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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Welcome you beautiful people! This is Nick Weston on the Shine Academy Student Radio! The time is 3:45pm on a Saturday, and the sun is shining beautifully! I might just have to grab some bright orange bubblegum for to match the blazing sun this afternoon!

I'll tell ya, I cant stop looking at Amaya Tsukino today I just wish I was old enough to get into CLUB LUSH! Meanwhile more love letters to Professor Shou Matsuoka are floating around the lost and found, someone return them to the girl's locker room where they belong! Tell you what I'm just happy the beautiful Rosanna Reyes hasn't enrolled here, the competetion is wayyy to stiff for a dork like me... see you all at Club Lancom Arcade when it opens tomorrow folks I gotta get back to class.....Oh I almost forgot its time for Weston's Suggestions I suggest if your want to go on a date today take a lovely lady to see Milky Hearts 2 starring the beautiful
and what a stunning actress she is in the must-watch sequel to the original romantic comedy! Any lovely ladies wanna go with me? Later!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roecoon
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Roecoon Consumer of potatoes!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kameyo was lounging, off in her own corner, on the campus grounds listening to the radio, holding a flyer in her hands. She was enjoying the sun and comfortable breeze. WOW, I could never talk on the radio like that, and he sounds so natural at it. I envy you Sir Weston. The flyer was advertising for a roommate, in an apartment further in town, from someone named Nori. On one hand living there would be more convenient, just a bit longer trip to school... GAAHH! but then i'd have to meet someone new.Kame shuddered. All the tension and awkward moments, was it REALLY worth it?However... moving in would definitely help out financially and would be the most practical choice, practical was better right? Kame gaspedBUT WHAT IF SHE HATES TURTLES! Alright just calm down, there's no way to know until you try. Plus would you rather deal with one person, or the entire campus?She looked over at a fairly good sized group of people chatting and goofing around, WIth one last glance at the flyer it was decided. New person it is! And now she was off to find this person named Nori!*sigh* Lets just hope I don't vomit on her shoes when she opens the door, ugh i'm such a nervous wreck!
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KRAZY J
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jake Vanguard is laying in the park on a nice fresh cut patch of grass staring up at the clouds "I love listening to the radio on sunny days like this i might just lay here at the park today and soak in the sun but then id probably wish i could tan LOL maybe I'll just go check up on one of the music stores in town to see how my CD's are selling then its of to get some honey vanilla chamomile tea!" Jake puts in his earbuds to block out the rest of the world and flips up the hood from his black sleeveless hoodie with a dark red dragon printed on the back trying not to draw to much attention,takes a deep breathe,lights up a cig,and walks through the park pretty much blocking the world out and fading into the music and smoke.He passes by the tea shop on the edge of shine junction as he sees his friend Onyx (one of his very few friends) working her normal afternoon shift.she smiles at him as he walks in the store and he flicks his cig to the gutter. "Hi Jake I'm guessing honey vanilla chamomile tea lol."Jake smiles back "You know me so well"Jake sits in his normal spot in the corner by the window and Onyx brings him his tea."here you are fresh brewed"Jake takes a deep breathe to soak in the beautiful smell of his tea and takes a drink."Perfect as always and here" hands her the cost of the tea and 20 extra "you work harder then your payed for" she smiles and goes back to work and Jake just sits quite looking out the window and drinking his tea.He pulls the ash tray closer,lights up a cig and fades back into his music.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Oi I swear I'm going to wined up setin' my whole bloody self on fire one of these days." The behemoth known as Arty said as he nursed the freshly bandaged burn mark on the palm of his massive hand. The tiny, even when not compared to the mountain that was Arty, elderly woman who stood by the door the fiery haired fellow had just exited from let out a soft giggle. "Don't you worry hun, that burn will be fine in a couple of days. And look on the bright side, you are one step closer to being a master chief!" She said in a warm, reassuring voice that managed to put a smile on Arty's face. Thanks Misses Green. Oh and I promise to pay yo' back for that apron I ruined." Arty said as he apologetically rubbed the back of his humongous neck. "Don't fret dear, just treat that hand of yours and make sure to be on time for the next class." The woman, who's name was apparently Mrs. Green, said with a smile. Arty grinned before nodding. "Of course, I'd never be late for yer class." He then turned on his huge hills and started to walk off though he did look over his shoulder and waved back to Mrs. Green. "See you next week teach!" He called over his shoulder before continuing to walk off.

Arty had a large hearty grin on his face as he strolled his way through the illustrious Shine City Academy. Yes he was a bit older than most of the schools students, but to his credit he wasn't really a student either. He had been taking a cooking class here on the weekends for the past few months as a way to pass the time, that and he was getting tiered of himself burning all the food he bought. But now that his class was done Arty was faced with a problem, he had no clue what to do with himself. He had quite a few hours before his shift at the club started, they always wanted Arty to work the nightshifts as that was when the most trouble usually happened and having a giant wall of muscle on hand was always the fastest way to get ride of a problem. "Hmm could head to the gym... go a few rounds with Joey if he is up to it." Arty spoke half to himself as he scratched his chin and contemplated what he should do today. Whatever he decided Arty knew he had to do something, this day could not go to waist.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amaya turned off the radio. Her name was mentioned. She doesn't really know why. Disgusting used tissues surround her. The harsh light from her laptop pierced through the darkness in Amaya's room. A massive headache and rumbling stomach were also reminders of the past few terrible days. Reminders. That day. Tears started to form once again in Amaya's bloodshot eyes. Biting her lower lip, Amaya quickly snapped her laptop shut, and stood up from her bed. Determined to forget about her abusive ex-boyfriend, Amaya swiftly walked to the bathroom. She washed her face, letting to cold water wash away the pain. As Amaya stared at her sickly thin body and pale skin, she decided that she needed to get herself a new boyfriend. Slowly, she ran her fingers over cuts and bruises that scattered her body. Most were frequent, defying him wasn't advised, but others were from before she had even thought of breaking up with him. Sighing, she decided that if she wanted a new boyfriend she'd have to clean up her act.

Amaya grabbed a left over sandwich from her roommate's dinner last night, and and apple. Then she packed some gym clothes and headed to the gym. After not eating or working out for the past couple days, she needed this badly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Narcotic Dollie
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Narcotic Dollie Weasel Wrangler

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nori's alarm clock goes off to Nick Weston's smooth as butter voice telling her to grab a pack of bright orange bubblegum. Sighing tiredly, the tattooed girl sits up and rubs at her eyes, before feeling around for the, 'off' switch on the alarm. Last night the petite blonde had worked the early morning 1:00am to 5:00am shift at LUSH and then had to open the flower shop to work a 7:00am to 11:00am shift. Nori was running on fumes, but she had to get ready for the early shift at the Club tonight.

Throwing the blankets back with more force than necessary, the young woman pulled herself to her feet and padded into the bathroom to start to get ready for work. Once her hair was combed and her teeth brushed, she changed into her work clothes. The dress code at LUSH was pretty lax for females, as long as it was considered sexy, it was okay with the bosses. This evening Nori chose a sleeveless black dress that had strips of see-through material around her torso and upper chest area. It was also incredibly tight, almost to the point that Nori wasn't sure if she was going to be able to eat anything without busting out of it.

"Jesus," she breathed once she finally got the sides zipped up. Then she grabbed the glitter lotion and began to rub down all of her exposed skin, because she was going to get the prime time DJ spot, dammit, and if that meant she had to dress in the most revealing clothing and hose herself down with sparkles, she was going to do it.

Once she was properly skankafied, as she liked to call it, Nori went into the kitchen to make a glass of water. She couldn't wait until she finally got a roommate to help pay the bills so she could stock the fridge better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roecoon
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Roecoon Consumer of potatoes!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Well here I am... Kameyo was now standing outside the door of the address on the flyer. It didn't have a name on the door, but what else was she supposed to expect? She looked for any sort of signs as to what kind of person Nori would be, but no such luck. An alarm went off from inside and after a bit was turned off. So, That means someone must be home. Oh dear, that means she must have just woken up. Would it be impolite to just drop by like this? No. There was no number. Directly was the only way. Oh but what if i'd be interrupting something? She looked down at her watch, she didn't want to wait too long, or the neighbors would think shes some sort of stalker. What if she waited too long and she just opened the door and saw this weirdo of a girl just STANDING outside her door! Then not only might it not work out, but then maybe she'd be busy and she'd have to do this ALL. OVER. AGAIN.

Kame's hands were shaking as she raised her fist towards the door. Should I have brought a gift, like cupcakes or something. No, don't be ridiculous. Maybe I should have written a letter? That would have been a great idea, if i wasn't already here! She shook her head. Man up and just do it already! And with shaking knees, she actually managed...a light tap. Kameyo sighed. Come on now, if you act like that she'll think your a push over and what way is that to start things off. She cleared her throat and knocked more firmly. She nodded. That's more like it! Oh jeez, now any second someone's going to come out that door. Calm down and hold yourself together she's coming!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 1 day ago

The small bell attached to the door jingled as a new customer came in.

"Welcome to The Shining Kettle," Shizuka greeted in her light, airy voice. She gave a slight, gentle, natural smile that did not come off as forced or overly cheery. Dressed in her waitress uniform and holding a tray close to her body, she directed the customer to a seat and took his order. Giving the order to the barista, Shizuka looked around the cafe, seeing that business was fairly slow today, with most of the tables being empty. She was fine with this pace as it let her give more personal attention to each customer. Taking a look at the clock, Shizuka noticed that it was already 3:50, her shift would be ending in ten minutes. After cleaning up the tables of the last customers she would be serving that day, Shizuka went to the back and changed back into her normal clothes, saying goodbye to the barista and other waiters and waitresses.

Seeing that it was such a beautiful day, Shizuka strolled down Shine Junction. She had enough groceries stocked up so she wasn't in any need to buy anything. She spent some time just window shopping, looking at trinkets and clothes, and stopped unusually long looking at some pets in a pet store.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Narcotic Dollie
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Narcotic Dollie Weasel Wrangler

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nori was just finishing her water when she heard a soft tapping at her door. "Did the neighbor's dog get out again?" She asked herself, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. The young DJ had just crossed over into the small living room when she heard the noise again, only this time louder. "Coming!" She called, unlocking and throwing the door open.

In her doorway stood a girl who was only a few inches taller than Nori. She had long blue colored hair that looked incredibly soft. 'Wonder what conditioner she uses,' the blonde thought, before clearing her throat. "Can I help you?" Nori asked, eyebrow quirked. Maybe it was another tourist that needed directions to the, 'Shining Kettle' again.

And that's when she saw it.

Clutched in the other girl's delicate hand was Nori's 'Roomate Wanted' flyer.

"Oh thank God!" Nori exclaimed, breaking out into a grin as she grabbed the other girl's hand. "I thought I was gonna have to pay for this place by myself forever," the florist pauses here to give the taller girl's hand a vigorous shake, "I'm Nori. C'mon in darlin', I'll show you around". Tugging the girl by the hand, Nori leads the stranger into the living room/kitchen area.

"Sorry, it's a bit of a mess in here," she apologized, casting a glance at the piles of dirty clothes and various mangas on the floor. At least she had just done the dishes, so the kitchen was clean. "I know it's not much to look at, but it's smack dab in the middle of Shiny Junction and the rent is dirt cheap for this area," Nori explained, pulling them through to the spare bedroom. It was a small thing, the exact same size as Nori's, with a tiny window on the east wall. "There's a bathroom, obviously, but we'll have to share it. I hope you're cool with that," she finished, finally dropping the other girl's hand. "Well, what do 'ya think?"
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KRAZY J
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jake spent most of his time at the tea shop today but if he didn't go do something soon he would fade from existence.He got up and waved towards the kitchen as he noticed onyx had already gone home.He walked up to the counter 'sigh' "one honey vanilla chamomile tea to go please." he started walking through shine junction towards club lush for this was the best place for him to get a bottle vanilla rum (his favorite alcoholic beverage) .He walked past a couple happily in love with a small boy in the middle of them holding both there hands and started thinking about his past and that bottle of rum.After a bit of a walk and half his tea he finally stood in front of the club lush doors he greeted the bouncer at the door he would have stayed to chat had it been arty but instead he just pulled off his hood to show who he was then went straight to the bar inside "one liter of vanilla rum please."He payed double as he generally did and left with a smile hearing one of his songs playing in the club and people dancing and having fun but the smile shortly faded as he left club lush to go back to his normal spot at the park.He took another drink of his tea then his rum then topped of his cup with the rum.'I wonder how it would have been had i been happy like other families.Would i still have written my music?Would i have come to shine city?'Jake thought to himself allot it was better then talking to people who would judge him.'why are you homeless don't you have money?they would say.yes i am homeless but i chose it to be that way it's not that i don't have money i have enough to last ten life times it just gives me the since that I'm free and not caged by the walls of society i don't have to worry about people knowing where i live and cameras showing up at my door every mourning and being mobbed by fans or haters i can simply be a guy who spends his time in the park and at tea shops and goes to parties even though i have to hide my face and not interact with people as much but it was better then the latter.I long to eventually have a family of my own but how do i open up to someone?How do i know there not just trying to show me out to the public like a news reporter under cover?I wish i could just be me and not have to hide myself from the world.One day maybe I'll find that one girl that will like me for my past and my scars and my hard work and my loss and not for my money and fame.One day.''sigh'.Jake then lit up a cig,put in his ear buds,took a drink from his tea/rum mix and started walking towards shine park back to his normal patch of grass off to the side of the park grounds in between two trees where it was shady and peaceful.On his walk he passed a group of friends,standing outside one of the various clothing stores in shine junction,he just stayed to himself and kept his head down.As he passed by his favorite tea shop on the edge of shine junction a small boy walked up to him asking for money."Can you spare some change mister my dad is sick and we don't have the money to pay for a doctor to help him.I've been running all over town to collect money but I haven't gotten much."Tears started forming in his eyes as he thought of his dad as he knelt down to look the boy in his eyes.The boys face lit up when he realized who it was."Your Jake Vanguard aren't you mister?You wrote my dads favorite song Watching The Stars."The tears turned to a small smile on Jake's face."where do you live I will give your dad the money he needs for his illness and some extra money to help you through this month"A huge smile ran across the boys face as he grabbed Jake by the wrist and started dragging him towards the apartments.He led Jake up some stairs and through a door on the far side of the apartments."Dad Dad look who is here to help us"The boys dad lifted his head slightly as Jake pulled of his hood and walked up to the man lying in his bed."I'm Jake Vanguard sir and I'm here to help as much as I can.I am not a doctor sadly though I can provide you with the money to pay for one and then some,by the way you should know your boy loves you very much and he is the reason I was able to help."The boy smiled as he grabbed his dads hand"Jake your a hero."Jake then smiled"No boy you are the hero I want you to know what you did today made a big difference and more people in the world should be just like you"Jake then handed the boys father $10,000."this should cover the doctor and help you guys on your way for awhile"The man then smiled"Thank you but why would you do this for us you could be anywhere else doing what ever you want yet your here now standing in front of a poor man and his boy.Why?"Jake looked down"Because i know what its like to be in your boys position but sadly i couldn't do enough to save my father then but I can help you now to make sure this boy still has his"Jake then simply bowed his head,flipped up his hood,lit another cig,took another drink of his mixture,and continued making his way to shine park.He finally made it to his little quite spot,sat in the grass and faded into his music.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 1 day ago

While Shizuka enjoyed looking at cute puppies and kittens, the experience was always a little melancholy; she had no intention of buying a pet and even if she did, she doubted that they would allow pets in the dorm. And if she thought too hard about what happened to them if they outgrew their 'cute' stage, would they be sent to a shelter or euthanized? Although it was better not to think about it, it was a reality she would have to face if she intended to become a veterinarian. She eventually made her way to Shiny Park to enjoy the weather and take her mind off depressing topics. Shizuka happened to see a man sitting on the grass, smoking and drinking. Something about the placement, how it was a little bit away from where people normally sat for picnics, and the man's familiarity with the spot indicated to Shizuka that the man may be homeless. She thought it was a pity that as nice as the day was, there were people whose circumstances probably stopped them from appreciating it. Although she couldn't do anything to help the pets she saw earlier, she resolved to at least help this man today. She walked over to Jake timidly and pulled out a $20 bill; it wasn't much, but she hoped it would lift the man's spirits.

"E-excuse me sir..." Shizuka began quietly, "H-here...I know it's not much, but I want you to have this."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"That Weston boy..." Shou shook his head with a little smirk to himself as he hoisted the shoulder-bag he wore a little higher up on his shoulder and, with one hand shielding his face against the warm sunlight that poured into the room through the tall windows, looked up at the nearest speaker, positioned just by the window, from which the sound blared. The boy was always so full of life. Now, if only he paid as much attention to his classes as he did that radio show...
"He's a right riot."

The gentleman glanced at the watch on his left wrist, catching the light of the day. 3:47 pm now. Time to go home.
It was a Saturday, and the weekend, yes. But Shou didn't mind dropping by to the academy on Saturdays for the wealth of other classes that were offered there. Actually, no, it wasn't so much that he didn't mind. It was more that he himself was a terrible cook, and there happened to be a peculiar cooking class offered there on Saturdays, hosted by a wonderful elderly lady by the name of Mrs. Green.

The class was over now, and the handful or so of students poured out of the building. Shou folded the apron set on the table in front of him into a neat little bundle and plopped it onto the pile of others there. One of them happened to be in a more...interesting state than the others. And Shou, and probably the rest of the class, knew just who it was that did that. And he was one of the last to leave, before Shou himself. He was a tall, muscular young man with fiery red hair that Shou thought looked like a lion's mane. He stood much taller than Shou and was more than a little intimidating, but gauging by the exchange between him and the short, sweet old woman, he couldn't have been violent even if he tried. Or, appeared to be that way.

"Thank you, Mrs. Green." the man moved to the door where the woman stood, bidding her students farewell. He offered her a grateful smile, followed by a rather solemn sigh. "I don't believe I'll ever get the hang of cooking, I'm afraid. Damned be I if ever I've to impress a pretty lady...hah."
"Oh, nonsense, hun." she clicked her tongue, tapping her foot with her hands on her hips. She was loving but spunky indeed for her age, "We'll have you cookin' in no time, dearie."
"You're too good to me, Mrs. Green." Shou laughed now, bowing his head to the elderly woman a final time before stepping out the doorway and onto the paved pathway that led out into the open academy. The white brick buildings glittered with an ethereal light in the sun. The afternoons and early evenings had always been Shou's favourite parts of the day. "See you next Saturday, Mrs. Green!"
"And you, Shou! Make sure to take care of yourself, and eat well!"

The parking lot where he'd left his car was a fair distance away, so Shou took his time, particularly focused on the 'fiery lion' (the romanticist in him had dubbed the boy) who walked a little bit ahead. He chuckled to himself at the thought of the last dish he'd burnt. It was always interesting having the boy in the cooking classes. Shou wondered about his age. He didn't seem much younger than Shou himself, though many of the older students at the academy weren't much so, either. It led him to wonder about his profession. A professional weight-lifter?
It wasn't unlikely...

The professor decided he might just want to make conversation with the young man, and upped his pace just enough to walk a little distance from him. Not too close as to suggest closeness, but not too far so his words wouldn't be in earshot.
"Interesting cooking class today, was it not?" he gave the young man a side-glance, and all but flinched at how tall he really was. He made Shou feel quite tiny in comparison for his 6'2". It was definitely interesting to note the man's height.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rosanna looked at her watch, it was already approaching the later part of the afternoon and her shift wasn't even over yet. Her hair was a mess and her cream colored apron was beginning to chafe her a little bit she couldn't wait to go home and have a shower but she still had to serve drinks. At this time the coffee crowd were beginning to leave, usually to hit up Club LUSH and oggle over that beautiful DJ Nori that Nick Weston was always talking about, although he did hear him mention her name too which made her blush a little. She poured herself a Gin and Tonic while it was still fairly quiet and let her messy hair down from the crude bun she tied it up into during lunch time. Maybe she would go out in the town center later on if she had the energy. Until then she would finish the the day at the Mochavine.

Where are all the customers? are they all really already at Club LUSH or maybe they are all watching that Aoi Iwata movie...god damn she's so pretty...hmmph

Nick had just got home and was changing out of his school uniform from his irritating Saturday booster classes, as he was falling behind on pretty much every subject as he was only interested in his radio show. It was reasonable to say he was addicted to this radio show especially because he knew he had fans he decided to go on air quickly while on his hand held Playgear.

Nick Weston here folks! just a quick howdy-do live from my bedroom as I get ready for tonight! I've never been able to get into CLUB LUSH mainly because that massive dude Arty Grant keeps seeing past all my fake IDs, oh well I gotta keep trying right folks? Once again for you love birds the Aoi Iwata movie is screening at Shine Cinema and boy is she looking hot! I love the classical japanese look don't you! I tell you what I wouldn't mind seeing that beauty Nori Haywood in a Kimono! maybe LUSH should have a traditional night soon? hmm? hmm?

And Yes as I try and multi task this PlayGear while speaking into my live radio mic, I'm gonna give you one of my Weston Suggestions before I go, I hear that there is a brand new fragrance for men which is sweeping the city pick up a bottle of
before getting near those girls dude! Now get ready for SATURDAY NIGHT with this new song I'll leave you with! This is how I feel when I see hot girls at school like Kameyo, Shizuka and Amaya :PP
Signing out, later!

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Arty had just come to the conclusion that he would head the gym, better than just wandering about this campus until he had to head to work. He had been slacking a bit lately since he was getting kind of tired of having to drag poor Joey into the ring, that and the next tournament wasn't until another month or so. The ginger haired man stretched and let out a low sigh, it being more of a rumble coming from the back of his throat. "Maybe I'll just use the bench today." Arty spoke aloud as he rolled his neck, a series of loud cracks sounding off as he did so. He then fished out his wallet, it had a emerald green clover embroidered on the side with the words Lets ShamROCK writen under it, and pulled out a bus pass that was tucked away in one of its many pockets. "I should really get my own car." He said with a chuckle and a shake of his head. He was about to set out when he heard a voice address him.

Arty turned his gaze down to his side to find a man standing there, he looked like he was a few years older than himself. It only took a moment for Arty to realize that he recognized this guy from his cooking class. He looked down to his newly burned hand and chuckled. "Ay mate, was quite the hot show yeah?" Arty said with a rather cheesy grin at his own horrid joke. He then out stretched his unbandaged hand towards the man who just spoke to him. "Names Arty mate, nice to finally meet yo'."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Before arriving at the gym Amaya had nibbled at the sandwich. She knew she needed the nutrients and energy, but her stomach wasn't ready for so much food. So she had saved the rest for later. As she entered the gym the guy behind the counter gave her startled look. "Hey, Devin," Amaya gave a sheepish smile. Devin worked at the gym, so obviously he always had a toned body. He usually worked as a personal trainer, but today it looked like he was stuck behind the counter. "Uh, hey Amaya," He said, gathering himself up. Devin had helped Amaya when she first started out at the gym and even afterwards they still helped each other out when one of them needed spotting. Amaya didn't really go to the gym all that much. Maybe once a week? But then again she also had martial arts training practically every other day.

Amaya handed Devin her gym membership card and he barely glanced at it before handing it back. "So what's with the half zombie look?" Devin asked bluntly. Amaya sighed, "I broke up with my boyfriend." "It's about damn time!" Devin grinned. "Oh, but I guess you aren't taking it well? Um, well, enjoy your stay?" He chuckled uncertainly. Amaya smiled, at least he was trying.

Amaya shook her head at the radio's mention of her name again. However, a small smile did form against her lips. It must have been the exercise that improved her mood. Amaya usually worked on her core muscles and upper body strength at the gym. Her legs were already strong. Today, however, was different. Since she was out of shape all over, she decided to work up to her usual routine. So she listened to Nick Weston's cheesy song while her feet thumped in a steady rhythm underneath her.

Amaya checked her phone. She had a text. Looks like one of her coworkers needs a replacement. After a moment of thought, Amaya decided that she could go to work today. So she texted her coworkers back. Within the next minute a text came back with a message of thanks and the time of the shift. Quickly looking at the time, Amaya realized she still had 3 hours. But, Amaya still needed to do other things, so she got off her treadmill and gathered her things to head to the showers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KRAZY J
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jake was still lost in his music and smoke from a fresh lit cigarette as he finished of his tea mixture and started on the bottle when he noticed a lady was walking towards him he was debating on getting up and walking away for he thought she was another under cover journalist but he noticed she didn't have a camera or a notebook and pen.'could she have a hidden camera I've heard they can be made as buttons and other small objects but her outfit didn't look like the normal reporters style as he had seen before.Could she be one of the new students I heard they come from different cities and stay at the dorms or cheap apartments in shine junction.What would she be doing walking up to a random drunk in the park?then it clicked as he saw her reaching into her wallet to pull out $20'I'm a guy sitting alone drinking and smoking away my past away from other people...I look like a hobo,I mean technically I am but I have plenty of money.That means she doesn't recognize me i guess that's good but is it better then her being another reporter?Should I let her see who I am?Ok I guess I will just for the fact there's no other way other then to take the money and I can't I won't I know how it is here with expenses and she needs the money more then I do I'll let her see my face and I'll give her money instead and if reporters,fans or haters start showing up I'll just ignore them like i always do and find a new spot to sit.'He puts down his bottle and takes the last puff off his cig before rubbing it off on his jeans and flicking it away.He quickly pulls out his sun glasses to hide his eyes for they are a brighter shade of blue then average and she would surely notice who it was if she saw them and a camera out of his bag.As she tries handing him the $20 he smiles and bows his head he had an idea.(maybe not the best but it might work)He lifts up his head and the camera with a spontaneous smile"You miss are our winner we were holding a karma contest and you were the first to approach the person in need.You have good karma miss and as a reward you have won our $300 prize."He pulls out the $300 and puts in her hand as he shakes it still with a spontaneous smile on his face and the camera up.Then he realized it....The camera wasn't on,maybe she wouldn't notice maybe she'd be to focused on the $300 and his spontaneous attitude that she wouldn't see that the light was off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dreamyteatime
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dreamyteatime Tired-Ass Showgirl

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

April flicked through her Shine Academy booklet. She really wanted to go there, but she was so torn. There was no subjects that appealed to her, and she just couldn't see herself studying. April was a crazy, fun girl and although she had the brains for further education, she didn't have the drive. She sighed, got up and went to make herself a cup of tea. April had work later, but she allowed herself to have a short sit down and drink her green tea before going to get dressed for work.

After putting on her work clothes, April tied up her hair in a messy bun and put a little mascara and lipgloss on, because hopefully some cute boys would drop by the cafe today. April hadn't had much luck with boys since her mind-boggling high school days, days that she was adamant she was going to forget...someday. April decided to sit down on her bed before starting to walk to work. She needed to reply to some of her friends' texts, and if she didn't do it now she would probably forget.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roecoon
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Roecoon Consumer of potatoes!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kameyo was just getting her self together, trying to control her breathing, when she saw the door swing wide open. She saw the small blonde girl examine her a moment, "Can I help you?" Oh no, she thinks I'm a weirdo!Kame had prepared an opening statement, one that made her sound responsible and respectful and not a total dork, she opened her mouth but before she could manage to say anything the girl exclaimed "Oh thank God!" and actually grabbed her hand!
Flabbergasted and stuttering a bit, Kameyo had no choice but to be dragged along.
"I thought I was gonna have to pay for this place by myself forever." This must be Nori. Kame thought as her whole arm shook as the other girl greeted her. She was pretty cute, and very shiny. "I'm Nori. C'mon in darlin', I'll show you around". Yup. That was her alright. She seemed fairly nice, pretty welcoming as well....Maybe she was a part time fairy godmother or something. She shook her head. This is reality, get a grip!

"Sorry, it's a bit of a mess in here." As she was being shown around she noticed it was a fairly decent size. Doesn't look too difficult, mostly just picking up, maybe a bit of scrubbing and laundry and it'd be done. Domestic things were always one of her specialties, since she had tried to make things easier for her uncle since she was little. Kameyo can cook, do laundry, clean house, budget and also decorate. She listened to Nori as she looked around and happened to see one of her manga laying on the floor, it was one Kameyo had written called From afar volume:3, and picked it up. "Well, what do 'ya think?"]

Personally Kameyo thought this had gone pretty well, I mean, she didn't puke! Kame looked at her, smiled and said in a soft voice, "I think it's great! I just have a few questions." And then all in one burst she asked "Do you have internet? When should I move in? Do you have a problem with me doing most of the cleaning? Where do you work? Why are you so shiny?" She held up the book, " Are you a fan of this manga and do you hate turtles?" Yeah I think I covered everything!...I forgot to introduce myself... She blushed and said even quieter "...also...my name is Kameyo Inoue...nice to meet you." I am a dork.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ah...yes. I remember.
"It definitely was. You did show that apron who was boss..." Shou's eyebrows knit and he gave the man a sympathetic smile. It was mostly for casting a glance at the bandaged hand, knowing something was wrong, and even partly for the joke. Though, being the man he was, he wasn't about to leave Arty hanging. He chuckled a little, convincingly at best, though his hand covered his face and tried to hide a remaining smirk right after. It wasn't malicious, by any means. More so...mischievous? Curious? It reached his eyes. "Nice to meet you too, Arty. You've been around the class for a while, yes? Since even before me, I think...Well, all things aside. My name is Shou. Incidentally, I'm actually a professor at this academy."
He retiringly shoved his hands into the pockets of the black trousers he wore, before casting another look at his bandaged hand. "Burn yourself, Arty? Hold on, I might have something for that..."

Having walked alongside the man to the bus-stop, just a little bit away from the parking lot, he fished out two things from his shoulder-bag. A little red lollipop gripped firmly between his slender fingers, which he unwrapped immediately and stuck between his lips. It was strawberry flavoured, tied with cherry for his absolute favourite. He also fished out a mint-green sachet and transferred it to his right hand, smirking up at the red-haired youth before shaking his outstretched hand at last, and simultaneously placing the sachet into it. The packet itself would, if the man so cared to read it, read a foreign-sounding name, but also underneath, provide a little description, "For the treatment of: cuts and burns, and to soothe rashes".
It sounded like the salve from some miracle-herb, but in fact, Shou knew his medicine. It wasn't a particularly popular brand among the others at the market, but judging by how many little sachets that were still in Shou's bag, maybe five or six more, it was evident he trusted the brand with his life. Or, at least, the burning of his hands.
"Here. Try this. It should help your hand. I usually bring a lot because I'm a terrible cook as well. It helps burns...sometimes I wish I could just spread some on my cakes." he laughed bashfully here, a little embarrassed about how he was notorious for burning things or undercooking things, and nothing in between on most occasions.

"I'll see you next Saturday then, Arty?" Shou noticed a bus approaching, and instinctively stepped back on his heel. Roads made him a little nervous, though he wouldn't admit it. "Was a pleasure, Arty. I'll be seeing you!"
And with a little bow, lollipop held in place and words a little slurred due to that, he gave the man a final glance, and a smile, before turning on his heel to be on his way.
His next location, as usual, would be the Mochavine. They brewed his favourite coffee, and usually he'd take it black. Sometimes he'd grab a cup to go early in the morning before coming in to work, and it wasn't uncommon for some of the older professors, especially the women, to tease him about it. They always seemingly enjoyed that, for some reason, as they drank their own teas.
Shou didn't hate tea. Not at all, actually. He preferred it green to most other types, though was open to trying more. His tea was like his wine.

Getting into his car, it was a champagne green Ford Explorer, so quite the comfortable ride. Fetching his sunglasses from a compartment in the ceiling of the car, he reversed out of the parking lot, and onto the roads of Shine City itself.
It was a beautiful city, really. Shou couldn't think of a better way to enjoy it than with some ska, summery and upbeat.

It didn't take too long (thankfully) before the young professor walked through the doors of the Mochavine Cafe & Bar, shoulder-bag still where it was on his left shoulder and him fiddling with it just a little as he stepped through the doors. His eyes scanned the area and located whom they were searching for almost immediately.
"Ah, Rosanna. The usual, please." he bowed his head to the woman with the dark hair, and gave her as bright a smile as he could manage without his coffee. The days dragging on really pulled a number on you, whether you were teaching or otherwise.
"...and maybe one of those new cakes you got in, recently. A strawberry cheesecake, I think there was? I'll take one of that. Thanks!"
And with that, he sat himself down at a table beside the window. He always loved watching the city go by, and enjoying a nice cup of coffee and usually a book. Today, he was going to enjoy some more pages out of a Dan Brown novel he hadn't finished yet: Angels and Demons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rosanna's ears perked up as she heard the bell ring at the door entrance to signal that there was customer and she wasn't going to finish her shift without a bit more work. She was somewhat happy to see the gentleman that walked in, it was that teacher from the academy! He was the first person that she ever served when she started in the Mochavine a few weeks ago, he was a very nice man and not bad looking either. Rosanna immediatly started patting her hair in a desperate attempt to save if from the absolute mess that it was. She was at the end of her shift in her barista outfit, a dark yellow t shirt covered with her uniform apron, capri jeans and grubby white tennis shoes. There was no way she was going to look glamorous but she put on her best smile anyway.

The man called her by her name, which was sweet but also kind of embarassing because she didn't know his, or if he mentioned it, she forgot, as was her terrible memory in a new city where she met different people every single day, so she decided to call him professor as a way around it. She knew that when he asked her for 'the usual' it would be either black coffee or green tea, and in his case just looking at his eyes it was definitely black coffee.

Sorry Prof, the hipsters ate the last slice of strawberry cheesecake at 4 o'clock they fiend for the stuff I swear. Maybe I can offer you some black forest gateau? Its either that or the victoria sponge I'm afraid, I heard it goes quite nice with black coffee?

She began to grind the beans as the coffee machine whirred on, constantly matting her hair as it fell in front of her face.

So I heard on the radio that one of the teachers at the Academy; Shou-something is really hot, I wonder how they run a school when half the female students are sending him love letters, he must be pretty notorious around the faculty right? By the way sir, is Nick Weston as attractive as he sounds? me and my co-worker, April were saying that hot radio voice almost always means a goofy appearance, you can ask her when she gets here her shift starts in a couple mins, and she likes to get here early.

Rosanna felt she was babbling, as she normally does around attractive older men, trying not to say anything too silly and really trying to present herself as calm and normal as possible.

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