
IRL Name: Aren Takaeda
Name In-game: Seto
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Level: 35
Aren is no stranger to the way of the sword. He believes that each one is crafted with a series of personality, beauty and character. How this came to be was not known by Aren himself. He no longer lived with his parents and is currently working as a shopkeeper downtown. He tried his hands with gaming for the past four years and so far-- There's no sign of him stopping from playing games.
As VR-Games continued to thrive within the past for years, the game Sword Art Online was released along with its VR Gear. The game was a massive success. Aren, being the one who caught the early worm had his money saved up for the so-called Sword Art Online and purchased his copy as soon as they were available. Everything changed from then on... Everybody knew the story.
The initial shock seemed overwhelming, but a handful of people including Aren banded together to form an alliance. A secret Alliance between players whom would share information and resources together to help survive this game. Aren had chosen to be a guildless agent within the alliance.
Guild or Solo: Solo
Class: Swordsman (DPS)
Theme Song:
If - KakichocoWeapon Appearance:

Weapon Type: Broadsword - Dueling Blade - Black Templar
Armor Appearance:

Armor Type: Light Armour
Back-up Skills:
One-Handed Sword Proficiency
Freeform Combat