Name: Jonathan Hamilton-Wayne
Alias/Nickname: Prowler
“I was given a chance, I won’t squander it on dying just yet.”

Powers/Abilities: Superhuman Strength/Agility/Intelligence/Reflexes
Gear: MK V Tactical Combat Stealth Suit [[Can be modified for various forms of infiltration, amphibious included.]]

Chameleon ghillie suit

40. Cal revolver
50.Cal Sniper Rifle

7.62mm AAC Honey Badger (Custom)

High Powered Anti-Tank Rifle/Cannon.

The Big Guns: Along with the Anti-Tank weapon, there are a plethora of other heavy artillery weapons in his arsenal that have highly destructive power. However, once it gets to the Big Guns, there is required approval from the League, for they can be of risk to civilian personnel, or just about anyone or anything in the target area.
Twin knives: Prowler has two knives, one that is a custom made trench knife, and the other is a knife meant for quick and deep cuts against a target.

Personality: Prowler is cold, efficient, driven, but on the same note, loyal, protective and loving. Sadly the former traits end up making him hard to initially get along with, and hence he prefers working alone. Tends to struggle in a team environment.
Bio: Jonathan Hamilton-Wayne wasn’t brought into this world the traditional way. He wasn’t born to a normal family, to live a normal life. He was created,bred in a test tube by a Dr. Samuel Hamilton of Caduceus Corporations, a geneticist who saw a chance for him and his infertile wife to have a son. Not just any child, a child that could change the future, a new generation of hero, seeing as the two of them had a dormant MetaGene. The effects of two modified MetaGenes were astounding to say the least, but also very eye-catching to a company like Caduceus. The good Doctor had been doing this project privately, outside the building where his employers had first put him. In an old warehouse that had been repurposed to house one incubation chamber, the birthplace of Caduceus new bio-weapon after the failure and freedom of SuperBoy. Caduceus needed a new method of killing the Justice League, and without even trying, Dr. Samuel had given Caduceus a frightening new weapon.
They had been watching the Doctor and his program, his creation, his only son. Now the corporation had decided to make their move, while the good Doctor was checking up on the growth of his test tube son. They made their move, and killed Dr. Hamilton. It was then they brought him back and set the new Project in his chamber.
Project: Prowler
The ultimate weapon, made solely for killing, they took the remaining kryptonian DNA from the Superboy experiment, and ramped it up a few notches. Adding enhanced intellect and neural pathways along with the standard super strength and agility. However, instead of simply educating the new weapon, they programmed his mind to be cold, calculating, and focus solely on mission success. With this homemade weapon in house, they prepared to release him upon the Justice League, but something happened:
One of the sessions went wrong with the training of Prowler’s mind, one of the Genomorphs wasn’t on the side of the corporation. One was from Genomorph City, and was told to help Prowler be free, considering he technically was one of their kind. The day they let him out for a test run, he took the “Run” part literally, and ran off from corporate staff, disappearing into the labyrinth that was the new Caduceus facility. Eventually, the Genomorph that had freed him guided him to the surface, and allowed him to be free for a short while.
Though it wasn’t long until he began seeking out answers as to who he really was, and it lead him to a pair of gravestones, the Hamilton family was all but wiped out, Jonathan being the very last one. During that time of simply gazing at people he should be able to remember the faces of, a hand touched his shoulder, and the rain stopped falling on his body. Bruce Wayne had found a lost soul to bring home, somehow the Batman himself had found information on the new project and its origins. Then he waited in the small town where Prowler had found himself after searching for answers...And offered him a chance, a chance to honor the original plan his father had for him, to be a hero. To protect the innocent and the helpless, Jonathan all but dove on this chance, and Bruce took him home to begin training him.
However, it soon became clear that unlike Superboy, Prowler was programmed with a plethora of martial arts skills, and firearms training, the result of what his prior mission was before being freed. Now the main goal was to hone what was there into what the world needed. However, the programming still had an adverse effect on Jonathan and his ability to socialize, the rest of the people he was supposed to become family with...It didn’t go well, he didn’t trust easy, and some didn’t fully trust the living bio-weapon in the room with them.
Though after a few months, everyone began to warm up to each other, Jonathan finally stopped feeling like a weapon people wanted to use...And the Wayne family accepted the new addition, to the extent of providing him with a suit meant for stealth, and a chameleon suit that resembles the 3d suits worn by snipers on deep recon missions. He was initially told non-lethal was the only way that the family went...But it wasn’t long before Prowler had a few kills to his name against many crime syndicates. Batman of course grew extremely mad at the behavior of this prodigy, saying he should be more careful with his abilities. Prowler however, chose to ignore that, and go down a path similar to that of the Red Hood, however, he avoided spilling blood wherever possible. He only used firearms against foes such as Luthor, Darkseid and his forces, or other foreign threats attacking Earth.
After a time, Prowler’s original kills faded from memory, and soon he sat on par with his family again. Now though, with the disappearance of the Watchtower, and the spike in crime, will Prowler have to become the still hand of death that they tried to quell before? Or will he still hold true to the honor the Wayne family instilled in him?