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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

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Allegiance: (Good/evil/Neutral)
History: (no putting down Unknown)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

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History: (no putting down Unknown)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Io Dark / Ia Dark
Age: 15
Gender: ????? ((Originally Male))
Race: Cursed human ((Part-Rabbit-Demon))

Weapons: Cursed Sword inherited from their mother
Magic: Able to Curse
Abilities: Inhuman speed, and jump height.

Personality: Io/Ia has a split personality and form as a result of the curse inflicted on him/her. Io is an introvert boy. He stays to himself and doesn't like to make contact with others, though he is a sweet and normal guy who is simply shy. He's even worse around girl and often just just avoids contact with females entirely. Ia on the other hand is sadistic and cruel, cold hearted and harsh.

Allegiance: Good, Evil

History: Io/Ia used to be a single boy. Io. Io was raised by his single mother. He was a normal human raised by a normal mother. However on his seventh birthday, while having a nice meal with his mother a strange woman entered the house. She cursed both Io and his mother. Io collapsed and found that when he awoke his mother was dying and Io was given a cursed sword was her dying gift. After that day Io found that he now had two forms and two personalities, him and Ia. And he also found that the curse that had inflicted him was intended to turn him into a Rabbit Demon and that from this point on he was part demon. Io then decided to go and try to find Dr. Steinburg, trying to keep Ia from harming innocent things and thwarting his quest.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Ixi "10" Manno
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Human

Weapons: Katana
Magic: Summoning
Abilities: Fast, strong, agile, deceptive

Personality: Ixi isn't a bad of a person. She's kind to people who are close to her but it may take something to get close enough. TO people who aren't her friends Ixi is cold, and ignorant. Not mean just cold. But she protects the members of her Mafia like family.

Allegiance: Neutral
Occupation: Mafia Boss

History: Ixi was born to an unusual family. A mob family. So Ixi was trained in the ways of a future mafia boss. She made connections, and learned of her magic. The magic of summoning. Her father convinced her to believe in herself and helped her rise up. Since then Ixi has sat on the top, as a mafia boss. She never killed and still doesn't promote killing unless necessary, though she uses her summoning magic to summon what she needs, thug she has never summoned a sword, the katana she uses in one that she always carries.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Its so pretty! Accepted!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Artholath
Age: Specific age unknown; around a millennium old.
Gender: Appears as male.
Race: Demon
Allegiance: Evil


In human form

He looks like an elf, with striking eyes that people who are trained to hunt demons or are greater beings can see the evil within. He has blonde hair and a “cold” (you’ll see why I put quotations on that later) expression on his face. Other than that, he looks normal (as you can get for an elf). This form he uses for normal travelling and light combat situations.

(I would have an image, but all the ones I find are either the wrong gender, not applicable for some reason or one of the main characters from LOTR).

In demon form

The most striking feature of his are his eyes, which pull you in as you look at them. They are not firey like some of his brethren, but reflect the icy cold of his soul. This form he uses only in a difficult portion of combat or when talking to another being he is comfortable revealing his true form to.


A one-handed Scythe.

If he loses the scythe, he can pick up and use a lot of other weapons as well. He doesn’t like two-handed ones, or ones of low quality.


Being a demon, he inherits the general set of traits/strengths/weaknesses that are common with his kind.
His primary demon magic is Corruption - those around him are tainted by thoughts of evil, from doubting their best friends to the idea that they should become serial killers. This effect depends on who is in the area; greater beings are not affected, only disgusted. The aftereffects of him using spells or being in an area for an extended period carry lingering traces of this magic.

His aura of evil can be detected by almost anyone in some small form. However, a majority of people do not know how to interpret it. Those around this character feel colder than normal for the environment. Trained demon hunters, magic users, and greater beings can detect the specific aura that gives him away as a demon.

Using a powerful spell or a revealing spell can make him reveal his true form. When hit by such a spell, it is like his true form is expelled out of his body, which vanishes. In his true form, the feeling of cold is much more noticeable.

In demon form, he is capable of seeing things his human form cannot; including souls (which would include ghosts) and hidden forms, such as that of another demon in human form.

Specific spells of his are below.


-Ice Bolt: He can shoot ice at relatively low cost, the shape of icicles but at very high speed, or a basketball-sized sphere. Hitting an object makes the said object much colder, even if it is something like a fireplace (in which case it would immediately extinguish the fire on top of making the fireplace like stepping on an ice cube in heat). Hitting someone alive either pierces all but strong armor and in effect is a frozen arrow, or it hits the armor and shatters, having the same effect on the armor as it does an object (it feels like being inside an ice cube at that point). He shoots either small swarms of icicles at lower power in the shape of a bolt, or he can shoot a ball (the shape of a basketball) that fires like a shot from a cannon (however, instead of smashing through things, it explodes immediately on impact). The ball explodes, sending bitter cold and pieces of ice flying while leaving a mist behind. The ball takes a while to cool down, but depending on his attitude, power level and form of the spell the icicles can be shot pretty quickly for a period of around a minute.

-Frozen Touch: Touching someone with this spell active can freeze them, depending on how powerful the opposition is. For use usually when he is moving in stealth against guards.

-Melee: he is skilled with weapons and in his true form can use all parts of his body to advantage.


He was one of the few of his kind; an experiment created by a Warlord a millennium ago, back when the world was faced with rising and falling mages who were attempting to take power for themselves. The mage who created him, one of many lost in history, was a sort of early frankenstein trying to make the “next biggest thing”. The result was a hundred or so beings that were fiercely independent and quickly adopted the idea of “evil” to their false souls. Unleashed upon the world, almost all of them were hunted down by their creator and several other warlords who saw them as a great danger before they could do severe damage (although there were several brutally massacred villages by the time they ended). They proved to be too difficult to kill, so a special volcano was reserved for them in which they were all cast down. Almost all of them.

Not the strongest nor most intelligent of his race, Artholath was one of an odd few that evaded capture. His advantage was resisting the primal urge for chaos and destruction, and not presenting himself as a major target. Unfortunately, the Warlord who created him knew there had to be some that escaped. He created an order specifically dedicated to hunting down the newly termed “demons” that survived.

The order lasted even after the last of the Warlords were finally toppled. However, their effectiveness and dedication waned, allowing Artholath to move a little more freely.

In the past two hundred years, he had an idea. This idea was to show the races of the world that had created him and hunted him down exactly what he was capable of. He set out to free his brothers from the Volcano in which they were imprisoned.

The volcano proved too heavily protected to breach. The Warlords had done their work too well. However, he heard rumors of something very interesting - someone dabbling in the creation of beings from experimentation.

Now, he has gathered his wits and power to search for this new experimenter. The plan is simple: Find him and make him create a new generation of demons.

The Warlords

The time of the Warlords extended for an odd 230 years and ended around 900 years ago. It was started when the top mages alive were in charge of powerful orders of magic, and had disputes that erupted similar to how World War 1 started in real life. The difference was there was not two sides - there were temporary alliances at best, which were prone to backstabbing, and the situation was a free-for-all that affected many areas, some of which became habitable again only as soon as 300 years ago.

The period saw the creation of several very dangerous spells and one species. Most of the spells are long forgotten, and for good reason; the most powerful of them had the capabilities of a nuclear bomb. Others included spells to take control of bodies from afar without the will of the host and a potent one that could steal souls.
After this chaotic period, four major things remained as a legacy.

The first was a race of what are known as “demons”, beings forged from the souls of dead warriors into the bodies of abominations crafted for war. These demons had unique powers and were not designed to be evil; only to be an army for one of the stronger warlords. They rebelled and adopted the ideals of Evil, which best fit their chaotic and warrior nature.

The second was an order that was the direct consequence of demons being created. This order is now weak and uninspired, but still holds high level members across the kingdom in secret. It was partially effective but not completely; only half of the escaped demons were captured.

The third is a very magically active volcano on the very far side of the kingdom. The magic comes from the warlords banding together to seal the demons inside forever. A demon could only enter if they were banished by a Warlord or descendent of one. Obviously, this takes a lot more than just words, considering demons wouldn’t willingly go into the volcano to never be seen again. Surviving demons are not officially banished. The spell over the mountain is powerful to the point of being unbreakable by anyone in the kingdom.

The fourth surviving reminder of their legacy is several “hot spots”, locations charged with elemental energy that were created during the wars between the various Warlords.

The Warlords fall was caused by the extremely large amount of energy they used on the mountain. Disgruntled servants, soldiers, greater beings and lesser mages banded together to overthrow them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It is amazing accepted!
Please try not to make your posts too grand though, It would make the rest of us look like peasants =(
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

My roleplays themselves extend to roughly 2 paragraphs a post (that's not every time, either) when ya slap them together, so don't worry :)

My intro might be a little long, but that's to set the atmosphere for the character, not the norm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wrong place Areana
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Karasuma
Age: Karasuma appears to be only sixteen, but has been dead for about seventy five years.
Gender: Female
Race: Ghost
Weapons: None; No one can really hit or hurt her but she can't really do anything to anyone either
Abilities: Disappearing/invisibility, phasing through things, communicating with the dead and living, floating/flying
Personality: She is a nervous wreck who often feels sorry for herself and sees herself as a burden to everyone else. To compensate, she tries to do everything she can to help other people with their problems. She is kind, gentle, but overall pathetic and weak-willed.
Allegiance: Good
History: Karasuma died a tragic death. She was kidnapped by Dr. Steinburg when she was only a teenager, and killed as he used her legs in creating Feon. Her spirit was unable to pass on, and thus she became a ghost. She doesn't remember her real full name, but calls herself Karasuma and doesn't really remember her past either. She does not know why she is here, but only remembers that Dr. Steinburg had something to do with it, so she is searching for some answers so she can move on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

That is a wonderful bio! This will be fun! Your accepted
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LuckyAntihero
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LuckyAntihero Pro Adventurer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Quint Kenning


Gender: Male

Race: Fae Folk

Weapons: An enchanted longsword and parrying dagger, named "Rhyme and Reason"

Magic: Spirit magic, nature magic

Abilities: Experienced swordsman, can channel the energy of the spirit world into offense and utility, varying degrees of control over nature spirits and processes

Personality: Quiet and thoughtful, with a healthy sense of humor. Quint is relatively intelligent, and prefers the hands on approach to any situation. He keeps mostly to himself but forms close bonds with the few people he feels understand his outlook on the world. Quint is never needlessly cruel, but he follows his own set of morals and fights for his own personal reasons rather than for any cause.

Allegiance: Neutral

History: A tall, slender fae known as an axomite, Quint was born in the First World like most of his race. He had a happy childhood full of lessons from the natural world and the whimsical First World. Upon reaching the beginning of his golden youth, he traveled to the Material Plane to seek his fortune as an adventurer. A chance encounter in a remote and ruined graveyard with an ancient and tired lich, rendered powerless by time, sparked Quint's interest in the energy and mysteries of the dead and forgotten. This encounter also provided him with his magical set of blades, which he has carried ever since. In a surprisingly small amount of years, he became a skilled and powerful ritualist, commanding the power of the restless dead against his enemies with almost eerie enthusiasm. To balance himself, Quint also studies and employs the magic of nature and all things natural and living. He has a powerful animal magnetism and an encyclopedic knowledge of woodlore.

Appearance: Tall, slender and broadshouldered. Quint has dark gold colored hair and a short beard, and his eyes are a ghostly blue, a mark of his fae blood. He wears light armor of a strange fae material resembling glass, and a normal green cloak. Though shaped like a human, Quint is very clearly not human.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

If you have any pictures that would be helpful or just a short explanation of his appearance other than that it looks great! So accepted!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LuckyAntihero
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LuckyAntihero Pro Adventurer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

There we go!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

That will do it! Your fully accepted then!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(Note I don't know what those ramaji words mean)

Dr. Zeke Hanzsel



Human Demon Hybrid


These gauntlets greatly increases the strength of its user. They are always worn on the back of Zeke when he's doing something other then combat. When on his back they take the shape of a jetpack. In jetpack form they do posse the ability to fly.

Demonic Abilities
His wounds heal quicker or heal when he wants them to. Damage to his body is not as affective to him as it is to a regular human.

I guess this is the same as Demonic abilities or :P did I do something wrong.

Psychotic and titled as insane. He only does what ever benefits himself. Zeke strives to be the only and best scientist alive so he will be hostile to anyone who titles themself as a scientist.

Chaotic Neutral

Zeke grew up in a family completely devoted to science. Members born into the family was heavily tested on and dissected to further the families studies. On the day of Zeke's birth his family obtained the reminance of a demon and decided to do the impossible. To create a successful human demonic hybrid. The experiment was a success but was kept secret so the media wouldn't be drawn to the family. As Zeke grew up he wore glasses to hide his demonic eye. As usual he turned towards science and only did things to progress his studies. He even dissected himself to see if his structures was altered by his hybird genes. He does have a secret weak spot but that will be reveled in the rp.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It's so awesome that I'm blushing! Accepted
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