Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KaiserAuto
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KaiserAuto A Genius and let none deny it.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago



Jacksens thoughts were wandering far and wide as he watched her taking off her kimono, by the way, why did she have one in the summer anyway? Isn't it insanely hot or somethin'? No, what was more important was the fact that she'd just give herself to him, what was this?

But wait, then there was disappointment, there was nothing beneath there but training clothes.

"Agh, shit- Guess you'll need sum fightin'"

Jacksen sucked at fighting.
Emil was the only one who was actually good at it in the One-Shot-Gang.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Even though she was in a fight Janette closed her eyes for a few seconds in order to "calm the heart", she took a deep breath and opened her eyes, her gaze was now totally different, as if she was another person.

"Are you ready?"

She asked, however before Jackse's brain could even analyze her words Janette had already thrown the first punch to his nose
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tubba
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Crap did I take a wrong turn somewhere?" Kenshin thought to him self as he walk along the southern part of campus. Out the corner of his eye he spotted a student walking in his direction.
" Excuse me I seem to be lost...im trying to find the athletics building" he said in a polite tone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Yun Ki Myung-Kong
Yuri shall be yuri'd

Beep. Beep. Beep. Bee- "shut up..." Yun said, throwing her pillow in the general direction of that stupid alarm clock. She then buried her face in the mattress, before sighing. She got her face up, and turned towards the door, as she heard what sounded like a piece of paper. "Oh?"

She got out of bed, and saw a letter with the sigil of the student council. Picking up the letter and reading it, it seemed these were the times for freshmen at Genkai Warriors Academy. "Nice." She said, noticing that P.E. was first on the list.

Yun began to open the door, but closed it when she realized she was still in her nightclothes. So, it was a shower, then she was to get dressed, and then she would head to P.E. Having it planned out in her head, Yun nodded to herself.

It didn't take too long,(she was wearing the outfit within her picture, except with shorts) it took only about five minutes to get ready, and only about ten minutes to get anywhere near the P.E. facility due to all the other freshmen walking around aimlessly. Was there a map? Maybe there wasn't, but Yun had gone through the school yesterday.

As she was soon at the facility, spotting a girl she saw on a magazine on the way there, she saw that some kids were early, and most were late as hell. She stopped outside the facility to look at all of the kids there, maybe some future opponents, maybe some future friends. Maybe even a future g- 'We don't think about that just yet, we really don't!' She reminded herself in the head, before finally heading into the facility.


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KaiserAuto
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KaiserAuto A Genius and let none deny it.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


The moment the woman closed her eyes Jacksen had already begun throwing his punch, he wasn't a fool- nor a honorable fighter. I think the initial point is false, personally though. But due to his ineptitude in fighting he was struck first- even though he had begun throwing his fist 4 seconds before hers, some sort of space-time rift maybe? I donno.


As he got punched by her fist wrecking the sanity out of his face, he isn't quite tolerable to punches- why is he even here?! Jacksen attempted to recover his balance and threw a secondary punch whilst his opponent was recovering from her attack.

"Haha, wha'd ye think now- freshmen filth?!"


Emil was just sitting there, minding his own business, and some idiot just had to disturb him in his 'meditation', or so to speak. Emil's face grew angrier and his dilemma wasn't really present as only thinks of himself, really. "Hey! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE! FUCK!"

Emil built a fist with his hand and thrusted it into the waist-sized concrete wall seperating him from the beach's urban zone. "Don't FUCKIN' disturb me!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by tubba
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"No need to be rude. I simple asked a question of the athletic department's location" said kenshin feeling the now hostile tension of the male student.

" what's your problem? You talk to your mother like that?"
"Great I opened my big mouth" he thought to himself.

Trying to avoid attention to himself Kenshin slowly braced his body for any sudden attacks.

"More then likely he's a senior...if he strikes it will be quick and powerful no doubt." He thought.
"Damn it!... Oh well if he makes a move to strike ill dodge and counter with my shirgawa technique. A nice flip kick to the head should do" he thought.

"So are you gonna point me in the right direction " he said finally
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jerome wasn't a morning person so it was tough for him to do everyday morning routine of getting prepared for school. He did do them but in a very lazily and lifeless way. When he was finished he was more awake and moving a little faster then before. He wore his regular black T-shirt with black shorts, black greenish chucks and a black hoodie that had "Grim" written on it in green. As he was exiting his room he stepped on a note. Of course he picked it up and read through the letter. "Looks like gym is first....just great." Jerome balled the letter up and threw it in a random direction in his room.

After he did that he began his journey to the gym were he would hopefully start a peaceful day. Due to Jerome's height some students looked more intimidating then others. Jerome didn't want to draw a lot of attention so he tried his best to be alone when he arrived at the gym. "Let the games begin..." Jerome said as he opened the doors to the gym. As he walked through the crowds of students he kept quite trying his best not to attract any unwanted attention. When he found a dark corner or a place were no one was he sat there and watched the other students as they communicated between each other.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KaiserAuto
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KaiserAuto A Genius and let none deny it.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


"Just get the HELL OUT OF HERE!" He shouted, an obvious irritation building up due to both a headache and sudden disturbance; this freshman asshole. He knew that this dude was new, and he hated it- the way this dude handled himself gave him an inexcusable pressence as a lively disturbance in the eyes of Emil.

"Get the fuck out and leave, I don't even care what you have to say you fuckin' asshole- just get the hell out before I start sending you into the ocean!"

Throwing his fist further down into the concrete he was just growing more and more uncontrollable.

The First Class; P.E.


As the students began to flow into the sea of people that surrounded the seemingly holy training ground a man began to emerge from the wall of flesh- this man had a very superior physique to anyone of the freshmen and not only that, but he glowed of experience- almost eradiating others with it as he walked past them.

As he entered the training ground no one dared follow his lead and thus he was the only individual on the sand- until a tall, rather muscular man followed suit; but no one else. That would be for the best. As the tall freshman followed the greater presence into the center of the training ground the more majestic individual quickly spoke; "I am your teacher, my name is Shi Gun-Bao and I herald from the confines of Asia. I've studied millions of hours worth of martial arts and I will be your P.E. teacher."

Suddenly, the tall freshman stopped dead in his tracks and with a terrified expression on his face- but before anyone could react he was sent flying and what could only be described as a boom of sound echoed loudly. the freshman flew far beyond the wall of flesh around this mysterious teacher and respect was instantly given to this Shi Gun-Bao.

"I've studied Shaolin martial arts and the most elite arts of asia- my life is dedicated to the art and you all will follow what I say."

Silence would equal agreement in this situation and within a few short moments he continued on explaining the situation and the class they would all attend, however one could not escape to notice the various scars litering their teachers body- even things such as burn marks were prevelent and one such spread the entire lenght of his left arm.

"So in short, you rookies of Genkai Warriors Academy will have to split into pairs of two; these pairs will fight each other until I say so- no matter how injured you might be!"

He began to take heavy and long steps inside the training ground, everyone were to afraid to step even an inch inside the confines so they simply stood still, attempting to not show their fear- of course there were those who were either too self confident or stupid to realize the situation. Whether that is a bliss or a curse is questionable at this stage.

"I will bring in two senior students of Genkai Warriors Academy to act along me and observe your fights- since you're far too many for me to handle... 400 worms joining in one fell swoop."

The wall of people that surrounded him gave away once more to allow entry for two individuals who seemed evenly matched with the pressence of their teacher, Shi Gun-Bao.

"These men are Robert and Jinsoku- but people call them Wölfe and Storm-lord respectively. They are the only people who have gained my respect, even though one of them rarely attends my classes."

Wölfe and Storm-lord entered the training ground and stood either side of Shi Gun-bao. Their combined pressence rivaled even the titans, or so to speak- but before anyone would have the time to react in awe Wölfe quickly commanded. "What are you waiting for? Group up now!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by tubba
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"It's obvious you must have been dropped as a baby or something" Kenshin said with a smirk. "But I don't think you'll be throwing me in any ocean" he laughed Sliding His left foot forward bending this right knee slightly his hands in clinched fist in front of him.

"But if you would like to try by all means I can't refuse a challenge" he replied as he came to rest in the Mykan stance."I'm not inferior like my father thinks."he thought to himself."

"You will respect me" he said as he braced for an attack. "He's no weakling.. My 64 palms technique will slow him down if I target his pelvis and shoulders. Got to strike quick." He thought.

"first sign of an attack ill strike first."

"So what will it be?" He said with a smirk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex sighed this was not what he imagined when people said P.E he thought this would be more fitness not combat it hadn't even been one day and he was all ready regretting leaving his bed, he looked around looking at other students seeing which could be opponents that would be easier to handle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 3 days ago

Shiro walks inside to the gym late. He was just enrolled that morning and walks over to the instructor handing a piece of paper explaining he is a new entry. He remained silent until he was addressed. He was wearing a black jacket, a white shirt and black jeans. He knew he was a bit out dressed for a PE class but he knew it would do in a pinch. He waited to be told where to go not sure how this whole system works. He was trained at home in a family gym, he was even home schooled. He knew they were grouping up but did not know who to pair up with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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One-Shot Gang

"What'll it be? Wha-wha-wh-wh-w-w-what'll it be, huh-DID I FUCKING S-TU-TT-E-R!? You, little freshman filth, will GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE AND ATTEMPT TO GET TO YOUR CLASS!" Emil shouted, growing more and more annoyed with each word this freshman said. Did the freshman really think he would win, the little zero-tier fuck? He's just been training. Not surviving.

"How the FUCKING HELL did you manage to get this fucking far out!?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tubba
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Oh shit! I'm late!" Yelled Kenshin turning and dashing off to the gym.
"You seem strong, maybe ill get that fight one day. An lose the attitude"he said as he darted off
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by tubba
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Upon arriving to class Kenshin noticed everyone was dividing into groups of two.

"What the hell is going on here? I thought we were going to be doing push-UPS or something"Kenshin thought to himself.
"This looks more like sparring to me".

Scanning the room he noticed not everyone was paired up just yet.
"Hey you." He said approaching a student who locked eyes with him.
"Lets see what you got" he said with a smirk as he slid his left foot forward crouching low in his Mykan stansce." Alright, water gate jutsu don't fail me." He thought to himself as he braced.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by tubba
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"His hands are open.."Kenshin thought to him self as he gazed at the other students stance.
"Ok lets do this!" Kenshin stated as he darted forward. "lets test this stance"he thought as he dove head first into a roll. Using his hands as springs he pushed up from the ground aiming for the students chest feet first.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tubba
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Using the momentum of the students push, Kenshin blew past landing on his feet.
"Amazing!This guy is fast" he thought darting at his opponent with great speed.

"Try this on for size!" He yelled as he launched a devastating barrage of quick open and closed hand strikes at his opponent's shoulder joints, hip and solar plex.
"If He can dodge my 64 palms technique unharmed I'm screwed"he thought.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by tubba
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