Name: Shou Matsuoka (Mr. Matsuoka to his students, but he really doesn't mind Shou)
Age: 29
(Credits to the original artist)
Has a piercing on his left ear on which he swaps between tiny spike or silver ring earrings. Dark circles aren't unfamiliar to his otherwise pale features, and his eyes are a clear, light, chocolate-brown colour which contrasts heavily with his (dyed) silver hair. In his youth, he used to have a select number of streaks in the mess of his locks that he dyed different colours once every two months. Though you can see a cigarette sticking out of his mouth when he isn't at school, it's replaced for a lollipop when he's on the job. Though oddly enough, it's difficult to tell from far away what it might really be...
Height: 6'2" / 188cm
Weight: 177lbs / 80.5kg
Likes: Fresh fruit, discussion and debate, thought-provoking material, philosophy, the sounds of the steelpan, the saxophone and the violin (and even the harmonica on occasion!), oddballs, big dogs, breathtaking natural green scenery, lighting candles, aromatherapy, the colour blue, dressing classy, reading and writing fine literature, art, PC-gaming, white and milk chocolate, lollipops and gummy-bears, blue orchids.
Dislikes: Liquorice, dark chocolate, small spaces, papaya, grading papers, his age and authority questioned, late students, the cold, spicy food, beetles, when people try to get him to dance, when things stop working.
Party Trick: Can, pitch-perfect and usually very loudly, whistle any requested song (that he knows).
Profession: Professor at the Shine City Academy (Department of Biology)
Bio/Personality:Shou grew up in classy Shine City itself as the younger of two sons, so it's hard to find a place or trick or turn within it that the young gentleman
doesn't know. Though, admittedly, he only came to learn of more of the city in his later years, having been homeschooled as a child and so finishing his education a couple of years early (due to missing out so many much-coveted summers). He landed his professor job through a mixture of sheer luck, his personal smarts and three rather
interesting published works on the behavioural study of animals in captivity. This has led to him being a bit of an eccentric man, though he enjoys his fair share of parties as well, accompanied by a new experimental mixed-drink each time if not for a classic favourite of his: A glass of burgundy wine, for his more mature palette.
He spends his days teaching at the Shine City academy, hoping to inspire his students (though he has to admit again, most of them don't seem quite as much as interested in his lectures) to greatness someday. His young age is often a cause for playful kidding around by the older members of staff, though also gets him a lot of belittling remarks and unsatisfied glances from time to time. He claims he's just as much a student as anyone else, learning from his seniors whenever he can on their respective areas of expertise, and from his juniors on areas such as 'socialisation in the younger-crowds'.
He owns two dogs, a young Jack Russell Terrier called Jinxie and a larger Border Collie/German Shepherd mix called Romeo. Seeing as he lives by himself in a rather comfortable little house just far enough from the bustling city center to have an open yard, the two dogs get on well and don't get bored or lonely too often (special thanks to the dogs of the lovely old woman who lives next door!)
Shou himself is slightly introverted, preferring to be approached rather than approaching someone, though he has no problem doing the latter. He hardly ever is mentioned to say "he's bored", being a strong believer in finding entertainment in whatever one does. He is compassionate towards animals and, oddly enough, plants as well, having a well-tended garden set up in his backyard. He also possesses intensive knowledge on herbal remedies his mother taught both boys, Shou and Yuusha, when they were young. Being described as 'eccentric' due to his often chuckling at the most inappropriate moments, or his somewhat morbid love for setting things alight, or even his irritability on Thursday evenings when the weekend is so close, yet so far, he garters the positive attentions and affections of many others, particularly the schoolgirls at the academy impressed with just how young he is.
Or maybe they're just taken by his looks.