Name: Theran Kar
Title/Alias: Hawkman

(Not sure how I feel about this particular design, so this might change if something better comes up.)
Powers/Abilities: Thanagarian Physiology: Bird-like wings, superhuman strength and durability, as well as hawk-like vision. They are known across the galaxy as a war-like people, renowned for their skill on the battlefield.
Gear(optional): Theran wears battle armor and wields a spear, both made of Nth Metal, a special mineral native to his home planet of Thanagar. Like most Nth Metal equipment, they possess mystical properties allowing them to be effective against the likes of Green Lantern power rings or Kryptonian durability.
Personality: Theran considers himself a warrior above all else. His people are rather famous for their pride and stubbornness, and Theran is no exception. Villains and heroes alike should take care that they do not insult his pride or honor, lest they wish to pay the price by fighting him in a duel. As a member of a warrior race, Theran values strength over anything else, but will often point out that strength can take many forms: be it physical, mental, and even spiritual... though he does admit to having a bit of bias for physical strength for obvious reasons.
Bio: Born on the war-like world of Thanagar, Theran was trained from a young age to be a tough and uncompromising warrior, like many of his kind. When he reached adulthood, Theran joined the Thanagarian police force, hoping to use his strength and skill to bring down evil and villainy. Unfortunately for him, the police force he had also become infamous for its corruption, officers backstabbing one another for the sake of promotions and other forms of inner politics. It certainly wasn't the heroic environment Theran envisioned. Still, he tried to remain a good cop in spite of all that... but sometimes even the best of people can still fall victim to corruption. Theran had gained a bit of a reputation among his comrades for his spotless record, and some began to view him as a threat, believing that if he rose high enough he could destroy much of their corrupt organization. The other officers staged a political assassination and successfully framed Theran for it. Due to his prior service, he was spared outright execution, but Theran was given the second-highest punishment: exile. Theran was banished from Thanagar and told he would be put to death should he ever return.
Theran wandered the galaxy for a time... drifting from planet to planet and occasionally dishing out intergalactic vigilante justice wherever he could. The more he wandered, the more Theran learned of another pair of his people who had also left home: Katar Hol and Sheyara Hol. Following rumors and stories, Theran learned they had found their way to a remote planet called Earth and decided to follow in their footsteps. They sounded like good people, the kind he would gladly call his friends. The closer to Earth he got, the more stories Theran heard, soon learning of a group called the Justice League of which Katar and Sheyara were apparently a part of. However, by the time Theran finally reached Earth, the Justice League vanished, including Katar and Sheyara. Disappointed, but not discouraged, Theran decided to stick around on Earth on the off-chance that the JLA would return. Just as before, Theran used his skills and training to fight villainy wherever he found it. Strangely, the people of Earth almost immediately called him a strange name, but one he supposed was fitting due to his appearance: Hawkman. Of course, Theran had no knowledge of that name's significance, nor that it once belonged to the very Thanagarians he wished to meet.
Title/Alias: Hawkman

(Not sure how I feel about this particular design, so this might change if something better comes up.)
Powers/Abilities: Thanagarian Physiology: Bird-like wings, superhuman strength and durability, as well as hawk-like vision. They are known across the galaxy as a war-like people, renowned for their skill on the battlefield.
Gear(optional): Theran wears battle armor and wields a spear, both made of Nth Metal, a special mineral native to his home planet of Thanagar. Like most Nth Metal equipment, they possess mystical properties allowing them to be effective against the likes of Green Lantern power rings or Kryptonian durability.
Personality: Theran considers himself a warrior above all else. His people are rather famous for their pride and stubbornness, and Theran is no exception. Villains and heroes alike should take care that they do not insult his pride or honor, lest they wish to pay the price by fighting him in a duel. As a member of a warrior race, Theran values strength over anything else, but will often point out that strength can take many forms: be it physical, mental, and even spiritual... though he does admit to having a bit of bias for physical strength for obvious reasons.
Bio: Born on the war-like world of Thanagar, Theran was trained from a young age to be a tough and uncompromising warrior, like many of his kind. When he reached adulthood, Theran joined the Thanagarian police force, hoping to use his strength and skill to bring down evil and villainy. Unfortunately for him, the police force he had also become infamous for its corruption, officers backstabbing one another for the sake of promotions and other forms of inner politics. It certainly wasn't the heroic environment Theran envisioned. Still, he tried to remain a good cop in spite of all that... but sometimes even the best of people can still fall victim to corruption. Theran had gained a bit of a reputation among his comrades for his spotless record, and some began to view him as a threat, believing that if he rose high enough he could destroy much of their corrupt organization. The other officers staged a political assassination and successfully framed Theran for it. Due to his prior service, he was spared outright execution, but Theran was given the second-highest punishment: exile. Theran was banished from Thanagar and told he would be put to death should he ever return.
Theran wandered the galaxy for a time... drifting from planet to planet and occasionally dishing out intergalactic vigilante justice wherever he could. The more he wandered, the more Theran learned of another pair of his people who had also left home: Katar Hol and Sheyara Hol. Following rumors and stories, Theran learned they had found their way to a remote planet called Earth and decided to follow in their footsteps. They sounded like good people, the kind he would gladly call his friends. The closer to Earth he got, the more stories Theran heard, soon learning of a group called the Justice League of which Katar and Sheyara were apparently a part of. However, by the time Theran finally reached Earth, the Justice League vanished, including Katar and Sheyara. Disappointed, but not discouraged, Theran decided to stick around on Earth on the off-chance that the JLA would return. Just as before, Theran used his skills and training to fight villainy wherever he found it. Strangely, the people of Earth almost immediately called him a strange name, but one he supposed was fitting due to his appearance: Hawkman. Of course, Theran had no knowledge of that name's significance, nor that it once belonged to the very Thanagarians he wished to meet.