Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well that went as smooth as Arty expected. The huge oaf couldn't help but mentally kick himself as he helped the young lady up off the floor only for her to make the quickest dash for the door Arty has ever seen. "Still as good with first impressions as ever eh Arty?" The ginger groaned to himself as he shook his head at his own buffoonery. He let out a sigh before he finally set off to continue his work out. He started with the dumbbells, ninety pounds on each arm, before he moved onto his squats, doing two sets of ten reps of about five-hundred pounds. After a few more smaller exercises Arty finally made his way to the bench press where he did three sets of three-hundred and fifty pounds. Through out his whole work out the hulk of a man kept a slightly sour expression on his face as he kept replaying the incident with the girl in his head. "Okay yo' dolt lets get yo' to the shower before yer stick starts knockin' other people over." He said to himself as he stood up from the bench and headed off to the locker rooms so he could wash off his work out.


"Aww come on dude, just let us in! We won't tell anyone that you were the one that did it!" The whinny and slightly cracking voice of some sixteen year old said after he was caught with a few of his friends trying, yet again, to sneak into Club LUSH with a few fake IDs. "Tell you what lad I will let you in..." Arty said with a grin as he looked over the fake IDs in his massive hands, the group of teens letting out a collective squeal as he did so. "...On yer twenty-first birthday like everyone else." The fiery haired man said with a chuckle before he used the pocket knife that he kept on his belt to cut all five of the IDs in half at once, resulting in an almost laugh inducing cacophony of teeth sucking and whines from the group of youngsters. "You suck dude!" The teen said as he looked at his ruined fake ID, that was labeled with the name Max Steel, that was clutched in Arty's hand. "Ay of course I do, now if yo' were to be so kind to head back to yer homes. I'm more than sure it is past yer bed times." Arty said with a grin before the group of teens dispersed from the entrance of the club. He then tossed the destroyed fake IDs into the near by trash can before turning his attention back to the line of people waiting to get into the club. "Alright who's next?"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Roecoon
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Roecoon Consumer of potatoes!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kameyo waved goodbye to Nori and with a sigh she thought, Okay how do you have fun at a club? As people started filling the club she started to panic. Plan C first it is. Of course she knew there were risks to drinking in public. However Nori was working hard to make sure people had fun. So Kameyo hurried her way to the bar and ordered a row of shots. "A row of shots, the stronger the better if you don't mind." And the bar tender put down a row of six. Shots always seemed like an efficient way of intoxication. Kame put the money on the counter and started downing one right after the other. Kame started feeling more relaxed and she undid her pigtails.

As she did, Kame got some pretty weird looks. She thanked the bar tender and commenced plan B. The shots didn't taste very good, but they were working. Every time someone would walk in her direction she would hurry off in the opposite direction. At times she would glance up to see Nori jamming out. She looked so cool up there! Kameyo noticed She was getting looks from people, sometimes even winks. Plan C time. She walked back up to the bar and ordered about four more rounds of shots. People around her were pretty damned impressed as she just kept downing them. After she was done her face was nice and flushed and she no longer seemed to care about the random arse people. And at that moment she couldn't help thinking how all these good people paid their way in but not her, she was stamped anyways.

Completely set on making things right she left out of a side door and walked around to the front. She saw a very large red-headed man at the front door. That's that guy from school! I mean it's hard to miss him. Not caring she walked right up to him and said "Hello there sir! I came here with Nori but dammit I still need to pay just like everyone else!...By the way has anyone ever told you your super attractive?" Kameyo just kept on rambling, " I mean I see you at school and I always say I'm going to tell you...but then I hide in the corner and stuff. Anyways, here," She sticks the money on his person" Shut up and take my money." She heard Nori's Voice signing off winked at the large man and said "Hold that thought deary I gots things to do!" As she walked back in She heard truffle butter starting and made her way right to the dance floor. "This is my Jam!!!" And there, right in front of everyone she lost herself to the music. She couldn't see the people, or the building, all she could see was the lights and all she could hear was the music. A Decent sized crowd circled around her as she danced.

When all was said and done, she stopped and yelled "Nori sweetie where are you!" And went to look for her.

( Example of outfit and dance, obviously the blue haired one. And seriously, turn off this video's audio and play truffle butter in it's place, it works so good.)

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KRAZY J
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jake gives a polite nod and pretends to do some work on his camera.As soon as he couldn't see her anymore he then walked over to his bottle of rum chugged the rest of it and started walking towards club lush for it was time for him to go say hi to arty and drink himself into insanity so he could make his normal appearance who knows he might even sing for them depending on how drunk he got.As he walked through town he kept his head low and his hood up smoking a cig and trying to get the last few drops out of his rum.When he got to club lush he saw arty already at his post looked like he was kicking a few kids out and cutting there fake ID's.He laughed as it reminded him how much of a delinquent he was when he was a teen always drinking and smoking 'all natural herbs' along with his cigarettes.He never went in through the front though he always went in the side entrance so people wouldn't see him in his normal wears.As he entered the building he saw the lights and all the people dancing to the music that beautiful little DJ would play she was a hot piece of eye candy as always and it seemed her outfits got more and more revealing as she came in it must have been the big boss beaureguard those outfits did not look comfortable whats-so-ever but she was trying hard to get the new position though no one should have to suffer like that he hated when people were treated like slaves and he debated paying someone to 'take care' of the big boss almost every night the way he treated his employees but he would never do it he wouldn't stoop to that level it was against his nature he never liked the 'big' boss though he always wanted Jake to sing a song or dance to bring people in like there wasn't enough people already but now was the time to change and drink.He went to the men's changing room for employees and got into his normal party garb 'black fingerless gloves, sleeveless black jacket that read INNER DEMONS in dark red (for that was his stage name) opened up to reveal his scars,black cap that also read INNER DEMONS in dark red,and black dress pants.'He walked out and straight to the bar."I need a bottle of vanilla rum..nah make it two i want to have a good time tonight."He passed the waiter a band of hundreds ($1,000)"better yet make it white russian's and keep them coming if you can do that what i don't drink out of that tonight you can keep as a tip."HE chugged the first three then sat and watched the croud taking a drink frequently until BOOM!!! it was 10:00pm so he got four more white russian's and went outside to see arty."hey man how is guard duty going any damsels in distress in need of your assistance lol"He said as he grinned.He always gave arty a hard time like that for arty turned every girls eye do to his height,build,and always cheerful stature.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Being the doorman at a nightclub, especially one as popular as LUSH, Arty had seen nearly every type of drunk. From the loud and angry ones, to the way too touchy-feely kinds. He had even once met a guy who whenever he got the right kind of drunk he swore on his life that he was a rooster and would spend the rest of the night clucking and peeking at people until he blacked out. But Arty honestly did not ever expect something like this to happen. When he first saw the girl walking up to him he expected the usual spiel of how she has friends on the inside waiting for her so he should just let her in, what she said and did confused Arty beyond belief. He didn't know what to say, the story seemed believable enough seeing as this wouldn't of been the first time that Nori invited some of her friends to the club, it was the rest of the story that threw Arty off. Something about paying just like everyone else mixed in with this blue haired girl apparently knowing him and thinking he was attractive. But before he could say anything she slipped some money into his front shirt pocket and excused herself into the club. "What the bloody..." Arty mumbled to himself in bewilderment but was quickly drawn to the sound of a familiar voice. Looking over and seeing no other than the infamous Jake himself Arty couldn't help but shake his head and chuckle slightly, this guy was always cracking jokes about him. "Business as usual mate. Well except..." He said before he fished out the money from his shirt. "I think I was paid for being good lookin'."
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nick was now out of his element, he just came off his portable radio app and had to go back to just being another normal teen trying to get into clubs and it wasn't being too subtle about it, he was swaggering down the bar street with his mouth flapping as he was snapping and popping on his dark blue bubblegum. It wasn't long before he got to the entrance to club lush, he immediately snuck to the front of the VIP cue, much to the annoyance of some of the guests who were waiting. He then noticed that the burly bouncer at the front of the cue was none other than Arty Grant who had thrown him out personally at least 3 times last year, back when Nick still had black hair, hopefully his new do would help Arty forget.

Arty was talking to another young man with blonde hair and an edgy but stylish dress sense, they were chatting as if they knew each other and Nick overheard the young man mention a cute DJ which could only be Nori Haywood who Nick himself was very attracted to so he saw it as an In as he shuffled in as was careful not to speak in his radio tone of voice.

Hey yeah dude, Nori is amazing isnt she? I was saying on the radi....uhh I mean social media the other day that half the guys in my schoo...uhh I mean workplace have the hots for her, I sure wouldnt mind getting to meet her after her set is done.

Nick gave the young man a high five and introduced himself as Nicholas. He then turned to the bouncer and put on his best smile and deepest voice.

Ahem, yes hello my good man, I'm trying to get in to the club tonight, you see Ryva Silverstone is playing tonight and I'm her assistant and she needs me to help her sound-check before her set starts, so I'm needed backstage....

Nick tried to walk closer to the door as he did his best to maintain an air of professionalism.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ryva Silverstone

Ryva helped Rixon set up his drums onstage, and made sure the amps were working alright. She was going to sing one of her brighter, hip hop songs tonight, then one of her pop songs that always made people feel the urge to dance. After that, the dancers would come on and she'd be free to find a partner, maybe one who knew how to tango or maybe cha-cha. Tonight was only her second performance at Club Lush, since she and her band were freelance, and she was a bit nervous, butterflies bashing against the sides of her stomach. There was a loud thud and Ryva turned to see one of the helpers had dropped an amp. She growled slightly in irritation, marching over.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" she snapped. "Carry it horizontally, not vertically. You're going to break your fool neck!" Rixon laughed and came over, kissing her forehead. he was like a brother to her.

"Ah, Ryva," he said in his Irish brogue. "They'll never learn. No' until one of them breaks something." Ryva snorted.

"I'm not paying for their medical bills," she said, then brightened. "Come on, help me get Jem's keyboard while he's in the bathroom. We can get set up quicker if we don't wait for him to do it himself." She pivoted and her hair swished as she went to go get the rest of the band set up.

Rixon watched her go, wearing her new outfit and smiled. His dad was a friend of Ryva's, and they'd grown up together. He liked seeing the bright, beautiful woman she'd become. Some would say loved her romantically, but his response was, "hate to burst your bubble, but I've got my own boyfriend."
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

While he was waiting for Jake to answer Arty noticed from the corner of his eye a small rustling moving through out the line leading up to the door, he couldn't completely turn off his doorman instincts just because a friend was around. That was when a young looking fellow with some very interesting hair, which only reminded Arty of the odd event that happened a few minutes ago, spoke up. Arty couldn't help but raise a brow at the purple and blue haired boy's claim that he was with the band that was going to be playing, that and his name seemed to raise a few flags in his mind though Arty wasn't completely sure why just yet. The lad's stumbling over his own words didn't help, it was a clear sign of nervousness which with a bouncer at a club instantly meant liar. "Yo' with Ryva eh? Then why are yo' coming through the front then boyo? Band and staff get in 'round back." Arty said as he crossed his arms across his broad chest, his eyes scanning the boy over as he tried to remember why that name seem to bug him so much. Where do I know this guy from... Arty pondered for a moment before he recalled the kids trying to sneak in ten minutes ago. That was it! He through this kid out before, a few times last year in fact. Narrowing his eyes slightly Arty leaned forward towards Nicholas. "Little Nicky, is that yo' under all that 'air dye?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ryva & the Fourbidden City

Ryva blew her hair out of her eyes and gave the thumbs up to her boys, and played a killer riff on her electric guitar to get everyone's attention.

"Ciao, everyone. I hope I got your attention," she said into the mic, grinning. "Tonight, we'll be playin' some real music that will make you want to dance with someone sexy, get crazy, and maybe get a little tipsy. And for those of you who don't me; I'm Ryva Silverstone, and this is my band," She gestured to her boys. "Fourbidden City." She took her mouth from the mic. "Hit it, lads." Some people laughed, while others cheered. She loved playing at places like Club LUSH. Plus, she really liked the scotch they had here. Some of it was absolutely divine.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Narcotic Dollie
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Narcotic Dollie Weasel Wrangler

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nori grabbed her black clutch from where it was stashed under the mixing desk before bounding out onto the dance floor to search for Kameyo. The blonde had seen her at the bar throwing back shots a couple of times through out the night, but she was nowhere to be found now. Nori elbowed her way around a crowd of people who where gathered around something. 'Jesus,' Nori thought as she pushed through them. "Kameyo is too skittish to be over here. Maybe she stepped out to get some air.' So the DJ ventured out the front door to ask Arty if he had seen the blue haired girl.

When Nori finally made it outside, the line in front of the door was even longer than before. 'Looks like you've got for your hands full tonight," the girl commented, poking Arty in the elbow to grab his attention. "Beauregard really needs to hire you some help out here. Not that anyone could ever get past you," Nori said conversationally, pausing to glance up at the behemoth of a man. He was taller than her by a foot and a half, making her look like a little doll next to his giant frame. "Just thought you might could use a break," she explained, shooting him a friendly smile.

"I actually came out here to see if you'd seen my new roommate. She's pretty cute, taller than me, has long blue hair...," Nori described, before catching sight of a man at the front of the line with blue and purple hair. "...it's pretty much the same color as this side of his hair," Nori explained, reaching up to ghost her hand over the stranger's ocean colored locks. She smiled up at him through her eyelashes before turning her attention back to the easy going red head. "Have you seen her tonight, Arty?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roecoon
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Roecoon Consumer of potatoes!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kameyo swayed her way out of the dance floor. She was exhausted after her awesome performance. She sat down at an empty table, one of the few, and just relaxed for a moment. The alcohol buzz was starting to wear off, but the thrill of just being out there and just letting go was pretty amazing. What a good start to my new move. Kame looked around and people were staring at her and whispering. She absentmindedly reached her hand towards her hair. Her hair was fluffed up and everywhere. Kameyo started running her hands through her hair flattening it back down.

The buzz was really going down now, and she started to get a migraine as she started to think about what she's done. Kame thought to herself , Wow, I just cannot believe this. You know what, now people are going to recognize you in town as the crazy dancing drunk. I hope your happy. She put her head on the table, it was cold and felt really nice on her skin. That's alright, I've never cared about random people anyways.

Today had been quite eventful, and tomorrow was moving day. Kameyo sighed, if she didn't find Nori soon, it would be hell in the morning.

Hey maybe if I go ask the bouncer at the front... And then she remembered. Kameyo's face turned bright red as she recalled her interaction with him. She buried her face in her arms, she couldn't believe how rude and obnoxious she was! He probably thought she was just another silly drunk girl. Her whole body ached, begging her not to move. It was so tempting to just fall asleep and pretend not to remember anything. What kind of woman would I be if I couldn't even own up to my own actions? So, she managed to drag herself to the side door, around the building and peeked around the corner. And ofcourse, there was Nori, talking to the guy she had just embarrassed herself in front of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Arty was grilling the suspect club crasher Nicholas he felt a tap on his arm of someone trying to get his attention. When did I become such a social magnate? He thought to himself as he looked back to see no other than LUSH's part time DJ Nori, he offered her a kind smile. Arty always liked the girl, she seemed kind enough the times they talked and he kind of felt bad for her seeing as she had to put up with Beauregard's crap about wanting her to wear some of the most revealing outfits Arty had seen outside of his old days as a strip club bouncer. He chuckled slightly at Nori's comment about hiring a few more bouncers to help out with the crowd. "Ay lass that would be grand, but yo' and I both know that cheapskate Beauregard would never shell out the green needed for the extra 'elp." He said with a shake of his head and another laugh. The giant's laugh slowly faded as the blonde went on about what her visit was really about. "So that one does know yo'. Ay I saw 'er lass, quite the impression she made on me." Arty said as he showed the money that was stuffed into his pocket. "Gave me this and said somethin' about knowin' yo' and wantin' to talk to me for some reason before she 'eaded inside." He explained, though he left out the part about the girl's comment about his looks out of his own embarrassment. "After that I can't say much, sorry."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KRAZY J
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jake shook his hand so to speak for his one hand was as big as two of Jake's then chuckled when he told him about the lady who gave him money just moments before"See your a real ladies man aren't ya arty big guy like you I bet you get tons of tips and one of these days they aught to give you a night off I love when you do that dance while chugging from a keg it's hilarious yet awesome but I'd watch out I saw a lady in there at the bar who might be of some competition while i was sitting there having some white russian's,(and under his breathe he added) which i brought some to share (as he showed the four he had),she downed several shots and I could smell there percentage from the other end of the bar."He nudged arty as he finished his sentence."she might be the girl for you I might have to get you two together for a drinking contest sometime then disapear for a while and let you two get to know eachother"He said with a laugh.Then a young man walked up and gave him a high five as he said something about how hot nori was and indeed she was very eye satisfying tonight though it seemed like it was forced upon her.He noticed it was nick for they had met before this young man aired his new songs every now and then and so he didn't say anything when he walked up trying to get into the club he merely chuckled under his breathe as he noticed nori come out she was as beautiful as the sunrise that greeted him every mourning."Hey arty."He said as he pointed behind him."looks like your very popular tonight."Then while arty was busy with the others trying to talk to him he walked a couple feet away from the door for he didn't want to disrespect the non smokers that would be in line and sat down.He chugged one of his white russian's and lit a cig.While he was smoking and finishing off white russian number 2 or technically 8 counting the ones he had inside he noticed a head pop up from around the corner and saw it was the shots girl from the bar earlier.He yelled to her"Hey shots girl you should totally challenge this guy" pointing to arty "to a drinking contest."He was abviously a little tipsy for he didn't get up and move.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Welcome to Tiny Snowflake Restaurant," Amaya smiled sweetly at the couple who had just entered. It was quite a busy night. "Just you two?" Dreamy glances, and a flirtatious smiles were exchanges between the two. Eventually a breathy "Yea," left the female's ruby red lips. Continuing to smile brightly, Amaya recited her usual script. "The follow me to your seats," The two, arm in arm, followed her to a small table with two seats near a window. "Here you are," The waitress placed the menu in front of the two seats as the couple finally separated to sit in their respective seats, only to connect back together over the top of the table. "Is there anything I can get you for a drink?" Amaya asked, poising her pen over her notepad. "We'll both have a water," The male spared a glance at the waiting waitress. Amaya scribbled the order down quickly onto the notepad. "Alright, well, I'll be back to take your order in a minute." "Ah, wait." The guy called out to her as she turned away. "We know what we want to order," Amaya raised an eyebrow, before catching her rude behaviour and resuming her friendly personality. "So what'll it be?" She asked returning her pen to the pad. "We'll have the Traditional Japanese Sweets platter," He requested. Again, Amaya wrote on her pad. "Will that be all?" "Yes please," He smiled in thanks. Amaya removed their untouched menus and returned to the back of the restaurant.

As she waited for the order to get done. Nick Weston's voice came on the radio. Yet another mention of her. Jeez, there have to be at least 10,000 other females in this city, can't he pick another one to talk about? Though she had to admit, while she has never met the guy before he must one hell of a smooth talker. Also, speaking of Aoi Iwata, many couples at the restaurant were going to see her show after their visit (Including the over attached couple). Amaya kinda envied the famous female. Aoi was really pretty, and was also very successful. If she had a chance at fame and fortune, Amaya would take it. But the chances of that happening are slim to none. "Order number 34!" The chef called out. Amaya rushed over to grab the platter and went over to serve the couple their desserts. Her face hurt from smiling so much. Luckily she only had a half hour until her shift ended. The kimono clad female wondered what she should do after she got done with work. Hmm, well, she better not extend herself. It's been awhile since she's been out and about. So it's best to go home after this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nick was having no luck, he already knew he had no answer for Arty and attempted a manly clearing of his throat but it ended up sounding more like a weak cough. Well you see, Ms Ryva contacted me last minuite and cant start her set until I arrive so this is all very impromtu and....

Just as Nick was beginning to weave his lie he heard Ryva Silverstone play her first song 'Hold On' and realised that his tale about needing to soundcheck just crumbled. This was not helped by the fact that Arty referred to him as Nicky which was dangerously close to his Radio handle, he didn't want to be exposed here. Just as he sputtered a response, the most shocking sight hit Nick so he couldn't even finish his sentence...it was her!

Are you? No you cant be..

Before his very own eyes it was the one and only Nori Haywood not only glistening from all the light sweat of just doing a full DJ set but clearly covered in some sort of glitter and a very eye catching outfit, she looked like an angel decoration on a town center unveiling. Nick's palms became sweaty and found his speech impaired by a large lump in his throat. He had seen pictures and videos of Nori before but seeing her in person was a different matter. Now he didnt even care about Club LUSH he just wanted to savor the seconds of interaction

Umm blue hair? there's a girl behind the door with blue hair is that her? She actually goes to my school.

Nick pointed to Kameyo who was hiding fairly poorly behind the front door entrance she looked a little tipsy too, Nick was suprised to see her out on a weekend let alone at the biggest club in the city.

I see you know Arty, me and him were just talking about music and how I've been doing some engineering for Ms Silverstone lately...right Arty?

Nick's eyes were pleading with Arty to play along with Nick's boastful tall tale, he really wanted to impress Nori, and considering her profile he may not get another chance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Narcotic Dollie
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Narcotic Dollie Weasel Wrangler

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Gave me this and said somethin' about knowin' yo' and wantin' to talk to me for some reason before she 'eaded inside. After that I can't say much, sorry," the big man said, causing Nori to purse her lips. 'Where could she have gone?' the blond wondered, shifting her weight from foot to foot. She was starting to worry a bit. 'I hope she's alright.'

"Umm blue hair? there's a girl behind the door with blue hair is that her? She actually goes to my school," the blue/purple haired guy commented, pointing behind Nori and Arty. The DJ whirled around, skirt spinning with her, and there stood Kameyo, peeking around the door of the club. Nori let out a relieved sigh and laughed, giving her new roommate a quick wave.

"You scared me half to death, darlin'!" The tattooed girl laughed, waving her friend over before turning back to the blue eyed guy. "Thanks handsome, I don't know what I'd do without you," Nori told him with a smile.

"I see you know Arty, me and him were just talking about music and how I've been doing some engineering for Ms Silverstone lately...right Arty?" The guy said and Nori let out an impressed whistle. Only the best of the best got to work with Ryva Silverstone, she was like a goddess to the local music scene.

"Wow, you must be good at what you do," Nori said, before extending her hand. "I'm Nori, by the way. Did you need to get back in there, in case they need you?"
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Arty was starting to think something was wrong with the air tonight, he never got this much stuff happening at once at his door. He somehow manage to catch all the words being spoken to him at once, from the slightly slurred ones of Jake to the falsely deep ones of Nick. The ginger first turned his attention to Nick and immediately picked up the begging in the boy's eyes, the little guy wanted to impress Nori that was damn sure. Yer too nice Arty... He mentally kicked himself before looking to Nori. "Ay, rainbow 'air was just telling me 'ow 'e is working with Ryva." He said before shooting Nick a look that read you owe me kid. He then looked over his shoulder to where Jake was sitting, smirking slightly as he asked for Arty to do his old keg river-dance routine. Though his laugh faded when he got a glimpse at the girl Jake was pointing at, it was the girl that had walked up to him twenty minutes ago and slipped him the money. When Nori called her over Arty tried to muster his best this-isn't-awkward-at-all smiles in hopes to save face, whether it be his or the girl's Arty wasn't entirely sure at the moment. He looked back to Nick and Nori when the DJ mentioned getting Nick inside. "Uh no. Lord 'air dye isn't much one for the clubs, isn't that right boyo?" He said to Nori before looking over to Nick, Arty may have wanted to help Nick but he wasn't about to lose his job over trying to be a wingman for the kid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nick's chest heaved something heavy as relief washed over him like an ice bucket challenge. Arty was nice enough to play along, confirming his stauts as a sound engineer for Ryva Silverstone. He finally gave Nori a confident smile and put his hand out to shake hers. The burly bouncer was sure to deny Nick any entry to the club, which Nick was fine with now, he didn't care about any club at this moment he was fixed on the gorgeous blonde DJ who seemed to be half looking after her pretty blue haired friend

My name is Nicholas and as my good friend Arty said, I'm not really the clubbing type as I have...sound mixing to do back at my... studio tonight I was just at the entrance to say hi to my Ryva when she went in and ended up talking to Arty.

The lies were stacking like a flimsy card castle, but it wasnt all crap, Nick did indeed do some sound mixing for his radio show, but had never worked with a high profile musician like Ryva before, his radio show was a popular but low-key cult hit, so it was a different level of skill needed.

Umm listen I seem to be holding up the line so I better be going, and your friend seems to need you, but if you would like to talk a little more another time, please take my number...its Weston's suggestion that we should meet up sometime....bye now.

Nick put a card into her hand and gave her a wink as he ran off with a smile, the card read: Nick Weston: Shine Academy Radio Host
with his number printed neatly beneath it. Nick never gave his card out in public before but he had to make an exception for someone like Nori, he needed every advantage he could get to make a good impression so he let her know his radio persona. He headed straight home, and started to play his games console, smiling to himself giddily while Playing Super Smash Bros.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dreamyteatime
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dreamyteatime Tired-Ass Showgirl

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

April looked at him, smiling widely. It wasn't a mean smile, it was more of a..."wow-you're -adorable" smile. The cute guy seemed flustered, April thought, but she quickly dismissed that idea. She believed that there was no way that a guy as hot as this would be interested in her...was there? Blinking, April realised that she had been lost in thought. She nodded. "Yes, I'm sorry about that. Rosanna wasn't feeling too well. If she was acting a little strange, that's why."

April was relieved, having covered (if not very well) for Rosanna. Rosanna...she was probably getting ready to go to Club LUSH right now. April was so jealous-she could hardly face another few hours of this shift. Oh well, she thought, at least she had got a chance to talk to this cute guy for once. She hoped that she would make it to club LUSH after this shift.

"I'll get your milk and sugar for you now, Mr..." April trailed off, not knowing the guy's name. She thought that if she was talking to him, she should at least try to get his name.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Roecoon
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Roecoon Consumer of potatoes!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

While the attention was the blue haired boy, Kameyo made her way as steadily as she could over to Nori. As she passed she glared for a moment and the random drunken hobo. Kame sighed, it wasn't his fault she acted like an idiot. She whispered "Sorry." and was trying to hide herself the best she could behind Nori. It wasn't working very well. She was half listening to the conversation and caught his name. So his name is Arty. Kameyo dared to sneak a peek at him and saw him smiling at her. She quickly blushed and hid behind Nori again. No matter how much she wanted to apologize for her behavior, she just couldn't face him right now. Kame was NOT mentally prepared for this.

She started listening more carefully the the conversation, hoping to find some sort of queue for leaving. "its Weston's suggestion that we should meet up sometime....bye now."She glanced at the boy with the blue hair from behind Nori. She had seen him around campus but never actually talked to him. That must be Sir Weston. As he walked away she giggled, it was pretty adorable how hard he was trying to impress her. Ofcourse she also made sure not to look in Arty's general direction. She REALLY was not wanting to have a drinking contest, she had already drawn enough attention to herself for about a month.

Kameyo looked down at her phone. It was already pretty late, but at the very least it was Sunday tomorrow which meant no classes to deal with. She could have sworn today was Friday, but that sort of thing happens when you don't have a solid sleep schedule. She also didn't have to deal with the kids from the college anymore! Thinking of sleep Kameyo was exhausted. Her eyes kept threatening to close on her. Kame leaned on Nori so she wouldn't fall over and yawned. Today was a long day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KRAZY J
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jake got up slowly and walked back into the bar but before he got through the door he waved to arty"Round two! Try not to get mobbed by to many girls tonight arty but looks like I spoke too soon lol"He then walked back to the bar and sat down listening to Ryva Silverstone and her band The Forbidden City as he downed the last two white russian's he had and ordered five more.He loved to just sit and listen to the music at the far end of the bar,away from the crowd,and drink himself into forgetting his past.He then drank from his white russian's as he zoned off into the music.
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