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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Crusader Lord@Spriggs27@Ookawa

The Garef, indigenous goat people that lived atop the mountains, were perched across the top of the mountain and had watched the rather foolish and much hated adventurers simply stroll up the mountainside right into the goat mens hands. The snow golem was not a threat and could be dealt with easily, so it was time to deal with the careless human! The cat people and their wolf would be trickier.

All around Kira, wicker baskets recently covered in snow burst into the air as their hidden hosts raised up in unison with an ear splitting primal cry, their primitive language barely decipherable amidst the sudden kick-up of howling snow.
At the cave entrance, a white furred Garef with a helmet of bone was waving its staff in the air as it chanted wordless prayers to its god to drive the wind into a localized blizzards that would freeze the unprepared adventurers into blocks of ice! (Of coursw, it has no idea that its enemies were not effected by cold weather due to their gear and Overzealous' blessing of resistance)
Another group of shamans growled banishing magics at the lumbering snow elememtal, unaware of femto and its rider approaching the cave mouth uncontested.

Kira and Nebuchi were met with physical resistance, a dozen Garef warriors hurled heavy rocks from above or threw their spears from where they emerged under the wicker baskets, drawing crude stone and metal axes to rush their soon to be dead foes.

Again, unprepared for the vast differences in their power.

@Stern Algorithm

"You're thinking right but.. we do not inhabit a normal world. Our world would never allow," a wave of his ethereal gloved hand gestured to the floating weapons guided by magic, another gesture was aimed at himself, "these types of things. A train track would be exquisite if there were towns nearby to start with. But.."

His voice trailed off as he placed where his chin should have been into the palm of his hand and thought. Kora possessed teleportatoon and gate, they had thousands of sheets of teleport and some for gate laying around. In YGGDRASIL you could create archways that connected with a twin and instantly move between the two. Would this world limit the distance or..

"Why settle for a train when, together, we could create a series of gateways across the continent and teleport anyone or anything. Instantly! We would need metal, gemstones, our scrolls! Dozens for a single gate! The archeway would need to be immense and well secured. Do you think we can do it?"

It was an ambitious goal, considering how little of the world they both knew of. But lofty ambitions were good to have. At least that was what Overzealous was thinking.

@Lucius Cypher

A nightmare was a powerful summoned creature often serving as a mount, that much Stitch knew. The problem was the beast was classified as a demonic entity and hated the touch of holy beings. Beings like Stitch. As an Immortal, an embodiment of the light, and a war cleric as well, it simply would not abide his presence let alone allow a ride.
Its very nature was at odds with his own.

"[Banish Demon]"

A war Cleric skill, demons were effected by it without fail. Stronger demons could resist but a summoned nightmare could not resist the holy banishment and faded back to the realm it had come from. If Marchosias wanted it again, they could easily resummon, but Stitch might simply banish it again.

"Fear not, brave warrior." Stitch announced with a theatric sweep of his hands out, as if welcoming the undead shambling towards himself and Marchosias from the flank. "You may feel a sting but will not perish."

Golden light erupted from his feet in an ever expanding wave, the radiance burned undead flesh and banished the weak zombies into dust as it raced down the cave and well into its depths to leave only the living creatures left in their immediate vicinity.

As the light faded, Stitch stood with his hand wrapped around a large one handed mace that looked like a cannonball attached to a thick steel pole. Another such weapon rested at his hip. Weighing close to 50 pounds, Stitch swung it as if it weighed nothing.

"Friend Marchosias. Would you care to lead the way? Do you require healing, or bandages perhaps?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~~Lady Tea and the Elf~~

@Darked13@Tim@Lucius Cypher

"Wahaha, man you guys are noobs." Tania laughed mockingly, pointing at the necromancers and their minions from where she was fluttering above them. "You can't even handle a simple meathead and a virgin wizard!"

"Tania, please do not make light of this situation...and try to keep the team insults to a minimum." The elf stated seriously from the back line, intent to make sure nothing got through the others.

"Ahaha, I'm a pixie. Not taking anything seriously is in the job description." Tania replied lightly as the first wave was utterly thrashed by their comrades. Of course, it didn't seem like the necromancers took too kindly to that, no. Idiot. They should be running by now. No one was gonna get past her and her pretty little elf. The berserkers charged forward, alongside their pet death worms. Wow, someone couldn't name things for shit. "Ahaha, man those badly named worms look like they eat more than I do." Tania laughed lightly. "Take that however you want, heh!" Turning back to Lena, the Pixie gave her a thumbs up. "You stay here babe. I'ma go play with the necromancers."

"...send them my sympathies."

"Eeeeh?! You're supposed to cheer for me you know."

"Somehow I find that difficult to do when you play with people."

"Tsk, no respect." Tania pouted briefly before saluting and zipping off through the chaos. It was probably an odd sight, if one could see it. A small pixie flitting through the battlefield so effortlessly. Or perhaps it wasn't odd at all. Flying above the Berserkers and Death worms was easy, when they couldn't get you. Finally reaching halfway to where the necromancers were, Tania decided to have a little mischief.

"Hey! Ya necrophiliac!" She shouted. "Your gonna love this present, trust me!" It was always so easy to play with peoples senses as a Phantasmal Lord. She could turn allies against each other by messing with their perception. She could confuse them, making their bodies wholly believe left was right. And not to mention the oh-so-fun charm spells! But for now...she settled something for a little more cruel. These necromancers wanted to play with the dead? She'd indulge them. A mass illusion spell was so easy. Draining, but so easy as long as she didn't get super in depth.

Suddenly, for the necromancers it would appear as though several of their undead turned against them. It was nothing more than a visual and auditory illusion with no physical substance, but it would hopefully do their job of distracting them long enough to interrupt their spell casting. Lena, meanwhile, was busy holding the rear.

"Everyone!" Slamming the ground with the bottom edge of her shield, Lena shouted. "We shall not let these filth into the guild hall! Stand firm!" A sudden wave of protective energy would wash over those fighting, reducing physical damage quite a bit so they wouldn't be so afraid of getting injured.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Oi! Bah! You didn't have to banish him, he could've fought on his own too you know!" Marchosias was mildly annoyed that this guy wasted time and spellslots to dismiss his horse. He didn't even realize it was due to Stitch's own nature as a divine being; to him even if you couldn't utilize the mount as intended, he could have at least improvised. If nothing else, the fear aura from the Nightmare kept the bulk of the garef warriors away, leaving them only to need to deal with the undead. No matter, these guys were going down easily enough. It was just a bit of a chore to chew through them.

Fortunately enough the guy had a plan. He used some sort of spell or magic that created an area-of-effect attack that cleared out nearly all the undead that were in this cave. Marchosias knew it was an anti-undead effect due to how it affected him; a slight shiver down his spine. Now the only thing between them were the regular garef warriors, most of whom where running away due to the fear aura from the Nightmare. They should still be running for the next minute or so, so it was fairly clear from here. Marchosias wished he could summon his Nightmare again, but he needed to wait a few minutes before the cooldown was over; in that time the garef warriors would shake off the fear aura and it'd just be a waste of time. "Forward then."

Marchosias charged forward, cutting down garef warriors who were still capable of fighting back. He largely ignored the ones who were cowering or still running away from him; he simply didn't care enough to cut them down even if he knew he could kill them easily. He needed to see what was on the other side of this tunnel. Further ahead was some sort of large, black armored being with two huge horns, somewhat similar to the garef. Machosias assumed this was the leader of the Garef considering his size, equipment, and horns, so Marchosias choose to attack the monster quickly from behind in case he was a real threat. He put his shield away, grasping his cleaver with both hands as he focused his furious energies into a single slash. Thanks to the effect of the Executioner Cleaver, the first strike will do massive amounts of damage, exponentially increasing the damage from the Furious Focus power attack.

Marchosias leapt into the air and cleaved through the hulking warrior, cleaving him from head to groin, emerging out from the other side in a single movement. Much to Marcosias's surprise however, he found himself standing in the center of some sort of necromancer circle. There were more undead garef ahead of him, plus a few death worms (One of which was dead), and a pixie flying around. Marchosias would ask questions but he imagined that he was still in some sort of danger, so the first thing he did was activate his Warcry. "WAAAAAAARGH!" With everyone's attention onto him, cutting down any garef he could reach. And thanks to his speed buff, reaching them was quite easy.

The undead berserkers, death worms, and necromancers were having a much harder time than the garef realized. The undead berserkers, said to be stronger than even an elite knight thanks to the garef's superior physical strength and their undead fortitude, were being cut down like blades of grass. Even the death worms, catastrophes of their own, were killed with startling ease. The hide of a death worm was so thick that only magic swords could withstand chipping away at their hides; even weapons made of metals like mithril would fail to pierce without skilled precision, and only the strongest spellcasters could hope to have their magic do much as scratch their skin. And thus it was all the more telling that Xavier, who was using nothing more than his own fists, were punching fist-shaped holes clean through the death worm's hides. The beasts screamed in pain and agony as it fell onto the ground, flailing in pain and crushing everything near it. But even as it did so, it's fate was sealed; shortly after the barrage of blows from Xavier, the worm would die.

The Necromancers themselves were the most surprised. They were expecting resistance. They weren't expecting to be beaten back so badly. They could see their warriors dying in drove and one of their death worms being slain almost immediately after it appeared, and the other Deathworm wasn't doing any better. As the acolytes were debating about retreating, a small pixie arrived and taunted them. They readied their staffs to sling spells at her, only to see her take control of their own undead, siccing them onto the necromancers. Of course it was an illusion and that wasn't actually happening, but none of them realized this. With their own undead attacking them, a few necromancers tried to slay them with magic missiles and burning hands, knowing that their stronger spells had no effect on the zombie warriors; poison clouds or negative energy blasts would do no harm against the undead, intentionally so. Normally the necromancers would cast such spells even with their zombies in the radius so they wouldn't have to worry about friendly fire. They could have never expected that someone would use zombies against them, least of all their own.

The leader of the necromancers and the garef as a whole was both furious and afraid. To see so many years of hard work gathering his warriors, training the acolytes, and taming those death worms, and on the day of their first battle they were taking such horrible losses! But not all was lost. There was still a single ace in the hole that the Necromancer had. It was risky, because even he hasn't fully mastered his control over this mighty beast, but now was the only time he could rely on it to turn the tides. The leader took out a ceremonial knife and stabbed one of his acolytes, using him as a sacrifice to summon his strongest undead. "These people are strong... But not as strong as the DEATH KNIGHT!"

The body of the dead acolyte quivered and warped as the leader caused it to rise up and grow, it's bones growing armor and shadows condensing into weapons. The body grew two meters tall as it was clad in armor made of blood and shadows, with a gleaming greatsword with a serrated edge. In it's other hand, a massive shield that could easily cover it's entire body, and when it fully formed, the death knight's eyes glowed a searing bright red, so bright that even those at the entrance of the tunnel could see it. And once it was fully formed, the Death Knight split open, spitting out a smaller, but no less fearsome warrior. He was only slightly taller than the garef themselves, but he wielded a massive cleaver taller than him stained the blood of hundreds before him. He barely looked around before releasing a blood curdling yell that got the attention of the necromancers and undead alike as he began to rampage through the ranks. The Garef leader, uncertain of what just happened, considers using this moment to escape. While his acolytes fought for their lives he broke a leaf shaped charm on his mantle which caused him to turn invisible, where he proceeded to sneak away before anyone could kill him.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

"You're thinking right but.. we do not inhabit a normal world. Our world would never allow these types of things. A train track would be exquisite if there were towns nearby to start with. But...why settle for a train when, together, we could create a series of gateways across the continent and teleport anyone or anything. Instantly! We would need metal, gemstones, our scrolls! Dozens for a single gate! The archeway would need to be immense and well secured. Do you think we can do it?"

"Hmm..." Brunhillde pondered for a moment, "It should certainly be possible, assuming the laws of architectural crafting have carried over, similar to how the laws of item crafting have."

"If I may interrupt," Omniac suddenly declared, "From what I can gather from the cacophany within the guildhall, at the location of Lady Tea and the others, the breach in the defenses seems to lead to a cave into the mountain. perhaps the required resources can be gathered there?"

"True, we should get plenty of stone and metal that way, but higher rarity items may be more difficult, like magic gems. Either we'll have to trade for it, find where they can actually be mined, or perhaps craft it ourselves. I think it's a grand idea, but..." Brunhillde had certain misgivings. Magic, obviously, was something that was poorly understood, at least for modern day humans in the real world, so it was not something she wanted to rely upon completely. She was reminded of how solar maximums, EMPs, or simple power outages could knock out electronics, surely anti-magic capabilities existed alongside magic as a necessity for shutting down mages or dangerous enchantments. In the end, as an engineer, Brunhillde took comfort in the knowable, physical realm. Still, she wasn't going to let her obsession with the physical obstruct her from trying every possibility. "Maybe we can have alternative forms of mass transportation in the interim until the project is complete, or as a backup in case the magic of the portals malfunctions. Besides, a network of magical gateways is too powerful to let fall into the wrong hands. If we recruit people to help us gather resources, it would make sense to give them access only to mundane forms of transportation. There is also the advantage of having a form of technology that we alone understand."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Syleste Luna Fortuna


Without much time to really react to what happened, Syleste found herself under attack by some weird...goat things. Syleste had no idea whatsoever what they were. But whatever these things were, they were fugly beyond belief. And about to be given the shock of their lives in a moment. You see, this 'foolish' human was no ordinary human. She had been chosen to serve beings that were beyond these foolish creatures understanding, if they dared get between her and her masters...well then, there was the only thing for it wasn't there?

Almost as if a switch had been flipped she went from the loud, obnoxious little girl who had been calling out to Femto just moments to a dead silent, stoic girl with a look colder than the snow that surrounded them.

The Garef's weapons shattered into tiny little splinters upon impacting on Syleste, and while they were shocked she thrust her arm out. In the blink of an eye, a weapon that was staggeringly bigger than the young girl had appeared in her hands. A sword of such appalling design and devoid of logic use, especially when compared to it's much smaller wielder. Yet, she swung this sword as effortlessly as one would a short sword. In that one moment, her swing cut down half the Garef's that had attacked her. Their bodies splurting exceedingly large amounts of blood like a broken pipe from where she had cleaved them cleanly in half.

Not bothered by the sheer quantity of blood that threatened to stain her clothes, Syleste turned and punch another's jaw straight off. By now, the Garef's would've learned their mistake of attacking the girl. But it was too late to beg for mercy, nor expect to be spared. She would eliminate every single one of these currs that dare intervene with her reunion with her Masters. They would pay for their insolence with their lives.

But with one swing of her sword, she had learned one thing about her opponents. They were pathetically weak, as her punches that absolutely destroyed their bodies in one blow attested to. She hadn't the need for her sword, so put it away for now. Focusing all her efforts on eliminating the Garef's with brutality one wouldn't expect from a fragile looking girl like herself. All the while, wearing the same possessed look devoid of any mercy or sympathy for her opponents.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tim
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Tim Wasteland Wanderer

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Xavier uses his Light Dash to get back behind friendly lines. Despite punching that giant worm to death being pretty fun, it was also surprisingly pathetic. He sighs, both annoyed with Tea's hurtful comments and disappointed at the lack of challenge, speaking to Elena.

"What are these guys, level 10? I think it's time to end this. Thanks for the spell. Cover me, will you?"

With that, he pulls his fist back and concentrates on his arm, preparing a Megaton Punch, ready to do another swift Light Dash to that Knight. The air around his fist began to vortex and glow, charging. Time to test how strong he can really be.

@Lucius Cypher@Rune_Alchemist@Darked13
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shadowman215
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Shadowman215 The Necrotic Nerd

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Server Shutting down...

He couldn't really wrap his head around what he was witnessing, it wasn't what he ever expected to witness to such a popular MMORPG like this. Yggdrasil had such a solid base, plus it brought so much joy to him and many other gamers around the world, and some of those are very good friends. The Ardent Heralds, a tad kind even for the resident PvE coach, but that wasn't a big deal. They were kind hearted players, and allowed a kinship to develop that very few even understood the value of anymore. Great gear is wonderful, but if no one can supplement the strengths you and your equipment have, and cover the weaknesses, it all means nothing. It was sad though, he was gonna try and get one last massive raid in before the shutdown, but the crew that he aspired to run with had logged off just before the assigned time. A cruel way to be denied, but he couldn't say much against them not wanting to watch their hard earned gear, characters, and NPC's all just... Disappear. Hell, even Solace had some trouble, he would sometimes stop and stare at his hands as the timer ticked down. He made this, he helped the Heralds, and so many others.

Why did it all have to end like this? Why couldn't he have had more time in this wonderful world? It wasn't fair, in any sense, especially with all the lovely ladies that popped up on his ventures. Nope, can't forget them! The mere thought of allowing his own perversion to drive an iota of his thoughts here brought a laugh from the bottom of his heart. He turned, facing the forest that held the guild hall of the people he called family. They earned that title, they showed him so much companionship he felt he just didn't one hundred percent deserve yet, although Nebuchi could chill out...A lot.

He saw the first number of the countdown from ten, and it settled in now. "This is the end, I suppose." He said, a single tear sliding down his cheek. "Damn...I had so much more I wanted to do, I didn't even make my own NPC yet...Guess if they make a sequel I'll have to be quicker on the draw."


He'd miss every single thing he did in here.


All the raids, the dungeons, the parties, the cuties!


And he'd miss the Heralds the most. He closed his eyes, and waited for the end.

It didn't come, the cold did, and it was one bitter motherfucker, that's for sure. He opened his eyes to a mountain, definitely not where he was playing, nor where he ended the game. He patted himself down, and realized he was still Solace, which shouldn't be possible. "What the Hell is going on here?!" He spouted off, and noticed his four prized blades floated in an arch, all pointed outwards, above him. He must've called them forth out of instinct...However, this still wasn't right, the only mountains he really remembered in Yggdrasil were a level 75 area. He took a look around, noting the horrendous weather, and pulled his cloak tighter to himself. He hadn't fully realized he was Solace, the badass battlemage he had created yet, but he knew one thing for sure; this place wasn't safe. So he kept his blades hovering at the ready, poised to strike at any foe that dares attack him, and began to head towards what might be shelter, it looked like a rock face, so maybe he could hide out there for a moment, and get his bearings. He needed to get his faculties in order, especially since he wasn't in his actual fucking body. Maybe someone from the guild had this issue too? Either that or he was seriously screwed, he didn't need this today...Not at all.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~~Lady Tea and the Elf~~

@Darked13@Tim@Lucius Cypher

"Of course Lord Xavier." Lena replied in response. "My shield is yours!" Covering someone wasn't particularly her specialty, but she could do it. The Elf put herself in front of Xavier, shield moving swiftly and slamming her shield right into the heads of the various undead. Any undead or even the death Knight that was wreaking havoc - none were saved from her shield. She slammed the ornate gold shield into an undead, lifting the foul creature high above her head before slamming it into a nearby wall, crushing it entirely between her shield and the hard surface. She swiftly turned, clipping the head of one undead with the side of a shield and sending the skull flying into the air.

Incidentally, it also happened to fly right into Tania's face.

"Gah! Hey watch it!" She shouted.

"Sorry." Lena replied in a mildly dishonest sounding fashion.

"W-wha? That didn't sound like you meant it!" Frowning, Tania grumbled before focusing on the rest of the undead and notably the necromancers. Ho...seemed he had tried to be a slippery little thing. Where had he gone? Slipped out while none of them were watching? Hm. No matter. She'd find him and play with him later. "Hey hurry up and deal with these guys already muscles! I got some apples to feast on back in the dining hall!"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Things were quickly going bad for the Garef as their numbers were quickly getting culled. The undead, unaware of their defeat, would simply continue to fight to their fruitless end. The garef who still lived fled when they could, and if they were too injured to flee, simply hoped that perhaps these powerful warriors would simply leave them alone. Marchosias had no such intentions; if he knew they were alive he finished them off, if not with a stomp to the head, than with a cleave of his blade. The mad warrior rampaged through the battle when he spotted a warrior charging right at him. He was not a garef; nay he looked completely human. However he did not aim his blow towards the goatmen living or dead, but directly towards the executioner. Marchosias did not know if he was friend or foe but anyone who would attack him would not receive mercy!

Before the megaton punch would land Marchosias faced Xavier with his shield raised. "Parry! The knight roared in a foul tongue as his shield would connect to the side of Xavier's fist and Marchosias attempted to redirect the blow. At the same time two of his passive abilities proc'd at that exact moment; Reflected Blows took the force of the Megaton Punch and gave it right back to Xavier at it's full power, which in turn activated a different passive ability, Cursed Wounds. Whatever damage this was going to do to Marchosias not only would also affect Xavier, but the damage he'd cause to himself wouldn't be healed by magic. However what surprised Marchosias was that, unlike with the garef, the executioner felt the damage Xavier was doing. He didn't know how much damage he was doing or how much health Marchosias had, since the HUD has been disabled, but he could definitely tell that compared to the mooks this one was different from the others.

Marchosias also dully took note of the other fighters here going against the Garef. Humanoid people cutting them down with as much ease and gusto as himself. But before Marchosias could really figure out what was going on, some sort of shield maiden was coming right at him. He cursed his luck; he had just used parry and it was on a cooldown now. Just one more second and he could use it again but he knew he wouldn't be able to use it by the time she may attack. He needed to be proactive. "Full Cover!" After parrying the megaton punch, Marchosias would position himself and his shield to ensure that Lena's attacks, whatever they may be, would land flatly against his shield. This would allow him to focus his offense against Xavier while keeping the shield maiden at bay until Marchosias can reposition himself into a better position to battle both.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tim
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Tim Wasteland Wanderer

Member Seen 1 yr ago

When Xavier dashed forward to deliver his mighty punch, he had many things going through his mind. "This is gonna be so cool" and "time to show this death knight who's boss" being a couple. His ultimate attack. This thing has never let him down. It's capable of one-shotting raid bosses. It can clear rooms in moments. And when it impacts this knight, he's going to-


As the punch hit to seemingly no effect, another thought went through his mind.

"... Oh... Shit."

Suddenly, a vague apparition of his own arm appeared from the knight, about to release it's own Megaton Punch. Xavier dodged at the last moment, having a minor heart attack, as the missed punch erupted gusts of wind from the force, sending Xavier back a few meters. That was terrifying. He was pretty sure at that point that this was no ordinary death knight. Erupting from the body of a bigger death knight should've probably tipped him off.

"Full Cover!"

The knight held it's shield to Alena, blocking her off. Well, on the plus side, at least most of his defense is gone. Xavier needed to do something, and quickly. He'd considered throwing some Consecutive Hits, but lamented the possibility of Ghost Hands retaliating. He couldn't possibly charge another Megaton Punch and leave himself open for another half a minute. But he had to finish this guy. It was dangerous.

"... Well, here goes nothing."

So, as a sort of last-ditch effort, Xavier used his Light Dash to close the distance and threw a Rockabye punch at the knight. Or, at least, he hoped he was throwing a Rockabye. Wasn't entirely sure how this activation thing worked.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Illyn Tsai, IMCool2111
Illyn logged on the game of Yggdrasil. Today was the day of the closure. Most of her friends have moved on to other games like League of Storms, but she still played the game occasionally. Her male In Game Name name of IMCool2111, for a few times she had considered making for a change of username, only that she had been busy with helping out her grandmother's cigarette stall back in the real world, and highschool was a bit more busier in terms of studies. What difference does it make when the game is closing anyways? She thought as she looked at the countdown timer of the HUD.

It was saddening in a way to see a relic of her childhood on an impending closure, and she had remnants of regrets on not maxing out on her own character, she pondered on how the high level areas are like, taking on those high level bosses. But sometimes, life comes first, she had a family to look after. Logging on as a male character... she was used to it, after all this is just a game, with pretty much virtual stuffs, everything is not real.

2... 1...

The clock flickered down, and everything around her flickered like the end of a lingering dream. Perhaps its time for her to smoke after logging off, since her grandmother is already sleeping at this hour, and she wouldn't be scolded for that. "Damnnit..." A chill of cold went across her skin, and 'he' was right on top of the mountains. Right when she was busy gaming? And who the hell would kidnap her in the mountains. There she looked around her, she was still inside the game, but without any HUD interface, or gaming interface. The snow felt so real that she could feel the snow brushing against her shoes, and the thickness of 'his' coat is getting to her, but it provides a form of warmth.

It was like she shifted worlds into the game world. "That's bullshit..." How should she cope with getting stuck in a male body, that wasn't supposed to happening. Just when she was trying to find that logout button, 'He' heard a distant voice that emerged from a building. A strong guild that he heard from time to time again. Adjusting his hat against the chilly winds, IMCool2111 walked into the guild hall, taking a seat along the table.

"May I join this guild? Ahem..." Illyn let out a cough when 'he' realised that even 'his' own voice became completely different.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Stern Algorithm

Overzealous digested the common sense of it all with quiet contemplation. They were right, of course, to suggest against the gates in the long run. Without some way to secure such a syste. Securely they would indeed have a key to the very heart of Ardent Heralds' guild open to the entire world and any enemies that chose to invade them.
Without knowing how strong the outside world was, it seemee prudent to avoid the obvious and easy way of securing items or resources in the near future.

"You are right, of course."

Brunhilde and Overzealous, accompanied by the machanic beetle protector, contemplated the future as their stroll through the Guild to the grand library. It would be a challenge indeed to create something so large amd complex so early into their arrival in a new world (for surely this was not YGGDRASIL).

"Perhaps you can find a few scrolls of divination to make use of. If possible, comb the local area with a summoned eye and look for a village. Towns. Anything friendly. I'll go see to the immediate area."

With other guild members out and about, scouting the cliffs, Zeal figured it would be wise to personally experience what his new body was capable of.


With the young boy seated at the guilds luxurious table, a servant npc of the Guild was at their side in moments. They were an elf model wearing very plain white and gold robes and carried a silver tray held over their stomach as they bowed, matching silver hair falling from their shoulders.

"Good evening, traveler. Apologies for the wait but Master Overzealous isnpreoccupied at the moment. If you would care to rest and eat while they finish, I would be happy to fetch you something to eat."

The elf womans eyes flashed with excitement and they smiled warmly to the newcomer.


The rockface they approached was far more elaborate up close, with the heavy snowfall blocking their view. Like the other players Solace would be transported just a short ways from Ardent Heralds fabulous guildhome. The towering doors were closed off but a second entrance was already openinf to greet the newcomer.
At the doorway, a secured entrance point, was a human male brandishing a long silver sword etched with various runes. Their armor was leather, a stitched vest and shoulderpads. A long hood and cloak with thick fur boots and gloves hid any other discernable features, but the man stood with confidence.

"Halt!" His voice was deep and firm. "Identify yourself before the gates of the Ardent Heralds or be turned back."

A stranger had slipped through earlier without doing do and for the single guard, there would be no other such incident from then on.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Merius Tacktheritrix

Femto stalked up the trail they found earlier, sniffing at the scent nose almost deep into side of the snow before lifting his head up and getting a pet on the neck from Merius, the dire wolf kept himself quiet and low as he brought Merius upon a group of goat men in their home, the cave was damp and did little to protect from the elements, but the shelter wasn't what was really important, it was the five goat men that were staring them all down. The neko riflewoman decided to take action first, she didn't want to give these monsters a chance in getting at her first, Merius grit her teeth and leaped from Femto's saddle into the air, the first shot from her rifle rang out like a thunderous strike inside the cave, the shot being so loud Merius flattened her ears down to her skull trying to protect her ears, squeezing her eyes even from the pain of the ringing in her ears.

When she forced her eyes open and bared her teeth, she noticed some of the goat men were holding their ears in pain from the first shot, and noticing where her shot connected it only wounded one of the goat men with a leg shot. The moment she squeezed the trigger for the second shot Merius began wondering if Kira and Nebuchi were okay doing their jobs and figured she would have to make this fight quickly to get back with them. Merius looked back to Femto shaking his head and getting his bearings, Merius pointed two fingers forwards towards the group of goat men who were regaining their hearing, Femto bared his teeth and snarled before charging towards them and knocking one down and tried closing his teeth around their neck to maul them.

Unsheathing her bayonet she placed the knife on the end of her rifle and charged at them jamming her bayonet into the goat man's chest making the muzzle press against the monster's skin before pulling back on the trigger quickly and shooting him off her bayonet and back onto the wounded shaman goat man. The moment Merius looked over to Femto, she could see that the goat man was becoming a snack for him and staining his coat with dark crimson blood around his jaws. Seeing the wounded goat man squirming under his dead comrade, Merius stabbed her bayonet through the the squirming goat man's head and finished him off.

The last two goat men that were in the cave rushed right by Merius and Femto running outside in an attempt to escape from the two, the neko didn't bother chasing as the cave outside led downwards, Merius walked to the mouth of the cave and loaded two more rounds into her rifle staying calm as the two goat men retreated. The neko aimed their rifle at the two firing one shot at the back of the goat men, when the shot connected the bullet acted as if it was a couple calibers higher than it originally was, the monster man's guts were spilled out and he bleated to his ally making him stop in his tracks before Merius took her next shot and the goat man's head exploded like a watermelon splattering the snow with red goat man brains.

"High ground." Merius breathed out before scooping up some snow in both hands and making sure it didn't have any goat man inside of it before placing it into her mouth and wrapping herself in the white blanket."Femto!" The big wolf stepped to her side and she stepped up into the saddle and laid into Femto's back to camouflage into him."Come on boy, we gotta make sure the dark elf and the kitten haven't gotten hurt, don't need Zealous getting angry or sad over his old guild mates dying."

As Femto started to go down the mountain and head in the direction of where Kira and Nebuchi would be, he stopped himself and cocked his head in a different direction and looked over to a direction Merius couldn't see; breaking her coverage she leaned up and looked over in the same direction he was and noticed it was someone's npc she couldn't guess who's but figured she was lost." Alright boy, go get her." The wolf leaped in swift movements to close in on Syleste and even knocked her over standing over top of the girl sniffing her like a big friendly dog. While he was having his fun Merius leaped off her mount's back and let him have his fun while she kept going on her own, if she needed him she could just whistle for him.

When she rushed back to Kira and Nebuchi she heard one of the goat men's weird gibberish words and noticed that the two were surrounded; Merius bared her teeth and gripped her rifle tighter, she was glad she left her bayonet on and charged through some of them stabbing one in the back and getting next to Kira and Nebuchi." If your too dumb to threaten us in our own language, your too dumb to even threaten us." Merius responded to one of them.

@Lunarlord34@Crusader Lord@Ookawa@Zelosse
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

IMCool2111, also known as Illyn.

A servant, from what she remembered they are usually the NPCs of the game. But, they acted more realer than anything she'd felt on. IMCool2111 had thought for a moment that they are real players. The sense of touch is reeking into her, or him. He wanted to treat it like 'just a game', but it was too ridiculous. Stuck in a different body, getting into a world he had never known before. Someone please tell me that its all a dream. But no dreams are as real as this one, and he hasn't drank any bottles of beer back in his previous life...

He lamented on not choosing a taller character. The Guild Master OverZealous... He pondered on what kind of person he is, maybe he got stuck into this game too, and a veteran might know his way out.

Illyn let out a stifling yawn, "Just some supper will do, and lodgings for a good night's rest... I'm tired..."

After all, fatigue still caught up to him, as the Girl Illyn has entered the world from a timing that she was supposed to sleep.

Dining on the plate of bread and ham, the food was good. But the problem is she tasted what she wasn't supposed to taste. He was really into this world, but first he need to see a damned mirror. See how he looked like.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Shadowman215
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Shadowman215 The Necrotic Nerd

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Solace smiled as he saw a familiar face, one of the guards of the guild hall. He simply held up his right hand and waved at him. "It's me, Solace, Disciple of War and Magic, at your service. May I come inside? I'd like to speak to Lord Overzealous as soon as possible. Hopefully to discern what has happened and what we can do moving forward. Plus it's a chilly one way ticket to the after life out here, and I'm not one for dying young, y'know?" He ended off his little introduction with a joke. However, this was a serious issue, he was a terrifyingly powerful character right now and he really didn't want to see how much damage he could do yet. For now, it was time to relax, get his bearings, and work out a plan. This raid was gonna be the toughest one he ever did, if the guard didn't let him freeze to death before partaking in it that is. He still wasn't fully invested in what he was witnessing, if this was all true, Zealous was a ghost, Nebuchi was a psychopathic cat, Merius was also a cat...Oh no... He thought about the plethora of issues that'd arise from his and his guildmates personal quirks, and put his face into his palm. "Fuck...This is gonna be a shit show and a half alright..." He said with an audible groan, forgetting that he was still in the frigid cold, with a guard glaring at him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 16 hrs ago


"Absolutely!" Brunhillde replied, following Overzealous to the library. "I'll look for a scrying spell right away," She announced, finding one soon after and cast the spell, opening a scrying window in the air, the image showing above the guild hall. "Find village." Brunhillde commanded, and the image started zooming away.


Mythos Biblios Omniac, as it turned out, did not follow it's creator or guildmaster to the library. One of it's scoutflies had noticed another guildmember approaching the entrance, and decided to greet him. "Welcome back, master Solace," Omniac declared, "Please help yourself to the festivities." Omniac was, of course, referring to the food and drink that had been set out to celebrate the end of the world.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kira Moonchaser

The snowlem didn't even so much as flinch in the face of the shamans and their attempted banishing magics. Upon the foes leaping out and acting, it simply began to act on its orders without question. It lumbered over and began to swing its arms upon the Garef shaman, seeking to squish them into pulp. No hesitation, no mercy, and as it moved into actions it seemed to gain in speed as it moved over the top of the snow to meet its targets, this material that was its advantage in this situation proving useful otherwise. Because with all of this snow, any damage it would take would virtually be as if it hadn't happened, this home of the Garef fueling its structure and their eminent doom. Even the blizzard was fuel to its "fire", though the creatures had mistaken it as an elemental it seemed.

If left unchecked, the snowlem would merely continue to pursue and attempt to squash Garef, whether it was these shaman that had been reduced to a pulp, or even the white haired one that Merius had killed. It couldn't think for itself like a sentient being could, but at least it could smash things pretty dang well.


As the warriors revealed themselves, Kira found herself grinning at the situation without a second thought. Stone axes and tools? Primitive combat tactics like hurling rocks? Even the metal axes were not really a worry....and for a reason. These things were obviously primitive to the sight! Tribal folk fitting for low level enemies at best! She was no fool, no idiot, and so she would show these things just who was in charge here. As the projectiles and enemies came rushing down at her and Nebuchi, all the master golem maker did was utter a single spell as her right hand was extended at the enemy mob.

Even Merius coming over as they were surrounded didn't change Kira's attitude right now. The magic coursing in her veins, the power she could feel thrumming in her as it came to life....ah.

'Double Maximize Magic: Widen Magic: Shock Wave'

The invisible shockwave rippled through the air towards the Garef warriors (and not her allies, its effects expanded to a group and bearing the power to crush a set of full plate armor like crumpled paper. It distorted the air as it moved, but it size was wide and its presence like a simple wall of death closing in one the unknowing victims. Weak? They were not weak! They were players, fighters, magic casters! They were those who had made the trip from YGGDRASIL to here, and would carve their destiny into this land!!!

Spears, rocks, these things were crushed like paper and collapsed to the ground in the form of what was left in dust and bent scraps of metal. Wicker baskets were obliterated in the wake of the spell, and the doubled power of the spell would be even worse once it hit the Garef. What could go wrong, someone charging into the enemy as her spell moved out towards them? Hah. Neither of these two with her here would be that stupid....er, right?

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The servant was quick to refresh Cools drink whenever the need arose and hovered in the area like a ghost, clearing away the dishes and food that had gone to waste when the members were called away with practiced efficency. In a matter of moments it was only Cool left in the great hall with the occasional visit from one servant or another checking up to make sure the new resident was comfortable as they waited for the Guildmaster to make his appearance.

The long wait was over when Overzealous glided in, phasing through a section of the wall with his ethereal forms clothing fluttering in a wind that simply was not there. A quick glance to the servant and he nodded, approaching the young gentleman.


"Greetings. I am told you were expecting me so I apologize for keeping you, this new world has kept me occupied. Were you waiting long?"

Overzealous was not a powerful looking being but his lack of a body or face might have been unsettling now that it was truly his form. The words spoken had an eerie echo to them as his moved beside the young arrival.
That thought was in itself rather unsettling. Their location had been difficult to approach, Zeal mused, so getting visitors at all seemed bizarre.


The guard gave a quick up and down of the newcomer, recalling how Solace looked before to confirm the mans identity before allowing them in. The title they gave was an uncommon one but to his sensibilities this was indeed that very man.

"Ah, Master Solace. Did not mean to detain you needlessly. Please, come in. The Guildmaster is seeing to a traveler in the main hall while other members deal with pests. Big hole in the servants quarters trapped some of our boys in a rockslide, probably leading into the mountain. Boss man will probably have a task for ya on the inside."

From his secure area at the side of the doors, the guardsman waded through angle deep snow to the entrance and breathed a word of magic to release a blast of scorching flames that turned the piling snow into steam within seconds to leave a wide patch of stone and dirt free infront of the doors. With the pommel of his sword there was a series of knocks issued before sheathing the weapon at his hip.
The door swung open enough to let Solace enter before closing behind him. A single servant, a female dressed in a black maids dress with an apron and leather boots. Bowing to Solace, she motioned down the hall to the Great Hall.

@Lucius Cypher@Tim

Stitch had hung back from the corridor at Marchs instruction and so had failed to see him strike down his foes or catch the fleeing Garefs pass him by, so when the combat started and the various skills had been cast, Stitch was positive the man was being overrun. How that had occured to these low level enemies after having slain dozens on the way in he did not know but offering assistance was all he could do.

"[Greater resistance], [Blessing of Fortitude], [Blessing of Greater Striking], [Will of Light]."

The spells were not powerful but each one added boosts to natural skills, with Striking increasing raw damage output on basic attacks. Fortitude added a large amount of bonus armor that stacked with Greater resistance at the cost of magical resistances. Will of Light was a defensive spell that would cast a blinding light whenever the opponent landed a hit, momentarily blinding. If these were higher level opponents then it wouldn't be effective though.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Much to Marchosias' surprise, his opponent wasn't dead. He already knew that this one was different but even he was surprised to see how this one managed to suffer rather minimal wounds even from his Reflected Blows. "Damn, he must be a dodge tank. That's the only reason he could have possibly avoided my reflected blows if he has some sort of auto dodge ability." Marchosias knew there were other dangers nearby as well, but this one seemed the most intent to battle him directly, so the executioner would have to focus on him. His Full Cover was still on cooldown but he could still parry with his cleaver, though doing so would prevent Marchosias from launching his own attack. And he knew that between a tank-vs-tank battle, the one who can do the most damage is the one who'll come out on top. Trying to outlast someone who plays that same gambit as yourself will just put you at a disadvantage.

There was another advantage that Marchosias had over this guy. He appeared to be a martial artist, while Marchosias had his cleaver. Yggdrasil realistic combat took account for such things, including reach; if Marchosias could land a blow before this guy could land his punch, that would be as good as stopping the attack dead. Though he could avoid the strike, it would likely also mean evading and canceling his own attack, also leaving Marchosias safe. In theory at least. Frankly Marchosias didn't know enough about this guy to determine what his abilities could be so he might easily be able to counter the executioner's counter, but Marchosias was fairly confident he would survive regardless.

Marchosias focused himself and swung towards the pugilist. First he targeted him with his Challenge ability, which would increase Marchosias's damage and accuracy, hopefully to offset any dodge chance this guy had. Next he activated his Furious Focus, increase the damage of his strike exponentially. And because it was his first attack, Marchosias won't have any accuracy penalties for it. He swung downwards towards the fighter, aiming to cleave him from head-to-toe, and hopefully kill him before his punch would land. Otherwise all Marchosias could do would be taking the blow head on and hope his armor and defensive buffs would allow him to survive the attack and retaliate.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~~Lady Tea and the Elf~~

@Tim@Lucius Cypher

Meanwhile, Lena focused on her shield, hopefully reaching Xavier in time. She raised her shield above her head, hopefully blocking the Marchosias attack so Xavier could get a good hit.

"Okay...I think I've sat by and watched enough." Tania hovered in air, performing a rather comical seeming stretch as she had gone mostly unnoticed by now. Lena had been rather slow on the uptake, but it seemed Xavier was holding out pretty well on his own. Dusting her hands off, Tania grinned. "OKAY!~" She shouted, though as small as she was it was more like a normal level voice. In a puff of wind, she had grown to a more child-like size in an instant, her starlit blade appearing in her hand. While his opponent was busy focusing on Xavier, Lena wind-stepped behind their opponent.

"Didn't forget about little ol' me, did ya?" She drove her rapier into their opponents spine, going right through his ribcage and hopefully impaling him fully on her rapier, hopefully while he was distracted with the other two.
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