Name: Mack Irving
Character name: Overzealous
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Level: 100
Race: Holy Spirit [15]
Class: Cleric [15]
High Cleric [15]
Sage [10]
Character name: Overzealous
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Level: 100
Race: Holy Spirit [15]
Class: Cleric [15]
High Cleric [15]
Sage [10]
Personality: Mack is a dependable sort of fellow. Dependable on stressful situations like difficult dungeons or player raids on the guild base, his focus on keeping every player healthy and safe is what led to the creation of the guild 'Ardent Herald'. Despite the many offensive abilities of his class it is a rare moment when he will choose to harm when the chance to prevent it is available.
Some would describe this kind of behavior in a video game with so much player vs player action as 'soft' but Mack merely chooses to dedicate on the side of support.
Outside of dungeons and other such things, 'Overzealous' was a planner of sorts. Not the sort who goes out and studies every inch of 'what next' and writes a thousand word essay on what to do incase of X but the type of person that considers what is best for the guild and its members current needs which meant keeping track of rare monster spawn timers, wandering boss monsters, auction house prices, rare materials for crafting top tier items.
That kind of planner.
Background: Mack is the kind of down to earth human being you would expect him to be if you ever got into a normal conversation with the guy. Kind parents, good sense of humor, steady work ethic, and decent grades. Enjoyed cooking almost as much as he enjoyed video games and went on to be one of the line cooks at a local 4-star restaurant after his apprenticeship finished and focused on his career and social life (online) with equal enthusiasm.
Down the next few years, Mack got increasingly into the online game Yggdrasil until it had nearly overtaken his free time entirely. There was a special kind of connection he had to his created avatar after playing it so long. It was like his secret pride and joy to level up this mere mortal into what he often thought of as a being of infinite grace and honor, who rained praise and respect on his friends and guildmates with equal adoration.
A spirit of kindness.
Given this thought process it came as no surprise to anyone when the opportunity to turn his character from human to a Holy spirit, a race change for high level Cleric players, that Overzealous took the plunge without a moments hesitation.
There was some regret though; the perks were kinda weird.
- Staff of the eternal will - Divine - a resplendant staff of polished gold and silver topped with gemstones, this weapon when equipped allows the player to create a divine shield around the target.
- Seal of the Ardent Herald - Guild Artifact - equipped as a trinket, the Seal grants special guild home skills unavailable outside of their chosen territory.
- Cloak of Evening - Player can set their current level. If a players health drops below 15%, the effects of Cloak of Evening are lost.
- Charm of Retribution - When dealt damage by any source, a percentage of damage dealt is returned to the attacker.
- Nether Chains - Activatable - vibrant purple chains are summoned to root a target in place for a short period of time.
- Holy Wave - Activatable - Releases a wave of golden healing magic in a direction, restoring health and knocking back enemies. Leaves a lingering heal over time effect.
- Holy Shock - Activatable - From the skies a thunderbolt of holy magic strikes the area, dealing damage and healing allies near the point of impact.
- Guiding Light - Passive / Holy spirit - Blessed light eminates from the holy spirit, boosting armor and magic resistance, while providing light in dark places.
- Blessing of the Gods - Activatable - Grants players a gigantic boost to their primary stats such as Strength, Stamina, Agility, Intellect. Grants a large boost to armor and magic resistances while active.
- Greater heal - Activatable - Heals target ally for a large percentage of health.
- Flash heal - Activatable - Heals target ally for a small percentage of health.

Name: N/a
Character name: Mr.Stitch and Sew
Age: 65 (programmed)
Gender: Male
Level: 75
Race: Immortal [15]
Class: Warrior [15]
Battle Cleric [15]
Weapons master [5]
Farmer [15]
Craftsman [15]
Character name: Mr.Stitch and Sew
Age: 65 (programmed)
Gender: Male
Level: 75
Race: Immortal [15]
Class: Warrior [15]
Battle Cleric [15]
Weapons master [5]
Farmer [15]
Craftsman [15]
Background: Created as a groundskeeper of the Ardent Herald guild home by former member 'Wildstyle' and designed to be a neutral servant, the tasks under his direct supervision are maintenance to the surroundings of the massive housing, maintaining the housing structure, and punishing invaders or raiders attempting to steal and kill on the property.
Other services offered are medical assistance to injured players and as a Shopkeeper, keeping various potions and bandages in a large stock for passing players.
Why the name, you might ask? It used to be Stitches but the NPC had a disturbing habit of butchering raiders and attempting to heal them after they became non-hostile corpses, the animation used had been a glitch and thus looked like they were trying to sew them up.
- Potions, Bandages, Poison vials
There are 3 types of skills or abilities. Passive, activatable, delayed.
Delayed abilities are lingering effects that need a condition to be met mid fight to be used. Passives are buffs to your character that do not require activation.