Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Her normal eye color is bright blue, like the sea. Her hair color is also normally a bit darker, like chocolate. This pic is more like her if she's gone a week without feeding.

Name: Maple (DiamondHeart) Goldstein

Age: 19

Reputation: She's normally a quiet girl, but not really shy. She keeps herself from getting too close to anyone because of her past mistakes, and she doesn't trust anyone really because of how others have treated her in the past too. She has a tendency to be rude or violent when she feels even slightly threatened, often starting fights and causing herself to make a few enemies.

History: Both her parents were vamps, and they were both killed in a raid on her family's mansion when she was only 7 years old. She only got away because the people who attacked her parents didn't even know that she existed, as she had never been allowed off the grounds of the mansion. After her parent's death, she came back to the mansion and continued to live there until she turned 19 years old, feeding on the few people who came to check out "the vamp's old haunted mansion".

She never went feral, but she did come close a few times, and she had to leave the mansion a few times to hunt so she wouldn't. One night, she had gone almost 10 days without feeding, so she went into the city and attacked a few people. While she was always careful to not be seen, she messed up somehow that time, and a large mob soon had her surrounded. She was gonna attack them all, she didn't care about them, but she didn't have to.

A man wearing a white suit parted the crowd, and basically saved her. After the mob left, he told her about Scarlet Briar Academy. Tired of being alone all the time, and her constant worry over her survival, she accepted the man's offer and decided to attend the academy.

Secrets: She has a tendency to be rude or violent not only when she feels threatened, but is even more so towards those she likes. She doesn't want to get too close to anyone because she is afraid that they'll either hurt her, or that she'll end up hurting them.

Misc.: She focuses on mental magic. Also, she is Canadian, although it's not obvious other than she doesn't understand some American laws and celebrities and so on.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SwarthyBard126

SwarthyBard126 Insert Something Witty Here

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Casey Turner

Age: 19

Reputation: "I hear this kids the real deal, 'member that group of little shits at the pier? 'Pparently they pissed him off after trying to drive him out o' their 'turf'. The pigs found their corpses washed up on the beach a week later..." Benny "Ballistic" Shelton dec. a respected and giving member of the community

History: Born of the rape of a human man by a female vampire, Casey Turner was always odd. His father would always tell; him stories of how he appeared one day in a cradle, with a note saying that he was a gift from an "old flame". In the basket was a also a box of vials, and Mr. Turner was instructed to give the child a vial on the first day of each month. And so, Casey lived a comfortable life until his 18th birthday. After running out of the fluid one month, he began to feel weaker and hungrier. On the day of his birthday he finally snapped. After a week of starvation, he murdered his entire family. After regaining his sanity, he saw the carnage he had wrought. Thinking quickly he began making the whole event look like an accident and burned down the home. He then began living in the seedier parts of the city, surviving by feeding on gang members. Eventually a month later a strange man appeared to him offering a scholarship to Scarlett Briar Academy.

Secrets: Casey is actually a quiet young man who grew up to fast. He enjoys Literature and had been planning on becoming an English major before the incident. He was an avid martial artist in his old life, with an above average human physique and power.

Magic and Combat: Casey specializes in Blood magic, namely using blood runes to strengthen himself. For example, can also either paint a rune on his body for a temporary boost, or carve it for a permanent boost. Casey is self taught, finding a journal on the subject when he returned tonthe rubble if his old home in his old basket. Not manifesting his powers ubtil late in his life, Casey relies more on his martial aarts training over his magic, which plays a support role.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Undying Curiosity
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Name: Veit "V" Schulz ( pronounced Shults)

Age: 17

Reputation: Veit was born of German descent, he was born and raised in Germany as well. Because of his little time in foreign countries to his own, his vocabulary is limited in languages other than German. Because of this, his communication skills are sub-par, very easily making him a laughing stock. Contrary to some bully victims, Veit embraces his flaws, refusing to let his speech impairment get the better of him. Regardless of his lack of communication skills, veit is very reasonable. He is also a bit naive, sympathizing and trusting every Harry, Dick and Jane who gives him a sob story. Veit isn't one to get nervous, not by person, place or thing. Instead he ventures forth into the unknown, examines the strangest of things and has no anxieties when dealing with phenomenon of social attitudes.

History: Veit , born and raised in a populated city somewhere in Germany. His family wasn't particularly famous (nor infamous) but they were considerably wealthy. On his father's side there was a line of stock brokers. His aunt, cousins, and grandfather, all stock brokers. On his mother's side, however, their fortune came from an invention that is now in almost every home in Germany (Every home who could afford one that is).

Veit's father was a vampire and he hid his true nature like a master. His mother, on the other hand, did not. Because of that simple fact, Veit's mother blew her Husband's secret on multiple occasions. Needless to say, Veit and his father took care of the problem.

Veit soon became bored of his life. His mother almost ruined their family on many occasions, Veit felt stuck in a fate of stock brokerage or entrepreneurial lifestyles, and he felt disconnected from his family because his interests were different from that of his predecessors. It was to his fortune, that he got an invitation to Scarlet Briar Academy from a white suited man, an easy escape from his life and a place where he can excel and find who he truly is.

-The only thing Veit is nervous or afraid of, is lack of control, especially in regards to his powers.
- Veit dislikes poshness, and takes a liking to eccentrics (which is most vampires in comparison to their human counterparts).
- Enjoys drinking on occasions, along with taking walks past midnight and getting into harmless ,yet, heated debates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~Quinn Myers~

Quinn Myers has jet black hair that runs all the way down her back. She tends to wear her hair in low pony tails, letting curled pieces of her hair fall in front of her face. Standing at around 5’3, she’s fairly short for her age, but seems taller due to her incredible confidence. Quinn’s eyes are bright baby blue and are the first thing people seem to notice about her. They make her face pop up, and with a touch a makeup, Quinn looks absolutely stunning.

Quinn’s wardrobe isn’t exactly the best, she tends to go more comfy that stylish. Occasionally though, she’ll dress up for no particular reason. It can be fun every once and awhile to be fancy for Quinn, and she loves messing with people’s heads. Quinn usually puts on a dash of eye shadow and a touch of mascara. It’s not too much, but the perfect amount of natural beauty and cosmetics.

Name: (Can be anything) Quinn Myers

Age: 16

Quinn is considered to be a fun and outgoing girl. As a human, she had missed out on everything a normal girl went through. Now, she’s determined to live life as a normal teenager would, well except for the bloodsucking part. Fun-loving and adventures, Quinn’s the type of girl that encourages people to skinny dip, or to stink out past curfew, anything to get her close to a beating heart beat. She's also fearless and courageous. It's rare for something to frighten her. Life as a human sucked for Quinn, she intends to make up for it as a vampire.

Unlike most vampires, Quinn has a pretty good control on blood. It comes easy to her, for whatever reason. She’d always been good at pacing herself and drinking blood seemed to be just the same. Sometimes Quinn would even help young vampires gain control, something her teacher’s will often assign her to do.

Quinn is also extremely hardworking. If there’s something she wants, count on it happening. She will to all extremes to accomplish something. Write a book? Check. Learn Japanese? Check. Learn ancient history? Check. The list goes on and on. No matter what she sets out to do, it will get done. Watch out if you stand her way, she’s not afraid to run right through you.

Quinn was born in London England to normal human parents. From a young age, she had a wild imagination and from there developed an intense interest for the supernatural. Instead of going to birthday parties and having sleepovers, Quinn would read and research everything she could find on the occult. Any normal, loving parent would have been concentered by Quinn’s obsession, but not hers. Being professors as they were, they didn’t have enough time for their only daughter. The only interest they ever showed was when they hired Quinn’s nanny.

And so, Quinn continued her research. It wasn’t until high school did Quinn start to believe not only was the supernatural interesting, but it was real. Several trips were taken to mysterious places about strange, magical incidents or humans drained from blood, even the slightest rumor had Quinn packing her bags. She could be gone for weeks, and her parents still wouldn’t care. As far as they were concerned, Quinn was simply a stray cat, who could leave the house for weeks but would still come back home for food and shelter. Not even the nanny, who was only there for the money, cared where Quinn went off to.

It was when Quinn’s grades started slipping did her parents start to intervene. She had always been a straight A student, until 10th grade. High school wasn’t even slightly interesting to Quinn anymore, all that mattered was the supernatural. She could have dropped out right then and made a career in the occult world. But her father was furious at the embarrassment Quinn had caused. She had only three B’s, but they still completely freaked out. She wouldn’t have been surprised if her father’s booming voice caused the entire house to collapse. They grounded her to the house for an entire month. Quinn couldn’t bear to spend another minute stuck in that house, so the first day her parents left to give a speech in America, she decided to flee the prison which she was supposed to call home. To this day, Quinn’s unsure if her parents ever tried to look for her. Quinn took this opportunity to become a full time supernatural information gatherer, which she still wasn’t sure if that was actually a thing. Regardless, Quinn traveled around the world gathering more information on the Occult.

Never did Quinn think she could become a supernatural creature herself. It was March 15th, the death of Julius Caesar, and apparently the day a ghost attacked a small village in Italy every year, when Quinn’s life was changed forever. It was simply any other normal day, well normal for Quinn anyway. The clock read 11:30pm, just a half hour before it struck midnight. Venturing through the town’s vast forest, Quinn was searching for a secret burial ground when she came across a mysterious boy dressed in a dark red cloak. Who would be hanging around in these woods so late? She asked herself, extremely suspicious of the boy. It wasn’t until he was 2 feet from her did she see the pointy white fangs. But it was too late to run away by then. The boy bit into her soft neck and fed on her, sucking practically all the blood from her body. Despite the pain and the terrifying vampire biting her, not once did Quinn scream or try to struggle. She stood there, amazed that all her research was true. Vampires existed. Once the vampire had finished his meal, Quinn crumbled to the ground. Breathing incredibly hard, she knew it was only a matter of time before her spirit traveled into an unknown world. The boy looked at her, surprised at her peaceful surrender to him. Whether it be amazement, mercy, or whatever the vampire was feeling, he decided to make the ultimate decision and turn her. Biting into her own arm, he gave Quinn, who was seconds from death, his very own blood. Moments after putting his blood into her system, the boy snapped Quinn’s neck. She woke hours later as a vampire.

-Quinn is currently working on Natural Vampire magic, and while she’s only been a vampire for a little over a year, she’s already come to see much improvement in her abilities. Quinn’s favorite element is water.

-Quinn actually loves being a vampire. All her human life, she studied them and practically worshiped them, and now it was like she had become a god. She was stronger and faster, and most importantly, free to do whatever she wanted.

-Imagine the worst dancer in the world, then times it by 50 and you’ll get Quinn. Dance moves clearly aren’t her thing, not that she’s aware of that though.

-Surprisingly smart, Quinn is at the top of her class. Studying and memorizing facts comes easy to her.

-Due to her terrible parents, Quinn has extreme trust issue. It’s difficult for her to share any secret information to anyone. It’s a scar she’s trying to heal, but no matter how hard she tries, Quinn just can’t seem to trust anyone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name: Morticia Lugosse

Age: 16
Reputation: Morticia is a loner and has survived on mostly animal blood. She is too kind to the animals because she never drains animals to their death. She also only goes into the town early on Saturday morning to find a drunk to drink from. The drunk was dead of course. Not many knew her because she kept to herself. She is suspicious of other people and if she sees anyone near her hideout, she automatically moves.
History: Morticia was innocent until she was 12. It was then she learned that her parents got the blood from humans. They took her out to learn how to feed. They brought 3 drunks home and put them in a cell in the basement of their home. Once they were sober, they feed them well. Then they demonstrated how to drink from them. She soon learned how to get her meals home and sobered up. Morticia’s parents were killed on a raid when she was 14. Morticia was out in the woods that evening before her parents were up. She heard the screams and ran back but she could not do anything out of fear. She ran off and has been on the run ever since.
Morticia was out one night and was walking around to see who she was going to choose for her meal. She followed a man in white which was a stupid color to wear. While she was staring at the strange man, he called out to her. She couldn’t run if she wanted to for she was suddenly scared. Did he know who she was? Really what she was……. He was kind and gave her a slip of paper about Scarlet Briar Academy. It sounded like a dream come true. She broke away and ran off towards the busy street where she nearly was hit. The reason that she was not hit was the man in white came running after her and he pulled her out of the way.
After a good scolding as if she was his daughter, she hung her head in shame. No one had cared about her since her parents died. She accepted him as her father figure to escape the situation. Morticia was then taken to the Academy where she was enrolled.
Secrets: Morticia never learned any powers because her parents did not want her to learn. All she knows is that she is a fast runner and can jump very high. She does not own anything at all except what she was wearing and a purse which contained small amount of money, a brush, comb, and a change of underwear. Morticia is afraid of everyone and does not speak much and then usually just for information. She is very fond of animals and soft fuzzy things. She will need to have someone befriend her and encourage her to join in things.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

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Switch this to the OOC character and accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vivian Rose Lockheart


People know her as a girl born of the wealthy, a woman raised to be the docile wife of a powerful man. People see her as the docile and gentle woman she shows, willing to assist those who need it and humble in the face of gifts and compliments. She blushes easily in response to men’s affections but never seems to show anyone else those affections.

The girl was born to a pair of wealthy vampires, two of higher power in both the society of vampires and successful in the human world. Her father was a writer, of many things – from fiction to non-fictional subjects – and her mother had been an artist, though both had many names they went by in the human world. When she was young she had often gone out to her uncles’ farm and learned to ride a horse and take care of the cats and dogs there; when at home she learned about business and vampires and how to be who it was that she was born to be. She wasn’t taught how to control the bloodlust that she found erupting within her when she turned eleven. The little girl didn’t know what was happening to her and the next time she went to town alone she got to close to a human and ended up drinking him dry, the body left in the alley she had found him in. She had gone home, covered in blood and crying for her mommy because she didn’t know what was happening to her. Her mother hadn’t thought she would need to worry about this for several more years and in the face of the challenge the woman held her daughter and helped her as best she could for the next six years.

It was six years later that the girls’ parents died. It was a strange death for a pair of vampires; their bodies had been drained of blood and it looked as if they had been eaten by another vampire though they had never found a vampire capable of this except their daughter and the girl was so distraught that she couldn’t have possibly killed her parents. She was only seventeen at the time and was taken in by the school itself while her parents’ things were kept safe for her until she reached maturity. Now she resides part-time in her home when not learning.

Real Personality
Vivian, in truth is a monster. She abhors the sunlight more than any regular vampire and loves the darkness that she hides in so often when she’s hunting or passively watching those around her. This side of her hides the bloodlust she struggles to hide from the rest of vampire society – a bloodlust that extends even to other vampires. She is capable of love, though her will has locked away her humanity, making her an effortless killer and a very skilled actress even after only fifteen years of practice.

Shadow Magic
She has been learning and practicing shadow magic since her mother first told her about it after seeing the mess she’d made with one of her first kills after feeding, and has gotten strangely good at it as well. After fifteen years of practicing she has mastered how to blend into the shadows and hide, as well as fade slightly into the shadows.

She was the one who murdered her parents before coming here
She loves cats, and has three of them living with her in the dorm. Lunar – a solid black tom with ice blue eyes. Storm – a large grey and black tabby she-cat with a black nose and socks. Tyla – a small, silver and black tabby kitten with a black nose and ice blue eyes.
Born on December 31st
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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My Students

My Teachers

Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

(some) Teachers:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolic
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Diabolic Seeker of knowledge

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Name: Auriel Sorcalmo

Age: 17

Reputation: Auriel is laid back, but can be confrontational and territorial as vampires go, He is smart but judgement can be clouded easily by issues with others if he has any.

History: Auriel Sorcalmo, he is from a wealthy and powerful family, it all changed one day when the government got wind of vampires living in the area, now typically things like this would be kept secret, and it isn't like any officers actually believed the man who made these outrageous claims. He was persistent, and sure that there was in fact vampires among us. To please him, the police first said that they would go check it out, out in the country near a huge mansion the police parked their vehicle. It was an odd place sure but vampires? Come on.
They moved closer to the house, something wasn't right, there were actually body parts littered about the property. Inside the house, Auriel's father was drinking some poor soul lifeless, he had gone mad due to a lack of blood. The police couldn't believe what their eyes, they called it in right their but before they could finish. They were slaughtered. More police showed up to the scene, Auriel's father vanished, never to be seen again. It was no longer safe for Auriel or his brother to live in the house anymore, he was sent to a safer place, away from his family.

Secrets: Auriel has had to kill someone before, just before he was hidden from the rest of the officers and sent off to an academy, the officers broke into his room and attempted to kill him. They figured he was also a vampire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Name: Olyvyr "Olly" Xerxes

Age: 20

Reputation: This is actually Olly's first year at the academy, so he doesn't have any reputation as of yet.

History: Olyvyr spent his life with his family, and things were always very nice. Both of his parents were vampires and they moved around quite a bit through his life. There was never really a clear reason why they always moved, his parents always just said that they wanted to see the world. This was the driving factor in why it took so long for him to be invited to join the academy. Luckily his parents home schooled him on a number of subjects so he could be a normal seeming member of society should the need ever arise.

His parents also believed in a "vegetarian" lifestyle, meaning they drank animal blood and not human blood. His parents were what some may call hippies, they believed that one day vampires could reveal themselves to humans and the two could live together in harmony. Clearly not everyone believed this, but since it is how he grew up Olly has always believed this, and to this day has never had human blood.

Now he is excited to be starting a new chapter of his life, and to see what it is like staying in one place for a prolonged period of time.

Secrets: (I'll fill this in later if I think of anything)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Niall Collins

Age: 20

Reputation: Niall has a pretty good reputation, he's a bit of a charmer as far as most are concerned. He's considered to be very kind and loyal. He loves to tease and play around with people though he can be taken as a bit of a jerk sometimes because of this. He has a very short temper for bullies or people who harass others.

History: Niall was born to Keenan and Emelia Collins in a small town in Kentucky. He grew up the younger by two minutes of a set of twins, the older is his sister Aspen. He also has two younger brothers that are 18 and 16 years old. His parents were modestly wealthy, not millionaires but more than well off by anyone's standards. It was a rather normal childhood, at least as normal as one can have when you are a vampire. His parents took them places and raised them well with all the toys and luxuries one could have with a few exceptions. Niall could be considered a bit spoiled honestly. His parents insisted that all of them attend the Academy.

Secrets: Most people do not realize Aspen is his twin or sister.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Name: Amelia Artemia Averyonna/Stark

Age: 19 appears to be 11

Reputation: Amelia is known as a rather shy girl who prefers to avoid others, using illusion magic to help her do so. She is known to hang around quieter and more peaceful places, with gardens, parks, and graveyards being some of her more frequented ones. She is known to still be as childish as her appearance though and will use her magic to occasionally play tricks on other. She is also known be very conscientious about her wings, and hates having people point them out and/or stare at them. She also has a well known love for sweets and candies, willing to do almost anything for them.

Amelia uses the last name she had as a human most of the time, but she also accepts having the last name of Stark since she is Vivian and James' adopted daughter.

History: Amelia was living on the streets, having been abandoned by her parents at the tender age of four, when she was taken by a vampire to his house when she was 11 years old. Her captor wasted little time, taking her to a small bedroom in the basement before turning her and casting various magic rituals to change her appearance to one he found appealing.

The next five years, Amelia only knew that room, her master being cruel and more then a little perverted. She suffered and on more then one occasion, he intentionally starved her before throwing a human inside for her to kill, only to make her feel guilty over the death.

Luckily, her captor didn't go unnoticed by the vampire community. Having been doing this for several years, he began threatening to expose the existence of vampires and the Man in White was one of the first on the case. Contacting Vivian and James Stark and Nightshade, he had them take care of the man without drawing any attention with Vivan's skill in illusion magic. While trying to capture the man, he used Amelia as a hostage, not caring for the girl's safety. Thanks to Vivian's illusions and Nightshade and James' combined efforts, they were able to take down Amelia's captor without hurting the girl in the slightest.

After so many years of abuse, Amelia was little more then a doll, just barely able to qualify as living by vampire of human standards. Do little on her own besides breathing, it was obvious she was going to need help in recovering from this experience. Deciding that Scarlet Briar would be the best place for her to recover, Vivian, James, and Nightshade took her to the Academy, once again relying on Vivian's illusion magic to hide the girl's unusual appearance. Once back at Scarlet Briar, the subject of what to do with Amelia was brought up. Given how she was stuck at such a young age and how she looked, she definitely couldn't be returned to the human world. On top of that, she wouldn't last long in her current condition and was more of a threat to the exposure of their kind then her captor had been.

Deciding it was best that they put the girl in a family environment and put her through therapy to help her recover. Luckily, Amelia seemed to have grown attached to Vivian in the short amount of time they had been traveling together. After a bit of paper work and some legal processes, Amelia became a member of the Stark family and began seeing several therapist to get over the trauma she had been through. Recovery has been slow but she is loads better then she was upon arrival at Scarlet Briar, but she still has yet to get over some over her insecurities.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Demetri Gio

Age: 17

Reputation:Born a natural vampire into an aristocratic family Demetri is ignorant of human customs. Yet at the same time possessing all of the social etiquette of vampires. This makes him an oddity. The thought of conversing to a human disturbs him. Why would one care to converse with ones food is one of the many social foax pas he simply chooses not to partake in. Drinking blood is as common to Demetri as drinking milk is to a human infant. Demetri is a expert tactian and can out think an average person ten moves ahead. Even to the point where if the opportunity presents itself he can use his thought process to take advantage of three dimensional space. The down side is Demetri will over analyze a problem to the point where the situation will be resolved before he chooses to act.

History: Demetri was taken care of from birth by his parents and a handful of servants. He was taught vampire customs and of his family lineage. This was a blind spot that his parents saw getting bigger each night. They tried to reason with him that blending in to humans was necessary skill. He had to conform to there dress and learn there mannerisms. He father had indulged him for far too long.

"It is time to leave here Demetri. You will learn of your powers and the ways of humans." His father was insistant.

"No." Demetri sat in his chair the only other piece of furniture in his room. His head tilted to the side and rested against his right hand. His patented far off stare looked through his father.

Father had become impatient. "You will go. I have made arrangements. You will learn of humans and your power. This you will do. No failure on this shall I tolerate. It is time."

No reply did Demetri give. None was needed. Father had said what will happen. He sat as the time approached and the servants gathered his clothes. In the chair unmoving even his eyes were fixed. As the day came the servants placed him in a travel coffin and placed it on the train. Demetri bumped, bounced, and was jostled the enitre trip. Until a knock on the lid gave the clear to come out.

Power: Transformation
Secret: See GM
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Satsuki
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Aisly Verona Withers

Age: 19

Reputation: She is known as a doll, showing little expression and doing exactly as she is told. Her Grandfather dotes on her, generally treating her as a princess, meaning none have gotten within arms reach of her. On top of this, she is from a rather large but secluded area near the Yorkshire Dales. Leaving those that have had the privilege of speaking with her are in the single digits, and they found her rather cold.

History:A long lived linage of vampires, The withers have been about for roughly 700 years. Their crimson history has steadily been forgiven over the last two centuries thanks to the actions of the acting head of the home, Lord Lucan. The grandfather of Aisly, he has worked to wash his blood stained family crest going as far as to donate large sums of personal wealth to the betterment of Man. Prior to Lucan, both the former lords treated any who stepped onto their lands as enemies and not only killed them but made examples of them, skulls can still be found in the walls around the estate.

Lord Lucan aside, her father Ingram is a relevant face in the world of entertainment acting as a rather powerful producer, and her mother Lynette works as a director. The reason that this is important means they are never home, and Lucan may dote on his granddaughter her social circle is only her butler and body guard, who also acted as her instructors. It was a jarring shock for her when she found that she was going to be moving to an academy, she had believed that she had some how angered her grand father.

Her being sent to the academy is actually an idea to ensure that his grand daughter would be able to garner both contacts and influence. Grooming her to be a proper educated and informed head of the house, this would make sure that the Withers would be be able to be seen as the noble home that it has become.

Secrets:Her natural inclination for illusion and frost tends to lead her to create a small fairy to speak with. While nothing impressive her fairy friend is generally her subconscious need to voice her concerns, at times she will even have small spats with it.[/i]
She has almost no experience with any technology outside of a television.
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