Monzaemon, Kawatake – Thread Weaver

Name: Monzaemon, Kawatake.
Nickname/Alias: Kawa; Watake; Thread Weaver.
Gender: Male.
Age: 27.
Age Appearance: 25.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Birthplace: Land of Wind.
Organization: Kabuki Branch.
Position: Kabuki Branch Head/Spokesman.
Clan: Monzaemon.
Rank: A Rank shinobi.
Chakra Nature: Earth, Lightning and Yang.
History: Having grown up in the clan alongside his elder brother, Uemura, Kawatake was not born with even a fraction of the talent that he is recognized for today. In fact, for the majority of his childhood he was considered weak and without talent, so as a form of rebellion Kawatake decided to learn the Kabuki arts rather than the Bunraku that his mother, father, and brother practiced. Still he only held minute skills even there, but it was better than nothing for while he had not gained much from his parents' teachings he had learned dedication.
It was thus through his dedication that he came to, largely behind closed doors, master his skills. When he saw his uncle's idealistic nature he looked up to him, but the man had crossed a line. The Monzaemon did not consort with those outside the Land of Wind, barely dealing with those within it outside of their circle, and as such the man needed to die.
When Uemura approached him with a proposition to deal with their wayward uncle and his supporters, he immediately complied, agreeing wholeheartedly that something had to be done. As such, the two prepared in secret, learning one another's techniques for the sake of familiarity.
Finally it came time for the operation and, having gathered several others, Kawatake set out to eliminate any and all loyalists, with great success. When he arrived back and saw Uemura still fighting he was the only one there not confused. Afterall, his brother had taken many hits that ought to have killed a man, yet hadn't.
Kawatake simply watched and waited with a smile on his face for his brother to emerge victorious. Eventually he did somehow surviving it all against all odds and making his three proclamations to the clan. This was the day that they became the two clan leaders, one to rule and the other to negotiate and keep the peace in the masses. He can hardly believe it was only 8 years ago, but nonetheless it is behind them and he expects the clan to make great leaps and bounds as it is once more in a position to expand. It's going to be an interesting life from here on out.
Personality: Kawatake is a man of efficiency and community. He understands the need for trust and loyalty and so he projects such values, even if only sometimes. He prefers to keep any confrontations quick, rather than drawn out, be they violent or simple social disputes. He is a leader at heart, a thinker, a man of understanding, but not one to pardon simply because he sees the logic behind their ways. In Kawatake's eyes what is best, is what serves the group, and even if one day this should require he step down from his place, he would gladly do so.
While not considered overly chatty, Kawatake is outspoken, finding it far easier to simply state his opinion rather than remain silent so as to uselessly remain unheard. He has a way of charming people to his side, inspiring them to rise against opposition and conquer obstacles. While not charming, he can be considered earnest, though not quite to a fault. In stark contrast to this he is a cunning man, capable of using deceit, or at least clever word play or illusion to fool those he wishes to into doing what he wants. In this way he may appear manipulative, but his actions are always with only the best intentions, 'cept in combat when he clearly wishes to swiftly end the life of aggressors.
While he could be considered brutal in his efficiency in the field, the man has only been called vicious by his enemies and to him this means little. After all, Kawatake believes that to truly know someone you must not simply meet them on the battlefield and cross blades, but also converse and come to truly understand them and how they think. He thinks it an art, and an intuitive skill, to understand a man, or woman, quickly. It is in this way that he may tear down the walls of opposition and hatred, so as to erect the bridge from disparity to the new land, wherein a bright future lies, metaphorically of course. This perhaps reveals one of the strangest things about the speaker, for he is both pragmatist and idealist wrapped into one package. A bizarre combination indeed.
Theme: Added later.
Base Weapons & Items:
X explosive tags.
X smoke bombs.
X kunai
X shuriken
X wire
Special Traits
Skilled in a mixture of ninjutsu and Taijutsu
Master of the Chakra Thread Techniques
Nigh Perfect Chakra Control
Average Chakra pool
Agile and Quick
Techniques: Possesses all E ranked techniques.
Canon Jutsu
Kuchiyose: Raikō Kenka(Summoning: Lightning Flash Blade Creation): Linked to all weaponry and the palms of the user's hands in this case.
Chakura no Ito(Chakra Threads)
Doton: Keijūgan no Jutsu(Earth Release: Light-Weight Rock Technique)
Chōkeijūgan no Jutsu(Earth Release: Ultralight-Weight Rock Technique)
Doton: Kajūgan no Jutsu(Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique)
Custom Jutsu
Name of Technique: Idō chijō no keijō(移動地上の形状 'Shifting Earthly form').
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu/Shape-manipulation.
Rank: D-B.
Range: 19 meters(62 feet).
Nature Type: Earth.
Handseals: 3.
Description: Preforming the three hand seals while quickly visualizing the results of this technique, the user can shift the appearance/form of the earth within a 20 yard hemisphere. This technique is strange in the way that it works as it can only apply 1 shift in form, but within the entire area if the user is able enough, at a time and thus makes it rather limited in nature as at least 5-10 seconds must pass before one can use it again. This technique works by sending off a 'blueprint' using the user's chakra, this 'blueprint' is in the form of an invisible pulse of chakra which thus effects the environment shifting it to the user's will with great speed and effectiveness, though this is variable depending on the skill of the user.
Weakness: Depending on the complexity or amount of earth being changed the amount of chakra taken increases or decreases.
Name of Technique: Sentō no jutsu(銭湯の術 'Spire technique').
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu.
Rank: D-C.
Range: Anywhere as long as his chakra is present.
Nature Type: Earth.
Handseals: 1, or 1 held.
Description: By sending some of his chakra into the ground he can then create spikes from the earth. These spires range in size from that of a needle to the height of 6-8 feet as their maximum. If he wishes to create more than one spire at a time he holds the hand seal so as to create up to 12 spires in rapid succession. Following this he cannot create more spires for 5 seconds.
Weakness: The spires can only come from places where his chakra is located. Additionally, if he cannot see the spot where his chakra is going to create one, the accuracy decreases somewhat.
Name of Technique: Doton: Hokyō(土遁:補強 'Earth Release: Reinforcement').
Type of Jutsu: Supplementary Ninjutsu.
Rank: A.
Range: Contact.
Nature Type: Earth.
Handseals: 5.
Description: Making contact with an object, the user can then imbue it with a set amount of earth chakra. As they preform the hand seals the jutsu activates, forcing the earth chakra to move outwards and interconnect making the object(s) more sturdy. With complete mastery the user can easily utilize this on not only small objects and brittle ones, but also to sharpen the object(s) as well by refining the edges and the like. Once active it stays active and takes no more chakra. Once the chakra is present the technique can be reactivated with only the ram hand seal, but it will be half as effective as the first activation.
Weakness: Purely supplementary. If deactivated the chakra within the object will half disperse and half remain therein.
Name of Technique: Itoori: Tenteki(糸織り:点滴 'Thread Weaving: Infusion').
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu.
Rank: B.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: Earth and Yang.
Handseals: 6.
Description: Through the masterful utilization of chakra threads this technique is made possible. First utilizing the initial handseals, after which point chakra threads must be manifested, the user will make contact with objects via their threads and infuse chakra into said objects. This chakra, as long as it is connected to the user directly or indirectly, can be transformed into jutsu via additional handseals. If this technique is used on another individual it can either be used to impart them with chakra restoring their stamina or to paralyze a localized area.
Weakness: If contact is lost, the infused chakra will fade slowly over time depending on how much chakra is within the object or material. Activation of infused chakra requires handseals and, at the very least, indirect contact.
Name of Technique: Migotona hairetsu(見事な配列 'Masterful Arrangement').
Type of Jutsu: Shape-manipulation ninjutsu/kinjutsu.
Rank: S.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: N/A (in his case, Yang).
Handseals: 3.
Description: While requiring very few handseals, this technique is of extreme difficulty and is only possible due to Kawatake's mastery of his tenketsu points in addition to base shape-manipulation and the Chakra thread technique. Upon activation the user gains the ability to specifically direct the flow of their chakra out of particular chakra points(tenketsu). While most shinobi are incapable of controlling chakra not emitted from the hands, feet, or mouth, Kawatake has gained this ability by moulding techniques within his body prior to emitting them. As such, he is capable of launching jutsu essentially from any chakra point on his body as long as said point is not blocked. Kawatake, in part, has cheated as he has amplified his body's control over his tenketsu via the yang affinity's amplification capabilities.
Weakness: If his tenketsu are blocked or his chakra is sealed he cannot utilize this technique. Additionally, heavy physical damage in areas can prevent him from emitting chakra there. It is particularly dangerous to mold elemental jutsu prior to them exiting the body due to the difficulty in restraining the elemental effects and activating them at precisely the right moment. The last weakness is noted in that he can damage himself if he releases the wrong jutsu from the wrong place making this a potentially hazardous technique if misused.
Name of Technique: Shinkei no ito(神経の糸 'Neural threads').
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu.
Rank: A.
Range: 15 meters.
Nature Type: Lightning and Yang.
Handseals: 8.
Description: To execute this technique the user first manifests mundane chakra threads and pours yang chakra into them, preforming the necessary handseals as such is done. Upon the fourth handseal's preparation lightning chakra is poured into the threads. As the lightning chakra passes through the threads the yang chakra creates temporary conductive pathways from the user's nervous system to the threads in the localized area of the technique. The lightning chakra is thus linked in part to the user's nervous system and while sensations other than simple contact are not transferred the user gains the ability to manipulate the threads as if they were a part of their own body. This allows increased versatility and maneuverability of the chakra threads in addition to amplified responses.
Weakness: This technique can be incorrectly executed and if it is the threads will feel pain and can overload the nervous system causing the user to pass out. Additionally if the lightning chakra is not handled delicately it can electrocute the user. A first time learned of this technique will have to learn how to manipulate the threads anew as while doing so is somewhat intuitive they have no muscle memory for the action and thus will have trouble doing so. As such manipulating the threads so as to execute precise movements in high-speed or close combat can be difficult even for a master. The threads gain an affinity weakness to water, tending to weaken if they come into contact with it. The flow of lightning chakra can be increased or decreased, but the higher it is the more likely it is to damage the user. In its base state the threads will not shock or stun a target.
Name of Technique: Ito ten'i(糸転移 'Thread transference').
Type of Jutsu: Supplementary shape-manipulation ninjutsu.
Rank: D-A.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: N/A.
Handseals: 2.
Description: A dual purpose technique, Ito ten'i allows the user to transfer chakra through threads from one thread to another in addition to redistributing the chakra within a given thread or altering its solidity. This technique could be considered the general shape-manipulation technique for chakra threads. The secondary application of this technique allows the user to spawn new threads from already established ones though manipulation of them will be somewhat limited as they will move in roughly the same trajectories though several inches apart. A master can utilize this technique to manipulate far more than a mere 10 threads, even separating the threads by feet but synchronizing their movements chakratically so as to appear to control many more threads than they are in truth.
Weakness: While allowing for use of far more than 10 threads the technique can decrease the accuracy of the utilized threads in addition to the structural integrity of the threads themselves making them more easily absorbed, disrupted, or destroyed.