Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Hunter laughed at Jar and suddenly got very defensive. Jareth put his hands up “Woah, man, that’s not what I said. It’s just, Grant’s a tank, I certainly wouldn’t want to provoke him in any way—" Hunter cursed and ran off, brandishing his keys. Jar’s eyes locked onto them like a hawk. How did he get them? No, this can't be happening! His mind was processing everything in such overdrive that the world seemed to be moving in slow motion.

"Don’t you dare!” he called out after Hunter, his feet unable to carry him fast enough in the warm sand. "I am not attending another friend's fucking funeral. It’s not going to happen." he thought angrily. When his bare feet met with the hot pavement in the parking lot, it was too late. Hunter was speeding off in El Camino. “Fuck!” Jar said and raked his hands through his hair, pacing anxiously and looking thoroughly panicked. What could he do? He couldn’t drive, having had a few drinks to get the courage to sing for Delilah, plus, he had no idea where Hunter was headed.

Jar did the only thing he thought was reasonable… try to prevent another potential tragedy. He ran back to Adelisa, who was alone at the bar still. But even his presence disturbed her, she was obviously very upset with herself. “I shouldn’t be near you. You might use me too.” she said in a hiss.

“What? No, I’m not a douche, I don’t know what Delilah told you about me these past two months but I wouldn’t—“ Once again, his words meant absolutely nothing to anyone. She had taken off, with her guitar returned to her possession, presumably back to her room in the condo. Jar was flabbergasted, and looked to the bartender with his hands held out in front of him “What the hell am I supposed to do now? Go after her?” he asked and the bartender shrugged and said “I guess so?”

Jar walked towards the condo, heading to the seventh floor. He was pretty sure his presence wouldn’t be welcome, even with Lila there doing damage control. Surely they would recognize that Adelisa was hurting just as much… would they? Did they really know what the face of suicide looked like, Lila had claimed to. He hoped they did, for Addy’s sake. Instead of choosing to go in either suite, Jar just slumped down onto the ground in the hallway between the two doors. He crossed his legs and pressed his fingers together, waiting. All he could do was wait now. He wondered where the hell Grant had gone. He wondered if Hunter would be alive tomorrow. With that thought, he put his head in his hands, trying not to let his thoughts wander that far.

He couldn’t…
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Meridian
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Meridian The Detective

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Grant clapped for Jareth and Delilah along with everyone else, happy that his friend had gotten his girlfriend back. Sure, Delilah was a drama queen, but she made the dumbass happy and he figured that was what mattered anyway. He turned back and headed into the crowd, looking for Adelisa. He hadn't seen her the entire party and was hoping they could talk some more and figure things out. As much as he'd liked the blonde, all he'd thought was how she couldn't compare to Addie, and the who,e complicated business was killing him. It took a while to navigate the crowd and get away from people without seeming rude, and after a while of not finding her he walked over to the bar as a last result. Not to mention he needed a little drink.

He stopped as he saw a couple kissing at the bar, almost backing away. He hated going near couples like that, it was always weird and awkward. But then he stopped, looking at them closely. Adelisa and... Hunter. What? Grant didn't react. He was furious at Hunter, and disappointed in Adelisa, but he figured she didn't want someone as straightlaced as himself. His hands balled into fists, he considered going over to beat up his 'best friend' when lots of things happened at once. Amelia, having seen them too, stormed off. He could empathize, and considered going after her instead, but then Delilah followed her. Jared was left with the two of them, and it wasn't long before Hunter had grabbed Jared's keys and gone off. Grant scowled. He was clearly drunk, and trust him to make a series of bad decisions one after the other. It wasn't long before it was just Grant left at the party, but he didn't feel like partying or going home with anyone.

He just wanted to go home. Not home to their goddamn condo he shared with Hunter and with Amelia right across the goddamn hall. He wanted to go home, where he could focus on his career like he fucking should have instead of wasting his time and money on a stupid vacation. He walked back to their condo to see Jared sitting in the middle of their condos. He stopped and looked at him. "Well, you look upset. Did your ex make out with your best friend too?" He asked, almost sarcastically. What wouldn't he give for a shot right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by HeartsCollide
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Amelia took another drag of the cigarette just as Lila came into her range of vision. She wasn't sure what she hated more- the fact that her best friend had just made out with the one guy she had ever fallen in love with or the fact that she couldn't make her heart let go of Hunter. She balled her hands into fists, crushing what was left of the cigarette and burning her palm accidentally. She dropped the cigarette to the ground and looked at her bloody palm before sighing and dropping her head to her knees. She buried her face, she didn't want anyone to see her like this. Her head was pounding, and her heart seemed to stop working. Everything that Amelia worked so hard for was suddenly gone.

Amelia felt the heaviness of her chest, like she was suffocating. The tears wouldn't stop. The sobs began, making her entire body tremble. She just wanted to forget, that's all she had wanted. She didn't know Hunter still loved her. Last night he had acted like their chances together were less than none. He had a baby on the way for crying out loud! Amelia listened to Lila as her best friend tried to help her. When she asked what She could do, Amelia only knew one thing she needed. "Please check on Adelisa," As much as it hurt her, she remembered talking Adelisa out of multiple suicide attempts. She was upset with Adelisa, yes, but Amelia still loved her. "Please, run." Amelia said in as loud as her hoarse voice would allow her.

Amelia waited for Lila to go before laying on her side in the lounge chair. She curled into the fetal position, not caring who saw her. She knew she looked like a total mess. Some people would probably think she is crazy. This is how she laid in bed weeks after her and Hunter's break up. Refusing to eat, refusing to drink.. Anorexia took over. The empty feeling in her stomach was nothing compared to the gaping hole she felt in her heart. "I just wanted to forget.." She whispered to only herself as she closed her eyes and felt the sobbing start once again.

Amelia ran her fingers through her hair. What always made her feel better? ...Singing. She was alone now, so she let herself go. The lyrics she almost instantly thought of she softly sung in a voice only Hunter had heard before.

"What hurts the most
Is being so close
And having so much to say
But watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 24 min ago

Hunter sat in the back of an Ambulance, His left arm was in a sling, he had a minor concussion, an a couple cracked ribs. He made it out better then the El Camino, his very first car was in shambles. The door had to be removed to get him out, same with the steering column, The roof isn't savable, but somehow the locker in the trunk survived just fine, well other then a loos shotgun shell going off at some point during the wreck. As far as he knew all the contents inside it were safe enough.

The old car was going to be taken to a mechanic, he was told considering everything that happened he was lucky to be alive. He knew he was lucky to be alive, but now that he was alive he had to make sure everything else was alright. The car was in... fixable condition, as in two days at the mechanic and he could drive it again, a week or so and it would be about as fixed as it could be, though Hunter didn't have the money for that. Two days it was for him.

He got up from the back of the ambulance and asked one of the EMTs for a phone. Then he just held it, he screwed up everything tonight, who could he call? As far as he could tell he about pissed off everyone, who ever he didn't seem to piss off he broke there hearts. His closest family was several states away, also he didn't want to explain to anyone he was related to he was drunk and crashed his car going over 100 miles an hour. He didn't have the guts to face anyone at this moment, he just wanted to go home, though he was going to have to wait at least a couple days for the car to get fixed.

He handed the EMT the phone. "Thanks, I'm going to get going, I have someone meeting me down the road a ways." He started walking down the road, it was about 6 miles back to the town, then another 2 to get tot he hotel from where he was at. He already talked to the officer on the scene, he had a fair amount of tickets to pay for not only him being drunk well driving, but also his vehicle wasn't street legal because of its condition.

Walking was something Hunter did a lot of, his car had a slight tendency to break down a lot. Though he didn't get far before the officer at the car wreck more or less forced him to get a ride back to the Hotel. "Thanks." He said as he got out, his foot stepped in some kind of liquid on the curb, breaking fluid? Sucks for who ever owns that car. He walked as clean as he could inside, though he was still holding a limp well he walked into the hotel. He tried to take the stairs, still hurting to much. The elevator was close, he walked his way over to that and took it up.

He almost made it back tot he Condo before he noticed Jareth and Grant. He had to make things right. He fucked up and now it was time to face the consequences. He walked up too the two of them. "Alright, First off, sorry for telling you off Jareth, I was in a piss poor mood and that wasn't your fault... Sorry about that." he turned to face Grant. "And I know you're pissed man, so before you go off I want you to know it wasn't Adelisa's fault, I was in a weak state at the moment. I'm sorry." He stopped for a moment. "But I'm not the only one who should be sayings sorry, She cares for you still. Seeing that other girl hurt man. Now." He held out his good arm and move his sling out of the way of his chest as best as eh could. "Now I'm ready, Just avoid the face for now, No idea how bad the concision is yet, and the left side of my rib cage, couple of those are cracked still." He closed his eyes and braced for impact.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Jareth didn’t know how long he’d spent sitting there staring at the patterns in the carpet. At some point he had pulled out his wallet and taken out the picture of Lila and himself that he still had. The photo was wrinkled and worn out, but it was a selfie of them happily kissing in the snow, on a road trip home to meet her parents. They were so happy on their way there, and oh so not happy on their way back. Jar had put the photo back in his wallet and rested his head against the wall, exhaling heavily. The fact that everything was taking so long wasn’t a good sign…

Grant had finally showed up and stopped when he saw Jar in the hallway. "Well, you look upset. Did your ex make out with your best friend too?” he asked.

“Not exactly.” Jar replied, it was quite the opposite actually, but Grant didn’t need to hear about that now. “But, uh, Hunter took off..." Jareth stood up and let out another deep exhale, as if he was preparing himself for a brave confession. It kind of was, he was about to admit something that even Delilah didn’t know about him. His college therapist told him that it wasn’t a good idea to internalize it so much, the fact that he’d lost his two best childhood friends in a horrible drunk driving accident in high school. And, that only a few weeks before graduation, he had to put on a suit and make a speech at the funeral for the only two people in the world that had showed him any kind of love. There was a reason that he wasn’t that close to his Crim Son band mates, Jessie and Eric. There was a reason that his new college friends were nothing like him. He picked safe friends this time around. He picked friends that he thought wouldn’t die on him. He had always thought, that if Hunter was going to die early, it would have been from a freak accident to go down in the history books, like his shotgun misfiring while shooting targets in his back yard. But not like this…

Jar looked at Grant with eyes swallowed deep in sorrow. “There is a reason I made us put our keys in the basket –“ he tried to keep his voice from cracking, but failed. “Hunter found them, I saw his keys in his hand when he was drunk and ran off… I know you’re probably pissed at him right now, but there’s a possibility that we might not see him alive again. I couldn’t catch him in time.” He was trying to convince himself that it wasn’t his fault, he’d taken the keys, he tried to prevent this, he tried to catch him, but he wasn’t quick enough. “I don't think I can handle watching a third best friend lowered into the ground because of this.” Jar admitted and his voice broke in sadness.

Grant was still trying to process the intensity of Jar’s emotions when Hunter returned. His arm was in a sling and his forehead was bruised. Waves of relief washed over Jar. ”Alright, First off, sorry for telling you off Jareth…” Hunter began apologizing to the both of them while Jareth just stared in shock. “You’re alive!” Jar said when he finally found the words and he hugged his stupid mule of a friend tightly. Jar never really pretended to be a tough guy, he owned up to his sensitivity and felt unashamed to hug someone he cared about. At the same time, he did still have quite the temper, which usually only flared up when Lila and he fought. He could usually channel it into his music. Despite his friend being injured, Jar pushed him hard into the wall “Don’t you EVER do that again, you fucking idiot! You could have died! You look like you’re lucky that you didn’t.” Not to mention that getting a job would be next to impossible with a DUI charge under his belt. “You’re going to be a father, what were you thinking?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Meridian
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Meridian The Detective

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Grant looked at Jareth in surprise. He usually didn't see him so strung up, except after his breakup with Delilah. He opened his mouth to say something when Hunter showed up, bruised and battered but alive. Grant's expression immediately became a flat and emotionless one as he looked at him. Jareth was practically crying with relief as he hugged Hunter, but Grant just listened to him talk. "Fuck you, man." He said finally, folding his arms. "I'm just glad you're okay," he said tiredly. Okay, he was pretty furious too, but he'd let it take the backseat for now. But what did Hunter mean about that other girl? The blonde? He'd just danced with her, for crying out loud. Like Grant flipped a switch seeing Addie actually flirt with some other guy. He sighed. He figured some of the responsibility for Addie was on him, so he turned away from his other friends and knocked on the girls' door, loudly and repeatedly.

Grant felt weighed down inside. Nothing went right for him, did it? His best friend and his ex, then having said best friend get into a car crash. He was honestly relieved Hunter was alive and conscious, but he was furious at him as well, and it wasn't an anger that was going to dissipate any time soon. And Addie... He had no idea how he felt about her. All he could think was how close he was to cracking, and the exhaustion showed on his face. His eyes widened in panic as a thought occurred to him. Was Addie okay? She had to be, right? But the suicidal tendencies... He moved to knock again, but then opened the door and walked in, shouting her name. She had to be here somewhere, right? Safe and sound... She had to be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 24 min ago

He was glad that the guys weren't too pissed at him, though Jareth could have gone easy on the hug, and the wall. The damn wall really hurt. Grant went over to the door of the girls room, Then he heard it “You’re going to be a father, what were you thinking?” He wasn't really sure what to say too that. But he had one idea. "You really want too know what I was thinking? I was thinking I would rather take my chances going a Hundred miles an hour in my piece of shit car then attempted my chances with my life right now." Then he laughed a bit. "I fucked up my car so bad!" He keeled over laughing then stopped when the pain in his ribs kicked in. he leaned back up and rested against the wall.

He smiled and tried not to laugh again. "And you know what's even funnier? Not only did I survive with only minor injuries, I almost got shot at the same time! A loos shell I guess went off in the locket and passed right through the cabin." He looked at him dead in the eyes. "You know what this means?" He got closer to him. "...I am invincible. I have survived a car wreck and almost got shot, and I still walked away." He leaned back and smiled. "And you know what else? That drive felt great! until the car flipped, but great! I know I fucked things up but guess what! Other then the party tonight was the best fucking night of my life!" He raised his good arm int he air and somewhat lifted his sling. "And I ain't a Daddy! The kid ain't mine!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Jareth was sure that Hunter was actually losing his mind. He was laughing, fucking laughing, at the situation. What the hell? Jar just looked at him with his mouth agape, his eyebrows stitched together incredulously. "That's what you're taking from this? That you're invincible?" Jar chuckled in frustrated disbelief "You're even more of an idiot than I thought. I gotta go, man, don't manage to kill your invincible self while I'm gone." Jar said and turned to walk away, not wanting to be around the drama anymore. Maybe he'd leave a note for Lila and go for a long run... But, just as his back was turned, Hunter said "And I ain't a Daddy! The kid ain't mine!". That stopped Jar dead in his tracks. "What?" he asked as he spun around. "So are you lying to me now, or were you lying then, when you said that pregnant girl was the reason you and Amelia broke up?" Jareth didn't bother to hide the anger and accusation in his tone. He was overall disgusted with his 'best friend', despite being grateful that he was alive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa was finished writing her letters. They were full of words that meant everything to her, if suicide letters were anything to go by. Adelisa pushed them under the door. She wasn't unlocking that door for the life of her. Or… death? Oh well, she wasn't unlocking it.

Dear Amelia,
I'm so sorry for hurting you. I love you like a sister and I would never mean to hurt you. I hope you find the happiness I couldn't and never let anyone walk all over your beautiful heart. You are so strong. I hope you forgive me one day.

With Everlasting Sisterly Love,
Your Dela

Adelisa walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. There was a void in her eyes that she most definitely recognized. She looked into an abyss, someone who was not herself. Adelisa, for the most part, was not in the mirror.

Dear Delilah,
I'm sorry for being a horrible person. You're right, I am ashamed of myself. I love you, sister.

With Everlasting Sisterly Love,
Your Dela

Adelisa stopped as she heard Grant shouting her name and looked at the door. Why was she moving toward the door? Why was she about to answer back? Instead, she blasted New Years Day and walked back to the bathroom. She had to finish what she started.

Dear Grant,
I'm glad you found someone better. You deserve someone who isn't me. I can't live with this pain anymore. Everytime you come around and make me feel good, it feels like a pity thing. Which I probably am to you. But nonetheless, you made me happy. Thank you.

Your Addy

She grabbed the edge of the bathtub and sobbed. Why was this so hard? Why was taking her useless life so hard?

Dear Jareth,

I didn't hate you. You were competition and Delilah was my sister. She meant more to me than you did. Sorry for the sass. Oh! And you can have my guitars. I give you permission. If you hurt Delilah, I will haunt you and make you suffer.

(NOT) Your Adelisa

Adelisa grabbed a bottle of sleeping pills and tried, tried so hard, to open the bottle. She threw the bottle against a wall. The bottle opened and pills split everywhere.

Dear Hunter,

I hope you and Amelia work it out. For me, atleast.


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 28 days ago

When Delilah asked Amelia what she could do to help, her best friend's answer caught her by surprise. "Please check on Adelisa," Milli had said in a hoarse voice that broke Lila's heart. "Please, run." Lila should not have been surprised at Milli's demand; after all, she was known for caring a lot about others, even before herself sometimes. She had the sweetest, purest heart of everyone that Lila knew. It was painful to watch her be hurt this much.

Lila stood up. "Okay, love. If that's what you want. Please, Milli, don't forget that I love you with all my heart. You're special to me." She kissed Amelia's forehead and hurried back to her suite, but was stopped in her tracks at the sight of Jareth and Hunter in the hallway.

"What the hell happened to you?" Lila briskly asked Hunter in a tactless manner, raising her eyebrows at him. He looked terrible, all battered, bruised and looking like he'd just gone through hell. She looked at Jar for an explanation of what was going on, but the look on her boyfriend's face told her it was better to not interfere. Then came male shouts from her suite, and Lila ran to it, afraid of what she would find.

She found Grant visibly frantic, trying to open Adelisa's door. Delilah's blood began to boil, remembering the many times Dela had been reduced to shambles whenever Grant had been a jackass to her over being herself and after their break-up. The guy was as bitter and conceited as they came. Adelisa deserved much better. It was time to give Grant a piece of her mind.

Delilah walked up right to his face and crossed her arms. "Grant Reed, get the hell out of this suite before there's a murder charge under my belt. I swear to God, I'll do it. I'm not afraid of you, so preserve your health and walk away now while I'm still somewhat sane."

She waited until Grant left to knock on Adelisa's door, but soon found out it was in vain. The noise of her knocks wouldn't carry with the music being so loud. But she had to keep trying. "Dela? Dela, it's Lila. Please open the door for me." She then stood directly in front of the door, pressing her ear against it to see if she could hear past the music. No sound coming from Adelisa. Panic rose from Lila's stomach. She looked down, and noticed she was stepping on top of a couple of neatly-folded papers that seemed as if they had been pushed out from under the closed door. On a close inspection, Lila was horrified to find out they were letters; one addressed to everyone. After Lila had read the one with her name, her panic became laced with guilt. What she'd said had been a factor in whatever Dela was planning to do. Lila had to try and prevent whatever that was.

Delilah pounded her fist on the door, shaking with the blazing terror of losing one of her best friends. She began to shout desperately: "Dela, please don't do this! I'm sorry about what I said earlier! You're not a horrible person, and you should never feel ashamed of yourself! That was the anger speaking. You are so beautiful, love, so unique and special and a joy to be around. I'm proud to call you my best friend, and a sister! I swear it gets better! I beg you, Adelisa, please don't do it!" Lila fell on her knees, put her face in her hands and started to cry.

Why is all of this happening to us?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 24 min ago

Delilah ran into the hall way, she asked what was going on but she soon left to go shout at Grant or something, Then he heard the panic, Though he knew he wasn't supposed to technically break into the girls Condo he still had the modified card. He got himself into the room, though it didn't take long to see what the panic was about. He caught a glimpse of the notes, he saw the fear in Delilah's eyes. Did he do this? Did he force her? Did he make Adelisa feel useless?

He pushed Delilah aside with his good arm. "Move Dammit!" He had a pretty good idea of what was going on now, he had a friend of his end her own life back in high school, he'd be damned if he was going to let that happen again. He raised his foot despite the pain and started kicking, the door shook but he was lacking the strength to force it open. He kicked again with all he had left, the door didn't move and he keeled over breathing heavy. He choked out, "Someone open the damn door!" He started coughing again. His voice moved to a quiet mumble. "Please open the door..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa heard the slamming and commotion outside. She looked at the sleeping pills laying on the floor and back at the door. She didn't know whether to just get up, open the door, and say 'I'm fine everybody' then go on with it; or just get it done now. She looked back at the door as Lila spoke and her heart clenched. She crawled on the floor and picked up a handful of the pills. Then, she crawled over to the bedroom door and leaned on the wall next to it.

She closed her eyes and said "I'm sorry." Her eyes went to the music and she groaned. She couldn't think with the music on. Adelisa got up and turned off the music. She needed silence. She needed… she needed someone. She moved back to leaning against the wall and she said "Lila… Amelia… I'm so sorry." Her heart waned and she slowly looked up to the ceiling, hoping for some sort of sign.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Jareth followed after Hunter as he stormed into the girls condo. Who did he think he was, anyway? Just walking away from a direct question like that... The kid really had a death wish tonight, invincible or not. It is a well-known fact that hurting people hurt people, and that is what was happening all around them. Apparently, even as fucked up as they were, Jar and Delilah were the only ones who could work it out civilly. A martini here and there, sure, but hey! Gotta live a little! Jar knew that the other two girls probably had broken hearts and both needed help, but he was more worried about Adelisa. He recognized the hopelessness in her eyes all too well. He'd been there, many times, and he couldn't watch someone else go through with it.

Jar walked into the condo to see Hunter flailing at and banging on the door like a raging animal. These people had no chill... "Seriously, dude, that is not going to help. Everyone needs to quiet down, please. And you need to go talk to the woman you gave your heart to. She's in pain too, and that is totally your fault. Maybe you should try telling her the truth for once." His words bit sharper than a razor's edge, clearly he wasn't over being lied to himself. Not from a supposed 'best friend'. "If you guys can just give me a few minutes alone with her, I can try to help her. Just, go be with Amelia." They all quieted down, Lila just looked at him and he nodded at her "You can trust me with this. And Grant, I don't think she'll want you in the room, not right away." With that Jar just sat down on the floor. He didn't bang on the door, he didn't knock, he didn't even say anything. He just slid his right hand under the door. The letter's "D-R-O-P" were tattooed across his fingers - his other hand said "D-E-A-D", but he kept that by his side- so it would be easy for her to tell who was there. Sometimes all someone feeling like Adelisa was feeling needed, was a hand to hold. It didn't need to be the closest person to them, sometimes it was better to just have a total stranger listen to you. Sometimes just sitting in silence together felt better than being alone...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by HeartsCollide
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Amelia's body shook, not sure if it was from the coldness of the night or her recent sobbing fit. Either way, she couldn't stay out here. The nagging feeling in her heart said she needed to find Adelisa. Amelia lot another cigarette and puffed away half of it before stomping the rest under her foot. She begn to dreadful walk to the elevator. She didn't want to face anyone. She didn't want anyone to see her red, puffy eyes and her messy hair. She smelt like smoke and alcohol, and was overall a total hot mess.

The elevator ride was silent, except the annoyingly catchy tune that played softly from the speakers. What could Amelia say to Dela? Why did Amelia have to care?... Why did this have to happen?.. How could he do this to me?. Amelia quickly wiped the tears away as she stepped onto the seventh floor. No sooner than she stepped off the elevator did she hear the commotion coming from their room. "No, please god, no," She begged as she ran through the hallway and after digging around in her pockets slid the key to get in the room just in time to see Hunter double over. Her heart stopped. What happened? Why was he hurt? She didn't have time for that! She was just in time to hear Jareth tell Lila and Hunter to go be with her. Amelia shook her head and walked slowly toward the door. "No, I was there for Dela then, I will be now too. Nothing and no one will stop that."

Amelia stepped around Hunter and Jareth and softly knocked on the door. She put her ear up to the door and softly spoke, "Dela, unlock the door, okay? I'm going to come in. Just me. Okay? Please, Dela. I know you're hurting. I know you're scared. Remember what we promised? Remember we promised each other that through thick and thin we would always be there. Deal, I can't keep my promise unless you open the door. I won't let anyone else in. Just please, listen to my voice Dela. Listen to me, please," Amelia wasn't going to lose her friend because of as stupid mistake. She wasn't ready to lose Adelisa. She had lost Hunter, and that tore her apart, but losing her best friend would kill her. She softly rapped on the door again. Please, please, let her answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa looked down to see a hand under the door. It looked like Jareth's but it didn't matter to her. He understood what she wanted- no needed- at that moment. She reached out to hold Jareth's hand, her fingers brushing his hand. She heard Amelia and she retracted her hand from Jareth's. Did she want to respond? Did she even want to see Amelia after what happened?

She shook her head and said "Amelia, please go talk to Hunter. I… I just want you two to work things out. Please." Even in her state, she still wanted Hunter and Amelia to work things out. Maybe she'll feel better if they left. Yeah, she probably would. "A-and I don't want t-to talk to Grant either" she said softly, her voice wavering. She closed her eyes. She stood up, the pills falling to the floor like marbles. "I-I…" She wanted to speak, but her throat closed. How could she be so outgoing, but when it came to her own feelings she shut down?

Adelisa slumped back down in her leaning position and she sobbed. "I don't want to talk. It's all pretty words and empty promises! I'm just the girl everyone uses!" She looked down at the pills again and bit her bottom lip. She was scared. Not only of all this, but of herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 28 days ago

Lila was crying when she suddenly felt herself being violently pushed aside. 'What the hell?!' she thought angrily. "Move Dammit!" she heard Hunter shout at her before he began kicking Adelisa's closed door. It shook, but didn't bulge open.

"What the hell are you doing, you creep?! How did you even get in here?!" Lila shouted back at him, getting up from the floor and trying her hardest to avoid gouging his eyes out. How dare he put a hand on her, much less shove her! Hunter simply kicked the door again, but apparently he'd lost all his energy because he keeled over with heavy breathing. He choked out, "Someone open the damn door!" before he started coughing again, turning his voice moved to a quiet mumble. "Please open the door..."

Then Jareth walked in, and Lila had just opened her mouth to whine to her boyfriend about how Hunter had pushed him when he said: "Seriously, dude, that is not going to help. Everyone needs to quiet down, please. And you need to go talk to the woman you gave your heart to. She's in pain too, and that is totally your fault. Maybe you should try telling her the truth for once." Lila could tell Jar was angry: the way he was so sharp reminded her of when he lost his temper during the fights they'd used to have. It was truly intimidating to hear him like that. "If you guys can just give me a few minutes alone with her, I can try to help her. Just, go be with Amelia."

It seemed Hunter got the unsaid message about Jar's temper, because he quieted down. Lila did so too, then looked at Jar with a questioning look. He nodded at her. "You can trust me with this. And Grant, I don't think she'll want you in the room, not right away." With that, Jar sat down on the floor and slid his right hand under the door.

Then Amelia arrived. Without looking around at anyone, she just stepped around Hunter and Jareth and softly knocked on the door. She put her ear up to the door and softly spoke, "Dela, unlock the door, okay? I'm going to come in. Just me. Okay? Please, Dela. I know you're hurting. I know you're scared. Remember what we promised? Remember we promised each other that through thick and thin we would always be there. Deal, I can't keep my promise unless you open the door. I won't let anyone else in. Just please, listen to my voice Dela. Listen to me, please."

Now that Amelia was in the room, Lila couldn't bear to have her hurting more because of Hunter's presence. She grabbed Hunter by his good arm and forcefully drove him out into the hall. "Come on, you little shit," Though he maybe had more strength than her, the combination of her anger with his pain made it easy enough for her to do this. Once there, she slapped him hard, her brown eyes dark with rage. "NEVER put a hand on me again, Hunter, or I swear to you I'll give you another story to tell about why you're in the hospital again. Do you understand me? Or do I need to give you a couple of more slaps?" She walked back to the suite and stood at the door, as if keeping guard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Jareth felt her fingers brush against his, soft as the spring breeze, and timid as a bunny. He hadn't realized she would be right there. When Amelia came in, Jar tried to raise his left index finger to his lips to keep her quiet, but it didn't work. And it was too late, another voice disturbing the peace must have spooked her, because he couldn't feel Adelisa's fingers anymore. Some small capsules hit the ground and bounced into his hand. Pills. He was making progress and none of them even realized it, he held back his frustration and instead focused on Dela's words. She didn't want them all there, and she didn't want to talk. He'd figured as much, one of the worst things you can do to a suicidal person is try to downplay their situation, or give them advice that you really don't know how to give. He kept his hand under the door "No one's going to talk anymore. We don't need to talk. I can come in there and just sit with you, if you want. Or I can just stay sitting here." he didn't have to say it outright for the message to be clear: Either way, I'm not leaving.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa stopped what she was doing when she heard Jareth's words. It was foreign to her. She sat there silently for just one moment before slowly standing up and unlocking the door. The door opened just enough to poke her eye out and see everyone. Jareth was kneeling in front of the door with his hand out still. She looked at Jareth and said "I-I only w-want y-you and Lila… if she wants too." Her eyes landed on Grant and she let out a whimper.

It wasn't intentional, but she was in pain. She was back to the place she was when they broke up. He didn't mean anything mean, right? Or did he? Adelisa closed her eyes and opened the door wider for the two she said she wanted. She knew she wouldn't get one or the other. They were a package deal. Well, until they broke up that is. Then Lila was always riding solo and it was easier to talk to her.

She looked around the room and almost laughed at herself. You are a wreck aren't you, Addy. Such a hot mess she thought to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The door cracked slightly, and Jar looked up to see Dela peeking an eye out. "I-I only w-want y-you and Lila..." she stammered out, voice choppy with emotion. Jar nodded "Of course, I'll go get her and be right back. I promise." At that, he stood up and went to the suite door, where Delilah was giving Hunter a reaming for... pushing her?. Oh yeah, he had a death wish, all right. Making enemies left and right.

"Hey Bombs, she opened the door a little for me. She just wants the two of us to go in there, and I know it will be hard for you, but you can't talk and try to give advice, okay? Not unless she askes for it." Jar explained to Delilah, not even bothering to look at Hunter. He'd climb that mountain when he got to it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 28 days ago

The door of her suite opened behind her. Lila turned around to be face-to face- with Jar. "Hey Bombs, she opened the door a little for me. She just wants the two of us to go in there, and I know it will be hard for you, but you can't talk and try to give advice, okay? Not unless she asks for it."

If it had been another situation, Lila would have laughed at how Jar knew how hard it would be for her to keep her mouth shut. She had a habit of not holding back anything: which was both beneficial and prejudicial in certain moments. But, of course, she'd do anything for one of her best friends: even if it meant trying her hardest to be quiet.

"Okay, JarBear, I promise I'll behave," she told him in a gentle voice. Delilah turned to Hunter, pointing a menacing finger at him. "Don't you dare come in here, you understand?" Without waiting for his reply, Lila turned around and went inside the condo, holding Jareth's hand. His touch made her feel calm and in control, something she'd been having trouble with for the best part of this night. Some party it was turning out to be...
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