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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"D-did he say doctor? They're going to see Doctor Steinburg," Karasuma gasped to herself. She definitely had to follow them now. However she felt a bit disturbed by the two of them. She could sense that they were bad news, still a lead was a lead. She continued to follow them at a safe distance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Feon continued to chug her own Mead having no problem with it thanks to her strong liver. She herself was now down to two Mugs of mead and wasn't slowing down from the looks of it. The crowd was now starting to sing drinking songs, the current one being called "Nord Mead" Feon had never said that this was a race but she couldn't help but continue on with this.

Delios in the mean while was almost out of the kingdom at this point though a few Guards finally got in their way. They were pointing spears at Delios who just snarled at them while putting the bag of orphans down. He got into the stance of a gorilla ready to pounce at them. The gaurds were shaking though only a few of them were standing with confidence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

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Ixi was doing good. She may be behind Feon but she didn't appear to be giving up soon. And she was beginning to find this quite enjoyable. Drinking for fun. Well it had been for information, but hell, this was fun.

Io watched amused from the edge. Watching the spectators, drinking a glass of water. He looked to the side and noticed another person who wasn't caught up in the drinking. He walked over to Quint and sat down near him, not really wanting to make first contact.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LuckyAntihero
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Quint smiled as he sat down, having caught the attention of one of the myriad serving girls wandering the place. SHe refilled his tankard with a flourish and winked as she bobbed off to attend to the contest. He had ordered a strong, bitter brew that gave off the pleasant aroma of grass and pepper as he drank deeply of it. A brew that reminded him of the strange forests and mystical vistas of his home. He hardly noticed the little fellow that plopped down near him, though he felt a strange energy exuding from the boy. The fae regarded him with a cool expression, his face not unhandsome but disturbingly inhuman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Feon continued her drinking comepetition now down to just mug. She still wasn't slowing down either, though she was acting a bit more perky now thanks to all the alcohol. She was laughing every now and then too at the other bar patrons who had tried to entered the competition but could only down two mugs before falling out of their chairs due to this being rather strong mead. "Common lass you can do it!" Shouted one of the patrons, the others joined him in the cheering, others were even betting at this point.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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Diego was ready for a nice night handing out at the bar. He usually found a way to get a free drink or too and tonight was no exception. Immediately, Diego took great interest in the drinking challenge. What was better than alcohol and women? "Count me in!" Said Diego. Soon afterwards, he was given a few mugs and drowned down four, better than most had managed. However, Diego became drunk rapidly, but managed to continue drinking. He slowly began singing loudly between drinks, and was the third most successful person in the challenge, only a little behind Feon and Ixi.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LuckyAntihero
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LuckyAntihero Pro Adventurer

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Quint finished his ale with a contented sigh, and shifted his attention to the drinking game, which appeared to swiftly be approaching a conclusion. The fae fellow was large and he drank and drugged heavily, so his tolerance for such things was impressive. He could easily drink all the competition under the table, or so he thought to himself. A smile crept across his face as an idea occurred to him. He could probably win something interesting if he challenged the winner of this contest...

He mulled the thought over in his head, considering it but making no decisions. The open road was becoming long and lonesome, and it wouldn't do to be run out of this town just yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

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The guard stared at the couple, not wishing to let them pass but keeping an eye on the monstrosity ahead of them. In particular, they heard noises coming from the bag - noises that were human.

One man came forward, who apparently was the leader. He addressed the more human looking of the two, Artholath.

“We need to check your bag, but call off that… thing or we will be forced to attack.” he emphasised by waving at the dozen or so guards behind him.

Artholath looked at them in amusement. “I very highly doubt that you wish to stop us. Simply let us pass and there will be no dispute.

The guard’s face turned cold. “We are representatives of the king around here! Call off your hound and give us the bag!” he gripped his spear and signalled for the others to be ready.

Artholath frowned. They obviously did not get it. No matter, there was nobody around to hear the guard...

“Then it appears you leave me no choice.” Raising his hands in front of him, his eyes turned an icy blue and a wide stream of icicles came forth, striking all but four of the guard and killing the rest instantly. The few guard that remained ran with their shields above their heads. Let them run…


He shot another steam at the fleeing survivors and killed the rest.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Karasuma was very afraid. She just watched the man... Or thing she was following easily kill many of the guards. Oh, she shouldn't have followed him. This was bad, this was very bad. She didn't know whether to keep following them or to just run away while she had a chance. But then she realized she was already dead. What was the worst he could do to her? Kill her again? So she tried to be as courageous as she could muster up in herself, and continued onwards.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Delios smiled as the gaurds went down. One of them tried to charge at him whom he quickly was able to grab the head of and crush. "You good man, Doctor will like you." Delios said as he exited the kingdom. He soon brought them all to a clearing of trees. Delios rose his hand for a moment in the clearing before pounding it down into the ground that looked like it had been hit many times. At this point a portal opened. On the other side was Dr. Steinburgs Lab. "Me home!" He said in excitement as he walked in with the bag which he went to put away.

Dr. Lance Steinburg was sitting in a chair looking at what seemed to be formulas to creating an artificial life Form, Most likely what he used to create Vernika. He stood up when he heard Delios enter through the portal room. He has already alerted to the arrival of this new specimen. Lance approached the man that had entered with Delios. "So your the one who Delios deemed interesting, Tell me what makes your worth my time?" He asked the man. Lance was quite tall and towered over this man by at least a few inches.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

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Artholath was pleased, even happy, at having so easily met the one who he had spent roughly twenty looking for and the one who may bring a thousand years to its proper fate. He was tall and certainly looked like the proper man. At the same time, he felt a strange… pull. A familiarity that he hadn’t felt in a long time. He disregarded it.

“I’ll be frank; I am not entirely sure what Delios found as interesting at the time. However… it is you I find to be interesting. And I have a proposal.”

He paused for a second to let those words sink in.

“I am a particular… fan of your works, and I think you are the perfect one to finish the job started long ago. I am what humans would call a demon, one of the first demons, and I want you to assist in the recreation of the greatest genetic engineering project embarked upon by the Warlords of a millennia ago.”

“I can, and will, assist you in the creation of demons.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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Everything was going according to plan for Diego. After his fifth mug, he fell to the floor, grabbing his chest in pain. "AGH!!! THE PAIN!!!" Diego was bluffing. His goal was to get someone to think he needed medical attention and offer him a place to sleep. He looked pleading at the other people in the bar, fake tears dripping down his face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LuckyAntihero
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LuckyAntihero Pro Adventurer

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Quint was lazily staring around the bar when he saw a man drop to the floor grasping at his chest. He jumped to his feet, hoping he could at least try and help the poor bastard before his heart exploded. The fae made it over to the fellow, who seeemed to be in bad shape, thrashing on the floor violently. At this point, the drinking competition had been forgotten and all eyes were on the ailing man and the fae who stood over him.

The tall eerie looking fae prepared to help the only way he knew how. His eyes seemed to roll back into his head as he dipped his hand towards the man on the floor. Quint's hand disappeared into the man's chest as if he were submerging it in water. He wrapped his long, thin fingers around the man's heart as he thrashed in horror on the floor... only to find it beating normally!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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SpookySquid 3 Spooky 5 Me

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Diego was surprised that someone had reacted quickly enough to reach and check his heartbeat. Luckily, he had prepared for this. As the man approached, he began to settle down, and soon, he pretended to faint, in hopes that they wouldn't catch his bluff. Unfortunately, Diego had actually had one too many drinks, and moments after he felt the hand touch his heart, he accidentally genuinely fell asleep. It seemed that playing dead hadn't worked the way he had planned.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Karasuma wasn't able to enter through the portal quick enough. "I can't believe I missed my chance!" she scolded herself mentally. She was so close but still failed. She wandered through the streets, feeling quite miserable for herself and not quite sure what to do at this point. Oh, if only she could talk to someone about it. She felt a strange stir in her soul as she passed by a bar. It was as if someone in there was connected to her in a sense. She decided to stay invisible and wait near the entrance of the bar and when whoever it was that she was drawn to comes out, she'll be there to confront them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LuckyAntihero
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LuckyAntihero Pro Adventurer

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Quint cursed lightly, feeling the change in the man's heartbeat as he slipped into unconciousness. It's gonna look like I did that... he thought to himself. The fae got up quickly, and raised his hands in the air.

"He passed out. I was trying to help is all." The tall fellow edged toward the door of the tavern slowly, noticing some unfriendly looks aimed his way. The bar was almost dead quiet now, so different than it had been just a few short moments ago. Such was the curse of his otherworldy appearance, he was always suspect number one when trouble began to brew.

Quint stepped outside and took a deep breath, stepping to the side of the door. Immediately as he exited the crowded tavern, he noticed a spiritual presence nearby. A troubled spirit indeed... It didn't take him long to spot her. He approached slowly, knowing she might be surprised that he could see her. His very aura was calming to most spirits, and he was extremely skilled and diplomatic at speaking with the dead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Zeke walked through the woods that lead to his castle like home. It was located on the outskirts of the kingdom so people would rarely come by it or even notice it. The surrounding vegetation seeped through the cracks of the castle and twisted and bend making the castle look like a tree house. Zeke wasn't traveling alone. Behind him he was dragging a young woman by her hair. He was using his gauntlets to restraint her and it was completely successful. That was until she reached for a branch and gripped tightly to it not letting go even if her palms started to drip crimson.

Zeke didn't matter if he roughed up his experiments so her doing this was somewhat meaningless. He stopped walking and let his grip of her go. She shakingly attempt to stand and break of into a run but was instantly gripped by the collar and forced against a near by tree. She screamed from the pain that roared through her body as she collided with the tree. Zeke held his giant gauntlet hand over her mouth to silence her and to hold her still.

He pulled out his scaple and lifted up the shirt of the young woman. She was crying and breathing heavily. Zeke brushed the scaple against her skin. She jolted in the pain but stopped instantly when Zeke squeezed her head. Zeke wore an insane look as he began to cut through the soft skin of the young female. She was screaming as loud as she could but it was merely muffles under Zeke's gauntlets. He stopped cutting and laid the scaple on the ground next to him as he moved closer to the young woman's face.

"Shhh it'll all be over soon! Zeke whispered keeping his face close to hers. With his free hand he slowly reached into the woman's now open stomach and moved his hand around as if he was search for something. The pain of this was hectic and she was most likely gonna die from shock. "Damn." Zeke stood letting the woman completely go. She bleed out on the grass and starred up at Zeke. The woman didn't have what Zeke was looking for so the expierment was unsuccessful. He walked away from the now corpse and continued towards his castle. He didn't care if someone found the body and finds his home. Doing that would just gift him with more specimen to practice his work on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Karasuma saw a man approach her despite the fact that she should be invisible to the mortal eye right now. This scared her very much. "C-can you actually see me?" she whispered softly. "You must not be human then...Oh no, another encounter with a monster. Today is really not my lucky day, and now you're going to kill me, actually I'm already dead so..." she rambled on and on. She then made herself visible. Her white face revealed her anxiety and she was also shivering with fear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Feon had seen much of the commotion that had just happened. She finished her last mug and turned to Ixi to see if she was finished. She figured that as long as Ixi could understand her after all the liquor she would finally start heading out of the bar. She would tell Ixi the location and even lead her to Steinburgs lab the next time she got saw Ixi. Feon for the moment headed out of the bar. Her legs felt a bit weird though as she felt like they wanted to move towards something.

Lance scratched his head for a moment. "Demons huh, what makes you think I want to create demons? I just want to create a pefect being, the ultimate being!" Lance said his eyes lighting up at the thought of his ultimate endeavor. "I want to create a god! Not a mere demon!" He said as he held out his arms laughing manically. He was aiming high, though demons wouldn't be a bad stepping stone either. Delios cowered a bit at Lances laughing knowing that what came next wouldn't be a pretty sight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ixi downed her last mug, payed for the alcohol and then followed Feon out. She wanted her information. And she was going to get it.

Io left the bar, bored. Things were calming down now. So there wasn't really things to watch. So the bar had now lost its charm. He walked out of the building, not really watching where he was going.
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