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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus sighed at Meruin's unsightly appearance but was relieved when Elza put "clothes" on her. Deus looked at the transmutation circle in his hand, thinking about the Philosophers Stone. He was interested in it extremly. He waved good bye to every body and began to walk outside towards the Track and Field.

Deus touched the grass remembering the Fight between him, Marcus and Tony. He knew that those two were getting stronger, he also needed to get stronger. At the rate Deus was going he was about to hit a wall.

"Memories....Well time to get to work.." Deus' transmutation circle began to glow. "Ha....Golem Creation: Earth Golem!" Suddenly, a Giant Golem began to grow out of the ground. This Golem began to grow taller than the school. "Come On, Come On! Just a little bit more!" As the Golem increased in Size, Deus began to get weary and once he reached his limit, The Golem was destroyed making the huge chunks of Earth hit the ground, making a loud thud. "Dammitt!!! I still don't have enough power." Deus layed down on the tattered ground. Come on Dad, can't you show me what I'm doing wrong?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"Yes I am. I just wanted to deal with the shady characters in this here story." Marcus answered Sol's question. This guy didn't seem like he was a school student. He even looked older than Marcus. "Okay now before I was so rudely interrupted...." Marcus continued looking at Sol. " while I was fighting are volunteers I paid close attention to the movement of the joints." Marcus knew that sounded weird but the students would understand more as the class progressed on. "I'm more of a hands on learning type of teacher so what I say may sound dumb as hell but just go with it students!" Marcus shouted putting a thumb up. It was a little late but Marcus noticed that this suspicious pirate guy (Sol) had swords. Marcus was positive that not everyone attending the class used fist to fight so a demonstration from a person who uses a weapon in close combat would be a good idea. Marcus walked towards Sol and stood right in front of him. "Excuse me pirate man! I know this is out of the blue but can you please demonstrate how you use your swords in a combat situation?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Sol blinked surprised. Pirate? The only thing this guy had said so far that made sense way that he sounded like an idiot. None the less Marcus had asked a reasonable question. "Well, first off you paying attention to the movment of the joints doesn't matter if hardly anyone can see them," Sol said drawing his swords still irriated by this guy's "teaching" style, "This black sword is pretty cut and dry, hit things with it until they die. This other blade you may notice is rather strangely shaped, it is a sword designed to break other swords. Both the slit in the middle and the notches towards the hilt are designed to catch an opponent’s blade and once you do a simple twist of the blade will snap it. Course since this is a magic school I tend to stick to using the black one as a focus." Sol explained putting away the sword-breaker. "Anyway many objects can be helpful for focusing magic through, so for example I can do this." Sol demonstrated by slicing forward and a powerful gust of wind swept forward.

"Usually a physical motion can help enhance the power of a spell but it also gives away what you're doing. Strictly in a combat sense ideally a sword is the middle weapon, it doesn't have the power of an axe, the range of a spear, or the speed of a dagger. It simply mixes them into a fashion that allows it to combat any of these; of course the danger in using a sword lies primarily in the fact that if someone gets to close it becomes a hindrance. If you wanted something more practical I'm afraid I'd need someone to spar with." he finished explaining, the last comment towards Marcus
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Deus sighed as he appeared in the Gym. Had Marcus honestly not learned anything about people with swords, don't get into fights with them. Deus looked at the Students as it appeared that this was Marcus class, and once he overheard that they were going to have a sparring match he smiled. It had been sometime since he had sparred, he also wanted to see how good Marcus had gotten. Deus scratched his head. "About this Sparring Match, I want in too. Hopefully you haven't been slacking off huh, Marcus?" Deus said as he grabbed the sword from his back, and then proceeded to look at Sol, as he activated his Purple Aura and looked at his Aura, which allowed him to look at his Powers. Ho...Now this one is interesting.. He looked at Sol. "Hey You. What's your name? Mine's Deus."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Interesting, this should be amusing at the very least. "My name is Sol, Marcus I assume you are fine with us doing a little spar correct?" Sol said grinning and pulling out his swordbreaker, while he had no intention of attempting to break his foe's sword it could still be useful for wrecnching it out of his hands and besides, he prefered fighting with both of them. His single eye glinted as he viewed his opponent, yes, this fight should be intresting indeed.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"I guess I have time for a sparring match." Marcus said unbuttoning his suit and adjusting his clothing to were he could fight in a more relaxed tone. "Stand back students and prepare to witness a remarkable Battle." Marcus stood in a fighting position and closed his eyes. He opened them reviling his now cyan colored eyes. A sphere like gust of wind surrounded him and sprouted put spontaneously covering the whole gym. "Looks like you guys won't be using magic." He smiled knowing the sparring match was now leaning towards him. Since this Sol guy is a new opponent he hoped to catch him of gaurd with his speed and see how he'd coop with it. Marcus stepped forward and appeared directly in Sol's face. "Let the match begin!" He yelled as he threw a medium speed punch aimed for Sol's face. The punch can be dodge but if he decides to not move a powerful gust of wind would be impact his face and probably knock him a few feet back. If the attack was unsuccessful he'd just try his best to quickly go on the defensive.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Deus took a Mental Note of Marcus's Speed. Deus then clapped his hands together and put them on the floor, making a large transmutation circle appear under his hands. Out of the ground he took out a Staff, a silver one. He then clapped his hands again making electricity flow through the staff. This was a different way of using Alchemy, Deus's way. He ran flash stepped towards Sol, he didn't intend to use his sword yet, he wanted to see how good he was. As he was about to hit Sol, Marcus appeared and Deus stepped back. Instead of attacking Sol, he attacked Marcus hitting him with the Electrified Staff. Marcus will either dodge this or resume attacking Sol, which means...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Sol stood there silently viewing his opponents. He had been prepared to deal with Marcus but it looked like the Dues fellow was doing it for him. He opted to simply take step back since they seemed busy dealing with each other, he would deal with threats as they came rather than wasting his energy. The gust of wind flew past him likly impacting into Dues and knocking him back. Sol held himself in a ready stance and waited to see what the next move would be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Liz awoke from her bed. She had been given a single room to herself from this term onwards because of health issues she had started to suffer with. Getting up and getting dressed she headed down to the cafeteria and looked at the food that was on todays menu before taking a small selection and moving to sit on a table on her own away from the other students as she began to eat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcus dodge the staff by doing a back flip landing in a hand stand position behind Deus. "Damn it Deus! Marcus shouted while spinning on his hands causing a powerful wind in the shape of a tornado to form. Hopefully Marcus' spinning kick would land a blow on Deus' back. If the attack was successful or not Marcus would land back onto his feet and try to continue his assault on Sol by vanishing and aiming to kick Sol in the head when he reappeared.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Deus smiled at Marcus's action. But he was ashamed that he had not learned to predict his opponents move, for what Deus was about to do, he would need to fix the Gym and Heal the students later. When Marcus had kicked him he made sure to stick the staff to the ground. Deus was sent flying as he took the hit, and once the Electric Field was within range of Sol and Marcus, he activated the Electric Field, making everything inside of it get electrocuted. Deus had never field tested the Technique, but there was a first for everything. This Technique had a 95/10% Accuracy, meaning it was sure to hit anything since. He began to unseath Kusanagi from the Red Cloth. Lets see what happens now, If Marcus negates this then I could use it as a distraction. It all depends on how he percieves Alchemy, whether as Magic or Science. I see it as Science Deus was in one knee, his back got wounded pretty badly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan looked up as he felt a sudden surge of power. "God damn it Marcus." He looked towards everyone. "I have to deal with this quickly." He dissipated into the wind and reformed above Deus, Marcus, and Sol upside down on the ceiling. 'I'll make sure nobody tries to kill each other.' And so he began to observe and wait for inevitable destruction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sol frowned rapidly analyzing the situation. It had gotten out of hard rather quickly and was now threating students, he hadn't expected this. Sol quickly tapped his braclet containing the three of them in a battle cube to prevent damage to bystanders and made his move. It seemed Dues had somehow bypassed Marcus's magic nullifacation while Sol was still limited by it. It seemed incoming lighting was undogdeble in his current state, which left him with little option. Marcus attempted to surpise Sol with his speed but even under the pressure of the situation he was far to fast for an attack on the most mobile part of the body to work.

He would've liked to retaliate in a more effective manner but he had to deal with Dues first. A risky manuvear but most likly highly effective, he first ducked under the kick while kicking Marcus's other leg hopefully bringing him to the ground then Sol hurled his sword breaker spinning into the air, the metal hopefully attracting or deflecting most of the lighting strikes that would otherwise strike him. Then Sol threw his pitch-black sword at Dues's chest to ensure that he would stop doing whatever he was doing.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin floated towards Liz, a tray of her own food floating next to her. She smiled in greeting. "Good morning, Liz. How are you feeling?"

She felt a sudden spike of power that was familiar enough to be obvious who it was. "Marcus . . . and Deus . . . and is that Sol? Ryan is there too but . . ." The small mage shook her head. "It should probably not be of any concern."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Liz turned her head and looked at Meruin who had walked over to her as she started to put away the pills she had been taking "Not bad." The girl spoke putting on a fake smile oblivious of the power going on in the fight outside as she resumed eating her food slowly "Learned anything new?" She asked between bites not wanting to give Meruin the chance to ask the obvious.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcus barely dodged Sol's counter attack by redirecting the nullifying barrier around his body. He tumbled and rolled to his feet. This Sol guy was really strong and Marcus kept reminding himself that this is just sparring. Since the nullifying ability is now surrounding the perimeter of his body Sol and Deus are able to use their magical abilities. This didn't make Marcus vanerable though. With the nullify protecting his body magical attacks are weakened but can still damage him. Marcus placed his pointing finger and middle finger on his for head and held out his right hand palm. "The Sky's barrage!" He shouted disappearing and reappearing in the air near the ceiling of the gym. Countless of giant balls of cyan energy was fired at Deus and Sol. Good thing Sol activated his bracelet and spawned their new training grounds. Marcus gonna continue the barrage until one of the two decide to become offensive towards him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Deus saw that Sol had thrown his sword at him. He had to act quick, and decided that he should use Alchemy instead. He Summoned 5 Walls made of Steel to block the sword. He then dashed to the side and began running towards Sol at superhuman speeds. As he hot nearer Sol, he saw thar Marcus was going to unleash an attack and once he did Deus backed off. He Formed a Cage made of pure titanium.

While inside the cage, Deus drew a Transmutation Circle on the ground and activated it. With it, He created 5 Golems mads of Water from the particles of water inside the clouds. These Golems, were about 6'9ft. They have the power to Control Water since they were made from Water. Of Course this was A Distraction meanwhile Deus prepared something.

In the cage, Deus had begun to dig underground Using Alchemy and by diminishing he Aura and Presence he would not be able to be found. He covered the Hole in the cage so that no one would get suspicious.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sol leapt into the air towards Dues's cage snatching his sword out of the air and landing next to his other quickly retrieving it as well. His plan had gone of surprisingly well, but he had exchanged one foe raining death from above for another. Since reaching Dues inside his cage seemed implausible at this point and he had no desire to test his strength against Marcus he opted to instead weave between the golems allowing the energy blasts to hit them instead. Whether he could take the energy blasts was in question but he had no doubt that he could dodge the massive golems. As he deftly dodged between the attacks from all parties he began carving invisible runes in the air with his blades.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcus was beginning to realize that the rapid fire of energy was gonna drain him quicker than normal combat. He stopped and slowly free falled to the gymnasium's floor. This was practice after all so there weren't any serious grudges against Sol or Deus. With that Marcus decided to attack the golems and give Sol enough room to hopefully deal with Dues. Marcus smashed through a couple of the golems like a little kid at a playground. This match was very exciting for Marcus. Its been awhile sense he could fight freely.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Water (35 L), Carbon (20 kg), Ammonia (4 L), Lime (1.5 kg), Phosphorous (800 g), Salt (250 g), Saltpeter (100 g), Sulfur (80 g), Fluorine (7.5 g), Iron (5 g), Silicon (3 g) and fifteen other elements in trace amounts. This Is the basest Components of the Human Body.." Deus said as he used All of His Powers in order to form a Second Body for him, but that would be controlled by his mind. Call it a connection between similar bodies. What he was doing was a sort of Human Transmutation, but not quite it. The Body was already made, so Deus inserted Some of his Aura which included a really small part of his Soul. He then granted his body the ability to use Fire Manipulation.

After he was done building the Body, he moved on to Create a Replica Kusanagi, using Alchemy. He already had most base components, but he would use Obsidian as the material of the sword. The Rest was just a matter of Time, during this time, he sent the clone above ground to attack Marcus and Sol.

The Clone, used Fire Manipulation to create Jets under his feet and dashed towards Sol with a Fist of Fire.
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