Name: Sarina 'Ari' Saunders.
Code Name: Wildfire
Age: 22
Personality:Ari mostly grew up in the projects of NYC were she developed a street-smart “tough-girl” persona. She comes across as unapproachable, and she likes to use her tough-girl role as a defensive tool to keep strangers at a safe distance. She does not see herself as the leading type even if others do, and she only speaks when she wants to, otherwise she rarely has much to say by way of small talk unless engaged directly. Underneath all she can be quite friendly once you get to know her. She is the type that is completely loyal to those who do right by her, and she can become highly protective over those she deems closest to her. She enjoy's using Fire Poi's for her Fire Poi dancing or to use in combat.
She isn't the type to make friends fast, trust takes time and in her current situation she hasn't met anyone she likes yet. She is always wary and on-guard and given some recent events particularly toward men. Ari can have a fiery temper, This is a side effect of her mutation as it effects her personality and emotions, This makes her a little bit unpredictable with outbursts or how she would act or react with others

Sarina has long, wavy red hair which drapes down over her shoulders and quite a length down her back which she wears freely, Although some may think she has extensions in their somewhere, Sarina's hair is generally that long. She stand roughly at 5''7 weighing in around a 135 lbs with a figure of 37-27-35, Sarina is an attractive woman with a feminine build with curves in the right places with some muscle. Originally born from Spain before moving to the states is what gives Sarina her Caucasian skin colour and European looks with small cheeks with average size nose, hands and ears with soft average lips, With exotic looking crimson red eyes giving Sarina quite the unique look. Typically the red head likes to wear high heel combat boots, Jeans with either a lose shirt with half the button undone and sleeve sometime rolled up, Short cut tops or preferably off shoulder tops, Often liking the variety. Sarina does have a small coloured tattoo of a Phoenix on her left upper arm and has no piercings.
Sarina's suit is a dual weave suit, made of Kevlar and a newly developed modacrylic, making the suit resistant to fire and the intense heat she gives off when using her powers as well as resistant to knives and small caliber weapons. When Sarina uses her powers the excess heat she gives off is absorbed by her suit to keep anyone nearby out of harms way. The modacrylic in her suit, having the higher absorption rate, gives off a glow while she uses her powers Making it extremely hot, It is not recommended for others to touch. In the event that the suit becomes to hot the small diamond plate on her chest is connected to a rapid cooling system integrated through out the suit that expels the excess heat as steam which could be used as a smokescreen to make an escape.
Powers: Sarina has the ability to control the kinetic energy of atoms to generate, control/manipulate fire Allowing her to excite or speed up an object's atoms, increasing their thermal energy until they ignite, not necessarily objects, but also air particles, She can control and move the flames along with fireproof skin and thermal resistance something that is a life saver. This allows Sarina to illuminate a dark areas, Fire Ball Projection which is the ability to create and manipulate fireballs in her hands and throw them, Fire Stream Projection is Something Sarina has come to learn in training enabling her to generate or create flame thrower-like blasts of flames. They can burn things with intense engulfing flames but sadly Sarina has not learned to control the size and radius of her blasts. Fire Breath is the ability to manipulate the fire in her lungs and exhaling it in the form of non other than fire. Fortunately Sarina has thermal resistance in her throat and mouth which is something she has not yet discovered because at the moment she can only use her hands.
Sarina may be able to understand and control her gift enough for Pyrokinetic combat in the form of Fire Shield Construction which one day she could create shields of varying shapes and sizes out of the fire to defend/protect herself and others around her. If there is one thing Sarina won't always admit is her fear of what she might be one day capable of, weather it is in control or loss of it. And with good reason to as one day she will be able to use one of the most amazing but dangerous powers she will ever be able to do, Conflagration ( Fire Rain.) is something Sarina can one day create a devastating rain of fire conflagrations of intense temperature, capable of burning or even possibly incinerating any objects nearby making it a Area of effect type of ability and one that is one of Sarina's most powerful abilities.
Skills: Sarina has pretty good upper body strength for her frame and is quite good at hand to hand combat, A skill she gained from her brother who submitted her into a mixed arts program when she was younger, Sarina is not an expert at it like him but she maybe able to surprise you, She is Ambidextrous and quite an adept acrobat making her a nimble individual. She also has basic First Aid and CPR, She is good at massages as it was something her mother passed on and has an interest in dancing as Sarina is skilled in Fire and Spark Poi dancing, Most other skills are mostly domestic or survival in nature.
Weaknesses: Unconscious use of her power can be catastrophic not only to herself but others. There are other downsides that factor into Sarina's power and for one Control is extremely important, Water and a oxygen depleted environment can render her power useless, There have been instances of Sarina getting burned if she abuses the power to much or loses control. Another weakness for Sarina is the Fiery temper and at times a short fuse. This is another side effect of her power as it effects her personality and emotions which gives her a little bit of unpredictability of outbursts and can get her in trouble. Over use of her power can cause headaches, nosebleeds, unconsciousness and even put Sarina into a coma, Despite the thermal resistance and fireproof skin Sarina is still only human and thus has many of the typical human weaknesses that come with being a typical human being as pretty much anything else that can harm a human can Harm her.
Brief Bio:Sarina was originally born in Europe and was the youngest of three siblings with her being the only girl, At the age of four the family decided to move over to America settled in NYC. She grew up under the watchful eyes of her brothers where she took a 'tough girl' persona as a defensive tool to keep strangers and bullies at a safe distance. Life was pretty normal for the most part although one of her brothers was getting in trouble causing arguments within the house and was compounded by the fact the father was hardly home because of his work, She was enrolled into the girl scouts. In her teenage years was when her Meta gene awoken caused by a traumatic experience when their mother died from cancer.
From this moment on the rest of Sarina's childhood was plagued with troubles, Although one of her brothers got his life on track, The other was always getting into trouble and eventually was arrested and is still serving time for murder while her father buried himself further into his work leaving Sarina feeling more and more disconnected when she needed family most, Her other brother didn't get into trouble and kept his nose clean and made something of his life, He became a professional mixed arts fighter, It was him that kept her safe, tried to channel her new found aggression and doing what he could to help Sarina with her abilities. By the time Sarina was old enough Her brother married and moved away but left her with money to help Sarina stay on her feet and was always a phone or drive away when she needed him but it still tore her up inside and caused trouble exercising her abilities.
When eighteen Sarina had a scare when she was almost diagnosed with diabetes from the doctors, Fortunately she was lucky and it was only a scare but it was certainly enough for her to change her eating habits and started eating healthier and keeping a more active lifestyle which allowed her to stay quite healthy. Soon after Sarina decided she wanted answers from her father, she was on a mission and had a fury about her every time she thought of him and his failure towards the family, It took a few years of searching but she eventually found him in a warehouse involved with the wrong people and got into serious trouble, Buy this point Sarina had her suit leading to a possible outside connection and decided to go on the attack to get to her father. Using the mixture of her abilities and skills took out the group of men and she was not being careful about it.
When she fought her way to an office where her father was kept, the man in charge took her father and fled while he had the chance, With the battle ended, the warehouse on fire due to her recklessness, Sarina was in a fit of rage when she managed to escape the fire as it didn't harm her but was later captured after an unknown assailant tranq darted her from a safe distance and out of sight, the end result was a trip Coast City Super Powered Prison and a neck brace that eliminated her powers.