Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SwarthyBard126

SwarthyBard126 Insert Something Witty Here

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"Don't worry about it. It's more like an interview more than anything." Turning his head around again toward the girl, "Your parents are dead to huh? Fancy that, this place must be filled with orphans." Despite his light-hearted comment, Casey couldn't hide the sorrowful expression that covered his face. Quickly turning back around, Casey began speeding up once more.

"Come on, we're almost there, and I think I can see a line forming." Casey said as he focused his vision at the approaching mob of people outside the hall. He could stopped at the edge of the crowd, turning around to his companion. "Well, here we are, do you want me to still accompany you?" He asked, and waited for the girl's response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Morticia smiled at Casey when she spoke.
"I'm glad that it is more like an interview. I was not sure what I had to do to be able to stay here. So there are a lot of orphans here?
It would be nice if you could stay with me since I am very nervous. And you are the only one that I know here.....Besides that I hate crowds and I almost freak out if I am in a crowd. I just can't stand around and do nothing that well either....." Morticia replied and wondered if he would tell her more about himself or would she have to find out on her own or ask him about his family.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Undying Curiosity
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Undying Curiosity Coffee Drinker

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Veit let out a giggle as he heard her response. "It most Definition is a Challenge!" Veit said with a slightly cocky attitude. Veit was a taken aback a little when she said 'catch me if you can' and he didn't expect her to run off to quickly, but it only took a single moment for Veit to accept this event and catch the girl. "Let's go!" Veit shouted to the air, as he got in position to run. His eyes focused on Quinn's brown hair that was trailing behind her. She was moving very quickly, almost getting lost in the crowed, but at the last second before losing her, Veit sprinted in her direction.

Like many other vampires, possibly including Quinn, Hunting was a very important part of Veit's life. He knew that he could have made some connection or bought someone off and have them drop off bags of blood at his doorstep, but Veit didn't think it was very fitting for a vampire so he choose to hunt his own prey. He never realized how much he'd gone hunting before, but now that he was chasing someone for entertainment instead of hunger, he saw clearly how much he'd improved over the years. When you're on the brink of loosing your mind, you don't perform at %110, but when you want to hunt, you become much more...motivated.

Veit was catching up quickly, but he didn't want it to end just quite yet. He came close to her and shouted,"You call that running? Sie können besser als das zu tun!" Veit spoke English to translate, "You can do better than that!" After he made it apparent that he was on her trail, he slowed up so that he didn't catch her just quite yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Donny was walking towards the festival when a girl ran right past her. She was going so fast that he didn't get a good look at her, though he swore he saw her smile at him. Was she just playing around? Donny would have gave chased, but before he could even spot her someone else ran past him. He at least didn't run Donny over, but it looked like he was running after the girl. "Whoa. They must be really excited. Where's they going anyways?" Looking at the map on the pamphlet, Donny figured the two were heading towards the magical demonstrations. It certainly sounded interesting enough to run someone over. "Well, wouldn't want to be late either! Donny did his best sprinter's impression and ran towards where the teachers were demonstrating their magics. He was fast, not quite as fast as the two people who just ran by him, but still pretty fast.

Meanwhile there was still plenty of people getting paper work done at the Assembly Hall. Luckily there wasn't as many as before, so things were starting to trickle by quickly. For Morticia and Casey, they'd only have to wait a few minutes before they would find a white-haired woman with piercing red eyes sitting behind a table. She had a professional smile and greeted them warmly. "Hello. My name is Lucilia Riovas. How may I help you?"

Meanwhile at the festival, there was a great stage were various teachers set up to demonstrate their magics. There was a total of six teachers, one for each class of magic, with their assistants either setting up the stage or simply waiting for further orders. One of the assistance went over to some of the teachers and asked them if they were ready. One of them, a vampire who wore all white had had golden eyes, shook his head.

"Let's wait on a few more students first. Once we have a larger crowd than we'll begin. Wouldn't want to let everyone miss it after all, right?"

At around that time Donny had managed to reach the stage. He didn't see that girl who nearly ran him over, nor the boy who was chasing after her. "Did I beat them here?" He looked around a bit confused, but decided that it didn't really matter. Most of the other students had taken seats near the stage but Donny spied a lone tree on top of the hill. He figured it would make an excellent spot to watch the teacher's demonstrate from. Putting most of his things into his pockets Donny went over to the tree, and in a single leap managed to land in the branches.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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@Lucius Cypher

"Hi. My name is Morticia Lugosse. I am here to apply for the school. What do I need to do?" Morticia asked softly with her eyes shining brightly for she was starting to get hungry. She looked at the lady with an unusual hat. She just couldn't see herself in such a hat at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

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Outside the school, there was a petite young female who watched the students from afar afraid to go in, the wing on her head seem to twitch as well as the one on her left shoulder blade, she was wearing a strapless black dress that reached her thighs the top corners of the dress cruving up like bat wings, she had elbow length finger less gloves and she wore knee length high heeled boots. Her maroon eyes were filled with fear and sadness as she watched the activities from her place her fingers placed against the cold stone.

"Why did the man in the white suit wanted me to come here, I am just a half breed..." she muttered tears in the corners of her eyes as she tried to back away, but unfortunately before she could escape completely she caught the eyes of someone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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Quinn Myers

Quinn flew through the crowd, her hair whipping against her skin. Moments like these only made being a Vampire even better than it was before. After smiling at someone, Quinn glanced back to see if her new friend had followed. Sure enough, Veit was closing in on her, "You call that running? Sie können besser als das zu tun!" Veit spoke English to translate, "You can do better than that!"

Giggling, she sprinted even faster, quicker than she ever thought her little legs could carry her. She knew Veit was slowing down on purpose, trying to make the fun last; it was only a matter of time before he decided to catch her. Looking ahead, she noticed a sloped wheel barrow. Without thinking, she ran up it and flipped back in their air, landing shakily on the ground behind Veit. The landing wasn't perfect, but she was on her feet nonetheless. Being athletic like this used to never be her thing, even running made her squirm, but becoming a Vampire amplified her strength, allowing her to do much more than a Human could ever dream of. Quinn smirked and crossed her arms, looking at Veit.

"You may be faster than me but can you do that?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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"Well, here we are I suppose..." Maple stepped off the train to the amazing sight of the school. Most were immediately walking through the large ornate doors into the city surrounding the academy, but Maple slipped out of the crowd to stand off to the side and catch her breath. As she did, she watched the crowd.

There were some interesting folks there, but the most interesting to her was a girl about her age with a wing on her head and another on her shoulder. She was wearing a fancy little black dress, and looked like she was about to cry her heart out. As Maple approached her, she noticed her eyes were red-tinted, like her own, and found a reason to talk to the girl other than, 'Hey, don't cry sweetheart!'

"Hey, i'm Maple. Yes like the tree. I'm also Canadian, if that means anything to you." Maple silently cursed her harsh tone as she spoke, trying again with a light kindness in her voice now. "Sorry, I'm what you'd call naturally blunt. Don't take what I say seriously." A smile now, and reel her in.

"You hungry? Don't bother saying no, because I can see it all in your eyes." Maple kept a kind smile on her face as she waited for the girl to respond, holding her hand out to her.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Undying Curiosity
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Undying Curiosity Coffee Drinker

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Veit's eyes were glued to the amazing display of acrobatics. He heard Quinn say something, but he only caught the last bit of it,'Can you you do that?'. Veit's eyes snapped forward, landing on the wheel barrow, watching as it quickly drew closer. Veit was ready to do something, but his body wasn't, he could have copied Quinn and just do an elegant back flip through the air but Veit wanted to do something different. He wasn't sure what else he could do, and without realizing it, the wheel barrow was only a few feet away. It was to late to turn around and shout to Quinn 'I'm not that skilled', but the momentum would carry him into the wheel barrow if he tried to stop.

Veit accepted defeat when he realized there was no way out of this, the wheel barrow was now within arms length and he had no plan in mind. Veit closed his eyes as he crashed into the wheel barrow. The edge of the contraption made him trip into the barrow face first, after landing in it the momentum from his incredible speed propelled both Veit and the barrow forward toward a crowed where people were seated at a stage. Unbeknownst to him, this stage was where all the magics teachers were.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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"Ah, a new student. Here are some papers you need to fill out, including your name, race, birthday, and when you discovered your vampirism. Also..."

All-in-all it took Lucilia and Morticia about thirty minutes to fill out the various forms and documents, take her picture, and produce her a card. "Do your best to keep your card. Not only is it your identity card, but it is also needed if you wish to buy anything within the city, access certain facilities, or engage in various services. Aside from that, enjoy your stay at the Scarlet Briar Academy!" Giving a kind smile to Morticia Lucilia spied some newcomers in the distance. Lucilia gathered more documents for them, feeling that they would come see her soon.


Meanwhile as Donny watched from his tree, he saw some teachers come out for magical demonstrations. The first up was the man dressed completely in white. He even had white hair. The only thing that wasn't white was his eyes, which were gold. He stepped up to the microphone and spoke out. "I am Psyren, and I know each and everyone one of you. You may be wondering how, or why. The answer is simple: it's thanks to Mental Magic. I can read your thoughts... And control others with my mind." Demonstrating the power of his control Psyren took a step back and raised his hands. Soon, various students were lifted up into the air, helpless as they flailed around. "Mental magic is not only the power of telepathy, but also telekinesis! To master Mental Magic is to master matter itself. Observe!" Lowering the various students back into their seat, some assistants came out with various objects. Balls, buckets of water, barrels, a gun, a couple of bags, and a set of barbells. They threw them at Psyren and without even lifting a finger they were caught in the air. One of the assistants even shot at him, but no bullets hit him. A wave of his hand and he even disarmed the gun, dismantling it into pieces before dropping the parts into a barrel. He said nothing more as he walked off the stage, carrying the props with him using telekinesis.

The next up was a young man in a fancy three-piece suit. He walked up to the stage and to the mike. "Hello, my name is Vandheer Lorde. Don't let my appearance fool you... My magic involves mastering the wild and harsh Elements. They're a tricky and vicious beast, some which contains a vampire's natural weakness. And if you learn my magic, you will learn how to combat these weaknesses. Like so." Suddenly, Vandheer burst into flames, scaring much of the audience members. "Fire is our natural enemy. But with nature magic, we turn fire into a loyal ally. And you may be wondering about our other weakness, one that could make any gaudy human into a threat. Silver." Vandheer's fire vanished, and his body was now covered in silver. He moved himself freely however, even producing a blade to cut his arms. No blood was drawn, and his body seemed fine. He dismissed the silver, falling into dust around his feet. He was completely unharmed. He then waved his arms through the air, and water and wind gathered around him forming a comfortably chair for him to sit on while in the air. "Master the elements and you master nature itself. Even if you don't master the elements, you're still far more powerful then any other vampire who chooses a different path." And with that Vandheer left the stage, slouching in his wind and water chair.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Morticia was very much relieved when the paperwork was done and to find out that she would have a bit of allowance to spend. She quickly hurried away to find Casey and when she did find him, she was all smiles.

"Hey Casey! I am officially enrolled into the Academy! I have my ID card, room number and everything! I am so excited......" she paused as she heard and saw the two professors.

"Wow..... I guess there is a lot to learn and do here. I need to decide what classes I want yet. Want to come and sit with me while I make my choices?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

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Quinn stood and watched as Veit raced after the wheelbarrow, gaining more speed and momentum than her. Instead of doing an incredible back flip as she had, Veit fell face first and sent the wheelbarrow flying through the air.

"Veit!!" Quinn yelled, chasing after him. A slight smile curved on her lips. While she sincerely hoped he was alright, the situation was a bit funny. Following Veit, Quinn arrived at what appeared to be a school demonstration. Several eyes had already flickered to Veit, obviously surprised as to why a wheelbarrow and a boy had interrupted them. Grinning, Quinn waved to the crowd and winked while walking up to Veit.

"Are you alright?" She asked and held out her hand to help him up. Looking around, she noticed that teachers were also present. Uhh... Maybe they won't notice?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Undying Curiosity
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Undying Curiosity Coffee Drinker

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Veit's head was spinning as he lied there in the wheelbarrow. For a fee moments he felt as if his skin was glued to the barrow preventing him from getting out, he opened his eyes when he heard Quinn's voice. She extended her hand out to him, this was his way out of the wheelbarrow. He grabbed her hold of her hand, it was a surprise to him when he noticed she had an unusually firm grip. He hoisted himself out of the wheelbarrow and stood on his shaky feet. "Danke." Veit said softly, he cleared his throat and spoke again, "Thank you...Your help is -" Veit stopped and looked around. Noticing where he was.

The stage before him was the magics demonstration that was hosted and preformed by the teachers. Veit only caught the last act of the mental magic demonstration, but he was intrigued. "I will check the nurse out in a bit, see if my injuries are served. Undue then, let's watch this..." Veit said, looking back and forth from Quinn and the stage. "Let us go!" Veit started to walk towards the Stage, finding a seat in front. He made sure there was a chair beside him in case Quinn wanted to sit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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"Well, here we are I suppose..." Maple stepped off the train to the amazing sight of the school. Most were immediately walking through the large ornate doors into the city surrounding the academy, but Maple slipped out of the crowd to stand off to the side and catch her breath. As she did, she watched the crowd.

There were some interesting folks there, but the most interesting to her was a girl about her age with a wing on her head and another on her shoulder. She was wearing a fancy little black dress, and looked like she was about to cry her heart out. As Maple approached her, she noticed her eyes were red-tinted, like her own, and found a reason to talk to the girl other than, 'Hey, don't cry sweetheart!'

"Hey, i'm Maple. Yes like the tree. I'm also Canadian, if that means anything to you." Maple silently cursed her harsh tone as she spoke, trying again with a light kindness in her voice now. "Sorry, I'm what you'd call naturally blunt. Don't take what I say seriously." A smile now, and reel her in.

"You hungry? Don't bother saying no, because I can see it all in your eyes." Maple kept a kind smile on her face as she waited for the girl to respond, holding her hand out to her.

Colette jumped hearing the girl and she looked at her, it was obvious by her smell that she was not a full human and by her reactions she was not used to seeing other vampires like her. "U um" she said unable to speak, her eyes flashing a crimson color that spoke of blood lust and she whimpered backing up.

"P please just...stay...away...im not safe" she said before running into school towards more secluded spots
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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"Not safe? You're kidding right?" Maple laughed a little and took the girl's hand before she could run off. She walked with her into the school and they got in the line for registration. Maple's grip was strong, she wasn't about to let this girl go. "Listen. Whatever bad stuff has happened to you before, it won't happen here. You don't have to be afraid of hurting anyone, because frankly most full vampires are stronger than halflings like you. No offence. We'll do this first, and then get you something to drink, ok?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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She shook her head shaking harder "Please stop, if I drink it will come faster. I cannot control it and I will only hurt me" she whimpered shaking more as fear and the hint of blood lust began to leak through

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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"Jeez, would you quit squirming?!" Maple tightened her grip on the girl. "We're almost to the front of the line." Leave it to a halfling to freak out about nature.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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A warm and silky voice called out to the two girls. Lucilia sat at the desk with a polite and welcoming smile. However there was a glint in her eyes. A glint that said she was ready for anything.

"You should listen to your friend. It won't be good for you if you don't drink. Here," Lucilia left her seat and approached the two girls, handing Colette a bottle. Inside of it was fresh blood; not like the stuff from the fountains. This was extracted just earlier today from a living human. "You don't need to suffer any more."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Diabolic
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Diabolic Seeker of knowledge

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Auriel was one of the last people to get off the train, he was unsure as to where he was supposed to be, being somewhat the loner he was due to his past, he was a bit shy and would almost definitely decide to wait for someone to spot him and give him a hand. However, he figured such a big place would be squandered if he didn't get the chance to see the new sites for his own eyes before orders would be given to him. He first spotted a fountain, flowing with blood it drove him crazy. Waiting in his metal box to get here was killing him enough as it is and now the site of blood. perhaps he was not permitted to drink at this time, he asked a local vendor just across the street if he had seen anyone else moving anywhere. Such a dull question to ask, of course he had, but Auriel quickly changed his question.

"Ok...I just arrived here, a little late from getting off the train. I suppose everyone else is gathering somewhere?"

He asked awkwardly, his words were off - for he needed blood.

The vendor understood finally what Auriel was trying to convey, he quickly pointed in the direction of the assembly hall where many other vampires were supposed to be present, he thanked the man and ran off towards the hall, hopeful he wouldn't be the only one there.

He flung wide the gates of the hall, (technically he just sort of opened the door, but more dramatic-like)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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As the Nature magic teacher left the stage, a woman with long white hair and a simple white dress skipped to the center. Before she even said anything, all the students and people gathered to watch saw the Earth fall away from them until they were standing in a black nothingness. "I am Vivian Stark, and do not fear for this is a simple Illusion." She finished speaking and smiled at the audience while the scene began to lighten and come more into focus, revealing a fairytale glen bathed in moonlight. "This is one of the first techniques you will learn as an Illusionist, how to make the real world fall away and replace it with whatever you wish! Although you won't be able to do it on so grand a scale yet. Illusion is a very useful magic, especially if you are someone with a great imagination." She waved her hand, and around them the Illusion seemed to crack and shatter like a mirror, bringing them back to the real world around them. She took a quick bow and bounced off the stage as the next woman stepped up.

This woman also had long white hair, however it wasn't as long as Vivian's and that was the only similarity between the two. She wore a deep blue armored dress and a coat to match, with a sword in a beautiful scabbard at her side. Two cats walked up onto the stage with her, and sat at each of her sides, just a few paces away. "I am Janus Seraph, and no you may not call me Jane." With the introduction out of the way, the teacher promptly transformed into a cat identical to the two on stage with her. They shuffled around for a little bit until no one could tell which cat was her. She spoke, but still no one could tell which cat was her. "As you can see, Transformation magic is very useful for hiding in plain sight, but it can also be used to enhance your abilities and strength." At this the cat on the left Transformed into a dragon and flew high above the crowd, then in midair she Transformed back to her normal self but kept the wings until she floated back to land on the stage. She said nothing else as she walked back off the stage, her cats trailing after her.
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