Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Espacole
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Espacole Deaths Pimp

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Deep underground, in a secret lab under Tokyo Japan, in the year 2014, a series of experiments took place to create a new breed of human. Better, faster, and stronger than that of a normal human. It was shut down. Now in the year 2200 a group of ordinary teenagers from all over the world have been taken and experimented on....but something went VERY wrong. The teens were given powers, powers that humans shouldn’t poses. Now they are split in two. Some want to take down the man who altered them, and some want more power. Now they must fight, and the world will be their battleground....where does your allegiance lie? Current year 2200.

Side Descriptions

The Rebels
The Rebels are the group of altered teens who want to take down the scientist who changed them. They not only search for him and a way to be normal again, but they also use their powers to help the people who are in need. They don’t consider themselves heroes, just people looking for a cure any way they can.

The New Breed
The New Breed are the teens that want more power than they already have. They fight to destroy those in their way of that goal (AKA, The Rebels.) They don’t care who gets hurt or what gets destroyed, as long as they get what they want, they couldn’t care less. They take orders from the scientists that made them who they are.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Espacole
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Espacole Deaths Pimp

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

'I cant believe it has been three years since the breakout.' Shift thought as he stood in the middle of the city park.

He had been passing himself off as a small time magician, using his power to summon metal items from under small towels or making it look like he was juggling large size ball bearings.

Right now he had a small crowd around him. He enjoyed the smile he could put on small kids faces. Shift had moved from town to town ever since he escaped in the chaos of the breakout, but this city was different. After being gone for so long he had returned to the city he had escaped, just to find answers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The young woman inside the cell looked around at the white walls, the white floor and the heavy, black steel door in front of where she sat on the chair with her hands handcuffed behind her back with her ankles shackled and chained to the floor where they had left her the night before after the training and the tests to see if she would manage to heal or get out by the following morning. The steel cut into her wrists but she didn't flinch from the pain as her eyes watched the door, narrow and deep red as freshly spilt blood. Her hair, as white as the blank walls around her lay over her shoulders and face in a soft veil that she peered through while she waited for the tell tale signs of a doctor at the door. The voices started first and even as they opened the door the girl pulled her hands from the cuffs and waited for the man to step within the threshold.

'13. It's time to go hunting.'

Three years since the great escape that she had been invited to join and three years they had used sedatives to make her wait to hunt them down and test her strength against her own. They were just teenagers and Anastasia had been alive for hundreds of years as one of the very first batch of test subjects and the only survivor. The young woman stood, her curvaceous body covered in only a thin sheet of a white nightgown while blood dripped down her arms onto the floor, staining the pristine white with the bright crimson. They would have brought Zero or one of the others with them to keep her from outright killing all of them though Anastasia didn't care much at all for now as she tore her feet free of the chains and stepped toward the doctor who stepped out of her way while she walked awkwardly into the hallway. She was pale as the dead, though her heart didn't always beat and with her blood pressure she should surely be very dead by then.

She was unkillable and that was it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia had been in the park, she was never held in cells by the scientists due to her being able to get out of them so easily. Though thankfully no one even knew she was one of the knew breeds so she was able to walk around freely without anyone recognizing her for the most part. As Cia walked through the park she soon found herself near what seemed to be a magician performing. She walked up into the ground, many people turned to stare at Cia as it was quite odd to see anyone with no arms like her. As Cia watched the performance she couldn't help but smile at it. She had no idea that this man had supernatural powers like her though.

Cinia and Linia meanwhile were also in the crowd both clapping and cheering as they watched the magician perform. "Your so amazing!" Cinia said after the performance was over. Cinia seemed to be very excited while Linia seemed to be equally amazed. Both were jumping up and down excited.

After the performance Cia walked a step closer to the man before tripping and falling on her face right onto the ground. "Ow." Cia said as she tried to get up. Due to Cia's lack of arms she was having a rather hard time getting up and would need some help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A young man wearing a black cloak entered the facility returning from a successful mission. That wasn't a new every mission the man was sent on was completed with out fail. Like always he wasn't allowed rest and was assigned another mission soon after his arrival. The cloacked figure met up with the scientist that usually gives him his missions and headed off. Well he didn't leave the building not until he had the requested part of his mission fulfilled.

This also isn't the first time the scientist requested this type of services for missions. They probably did this knowing him and her had some history together. It didn't matter you could say he enjoyed working with the girl and that's saying something when the only other thing he likes is to see are the corpses of his victims. Finding her was quite easy for the young man since he knew were her cell was and what times she was set free or chained up.

As always he was correct spotting the blood trail she left behind. He followed the trail slowly removing the hood of his cloak revealing his really pale skin and blue almost cyan colored eyes. His white hair covering his eyes a bit before he moved them to the side so he could see. Not many people knows what he looks like and the girl was one of the rare few people who was allowed to see his face and live.

"Anastasia." He said in his usual lifeless like voice. There was silence for a bit so he could catch up to her. "I have a mission for us to do." He said showing her an envelope. "The scientist are running low on funds so we're gonna have to ransack a town. To spice it up a bit for us they said we're able to kill anyone or thing in the vicinity of the town." He explained escorting her to helipad.

They weren't gonna take a jet or anything like that. He was gonna fly them there himself of course. Before he grabbed 13 by the hip and flew off he gave her the envelope. On it titled "Town of Hamilton". Due to his abilities it didn't take long for them to arrive at the site. He brung them to an alley in the town and released 13 watching her for bit before he starts his rain of destruction over the town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Anastasia was alone in the room they allowed her to change in when Zero came through the door without hesitance or a knock though the immortal girl didn't care much at all as he walked in to her almost completely unclothed. Her body was marred in scars from before she'd died though afterward it was rare for her to receive a mark upon her body due to the rate that which her body healed. Some of the marks were left by the boy who'd walked in on her. "I see. . . " Anastasia responded, her voice quiet and cold as she pulled on a light white dress over her bra an panties - also white. Like the walls of every room, like her skin, and like her hair, the girl was dressed always in white. She was a ghost, their inhuman monster that tears through everything it's told and some things it's not. Her back was to him, though the dress fit lightly around her body and as she turned the skirt lifted slightly over pale legs.

Where he was tall and imposing with eyes the colour of ice, Anastasia was a small albino girl who was thin and lanky in most ways. She shrugged as he walked over to her and took her in his arms, one of her shoulders falling out of place, and walked out of the facility. He would fly them like always and the girl would begin the havoc with murder, just as they always worked. She'd met him when he was younger, taken by the scientists and she'd never told him how old she really was though from her experience it was clear she was not as she appeared to be.

At the town the young woman stepped barefoot on the asphalt, a nail cutting through the sole of her foot so she was leaving a trail of blood again as she walked awkwardly toward the street in front of her. Lifting a hand she shielded her eyes from the sunlight as if she hadn't been outside in a long while, like it hurt her eyes though she did not feel any pain as a man walked up to her and asked if she was okay. She must have looked her part if a random stranger was asking. "Are you?" Was her response as she tilted her head to the side and looked up at the male.

"I think you're perfect."

Anastasia reached up and took the sides f his face in her hands as her lips curled up in a grin, twisted and cruel as her eyes flashed a deadly smirk while her arms jerked and twisted the mans head right off of his body. A woman screamed and she knew that the local law enforcement would be here soon enough to stop her. Blood dripped over her chest, the hot liquid making the light fabric cling to her body as she moved to use the head as a bowling ball over the sidewalk and road. 13 stood and looked back at the male who had come with her with what could have been called a gentle smile though he of all people would know that she only felt really alive during a few key times.

Killing was one of them.

"Are you coming?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Conquer All
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Conquer All

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Vodka and Whiskey might have been a bad call. But try telling that to our resident rock'n'roll rebel. He was already quietly lamenting his existence in an ironicaly appropriate fashion. The experiments had left him with pale skin and sharp teeth like an animal. So, a dance club where everyone dressed up like vampires seemed like a great place to hang out. Unfortunately, the kids here were all too human. They were just like normal people but with a different dress code.

Daemon wandered through the crowded club, with it's candlelit darkness and horrible dance music. He'd much rather have been listening to Venom. Or anything with decent guitars. But this city never seemed to get any decent bands through. And when it did, those concerts weren't exactly the best for meeting women. Not that he'd done much better here tonight.

It was bloody ridiculous. Three years and he hadn't managed one single successful seduction. What a wanker, he thought mercilessly to himself. Whatever. He'd had enough of this place, anyway. He pushed bitterly through the crowd in the direction of the exit. He could have just appeared outside, but it didn't matter. No one would notice him either way.

Once he actually escaped the throng of goths, he rushed down some stairs and out of the doors.

Outside was an alleyway where several peirced and tattooed figures in black stood around smoking. Daemon barreled past them and into the night.

It was only a few blocks away when he stopped and vomited all over a shop window...

Now he was waking up. On a bench. In the park. Where he had slept. Like a homeless man. Cursing thie sun for blinding him, he fell off the bench as he attempted to stretch. He landed on his back and immediately shielded his eyes from the sun. He then gave the sun the finger before just laying there for moment.

Some time passed. He wasn't aware of how much. Nor did he care. He was rather distracted by a killer headache and hating everything. Eventually he leapt onto his feet. Even being hungover couldn't take away the years of training he'd received and then continued after his escape.

But what did any of it matter? He needed a drink.

Walking through the park, in order to leave it, he saw the magician. And he swore he knew his face. He saw him as the magician card in tarot in his mind's eye. And then he saw a flash of the tower being struck down by the thunder of the gods. And fire and chaos. Grabbing his head he missed a moment and looked up tu see and armless woman struggling to get up. So he went over to help her.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he placed his hands on her hips and helped her up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia looked up as a man helped her to her feet. "Thank you." She said getting to her feet now. Several other people had tried to approach her to help, each of them hoping to look like a good Samaritan by helping the poor armless girl. Cia knew that those people were just selfish, they wanted to look good to others, they didn't care much for her, only for themselves, just like everyone else. Cia understood that all behaviors of human's were based on helping themselves. Very few were based on actual selflessness.

As Cia looked closer at this man she recognized him from a file the scientist had shown her, he was one of the escapees, as were the twins she had seen earlier. Cia knew it would be fun to fight them, but in truth she would be outnumbered. Her best chance was to act as one of the escapees for now, and hope none of them would realize that she was a new breed, it would be easy for them to recognize an armless girl as one of them, however they wouldn't know she was a new breed.

Cia smiled at the man deciding to introduce herself. "I'm Cia! It's wonderful to meet you!" Cia said being her normal cheerful self. While she could have gotten up herself if she had used her powers she decided it was best to hide her abilities for now. Atleast in public.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Resentment Fray
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Resentment Fray A lot about nothing.

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Subject PKS 234-A remained in a silver lined isolation unit, the designated containment protocol for her followed in an almost religious fashion. There was never to be any light in the unit. There was never to be an object exceeding a weight of 3 pounds and a duress of over 4. 2 on the 10.0 Yamaguchi scale created specifically for PKS subjects. There was never to be anything with a protruding end or sharpened point with the isolation cube. There was never to be loose paper or books within the isolation cube. Subject PKS 234-A was to never be housed in anything other than an isolation cell lined with silver, padded with seamless carbon fiber down. This cell must never exceed a space of ten meters by ten meters and never be smaller than five meters by five meters.

Previous cell prototypes included a gravity sphere and a cell left hanging from the wall. Both proved to be dismal failures as the slightest hint of motion generated could be manipulated by PKS 234. Such instances resulted in the destruction of lab facilities and the taking of many lives. For the most part, PKS 234 was sentient and responded to communications by the lab staff. In exchange for cooperation, they would inform PKS 234 of the results and findings of current research. PKS 234 seemed to be extremely neutral during interactions and answered questions exactly to the letter, never divulging less or more than what was asked. PKS 234 seemed to show little remorse for the harming of human life after an episode at the chronological age of 6.

PKS 234 had an extensive record of escape attempts that quite contradicted its passive nature when extracted from its cell. Up until age 10, PKS 234 was rather docile with its researchers and would even play with them, albeit without saying anything beyond a few words. At age 11, PKS 234 displayed its first organized and intentional escape attempt. PKS 234 was less than 300 feet from the exit when shot down with a silver slug from a sniper rifle by containment personnel. Three months later, in the fifth escape attempt, PKS 234 intentionally killed research staff and containment staff, although a curious phenomenon had occurred. PKS 234 displayed a tendency to avoid killing any women around a height of 165 centimeters with short, black hair. The majority of these women were of Japanese descent.

More violent escape attempts ensued, a total of 76 documented and countless others undocumented because PKS 234 did not actually attempt to escape the facilities, but would instead roam and occasionally contact other subjects or staff. PKS 234 did not display aggressive tendencies, so it was allowed to roam. Attempt to place trackers on it failed. Attempts to implant trackers failed. Negotiations to allow them to plan a route and free time for PKS 234 failed. In essence, staff is reduced to pleading and negotiating with PKS 234. PKS 234 roams freely at night despite constant security measures being installed to detect where PKS 234 is or is heading. Or how it escapes its cells.

PKS 234 is also referred to as Atticus Fray, a name PKS 234 bestowed upon herself. PKS 234 is of the female sex, in the late most years of adolescence, and is of a distinctly Eurasian racial background. Her skin is fair, her hair is long and black, and her eyes a green. PKS 234 is known to prefer wearing seamless clothing, and usually wears solid black trousers, sandals, and long sleeved shirts. PKS 234 is attracted to the color green.

Atticus Fray, PKS 234 waits in her cell, sitting in the centermost area of her isolation platform. She is wearing long black cargo pants, black sandals, and a long sleeved black shirt. The grey thick strap of a sports function brassiere is visible over the collar bone. She stares rather blankly at the opposing wall. She is waiting to be freed in accordance with an agreement she made with other subjects within the facility. While she could escape this cell on her own, in theory, it exerts too much strain and forces sickness that will not depart until after she has been outside of the silver plating for at least 30 minutes. For now, Atticus Fray waits for her fellow resistance members. Atticus has no righteous cause, no real reason to want to rebel save for the fact that she is not enthralled or entertained by the facility any longer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Zero grinned as he watch Anastasia decapitate the foolish bystander. It was like he asked her to kill him. As he continued to watch 13 enjoy the sensation of blood decorating her face Zero opened the palm of his hands using his abilities to scan the two buildings next to him for any signs or valuables. His search was complete by the time Anastasia turned towards him and smiled a rare and gentle smile.

"Yes." He answered walking towards her balling his hands up into a fist. When his fingers reached his palms the two buildings that stood on both sides of the alley imploded killing any signs of life within side the buildings. "Search for anything that woupd be valuable in the Americas and the Eurasian countries." He stated to 13 while looking around the area. They was gonna have to pick up the speed on this mission.

Zero was positive the instant destruction of two buildings would draw quite the attention so he readied himself for the fight that's to come. "Ana if you can please leave the buildings intact I plan to go through them once we're done riding this place of life." Zero insisted while he lightly waved his hand in the air killing civilians with shrapnel from the imploded buildings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VarionusNW
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VarionusNW Nobody In Particular

Member Seen 2 mos ago

West let out a sigh. His clones had been running around town for over an hour in search of his target, and only now he found him half dead in an random alley.

"Seriously, I can't even rely on you fucks to be competent targets?" West aimed and fired, killing the poor sap almost instantly. 4 clones appeared out of nowhere, picked the target up, and took him to be disposed of. "Well, guess I'll go relax for a few minutes" It was inevitable that he would have another target within the hour. West made his way to the park, spotting a familiar face, along with some.. less likable ones.
As far as west could recall, her name was Cia, really only recognizable by her lack of arms. Around her was a number of people who's faces West had seen before, in files that the scientists had made him memorize. There seemed to be 4 rebels. 'How the hell did she manage to get herself surrounded by that many of them?' West thought to himself.

West pulled out his phone, and took a photo of the group from a distance, and sent a text to the scientists, to notify them of the situation. This was simple protocol that West hated. He got a response almost immediately. He was to wait for backup, and send a message to Zero, so that he and 13 could come and help get rid of the pests. West was ticked off, of course, as relying on others just wasn't his thing. He sent a message, including the image, to Zero. Being wary of the citizens, West left a clone back in the shadows, where he wouldn't be seen, and walked over to watch the magician.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Project 115 or "Death" as he called himself emerged from an alley way blood smeared all over his arms and a line of it dripping down his chin and mouth a line of Gary smoke followed behind his steps if anyone had listened closely they would have heard the whisperings of dead men and women but it only sounded like a rasping hiss to most.

He casually wiped the blood from his mouth as he looked around for the other rebels or maybe those silly agents who tried to foil their plans.

Project 115 surveyed the area seeing fighting and bloodshed.


He whispered to himself his voice dark and menacing.

"Kill the Order!"

He looked over to see a civilian cowering behind a garbage can.

"It is your turn,"

Project 115 brushed his hair to the side to reveal his bloodshot eyes that pierced even the bravest of souls and looked like a killers glee, he grabbed the innocent man by the collar living him up against the wall of a bank and then began choking him to death.

"Yes you are weak but your soul will suffice!"

As he said this a gray mist floated out of the dead mans mouth and joined the rest of the gray mist at Project 115's feet.

"I wonder what the others are doing?"

He asked himself and then walked into the direction of the center of the mayhem.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Anastasia rocked back on her heels with her hands behind her back while the male walked up to her, causing the twin buildings on either side of them to implode and kill everyone within them. He didn't usually cause needless destruction other than to call everything they could to attention and the albino girl looked at him again, her lips curled up in a smile. "No worries. I can't and you know that." She teased him as she turned to face him though she could hear the sirens and knew that there were police responding to everything that they had just caused. Leaning toward him she kissed his cheek once, her eyelashes brushing his cheekbone before she turned away and walked into the light where several teenagers were taking pictures of her or capturing video's of the albino who twisted a mans head off his own shoulders.

13 flicked a drop of blood off her hands and stepped toward once woman dressed in a nice dress with a child next to her feet. The stranger was petrified but the child had no idea what was going on and put themselves between Anastasia and his mother; the bravery made her smirk and she crouched in front of the child until they were eye-to-eye. "Come find me when you're older kid." Then she stood and just as easily reached over his head to grab his mothers neck while the woman begged for her life, suddenly thawed and moving. She struggled against the pencil thin girl and 13 made a spectacle of it as she dragged the woman about in the center of the group, parading her victim for the cameras. When one man moved his foot she shot him a look and tipped her head to him. "Thank you, for signing her death certificate."

The woman's chest rended open with the pale hand older her heart in front of her dead face.


The police arrived moments later, taking in the scene of the single woman holding the heart of her victim while the mother slumped to the floor. She had no mercy, no remorse, no hope; she had victory and fun, death and life in her hands and she had to admit, the look on the child's face was priceless. 'STAND DOWN OR WE WILL BE FORCED TO TAKE ACTION!' She looked over to where a cop was standing behind the door to his car with his pistol pointed directly at her. She tilted her head to the side and dropped the heart to the ground where its made a wet slap on the concrete, while the men watched her movements. 'DO NOT TAKE ANOTHER STEP!' The sound of the megaphone bothered her and she looked at the one in the back with it and glared, her red eyes narrowing maliciously.

She took another step.

The bullet pierced her heart.

A collective gasp from the crowd.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoebeCarlisle


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


She had been a Rebel for a long time, but one thing that upset her was the fact that there was scientists that still made people like her, and she had to fight against it, she wasn't going to let them make anymore of them. When she woke up she had the passion, she had the love, she had the will but what she didn't have was an idea. Then I light bulb flicked on. What if she could turn the New breed into rebels, now that was a plan, she wasn't sure if it would work but she had to try. She walked around looking for someone that wasn't a rebel and then she heard sirens and she followed them, because whenever there were sirens there was always a New breed. So she ran after it and saw this girl and she just killed a woman. The cop had just shot her and she ran over "Hey, hey can you hear me", she said frantically.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Zero didn't want to admit it but he did enjoy the kiss on the cheek that was given to him. Well his facial expression didn't show much excitement but he was pretty happy. He decided to push his human feelings aside for now and continue on with the mission. Zero was gonna simply wipe out all the citizens near him and 13 but it looked like she was having fun and he didn't won't to ruin that.

He spectated her actions having a smile on his face the whole time the scene played out before him. Its like person after person was asking to be killed. The cops approaching the scene made the show even better. Its like the day played into his favor when Anastasia was shot and was attended to by another citizen planning to end their life. He knew there was only a few more seconds until 13 will be back so he decided to set the mood of her revival.

With another slight wave of his hand all the cop cars besides the one with the man who shot Anastasia combusted leaving a great amount of destruction in the streets. Some citizens ran while others tried there best to get Zero on tape. Zero looked at the cop. "She's gonna be back and when she comes to I want you to look handsome for her okay." Zero said smiling as a few more cars exploded due to the fires from the destroyed police vehicles spreading. The officer was safe inside the center of this destruction for now that is until Anastasia awakens.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

]"Hey, hey can you hear me"

Anastasia had closed her eyes and swayed when the bullet tore through the upper right chamber of her heart though she didn't topple over as any mortal would have. Her body began to grow cold to the touch, her joints still as if she was being affected by rigor mortise hours before she should have and yet she still did not fall. When the voice sounded in her ears she nodded quietly, though not meek and pathetic, as if she was really going to die, but silent and cautious for a moment as she assessed what it was that had touched her. Zero would want to make a show of the woman being alive with the bloody wound in her chest pouring her life's blood onto the white dress, the fabric clinging to her torso and outlining her thin and womanly body once more.

"She's gonna be back and when she comes to I want you to look handsome for her okay."

13 jolted suddenly, her eyes opening as the girl in front of her looked at her worriedly though she was not afraid of the girl, the new breed rebel that had run to her aid as soon as she'd been shot by the human police officer. The man looked horrified but her gaze spared little other than a glance as the blood red eyes found the girl in front of her. "Don't touch me." was all that Anastasia said before she lifted a hand and dug her fingers into her chest to find the bullet stuck in her heart. She failed to breath, the pain searing through her veins until she had found the metal and pulled it from herself. She flicked it away as the crowd watched and lazily rocked on her feet until she was ready.

With little hesitation or notice she lurched forward and grabbed the woman by the neck, dropping her to the group heavily and staring at her for a moment, knowing her face at a glance. She was a shape shifter, she'd left the laboratory with the others three years ago. 13 had been asked to hunt them down. "Wait your turn child." 13 stood and stepped toward the officer that was caught in their ring of destruction. He was the one who had originally shot her but he wasn't used to people like her - she was the only one in fact. The scientists and doctors had never been able to recreate what they had with her, never been able to figure out what had killed her and brought her back to life and now, this human was going to pay for it. He was part of their show and she was sure the videos would be viral long after this city was totally annihilated.

He was shaking, disbelief in his eyes but still he remained firm and fired at her again and again until his clip ran empty while she advanced on him. Bullet holes in her body bled and healed, the metal pushed out by the new muscle growing in the'r place. She never took long to heal from a bullet wound, not after all these years of being shot at. "Well are't you a brave one. Too bad that your entire world is going to end here." He tried to attack her, to play offensive, and she let him land the blow before twisting his arm around and breaking his elbow. A normal human being could never withstand that level of pain but Anastasia knew all too well how his brain was responding to the injury. He was frozen.

And then he was dead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by starfox365
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starfox365 Foxxeh teh Knight

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Rei was never assigned to missions. Not that he minded, he didn't want to hurt anyone or....do anything in particular, anyway. Plus, he was a flight risk. Even with a tracking device inserted, and threats of his own destruction, he would always try to run. So it was that he was currently sitting in a new set of adorable clothing, this set having a pair of cat ears on the hood, while he was coddled over by some of the younger, female lab rats.

Ignoring them completely as he sat on the cool slab of metal that was the top of a gurney. He had been given a sucker to content him, and was amusing the frantically scribbling and squealing girls by fulfilling their requests of morphing his ears from one animal to another with ease. It was all too easy, they were so simple minded. Cat, dog, horse, cow, pig, lion, tiger, bear. Animals like those were easy as pie, and something he had been able to do since he was like...9. Granted, some of the newer lab rats here didn't know that the 12-year old looking lad was actually a 25-year old man. They just knew he had a morphing ability, the simpletons.

"Ladies, that's enough, I need to have some time with Rei, now," The two young lab techs blushed in embarrassment as Dr. Augustine Lydia entered the room, and shuffled out of the room apologetically, shutting the door behind them and quickly galloping off down the hall, their heels clacking noisily.

Dr. Lydia turned to Rei with an unamused, even annoyed expression, "What are you even doing here? And why must you always take on that ridiculous form?"

She turned away from him, pushing her glasses up her nose with a scowl, "You should be out in the commons area. You aren't even scheduled for testing today."
The innocent look on the child's face morphed into a twisted smirk, the sucker sticking out the corner of his mouth, "Oh, lighten up, Doc. I was just playin' with my big sisters~"

She grimaced at his butter-coated sugary words, and the child voice that came from him, "Stop that. Get back to the commons....and get out of those ridiculous clothes."

Rei hopped off the table and morphed his tongue into that of a giraffe's as he stuck his tongue out at her, holding the sucker in a free hand, "Make me~"

With that, he skipped past her and out the door, skipping childishly down the corridors towards the commons area where those that were allowed to free roam this level of the facility could sit and interact.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Illusion
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Illusion The Great!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Noriko sat on a wooden platform, fishing in the park lake for fun as usual. She kept a single bucket of water so she could hold a nice conversation with each fish she caught before releasing them. Sometimes they gave valuable information, other times they made entertaining jokes.

"You're gonna get caught again, you know. Nyaaaaaaaan," Albert yawned and stretched around Nori's back. He's a stray cat that decided to follow her after she broke out from the lab a couple of years back. Nori was already aware that fishing in the park wasn't allowed. She laughed off his warning and pulled up her line. At the end of the hook, there was a disappointingly tiny fish. She picked it by the tail fin and stared at it straight in the eyes.

"Whatcha lookin' at?" The fish spoke up and spit water straight onto Nori's face. She dropped it back into the lake and wiped her face with her sleeve. Albert snickered behind her and turned away after facing her glare. Nori sighed and got ready to cast her line again.

"Hey you!" A voice yelled from behind her. The park patrol officer was making his way toward her. "Not you again! You're not getting away this time," his walk escalated into a run. Crap! Nori gathered her things in a rush and made a break for it. Albert grabbed onto the back of her shirt with his claws and hung on for his life.

From the distance, she spotted a crowd around some performer. Getting a closer look, her vision made out a magician. Nori quickly pushed her way into the crowd to hide from the patrol officer. Albert scanned the area and confirmed that he already passed them. They sighed in relief and glanced over at the scene in front of them. Nori immediately noticed the armless girl trip and fall. There were about five individuals there not including her, and they were most definitely suspicious.

"Hey hey, don't you think it'd be best if we left from here?" Albert also noticed, and became a bit worried. Nori nodded in agreement and quickly left from the park area.

Natsumi was doing some shopping through the city streets. On her typical days, anyone would mistaken her to be a normal young lady. She glanced up as multiple police cars sounded by and smirked. A notification sound rang on her phone with a message indication. Apparently the new breed subject, "Aaron West," had discovered an interesting encounter in the park. Natsumi opened the picture attachment and observed the subjects within it. It was without a doubt Cia, however a few rebels were spotted around her. Natsumi's eyes widened. She zoomed in as much as possible toward the crowd and identified a girl with a cat and fishing pole. Without a second thought, she closed her phone and made way for the nearby park.

Upon spotting the crowd from a distance, her pace significantly slowed down. The one great feature that Natsumi had was that she in no way whatsoever appeared to be a scientist. She couldn't risk any suspicion, especially toward the rebels. Immediately, she pulled out her cell phone and requested for any backup units to stand down. All the rebel and new breed subjects in the area were recognizable, however Noriko was nowhere to be seen. Natsumi clicked her tongue and reverted her focus to the magician in the center.

"That was an excellent magic trick," she began making her way toward him without giving any glances toward the other rebels. She would be in no way recognizable to any of them considering her status of secrecy within the lab. Shift Sanguine, the ability to conjure items of metal nature. Of course, for any intent of manipulation, she had to feign ignorance. "So what's your name Mr. Magician?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Espacole
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Espacole Deaths Pimp

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Shift was just finishing for the day when he saw a girl with no arms fall near near him. As he was about to offer her some help a young black haired man came to her rescue and was helping her. As this was happening Shift heard "That was an excellent magic trick," come from behind he turned around in time to hear a cute young lady ask him, "So what's your name Mr. Magician?"
"Well, when doing magic people call me Zordon." Shift says to her while grinning, "But as I am done for the day you may call me Shift. May I ask your name lovely?"
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