Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The sun had just began to rise over the mystical realm of Caesura and a soft breeze danced across the land. Though every day in this land was undoubtedly awe-inspiring and magical in their own right, today was especially note worthy for the simple fact what would transpire on it. It was the day of Melody, the day every tribe of Caesura came together in celebration of the gods and music as a whole. The festivities of the day always started with the majorities of each tribe coming together and setting up the fair grounds which were miles upon miles of tents, stands that did everything from simply selling food to providing weapon repair or instrument tuning. The celebrators were filled with as much excitement as one would expect, foreign music and customs was always a way to capture someone's interest. But despite all the performances, food, and merry making what everyone was truly excited for was unmistakably the annual tournament. Every year the tribes would select their strongest warrior to compete in a contest known as the Battle Royale were they would be pitted against the warriors of other tribes, the battles were known to be quite heated though no one was allowed to be out right killed. The victor of the tournament would win renown for both themselves and their tribe along with the favor of their gods. This year's Battle Royale was making up to be quite the show, many tribes had brought with them their most promising young warriors to take part. Indeed this year's battle would truly become a legend.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Asuna Yuuki
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Asuna Yuuki Second in Command Of The Order of the Blood Oath

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


"Emilaena, I'm so proud of you."
"Aenura, I will make you even prouder once I win this title. I swear I shall do well."
"We know you will, Emilaena. And we will be rooting for you all the way."
Emilaena smiled at her elder, happy to be supported by the elder woman. However she had one more question to ask her.
"Aenura, I have one problem... How shall I defeat the others with only my harp? You said yourself that it is not a weapon for attack."
"Ah, I was hoping you would ask. And just in time, it seems that Leorina is coming with the Feorent."

Emilaena gasped as Leorina, another elder, walked up to the pair, reverently holding the Feorent in her hands. She presented the legendary weapon to Emilaena, which she took, shocked.

"Emilaena. Because you are to participate in this battle, you are permitted to use Feoranta's historic weapon. I trust you know it's history?"
"O-of course... The legendary violin... it's bow becomes one of the sharpest swords the tribe has ever seen... And I am to use it?"
"You have been trained in the art of combat, and we have found you worthy of wielding the Feorent. We hope you will use it wisely."
"Of course my elders. I thank you for this fantastic gift. I shall use it alongside my harp and do you proud in this battle."

Emilaena carefully placed the violin and bow into its case, a simple white case with delicately carved images along the lid. She put it over her back, next to her harp, using the strap.

"Now go enjoy the festival!"
"I will, Leorina."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Johnathan took a rag to his shoes and gave them another wipe. He was already at the tournament's finals! His legs had carried him far, way further than he thought he'd go. He'd already fought past a particularly tough flamenco dancer and, before that, a metalhead whose power riffs had torn up the ground he had to tap on. Thankfully his feet, shoes and speed brought him through to the final stage: the all-important Battle Royale. The finals, where only the best of the best fought for supremacy, with the last man standing getting the title of Caesura's Champion and awarded with wealth and fame beyond compare. The money he could use, the fame and recognition though? Something he didn't want. Perhaps he'd concede it to someone else, maybe take the second place prize for himself. After all, he was only in this fight for the money.

With rag still in hand, he ran the cloth over the toes of his shoes until they shone enough to reflect his entire face in them. He grinned and shook his head. These shoes, these were priceless. The top weapon of Basin's warriors, the shoes were only conferred upon the feet of the dancer whose moves topped the rest. And he'd been up there, only to find that life after that would've been stuffy and boring. That was enough reason for him to flee the city, taking the shoes with him and leaving his entire people on the verge of breakdown. True, they were hunting him with a fury unmatched anywhere else, but what did he care? He was living life! He was happy and free! These shoes were the icing on top a particularly delicious cake and he wasn't intent on sharing it with anyone.

As if to prove a point, he straightened up and tensed his right leg. He was resting in the innards of the stadium grounds, past the arena where the fights had taken place, where no one would find him. He spotted a plank of wood resting innocuously against one of the many stone walls that the fairgrounds had been built upon and cocked his leg. With a practiced eye he took aim and, by reflex and training, his foot shot out faster than the eye could blink in a straight-heeled kick. The air cracked audibly around his foot as an invisible projectile shot straight towards the wood plank and shattered it into pieces, throwing chunks of stone out of the wall behind it. He grinned to himself. Only the best could throw a kick that also fired the air he kicked like a bullet. He still had it.

Johnny relaxed and drew a cigarette from the pocket of his slacks and lit it with a lighter. It was the resting time between fights, after all, and now that the upcoming fight was also the last one, he had more time to relax and limber up. He knew his opposition was strong; from another metalhead whose screaming vocals he'd heard from all the way across the fair, to an electronica musician whose lights and synths grew solid in the air, to even a violinist whose instrument manipulated the elements at her whim, this last fight was to be the toughest, grandest and most spectacular of the whole fair. It was a fight he was looking forward to.

Oh he'd kick ass. No doubt about it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 1 mo ago

One more time...

Sam walked towards the changing rooms. He only got the message he would represent the TT in the festival a few days ago. He immediatly headed for the festival, and once there, he gave the night before the festival a show for all the early birds from his tribe. It was a big show, and even some people of his tribe, which are known for their almost endless amount of energy, were tired after the party. However, a night sleep would be enough to regain it. That's how it works at the TT: Party all night, party all day, and if you can't party, you sleep a bit to regain energy. That was everything the techno lovers needed.

One more time
We're gonna celebrate
Oh yeah, all right
Don't stop the dancing

There were several groupies whaiting for him at the entrance to his changing room. Autographs and pictures, ofcourse. He was already one of the more famous DJ's before the festival, but now he was going to fight in the Battle Royale, he was a going to be a hero. However, if he was going to win this, he would even be considered a legend. The Techno Tribe isn't that old, and in the time it exists it never won the Battle Royale on the Melody festival once. If Sam would make it, he would be considered the ultimate DJ.

We don't stop
You can't stop
We're gonna celebrate
One more time

After handing out autographs and posing for some pictures, Sam entered the changing room. He prefered not to change, but as it was a serious fight, he changed into a metal suit with lights that were turned off. The suit would restrict his moving speed, but as he was barely able to move from his spot when he was using his Mixer 4000, it wouldn't change much. The last few days he modified it a bit, just so he could get a bit of an adventage in a free-for-all fight. Even if his enemies studied him, just like he studied them, they wouldn't know about this. He was going to win this, he was sure of it.

One more time
Music's got me feeling so free
We're gonna celebrate
Celebrate and dance so free

One more time
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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A hooded and cloaked figure walked through the crowds of people. Some people paid no attention to this figure while others were asking questions, 'Who is that? Are they a boy or a girl? Why aren't they with their tribe? What tribe do they belong to? Why are they wearing that?' All of these questions could be heard murmured by different people throughout the different gathered tribes. he figure paid no heed to these questions only focusing on observing other tribes at the battle.

This figure's name was Ariana Drake, the daughter of the elder and leader of the tribe, Sensus Pertinendi. Ariana was only an observer of everyone and everything at the festival, she wished not to participate in the battle unless absolutely necessary. You may ask why and the reason is because her tribe was still trying to just observe and stay known only as a legend and a fairytale. Ariana had been sent by her father to come to the festival so we could learn more about the interaction of other tribes and possibly find her actual family despite her hating her actual family and her old tribe.

Ariana pushed through the crowds not really paying much attention other than to keep herself hidden underneath her cloak. She checked that her sword was still on her back and underneath the cloak so it was hidden despite knowing it couldn't fall out of the special sheath. Ariana soon found a place where she could lean against something and observe others and that is exactly what she did. Ariana walked over to the outer wall of the stadium where fights were held and leaned her back against it observing the other tribes as their members walked around.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"They can't stop us let 'em try! For heavy metal we would die!"

This chant could be heard from a sole person, wandering around the festival. This man was getting nasty looks by many at the festival and he gave them similar looks right back. The people here had heard of him, heard of his tribe, heard of the 'disgrace' they had brought upon themselves in the foolish venture of gaining power. This man was named Axle Drake, the greatest warrior of the tribe called the Lost Hope. He could hear the names they called him. They called him thinks like Tear Drinker, monster, evil creature. He shrugged it off. He just continued singing.

"They said hold your head up high! Throw your fists up in the air! Play metal, louder than hell! Louder than hell!"

There was a reason his tribe wasn't near him right now. No one could accept what they had become. Axle wasn't actually a Tear Drinker, for the most part, so he retained his humanity. The rest of his tribe wasn't so lucky. He came here in hopes of redeeming their past mistakes and atone for the deeds of his tribe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A man with rainbows streaming from his back zoomed through the booths of the neighboring tribes. He almost looked like nyan cat if you weren't focusing enough to see who's ever piloting the machine that's causing the young man to go so fast. The young man speeding through the festival was known as Jokhem Bars and the instrument attached to his back was known as the dubstep gun. He was wearing it like a back pack so when activated it had somewhat similar properties of a jetpack. And yes as he zipped through the defenseless booths dupstep music was playing.

Jokhem landed in an open area and began to laugh as he looked back and seen all the mayhem he had caused. He had another better to do and he couldn't find his cousin tribe. Him and a few of the other members of Summit attended the festival. Jokhem was happy that he got to fight and meet so many strong people. He was planing on making a band with the finalist if they didn't turn out to be douches. Jokhem walked through the crowds of people playing with his dupstep gun as he searched for anything the peeked his interest. Don't worry his gun was set to party kode instead of lethal so everyone in his surroundings were safe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 1 mo ago

[deleted post]
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Estelle stood next to her parents, helping where she was needed as they set up their tent. Considering her whole tribe were wanderers, they had all come together to the festival, using the event as a chance to sell their various wares and trinkets collected over their travels. Their colorful tents could be seen from miles away, bright banners fluttering high in the wind. Estelle's own parents sold a mixture of colorful yarns of cloth and charms to tie in one's hair or string as jewelry. When there was a lull in the crowds, Estelle's padded around the tent and straightened the items as well as add new things to the table.

However, her mind was far away from her task. Just the night before, as her tribe gathered around their campfire, Estelle's parents had broke the news to her that she was chosen to represent the Wind Dancers in this years tournament. It was an honor to be sure but one that was heavy with the burden of making her whole tribe proud. The girl glanced over at her parents who were happily talking to one of the customers. They couldn't be more opposite. There her father stood tall, colorful streaked hair poking out from the red bandana he sported, much like the rest of the tribe. Estelle herself was wearing a silver scarf tied over her hair with little bells on the end that tickled when she turned her head. Her father was also dressed in mostly bright colors. Her mother was a calmer version of him, wearing a scarf of pale blue with clothing of white and black.

As she stared at her parents she decided she wasn't going to disappoint them. Her mother looked over and saw her daughter looking their way. The woman smiled and excused herself from the conversation to walk over to Estelle. "Your father and I can handle it from here. Why don't you go out and explore? But take your violin with you." The command was unneeded, Estelle didn't go anywhere without her violin. With her instrument safely across her back in the case she made out of leather for it that worked much like a swords sheath, Estelle kissed her mother on the cheek, waved at her father before exiting the tent and began wandering down the rows upon rows of tents. She waved at a few of her tribe members as she passed by however she didn't stay and talk.

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