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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hoppiholla391
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hoppiholla391 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Commander," Vanahara said shortly, the first words she'd spoken around the group, giving a respectful nod and a short bow. Military protocol was a confusing tangle sometimes, but respect was not. "Vanahara Pike. Ironworker adept. Thank you for this opportunity, sir."

She gave her attention to the others when they spoke, but her eyes inevitably returned to the Commander's armor. It fit him well, and even at this distance she could sense the complicated connections and fittings between each piece. Forget the airship—even the craftsmanship Hayes wore was fascinating. Vana glanced around, but didn't spot any of her fellow Ironworkers—or even fellow Metallics. She didn't know if that was a disappointment or a relief—her classmates didn't seem to like her very much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NeoAJ
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NeoAJ Fine. I'll High Five Myself.

Member Seen 9 days ago

Nataly tilted her head back and forth a moment trying to determine whether or not it was worth it to dirty her hand in greeting the dumped Don Juan. It wasn't meant as a slight, his hand still looked pretty dusted even after an attempt to clean it. I guess I am going on this trip with him. Apparently. Better keep in good standing for now. She tentatively reached out and shook his hand, not wanting to grip too tightly lest she smudge up her hand prior to boarding. "Nataly, and I'll probably stick with Joey. Lot easier to remember."

She didn't have much time to ask Joey the specifics on what Alexi did to him, probably didn't need to since Alexi had a well known reputation and she'd be sure to tell Nataly when she returned. The point was moot when the commander of the Airship spoke up to take control of the gathering. When he said his name it definitely rang a few bells. Raven Hayes sounded very familiar. She shook her head. Nah. Couldn't be. He seemed to be a rather no-nonsense commander and it seemed to fit the theme of the team. Joey was the only one Nataly recognized from the party last night. Eve wasn't even out and about at it, probably more focused on the task at hand than Nataly was. As the introductions wound their way around the group, she caught at least one name she thought she had forgotten. Drew she remembered from the early days at the Academy before he went into the Storm classes. They weren't close but they at least talked about controlling the weather back in the day. He seemed pretty wrapped up in his studies though. Another no show last night.

Introductions eventually worked around to her. "OK, so my name is Nataly AHN-DRA-DAY." She stressed each phonetic syllable so the pronunciation was clear. Her last name was three syllables, everyone back home knew that. She hated having to correct people who shortened it to two. "Hydromancer, Blizzard Adept. Northern representative, I guess." She punctuated that last one with a shrug. As far as she knew, that combined with her status at the top of of the Adept classes were why she was chosen. "But yeah, totally ready to do...whatever it is we're doing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mictlan93
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Mictlan93 Piece of Mine, Peace of Mind

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"AHHHN-DRAAA-DAAAY...? Huh. Wonder how you spell that..." Horatio went over the pronunciation a few more times, looking on as the familiar faced Hydro girl gave out her details to the crowd. He looked about the faces of his brand new acquaintances once more. "Yup, whole lotta young features here..." he gave brief thought to the ages concerning the other mages, specifically the females. He looked at the one massive mountain of a girl, the one who called herself an Ironworker. If he were a lesser man, the sight of her would make him feel emasculated. Naturally, this wasn't the case with ol' Joey. If anything, the imposing figure and fearsome disposition intrigued him.

He decided to pipe up once Nataly finished. "Oi, hey, hi." He started in a bit of faux-timidness. "Me name's Horatio Dunst. Joey, for short." He felt reintroducing himself was a little pointless, but he made sure to say his name louder a second time, just in case the commander didn't hear him. "I...uh...well, I can make little rocks and sand move. Got called a Earthshaper when I got here? A...Boulder Mage or whatever." He wasn't entirely sure what any of that stuff meant, but sounded like it was lining up with what the others were saying, so he felt like he was on the right track.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mindpalace
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mindpalace Inside Your Head

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Crossing his arms, Tobias looked around the circle of people as they each introduced themselves. He wasn't good with names, or faces and hoped for dear life he could at least attempt to have some idea of how he might address them. Apart from Ling and the Illuminate master-Alexander?-he wasn't quite sure on the others. Realizing he should probably introduce himself, he cleared his throat and said,

"My name is Tobias. Tobias Crane, I'm a Nightshade Alchemist. Weaver." Inclining his head to the commander he added, "Thank you very much for this opportunity." Listening to their rather loud conversations, it was obvious at least some of them had been to the party last night. He wasn't surprised, as it had been a larger event. Adjusting his bag again, he wondered rather nervously if he'd forgotten anything. No. He'd checked multiple times, he had all that he needed. Everything was fine. He'd introduced himself, and now he was pretty sure he wouldn't be required to do anything else...unless someone started a conversation with him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnusualStranger
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Commander Hayes listened, noting the skills and name of each person, though two stood out in particular. First was the Northerner of the group, Nataly Andrade, who made a point of making sure everyone knew how to pronounce her name. Different to see a northerner down here, but it was an interesting thing to note all the same.

The second was the stone mage Horatio Dunst, the stone mage. Joey for short, and wanted man in some towns. He would have to make sure that one was aware of his...troublemaking had not gone completely unnoticed. Otherwise, it seemed most were grateful to go on the trip, which he doubted would remain the case. Either way, they could not linger out for long, and he grew tired of being gawked at all day.

"A pleasure to meet you all. High time for you all to see the Academy and world in another view. Hope none of you are afraid of heights. Course, I'd just have one of my men take you to your rooms right away." With a wave, Commander Hayes led the mages up the ramp onto the ship. Almost immediately, inside the ship was a part of another kind of world. A dull rumble seemed to constantly be echoing through the ship, along with the collection of metal pipes and rails all along the walls.

As the mages made their quick few steps up to the stairs to the main deck, they passed by a pair of mechanical soldiers, armored from head to toe, bristling with parts, and most notably the red eyes which stood out from their otherwise dark armor. They did no movement to even acknowledge the arrival of their Commander and his guests, just continued to stand their guard arms at their sides.

As they ascended, a few other soldiers and workers passed them by, either seeming to need to go about a task down below or bringing something up with themselves. These generally seemed more normal...except for the odd exceptional metal arm, or strange gadget which did who-knows-what.

"Welcome to the main deck. Feel free to take a look over the railings or wherever you want. Just don't get too close to the propellers. Hate to lose someone this early in the journey." Commander Hayes glanced over a few parts of the ship in particular, taking a quick look around. "I'll share more details on our particular mission once we are airborne...until then, any particular questions as we prep for final takeoff?" He paused, looking over a particular engine leading to one of the propellers. Almost as if on cue, a woman with blue hair ran over and opened a panel on the side and began to work on things inside.

"I also realize that not everyone who we had chosen was on time, Master Smith. Time is, unfortunately, not a luxury that I can simply give. If they are not here by the time we are taking off and if the ladder does not reach, they shall be left behind." Commander Hayes informed the Master, turning away from the work and making his way back over to the mages. The thrumming of the ship seemed to pick up as the propellers all seemed to begin to pick up speed, causing the large ship to groan slightly as it finally began to leave the ground.

"Shouldn't do that Commander, you know how the Prime Minister is better than anyone." The woman who had been working on the engine stated, still not looking away from her work. Without even looking, she sighed as Commander Hayes shrugged. "Someday its going to bite you, you know."

"Not today, Alice." Commander Hayes replied wryly, keeping his attention to the mages for any questions or complaints they had.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lambi
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Lambi Yuki Onna

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Silvana made sure to listen to everyone else's introductions after her own, trying to make sure she remembered everyone's names. Once those were over, they followed Commander Hayes onto the airship. It was magnificent to get to be on one. It looked spectacular, though she wasn't sure how to feel about the soldiers who just stood there with no response to anything at all.

After everyone who had arrived thus far was on board, Hayes asked them for questions. Silvana didn't really have a lot of them, but there was at least one. "How long is the flight going to take?" She wasn't used to long travels, so this would be a first for her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NeoAJ
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NeoAJ Fine. I'll High Five Myself.

Member Seen 9 days ago

Nataly took in all the sights and sounds of the airship's entry with a bit of bewildered silence. Gran Helada was not exactly the most advanced of Kingdoms, with many of the advances of the Academy not making it North, but this was roads ahead of anything she had ever seen before, complete with the mechanical men standing guard at the door. At least she hoped they were men. The eyes were a little off-putting.

The main deck was beautiful though. Even without taking off, it still offered quite a view of the sprawling fields around the academy. It held the promise of even greater vistas in the air. It made Nataly a little nervous, especially with the remark about the propellers, but not enough for her to try and break the aloof image she was projecting at the moment. She was happy to see another blunette like herself and Eve though. Even for Hydros, blue was a rare color so seeing that put her at ease about some of the people in the employ of this commander. One of the Toasters, Silvana, that was it, she asked about how long the flight was and brought up a good point. Nataly's stomach chimed in as well, the absence of breakfast not sitting well with her. "Yeah, are there going to be some in-flight snacks or something?" She knew the trip down to the Academy from Cartaquilla took a few days by boat and horse, but she didn't know what kind of speed was possible in something like this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alice sighed as she arrived to meeting on time to avoid getting in trouble. It was a thing she was taught at an age that if she wasn't on time for training or meals with the General, she would be in a lot of trouble and thinking of that made her shiver at the times when she was younger and she was sometimes late. She knew that the General who raised her was kind but when he was angry, you did not want to be a target of that angry. She introduced herself and then made herself go silent as she listened to the others that made it to the meeting and introduced themselves as well.

As she listened she began to think of what life was at Voleros and how everyone is doing. She had been traveling for five years now away from her town and she had learned a lot about the world around them and she made a mental note on her free time to get away from her duties in the academy, to visit them and tell them what she had been doing. She absently allowed her fingers to run through her hair, a habit she had whenever she was thinking and even after all these years she couldn't stop herself from playing with her hair.

When she finally stopped her thoughts she took note of her surroundings and was impressed at what she was seeing since all her in the village she only had to live with the little things the village could offer her and began to wonder how long it would take to get to the academy sin ce she never been on something like this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrOmega
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Drew made his way onto the ship, giving some of the mages a simple, polite bow as he let them get on ahead of him. He wanted to take the time to actually get a look at the thing from the outside before he could examine the interior. Despite all his concerns about the journey itself, the technology of their hosts fascinated him. To be able to move so freely through the air was something that he envied. He had some control over the winds, but gravity was a force he had yet to overcome.

Once they were on the deck, he still found himself gazing at the interior. The soldiers were strange, but the airship was quite the work of art and engineering. He watched the propellers start to spin and said aloud "I wonder if an Ironworker could replicate the engines if they got a good look at them..." he didn't know much about the elements outside his own, so he didn't know if what he asked was an easy task or something even a Master couldn't accomplish. He thought about asking Vanahara directly, but going up one he hardly knew and asking about their abilities might have been rude. Perhaps the engineer would be willing to talk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mictlan93
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Mictlan93 Piece of Mine, Peace of Mind

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Joey made a slow, curious ascend into the ship, letting other mages pass by as he took the time to observe the autonomous sentries posted up at the threshold. He was noticeably astounded by their presence. "Coorr blimey..." Wide eyed, he gave one of the bots a quick up-and-down look. Wasn't like anything he's ever seen before. Definitely wasn't typical human technology. He gave a slow gander into the robot's eyes, red in color, just like the commander's. They were cold, impersonal, mostly neutral. "What makes you tick, mate...?" He knocked at the guard's chest armor, and a mostly solid reverb vibrated back. Slowly placing his ear to its chest, he could make out something resembling a rhythmic ticking. "Like clockwork..."

Figuring he could oogle the mechanical persons some other time, Horatio decided to delve further into the ship, making his way towards the main deck, in time. The sights that could be seen from such a height and vantage would no doubt be just as amazing a sight as the robo-security. He meandered around the deck, taking note of the skyline, as well as the numerous workers and crewmen moving about. It was natural a ship of this size and complexity would have workers. He briefly wondered if he too would have to perform chores and assorted busywork within the ship's walls. "Eh, probably wouldn't be anything I haven't done before...probably."

Then, the robe-shrouded hydro girl made a comment about food. It made Joey realize that he too, skipped out on breakfast. Though, the disruptive signs of hunger never reached him. Might've been the excitement and curiosity of the whole ordeal that kept it at bay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 29 days ago

Eve followed the others onto the ship, only glancing at the two guards as she passed them. Her eyes scanned the deck, her gaze just as cool as the metal soldiers' were, as she chose to stand near the railing as far from the propellers as possible. Better safe than sorry, yeah? As she looked over the rail at the scene below them, she heard the others ask a few questions.

"I have one question, Why us? Not just us individuals, but this Academy. There are other Academies that are closer to you or to where you're going are there not?" Eve turned away from the railing and focused her gaze on the Commander. "There must be some reason. Otherwise, why go through the trouble?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blaze96


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"It is regrettable but not unexpected. I think we can make do with what we have commander. We did make our lists long for this very reason."

Alexander replied as the other students asked their questions or explored the ship. It was good to know that there was a good mix of curiosity and sensibility amongst some members of their group. It would make things far more interesting in the long run. He himself had received a briefing on the situation before hand, but didn't want to both answering question the commander himself was perfectly capable of handling.

"I'm more interested in where I could find the mess or a break area. I think I've had enough of work for now. May as well enjoy the time off while it lasts."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hoppiholla391
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hoppiholla391 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Vanahara was transfixed as they moved through the airship. She'd never seen anything of the kind—the most advanced technology she'd managed to create at home was the town's first pendulum clock, and that had been a rare exception. She was meant to focus on practical matters at home, and once she arrived at the Academy, the basics of Ironworking. This ship was something else. She couldn't help but let her fingers trail along the walls as she followed the group to the main deck, face impassive but grinning internally as she sensed her way through the workings of the airship.

She came to a stop at the back of the room when they reached the main deck, looking around with interest, and the light of curiosity was visible in her eyes. When the Commander called for questions, she raised a hand, waiting until she was recognized before asking the question that had occurred to her the moment she felt the intricate workings of the ship.

"What's our access level, sir?" she asked, folding her hands behind her back. "I mean to say, are there any restricted areas we need to watch out for?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnusualStranger
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"The flight to the storm will take most of the day. There will be meals, of course. I wouldn't expect mages to not be hungry along the journey." Commander Hayes replied, giving a small wave back to the stairs. "It will be served in the serving section of the ship, and while it won't be anything extravagant it will be filling, which is what I hope is enough for you all. So yes, in-flight snacks will be served. Downstairs, and then to the left, and don't mind the cook's unique sense of humor. He likes to see the looks on faces when he tells them what he serves."

As the ship finished the takeoff, and began to turn to move northwards, Commander Hayes turned his attention to Eve, regarding her, then the rest of the mages as the ship finally began to make speed towards their destination. With the wind now picking up as they moved, he grinned and gave a small wave now to the mages.

"I am assuming you know of each other, at the very least. And that is something that can play a part in what you do. In this case, the reason is that we believe the Academies in the north can't be trusted. Not in this particular situation, because we believe that they may have been a part of the problem. Good luck getting them to admit to that even if you throw it at them...Personally, I'd like it thrown at them from a cannon, but it is not my choice. Yet. Perhaps it won't come to that, but for now I would not trust any of the mages to the north..."

With that said, the Commander made his way to the front of the ship, turning away from the Elementals. "For now, I would suggest either sleeping off the previous evening, or having something to eat down in the mess hall. Until then, I have a ship that needs to be guided...Feel free to mingle with the crew, just don't attempt to take anything. The Iron Guard won't be quite as...forgiving as anyone else, and I'd hate to see someone lose a hand so early. As for boundries, keep your wits about you. Stay out of the other cabins, engine room, and weapons rooms. I won't have you bothering the crew, bringing us out of the sky, or blasting a damn hole in the ship. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a ship to manage. "

And with that, the Elementals were largely left to their own devices for the beginning of their journey...

Hours Later...

The Elementals, crew, and pretty much anything on board the ship was awakened and alerted by a collection of shouts, bells, and other assorted alarms. As many of the crew made their way to the deck, they were greeted by the sun starting to lower from the sky. While the sunset itself was nearly idyllic, what was in front of the airship was far more captivating.

The Storm, the Divide, the Elemental Scar, the mark had gone by many names. And many of them were a good description of what it was. A giant storm of elemental forces constantly raging, raining their power down upon the earth. Some might say it was a thing of beauty, as some elements combined into something greater, sometimes temporarily shifting the landscape to do impressive and destructive arts. Ice combining with shadows to make ice that would shatter twice, fire and earth combining to rain meteors, light and metals slamming into the ground and then projecting a beacon from where they struck for a small while.

While the storm raged, Raven Hayes was stepping about the deck, his voice at times booming to make sure the right person heard him. As he finally stopped and noted the arrival of the Elementals on the deck, he marched over looking rather displeased at what was in front of them.

"Elementals, welcome to the Scar. I imagine many of you have never seen it, so you might as well take a good look. Quite the sight, isn't it? Some scavengers say the metal from the sky is of the finest quality, though you'd be quite insane to go down there to gather that stuff without something special." Raven Hayes said, gesturing over the side of the ship.

"Since it has now become a direct problem, I might as well explain why you are here. We have learned that there are groups of mages running around with something that pulls the storm. At first, we thought it was just slowly beginning to expand, but then it began to expand in very specific directions. Selective Elemental Camps, more often than not, seemed to be in the general direction. Upon attempting to investigate, they smashed an entire room to nothing before we could get close, and scattered to the winds. I'm betting you can guess what the storm did when the group suddenly relocated?" Raven Hayes continued wryly, turning his back to the storm to address the mages direction.

"Now, as you can see, the storm seems quite solid here, but we did not fly through the storm to get to your Academy. There was a valley that was relatively clear here, but is here no longer. Which means someone decided it would be handy to close this pass, at least for a time. Hard to imagine whatever moves the storm being able to stand up to it for long. So, we have a pair of options, but technically I only see one that works for us."

Putting on a grin that could be considered a bit too joyous for the occasion, he counted off the pair of options on his hand. "One, we sit here and wait for who knows how long it takes for the storm to finally retreat back enough to where we can eventually go through. Could be a day, could be a week. Obviously, we can't sit around that long when more of this garbage is spreading. Two...we shield the ship, with your help of course, and fly through the damned thing. I would like to think that you could help in initial shielding...perhaps some additional metal or elemental reinforcement, before we make the attempt. And then some additional help as we fly through. So, what do you think? Think you can all handle it? Because otherwise this trip might take a bit longer with a few bits missing from the ship...but let me be clear that we will be going through, as we don't have time to simply wait for this storm."

Raven proceeded to go about inspecting what his crew was up to and making sure things were being done properly as cannons and other weapons were brought out. It seemed as if many of the soldiers on the ship intended to fight the storm, as insane as it seemed. "You'll have a bit of time to choose a position Elementals! Or find a better idea to dissipate a storm of otherworldly power!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by WriterRaven
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WriterRaven Doing My Best

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Scar was... fascinating. All of the six magical Elements combining with one another could only be described as chaotic and harmonious, rampant and wondrous, all at the same time. Ling caught herself staring seconds before Commander Hayes approached. So the plan was to use magic to reinforce the ship's already notable armour... she was of no direct help there. Her magical capabilities were limited. So she had to find an alternative.

"Commander, Master Smith, I don't feel that I will be of particular help in providing a shield for the ship," she began, "but I used the downtime to prepare a handful of minor restorative potions, plus a couple of tonics to bolster the mind and sharpen the drinker's magical power a little." She indicated half a dozen vials on her belt: three red potions and three blue.

"Assuming the others will work to prevent damage to the ship, I'll see what I can do about keeping them up and casting spells. Although..." Ling had only just noticed the crew readying weapons all across the deck. "You're expecting a physical fight just as much as a magical assault from the instability of the Scar? What could live in such a storm?" The answer to that question was probably one that she would find out for herself soon enough, but she felt the need to ask all the same. She drew Kei from its holster on her back, and straightened its arms out, tautening the string with the motion. Ammunition would come later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Meridian
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Meridian The Detective

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Iridessa examined every inch of the airship was she walked through with feigned indifference, adopting the manner of someone who'd seen it all before, which she hadn't. The most impressive means of transport she'd ever used prior to this trip was a particularly fast horse, which unfortunately she'd lost in a bet. She passed by the Commander answering some of the questions of the other elementals and paused a little distance away, just close enough to hear what he was saying. She grinned at the mention of food, and made her way downstairs to the mess hall with the directions he'd given.

Commander Hayes hadn't been kidding about the quality of the food. Iridessa had been on some hard times during her travels, but she didn't remember anything shed eaten being quite so... Unappealing. Even so, it was edible, and she supposed that would have to do. After finishing her meal, she explored the airship some more, coming across a group of particularly friendly crew members who made for an amenable audience for her bawdy jokes.

Hours later, Iridessa stood on the deck, summoned by the unapologetic klaxons that had sounded across the ship. In front of them lay a massive elemental storm. She'd heard stories about such an occurrence, although their sources had been rather doubtful. She looked on in amazement at the destructive yet entrancing nature of elements. Fire, ice, metal, all dancing in a ferociously beautiful motion across the landscape. That was exactly the kind of power she aspired to. The kind that awed those who weren't even on the receiving end of it. Her mind was split between the sight of the storm and the Commander's words. Elemental reinforcement? Iridessa had never used her abilities in any way that was even vaguely constructive. She mostly destroyed things- clothes, furniture, huts. She had no idea how she would carry out his instructions, but decided she could figure it out on the go. That couldn't be too hard, right? She'd do it just fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hoppiholla391
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hoppiholla391 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

When Vanahara returned to the main deck, she expected to see the same unchanging white-clouded view she'd been glancing at for hours now. Instead, she was met with a roiling mass of elements masquerading as the Storm. Curiously, she didn't seem shocked or afraid like some of her companions; her only reaction was a slight narrowing of her eyes. The Storm had been a constant presence on the horizon when she still lived in her village; she was wary of it, and justly so, but it held no superstitious fear for her now. In fact, there had been some in her village who worshipped the Storm as a separate deity; she was used to it.

Keeping her head about her in the face of the Storm might well be a valuable ability in this situation, she thought. Couldn't hurt to offer.

"Sir," she spoke up after the Nightshade made her offer of alchemical support. "I have some experience with the Storm. I can try to keep the outer shell intact at weak points."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 29 days ago

Eve simply slept during the downtime that was given. She was never truly tired it seemed, although she could sleep easily whenever she wished, it had always been this way, even before her elemental powers appeared. She was startled a moment by the klaxons that woke her, but by the time she got to the bridge her composure was back.

"I too have some experience with the storm. I'll help strengthen the hull with my ice." As she spoke she looked around for her classmate, the other Blizzard. "Nataly, would you help me? Together our ice would be much stronger than if I were to do this alone. We can pull the ice from the storm itself to strengthen the shield as we go through."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mictlan93
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Mictlan93 Piece of Mine, Peace of Mind

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Joey popped up with a start, knife held at the ready as the invasive, blaring, ring-a-ling-dinging of the alarms shot him out of slumber that was, arguably, some of the best sleep he's had in awhile. He made mental comparisons to sleeping on a normal, sea-faring ship, and how the two scenarios just couldn't compare. "S'like sleeping onna cloud..." He regarded as he rushed up to the main deck. "What'd I miss, what'd i mis-" His barely wrapped feet slid to a stop as he got a good look at what all the commotion was about.

"Seven bloody hells..." He looked on as he holstered his blade, awestruck, as the pure, swirling, writhing mass of magic raged on the horizon. It was something he knew about, obviously, everyone and their mother knew about it. The monks and nuns he lived amongst almost always mentioned it. But seeing it in person was something else entirely different. For once, he was kinda speechless as he gazed into it. Commander Hayes broke him from his stupor, as gave a briefing on why the mages were there in the first place.

"Free, fine metals? That's like, free resources! If we can get down there...that means free money!" He said, louder than he wanted. "Er, ahem, I mean, uh, i'm not sure if I can't stand with the other kids when it comes to me magical expertise." He explained, thumbing over to the others. "A man can make a pebble do a good jack, but I can't put a oliver to something of this magnitude!" He gave a quick glance towards the girl with the crossbow, sounded like she was in the same boat as he was. "If there's something else you'd have me t'do cap'n, m'all ears."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NeoAJ
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NeoAJ Fine. I'll High Five Myself.

Member Seen 9 days ago

The thought of food definitely appealed to Nataly so she was part of the crew that headed to the mess hall soon after being dismissed by the Commander to their own devices. She was disappointed with the food on offer, though it made sense that a ship more attuned for practical purposes wouldn't exactly be offering the finest fish to it's clientele. She had a decent enough meal and went back to her quarters to try and rest up...until the alarm sounded.

As Nataly bounded up to the deck, the Scar was the furthest thing from her mind. She was more worried about a possible attack on the ship, and the plummeting to the ground that might occur from it. Upon arriving on the deck though, she couldn't help but be captivated by the sights in front of her. "Wow..." There were stories about the Scar, told by sailors from the south and mages from the north. They weren't able to capture the beautiful dance between fire and ice, between ice and shadow, earth and light, everything was mixing together like the universe was making a cake. It was a sight to behold, one even Nataly didn't think she could properly put into words. So when Commander Hayes said he wanted to fly right through the churning dervish, that kind of statement is what it took to snap the Northerner out of her trance.

Right through the thing? That's crazy! The choice was already made though. Forces were scrambling around them, cannons were the obvious defence mechanism of the ship as the large barrels were being tended to. It was clear the Commander intended to fight his way through the storm. All right, fine. I'll get some daggers out, I'll hit some stuff. That's what they want? I can do that. Yeah. Totally. It'll-

"Nataly, would you help me?"


Eve explained the plan she had to strengthen the hull of the ship with ice gather from both their powers as well as the air around them. Yeah, that seems like a smarter plan actually. "OK, yeah. Definitely. Can totally do that, Eve. Let's do it. Gather all the ice!"
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