stood and looked at the other guests at the table.

"First of all, I am pleased to make your acquaintance Mayor Exeter as I am to all of the honored guests here." To this, she courteously bowed her head towards each guest. "But, for clarity's sake, might you have any more details or information on what we exactly has been happening here? Many of us have traveled far to answer your pleas for assistance and help, would it not be prudent to divulge all you know?"
As the elven Princess returned to her seat, Ricard was next to speak. Making sure his 'voice' was as loud and clear as possible. "Might I also add to my dearest Princess' questions, why hast thou gathered such a haphazard group of vagrants and miscreants to accomplish such a mundane quest? Mind my fairest lady, of course. What dire straits is this city in that the city guard can not handle? I ask thou this, we are not the first expedition thou hath sent, is that so?" Marianne glared at him for his remarks, Ricard acting as though he did not see.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BethFuu
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BethFuu My Belt is: / ORANGE

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Plink... Plink.... Plink... Plink... Plink...

A heavy sign escaped the very annoyed mercenary as she waited for her ride. It was almost an hour late. She had trouble trusting anything that traveled on flat land without assistance of the wind or animal. Maybe the blasted device broke down? She glanced at the grubby ticket in her hand. It listed the address for her newest hire on. Hopefully she would make it in time. She had been told by the captain of her vessel to the quite damned city. She could understand the rush to leave so eagerly. Derelict rubble and the stench of rotten tides. Levian would take the desert any day compared to the humid and moist environment she was in now. Her eye twitched as the drip from the small covering intensified, each drop making a notable sound on her grey steel armor. Her dark brown eyes looked up at the awning she stood under. It was very obviously cracked and the next drop landed right on her sunworn face. She had smile crinkles as well as stress lines. Levian had a slightly tired expression and a small scar just under her left eye, a reminder from a training session years old. I guess my ride isn't coming... She thought, not wanting to wait any longer.

The slender woman began her walk toward town, preferring the higher roads and bridges she'd come across. She was very aware of the situation, the port taverns told her plenty of stories. Real or fake, she did not want to find out the true nature of the tales she had heard. With a confident flick of her long black hair, flicking off droplets of water quickly lost to the rain, Levian found herself at road sign after road sign, constantly flicking water from her hair to keep it out of her eyes as she hunched over her ticket, trying to find something that looked akin to the address. The wayward guard looked up as a vehicle of rather elegant description passed her. She gave another heavy sign as it passed, about to follow it when she realized it had only a driver. Maybe it had dropped someone off. It was a rather important looking... cart. Levian slid on one of her specially crafted shields and held it over her head to try and clear her vision. She looked in the direction of where the vehicle had come. She could see lights, not many, but more than she had seen up until this point. With a little more hope, she clipped the shield back to her hip and trudged in the direction of the lights. Maybe she could find a small tavern or store to ask directions. Though with the weather as dreary as it was, and her walking around in heavy armor, she wasn't so sure she'd get the help she'd want.

After a short jaunt, she found herself at the end of a square. She had found what looked like a very lavish manor. It was much bigger than anything she had seen up until this point. A young woman was just slipping inside the manor, seemingly holding something in her arms. It's as good a place as any. Levian decided. She walked to the manor doors and pulled one open, slipping in and allowing herself to drip for a bit in the parlor. She had walked in on the end of what had appeared to be someone speaking but she could not fathom who. She glanced down at her ticket once more and nervously glanced around. It seemed the manor she was meant to find, but she was unsure who had placed the contract originally. She reached into her pack and brought out a dark red sleeve, sliding the rough cotton sleeve over her right shoulder. The red was unique to the Desert Arms Mercenary Corp. She hoped her charge would notice it as she stood casually by the door, hoping to drip dry some more. Though she was soaked to the bone, she wasn't cold and she was pretty sure her small clothes were almost dry already. She glanced around the room once more, taking in more details of each member. She was told it would be a larger gathering of others jobbers. What felt like several minutes to her was only a few seconds. She had a job to make it to, and she couldn't waste any more time. She was late enough as it is.

With a soft clearing of her throat, Levian spoke. "Levi Protego, of the Desert Arms Merc Corp. Did someone here hire on a protector?" Her voice was loud and commanding, though somewhat rough from limited use over the last few days, and from her time at sea. While it had the sound of a kindhearted woman, it was also bolstered by the voice of someone who knew she was meant to kill or be killed at the protection of whatever she was charged with. She wished she looked as impressive as she hoped she sounded. And the more Levian thought on it, the more she figured she looked really ridiculous standing there with water dripping off of her gauntlets, shields, and tasset. With a hope that she had reached her destination and with a hope to get dry, the mercenary looked around the room expectantly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aron was quietly drip-drying on the floor. It was a nice mansion and there were plenty of seats available, but the problem was, it was a nice mansion. What right did some homeless guy have to come in and drip seawater all over the upholstery? That was why he was stuck on the floor, drip-drying. Aron didn't know many things, but he knew a lot about money. Lowering the value of something was something he just didn't do.

In fact, the guards were loathe to let him in initially. A soaking wet bearded man jumped out of the lake and said he was there for the investigation team. Yeah, not likely. Sure, the mayor's daughter was hiring all kinds, but it necessarily mean Aron's kind of all kinds.

They had a few problems with him, in fact. The first was the fact that he didn't have any money to his name (legally). The second was that he looked really shabby. The third and probably worst thing was that he smelled. He smelled like saltwater and fish. But hey, at least he didn't smell like sewer.

Aron was eventually let in because he remembered to put his slip of acceptance in a water-proof leather case which he always kept on his body. The guards let him in, albeit reluctantly.

Aron was glad, but cold. He was surrounded by wealth, but he didn't want to take any of it. Aron was honest (somewhat) to a fault, and stupid. He wanted to make his own money himself, despite not being able to hold on to money that often. Quite a problem, especially because of his diet.

Aron felt something squirming in his boots earlier and fished it out only to find that it was, ironically, a fish. As the mayor's daughter explained the situation, Aron bit half of the fish, half paying attention. He bit up to the fin, but was careful to not let the blood get onto the floor. Blood had a bit of iron in it, at least. As he chewed the fish flesh, his teeth ground something hard. Judging by the taste, he could tell what it was.

A copper piece! How lucky. Aron thought, biting down on the copper piece.

It made a soft crunching noise as he chewed it. As he swallowed it down, he put the rest of the fish in his mouth and began chewing that. Then he pulled some scrap iron out of his pockets and put those in his mouth too. It was a little rusted, but not to worry! Aron's digestive system made tetanus completely ineffective. As he chewed the metal, it made an audible crunching sound. Aron didn't notice so much because he was thinking about money, and his hunger.


Ash, who had stood stock still until now, moved. He put his hand in his coat to extract a stack of papers. He began slowly walking out of the shadows while speaking

"This is the information I've collected thus far." Ash said.

On the stack of papers, there was information about the sewers. What kind of creatures lived inside, abandoned branches of the sewers, when the tide came in and what people knew happened when it did. His report also contained reports from witnesses about the sinking buildings and phenomena occurring in Ebb. It even contained Ash's own conjectured links to each phenomena.

Immediately after he signed up for the commission, he went to collect information. However, there had been a disappointing lack of said information, and he had to piece together what he could.

"The current source of the sinking phenomena is unknown." Ash said. "The probability of city support structure instability is low, but not impossible."

He was slowly walking to the center table while explaining his findings.

"An investigation team was sent in, but it's highly likely that they've perished." Ash said, reaching the table. "Civil unrest is at a peak. Between the unexplained phenomena and the Ankou, it's likely that there's an unknown force acting on Ebb, and the missing investigation crew suggest that extreme force may be necessary."

As he finished his speech, he dropped the papers unceremoniously onto the table.
"That is why we were hired. Mercenaries, assassins, travelers." Ash said, slowly walking back to his spot.

He stopped in a patch of wall half in the light and half in shadow.
"Correct if I'm wrong." He said, leaning back onto the wall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reddy
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Margaret, you wound me. How could I not arrive in your city's time of need. I too have a great deal to lose should this madness continue."

It was true. Eresa had spent a small fortune investing in Ebb's various civic projects. Money, like any other drug, tended to addict those who enjoyed it. She knew there were plenty of officials who liked to skim a little off the top and oh how agreeable they became one there was any hint that their fix might be lost. Do things no moral person would consider. Greed truly was a marvelous thing to behold.

She would have continued to reminisce, but Aron's display was alarming to say the least. With each crunch she only imagine what it would be like if the man turned his hunger on her. It was a rare feeling these days, feeling threatened.


As Eresa was trapped in a little bit of existential horror, Ghurst focused in on the task before them. As Levi arrived he absently motioned for her to come and join them as Ash recounted his efforts. Though Rhastulah disliked the man's theatrics, he could not argue with the results. He was even a little envious in fact.

Grabbing a small portion of the collected work, he set aside Ash's conjecture and instead focused on the the few facts they had.

"Who is in charge of the plumbing in Ebb? I see mention of some dwarves, but not much beyond that. I do have a theory and a proposition, however. My theory is based on something I've seen in the field a few times, the points where magic and the mundane meet are usually the weakest points in a mystery of this nature. Whatever is at work here is too consistently vague to not have some help in its progress or obscurity. If we can find a trace of mortal element, then we might have a way to peal the layers of this mystery."

"I believe that the weak point might be those dwarves I mentioned earlier. In interacting with the water, but not disappearing with it the pipes themselves represent that edge where we can find a weakness. At the very least a clue."

"This brings me to my proposal. We form two sub-teams. One follows the plan and delves into the depths below. I already volunteer for that. The other half remains up here to chase leads and eliminate lingering red herrings. I have a strong suspicion that the Ankou are a red herring. But I feel as if I can't be certain. There is also a bit of prudence in this plan as well. Should we suffer the fate of the last expidition, then we still have a few people capable of succeeding where we failed."
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Helvetica listened patiently, listening to the words of all of the others.

"Ummm," Helvetica spoke up. "I think with this many people, if we do form two groups, I think that we should split up evenly. You know, split up necessary people, like people with healing magic or other specialized skills that would come in handy on both teams."

Splitting up like that would help in general. Each team would need healers, and fighters, and people with smarts. Each team needed people who specialized as well as rounded people. Combat wasn't everything, and Helvetica knew that. She couldn't fight very well herself, yet she was still needed in teams. She was specialized in healing. So that's what she did. Any given team will do good with a healer, and any team would benefit from having a lighter speedier person, along with a tank or someone with great concentration and smarts. Balance was important. Especially if one team might end up replacing the other.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 18 min ago

The glance directed at Kadoodle by Udo Koro Kai hosted no special attentions. “You answered our call for aid. If there's a mistake here, it was your judgment, not ours.” Perfect balance could only be achieved through methodical, precise control of emotions, and Kai judged that splurging them on this tentative goblin would be unwise.

What questions followed came rather quickly. After the esteemed Madam Delacroix and her telepathic guardian voiced there concerns, Kai quickly decided that he'd have to listen to all and then answer them in order later. He his frown, however, beneath his mask when the wolf mentioned an earlier expedition. He and the mayor had done their best to make sure that the disappearance of the first investigation team spread no further than the walls of this household. Given the extraordinary nature of some of these people, however, he grudgingly admitted that it was possible they'd found out one way or another. The greater part of his intrigue solidified around the ashen figure leaning against the wall, whom nobody but Kai had seemingly noticed. With so much going on, a spare moment to accost the stranger didn't exist.

With the entrance of Levian Protego, Kai allowed his host to greet the new arrival as warmly as she was able. A brief summation of the woman on Kai's part found her to be somewhat unimpressive to the eyes, but infused by a scrappy air. He expected that she'd be able to pull her weight admirably when the time came. The same could not necessarily be said for gluttonous Aron, unless the piratical ruffian hid expert skill and conditioning beneath a grubby and odorous exterior. Kai knew the value of a technique called 'obfuscating stupidity', where an individual made himself seem nonthreatening in order to hide a truly threatening self.

His earlier concerns abated somewhat when Ash stepped forward into the limelight, carrying with him a slew of tactical knowledge, the vastness of which redeemed his untrustworthy stealthiness. Kai sampled the papers alongside Mr. Ghurst, looking over the section that contained what Ash new of the cisterns' denizens. Oversized rats, spiders, and vermin of all kind were listed, along with glistening white tentacled creatures that sucked the moss from the walls, but absent was any mention of the slime-man whose antagonist had nearly pulled Kai to a watery grave. Clearly, a great wealth of wretched things lurked below, and Kai feared that only their most mundane brethren had so far made themselves known. “Your eyes are very keen. The answer to your queries answer others as well. A previous team was, indeed, sent in. Like you I believe they are alive, and there is a good chance of you meeting them down there: Dahlia, the wood elf in brigandine, Virgil, the living weapon, Yasahiro, the healing Traveler, Wuiwomi, the blue dragon warrior, and Quick Sylva, the young astral mage. They were too good a team to simply fall prey to sewer vermin, but nevertheless we have lost contact.”

“So, it is indeed a good idea to split into two teams. I was planning to do so anyway, given the number of you, but the three of you make it all more apparent. There will be as even a split as we can make. Mr. Ghurst, your plan of action is laudable. As one large group we will descend to the lower levels, but there we will break. One team will head down, while the other enters the headquarters of the Depth Plumbers, Ebb's hydro technicians. Ms. Exeter, will you select the teams?”

Margaret, mostly silent thus for and happy to have Udo Koro Kai do most of the talking, shook her head. “It would be wiser to allow you all to choose amongst yourselves. I know from thirty years of mayoral duty that some souls simply fail to resonate, and therefore arbitrating teammates can be highly self-destructive. As...” here, she looked at her own paper, a list of those who had responded to her call for help. “Miss Helvetica said, it would be best if talent were divided. For instance, Miss Juniper and Miss Joshin on the same team would be inadvisable.”

Kai crossed his arms. “I will be joining Mr. Ghurst in the subterranean team.”

For the first time, Mancer was driven to speak. Silently absorbing all the information present had sufficed for a while, but now he was obligated to choose. “I want to remain above,” he said, his voice as confidently strident as he could make it, though slightly quavering nonetheless. While he had originally planned to state his reasons why, namely his fear that the conditions in the cisterns would profoundly affect the rate at which his decay spread, he elected to remain silent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Malte finally removed himself from the wall that he had attached himself to after entering the room, trying to avoid the smell coming of the person who he had followed (biggest mistake ever!) “I may be the onaly one to ask this, but which team would be more likely to run into enemies? Dose one path have more shiny things? Will this be interesting?” he thought about it for a bit, trying to way out the odds.

actually ill just join the group that is going on land. It’s probably a bit better for my specialties anyway. Plus I get to watch those cool moving platform things.” The stink from the dude eating a fish finally reached malte again, causing him to rear back and start scooting around the large room. He finally found a bit of refuge by the wall opposite the entrance to the house, quickly moved forwards to the middle of his room, holding his shirt to his nose, and quickly stole a chair, bringing it back to the wall.
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