Avatar of Shadowman215
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 367 (0.09 / day)
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    1. Shadowman215 11 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Currently at AIT, gonna try getting back into the roleplay scene
9 yrs ago
Just got back from a hiatus. I was so scared to come back out of sheer shame, but I'm glad I did.
10 yrs ago
My swords are sharp...Where are your necks at?
10 yrs ago
Status? Raving fucking mad. That's my status!


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Solace nodded to the guardsman, giving him a wave as he strode inside. "Don't let yourself freeze out here, if you ever need to head inside, let one of us know. I'd rather you not freeze to death in this new world we're in, we need every pair of hands ready now. So take care, okay?" He said, heading into the hall at the behest of the servant that greeted him, it would seem the staff of the guild hall came with the players as well, so Stich, Ms.Glathra, and maybe more remained here, which meant they could organize the staff with minimal hassle. The real issue, was organizing the former players in the current state they were in, and making sure they had a proper plan of action. No doubt Zealous laid out a decent plan for now, but he didn't plan in the same way Solace did. He always focused on the guild, where as Solace was a raid planner, he did some solid plans prior, but his strength came from the way he acted in the field. Either way, he had to hurry to Zealous, there was little time to focus on an internal monologue.

He hurried to the main hall, where he saw Zealous tending the traveler mentioned by the guard earlier. He simply strode up, stopping a couple feet away, and jumping into whatever dialogue Zealous and the traveler had before he arrived. "Zealous, it's Solace, reporting in. Put me wherever you need, and I'll do my best." He said, quick and curt, there was little time to be formal, as the situation was far from ideal for socializing at the moment. For now, help the guild, kick ass, after that would be the time to socialize and pre pare for the next moves the guild would make together.
I'm sorry for the garbage post, but that's all I could muster, I've been working nothing but overtime this month, and it's taken its toll on me hard. However I'll make a more concerted effort to keep up on posting from here on.

Solace smiled as he saw a familiar face, one of the guards of the guild hall. He simply held up his right hand and waved at him. "It's me, Solace, Disciple of War and Magic, at your service. May I come inside? I'd like to speak to Lord Overzealous as soon as possible. Hopefully to discern what has happened and what we can do moving forward. Plus it's a chilly one way ticket to the after life out here, and I'm not one for dying young, y'know?" He ended off his little introduction with a joke. However, this was a serious issue, he was a terrifyingly powerful character right now and he really didn't want to see how much damage he could do yet. For now, it was time to relax, get his bearings, and work out a plan. This raid was gonna be the toughest one he ever did, if the guard didn't let him freeze to death before partaking in it that is. He still wasn't fully invested in what he was witnessing, if this was all true, Zealous was a ghost, Nebuchi was a psychopathic cat, Merius was also a cat...Oh no... He thought about the plethora of issues that'd arise from his and his guildmates personal quirks, and put his face into his palm. "Fuck...This is gonna be a shit show and a half alright..." He said with an audible groan, forgetting that he was still in the frigid cold, with a guard glaring at him.

Server Shutting down...

He couldn't really wrap his head around what he was witnessing, it wasn't what he ever expected to witness to such a popular MMORPG like this. Yggdrasil had such a solid base, plus it brought so much joy to him and many other gamers around the world, and some of those are very good friends. The Ardent Heralds, a tad kind even for the resident PvE coach, but that wasn't a big deal. They were kind hearted players, and allowed a kinship to develop that very few even understood the value of anymore. Great gear is wonderful, but if no one can supplement the strengths you and your equipment have, and cover the weaknesses, it all means nothing. It was sad though, he was gonna try and get one last massive raid in before the shutdown, but the crew that he aspired to run with had logged off just before the assigned time. A cruel way to be denied, but he couldn't say much against them not wanting to watch their hard earned gear, characters, and NPC's all just... Disappear. Hell, even Solace had some trouble, he would sometimes stop and stare at his hands as the timer ticked down. He made this, he helped the Heralds, and so many others.

Why did it all have to end like this? Why couldn't he have had more time in this wonderful world? It wasn't fair, in any sense, especially with all the lovely ladies that popped up on his ventures. Nope, can't forget them! The mere thought of allowing his own perversion to drive an iota of his thoughts here brought a laugh from the bottom of his heart. He turned, facing the forest that held the guild hall of the people he called family. They earned that title, they showed him so much companionship he felt he just didn't one hundred percent deserve yet, although Nebuchi could chill out...A lot.

He saw the first number of the countdown from ten, and it settled in now. "This is the end, I suppose." He said, a single tear sliding down his cheek. "Damn...I had so much more I wanted to do, I didn't even make my own NPC yet...Guess if they make a sequel I'll have to be quicker on the draw."


He'd miss every single thing he did in here.


All the raids, the dungeons, the parties, the cuties!


And he'd miss the Heralds the most. He closed his eyes, and waited for the end.

It didn't come, the cold did, and it was one bitter motherfucker, that's for sure. He opened his eyes to a mountain, definitely not where he was playing, nor where he ended the game. He patted himself down, and realized he was still Solace, which shouldn't be possible. "What the Hell is going on here?!" He spouted off, and noticed his four prized blades floated in an arch, all pointed outwards, above him. He must've called them forth out of instinct...However, this still wasn't right, the only mountains he really remembered in Yggdrasil were a level 75 area. He took a look around, noting the horrendous weather, and pulled his cloak tighter to himself. He hadn't fully realized he was Solace, the badass battlemage he had created yet, but he knew one thing for sure; this place wasn't safe. So he kept his blades hovering at the ready, poised to strike at any foe that dares attack him, and began to head towards what might be shelter, it looked like a rock face, so maybe he could hide out there for a moment, and get his bearings. He needed to get his faculties in order, especially since he wasn't in his actual fucking body. Maybe someone from the guild had this issue too? Either that or he was seriously screwed, he didn't need this today...Not at all.
Yggdrasil Username: Solace

Name: Jakob Mathias Burns

Race: Human

Age (In game): 26

Age (In real life): 21

Personality: Jakob is a two-fold person, a casual pervert in real life, he garnered a reputation for
his self indulgence and party-loving. He’s got a penchant for getting himself in trouble with his flirtatious nature, or his sarcastic commentary, one or the other.

In Yggdrasil, he’s known as a powerful tactician and battle mage, his sharp wits and quick thinking led to him being extremely popular among raiding parties, especially since he wasn’t one to pick on the newer players. He’d usually end up coaching them through the dungeons
and raids

Background: Jakob Mathias burns was your average middle class American, outside of his love of parties, gaming, and anime, he was as basic as basic could get. When Yggdrasil hit the web, he was all over it, playing it from highschool, all the way into his college years. While it was active, Jakob became revered as a master of the battlefield, PvE, PvP, he did it all, and in expert fashion. He quickly climbed through the many grind filled levels due to his dedication to the game, and his ability to figure out the most efficient method of approaching situations. After mastering both the Wizard and the Fighter jobs, he eventually donned the classes War Wizard,
and Armored Mage.

He didn’t stop there, he found himself taking on both Ki Master Spiritual, and Physical as well. Eventually he garnered such a balance of physical and magical strength, that during a raid he found a very powerful Divine Item that unlocked a new class, the Disciple Of War and Magic, this being found. The perks of the new class gave him no restrictions on being a Mage who used blades, as the ring gave him access to a new ability. The ability to summon a small selection of melee weapons from a pocket dimension housed in the ring. As of now he only has five of the eight item limit stored.

Level: 100
Fighter (15)
War Wizard (10)
Armored Mage (10)
Ki Master: Spiritual (15)
Martial Lord (10)
Sword Saint (10)
Alchemist (10)
Disciple Of War and Magic (5)

Alrighty, I'm cleared to enter?
Name: Alexander Sauguston

Nickname(s): Alex, Shadow, Lex, Al


Sex: Male

The Shadow Duelist, the name assigned to him after evaluated by SeeD

Abilities: Using magic, he makes shadow replicas of himself to counter foes during combat, making him an excellent combatant at close quarters with his shotgun-revolver and longsword at the ready, the two make him lethal if the enemy is too close. Also, with his magic, he can move at blinding speeds, able to close the gap ensuring he can keep the fight where he needs it to be.

Nationality: Unknown (Raised in Balamb)

Trained at: Balamb Garden

Limit Break: When you push Alex to the brink, he becomes consumed by the killing instinct imbued in him by his Guardian Force, with multiple (Up to four) of his shadow clones replicating his attacks, or parrying blows. He locks onto the target that dealt him the most harm, and pursues them relentlessly. A flurry of blades and buckshot heading their way.

Personality: Alex is a ruthless warrior, focused and determined to win in any instance. When outside of battle however, somewhat to the contrary of his Guardian Force he has a kind personality, and is a loyal friend to those who find themselves as his companions.

Biography: Alexander was found nineteen years ago in the capital city of Balamb, his real parents, who ever they were had abandoned him at birth to a cathedral in Balamb which took him in, and taught him. Raising him to be a good child and determined to succeed from an early age. His ambitious nature leading to a quick growth as a person.

At least his until powers manifested and his Guardian Force manifested. They were manifestations of shadows, of a deeper seated need to find him family, though he never summoned his Guardian Force early on, the dark appearance of his magic alone had him banished from the cathedral that raised him, labeling him as tainted, corrupted, and several other things too vile to put into words, at least in his eyes. So he wandered the land homeless, doing small time jobs to scrape some money together and make a low grade living until he was twelve, being a street urchin at so young, he earned a reputation. Though most of it led to food vendors giving him a free apple or piece of salmon to make sure he was fed, or some others were cruel and threatened his life. There really was no in-between it seemed from his experiences with the people. Though after awhile, SeeD got ahold of him, saying they could help him understand what happened to him.

Which they did, though now at age fifteen, after his first 3 years of training, he wished they hadn’t. His Guardian Force was a sort of…”Fragment” of the entity Death, called a Reaper. It was made to kill those whose time had come, but for some reason it was residing in Alexander. That they could not explain to him at all. Even though he had an answer he was still mortified, why was it there? Why did it chose a young street urchin? None of these were answered as he grew in skill under SeeD training, slowly gaining reputation for dueling students one on one who tried beating him down.

As time went on and on he was revered for his skills as a duelist, and his dislike of his instructor. the two just disagreed on everything, and came to blows nearly every time they were at the garden.

Guardian Force: Reaper


Attribute: Dark

Junction: Increases Alex’s Attack Speed by replicating his attacks with high density shadow clones, also gives him a 360 defensive screen, blocking an enemy who’d attack him from the rear. Sadly, the weakness of his Guardian Force is that it does not buff allies, only Alex.
I dunno why that did that. I'm sorry.
Name: Jonathan Hamilton-Wayne

Alias/Nickname: Prowler

“I was given a chance, I won’t squander it on dying just yet.”


Powers/Abilities: Superhuman Strength/Agility/Intelligence/Reflexes

Gear: MK V Tactical Combat Stealth Suit [[Can be modified for various forms of infiltration, amphibious included.]]

Chameleon ghillie suit

40. Cal revolver

50.Cal Sniper Rifle

7.62mm AAC Honey Badger (Custom)

High Powered Anti-Tank Rifle/Cannon.

The Big Guns: Along with the Anti-Tank weapon, there are a plethora of other heavy artillery weapons in his arsenal that have highly destructive power. However, once it gets to the Big Guns, there is required approval from the League, for they can be of risk to civilian personnel, or just about anyone or anything in the target area.

Twin knives: Prowler has two knives, one that is a custom made trench knife, and the other is a knife meant for quick and deep cuts against a target.

Personality: Prowler is cold, efficient, driven, but on the same note, loyal, protective and loving. Sadly the former traits end up making him hard to initially get along with, and hence he prefers working alone. Tends to struggle in a team environment.

Bio: Jonathan Hamilton-Wayne wasn’t brought into this world the traditional way. He wasn’t born to a normal family, to live a normal life. He was created,bred in a test tube by a Dr. Samuel Hamilton of Caduceus Corporations, a geneticist who saw a chance for him and his infertile wife to have a son. Not just any child, a child that could change the future, a new generation of hero, seeing as the two of them had a dormant MetaGene. The effects of two modified MetaGenes were astounding to say the least, but also very eye-catching to a company like Caduceus. The good Doctor had been doing this project privately, outside the building where his employers had first put him. In an old warehouse that had been repurposed to house one incubation chamber, the birthplace of Caduceus new bio-weapon after the failure and freedom of SuperBoy. Caduceus needed a new method of killing the Justice League, and without even trying, Dr. Samuel had given Caduceus a frightening new weapon.

They had been watching the Doctor and his program, his creation, his only son. Now the corporation had decided to make their move, while the good Doctor was checking up on the growth of his test tube son. They made their move, and killed Dr. Hamilton. It was then they brought him back and set the new Project in his chamber.

Project: Prowler

The ultimate weapon, made solely for killing, they took the remaining kryptonian DNA from the Superboy experiment, and ramped it up a few notches. Adding enhanced intellect and neural pathways along with the standard super strength and agility. However, instead of simply educating the new weapon, they programmed his mind to be cold, calculating, and focus solely on mission success. With this homemade weapon in house, they prepared to release him upon the Justice League, but something happened:

One of the sessions went wrong with the training of Prowler’s mind, one of the Genomorphs wasn’t on the side of the corporation. One was from Genomorph City, and was told to help Prowler be free, considering he technically was one of their kind. The day they let him out for a test run, he took the “Run” part literally, and ran off from corporate staff, disappearing into the labyrinth that was the new Caduceus facility. Eventually, the Genomorph that had freed him guided him to the surface, and allowed him to be free for a short while.

Though it wasn’t long until he began seeking out answers as to who he really was, and it lead him to a pair of gravestones, the Hamilton family was all but wiped out, Jonathan being the very last one. During that time of simply gazing at people he should be able to remember the faces of, a hand touched his shoulder, and the rain stopped falling on his body. Bruce Wayne had found a lost soul to bring home, somehow the Batman himself had found information on the new project and its origins. Then he waited in the small town where Prowler had found himself after searching for answers...And offered him a chance, a chance to honor the original plan his father had for him, to be a hero. To protect the innocent and the helpless, Jonathan all but dove on this chance, and Bruce took him home to begin training him.

However, it soon became clear that unlike Superboy, Prowler was programmed with a plethora of martial arts skills, and firearms training, the result of what his prior mission was before being freed. Now the main goal was to hone what was there into what the world needed. However, the programming still had an adverse effect on Jonathan and his ability to socialize, the rest of the people he was supposed to become family with...It didn’t go well, he didn’t trust easy, and some didn’t fully trust the living bio-weapon in the room with them.

Though after a few months, everyone began to warm up to each other, Jonathan finally stopped feeling like a weapon people wanted to use...And the Wayne family accepted the new addition, to the extent of providing him with a suit meant for stealth, and a chameleon suit that resembles the 3d suits worn by snipers on deep recon missions. He was initially told non-lethal was the only way that the family went...But it wasn’t long before Prowler had a few kills to his name against many crime syndicates. Batman of course grew extremely mad at the behavior of this prodigy, saying he should be more careful with his abilities. Prowler however, chose to ignore that, and go down a path similar to that of the Red Hood, however, he avoided spilling blood wherever possible. He only used firearms against foes such as Luthor, Darkseid and his forces, or other foreign threats attacking Earth.

After a time, Prowler’s original kills faded from memory, and soon he sat on par with his family again. Now though, with the disappearance of the Watchtower, and the spike in crime, will Prowler have to become the still hand of death that they tried to quell before? Or will he still hold true to the honor the Wayne family instilled in him?
I hope it meets your standards.

Name: Alexander Sauguston

Nickname(s): Alex, Shadow, Lex, Al


Sex: Male

The Shadow Duelist, the name assigned to him after evaluated by SeeD

Abilities: Using magic, he makes shadow replicas of himself to counter foes during combat, making him an excellent combatant at close quarters with his shotgun-revolver and longsword at the ready, the two make him lethal if the enemy is too close. Also, with his magic, he can move at blinding speeds, able to close the gap ensuring he can keep the fight where he needs it to be.

Nationality: Unknown (Raised in Balamb)

Trained at: Balamb Garden

Limit Break: When you push Alex to the brink, he becomes consumed by the killing instinct imbued in him by his Guardian Force, with multiple (Up to four) of his shadow clones replicating his attacks, or parrying blows. He locks onto the target that dealt him the most harm, and pursues them relentlessly. A flurry of blades and buckshot heading their way.

Personality: Alex is a ruthless warrior, focused and determined to win in any instance. When outside of battle however, somewhat to the contrary of his Guardian Force he has a kind personality, and is a loyal friend to those who find themselves as his companions.

Biography: Alexander was found nineteen years ago in the capital city of Balamb, his real parents, who ever they were had abandoned him at birth to a cathedral in Balamb which took him in, and taught him. Raising him to be a good child and determined to succeed from an early age. His ambitious nature leading to a quick growth as a person.

At least his until powers manifested and his Guardian Force manifested. They were manifestations of shadows, of a deeper seated need to find him family, though he never summoned his Guardian Force early on, the dark appearance of his magic alone had him banished from the cathedral that raised him, labeling him as tainted, corrupted, and several other things too vile to put into words, at least in his eyes. So he wandered the land homeless, doing small time jobs to scrape some money together and make a low grade living until he was twelve, being a street urchin at so young, he earned a reputation. Though most of it led to food vendors giving him a free apple or piece of salmon to make sure he was fed, or some others were cruel and threatened his life. There really was no in-between it seemed from his experiences with the people. Though after awhile, SeeD got ahold of him, saying they could help him understand what happened to him.

Which they did, though now at age fifteen, after his first 3 years of training, he wished they hadn’t. His Guardian Force was a sort of…”Fragment” of the entity Death, called a Reaper. It was made to kill those whose time had come, but for some reason it was residing in Alexander. That they could not explain to him at all. Even though he had an answer he was still mortified, why was it there? Why did it chose a young street urchin? None of these were answered as he grew in skill under SeeD training, slowly gaining reputation for dueling students one on one who tried beating him down.

As time went on and on he was revered for his skills as a duelist, and his dislike of his instructor. the two just disagreed on everything, and came to blows nearly every time they were at the garden.

Guardian Force: Reaper


Attribute: Dark

Junction: Increases Alex’s Attack Speed by replicating his attacks with high density shadow clones, also gives him a 360 defensive screen, blocking an enemy who’d attack him from the rear. Sadly, the weakness of his Guardian Force is that it does not buff allies, only Alex.
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