@Avanhelsing Kind of makes me sad. I like Claudia and Scarlett's twins. It was like the perfect little triangle and would have worked out great. *sighs and goes to take apart Matches and strike through characters*
So have had three different players drop the role play fairly recently as well as one player who has not been here since first creating their character, as well as new players join, though some matches were established and well on their way to continue in that span of time. Here we want to announce and give everyone a possibility to pick up one of the characters that had been abandoned by these players. They are as follows;
Katerine DeMoore - originally created by drewccapp. Lacking match. Belle Noircat - created by datadogie. Lacking a match. Alex Rodriguez - created by my Lalia, lacking a match. Eliza Brindlewood - created by Scarlett, previously matched to Oliver Shelton. Sawyer Black - created by Scarlett, lacking a match Connor and Ryko Quick - created by Scarlett, previously matched to Claudia Desmond Gabriel Sallaki - created by my Lalia, lacking a match