Most science fiction and space based factional RP’s have a single thing in common: they nominally start the game at the very apex of the space age. Colonies are abundant, technology is frighteningly advanced and the various races of the galaxy are often friends or enemies of one another. I want to turn the clocks back. I want to start a Sci-Fi Nation RP that begins just as your nation discovers its own version of Faster-Than-Light travel and begins to inch out of its own solar system.
I want the uncertainty of what lies on the other side of the void. I want those initial, unsure diplomatic relations between a new race. I want that proverbial Cold War where neither side still understands each other and war might break out over something as erroneous as the identification of a freighter as a military vessel. I want a single galaxy that if you want to control or influence, you’ll have to fight for it. Let's embark on a mission that involves tiny first steps where our player nations learn to understand (or conquer) their new neighbors and foster a relationship instead of preordaining one right off the bat.
Important mechanics would be Species, and it's strengths and weaknesses that govern where and how they thrive. Trade will be important as you create FTL spacelanes and fight to control them, Diplomacy as you interact with newly discovered species and possibly form important political alliances/unions, and Empire, which would deal with the inner workings of your civilizations (Rich vs Poor, Anarchism vs Liberationism, et cetera). Thoughts. Opinions. Critiques!
I also have some awesome cosmographical maps to use as well. I'm going to test the waters before I put any mechanics up.