Quinn Myers has jet black hair that runs all the way down her back. She tends to wear her hair in low pony tails, letting curled pieces of her hair fall in front of her face. Standing at around 5’3, she’s fairly short for her age, but seems taller due to her incredible confidence. Quinn’s eyes are bright baby blue and are the first thing people seem to notice about her. They make her face pop up, and with a touch a makeup, Quinn looks absolutely stunning.
Quinn’s wardrobe isn’t exactly the best, she tends to go more comfy that stylish. Occasionally though, she’ll dress up for no particular reason. It can be fun every once and awhile to be fancy for Quinn, and she loves messing with people’s heads. Quinn usually puts on a dash of eye shadow and a touch of mascara. It’s not too much, but the perfect amount of natural beauty and cosmetics.
Name: (Can be anything) Quinn Myers
Age: 16
Reputation: Quinn is considered to be a fun and outgoing girl. As a human, she had missed out on everything a normal girl went through. Now, she’s determined to live life as a normal teenager would, well except for the bloodsucking part. Fun-loving and adventures, Quinn’s the type of girl that encourages people to skinny dip, or to stink out past curfew, anything to get her close to a beating heart beat. She's also fearless and courageous. It's rare for something to frighten her. Life as a human sucked for Quinn, she intends to make up for it as a vampire.
Unlike most vampires, Quinn has a pretty good control on blood. It comes easy to her, for whatever reason. She’d always been good at pacing herself and drinking blood seemed to be just the same. Sometimes Quinn would even help young vampires gain control, something her teacher’s will often assign her to do.
Quinn is also extremely hardworking. If there’s something she wants, count on it happening. She will to all extremes to accomplish something. Write a book? Check. Learn Japanese? Check. Learn ancient history? Check. The list goes on and on. No matter what she sets out to do, it will get done. Watch out if you stand her way, she’s not afraid to run right through you.
History: Quinn was born in London England to normal human parents. From a young age, she had a wild imagination and from there developed an intense interest for the supernatural. Instead of going to birthday parties and having sleepovers, Quinn would read and research everything she could find on the occult. Any normal, loving parent would have been concentered by Quinn’s obsession, but not hers. Being professors as they were, they didn’t have enough time for their only daughter. The only interest they ever showed was when they hired Quinn’s nanny.
And so, Quinn continued her research. It wasn’t until high school did Quinn start to believe not only was the supernatural interesting, but it was real. Several trips were taken to mysterious places about strange, magical incidents or humans drained from blood, even the slightest rumor had Quinn packing her bags. She could be gone for weeks, and her parents still wouldn’t care. As far as they were concerned, Quinn was simply a stray cat, who could leave the house for weeks but would still come back home for food and shelter. Not even the nanny, who was only there for the money, cared where Quinn went off to.
It was when Quinn’s grades started slipping did her parents start to intervene. She had always been a straight A student, until 10th grade. High school wasn’t even slightly interesting to Quinn anymore, all that mattered was the supernatural. She could have dropped out right then and made a career in the occult world. But her father was furious at the embarrassment Quinn had caused. She had only three B’s, but they still completely freaked out. She wouldn’t have been surprised if her father’s booming voice caused the entire house to collapse. They grounded her to the house for an entire month. Quinn couldn’t bear to spend another minute stuck in that house, so the first day her parents left to give a speech in America, she decided to flee the prison which she was supposed to call home. To this day, Quinn’s unsure if her parents ever tried to look for her. Quinn took this opportunity to become a full time supernatural information gatherer, which she still wasn’t sure if that was actually a thing. Regardless, Quinn traveled around the world gathering more information on the Occult.
Never did Quinn think she could become a supernatural creature herself. It was March 15th, the death of Julius Caesar, and apparently the day a ghost attacked a small village in Italy every year, when Quinn’s life was changed forever. It was simply any other normal day, well normal for Quinn anyway. The clock read 11:30pm, just a half hour before it struck midnight. Venturing through the town’s vast forest, Quinn was searching for a secret burial ground when she came across a mysterious boy dressed in a dark red cloak.
Who would be hanging around in these woods so late? She asked herself, extremely suspicious of the boy. It wasn’t until he was 2 feet from her did she see the pointy white fangs. But it was too late to run away by then. The boy bit into her soft neck and fed on her, sucking practically all the blood from her body. Despite the pain and the terrifying vampire biting her, not once did Quinn scream or try to struggle. She stood there, amazed that all her research was true. Vampires existed. Once the vampire had finished his meal, Quinn crumbled to the ground. Breathing incredibly hard, she knew it was only a matter of time before her spirit traveled into an unknown world. The boy looked at her, surprised at her peaceful surrender to him. Whether it be amazement, mercy, or whatever the vampire was feeling, he decided to make the ultimate decision and turn her. Biting into her own arm, he gave Quinn, who was seconds from death, his very own blood. Moments after putting his blood into her system, the boy snapped Quinn’s neck. She woke hours later as a
Secrets: -Quinn is currently working on Natural Vampire magic, and while she’s only been a vampire for a little over a year, she’s already come to see much improvement in her abilities. Quinn’s favorite element is water.
-Quinn actually loves being a vampire. All her human life, she studied them and practically worshiped them, and now it was like she had become a god. She was stronger and faster, and most importantly, free to do whatever she wanted.
-Imagine the worst dancer in the world, then times it by 50 and you’ll get Quinn. Dance moves clearly aren’t her thing, not that she’s aware of that though.
-Surprisingly smart, Quinn is at the top of her class. Studying and memorizing facts comes easy to her.
-Due to her terrible parents, Quinn has extreme trust issue. It’s difficult for her to share any secret information to anyone. It’s a scar she’s trying to heal, but no matter how hard she tries, Quinn just can’t seem to trust anyone.