I hope it meets your standards.
Name: Alexander Sauguston
Nickname(s): Alex, Shadow, Lex, Al
Sex: Male
The Shadow Duelist, the name assigned to him after evaluated by SeeD

Abilities: Using magic, he makes shadow replicas of himself to counter foes during combat, making him an excellent combatant at close quarters with his shotgun-revolver and longsword at the ready, the two make him lethal if the enemy is too close. Also, with his magic, he can move at blinding speeds, able to close the gap ensuring he can keep the fight where he needs it to be.
Nationality: Unknown (Raised in Balamb)
Trained at: Balamb Garden
Limit Break: When you push Alex to the brink, he becomes consumed by the killing instinct imbued in him by his Guardian Force, with multiple (Up to four) of his shadow clones replicating his attacks, or parrying blows. He locks onto the target that dealt him the most harm, and pursues them relentlessly. A flurry of blades and buckshot heading their way.
Personality: Alex is a ruthless warrior, focused and determined to win in any instance. When outside of battle however, somewhat to the contrary of his Guardian Force he has a kind personality, and is a loyal friend to those who find themselves as his companions.
Biography: Alexander was found nineteen years ago in the capital city of Balamb, his real parents, who ever they were had abandoned him at birth to a cathedral in Balamb which took him in, and taught him. Raising him to be a good child and determined to succeed from an early age. His ambitious nature leading to a quick growth as a person.
At least his until powers manifested and his Guardian Force manifested. They were manifestations of shadows, of a deeper seated need to find him family, though he never summoned his Guardian Force early on, the dark appearance of his magic alone had him banished from the cathedral that raised him, labeling him as tainted, corrupted, and several other things too vile to put into words, at least in his eyes. So he wandered the land homeless, doing small time jobs to scrape some money together and make a low grade living until he was twelve, being a street urchin at so young, he earned a reputation. Though most of it led to food vendors giving him a free apple or piece of salmon to make sure he was fed, or some others were cruel and threatened his life. There really was no in-between it seemed from his experiences with the people. Though after awhile, SeeD got ahold of him, saying they could help him understand what happened to him.
Which they did, though now at age fifteen, after his first 3 years of training, he wished they hadn’t. His Guardian Force was a sort of…”Fragment” of the entity Death, called a Reaper. It was made to kill those whose time had come, but for some reason it was residing in Alexander. That they could not explain to him at all. Even though he had an answer he was still mortified, why was it there? Why did it chose a young street urchin? None of these were answered as he grew in skill under SeeD training, slowly gaining reputation for dueling students one on one who tried beating him down.
As time went on and on he was revered for his skills as a duelist, and his dislike of his instructor. the two just disagreed on everything, and came to blows nearly every time they were at the garden.
Guardian Force: Reaper

Attribute: Dark
Junction: Increases Alex’s Attack Speed by replicating his attacks with high density shadow clones, also gives him a 360 defensive screen, blocking an enemy who’d attack him from the rear. Sadly, the weakness of his Guardian Force is that it does not buff allies, only Alex.