Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago




Christina Lela Winfield

AGE : 25 (But is actually much older)

CLASS : Ghoul Studies (This is an elective and takes place shortly after nightfall.)

SCHOOLING : (Primary) Koldovstoretz school of Witch Craft and Wizardry
(Specialized) Euro-Glyph School of Extraordinary Languages

Bio : Born somewhere in Greece around 1949 Christina was what was known as a temple child because her mother was the Last High Priestess of Hecate and her father unknown. Conceived to be her mother's successor Christina's destiny changed in a senseless attack which left her an orphan and destroyed the temple she'd called home for her first nine years of life.

Raised by an Aunt who was barely related to her Christina was and still is watched over by her mother's ghost and is the reason she is considered one of the Wizarding World's experts on Ghosts, Specters, Spirits and Poltergeist..

She attended Koldovstoretz in Russia where she proved a quick learner but a problem because of her ability to call Ghosts to herself. Still even with all of Christina's Spectral troubles she graduated in the upper 10% of her class and went on to study Euro-Glyph School of Extraordinary Languages in Paris France.

Also an expert maker of potions it is known by a few that Christina has discovered a potion to slow aging or that is at least the suspicion which is why her actual age doesn't match her perceived age.

Sought out by the Death Eaters in the first war Christina became their enemy for refusing to join them and actually aiding those against them. And in the lull between wars Christina made friends with Minerva McGonagall who later asked her to become the former Ghouls teacher's replacement.

She has written 23 books on the various types of Ghosts, Specters and Poltergeist her most famous "The Fetters that Bind and The Dead have Feelings" she also has written 9 books on deciphering the texts of antiquity.

PERSONALITY : Christina is in simple terms spooky many claiming they get a chill whenever she's near, this could be due to the fact that she is always accompanied by a Ghost or just nerves. She's most definitely a night person who's rarely seen out in daylight and when she is she wears dark glasses and a large hat.

Friendly unless angered Christina can become a powerful foe who's mastery of spirit magic can summon an army of Ghosts to her aid.

Patient and thoughtful she genuinely enjoys teaching often helping her students in classes outside of her own.


11 inches slender and flexible.

PATRONUS : A Huge Cerberus

HOBBIES : Writing, Training animals of various type (Most often Dogs or Wolves)


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

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Ruthanne "Ruth" Weaver-Jones


4th Year


10" Hazel wood, unicorn hair core, nice and supple.

Ruth is best described by all those who had met her as somewhat of a ditz. She's not the brightest and is unable to focus for too long on anything if it doesn't interest her. This is a source of tension between her and her teachers, who constantly have to check on her during lessons to make sure she hasn't started daydreaming. Outside of classes, she tends to hang round large groups of students, listening to their conversations but rarely joining in, and has no true friends yet due to her shyness. If someone does talk to her though, they'll find she's very friendly... perhaps a little too friendly, with no sense of social boundaries and likely to trust anyone who shows her even the slightest amount of kindness. She is incapable of doing wrong to anyone - at least not intentionally - and even less capable of sensing the dark intentions of others, making her vulnerable to manipulation.

Ruth is a halfblood, child of the muggle Michael Jones and the witch Cornelia Weaver. Cornelia had once attended Hogwarts in her youth, but after falling in love with Michael, decided to give up using magic and adapt to a normal lifestyle. She had two children, Ruth and her younger brother Robert, and got a job as a business woman, doing all she could to support her family. However, as hard as she tried, Cornelia could never quite rid herself of her need for magic, and would often use little tricks now and then when she felt she could get away for it.

To make things even more complicated, it quickly turned out that Ruth had inherited her mother's abilities. Her powers first became apparent when Ruth accidentally sent a boy flying after he startled her by putting a beetle down the back of her jumper. After this incident, Cornelia, who had been keeping her magical heritage a secret from her family, finally decided to tell them the truth, and told them that Ruth herself should go to Hogwarts in order to train her magical abilities. Michael was uncertain and Ruth even less so as it would mean leaving all her friends behind. After much persuading though, Ruth eventually became curious of a world in which magic existed, and was sent off to Hogwarts and sorted into the Hufflepuff house.

During her first two years at Hogwarts, Ruth was like a lot of Hufflepuffs, having no particular area of expertise. She was fairly average in most subjects, aside from History of Magic which she found the most boring and therefore never tried all that much for, and while she did enjoy Potions class the most, she wasn't particularly good at it as she often enjoyed going off the recipe and experimenting. The results often blew up in her face, quite literally. However, once she reached third year, she started taking Care of Magical Creatures and Divination, the latter of which she discovered she had quite the talent for. However, due to the inexact nature of Divination, don't expect her to be making huge or entirely accurate predictions. After discovering her true magical talent, Ruth has become less crazy about Potions, and while she still enjoys the subject, she's less likely to blow up the Potions Lab, much to her teacher's relief.

Now she's in 4th year, and after hearing about the extracurricular Ghoul Studies, she's become curious. A class teaching about ghosts and the mysteries of death? She knew magic was powerful but she never thought it was that powerful. Now, eager to find out about a very different side of magic, she had decided to take up the class.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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Ignore for now.
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Estelle Marie Forrester

14 | 4th Year | Hufflepuff | Medium

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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(He is the one on one right... Please ignore the flames)
"I don't plan on being remembered as just a clumsy screw up."

To call Anthony tall would be a grand understatement. He stands at a mind boggling ten feet eight inches and has a bulky body build, he is basically a walking talking wall. He has messy, deep oak brown hair and big dark chocolate eyes. He has tanned skin from spending long hours in the sun. Despite his more than intimidating stature Anthony usually has a large goofy grin on his face and a gleam of whimsy in his eyes.

Anthony Seamus "Hammer" O'Hamerson, called Hammy by his friends




Rather than a usual wand, they were far too small for Anthony to use properly and he was always paranoid that he would snap them, Anthony uses something that can only be described as a giant club. It is six feet long and four and a half feet in diameter, in all it resembles a crudely made baseball bat. At its base, where the knob of a baseball bat would be, is a carved rams head. Though it is unorthodox this "club" is still made from the same type materials. It is made from Elder wood, has a dragon heart string core, and is surprisingly flexible.

What would you expect from a towering, half-giant? A dimwit? A brute? A monster maybe?Well you would be as wrong as you could possibly get if you thought any of those. Anthony is probably one of the kindest, sweetest, and most thoughtful students in all of Hogwarts. He is basically a giant teddy bear, though a lot of students don't see that past his intimidating appearance. He puts other people's needs before his own all the time, being more than willing to be a shoulder to cry on or a ear to listen. He acts like a den mother to the Hufflepuffs, being the one that usually they come to when looking for advice or someone to confide in. There is almost no violent bone in Anthony's body, the only time he had ever used violence was in his second year when a Ravenclaw girl ended up too deep in the Forbidden Forest and cornered by a troll. Anthony managed to tackle the troll and knock the creature out with his club, honestly he felt horrible for having to do that. This story is what earned him the nickname Hammer, though most people just call him Hammy. What seems to shock people most is that Anthony is a rather brilliant at Herbology and is a excellent potion brewer, two things that require a very delicate touch.

Well Anthony's beginnings are a bit... different to say the least. For starters his father is the famous Magizoologist Aengus Cace O'Hamerson, the very same O'Hamerson who wrote The Wander's Guide To The Mystical World. If having such a well known father wasn't enough to give Anthony a interesting start in life then the fact that his mother is a giant definitely was. Yes the renowned Aengus O'Hamerson became romantically involved with a giantess from one of the giant tribes that he was studying at the time. Derlang, the name of the giantess O'Hamerson became very "familiar" with, gave birth to a half-breed child a few months after her encounter with the Magizoologist. Do to most giants' distain of "small" offspring the child would of surely been killed if left with the tribe, luckily O'Hamerson had the consciences and foresight to take his child to more hospitable environments. O'Hamerson and Derlang raised their child with the same kind of love and affection any parents would, they even named the kid Anthony after Aengus' own father. Anthony's childhood was everything he could ask for, he had a loving father who took him exploring all over the world in search of mystical creatures, tons of magical pets that he loved, and even a mother that could literally tear the roof off of buildings. Eventually Anthony got his invitation to Hogwarts, something he was looking forward to his whole life. He was sorted into the Hufflepuff and he has been the happiest mini giant ever since.

Ukrainian Ironbelly Dragon
"They... they are really misunderstood creatures."

Anthony has a Great Grey Owl named Patty, she is a bit larger than average, but Anthony only loves her more for it.

A whole assortment of mystical creatures
Anthony's father is quite notorious for bringing his work home with him. Anthony grew up surrounded from everything from Flobberworms to Griffins. He still has a large number of pets back at his home, though they never come with him to school... most of the time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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NAME Hadrian Longinus Blevins

AGE 72


PERSONALITY Serious, Fair and Clever

HISTORY Hadrian Blevins was born in the county Surry and raised among his welsh Muggle kin till her was of age to attend Hogwarts. He was last in his class among Ravenclaw his OWLS disappointing.
It wasn't till he'd left school and began to apply his skills to the obstacles in adult life that his true genius began to show.
An expert at Charms and Counter hexes he was offered a job with the ministry of magic but chose instead to travel to america and study at the Mystic Technical School where he graduated with Top marks a Ring Mechanic and Artificer.
He continued his education at MTS till he was 29 years old and earned a doctorate in Applied Magical Sciences and Alchemy.
He returned to England and opened an R&D lab in Biggin Hill Kent where he researched the use of Muggle scientific methodology applied to Arcane science.
All was going well till the rise of the Death eaters and their persecution of those of muggle blood or having anything to do with muggles in anyway.
Dr.Blevins soon found himself in the middle of a ragging battle with a group of Death Eaters who'd discovered he was giving sanctuary to muggle born.
His defense allowed all those under his protection to survive but resulted in the destruction of his lab along with research projects that would require years and funds that were now beyond his grasp.
He had to take a job with the ministry as a clerk and muggles researcher for the department of affairs.
When Professor McGonagal was about to retire she began presenting Dr. Blevins as her replacement even though he had no teaching experience.
She drug her heals till the ministry had no other choice but to accept him as her replacement.

FAMILAR Military gray Macaw named Freddy which he purchased 25 years ago in America.
Freddy is so clever that he often delivers verbal instructions to anyone that Dr. Blevins sends him to.

WAND Maple 16 inches with an Augurey Feather core

PATRONUS Hebridean Black dragon
Dragon Patronus are very rare and presently only Dr. Blevins is the only known one with such.

SPECIAL STUFF Dr. Blevins wears rings on nearly every finger each one enchanted with a specific spell and is known to carry numerous other artifacts that are similarly enchanted
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

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Name: Adam Michaels
Age: 15
Year: 5th
House: Gryffindor

Wand: Hawthorn wood and Unicorn hair

Pet: A Calico female cat named Cali

History: He is raised by both magical parents that met while going to Hogwarts. He is in Gryffindor like his father was but his mom was in Hufflepuff. His mother took the ghoul class before so she wanted Adam to take it as well. She really enjoyed it and knew he would as well. He is really smart and very talented with many different types of magic.

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