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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowman215
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Shadowman215 The Necrotic Nerd

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

James sighed as the others proceeded through their respective training courses, then the female voice popped in his earpiece that linked to his optic. "Alright James, you're up." He nodded quietly and stood up, proceeding to his respective training area.

First off there was your basic firing range, simple enough, he strode to a booth and slapped a mag into his SMG, grasping the foregrip and pressing the stock into his shoulder. "The SMG is calibrated already, just need to get data on you." After that, targets began popping up, each one taken down with tight focused bursts. Some targets moved slightly, some dived for cover. Each one got picked off quick, and soon the range was empty, his clip included. "Grab your shotgun, that needs to be tested." He nodded and strode back to the door, then turned toward the next range, only to see a holo jump out at him. Quick as a wink he flicked his shotgun up and squeezed the trigger, blasting the target with buckshot, though when it hit the wall, it burned through the metal. "Thermite ammo...Nice." He said quietly, the voice popped up again, with a cockier tone. "Like my trick?" He shook his head and sighed, this one thought they were witty? "Not really, pretty boring." He smiled in his rebuttal, waiting for her to be offended, but she didn't. Instead she ushered him to a room with drones and stationary targets. "Take a charge and jack one of the drone turrets here, then order it to take out a target, then make it destroy itself." He nodded and slapped a charge on the closest turret, stepping back as he remotely detonated it, and watched as nanites seep into the machinery, slowly taking it over as the info of the turret popped into his HUD. "Freaky shit.." He thought aloud as he watched the final processes be under his command. "Alright, lets do this shit." He ordered it to destroy the targets, which it did, but when it shot the turret.

The turret registered as friendly after the first shot, the nanites had coated the ammo and now act as a virus, infecting the machine it attacks. "Impressed?" the female voice asked, rather proud of herself. He nodded and chuckled "Color me impressed miss, that's fucking amazing. Even in college this shit was just a theory." She replied smoothly with a curt "Yes, but now we need to see how it works on moving units, don't worry, nothing will try and kill you." In his thoughts were the words: 'That is reassuring..' he sighed and proceeded forward as he saw a large tank-like drone (envision one of the drones from Black Ops 2). "Just place a charge." He did so, placed a charge, detonated it, soon he had control of this as well. He then ordered it to move, he had to sigh of boredom. Primarily since he was used to thick jungles and every day being a risk. "Soon you'll be in-field 05, just be patient, now command the drone to move and shoot." Using the interface he had in his optic, he did so. Though the machine didn't fire, instead in informed him it lacked ammo. The voice came up again. "Alright, thats good on interface testing, your personal drone is in the next room, use your retinal interface to take over the drone and see the room." She lied, he was watching the armory, everyone registered as friendlies on the drones FFID software. Then he heard the sound of holo footsteps, and immediately hid behind his larger drone. "Use one of your Seeker Mines to handle these holograms." He nodded and rolled it towards the noise, only hearing the thump of it launching, and the miniature explosions from its cluster bombs hitting the ground. "Alright James, you're good. All data calibrated." He nodded and returned to his allies, impressed with what was available, and how quick his interface went on and off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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SimplyJohn Static Generator

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Walking back down to her locker after finishing her training session Saf almost bumped into Sgt. Garron. "Whoa, sorry I didn't..." She started to say, holding her hand up by way of apology. Immediately her suit took over, projecting a shield wall forwards and pinning Seth back against the rack of guns behind him. For a moment Saf didn't know what was happening, before recognising the golden yellow glow which surrounded her own suit being created in front of her.

Gentle lowering her hand she watched the wall fade into nonexistence before bending down towards where Seth lay crumpled on the floor, "Sorry about that too... I guess these suits will take a little getting used to." She said with as friendly a tone as she could, holding her hand out and offering to help her teammate back up onto his feet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonite777
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Dragonite777 Dragon of Ages

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Seth didn't notice 09 walk by, but was going to wave off her apology. He wasn't able to due to the wall of energy her outstretched hand created, which, due to the force of its creation, pinned Seth against the weapons rack with his feet an inch or two off the ground. Once the female teammate realized it was her suit that had created the hard place that pinned Seth between it and the rock that was the weapons rack, she made it disappear with a releasing gesture. Once gone, Seth fell to the ground, catching himself on one foot and one knee. He was still getting used to the lack of nerve endings on his feet bottoms, or he would have stayed up on his feet.
Interesting, gesture-based restricted energy fields. Useful for defensive and offensive tactics. Exponentially so for defensive, yet innovative uses may create more offensive possibilities. Note made. 09 seems to offer help and friendliness, which may just due to the fact that I haven't said anything towards her, forcing paranoia of possible negative feelings. Previously noted to keep her in a positive mood while outside combat to avoid possible battlefield quarrels; therefore, accepting her help and reciprocating positive attitude towards her would be most beneficial to avoiding possible future volatility.
After deliberating and rationalizing, while feigning impact shock, Seth clasped his hand on the woman's forearm and used his own strength to get up, releasing once he regained balance. "Agreed." Nodding with a slight, forced smile, Seth checked his person to make sure nothing fell out, namely his boot-knife. That's all he saw as necessary to reply to 09's talk of the calibration of the self-to-suit integration. Small talk didn't interest him, but analysing the rest of the team's post-calibration conditions would seem to be priority, as there would be hurdles to overcome with having suits that acted as though they were exoskeletons for each person, enhancing their natural abilities further than the augmentations done on them have. Remembering the pores on his neck and the fact that they'd put a gauze pad over them post-operation, Seth lowered his suit's neck line to take off the gauze and test out his new breathing abilities. After sliding the neck line up, he was able to breathe without inhaling from his nose or mouth. After a few moments of consciously switching breathing patterns around, he was able to balance the pore-breathing and nostril breathing, causing almost no noticeable breathing noise from him. Almost completely silent when standing still and moving, with his feet made to make as close to no noise as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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SimplyJohn Static Generator

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After helping Sgt. Garron to his feet Saf was a little unnerved by his unnatural smile and quickly turned her gaze away glancing down the row of lockers at the other Sabers before turning back to the strong silent one in front of her, "So, what toys did they give you?" She asked as Sgt. Garron picked at something on his neck.

As she waited for a response something seemed... wrong with the former sergeant, and for a moment Saf couldn't quite place her finger on what it was, but suddenly it dawned on her. "Hey, are you alright?" She asked, her voice worried as she reached forwards and took hold of Sgt. Garron's arm, "Did you stop breathing or something?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonite777
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Dragonite777 Dragon of Ages

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Seth cocked an eyebrow and pulled his arm from 09's grasp. "Breathing pores: allows near-silent breathing." Deciding that it's courteous to continue to answer her question, Seth adds, "synthetic foot pads: silent steps when barefoot. Seventy-percent nightvision mode. Chameleon camo function in suit. ... Yours?" Getting through everything with minimal wording, Seth figures it's customary in conversation to ask the other about a subject with which each can describe, list, or otherwise talk about. This is the most interaction Seth has had with a live female since before his right brain shut down.
Interesting. Compassionate towards teammates, even though volatile. Not afraid to cause pain nor relieve it. Very interesting dynamic. Or simply trying to gain favor after the events in the briefing room. Should keep an eye on emotional levels throughout the training mission. Find high and low points and their causes. Seth nods at 09 before turning and joining the others who have finished their self-suit integration calibration.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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SimplyJohn Static Generator

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Lifting her arms Saf activated her shielding and her blades, giving Sgt. Garron the full light show. "Protective shields and what I think are variable-yield emitters in the gauntlets. I'm still getting a hang on those." As she explained the Warrant Officer tried imagining different sized blades and to her delight the long sharp beams shortened and widened, changing from what she thought of as lances to machetes and finally to shovels.

When she tried to pull them back further a gauge suddenly appeared on her HUD and the gauntlets whined for a moment before sending a wave of force up into the ceiling, leaving a noticeable dent in the armoured plating there. "Okay, and they can be overcharged to act as some sort of recharging ranged attack." She said, watching as the gauge slowly began to shrink.

Saf tried to activate her blades again but the emitters just glowed weakly for a moment before cutting out. "Gotta be careful with that though, seems it breaks the blade emitters at least for a short while, there's a gauge here that seems to be indicating the recovery time." Saf tapped at her faceplate to indicate to Sgt. Garron what she was talking about, as she knew the HUD was probably an internal projection not visible to others. "There's also some sort of rainbow strength gauge over here," She continued, moving her hand to the other side of her helmet, "Which I think is something to do with the shielding. It flickered slightly while under constant attack by six training turrets, but I've no idea how much of an indication of actual shield strength."


Turning to look over Sgt. Garron's shoulder Saf called down the room to the Sabre standing at the locker beside hers. "Hey, Dr. Sigmund? You said earlier you were involved with the creation of these... systems," She said, waving her hand down the front of the top-of-the-line, form-fitting, technological marvel of a cybersuit, "I was just wondering what the maximum protective power the shielding on my suit could withstand? In terms a soldier could understand, if you can."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Light
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Light Please @ me, I'm Sunday bored

Member Seen 6 days ago

"Well, the short answer is 'a lot.' More so than the rest of us, actually." The doctor responded from the front of the testing course. He, alongside Scott, were already used to the suits. His voice echoed through the helms of all the Sabres as he spoke through radio. "Each suit was designed to compliment your strengths while covering your weaknesses. The capabilities of offense, defense, mobility and utility appropriately vary among all of us to begin with, and so too should any equipment you use."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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SimplyJohn Static Generator

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Well, the short answer is 'a lot.' More so than the rest of us, actually."

Tilting her head Saf frowned inside her helmet, that sounded just a little too glib to be true, and for a moment she wondered if the Great Creator was just a little too proud of his accomplishments. "So, what? I'm invulnerable then?" Saf asked, her voice dripping with doubt. "Could this shielding of yours stop an entire enemy squad? A tank? An airstrike!?! How about if you dropped me from orbit? Would it protect me from the heat damage from the friction, or just eliminate the friction altogether?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GhostReaper
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jax sat on his crate, he liked his crate. It was a very nice crate, yes a fine example of crate craftsmanship. Moving slightly he tested the sturdyness of this crate. This was the crate of crates, the great crate that all others crates aspire to be. All the other crates were jealous. Shaking his head Jax snapped back reality, God he was bored. His mind drifted off to weird places when he was bored. He spends to much time out in the field sometimes. Looking around from his crate...his normal plain crate, he looked over seeing Saf and Seth chatting some. They were talking about enhancements and he looked at them. His Tac Read out highlighted them as he brought up his wrist computer, typing some on it some there was an expanded read out. It was displaying there enhancements, he wondered a moment. Did they not get Tac readouts? He figured it maybe only certain ones of them did. Different views of a battle fields displaying different angles and distances. Smart.

Closing his computer more of the team were returning from calibrating there suits as he listened to the good Doc explaining the implants as Saf asked more questions. He smirked a bit though after she talked about an orbital drop. Friction and heat might not get you, but the shield my keep the Saf soup left in at least the shape of a person.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonite777
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Dragonite777 Dragon of Ages

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Seth was interested by how much down time there was. Indeed it was a test run, and there was calibrations to be had, but he'd thought those done would have introductions to where things were, not time to sit around and talk. Though, he wondered what things spent their time occupying 06's mind. Not talking much, as Seth did the same, he knew that there was a lot more time for thoughts when you didn't spend time communicating with others much. Having nothing better to do himself, Seth decided to make a small list on the possible things 06 could be thinking about.
Possibilities to 06's thoughts: 1- observations, such as these, on fellow comrades and the structure we're currently in. 2- augmentation checking, being sure to see what each one does and how to activate such. He has been touching his face a lot, which is either linked to a psychological disposition to face-touching, which is unlikely for a sniper, leaving a visual augmentation with a touch-based switch on his face, as such with this night vision augmentation. Last possibility is thoughts about an object or group of objects in his sight or reach. Typically those are for the 'beat nearby person.
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