@my Lalia I don't know if Musketman is still in the RP or if he dropped because of the family matters, but if he's still a part of this, Ardan would choose Ryland entirely because he's human. Afterwards, he might even think humans were useful for something.
If we're just going off of currently active players, it would come down to who would be the least compromised from a torture session without hindering the team.
Nik's the leader, so he's the guy coming up with all the plans and acting like the figurehead. It might destroy the team if the leader was incapacitated and unable to perform.
Daro's unlikely to survive torture, and her being a medic means she's pretty much invaluable.
Raya's the heavy hitter and requires mobility to be effective. She also has the most versatile combat skills.
Sorry Haze, you don't need to walk very well to shoot well, do you?