Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Willow Breeze
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Willow Breeze Live Audaciously

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Jess watches as he makes a motion as if writing on his hand. Then he moves to the window and traces on the glass using the steam from his breath. He writes, "Kyo. Needed break. Lost?" Jess looks at him, "Well very nice to meet you Kyo. Admittedly, I needed to get out of that gym and clear my head. Plus... I kind of wanted to talk to you, I'm sorry about what happened earlier." She pauses, "I think we should make our way back to the gym if that's okay though, it's getting later, and I'm sure we aren't supposed to be missing whatever it is that's going on in there. I think kids are still showing their abilities." She makes sure he is following what she's saying before continuing, "You know, Kyo, what you did with the window was very ingenious, I bet you're quick with your mind. How long have you been here? Or are you a new recruit?" Jess makes sure to pause between each question so he can respond with his expressions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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@Willow Breeze

Kyo nodded in response to the girl's reason for being there, hoping to show that he understood. It's fine, he wrote on the window, watching it fade slowly before she suggested that they go back. He was sure that the housekeeper would notice their absence soon enough if they didn't return, anyway, so he was ready to head back before they ended up in trouble.

At the last few questions, he took a moment to think before responding. How long had he been here? Maybe...a couple of months? He wasn't entirely sure. He remembered that he hadn't exactly been in the best condition at the time he had arrived, though, and his nightmares were doing that terrible thing where they invaded his waking moments until he hadn't been sure what was really going on sometimes...

He blinked as he realized that he spaced out before he shook his head, looking completely confused and a bit apologetic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Willow Breeze
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Willow Breeze Live Audaciously

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Kyo wrote in the window, "It's fine". Jess assumed this was in response to her apologizing for earlier. Once she had asked him about how long he had been here, Kyo spaced out and looked at her with a puzzled expression. Jess thought something she said had offended him or he hadn't understood. Either way, she gently tugged on his arm trying to steer him in the direction of the gym. "Come on," she says, "I don't want to get in trouble."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Willow Breeze
The boy nodded and moved away from the window to follow back to the gym. It would likely be easier to communicate once he had his tablet back, anyway. As it was, he already felt rude for not answering everything...
...oh, he had no idea how long the other girl would be using it for. She still had it, didn't she? He hoped so, anyway. As long as she was using the tablet, though, he figured that he wouldn't be able to 'say' much. It was a small price to pay, though. He remembered how difficult it had been for him in the weeks before he had gotten the device himself, so he couldn't help sympathising with her need for it. He couldn't just take it back before she had another plan.

Hopefully, Jess will understand for now. I'll have to get something to write with the next chance I get, though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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"Why don't you show you show us what we can do?" The housekeeper asked. She looked around to see who else was left.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolicalrhapsody
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Brigit forze in place as she heard the housekeeper call her. She rapidly got upand went to the lady. Typing on the pad she had lent from the raven haired boy. "I'll need a volunteer to show my powers. They don't come out until I get hit." She let the notebook read that out. Waiting on the elderly lady to guide her. She was sure that the kind police officer would have told her had she not been so busy with a constant influx of new students.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

To Anyone

Mystique did not find anyone down this hall. She was sorely disappointed. She slowly walked back to the gym while thinking about leaving this orphanage. So many of the others were talking and chatting away like they were old friends. She really didn't know anyone and she didn't talk much very much.

By now she had reach the gym. She found another chair and sat down. She looked about wishing that she had a book or something to do until she was to go to her new room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 27 min ago

Katherin didn't know what was happening. She would volunteer but she couldn't really attack anyone. She tilted her head to see if anyone would volunteer. She was curious to learn more about the other kids.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Willow Breeze
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Willow Breeze Live Audaciously

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Jess keeps walking toward the gym with Kyo following. She reaches the doorway and spots the young girl she was talking to earlier. Jess walks up to her, "May I sit next to you?" She asks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Willow Breeze

Mystique smiled as she spoke
"Sure! I'd appreciate the company. I am getting a bit on the bored side. what do we get to do next?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Willow Breeze
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Willow Breeze Live Audaciously

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


The girl smiled at Jess and said she could join her. "What do we get to do next?" she asked. "Well," Jess sighed, "I'm not exactly sure... I guess if there's anyone else left then they'll display their abilities and the housekeeper will tell us what to do after everyone has finished." Jess pauses, "I... I never did get your name? Mine is Jess."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Upon re-entering the gym, Kyo quickly became curious as to what the girl with his tablet was doing. Since she was in the center, he decided that she must be demonstrating her ability, but it seemed that she was waiting for something first. Tilting his head slightly, he watched for a moment, wondering what it could be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Willow Breeze @Aisling
Aaron didn't want to sit alone anymore. He gathered up his courage to talk to the other orphans. How strange it was, to have lived on the streets for so long yet to still be afraid to talk to other people. That was how the human mind worked, Aaron supposed.

So Aaron went up to Jess and Mystique, and he said, "Umm, pardon me, but would it be alright if I sat with you. I don't want to be presumptuous or anything, but if it's okay with you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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@Willow Breeze, @ZB1996

"My name is Mystique. I used to live in an orphanage. I don't mind if you sit with us. Do you mind Jess?" Mystique asked softly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Anna sat in the back of the car uncomfortably. She was a tall and muscular sixteen year old with platinum blonde hair and eyes the color of an endlessly cloudy day. The only thing with color on her were her clothes. A pair of worn jeans, mended at the knee with duck tape, and a wrinkled purple tanktop.

Out of the armholes were six arms, two fold behind her head, two crossed over her chest and two clasping hands in her lap. They just appeared sometimes, these four extra arms. She didn't have control over when they would show up or go away anymore. Something about a hormone imbalance or broken focus or something.

Getting out of the car, she took her two bags from the trunk herself. With the extra strength, it wasn't like she needed anything more from the person who was dropping her off at the mock prison. Cuz that's what it friggin was anyway. Just a place to dump kids when you had no clue what to do with them. Especially the scary ones like her, apparently.

Entering the place, all six feet of her was swallowed whole by the gaping hall. She smirked. At least she would have enough space here.

"Now where the heck do I put my stuff...?" she muttered to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

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Just as another girl walked past, Bironica froze with the grass she had made dance in the yard down below. The strange giant girl with four extra arms walked past her, almost as if Bironica had turned invisible after freezing like Groot had. She shook herself up and walked inside after the girl, closing the door behind her. "Now where the heck do I put my stuff...?" the girl with six arms had muttered to herself.

"Oh, you new here too?" Bironica asked as she stepped up next to the girl. She couldn't help but stare at her extra arms, but she didn't try to divert them either. "My name's Bironica!" Bironica yelled out, raising her right hand, and moving it back and forth between all three of the new girl's right hands. "Uh... which one do I shake?" she asked in a jokingly serious mood. She then shrugged and threw her other hand over top of her right hand, ready to shake with both of them in reverse.

"My friends just came in a little while ago... maybe we can go find them together, and find up what we're supposed to do?" she then asked, looking out into the wide and long hall ahead of them. "It sure is strangely quiet in here though... like, a horror movie about an orphanage... and we're the victims about to be picked off next as everyone else has already had been eaten alive...." Bironica said, starting to get more serious, and scared, the more she talked about the orphanage. She then shook a little bit, and was smiling again, "Or maybe they're all eating!"

"Haha, I'll have no problem with this." Leera said, jumping up from where she sat and walked out into the center of the room. "Mind if I go full force? I haven't really had a time to ever actually do this." she grinned, not really asking for permission, cracking her knuckles and spinning her neck as she cracked it too. "No holding back." she said.

Leera spun her hands around her head, pulling shadows down from the roof, then waving them around her and pulling the shadows from everyone else. She let the shadow from the girl asking to be attacked stretch, but not break off and join the cluster Leera had pulled around herself. The shadows were starting to blur out the area Leera was in, making her blend into the strange darkness she had conjured around her. As she was ready, she held her hands steady for a few seconds... before launching them towards the girl, and sending the shadows bouncing off the ground at a high speed towards her.


"Leer-!" Josive started just as Leera bounced up to volunteer, but stopped as she was already in the center of the room. "Mind if I go full force?" she pretended to care for an answer. "Come on Leera, don't do that! take it easy on her, okay?" Josive yelled out, but Leera was completely ignoring him. He looked over at the girl standing there, waiting to be hit by Leera's charging attack. "Come on... show her up for once...." he whispered, hoping the girl wouldn't be hurt from Leera's attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

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Turning a bit pink, the pale tall girl cleared her throat to hide her embarrassment. She hadn't seen the little sprite of girl till she had come running noisily up to her. This girl would probably think she was just some hulking, bumbling barbarian...

But instead the girl flittered around her and even tried to shake her hand...hands. Which one to shake? No one had every tried shaking any of them before, much less stuck around to try and talk to her. Putting out one of her three right hands, Anna stifled a laugh. It was when the girl struck a funny pose just to try and be polite that Anna could no longer hold it back.

A left arm on her hip, another left arm on her stomach, and the last one behind her head, Anna's head fell back and she let out an amazing laugh. It was a deep and blunt laugh, one of uncontained humor. A laugh she hadn't had in a very long time. Finally it subsided and she let her furthest back left hand wipe a tear from her pupiless eyes.

"Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to go laughing in yer face there," she said with a wild grin, "One hand is just fine, I think. It's just the people usually avoid me all together, rather than run right up to me." She grinned and leaned down a bit. "I hope I didn't piss ya off. The name's Anna. Nice to meet ya."

She stood up straight and looked around. In a relaxed stance she looked every bit as powerful as a girl with six arms might look at six feet tall. Easy power. Tightly coiled strength. A warrior. Funny how only when she wasn't worried about the extra arms that she looked in control of them.

"Yer right though," she looked back down at the short girl and grinned, "This place is the creeps, being all quiet and junk." Her two right arms picked her bags up once more, balancing the weight by trading one bag off to a left arm. There was no effort or even strain on Anna's face. Like it was perfectly natural to just use her extra arms for her bags.

"Sure, findin' others sounds like a good idea," she nodded once, "And I hope they're eatin'... Yer right about this place being like a horror movie er something. Total creepz."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 27 min ago

"Alright children I think that is enough for one day line up and I will assign rooms." the housekeeper said as she headed out of the gym. She saw two girls enter. "Please get with the group."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"Ah geez," Anna bit out in a small mumble, "Everyone's so tiny lookin'..."

The six foot girl with six arms made a face. Looking down at the girl by her side, she grinned ruefully.

"Well, after you then," she chuckled, "Let's get in line, solider." She chuckled and two of her arms folded behind her head, two on her hips and the other two hands in her pockets. With out much attention to the other kids for the moment, she stood at the outside of the group, pupiless eyes wide and alert. But there was a sort of sceptic gleam in her eyes. Rooms, huh? Bet they were nothing more than holes in the basement. People hated freaks. That was a bloody fact.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Aisling @Willow Breeze

Aaron dropped his mouth at the spectacle. He had never seen anything of the like before. Even with his own abilities, Aaron had never seen such power. It was unnerving, how much it was like a battle.

"That was quite...well it was definitely something," Aaron said to Mystique. "I don't think I've seen anything like it before. It seems to be over, now, though. The nanny's already ordering us out."
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