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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Meyneth
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Lady Meyneth The Mechonis Soul

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Suzanne, once finished healing Aria, saw the Dinosaur run towards them. "Uhhh I was raised to heal, not to fight. I'll heal you guys from here!" Suzanne said while she backed up, not wanting to fight something that should have stayed in prehistoric times.

Edward stood up to meet Cinia. "Hello and my name is Edward Æthan Stone and I came here from a University where Professor Meechan dwells in his study of Law. He told me Eric Drone and/or Cinia Pacific could let me intern. I'm also decent with Magic so if problems like this..." He then proceeded to point at the Dinosaur. "Would ever arise. Do you need me to demonstrate or can we head inside and let them handle it?" Edward asked Cinia.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

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Jessica noticed the dragon and took stance. "Well if I learned anything from Biology class, The T-Rex is like a turtle in the sense that if you knock it on it's back, it'll be hard for it to come back up since it's arms are really small!" Jessica had said to Linia. She pulled some water out of the bottle she carries and threw it under the speeding Dinosaur. Just be creative Jessica... She thought to herself as she imagined the water she threw freezing. Indeed the water freezes causing it to topple over. "I did it! Now let's get it!" She said running to it with a sword ready to stab it through it's head. Before she could though, the Dinosaur moved it's head making it harder for her to stab itin fear of being eaten. "How am I supposed to stab it's head if it keeps moving it?" She asked Linia

Eric started to head back when he started to notice the Dinosaur's collapse. Damn... I underestimated these Incarnates... maybe they remember more than I thought... He thought to himself as he approached back to where Cinia and Edward were, and heard Edward's request to demonstrate his abilities. "Nah... We know them and as shown, they know what they are doing. Now should we head back in Cinia and interview this man here or do you have another action in mind?" Eric asked Cinia.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Aurous hid himself pretty well for none of the odd but strangely familiar people to not be able to see him. He was deciding on staying back to see if these people were who he thought they were but he had to interve in order to stop the spontaneous attack of the T-Rex. He walked out of hiding and approached the T-Rex's body eyeing him down from head to toe. Aurous crossed his arms and shouted. " Obsidian magic! Hail!" As he finished his sentence a massive purple rock appeared above the T-Rex's head and descend upon it completely dismantling its head. The impact of the heavy rock caused the blood of the T-Rex to spread everywhere as if its blood was confetti. Everyone may be covered in T-Rex juice but Aurous protected himself by using his abilities as a shield at the last moment. He soon turned towards the mysterious people and shyly greeted them. "Uhh...H-hi nice t-to meet you a-all."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Nartholan was near the bell tower’s entrance, standing outside casually and watching the battle with the dinosaur. It came down with an almost thundering crash, which was when he realized - nothing odd surprised him anymore. After his master made holes in the world’s dimensions, anything could come out. He didn’t realize the extent of the Witch's powers.

A voice filled his mind. “There is a situation. Braedail’s forces have leaked out near your location, and his lieutenant Dryllis is leading a small band. Have them eliminated; lead them to the heros or lead the heros to them.

Have them deal with this situation. There is a backup plan if you fail and an additional resource in play. Locate the Witch; she will likely recognise you from your brief interactions. See if she is loyal to the cause…"

Nartholan took these words in. Folks back at the fair wouldn't trust him; he wasn't very close in with the world, but at least one had recognised him. He would have to act quickly to make them aware of the situation. Having a minion of one of his master's competitors walking around wasn't something to let continue.

With that in mind, he started walking back to the fair.

“What the hell is that?” Tyson Merbanks muttered as he saw a large monster above the skyline of the road he traveled on, just as it appeared to fall out of sight. He would get to the fairgrounds in a couple minutes, but if there was what appeared to be… dinosaurs.. walking around and falling on things causing large crashes… he put a hand on his sword hilt as he walked, even though he knew a gun would probably be more appropriate. Still, he had always had a tendency to swords. He saw them plenty in some of his visions… worse ones entered his mind. He quickly shut them out.

He would be visible to anyone in the fair shortly, walking down the street with his coat and one hand on the sheathe of his sword.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Before Linia could set up and attack the T-rex had already been killed. "Well that was short." Linia said with a sigh. "Thank you very much." Linia said was she walked towards the stranger who had just smashed the T-Rex to bits. As she got closer to him she started to recognize him. "I guess today was the fated day we would all meet, huh Aurous?" Linia said giving him a sweet smile, an image of her former appearance would flash for a moment when Linia smiled at him. Linia was happy that she meeting those from her past, though this also caused her to worry as she knew this meant that something bad was happening as well.

Cinia meanwhile looked at Edward close for a moment. "Your not really here to just be my intern are you?" Cinia asked Edward as she closed the door behind her. She could tell something was up. An intern wouldn't just show up out of the blue on a day like this, and this man was certainly one of the people she cursed, she could remember that well. "What's your real reason for being here?" Cinia asked. If this man didn't know what she was talking about she would act like she thought he was an undercover reporter attempting to sabotage her future running for Mayor.

Cia meanwhile saw Nartholan heading back to the fair. She could tell something was up, and she figured now would be the best time to ask what he was up to. "Your not here for just the festivities anymore are you?" Cia asked as she stood in his way. Cia was no longer acting drunk like before, now she was sober enough to take this man seriously. In Cia's past life, she wasn't just a merchant to hero's she was also a merchant to villians and demons alike. She didn't care who bought her goods so long as they paid, greed was a constant in both her lives after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Nartholan sighed as he was confronted by Cia. "Indeed, I am not. There is a problem... one that I believe you folks can solve." He nodded in the direction of the others who had just slain the dinosaur.

"There's a new threat, that can only be described in one word: demon." He waited for what the response would be.

Relikor Dryllis sent another blast to his opponent, a quadruple-armed monstrosity with a mean set of swords, and swung his axe at the same time to deflect his opponent's slashing blades when-

-his blast made a large container (a dumpster) explode, showering him in every conceivable piece of garbage in the face of this new odd place, with a slab of meat hitting him in the face, and his axe struck a container that was left with a large dent and made a loud metallic noise (a garbage can). "What is this sorcery?!" he roared, trying to pull his axe out of the no doubt explosive metal container and instead pulling it up with the axe. He slammed it on the ground, crunching the empty can, and kicked it into the ruins of the large, now flipped over container (the dumpster). Growling, he spun around, waiting for the inevitable strike. He locked eyes with a terrified-looking flesh-being. A disguise, no doubt, and it was quite convincing. But he would not be fooled.

"Reveal your true form, scum of Talinth!" he yelled in the face of this would-be ambusher.

The said ambusher (an elderly homeless man) gaped at the sight before him. A strange, tall alien being in mysterious armor carrying a bloodstained axe with a pulsing ball of energy embedded in his arm, which the man had just seen fire a blast that had obliterated a dumpster. "...uh?"

Dryllis rolled his eyes. This being was either very cunning... or very weak.

"Flee, opponent, lest you be slain with the thundering axe of eternal doom!" he roared in the man's face, emitting malice with every feature of his body, ready to bring his axe down and prepare his shield for whatever may come to him. Two fellow soldiers, one who had appeared on the roof and another behind a metal door, looked down and out a window respectively at the sight, raising their own energy swords, a sight which was processed very quickly by the homeless man.

The homeless man screamed and ran as fast as his old, out-of-shape legs would carry him. He ran faster than he had done for 40 years; perhaps he could have run a marathon with the way he was running...

He was heading in the direction of the fair, and ran right past a very confused looking Merbanks, still yelling his head off.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Meyneth
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Lady Meyneth The Mechonis Soul

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Suzanne was about to join in on the cheering until blood splattered all over her dress. "Oh my goodness... My entire attire is ruined... you there with the Obsidian... you own a fashion booth right? I'm sure you have this outfit with the umbrella somewhere in your inventory!" Suzanne had said to Aurous in an irritated tone. She wasn't quite happy about her Pink outfit getting destroyed being she only had one of that outfit.

Edward slightly tilted his head to the side at Cinia's question. "Uhhhhh I true intention was to be either your, or Eric's intern. My goal is to master politics so that I can find ways to compromise with the Demon King and how the so called enemies of America could actually be on the right side when it comes to the topics of morality and problem solving. Sure that would probably mean I need to be president, but I need experience before I get to that stepping stone, which is why my professor sent me here." Edward finished off. He opened his suitcase and pulled out his resume. He gave each copy to Cinia and Eric. "This is my resume! It includes my short years of secondary school and my long years at tertiary school, recommendation from two law professors and a Supreme Judge, and an essay of my skills in not only law, but my skill in magic." Edward said, still standing in the office. This is weird, they weren't expecting someone to intern... I pray I'm not imposing on their political activities... he thought to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After the blood splattered on basically everyone in the area, Jessica used her water magic to take the blood of her clothing before it oxidized. She put the blood near the dinosaur since she had no use for it. She then went to approach Aurous for a congratulations, but she once again had a vision.

"This is great craftsmanship Sr. Miner! But why Obsidian?... oh so if it chips, it gets sharper. So the older it gets, the more efficient it will be, that's neat. This will serve me well in battle, and here's your gold..."

Okay... what is up with all these visions. Eventually I won't be able to function if these keep up. She thought to himself when she saw two figures coming up to the fair. "A dinosaur just rampaged through this fair and so did two demonic soldiers and people are still walking here? Cats got some curiosity!" She said as she put the weapon back at the now abandoned weapon booth. Then a homeless man runs past the group, almost trips on Jessica's foot,and then continued to run. Can this day get any weirder? My mind has basically stopped comprehending what is happening now... She once again thought to herself looking at the direction the man ran from trying to see what he was running from.

Eric went to add on to Cinia's questioning, but then was given a resume? He read the impressive resume and looked at Edward. "This is impressive indeed... however I have never heard the surname of Meechan. I have no problem with you being our internee, but I dunno if Cinia could use you in our upcoming activities. She does like to keep certain projects secret from the public so they won't stir up attention, or at least the wrong attention." He said looking at Cinia questioningly. They could indeed used Edward in their plans to bait the Incarnates,but if he himself was one... he has no idea what his past holds in compare to The Time Witch. Being The Time Witch has a very unpopular reputation, he's pretty sure Edwards potential past is not a good one in regards to Cinia.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aurous nodded towards Linia when she said his name. It was odd he didn't know the woman but he felt like he knew her for a long time. He just couldn't put his finger on it. Before he could go into deep thought about his relations to the woman a different woman came into eye site.

Aurous frowned when Suzanne asked about the fashion booth. He didn't open one this festival but he was his parents son so he always traveled with something. He lifted his index finger up and a large rectangular obsidian rock rose from the ground. It opened like a closest and extended pretty wide for its size and with in side of it held many dress close to what Suzanne described. "Sorry for your outfit choose any dress from my obsidian closet. Don't worry for pay its on the house."

As he finished his sentence another woman approached him. She seemed weird....well all of the people surrounding him seemed weird so he'd just put the judging aside for now. "Uhhh excuse me are...you okay? He asked moving a little closer towards Jessica. For a moment there Aurous thought he seen her speaking to herself.

Before Aurous could fully relax a somewhat elderly man who looked like a worn out pickle with terrible fashion skills randomly ran through the site. While he did so he spouted out chaotic statements and continued on his way. What Eger he seen must of been what he was carrying on about. "That's...... Very odd. We should probably check out what that hobo dude was talking about." Aurous said pointing in the direction the man came from.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Linia turned her attention to the man who had just run by them. "That's a fast Homeless man." Linia said, she then turned like the others to look at what was causing it. She saw a rather large group of what seemed to be demonic knights. Without any other question Linia started to stride towards them. As a natural leader she had no problems with facing issues with words rather than weapons. "You all look lost." Linia said to them as she walked towards them. She hoped that her new companions would walk behind her and be ready for any kind of action. Linia met them in their march in a rather open area of grass next to the festival.

Cinia realized now that this man didn't know much about the reincarnations. "Oh, I'm sorry I thought you were a spy from my running opponents." Cinia said trying to give a bit of an embarrassed look on her face. "Excuse me while I talk to my running mate." Cinia added as she pulled Eric aside to where hopefully Edward couldn't hear them. "I would rather not have him here, but maybe having an incarnate who doesn't know who we are could work to our advantage." Cinia said as she thought she bit her nail for a moment as she had another thought. "Cia still works in the black market and has artifacts, I think we will accept him, but I need you to go see Cia about an artifact called 'The Twisted Marble'. If we want to be sure he's on our side then I'm going to need that." Cinia said to him, she then awaited his answer, she was expecting him to take Edward as his intern, as Cinia had alot on her plate already, and didn't trust and intern to take care of anything for her.

Cia looked back as she saw Linia now attempting to talk to the beasts. "I see no reason for them not to attempt diplomacy yet, If it fails then it may be in your best interest to help them." Cia said to Nartholan as she started to walk off to let Nartholan make his own decision, Cia had only planned to stall him for a bit to allow Linia to attempt diplomacy first.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DigitalFlamer
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DigitalFlamer Digitallitus Flamitus

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Finally..." Jace said as he arrived at the town of Weiderholung. It seems the town was having a festival as steps up into the center.

"Place seems to be empty" He thought to himself, seeing no one near where he was standing. Jace then walked around a bit trying to find someone who lives here. He spotted someone near the field of grass next to the festival and decides to come closer to see who it is.

Upon closer inspection it seems to be...a girl? And she's facing a group of...knights? It seems they're having a confrontation of sorts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Nartholan looked on in complete surprise and a little horror. Knights of the Battlefields hardly looked that much different from Talinth demons - to him anyways - so it was a wonder why anyone would want to make communication with them. Dryllis had a personallity that would alienate anyone, based on the tales he had heard; chances of them actually making peace with him were low. He had to make sure... he had to provoke him.

Something... a blaster, a cr- crossbow?

He looked at the weapon booth and started walking towards it.

Dryllis came upon the footstep of a crowded landscape (the fair). Talinth demons... they must be hiding... a lot of them... "Keep on your guard, Dracuil has sent us here and created an ambush!"

His two fellow knights nodded and stayed on his flanks, looking around at anything that might come out. Dryllis spotted a small group of people; no doubt fearsome Talinth warriors in disguise!

"Prepare, foes from Talinth! Prepare to meet your doom! Your ambush shall not work on me!" he yelled in their direction while raising his axe.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DigitalFlamer
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DigitalFlamer Digitallitus Flamitus

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As Jace slowly walk to the small group of people, he hears someone yell behind him and decides to look at who it was. It's a small group of knights. The one in front of them seems to be raising his axe.

"Who are they?" Jace wondered stopping in his track to take a good look at them. From the way they look, they seem to be some kind of knights. Jace attempt to call them out as he raised his hand in the air in a side by side motion.

"This seems to be a stupid thing to do..." He realized.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Linia held her shovel in front of her in a defensive position. "We are not from Tally, or whatever you call it." Linia said, she was sadly terrible with hard to remember names. "And I don't think those guys are even here. Though we did have some demon knights awhile ago that were slain. Were they yours?" Linia asked motioning towards the dead bodies of the demon knights from before. Linia knew how much damage two demon knights from before could cause and didn't want to cause any more property damage if necessary. Linia hadn't noticed the person trying to wave at them yet as she was trying focusing on not having the town obliterated in a fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jessica jerked up a little from Aurous' question, for it had released her from a state of trance. She looked over to him. "Oh, uh yeah I'm fine. Today is just a... a..." She said stuttering on the word she was looking for. She knew that today was an extremely weird day, but she couldn't find a word to explain today. "I can't seem to find a word to describe today. Well, despite that, congratulations on landing the final blow on the dinosaur!" She said smiling at him. She then noticed Linia walking over from the direction that the old man ran from, and decided to tag along. She saw Linia take the shovel back out and held in a defensive manor towards the "things" across form the group. I wonder what is up with that shovel as a weapon... I'm sure there are more efficient ones... guess I can't complain. She did save my life after all... She said pondering on Linia's choice of weaponry.

Eric went along with Cinia in private to continue to discussion on Edward. "So I gatta drag this kid along? Well only because you tell me so, and because this artifact sounds pretty useful. Alright!" Eric ended in slight excitement. He pick up a piece of paper with random writing on and it brought it with him along side the notepad with the notes on the reincarnations out to where Edward was. ""Alright so there appears to be a misunderstanding. Cinia gave me the note I missed from the mail, and indeed it was from Meechan. We don't check mail often since we are awefully busy. Cinia has things to take care of, so I'll be your intern for now. For our first lesson, I will show you the ways of Diplomacy!" Eric said helping Edward stand up and show his way to the door. "We have to grab something, but we can try to reason with the person to reduce the cost!" Eric said ready to leave.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Meyneth
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Lady Meyneth The Mechonis Soul

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Suzanne was ecstatic to see his closet have the clothing she wore, multiples of them also! She went and grabbed three of each piece to the outfit, including the umbrella, and then reached into her purse, which was the only thing without blood on it. All she could find were Gold Coins from home. She took 5 out and handed them towards Aurous. "I know you said it's on the house, but i'm getting extras just in case, so to pay for the inconvenience... here some Gold Coins. I hope 5 will do." She asked towards Aurous. To those who saw the coins that the man earlier gave Aquintis, they would see that the coins she is giving Aurous is very similar.

Edward grinned when he learned it was just a miscommunication. He then almost became ecstatic when Edward was going to teach him diplomacy. "So I assume we are about to talk to somebody to get something... neat. I'm glad you accept me as intern and will do what I must!" Edward said putting his suitcase down and taking his little notepad and pen to take notes with and walks out the door with Eric. Before he fully leaves, he turns to Cinia. "Cinia, may you watch my suitcase while we are out? It has my dream journal in it, which I find private to myself. It also has some notes about recent events that has been happening lately... Although if anyone did get my suitcase, it has an intricate lock so I'm not worried about anyone breaking into it, I just need the information for future events." He had told her finally shutting the door behind him to let Cinia do her thing. "Okay Eric, who are you going to use to show me the tips on preforming great Diplomacy!" He asked him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Aha! The crossbow! Nartholan did indeed see a crossbow in the weapon booth.

As he picked it up, he realized he hadn't the foggiest idea how to use the thing.

This is easy, you just slide an arrow into here...

He looked around. They brought the crossbow but not the arrows?! All that was there was a set of circular pointy sticks.

Well, a stick is better than nothing...

He got the stick in... finally. He pulled the trigger.

A few times.

Why doesn't this damn thing work?!

He set the thing on the ground and looked. Everything looks fine...

He looked around for a non-broken piece of equipment. There wasn't a bow. He knew there wouldn't be guns laying around... he had to do something to provoke Dryllis. Alliance with him was out of the question. Bringing a sworn enemy of his master into the conflict would ruin all the plans...

Mardolg... it's your turn. Come soon.

Dryllis stared at the group when they mentioned 'lost', and lowered his axe very slightly. He was still very much on his guard... this could be a trap.

"Lost? My course is clear and that is-"

He stopped as a pair of dead Talinth demons caught his eye.

They obviously hadn't been dead for very long. One of them showed very slight signs of life. Showing little regard for security, he strode up to the one emitting slight signs of life... and brought his axe down into the demon's chest, ensuring its return to the hell from which it came.

"There... now, whom's lord do you serve?" he asked Linia as he turned around. If these folks had killed Talinth demons, then they weren't of Dracuil's ilk... but that didn't mean they had anything to do with his own master. Maybe they are Trathaniel's folk? It would be a sheer stroke of luck to find servants of the only allied Lord around, although he still had no idea what he was doing in this portion. He wasn't sure if this was the Battlefields anymore...

The other two knights stood guard, weapons ready, and watched the exchange.

Mardolg had finished the last of the bones in his meal when Nartholan sent a thought to him.

"Not now, dammit!" He looked around for any spare knights. The two blood knights had already been sent, and they obviously didn't last long.

He left the fortress in search of a more... exotic demon. One that would suit the job perfectly...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Linia took a deep breath for a moment. "We don't exactly serve a lord, it's more like we serve an idea." Linia said, in truth she knew that the others pretty much served her now. "We don't need to fight or destroy anything else now. Your on a planet called Earth, where were you headed?" Linia asked as she lowered her shovel. In truth she was a bit nervous as she knew she wouldn't be able to take them alone, but hopefully those around her would be able to protect her.


Cinia gave a sigh as the two left. "Your just asking me to open it." Cinia said to herself as she turned back to the suit case. Once the two were out of sight Cinia had a small time bubble appear around the lock, reversing it back to a state when it was last opened. Once that was done she started to look through the journal, naturally she had a bubble of time around herself so from the outside it looked like she was doing work where she always was. Inside the journal she saw... (fill in the blank please)

@ArenaSnow@Lady Meyneth


Cia in the meantime was back at her cafe again she had no part in the battles at the moment, all she cared about was protecting her cafe and some of the black market items she had hidden away under the floor boards.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DigitalFlamer
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DigitalFlamer Digitallitus Flamitus

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Meanwhile, Jace was practically still waving back and forth not noticing that those group of knights seem to have disappeared from his sight.

"This is just a waste of time." He thought and decided to stop waving like an idiot and went back to Weiderholung.

As he heads back and check the decorations, he noticed a cafe of sorts. Grrgbhh... his stomach grumbled. "I should probably get something huh?". Jace went to the front of the cafe and decides to take a look inside to see if someone's inside. "Hellooo? Are you guys open?" he yelled into the cafe with a pondering face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Nartholan was out of ideas. No ranged weapons nearby... a broken bo- booth? he took a look at it. Ah yes, the millitary booth... there's no doubt a gun in there...

With that in mind, he went over and started to try and dig through it, as discreetly as possible and hoping that something wouldn't come down on his head and cause noise to gain attention of the wrong sort.

Dryllis was confused.

"How does one not serve a Lord? What unity do you have? Are you an... independent?" Lone warriors died quickly on the Battlefields, and the few that survive are the strongest of the bunch, the few that could not be bent to his master and others. Scythe came to mind... he almost shuddered at the thought. Scythe the Destroyer. The one warrior capable of killing a Lord on a single field and slaying armies single handedly, reducing the great warriors of the field to the skill level of mere children, and slicing immortal weapons clean in half. He only fell to his own overexertion...

One of his fellow knights saw a shape waving from the corner of his eye, but made the pretence of ignoring it and moving a little further into the fair. Scooting back a bit while Dryllis was in conversation, he looked back and saw this shape moving out of the side of the fair. He followed the shape at a distance, rather unaware of the fact he did not blend into the setting at all. The shape was a being... (a human, aka Jace)
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