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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cray...a planet much like earth Imagine that you spirit has been transported there. While there your spirit has two powers the power to ride or posess the inhabitants of this planet. Also the power to Call thest creatures to your aid in fighting. This is the game of Cardfight Vanguard and it has become a worldwide phenomenon. Here in Japan there is an academy that trains the worlds brightest young players molding them to become the best in the world. However something seems to be arising here at the school that shocks many the world over...

Akira grinned as the door way opened. He was working at his dad's card shop and his dad was just walking in.
"Hey buddy don't you gotta take off?" his dad asked looking at his watch. This made Akira pause to look at the clock.
"Oh crap you're right!" he said grabbing his deck and uniform jacket on his way out the door. As he ran toward the school he cringed at the time and tried to speed up. As he ran he began chanting to himself.
"Draw, Ride, Call, Attack!" he repeated this until he stood on the steps of the school looking at the building. It was tall and imposing and had a statue of two legendary units battling it out Blaster Blade and Dragonic Overlord.
"I love this school." Akira said as the bell began to ring. "Oh man I'm late the professor is going to kill me." he said as he bolted off to class.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Cray Academy was the start of her rise to the top. Emelia Worther had made sure to make the best of her time at the academy and had learned much while she attended. Years of schooling had propelled her toward the top, putting her somewhere in an 'elite' status among the students. If she did well enough, when she graduated there would be a good chance she could get into a strong team and then win tournament after tournament to become the grand champion. She was already pretty close to that goal but there was still doubts in her mind about if things would go according to plan. Of course any such doubts were tucked away under her haughty attitude.

"Ahh, I figured you wouldn't put up much of a fight. I at least put you out of your misery quickly." Emelia shrugged and gave a slight smile of superiority toward her crushed opponent. Over the years she had made quite a few enemies and there were many who attempted to defeat and shame or, that or gain some prestige with a recorded win. The fact was, few of these opportunistic students had the skill to defeat her so she rarely had to use her main deck. She would quickly crush her opponents with a deck that did not even have any grade 3 units in it which would add insult to injury when she won.

The defeated student, a boy probably around 15, cursed and slammed a fist onto the practice table. Emelia quickly put away her 'Genocide' deck, as she liked to call it, and put it away. "If you get better maybe you can actually give me a workout, but until then I would prefer not getting bothered." With a casual look, she ran a hand through her long hair, giving it a flip and then turned her back on the student. "After all I don't want to be late for class due to putting someone in their place." She did not bother to listen to whatever else the student had to say and exited the little side room.

Quickly she took out her smart phone to check the time. "Phew, guess I'll just make it. Seriously...they really need to stop trying." She sighed and put away her phone to walk to class. As she walked, people tended to avoid her, though their eyes told quite a bit. Some admired her strength, most thought of her as stuck up and even a bit cruel, it was hard to not see the angry burning in many of their eyes. The fact that her mere presence could stir up such strong feelings did fill her with a bit of pride she had to admit, but at the same time it also forced her to be on her guard which could be a bit draining. Still at the moment things seemed to be going her way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Urbanliner

Urbanliner A Certain Magical Lazy Student

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"First Vanguard which shouldn't be a trigger according to my brother, decide who goes first randomly, shuffle and draw 5 before shuffling any amount of cards to the deck.. to adjust hand, then flip the Vanguard and it begins." A purple-eyed girl dressed in white and gray with her short hair matching the blazer she wore was studying from a flashcard. "Stand, Draw, Ride, Main, Battle then End." Asuka paid a look at a clock once before resuming the chant for the tenth time not bothering to look at people who walk into their classes. After several minutes, the girl looked at a clock and finally stood up, gently walking towards the class.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Joshua looked up at Cray Academy, his hands in his pockets as he examined the school. He wasn't going to be attending, though he had the intent of watching the students of the school and seeing if he could help some of the students get better at the game. But, seeing as he wasn't a student, he doubted he was allowed in the school, so best to wait at a place they would inevitably end up: A card shop. So without a second thought, he took off the find such a place.

Elyse, meanwhile, was sitting the classroom, looking through her deck. Bermuda Triangle was her favorite clan and Pacifica was her favorite unit in the whole clan. She knew the deck wasn't the best one that she could be using, but if she needed to start winning, she had the cards she needed for a different deck at home. But for now, she was happy with this one and ready to play.

Amelia sat in the principal's office. This whole experience was nerve-racking for her. Having been in the hospital all her life, to suddenly be outside was like going to an alien planet. Very little was familiar and she was already enrolled in a school. She didn't even know anything about the place and had to be escorted to the principle's office, as otherwise she could've spent hours wondering the place and never find the room she was looking for. So for now, she was just waiting to see what was happening.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

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Kashki Todami closed his locker after hearing the bell ring and began to make his way to class.
"I wonder why Mom and Dad sent me to this new school so suddenly." He thought.
"I dont even know how to battle." He felt the cards in his blazer inside pocket.
He reached his class and was surprised to see few students in the room yet. He quietly made his way to the back and sat down in a desk that was surrounded by other empty desks.
He sat silently and waited for the students to arrive so the class could start.
"Weird school." He thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Eric Adler gazed sternly at the clock for a brief moment. He had a slight frown as he mentally calculated who would be late to class, there were always some. Did the kids not know that it was a great privilege to learn in this esteemed Academy? Well of course most people still thought of Cardfight Vanguard as merely a game, a very successful and lucrative one at best for those who could rise to the top. The kids did not know that there was more to the game than met the eye. For instance he knew that Cray was a real place, where the units connected to chosen individuals on Earth who became Vanguards.

He had actually seen the planet Cray once but that was a different time, now all he could do was help out the next Generation, somewhat known as the Stride Generation. This new generation of students really started to pour in now as the minute hand edged ever closer to the 12 at the top. He noticed one of his more troubling students, Emelia Worther, enter the classroom. She was not troubling because she was bad, it was because she was good but had a rather disruptive attitude, especially toward newer players. There had been a few instances of newer players being trounced and humiliated by her which slowed their progress considerably as they concentrated more on their resentment rather than actually getting better. At the moment he did not know what to do about her but he would figure out something eventually.

As she found a seat he looked around at the different students, his brain mentally calculating their strengths and weaknesses. Some were going to need a lot of work to get in fighting shape. The bell rang and it was time to start.

He quickly went through roll call, noting those who had yet to arrive, though a few managed to sneak in in time. "Welcome to class those who have decided it is worth it to attend. As I am sure you well know, Cardfight Vanguard is more complex than it may first appear. 1st rule of cardfighting, know your own deck. You should realize your deck's strengths and weaknesses, your unit's abilities, and your strategy for success. 2nd, read the flow of the game. Maybe you got a lucky critical and you want to bully your opponent into submission with a quick and powerful offensive, or you may need to conserve cards to guard and make it to late game. Reading the flow of battle will propel you to victory. 3rd, read your opponent, if you understand the kind of deck and strategy your opponent is using you can better formulate a plan to fight them. Do you need to take out their rear guards to ruin their field presence? Maybe you should hold off a turn before allowing your opponent to get their limit break? As Sun Tzu said, 'Know yourself and know your enemy. If you do you will win a thousand battle.' Paraphrased of course."

Mr. Adler cleared his throat once and continued. "Of course these are just the general guidelines to good cardfighting. Does anyway have any questions before we begin?" Mr. Adler waited for a bit as there was almost certain to be a few questions, either about the previous lesson or some general question about the game, there always was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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(Gah, I have been derped by the site)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Akira happened to be one of the few who was runnig through the halls and nearly made it in time. He walked into the class as Professor Adler was aking if there were any questions.
"So sorry I'm late Mr.Adler I was helping customers and my dads shop and lost track of time." he said bowing to the teacher before moving to take his seat. "And also I have a question... Well maybe not so much a question as a suggestion. There are some really new faces here and I figured maybe two of us could have a demonstration game to show those who have never played how the game is played. taking things step by step of course." he said egar to start playing. If there was one thing he hated more than not playing Vanguard it was sitting in a room full of Cardfighters and not playing Vanguard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Urbanliner

Urbanliner A Certain Magical Lazy Student

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Asuka managed to make to the class before the teacher, the minute arm of the clock pointing at nine. She looked around and noticed some students looked unconfident just like how she was. 'I still don't know how the deck is supposed to work...' She thought, before waiting for a while and noticing a influx of new students entering the class, with varying degrees of confidence.
Asuka took notes as the Professer started teaching him, marking important points by writing them with underlines. After the Professer asked if anyone has a question, she raised a hand, trying to get his attention. She planned to say that she doesn't know how to know her deck efficiently if she got picked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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"Ishida, you're late." Mr. Adler casually said without having to look at the young man when he walked in. Then the suggestion came from Akira. Mr. Adler considered it for a moment, "so I take it you are volunteering yourself for this demonstration?" He said it as a question but it was more of a command really.

As this was a school devoted to Cardfight Vanguard there were plenty of ways to play, not the least were virtual reality machines. There was a special cardfighting table to the side of the room that projected the field to the front of the classroom. He used it himself sometimes when he wanted to make a very visual presentation and show the correct way to battle. This time however it would be used a different manner. "So do I have any volunteers to face Ishida?"

As it so happened there was a certain hand being raised at that time which unfortunately for her caught his eye. "Akiyama, thank you for volunteering. Now prepare your decks and get ready to cardfight, we'll go through the process step by step so everyone can learn exactly how to cardfight."

It was at that point that Emelia Worther decided to speak, "Sensei, if you let her fight it will take up the entire class period." Emelia interjected, as she was not feeling like spending a long time going over the basics with the rest of the class. "Though of course maybe seeing my perfect plays would be too advanced for some and you could certainly use the practice." The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, tauntingly, fully expecting Asuka to back down since she had accidentally volunteered to play the game in front of the whole class.

"It is your call."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Akira grinned at the professor and then stopped hearing the voice pipe up in the room.
"As much as I agree that it is you call sir I will admit that as much as I want to put miss snooty in her place I think the act of actually playing Vanguard will be better in the Long run for Akiyama." He said the annoyance clear in his voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Urbanliner

Urbanliner A Certain Magical Lazy Student

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

'Guess playing the game might make my deck more clear? I don't know, but I'll probably have to try.' Asuka thought to herself as she pulled her deck out of a pocket and stood up only to notice that a cream yellow-haired girl complaining about the fight taking up the entire class, before bragging that her plays are perfect and would be too advanced for some, which certainly got the gray-haired girl's attention. 'To actually fight and use the class to learn my deck and other stuff in exchange for the risk of being humiliated... Or to not fight and watch, and nobody will mock me, but I don't get to look at my deck... Guess I'll try.' She took a deep breath and looked around and noticed a crowd of people talking about the current situation and such before looking at the Professor. "More basic plays will teach newbies like us more efficiently than the "perfect plays that would be too advanced for some". If you'd like the bragging girl to play in front of us, I don't object about the choice. It's your call, just like what the other girl said." She briefly frowned while talking, as she was thinking about what the girl bragged about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mr. Adler was none-too-impressed by Emelia's attitude and consider what the best course of action was. Now was not the time to deal with Emelia, this was time to learn. He almost smiled at Asuka's answer but managed to keep his professional and somewhat stern gaze, "Well thought out. While you certainly could learn by watching and taking notes, the best way to get a feel for the deck is to try it out on your own. That being said I'll try to help along the way."

Emelia sighed and thought about saying something else, but decided to resign herself to fate and boredom. Putting one elbow on her desk she put her hand on her cheek and watched as the teacher set everything up for the two fighters. Mr. Adler was thankful she had decided to back off for now.

"Now, if you would both find your starting vanguards and put them face-down on the vanguard circle." As he spoke, Mr. Adler started to fiddle with the virtual reality controls, making sure the images would be bright and clear for the rest to see.

"Now imagine, your spirit has descended on the planet Cray, defenseless in your astral form, but you are a Vanguard! As a vanguard you have a connection with your units and so you can call upon their power as your own. There is a bond between the clan and the vanguard that is not easily broken." As Mr. Adler spoke there seemed to be an honest fondness in his voice, though this was offset both by his looks, and bored look Emelia was giving them, as she believed in her own strength rather than that of some mythical planet.

"Imagine yourselves on that planet, preparing for battle. Make sure you start out with 5 cards in your hands, you get one chance to mulligan any cards you don't want so try to get at least one grade 1, 2, and 3 in your hand if possible for smooth ride phases. As Ishida has more experience he with start the game." Mr. Adler gave them the go ahead to begin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Akira grinned as he walked up to the platform. He nodded to the girl he now knew was named Asuka.
"I'm ready whenever you are and don't worry I'll only hold back a little." he said still grinning as he set his Vanguard face down and shuffled his deck. He chuckled to himself as he brushed his red-brown hair back from his face and adjusted his white gold and teal colored blazer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Urbanliner

Urbanliner A Certain Magical Lazy Student

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Asuka smiled as she went to the table where the Professor went, briefly looking at the cream yellow-haired girl and nodded back at the boy armed Akira, shortly before reaching her side of the table. "Level 0, Level 0, non-trigger..." She muttered as she searched her deck for her Vanguard which was a short process, before setting the deck on the table. Although she could feel she was getting unconfident when she got near the table, but she managed to hide it from most people but the observant ones. "Okay, I'll make sure to try my best!" Akira briefly faked a smile at the boy.
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