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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Alexis Sinclair~

"Hey, since you're here, could I get a hand? I think something's wrong with this map. I can't find my way to the biology room."

He was asking her for help? Hahahaha, now that was hilarious. She wasn't exactly in the helping mood at the moment. Not to mention she really didn't know where the biology room was herself. She obviously didn't particularly care too much though.

"Yeah, sorry," She laughed. "I got no idea where that is, and I don't really care. Not like I'm headin' there anyways. I got better things to do than sit on my ass leanin' stuff I don't give a crap about." She finished, walking past Zac. First, she was gonna find out where mostly everything was. See what places would be good for...sneaking into and causing other general mischief. Like say...the kitchen food stores. She vaguely remembered where the kitchen was...or at least had a good idea, anyways.

Now, the only thing remained was to not get caught. And she was confident in her abilities of stealthiness. "Might want to actually try the school buildin' though. It's that," She said tilting her head towards a hallway to the left. "Way."

And with that, she promptly started walking in the opposite direction, towards the cafeteria and Teacher dorms.


~Meredith hillard~

Good, Geoffry had left relatively quietly. Now all she had to do was get class in order! First of all, get off the-



In a most spectacular fall, Meredith fell of the desk, landing on the ground with a surprisingly heavy sounding thud.

"Ooooow..." She didn't seem too fazed by it though, and promptly got right back up and walked over to her desk, doing a little twirl as she turned and faced all the new first year students. They looked like a surprisingly interesting and delicious bunch. Indeed, she had a feeling this year was going to be so much fun!~ She giggled and grinned to herself, as she looked over the new students, waiting for the morning bell to sound and classes to begin.

It looked like they were still missing a few, though...namely one of those troublemakers on the underground subway yesterday! Ooh, was she skipping the first day of class? Ooh, no no, that was bad...hrm...maybe she should go bring her back? Yes, that would be a good way to prove to everyone she was a good teacher!

and the bell decided now would be a good time to ring.

Ah well, little troublemakers problem if she wasn't here! Time to get to teaching these delicious looking kiddies! Not a moment after the bell signaling the start of classes rang, she loudly clapped her hands together, attempting to get everyone's attention to be on her.

"Helllllooooo!!!~" She cheerfully began. "Welcome to the best class on campus! Yep, Biology! And who am I? Well, none other than the amazingly awesome and beautiful Meredith Hillard! The boring ones just call me Miss Hillard though." She chuckled, still giving the students a friendly smile. "Noooow~ Since its your first day, we're not gonna be doing anything that difficult! Just a quick little intro to what I'm going to be teaching you guys! Do any of you have any questions? Maybe about moi? If not, then we'll get right under way!~"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Zac Yoxall

Zac watches as the girl with bicolored hair walks off. She seemed to be in a bad mood, he thinks. Looking at the map, he furrows his brow as he tries to make sense of the map once more, never realizing he was holding it upside-down. Sighing, he mutters, "Well, I'm late, anyway. Plus, it's not like I've never skipped a class, anyway."

Turning back down the hall, he glimpses the girl's back as she turns a corner. Even knowing that doing so may end up being hazardous to his health, if her attitude was anything to judge by, he jogs down the hall. As he draws near, he calls, "Hey, Ms. I-never-got-your-name! I have a proposition for you!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 4 days ago

-Lukas Kunze-


Did Lukas seriously just frighten this kid away? Honestly, he didn't think his little facade was going to last in about a couple of seconds, but still. Lukas began pondering between somewhere to go, or he should join theater in the long run. Either way, he needed to clear this up in the best and most eloquent way he conceived possible. As he returned back to his normal stature, he let out a hefty sigh before turning his gaze over the the boy who was leaving the vicinity.

"Oh crivens, dude I was frickin' kidding! I mean seriously, what kind of bumbling moron uses an abhorrent insult such as that! It's just that immature!"


"Well, shit... that little situation could of gone a lot smoother. Nice going Lukas, your out of character behavior might of costed you a friend... At any rate, i'm sure this day might get better... now to go grab muh itemsh fuh clash."

The boy decided not to pivot around as he would be directly walking towards the charted area with an abundance of food, walking forward towards the cafeteria existence as he was performing earlier, shoving some food into his mouth with telekinesis. It was good as always, but was a bit lacking today from what he could discern as he identified the palette of mixed meat, grains, and other items.

As he casually strolled back to the dorm, he continued eating each part of his food, chunk by chunk, before grinding it all up and digesting it at a swift rate. As he continued forwards, Lukas eventually reached a familiar door, and swiftly whipped out his key and inserted it into the lock. As he let the internal bindings perform, he suddenly let out an emphatic belch which wasn't too gentlemanly of him. Thankfully, no one was around to hear such a cacophorous sound, and happily showed his relief through a private smile.

Upon entering the desolate place, he took a look at the time, and shook his head in a rather disgusted manner. With a rather swift pace, he started using his telekinesis to start putting what items he needed together at a swift and punctual velocity. Most of his stuff had been left alone, another thing he was grateful for as he rushed into the bathroom.

"Oh god damnit, I lost track of the time. Seriously, I should of kept a keener eye on the prize and come to my senses about this all. If I was here quicker, I could be all placid and cool about it, but noooo, I have to be on the verge unprecedented tardiness!..."

"Yeesh, maybe I am a tinge bit on the edge of being too harsh on myself... but still, first times always set the standard for the rest."

With that said and done, he rinsed the brush and went out into his quarters, finding everything sound and prepared for the day. Muscle memory did him justice today as he smiled slightly and procured the goods before silently heading out of his dorm. In rapid consecutive maneuvers, he locked up silently and headed out to his class, hastily walking towards his destination.


There was an influx of late students clogging up the usual hallway, and Lukas was getting the general idea of being lumped in with newcomers or agitators. The first would be better than the latter, but still Lukas felt the need not to be demerited in any following way possible and wasn't going to let anyone mark him for it.

As he moved through the waves and strands of people, he garnered a few deviating looks from varying amounts of students who would either stare at his back or pants. Lukas shortly took note of this and began to wonder if there was something or going on with him... everything wasn't wrinkled and looked average in a sense. Did he need to readjust his tie or something? Maybe there was a "Kick me!" note on his back? Or maybe, just maybe...

"Wow, seems a lot of people are interested in that general area, hehehe... Seems I've got a sensual charm about me and now everyone wants my... swords!"

At the worst possible moment, he finally looked down to see his two sheaths containing his katanas attatched to his side. Slightly panicked and shocked at the revelation, he began to pat his back, all the while keeping a level head. Much to his hidden dismay, the other pairs of katanas were there too.

"Well... this is going to be the hallmark of some very precarious situations and talks with the teachers. These are weapons that can evenly split a person in half! Why did I even set it up like this!... Brain, please..."

"Why did I intuitively retrieve these?! I'm pretty sure we don't have combat class today with the newbies flaunting about! What situation is going to present itself to which I can use-"

Redemption for his distorted beliefs! He was savvy to figure out that retaining his dignity with such an impudent situation was at hand!... Oh who was he kidding, it was still a horrible idea to try and help that guy with violence. No kindling the fire, he could suppose.

Besides, it looked as if Geoff was there to handle it, so it would end all well... maybe.

... wait.

Geoff was there which means he might get in trouble for having his katanas with him. This was definitely not the predicament to be him, especially with him being the boys earliest teacher of the day. As fast as Lukas' might could go, he began delving between myriads of thoughts and ideas to suppress his shaky foundations. Lukas felt the need to dodge the point so Geoff wouldn't even attempt batting an eye at his two katanas... and considering it was a very intelligent person...


Wait a minute, didn't he see those two somewhere?... Wait, large girl cafeteria, short kid he "bullied." Ok, so this was something. From his observations, he discerned she was much more than average with strength, probably something she bathed in constantly. Second, he could either take this all at face value or assume that this was a particular ruse.

He was pulling the kids leg earlier and seeing as both places were crowded, along with a few other outstanding facts, it was simple enough to believe that she was playing with the kid... maybe. Also, Mishka was the tall girls name? Duly noted down with I the confines of his mind. With that recorded, it was time to move onto much more important matters.

Like letting authority deal with it for now. He would contribute nothing more to the ongoing situation with mayhem on accident. With a huff, he swiftly moved passed them all, hoping that he wasn't too outlandish as he went into Geoff class and grabbed an empty seat. He could only wish that he finished before the bell, but thankfully he was preoccupied.

As Lula looked around, he saw a few familiar faces, but was surprised that Ziska hadn't even arrived he. What would the whole co a even do without their favorite dominatrix neo-nazi going all out on the improper aggressors? In all seriousness, he actually began to be troubled by this specific outlier. It could just be a possible fluke, maybe it was something else.

Maybe she was in one of her sessions!

"Or maybe I just have a dirty, perverse mind... Ugh, god damnit."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Emily hated this. These feelings inside of her were hateful! Even though she was sobbing into the shoulder of the girl she came to know as Anastasia, she wasn't feeling too amused with the girl - who keeps those sort of feelings locked up so whenever someone comes poking around your mind, they leap up and maul you like a bear with anger problems!? This Anastasia was an inconsiderate lout of a panty-thieving alien!

Nevertheless, Emily continued to sob against her, finding a weird comfort in the action as the taller girl wrapped her arms around her, whispering gentle words down into her ear. It felt oddly motherly to her which was a weird sensation. After all, how the hell could panty-thieving aliens be motherly?

After around ten minutes, the emotions that she had adopted seemed to fade away as she sat up, shrugging the towel about herself for warmth as her blood red eyes flicked open once more. They had already taken up the same, uncaring look as before so when she fixed them on Anastasia, she looked a little odd. Even if this one was an alien, she liked her but what she saw in her memories only served to heighten Emily's curiosity; she wanted to know who the voice was and more importantly, what it had to do with the other blonde. Granted, that would take a lot of work and from her research, she had concluded that humans typically don't like strange blonde girls holding their faces for prolonged periods of time. Maybe she could bait Anastasia in?


Getting to her feet, she turned to the other girl with the cute uniform and after giving her a perplexed glare (almost as if she was the one intruding), Emily ducked down and grabbed her book before turning and padding to their wardrobe. Once she has successfully nabbed Anastasia's hairdryer, she turned to them, once again raising the hairdryer and cocking her head to the left.

"Hairdryer? Mhm."

With that, Emily lifted her book and left their room, presumably leaving both of them dumbfounded and devoid of a hairdryer. When she returned to her own room, she was calmed by the fact that the furry woman was gone. Due to the fact that the mating calls of the giraffe has already died down and her giraffe-crazed roommate was gone, she could only guess what was going on. Emily did not have a particularly vivid imagination.

Twenty minutes later, she left the dorm, seemingly dressed appropriately for the first time that morning. How Emily gained the cognitive complexity to dress herself was a mystery that scientists often tolled over for many years to follow yet they never did find evidence to back up any of their hypothesis.

How she found the biology class was an even greater mystery but nevertheless, she appeared just as the bell rung out that class had begun. Padding into the room with her slightly warped looking copy of Love Slave for Two, Emily peeked up at the art that adorned the board, her eyes blinking in silent confusion as she pondered the work of art.


The board seemed to captivate her before she turned her head to the right, dragging the teacher her line of vision. She was cute. She could definitely fit into a number of erotic literature roles, especially with those curves and her wild eyes. It was definite - this woman was the most trustworthy person she had met so far and she was clearly in no immediate danger when around her.

Frowning, she turned with a yawn and found an empty seat before sliding down into it, unceremoniously resting her head down onto the desk and falling asleep. Right in the middle of class.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 21 days ago

-Mishka Demidov-

Mishka continued grinning at the little guy as he was practically begging for his life. It was funny considering she had no intention of hurting him. Well, not physically atleast. She wasnt that mean. Atleast, not always. Wait, was he actually praying. Now that's just sad. Mishka looked around and saw that they were gathering a small crowd. What? Were they expecting a fight or something? She was not going to harm this little guy, she wasnt a schoolyard bully... The only thing she wanted from him was just an appology... Okay she might have been teasing him a tiny bit and-

Suddenly a loud crack was heard. Luckily for Graham Mishka wasnt phased at all by the loud noise. This meant that Graham would be able to pray to his gods another day.

Apparently the cause of the loud sound was a teacher, the teacher for Mishka's first class. He didnt seem to pleased with her holding Graham like this. He too thought that they were fighting. Mishka looked at him in a slightly disinterested fashion as she sighed, still lifting Graham. "I know that fighting is not allowed sir and so we are not fighting. I am just asking for an appology and decided to lift him up so we could talk face-to-face. Nothing wrong with that is the-"

This was ofcourse the moment where Graham decided to open his mouth and make a comment about Mishka's Russian roots. Now, dont get me wrong, Mishka was quite patriotic about her country. She was not ashamed to come from the Russian Motherland, infact, she was proud of it. But the way Graham replied made it almost sound like he was mocking her, mocking Mother Russia.

Even as Graham was claiming that he didnt mean it like that, Mishka just froze for a moment, almost as if she wasnt really able to process that comment. Her grip on Graham's head, which had been gentle up until now, tightened. After a few seconds she slowly turned her head to Graham, her eyes which were first filled with a mischievous shine were now hollow. If looks could kill, this one would have the effect of a tactical nuke.

She blinked several times and started grinning. This grin seemed far more sinister then the one she had before. "I beg your pardon?" was all she would say to him. Internally Mishka knew that this would not solve the problem. Hell, she knew she overreacted. But somehow she lost control over her actions.

And deep down, she kind of liked it too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Melkor
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Melkor The Nerd Formerly Known as Melkor

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Geoffrey Burr

Geoffrey's gaze remained unabridged as he awaited Graham Turner's release. The hulk of a girl shifted her sights in Geoff's direction as she spoke.

"I know that fighting is not allowed sir and so we are not fighting. I am just asking for an appology and decided to lift him up so we could talk face-to-face. Nothing wrong with that is the-"

There are a few things wrong with that, yes...

During her explanation, Graham seemingly decided that it was about high-time he cut into the conversation. Not a smart move, considering his position in the matter.

“Yes! Yes! Listen to the manly voice of wise wisdom and kindness! Mr. Turner would like to go down now, please? Miiisssshhhkkkaaa, pwetty pwease? With borscht on top?”

Beet soup atop of his plea? I feel as though that would not taste very good. Also... Was that meant as provocation?


Clearly not...

Mishka's grip became noticeably tighter... "Mishka. Let. Him. Go." Burr's voice maintained its low tone. The pressure in the hallway increased to the point where a few students began complaining, to the neighbors, about their ears popping.

She didn't seem to hear him at all. In fact, she turned to Graham and said "I beg your pardon?" her voice and face became noticeably less sane... That's the only way to describe it... Like an animal's instinct to kill. Her eyes seemed to do a number on Turner.

"That is quite enough." Geoff wasn't going to have another second of it. The pressure in the hall returned to normal. Mishka began to lift off of the ground This one is heavy... and her fingers were pushed from Graham's neck, the pressure, caused by the wind, was immense, enough to life a car, or two by Geoff's estimate. Not that she was holding with that pressure, it was simply difficult to remove a grip of steel provided by someone with super strength.

Geoff set Graham down and said, "Meredith is waiting, the bell will rin-" And the bell rang. The students rushed off to class until it was Graham, Geoff, and a no longer floating Mishka left in the hallway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Paul Ray

"Well, that was certainly... interesting. Who would know that there were superpowers like that. Well, there's Prof. Meredith so, why not, right?" he thought as he casually walked down the hallway, making his way to the classroom. Suddenly, his ears started popping. "What the hell?" he mumbled while rubbing his ears. "Why is the pressure in this room so much higher than normal?" Paul thought and started picking up the pace.

After a moment, the pressure suddenly dropped back to normal. "What the hell is going on here, he mumbled to himself once more but shrugged the thought off and continued walking down the hallway when he reached the trio, Prof. Burr and two other students. "Hey Prof. Burr" he called out to him. Now, Paul had decided that Prof. Burr was one of the cool guys. He never gave them too much homework and he was friendly with all his students. He also gave good advice. All in all, he and Paul had a friendly teacher-student relationship. As he walked closer though, Paul noticed that he wasn't his usual self but was more serious, "Um, what is going on here?" Paul said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Alexis Sinclair~

"Hey, Ms. I-never-got-your-name! I have a proposition for you!"

He was lucky she hadn't put her headphones back on just yet. Well, she'd have still heard him but she could have just ignored him easily enough. She had half a mind to still ignore him, but...eh, proposition? What did he want? She was always up for a good wager where she could get something out of it. With a smirk, she glanced at this new guy as he jogged up to her - still walking towards the cafeteria. She was gonna cut through the main atrium, instead of going through the school building. Less likely she'd get caught that way. And even if there were a few teachers moving about then, she could easily just talk her way out of things...probably.

"Better be a damn good offer."
She grunted, slowing a bit to allow him to catch up. "I got things to do." A complete lie...but still.


~Ziska Sieghild~

...well. This morning could have definitely gone a bit...better. The girl took a hairdryer - thankfully it wasn't hers - and decided it was time to leave. She could barely even wrap her head around the exact situation. Perhaps...she should try to ask this uhm...person what her motives were? She somehow got the feeling that would lead to even more confusion on her part. At least it went by without...much more of an incident. She was gone now at least, and it was almost time for class to start. She should probably get going, along with her roommate.

"Well," She said, eyebrows furrowing in slight confusion as she still tried to process things. "That was...interesting." For a few seconds later, she was still quiet before sighing. "Anyways," She began giving Anastasia a slight frown as she turned to her roommate. "We should both be going. Thanks to that little...whoever that was, we are both going to be cutting it quite close. Being late for class is not something I would like to happen. I suggest you gather your items and get going to class."

With that, she gathered the items she needed, and headed for the second years class herself. Geoffry. He was the guy who taught physics. At least he was a somewhat tolerable teacher...especially compared to that...thing that called itself Meredith. If there was one class that made Ziska herself even consider skipping, it was that things class. That thing...was completely alien, and not simply from the fact that it was in fact, an alien. Whenever she was around her, she just couldn't get a grasp on the creature. It was like the alien was...well, completely, and utterly, fearless. Which was to her, just wrong. Everything was afraid of something...but whenever she was around Meredith, it was herself that was uneasy...

She shook her head as she walked. No, now wasn't the time for that. Focus on more important matters.

Like why it looked like there was a fight going on in front of Geoffry's classroom.

"Um, what is going on here?"

Paul. A fellow second year. She didn't really know too much about him, aside from the fact he seemed relatively normal. She never had much of an issue with him anyways.

"Yes...I would also like to know what is happening here, though it seems you have it under control, professor Burr?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 21 days ago

-Anouk Dijkstra-

Aww hell yeah! This girl was gonna be an awesome friend! And the moment that Tabitha pointed to Anouk´s guitar she started almost beaming with joy. "Ofcourse-I-can-play-it!" she took a deep breath and seemed to calm down as she noticed it would have been getting quite annoying. "Want me to demonstrate it to you?" she said with a wide smile on her face.

As she was about to walk over to her guitar and give an awesome solo show she got interupted... It was this much hated sound... A harbinger of doom, the herald of the apocalypse... The school bell rung.

Anouk's face paled. Ooh shit, she was going to be late for her first class on this new school. And from what she heard of the teacher... Well, let's just say she has a great appetite.

Anouk looked over at Tabitha. "Euhm... Was that the bell? Please dont tell me that was the bell. I dont wanna end up becoming teacher food!" she exclaimed slightly panicked.

This day was already starting to become great, wasnt it?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Zacary Yoxall

Zac grins, seeing that he seemed to have captured the girl's attention. Falling in next to her, he says, "Well, I can tell that you aren't interested in going to class. I've had a couple of friends like that at my old school. And I got myself too lost to make it to class on time. Hell, if I tried getting there now, it'd be third period by the time I made it to my first class."

Looking at the girl, he then says, "Let me tag along with you. I can learn the layout of the school on my own while having some fun. Wouldn't be the first, or last, class I've skipped, anyway. And if we get caught, you can always blame me. Way I see it, it's a win-win."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 5 mos ago

~Graham Turner~


The look in the Russian’s eyes grew harsh. Graham could feel the years of life he had left slipping by, could hear the sound of bagpipes at his horribly early grave. It was as if at first he was lifted by a harmless arm of your standard Chuck E. Cheese's crane game, a little arm that was so weak, if it could hold anything than it was a miracle. But now? Goodbye, crane game, hello crane. An industrial, superpowered crane of doom. Doomcrane. And Doomcrane had but one single purpose in life: the eradication of all tiny gingers.

Then she grinned. And Graham’s blood chilled in his veins.

“I beg your pardon?”

Goodbye everybody - I've got to go. Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth. Mama, ooo - (anyway the wind blows).I don't want to die. I sometimes wish I'd never b- wait, wuh?

Graham found himself rising once more. Which was great, really. He had already accepted death for...well, he had lost count. T’was much more than what should be acceptable in the span of two days, that’s for sure. What was a little aerial death in the grand scheme of things?

Suddenly, what felt like the world’s kindest, most handsome gust of wind sprung forth from the well of Liberty and Justice and delivered a tankload of Freedom upon his neck. No longer did the Red Menace hold him captive. Graham felt his feet touch the floor, good ole’ American soil. He silently thanked the Stars ‘n’ Bars, promising that should he survive this, he would dedicate his life to spreading the beauty of Capitalism and Democracy across the globe, like any true American should.

Graham blinked a couple times as the wave of patriotism passed. That was weird. He must have hit his head a few many times during the course of the last couple days...

“Meredith is waiting, the bell will rin-”

And then the bell rang.

...did…did he say Meredith? As in, freaky monstrosity in a one creature war against all that is good and right with the world? And...bell...late…


Graham, not even getting the privilege of resting after staring death in the face, hurried off to undoubtedly do it again. Meredith...the fucking monster. Of course she would be his first class. Of course she would. Why wouldn’t she? The universe was a fucked up child that just loved fucking with him, so why the fuck wouldn’t she be his first teacher? FUCK.

Luckily, Graham DID know where this classroom was. He had heard a couple guys talking about it the previous day, after dinner. They were telling some younger dudes to avoid it or never be late. Because of the monster. He hadn’t thought much of it at the time, thinking they were just being jerkish upperclassmen, but if they were talking about Meredith...well…


Graham had started to dart off towards the direction of Meredith’s classroom, and he could have probably done it relatively easily considering he wouldn’t have to pass Mishka and he could simply sacrifice the tall dude to get away. But he was going to play it safe. So he apologized and threw in a compliment to boot. Why? Well...girls like compliments, right? And Mishka was a girl...probably. So she’d like compliments...probably. Well, he looked at it like this: either she appreciated it, and didn’t kill him down the line, or she took a few moments to parse out what he said, which would give him enough time to get away without her killing him.

We do what we must to survive, yo.

~Gracie Turner~

The storms come and go, the waves crash overhead, the big fish eat the little fish, and I keep on paddling.

Gracie smirked at the line. The eunuch was a crafty one, she’d give him that.


Gracie, puzzled, looked off toward the sound in time to see her teacher obeying the laws of gravity and promptly finding her place upon the floor. But she didn’t let it keep her down. She let out a groan and quickly returned to her place by her desk.

Something didn’t quite sit well with Gracie with the way the teacher kept giggling and grinning. Even her gaze was rather unsettling...but Gracie didn’t flinch when the blonde’s eyes passed over her and onto the others. Despite what she had initially thought, Gracie found herself rather weary of the so-called monster. Perhaps it was just the rumors. Perhaps she was damning a poor, unsuspecting teacher to an existence of fear and doubt atop nothing more than the lies and broken truths of others. After all, she hadn’t really done anything out of the ordinary. If they had meant it as a slam on her personality, well...she seemed much too bubbly to be a beast.

It really was quite frustrating. All she wanted was to grab the book that was Meredith Hillard and turned to the last page, to see how her story ended. But alas, such was beyond her abilities. Besides, it would only serve to ruin the suspense. The waiting, the unknown…

The bell drew Gracie from her own thoughts. She quickly scanned the room before returning her gaze to Ms. Hillard. She frowned ever so softly. She could have sworn that Tabby had mentioned having at least the same first class...almost positive.

Is she really going to be late on the first day? What a truly lazy, unreliable little sister.

She smiled despite her thoughts.

She never changes.

This time it was the teacher’s clapping that brought Gracie back. She made a rather...boastful introduction, but got right to business. Mainly it served to sweep away Gracie’s concern about the blond Biology woman. She couldn't be a monster. She seemed too...nice. Gracie actually somewhat admired her at the moment. The confidence was impressive. Perhaps she would make a splendid role model. In any case, Gracie decided that she would judge the woman based on the merit of her teaching, rather than the rumors of her humanity.

Although there would remain a tinge of doubt...

~Tabitha Turner~


Right on! That settled it. Tabitha Turner and Anouk...something or other, would be Herculean Academy’s most righteous rockers, bonded in the most sacred tie that musicians may share.

Destined to be together until they made it as a moderately successful rock group, only to fall apart after one of the members grew weary of the many, MANY nights of drug-fueled drunken debauchery with groupies, sluts, and prostitutes and finally checks into rehab, after which they’ll come out and rejoin the band, but it’ll never be the same dude, and eventually, after a few less than stellar albums, we’ll dissolve the band, citing ‘creative differences’ as the main cause for the break and sure, a few of us might join other bands or even pursue that solo career we’ve always dreamed of, but let’s face it, it’ll never be the same.

Indeed, we’ll be, like, doomed to live a life of obscurity after that, fading out of the limelight, and into the dark, depression that haunts all former rockstars. We’ll search for the one drug that can maybe help to recapture the magic of that time, but it’ll never work. And well probably go broke doing so, until ultimately, we end up cold and alone on the dirty streets of L.A. Maybe we’ll make a few bucks playing for passerbys, but it’ll never be enough. And then one cold, dark autumn night, we’ll be brutally beaten to death by a junkie for our instrument, which will promptly be hocked at the nearest pawn shop. The junkie will get their fix and probably OD that night. The instrument will waste away on the pawn shop wall until one day, MAYBE, a couple comes in with the little bit of extra money they’ve been able to scrape together in order to get Jr. that guitar he’s always asked about. The pawn shop owner will see that and bump up the price as much as he can, wringing the poor saps for every cent he can get. And they’ll present the guitar to the little lad, who’ll fall in love with it and get obsessed. He’ll be bad and find others that are bad. And together, they’ll get good. And then the cycle repeats itself.

...what the actual fuck, Tabby? No more Behind the Music. Ever.

“Want me to demonstrate it to you?”

Tabitha met Anouk’s smile with her own then strolled over to her own bass.

“Nah, I wantcha ta jam with me.”

Tabby was just about to pick up the beast when she heard the piercing doom that was the bell. The color left her already pale skin. She turned back to Anouk who seemed to be experiencing the same fear she was.

“Euhm… Was that the bell? Please don’t tell me that was the bell. I don’t wanna end up becoming teacher food!”

She sounded worried. If she had the same class Tabby did, then she had every reason to be. This teacher was supposedly a freakin’ nightmare. She had heard that one time, Meredith (she supposedly didn’t like Ms. Hillard) caught some dude cheating on a test and had him stay over after class. She then went all medieval on his ass and chopped off his hand and made him eat it! Or this other time, she caught some peeps making out outside her classroom, so she chopped them up and fed them to frogs. They say that year, the class doing the dissections found bits and pieces of the lovers in the frogs.

Tabitha shivered but didn’t say anything. She didn’t want to freak out Anouk over nothing.

“Hey, it’s all good, ya? You’ve got Ms. Hillard too, right? We’re fine. Let’s just go to class and explain that we got lost. We’re newbies and it’s the first day. Surely she’ll cut us a little slack.”

“Alright, so we’re probably fucked. I say we go anyway, and just like, wait outside until she turns around to like, write on the board or something. Then we just sneak inside. If we get away with it, then we’re fuckin’ legends here. Whaddya say?”

BONUS ROUND: Graham Turner

Graham shuddered.

There she was. The bane of his existence, nightmare incarnate, death as blonde bombshell…


It appeared that another Turner child had decided sneaking in would be the best course of action.

Nobody ever said they were bright children.

He was barely peeking in the door, leaning deeply to even do so. It didn’t seem like anybody had noticed him. Which was good. The fewer witnesses, the better. He inched closed to the door until he was directly in front of it. Still peeking in, Graham put a hand on the handle. He wouldn’t open it, not yet at least. Not until that demon, that MONSTER, turned around.

What if it still saw him? What if it knew he was there and was just fucking with him. It might even do that too. It might even let him think he won, letting him snake his way in. But it would know, oh-ho-ho, it would know. And then it would eat him. And he would die, be it instantly as the monster chewed him, or perhaps he’d be swallowed whole and the beast would digest him to death. He shuddered again. He wished for a swift death.

He scanned the room, searching for a destination. He had to have a game plan here. After a few moments, he spotted an open seat behind a blonde that seemed to be enjoying a bit of a snooze. There were three actually.


She wouldn’t be able to rat him out. Or if she did, he’d snitch on her impromptu nap. Misery loves company, dammit, and if he had to die, he wouldn’t be going alone. And with nobody on either side of him, who was to know? He traced a path from that seat down the perimeter of the classroom. He might be able to make it...there was even a pencil sharpener on the way. Which was even more perfect. He could stop there and sharpen a pencil. He might get yelled at for it, but at least that would be less severe than tardiness.

Feeling like a genius, Graham smiled to himself. This was flawless. He had it all planned out. This was going great. He shifted his gaze back towards the front of the room when he...he noticed something...something...familiar…



Huh. There was a girl that looked very familiar up front. Rather prissy...it reminded him of Gracie a bit. But…it couldn’t be. That would be impossible. He stared harder. She was a redhead, sure. And she dressed similarly to how his sister would... And she had a very close hairstyle... and she was reading the same book that his sister was...






Graham’s tongue slipped and with it, his hand, which pushed down, turned the knob. The door started to open a bit and Graham desperately tried to stop it. He lunged for the door, but misjudged his own weight distribution. He failed. He ended up tumbling forwards, crashing into the door and causing it to swing open and hit the wall. Graham himself ended up sprawled on his belly. Again. He just stared slack jawed into the classroom, not sure what was the worse thing happening here. The door creaked back, gently tapping him right in the shame.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Alexis Sinclair~

"Well, I can tell that you aren't interested in going to class. I've had a couple of friends like that at my old school. And I got myself too lost to make it to class on time. Hell, if I tried getting there now, it'd be third period by the time I made it to my first class."

Someone had no sense of direction. Who let someone like that even out by themselves?...not like she had much room to talk, really. She kind didn't know where exactly she was, but she did have a general idea, though.

"Let me tag along with you. I can learn the layout of the school on my own while having some fun. Wouldn't be the first, or last, class I've skipped, anyway. And if we get caught, you can always blame me. Way I see it, it's a win-win."

Alexis chuckled at this. Well, maybe this kid wasn't so bad after all.

"Alright. Not like I can stop ya from followin' me anyways." She grinned, her glare suddenly turning into something that could only be described as a mischievous grin. "Name's Alexis. Just don't slow me down, and we won't have a problem." She finished, turning to walk away, not caring to see if he followed or not - or even asking his name for that matter. "Oh, and I'll take ya up on that offer. Hope ya don't mind probably gettin' expelled."

Well, she wasn't going to be doing anything that extreme. But he didn't need to know that. Her destination? The cafeteria. Possibly the teacher dorms after that. She wanted to get a good grasp of this place....for various reasons. Curiosity being one of them. And just her constant need to constantly find trouble.

~Meredith Hillard~

Oh dear. It seemed quite a few of the people didn't trust her entirely. Silly little kiddies, spreading nasty little slightly untrue rumors like that. Suppose she couldn't blame them though, especially after that stunt she pulled yesterday to make sure the fighting didn't escalate. Ah well. Not that she really cared. Having all the students afraid of her was exactly what she was going for anyways, keke~

It seemed some of the students had a hard time finding their way to class before the bell rang. Understandable, since this was their first day here, after all. Lenience would be understood. After all, the first day she was here...well, she kept getting lost and somehow ended up in the kitchens constantly. She still didn't understand how that could happen even when she was on the other side of the school. She even woke up there after going to sleep sometimes! Ze world works in mysterious ways, no?


The voice caught her off guard as graham came tumbling through the doors. Whatever he was trying to do, she was certain he was failing horribly. Unless he was trying to mimic a drunk penguin or something. Then he was doing a really good job of that. But the main issue was...

how dare this kid bust into her classroom, and steal her spotlight?! She didn't mind the late students so much, but making a grand entrance like this that overshadowed her own? unforgivable! She would have to exact her revenge...sweet, sweet, revenge. Kek. He wouldn't be getting of easily, no...not at all. She would torment him for quite awhile. Indeed, he had done the only one thing that could actually be said to make her angry.

Meredith smiled sweetly, as she walked over to Graham, kneeling in front of him, poking his back with a fleshy tendril, feigning concern for his well being.

"Ehehehe," She giggled. "Looks like someone is drinking way to early this morning~" She cheerfully said,

"You alright? It would be a shame,"

She grinned, revealing a row, of impossibly sharp teeth to Graham.

"If you,"
The tendril suddenly wrapped itself around his neck, and squeezed. Not hard enough to hurt - but definitely hard enough to at least make him think twice about doing this sort of thing again!

"Got hurt~"
She attempted to Wrap two more tendrils around Graham - under his arms, actually, and helped him to his feet. She stood as well, still giving him that grin with impossibly sharp teeth. Since her back was to the other students, they probably wouldn't be able to tell what exactly she was doing to mess with poor Graham.

"So...please don't do anything foolish like this again in the future," She licked her lips, giving Graham a suitable glare in the process. "Or I'll have to do something....unpleasant." She darkly chuckled, making sure that he'd think twice about this again. Come to think of it, this kid looked familiar. Had she run into him before?...meh, oh well. He was probably going to behave now.

Meredith released him, standing him up on his own feet. "Ehehe you seem to be fine!" She said, turning to face the class again, giving Graham a pat on the back. "Go take a seat somewhere!~ Maybe by this Gracie person?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 17 days ago

.:Kyle Anderson:.


The bell had finally chosen to ring, its note pulling Kyle away from his pointless scribbles. Looking down at the page he just shrugged at the incomprehensible shapes he had drawn before closing the sketch pad and putting it away in his back pack. Then he turned his attention to Meredith, and had to blink a few times as he noticed that he was still seeing all around himself.

‘Seems I forgot to remove the extra eyes’ he grumbled to himself Kyle never like forgetting any additions that he made as stumbling across them later always felt unsettling. Quietly the eyes closed and a moment later vanished. Or most of them did, he left three in place, even put a bit more effort in to them so he was getting a clear picture from them. His earlier episode was still fresh in his mind and not being able to tell who was around him wouldn’t help him at the moment, at least that was what he was telling himself.

The young man also took this time to examine the classmates he had, the first thing that he noticed was that there was quite the age range and he seemed to be one of the older students in the class. He wasn’t sure if that should make him feel better or not. None of them all the interesting at first glance, but considering they all had powers of some sort who could say at the moment. Well save for the cute red head that sat next to him, that had been reading one of The Song of Ice and Fire books.

What? He has a thing for Red hair.


Turning to look as the door flew open and a younger student came crashing through it; Kyle couldn’t help but feel sympathy for the fallen student. He had taken his own fall earlier, but with much less witnesses. He would have gone to help up the boy but the teacher beat him too it, at the same time something about her demeanor seemed different. Something in his gut was causing the hair on the back of his neck to stand up.

The movement Meredith turned around to face the class again Kyle raised his hand “I have quite a few questions, I wasn’t told much about this school before I found myself on the train to here. So I have been wondering what the rules are around here are?” he asked meeting Meredith’s eyes as he did, there was caution in his eyes as he asked as well as curiosity. There was another question he wanted to ask, but asking if someone was human didn’t seem like the most polite or sane thing to do at the moment. He could always ask later, besides he was more drawing the teachers attention away from the late comer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 5 mos ago

~Graham Turner~

Oh God.
Oh God.
Oh God.
Oh God.
She’s coming this way.
Oh God.
God no.

Meredith strolled over to him and she had a rather sweet smile on her face. Which might have been, y’know, soothing, but for whatever reason Graham still felt his blood turn to ice. Then something wrong brushed against his back. The beast giggled.

“Looks like someone is drinking way too early this morning~ You alright? It would be a shame,”

My, what large teeth you have, Grandma. And a drink would be lovely right about now.

“If you,”

The tendril flew across his neck, wrapping tightly and squeezing. Graham coughed silently. He was absolutely positive that this was against like...all of the laws. Forever. Bad alien teacher. ABUSE! THIS WAS ABUSE!

“Got hurt~”

Lying sack of shit.

Welp. He began rising once more. Did people not see his legs? They worked, y’know. He wasn’t a fucking puppet or doll that had to be manhandled. In any case, he was once more on his feet. Seriously though, what kind of incompetent asswipe hired a fucking monster to be around teenagers?

“So...please don’t do anything foolish like this again in the future, or I’ll have to do something...unpleasant.”


Did she just threaten him? Was she serious? She couldn’t just DO that...could she?

I’m not in Kansas anymore…

“Ehehe you seem to be fine! Go take a seat somewhere!~ Maybe by this Gracie person?”

Graham frowned as the monster turned to the class and...ugh...touched him again. He looked at Gracie who was staring at him. She was here. Why the hell was she here? HOW the hell was she here? He had way too many questions to ask, and might have taken the monster’s suggestion and sat by her...but she was in the front. That wasn’t fuckin’ happening. He would kindly take a spot as far from the beast as possible. So Graham turned back to the seat he had originally eyed and strolled over to it, sliding into the desk behind the slumbering blonde. Some dude near Gracie had asked the beast a question, and Graham silently thanked him.

Anything that made this Cthulhu knock-off less likely to consume his soul, the better, really.

The lad opened his bag and looked at the mess inside. He uh...wasn’t too stellar at the whole packing thing. He stuck an arm inside and flailed about looking for a notebook. He found one and pulled it out before doing the same for a pen. He then turned to a random page and began doodling, effectively checking out.

There were ink dragons that needed life, dammit.

~Gracie Turner~


The familiar voice caught Gracie off-guard, but she quickly regained her composure as she turned to face it. And lo and behold, her ‘big’ brother had decided to drop in, quite literally, she might add.

Oh. The Potato has this class, too? Hmm…

She wasn’t necessarily disappointed, she did like Graham well enough, but despite being a bit of a dweeb, he didn’t have many redeeming qualities, like Tabby. Oh well. Maybe she’d torture him if she got bored enough.

She then noticed Ms. Hillard head toward Graham. She bent down and Gracie almost couldn’t believe her eyes. Ms. Hillard had...tentacles. So it was true...she really WAS something nonhuman...Gracie barely contained a squee. She was fascinated by creatures like this in her fantasy stories. The ones that walked amongst the humans without the latter ever suspecting a thing, just to morph into a nightmarish abomination and unleash its wrath upon the town. Although, maybe that particular situation would be...unpleasant in this circumstance.

She did have a rather kind smile on her face…

She seemed legitimately concerned over the youngest Turner, and as such, won a few points in Gracie’s eyes. She even helped him to his feet. How very thoughtful. Gracie full on missed the threat though.

The teacher turned back and a guy near her asked a question. Gracie made eye contact with Graham...what did he want? Then she noticed an empty desk near her. She silently begged anything that may be listening to convince the boy to choose another seat. She loved him, but dammit, she wasn’t about to do his work for him or let him copy her homework when he inevitably ended up being too lazy to do it.

Ultimately, he ended up heading towards the back of the room and Gracie let out a sigh of relief.

She returned her gaze to Ms. Hillard and awaited her next words with bated breath.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Zac Yoxall

Chuckling, Zac falls in line with Alexis and says, "Well, I'm Zac. What I lack in direction, I more than make up for in other talents. Namely fighting and cooking. Oh, and being a generally likable guy." Slipping his hands into his pockets, Zac looks around at the hall as he and Alexis walk side-by-side. "Kinda funny," he says. "For such a big place, I've never even heard of it. Even though it's underground, word of this place should have slipped out somehow, don't you think?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 21 days ago

-Mishka Demidov-

Mishka heard the teacher say something but decided to ignore him as she looked at the little guy squirming in her grip. If she had paid close attention to what was said though she might have had a warning of the incoming attack.

Mishka's look in her eyes changed back again as she was suprised by suddenly being lifted up in the air. This was not how she planned things out to go. Did this little guy she held in her hand possess the power of flight? Was this little guy lifting her up with him? That's ludicrous, he seems so frail and weak. How could he possibly be able to-

Suddenly she felt a strong wind pulling at her fingers. The wind seemed to be directed to help free the little red head. It was not a really strong pull, but it was much stronger then the strength Mishka was exercising now. Mishka didnt know how long this wind would last or if it would decrease in strenght. If she were to try and fight it then she might risk overdoing it and accidentily snap the boy's neck... That wouldnt be good would it? Eventhough he did insult her country, intentional or not.

Mishka decided that the risk was too high. She also thought it was really risky of the person who used this ability. Seriously, imagine if she fought it. She might have broken the poor kid's neck in the process.

So she let the boy go.

Apparently he didnt have flight powers because she was still floating. And he... Almost fell face first onto the floor. Almost.

Then the teacher spoke again. The real culprit if you'd ask Mishka. If he hadnt interfered then the little guy would have probably offered his appologies and Mishka would have let him go and they would have both been on time to their respective classes. But no... She was "fighting", eventhough she wasnt even threatening the guy, let alone actually fight him. Picking him up was less effort for her then to kneel to talk with him on an equal height so picking him up was the logical choice to make! She wouldnt be suprised if the teacher was responsible for that wind and this levitation aswell.

He told the red headed boy where he had to go for his class... And then the bell rang. The boy quickly offered an appology aswell as a compliment... She thought. Was that meant as a compliment? Eh, she was gonna take it as a compliment.

Anyway, as he ran off to his imminent doom Mishka was released from the levitation.

She glared at the teacher and would have taught him up close and personal what a real fight looks like... But then some more students joined in and were asking what was going on.

Mishka reigned in her anger and took a deep breath before responding to them both.

"Nothing. Nothing happened and nothing is happening." She glared at both of the other students. She spotted the girl in a uniform which was clearly inspired by the Third Reich. Mishka narrowed her eyes as she looked at her. "Especially not something concerning the likes of fascists." she said in a disgusted tone. ((I know, Nazis are not fascists, Russians kinda use the two interchangebly so that's why it's in here.))

She quickly diverted her attention to the teacher as she towered over him. "Is there anything I can help you with sir?" she said in an obviously annoyed tone. "Or can I proceed to class now?"

-Anouk Dijkstra-

Tabitha's words did not really calm Anouk down. She didnt know what to do. There had been stories about this Miss Hillard being a demonic entity who had breached the containment of the immaterium and was now here to endulge itself in the darkest of pleasures... Which included torturing, butchering, devouering and... a shudder went down Anouk's spine. She didnt really want to think about the last thing... There is enough hentai in the world to provide for that image.

Tabitha came up with a plan which was, objectively speaking, suicidal. But to be honest, it was probably like, the only viable plan they had... And Anouk wouldnt mind being part of the pair who outsmarted the abyssal horror...

Wait... Didnt she just think about this Miss Hillard eating? That's it!

"I've got an idea..." she said softly.

Anouk ran up to Tabitha, grabbed her by her shoulders and yelled probably a bit too loudly; "I've-got-an-idea!" Her eyes were sparking, quite litterally, of enthuasiasm and optimism.

"It's-so-simple!" she said excisted, almost too fast too understand. "This-idea-is-so-stupid-that-it-must-work-out-well!" she stopped only because she ran out of breath and after inhaling for a moment she continued on. "We need the demon thing not to eat us, dont we?" A grin formed on her face. "So it's really simple: We give her an offering which she will eat instead of us! All we have to do is sneak into the kitchens, liberate some raw meat and give it to her! It's perfect! All we have to do is turn the lights off and then you can sneak in and grab it..."

The mischievous grin widened. "And I know exactly how to get those lights off..." She raised her hand and formed the sign of the horns with it. "I'll just have to use the power of AC/DC." as she said that sparks of lightning flew from her index finger to her pinky and back again. "I'll guarantee ya,"

(dramatic pause)

"They'll be Thunderstruck!"

-Anastasia Tepes-

Anastasia was left confused, again, as usual.

First the small blonde girl continued crying against her shoulder for god knows how long. Not that Anastasia minded though, it was kind of comforting to feed on the tears of others to hug someone for once and not get yelled at.

Then the girl suddenly got up, walked to where Anastasia had stashed her hairdryer, which she didnt use alot anyway, and ran off with it. The cheeky little bugger... She didnt even introduce herself. Ooh well, Anastasia wasnt that mad and was sure that she'd see the girl again soon.

Anyway, Ziska started talking again. Anastasia didnt know what she was gonna say but she expected to be scolded at. Sooo... She kinda phased Ziska out as she was prepping herself for her first class. When Ziska left the room Anastasia changed from her sleeping attire into some proper clothes. A blazer, shirt, trousers and some shoes with small heels on them. Yeah, that was alright.

She finished packing her bag and headed out towards her class.

... ((Sorry for this really late post but had to prioritize Mishka and Anouk considering peeps were waiting on them))

And she arived just in time before the bell rung.

She saw someone, probably the teacher, laying face first on the ground. Anastasia quickly scanned the room to find some free spots. She quickly found one somewhere in the middle of the classroom.

Once she sat down she finally began to notice something. A smell... A familiar smell. She was sure she smelled that yesterday aswell. It wasnt human, she was sure of that. But she couldnt really figure out the source of it. Her powers were starting to get weaker by the minute as the day was coming out of the night. It had to be somewhere infront of the class though...

Then the bell rang and the teacher started introducing herself as Meredith Hillard. Anastasia didnt really know what to think of her. Sure, she looked kind and wasnt what you would consider an eyesore... But something was gnawing at Anastasia... And it wasnt just her suspision. Only now did she realise that she hadnt eaten anything yet and, well, staying up all night without replenishing the energy somehow was not doing her any favours.

Eugh, just ignore it Anastasia. After class you can probably get a quick bite in the cafeteria... And not one like yesterday!

She looked nervously around for a moment when suddenly...

Graham fell in, quite litterally.

This Miss Hillard was a cunning one. At first glance it would appear as if she was concerned for Graham's wellbeing. But that tone in her voice... Anastasia knew it too well. She had used it herself quite alot after all. It was threatening... It was disgusting... It was perfect. No, not perfect! Dammit brain!

A guy more infront of her asked a question to Miss Hillard about more information of the school. A valid question indeed. Anastasia would like to know some more about the rules and everything like that aswel.

But she also had another burning question which she would ask... Once the need for it rises.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Melkor
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Melkor The Nerd Formerly Known as Melkor

Member Seen 6 mos ago

That could have gone better... Perhaps I need to think more next time? Anyway... we should get to class... as Burr thought to himself, he took notice of two students who were coming late to class... Paul... He does have my first class this year... and... military uniform..? Ziska? Yeah...

Paul spoke first, as the two stopped near Burr and Mishka, "Um, what is going on here?"

Ziska promptly followed up with, "
Yes... I would also like to know what is happening here, though it seems you have it under control professor Burr?"

I guess it is only natural for them to want to know... What should I sa-

The Russian spoke first, "Nothing. Nothing happened and nothing is happening."

That's half true... she seems upset... What for? Because I wouldn't allow her to lift a student, by the neck no less, without a word...? It would appear so...

Mishka seemed to notice the German for the first time, "Especially not something concerning the likes of fascists."

I'm pretty sure that the Germans are not fascists... Oh well...

Mishka turned to Geoff at this point, she got closer possibly to show how much taller she was, even with burr floating a few inches off of the ground. "Is there anything I can help you with sir?" Her tone was clearly angered or annoyed... It was one of them, Burr couldn't put his finger on it... Then again, he didn't care. "Or can I proceed to class now?"

Burr turned and drifted back into his class without a word, he took his position at the front of the class and waited for the three in the hallway to arrive.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 5 mos ago

~Tabitha Turner~

“I’ve got an idea…”

Tabby shot Anouk a puzzled look. Was her new roomie a devious mastermind as well? Because that would be the bee’s knees, man. She didn’t get long to ponder. The chica launched over to her and grabbed her shoulders, repeating what she had just said, this time with more...gusto.

“It’s-so-simple! This-idea-is-so-stupid-that-it-must-work-out-well!”

Anouk paused to catch her breath, which was impressive in and of itself. Tabitha couldn’t quite remember the last time she saw someone actually get winded by talking. Though to this chick’s credit, she was probably the first person Tabby had met to put this much...raw emotion into her everyday speaking.

Not going to lie, it was pretty gnarly.

“We need the demon thing not to eat us, don’t we?”

“I’d prefer not being eaten, personally.”

Her snark was rather low and mostly to herself. Honestly, she probably didn’t even notice she had said anything.

“So it’s really simple: We give her an offering which she will eat instead of us! All we have to do is sneak into the kitchens, liberate some raw meat and give it to her! It’s perfect! All we have to do is turn the lights off and then you can sneak in and grab it…”

Tabby blinked. This smelled like by far the most outrageous, most asinine, most suicidal plan that she had ever heard. And the most brutal. This would, without a doubt, secure their places as the baddest bitches in the school if they did this. Fuck legends, they’d be motherfuckin’ superheroes if they pulled it off.

Tabitha matched Anouk’s grin. If she wasn’t sold already, the brunette’s next couple lines did the trick.

“And I know exactly how to get those lights off…I’ll just have to use the power of AC/DC.”

Sparks shot off of her fingers.

“I’ll guarantee ya...they’ll be Thunderstruck!”

Tabby actually staggered back a bit. She had heard some kickass one-liners in her time, but this? This one won outright. She was nearly moved to tears. She opened her mouth, fumbling her words, but eventually she nodded and held up her hand for a fistbump. Saying anything right now would just ruin the moment. After the down and dirty knuckle on knuckle action, Tab made sure she had her bag and walked out into the hall. She did a quick scan to see if anyone happened to be around. Nada.

And with that, she strolled down the hall, trusting Anouk to be behind her. Which might not have been the best idea. Tabby wasn’t exactly the best with directions. Although, she could probably find it by smell alone. If there is food, there shall be Tabby. Such is the unwritten law of the universe. Somebody really should get around to writing that down.

She reached the end of the hall, paused, and looked back, just to make sure her pal was there.

“Let’s roll, yo.”

She pondered for a moment about what this plan meant. If they were caught...well...that wouldn’t be pretty. Ditching class and breaking into the kitchen? On the first day? Probably not the best. And what if the monster decided to eat them along with the meat?

It didn’t matter. This was their best shot at not dying a horribly gruesome death. Even if there was only a ten percent chance of surviving...well that was better than zero, right?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 21 days ago

-Anouk Dijkstra-

As Tabitha was walking out of the room Anouk was quick to follow. She slung her bag over her shoulder and walked up next to Tabitha. It seemed like Tabitha knew exactly where to go to, as if she could smell the food from here.

After a short while of walking around the school they eventually reached the promised land: The school kitchens.

Anouk leaned up against the wall and peaked around the door to check what was inside. There were only a few cooks and aides still here cleaning up the kitchen. She saw some guys carrying some leftover meat to what she thought was the food storage. It didnt seem like there was any lock on it, so that was certainly gonna help out.

Anouk turned to Tabitha. "You see that door over there?" she said as she pointed out the food storage door. "That's where they keep the meat. When I turn off the lights you're gonna make a b-line to it and grab as much as you can, alright?" she said with a grin on her face.

Anouk snuck up to a fuse box close to the kitchen entrence. Now, instead of opening it up and unplugging something she was abit... Caught in the moment. Causing a blackout was fun and all. So she charged her hand, which now had sparks flying off of it. She was going to short-circuit only the kitchen and maybe cause the light bulbs to burst. Atleast... That was the plan. She might have slightly overdone it...

Anyway, just waiting till Tabitha was in position and then she could release the pulse.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Alexis Sinclair~

Alexis rolled her eyes with a huff at Zac's proclamation about him being a likable guy. If you had to say it...ah well. Not her problem. She wasn't planning on hanging around the guy that much anyways. Just use him as a potential distraction while she made off with the food. It'd be funny to see his face when he realized she had no intention of sharing any of her spoils with him. Unless he was able to get some himself, of course, but eh. Slim chances. The guy seemed like too much of a nice kid.

"Kinda funny, For such a big place, I've never even heard of it. Even though it's underground, word of this place should have slipped out somehow, don't you think?"

ooh. Maybe there wasn't all just air between his ears. Not that she was going to share any of her plans with him at this point. But hey, maybe he wold be more useful than she thought. No time for that though, they had reached the Cafeteria, and now it was time to get ready for some action and stuff. She stopped, motioning for Zac to as well as she listened. They were just outside the doors to cafeteria, and already she could see - or rather hear, two problems. Being able to hear and see soundwaves to an extent was quite the useful ability, no?

"Alright...we got problems. Two other students look like their trying to get into the kitchen too. Ones by the door to the kitchens, the other one is close enough. Probably going to be moving into the kitchens to get the food soon." She said Zac. While really she wasn't one to go about long winded plans and stuff, she did know how to be crafty and devious. She could move quietly enough as to not be seen by the girl next to the fuse box. What was she even going to do with that anyways? Turn out the lights?...well, that could work to her advantage...especially since the food storage probably didn't have any windows, and the cafeteria didn't have that many windows either.

"Alright, here's the plan." She said to Zac. "First, I'm gonna go over there and distract both of them. You get inside once they're distracted. Once inside it should be easy enough to get out. If she's doing what I think she's doin, she's gonna be at a huge disadvantage against me." That was the plan. She would distract the two of them, and Zac would get into the kitchens, and get into the food storage herself and make off with anything He could get his hands on. "Once ya stuff your pockets, Get out of there and give me some sort of signal. Doesn't have to be big. I got good ears."

Without waiting for confirmation or anything else, she moved, making a beeline right for the girl next to the fuse-box, leaving Zac to just carry out his part of the plan.

"Well look at this," She said to the other girl, chuckling quite loudly. "Looks like someone's tryin' to mess with the fuse box." She sported her usual aggressive smirk as she walked up to the girl. "It'd be horrible if someone told a teacher on you guys."


~Meredith Hillard~

Meredith gave Graham a wave as he went to go sit down, confident he wouldn't try to out do her any time again in the near future. Now back to the class and questions!

“I have quite a few questions, I wasn’t told much about this school before I found myself on the train to here. So I have been wondering what the rules are around here are?”

Ooh, asked by her playmate from a few moments earlier. He must not have had a whole lot of common sense. After all, this wasn't too different from normal high-schools, was it? She was pretty sure the same rules from there applied here. Ah well, that wasn't too much of a difficult question to answer. Giving the class a friendly smile, she propped herself up on her desk, using it as a chair and crossing her legs.

"Ehe, well, I'm pretty sure the rules here aren't to different from your normal highschool. Dunno, since I've never been to one before!" She giggled. Two tendrils sprouted from her back, picking up the erasers on the board, erasing her masterpiece from earlier with relative ease. Extra appendages were awesome. "So, Skipping class is a no," Finished with erasing the boards, the tendrils then picked up a few markers to write with. They started doodling on the board, giving rough sketches of what was acceptable and not acceptable. "Being late would result in bad stuffs. Fighting would result in...bad stuffs happening to you," She giggled, albeit somewhat creepily before adding. "Like expulsion! Or suspension. But really, if you want an in-depth look at the rules, you should probably ask Nina in your next class. She is, after all the Vice Principal and would know these things much better than I, a lowly biology teacher would!~"

Finished with her general explanation, she began idly twirling one of the markers in her tendrils grasp.

"So, any more questions?~ Specifically about biology! I am one of the worlds leading Biologists after all, so please, I will answer any and all questions!~"

~Ziska Seighild~

"Nothing. Nothing happened and nothing is happening. Especially not something concerning the likes of fascists."

Ziska was immediately offended by the girls tone. Not so much by being called a fascist, since she had considered that to be one of the best forms of orderly government - hell to her a dictatorship was the best form - besides, what did this Russian even know about her political views? She was right...mostly, but still. Offending someone when you just met them was likely not going to end well. And while she herself, would like to teach this girl what exactly she was capable of...fighting was against the rules, and she wasn't going to start something.

"Is there anything I can help you with sir? Or can I proceed to class now?"

"Hmph. Snide comments aside, Russian, I will let you off with a warning," She glared up at the taller, obviously more muscular girl. "Insulting me again, will result in nothing but trouble for you. But," She sighed, inspecting her glove rather nonchalantly. "I would like to not start something and cause trouble for the good professor at this moment, so you should probably try and behave yourself. I will not tolerate senseless trouble in my presence."

And with that, she walked into the classroom, ignoring anything else Mishka might possibly say. She had no interest in the Russian's insults. She took a seat at the back of the class, not out of her wanting to avoid class. Sitting in the back gave her a good view of the classroom, which was the best way to watch everyone and make sure they weren't say, cheating or something.

She sighed, as she sat. That little bout with Anastasia had left her quite tired. She didn't get a chance to nap at all, meaning she'd probably have to get a quick rest during lunch...but that would mean no food for her. Yeah...today was going to be a long day. Why did she have to get stuck with a vampire as a roommate? She'd have rather preferred some delinquent so she could put him in his place. At least that'd be fun.
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