Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cinia looked paniced as some of the mountain lions tried to come after her. Though Zarr came in time to stop the carnage of Cinia's chickens. A good deal of them were already dead though. As this happened though moonslicer had appeared behind Cinia before anyone even noticed she inserted some kind of chip into Cinia's back. No one had seen it happen and Cinia barely even noticed it herself as she fell forward to the ground from the stress she had just gone through. Cinia had certainly gone through alot and it wasn't going to get easier anytime soon.

Gart turned to face the man who had just asked her about Calamity. "You can find pretty much all the information about him online and on the newspapers you know." Gart said to him before turning to look at the creatures again. "But I can tell you that those guys belong to him atleast." Gart added looking at the Minions as they dug through the rubble. Soon though they seemed to dig out a disc from the rubble. They seemed to have found something as one of them started to run off while the others continued to dig.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shohmyoh
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Shohmyoh ^Prozac at work

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Rambler scoffed at Gart's statement, but nevertheless pulled out his phone and checked the internet. Lo and behold, he quickly found the information he sought regarding Calamity and his actions in Davenport. "I'll be damned..." He hadn't thought that something so... obvious would actually yield results. Glancing back at Gart, he recalled hearing about a certain vigilante and entered another query into his phone's search engine. Before long he was staring at a website describing the Gamer Hero, along with a picture that matched the girl in front of him.

"I've been hired to keep Davenport from being destroyed. Which means stopping Calamity. I've heard about the metahumans who fought against him 5 days ago. If we want the same thing, I see no reason why we shouldn't cooperate. Strength in numbers, and all."

Rambler continued to watch the minions, slowly drawing his pistol from his coat in case they made any sudden movements.

Carla's words did indeed reach The Collective's ears. While keeping its lower body completely still, it bent over backwards to face its assailant, its back arched so much that its hair touched the pavement. A pale figure dressed in black with long raven hair was staring back at it.

"You contemptuous sack of blood! You dare interrupt m..." The Collective reared back its monstrous right arm, but froze in place before it could lunge.

"Wait, Mognag! Let me educate this poor little wretch!" Its arm jerked forward and back at irregular intervals.

"The bottomless chasm of my hunger beckons me forward! I don't have time for..."

"Shut up you bastard! I'm gonna do it whether you're hungry or not!" The Collective finally lowered its arm and righted itself, spinning around to return Carla's gaze. It seemed eerily calm as Ivory spoke.

"I do what I do because it's right. Because everything in this hell you call life is WRONG. Smiles are mockery, joy is smoke, laughter is rotting bones! Everyone in this whole goddamn world is completely wrong, and they don't even know it!" The Collective's face began to contort with fury as Ivory continued. "It's all so alien!! None of it applies to me! But it lets me see this cesspit for what it really is! And the only right choice I can make... is to KILL IT!!!"

With that it thrust its clawed appendage forward, aiming for Carla's chest. The vampire managed to evade the attack, but The Collective wasted no time in continuing its offensive. A gargantuan scorpion's tail erupted from its back, a segmented limb that resembled raw meat with a powerful looking stinger at the end. In a flash it snapped forward, aiming to impale Carla. Again it missed its mark. The Collective redoubled its assault and its tail lunged at Carla over and over, getting faster with every second.

"All of you are just food to me. But it's not your putrid flesh I desire. Your misery and sorrow is what sustains me! The chaos and death I leave in my wake are naught more than dinner scraps!"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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RavenTLark Potterhead Alert!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Carla was starting to wonder why she had gotten herself into this, she was about to get killed and for what, she knew that she was scared and she didn't like it. She suddenly had a thought as she was running from the stinger which was starting to catch up to her, she thought," What if there was no misery, sorrow or fear for it to feed on, then there wouldn't be anything for it to sustain itself on." She needed to talk to the people, convince them to ignore the creature, it was like people said, if you ignore it, it will go away, she was just amazed that a human saying was right for once. She needed to find a way to get rid of the pesky tail before she did anything else, otherwise she would be useless to the people of this city, but how, that was the question.

She had an idea but she wasn't sure that it would work but it was the best she had. She faced the biggest and strongest building in the area that hadn't been smashed and ran as fast as she could, faster than she had ever gone before at the wall of the building. She kept running at it, hoping to make the creature aim it's tail for the wall, she ran to it until she was barely a centimeter away from it then she teleported to where the people were. If her idea worked then his tail would get stuck in the rubble and give her a few minutes to follow up the rest of the plan but if it didn't then it could just of made the creature angrier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Zarr scared the rest of the mountain lions away he came back to Cinia collapsed onto the ground. "What the hell happened...." He mainly asked himself but said it loud enough for the young hero to hear. Zarr picked her up and carried her over his shoulder. "Hey. Heroine do you have enough energy to tell me what happened to you?" He needs to know everything from the smallest detail. Zarr can't do much with the information he has right now.

Plus he can't tell the heroine that he was following her and he swore he was only gone for a few seconds what could of happened to her that caused her to be in such a state. "Heronie one more thing do you have a place were you can recover....like your home?" He asked. She looked really worn out and the best Zarr can do for her right now is find her a place to rest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cinia woke up after awhile to see someone carrying her. "Huh? Oh I have no idea what happened, but apparently it puts more stress one my body when my birds are attacked by felines I think." Cinia said, she hadn't realized that she had such a weakness not to mention how strange it was that it was felines that hurt her more. "A-Anyways I live on a farm out of the city, it's the only farm with a multicolored windmill." Cinia said. The windmill was originally her idea after all and it made the farm stick out from the others in the area.

Gart meanwhile gave a sigh. The picture of her on the website was as a supporter no one on the internet actually knew Gamer Heroes true identity. "It wasn't Calamity who made that attack, supposedly it was some kind of Sea King. Calamity just didn't bother to do anything about it." Gart added a bit quietly, she didn't like talking about the sea attack as it was a rather sensitive subject for her. The minions continued to keep digging untill they pulled out what looked like a black box. They rose it into the air like it was a trophy. Then started to run away. Gart knew what this item was and quickly ran into another building. She activated something on her belt once out of sight, a light could be seen coming from there as she transformed into Gamer Hero. She then dug a game out of her pocket that looked to be a Mario Game. Her boots become larger and with spikes on them. She jumped at one of the Minions jumping on it's head, it turned into pixels before dissapearing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Thasseldar watched as several people walked out. He walked out as well, but with no particular direction in mind. Without his staff, all he had was his will... and to use it right he would need assistance. Asssistance that could only come in the form of summoning someone much greater than himself...

((For lack of creativity making this guy do anything, he's free to interaction by anyone who happens to walk by him. Or is in the area, up to you.))

Igorossus stood in the shadows, watching as Thasseldar himself walked by without noticing him. His own fault, he supposed. He did cloak himself before Thasseldar came out.

Dropping it, he walked to another side of the city, spotting a very interesting entity and a woman standing up to it.. The Collective? he had heard of it, but his time underground had made it so he didn't know names as well as he used to. The woman he had no idea, nor any interest.

Standing at the side of the street and assuming a bored expression visible to anyone who looked back, he watched as the confrontation continued.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shohmyoh
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Shohmyoh ^Prozac at work

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Rambler looked on as Gart dispatched the minion. He was only vaguely aware of video games and didn't quite know what to make of Gart's Gamer Hero powers. Either way, they seemed to be effective. Rambler again fought against his first instinct to stay hidden, raising his pistol and firing at the Minions farthest away from Gart. His increased vision made the feat a lark; his shots struck his targets right between the eyes. This girl obviously knew more about the situation than him, and if killing these creatures was important enough to risk being noticed by Calamity then he would follow her lead.

His pre-mission intelligence seemed unusually faulty this time around; he didn't know of any Sea King in Davenport before Gart brought it up. Rambler chalked it up to his sudden departure. Being hastily deployed by his latest client a mere two days earlier meant he had very little time to gather any info on Davenport. All the more important to stick around and find out, he thought as he continued his assault.

Carla's plan worked even better than she had hoped. The Collective charged for her as she dashed for the tallest building on the block. As the vampire picked up speed, so did The Collective; it dropped to its hands and contorted its legs with a sickening crunch. A moment later it continued its pursuit on all fours, leaping forward like a panther with every bound. Soon it closed the gap and was nearly able to reach out and touch its prey. Then Carla disappeared.

"A telepor-"

The Collective smashed into the building with far more force than its size would have been expected to produce. Before it could gain its bearings, the corner of the building gave way and collapsed on top of The Collective, burying it beneath glass and rubble. It wasn't seriously injured, and normally escaping such a predicament would be child's play... but it had gone too long without feeding before it arrived at Davenport. It was weak and half-starved, and the measly lone fatality it had caused so far barely helped.

Carla's stunt bought her a couple of precious minutes before smoke began to rise from the rubble. Moments later a great fire erupted from the wreckage, and The Collective sprung forward. It appeared even more monstrous now: both of its arms had been transmogrified into beastly clawed limbs, and its human eyes had all but disappeared, replaced with piercing yellow slits. Glancing at nearby buildings it spotted Carla, who seemed to be trying to assist or evacuate the hapless citizens caught in the crossfire. It wasted no time in charging toward Carla again, just as fleet-footed as before.

"Listen to me, you ass! Forget her, we need to eat! We're even weaker than we thoug..."

Ivory's voice was drowned out as a fearsome bellow erupted from The Collective's mouth. It was too blind with rage to listen to Ivory anymore.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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RavenTLark Potterhead Alert!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Carla had managed to get a few families out before she was yet again charged by the creature which was less human than it had been before. She didn't have any time to think about that as if she didn't focus not only would she be killed but a lot of others would be killed. She only just managed to teleport out of the way before The Collective was there, she had heard what the girl inside of The Collective had said and decided that the only way to do this was to use it's weakness against it. She doubted that it would fall for the same trick again but that was the only plan that she had. Off she went again, this time towards a building that was further away, that way, the creature would build up more speed and therefor make a bigger impact.

Carla sprinted but The Collective was fast and nearly caught up to her multiple times before she got anywhere near the building but once she was getting close she decided to make sure that it didn't know what was happening before it happened. She quickly turned around so that she was running backwards and yelled out to it," Come and get me already, or are you too afraid!" she knew that this would ususally of been the most stupidest thing to do but in a few seconds she would be at the building and she needed to make sure that The Collective was watching her and only her. She turned back around just in time because two seconds later she was less than a centimetre away from the building, this was when she teleported back to the group of people. When she was at the group she would get them out of there as fast as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shohmyoh
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Shohmyoh ^Prozac at work

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Though Mognag was enraged and little more than a snarling beast at this point, even a beast can learn from its mistakes. Upon seeing Carla disappear again The Collective immediately dug its giant claws into the street, slowing its descent considerably. It still hit the building, but only with enough force to daze it momentarily. Before it could pick itself back up and continue its single-minded pursuit Ivory took advantage of the situation and wrested control away from Mognag, his furious growls gradually dying down.

"Quit squirming before you get us killed! I'll handle it!"

The Collective glanced back at the building. A large shadow hugged the ground directly behind it. "If she can warp, then..." The creature leapt into the shadow and disappeared, each part of its body completely vanishing from sight as it touched the shade. A moment later it reappeared within the shadow of another tall building, though this one was much closer to Carla and the citizens. Though The Collective's ability to teleport was more limited than Carla's it still came in handy.

In a flash it bridged the distance between itself and its prey, and quickly dispatched of three civilians, two with its claws and the third with its tail. The remainder fled in terror as The Collective pounced on top of Carla, pinning her arms to the ground. "Stronger... still hungry! It flicked its tail menacingly, but before it could strike a curious thing happened. The Collective's face, once alight with anger, was now twisted in grief.

"H-help... me..." It choked out these words in Ivory's voice, but it sounded far quieter and more pained than anything Ivory had shrieked so far.

"How can she still be alive?!?"

"Won't... let me move..."

The Collective's grip loosened until Carla was able to free herself. It remained in its position, still as a grotesque statue.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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RavenTLark Potterhead Alert!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Carla quickly scrambled out of the way, the girl's pained voice had shocked and even frightened her a little but she soon overcame it. By the sounds of it the other parts of the creature were surprised as well by the girl being there. She decided that she might be able to help the girl and possibly get rid of the others for a little while but only if she was willing to fight them which she seemed to be," Okay, listen to me, I can help you but you need to try and get rid of whatever took you over, okay? You need to do that not only for you, not just for me, but also for everyone in this city. Can you please do that?" She made sure that she was always close enough for the girl to hear but far enough that she could move if it managed to attack her again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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RavenTLark Potterhead Alert!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Carla quickly scrambled out of the way, the girl's pained voice had shocked and even frightened her a little but she soon overcame it. By the sounds of it the other parts of the creature were surprised as well by the girl being there. She decided that she might be able to help the girl and possibly get rid of the others for a little while but only if she was willing to fight them which she seemed to be," Okay, listen to me, I can help you but you need to try and get rid of whatever took you over, okay? You need to do that not only for you, not just for me, but also for everyone in this city. Can you please do that?" She made sure that she was always close enough for the girl to hear but far enough that she could move if it managed to attack her again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Guilt had listened to Calamity and didn't intervene in the battle, instead he took the time to power down and recharge. After the battle was over he had woken up and taken off into the city, after all he needed to find Alice even if he had to fight her he would talk to her.

Alice had been in the battle fighting in the air and swooping down for attacks at speeds that made her a blur, but when the hero had sacrificed herself Alice had frozen in place...she had never seen anyone die and Alice didn't know what to do...she had to take off flying at super speed back home to Doctor Lancaster and cry. She sobbed and over the next few days he helped her understand that death happened sometimes and slowly she cheered up. Now she was out flying when her sensors picked up an anomaly and she flew to the area to see a girl fighting some monster, Alice landed in her battle form and aimed her weapons at the creature, "What's going on here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tidus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Damn it!" The man exclaimed as he pounded his desk with frustration. He had been in charge of following a particular group of murders that had happened sporadically over the past few months. At first, it seemed as though they had just been a few unlucky men and women that had been taken down one way or another, usually with bullet wounds and vacated skulls. That was until they found the first sign that a psychopath was on the loose: a woman with her face removed, then bolted back on with some sort of low powered rivet gun, a bastardized tool that seems to have been crafted to meld to the bone. It wasn't long before another one surfaced. There was no discernible pattern to the victims, they were all just people with a fate that seemed most unfortunate. There had been a single lead after all this time, a string of clues that led to an apartment building in the south side of town. The bust was a set up: the whole building was spotless, minus one creepy ass smile spray-painted on the wall, and a single green hair that was oh so perfectly left on the desk under it with a note that said, 'catch you later'. The hair was real, however it had no matches on any database. It seemed as though the hair had no DNA to speak of, or at least nothing that could be pieced together. "We need to find him and we need to do it now!" He said to his fellow officers. "The longer he's out there, the more likely he's going to do it again. Keep searching!"

"PLEASE!! I'll do whatever you want! Just don't hurt me anymore!" the woman cried out as the electricity was shut off. The small generator was humming softly as the dark figure flipped its switch. He slowly walked over to the woman, who was blinded by the bright light that was mere inches from her face. He seemed to study her as she lay there, crying and begging for mercy, until he sprayed a small mist of gas in her face, which she couldn't help but inhale. She began laughing softly, before a panicked look came over her face and she laughed harder, her face contorting slightly as she did, until it slowly stopped and became a shuddering cry once more. "Oh don't worry dearest, it will all be over soon. I just have to get a nice, long look into who you really are on the inside." he said as he leaned into the light, looking horrific as his white skin glinted brightly, his twisted smile bringing a look of mirth and venom o his glare, those bright green and gold eyes wide and dilated. His hair was nearly brushed back out of his face and glowing a deep green in the light.

A scalpel touched lightly against her flesh, at the soft part above the jawline and chin, and slowly traced its way upto her temple, the blade not wavering as the woman was held gently by the forehead. A light laughter was escaping in his breath as he continued, pulling the blade in a mirrored fashion across the left side now, perfectly placed cuts that went just deep enough to separate the flesh. The woman's body writhed in silent agony as her mouth hung open, but no sound escaped, the throbbing pain rendering her silent. He hummed softly as he pulled it across her forehead now,leaving a perfect outline around her facial structure.

"And now we get to the really fun part." he whispers softly in her ear as his gloved fun gets begin to pry the skin slowly from her head, her screams once more echoing into silence as she went hoarse. A perfect cut, he thought to himself as he removed it from her after minutes of agony seemed to roll by, the anticipation nearly killing him. He inspected her face gently as he almost rubbed the soft flesh against his lips, kissing it softly before laying it back on her now exposed skull and muscles. She whimpers softly in pain as he does so.

"I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting darling, but it's the last bolt that kills you. Try to think happy thoughts, after all. The smile won't be genuine if you don't."

Pulling out what seemed to be some jury-rigged rivet gun, he softly plants it against her chin and pulls the trigger. A searing hot bolt is shot into the bone, pinning the skin tightly and burning it slightly as she screams in unintelligible tones. Another pull, and another bolt. One on each corner of the jaw. The laughter slowly builds and escapes from the man as he places yet two more at either temple, specially made and carefully added to keep from doing anything... Lethal. He stretches the skin one last time over her forehead and places the gun against it, her cries dying into soft whimpers.

"Good night, love."

The gun fires in a flash of heat and light. The room falls silent.
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