Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by hoppiholla391
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hoppiholla391 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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much obliged!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Hey sorry i was gone again what have I missed. Summer has been really rough
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by UnusualStranger
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No worries. Busy times as always everywhere. Well, you've missed the group taking the ship into the storm to make it through to the other side. There are harpies, drakes (Think Mini dragons), and other assorted creatures flying from the storm to try and feast on the crew and whatever else they can get their hands on while the ship is hammered with a few elements falling from the sky.

Thats about it, and it isn't too much to read I would think!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Meridian
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Currently at camp, hope to post in ten days most likely (which is when camp ends and I go home)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Well I will try to make a post as much as I can but i have bene babysitting and it has taken my time away from my computer and my Ipad is a pain when it comes to replying
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Hey everyone. Just popping in to say that I might not be able to post too often over the next 2 weeks. I'll try, but I'm going to be busy most of the time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by UnusualStranger
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Thanks for letting us know. As long as you post sooner rather than much later!


Work and life stuffs. I am aware that these exist, and that you must tend to them. No worries, its casual for a reason!


Busy? With things? Unfortunate, but I wish you luck in whatever it is you are up to. We'll see if this holds out with everyone apparently getting busy for some reason!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Coga19000


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The only reason I haven't lunged right into this is because I'm not sure I can keep up. My Internet connection is hard to get by here, and posting on Freeplay is hard enough when you have to type through a mobile. Meh, might as well try to make a CS at least...
Oh, and do you still have room for a Master?
EDIT: Actually, here's my CS!Name: Jonathan Savonas
Age: 52
Gender: Male
Mastery: Metallic
Specialty: Ironworker
Rank: Master
Jonathan stands tall at 5'9"", with a muscled build. His black hair, as well as his slightly unshaved beard, have stated shown some specks of white hair- possibly more than normal for his age, due to the physical and mental fatigue he had experienced throughout the years-, but his amber brown eyes sparkle like they never did before. A roughed-out man, with hands full of scars and burns that vibration with his white, but slightly tanned skin , but also a slightly charming man, according to some. He always carries with him a pair of glass optical lenses, which he constructs in-situ into a pair of glasses when he needs them.
Equipment: Any Arcane Staff he requires for his current task (more on than on History) Generally prefers wearing a full set of armor, so he can have have access to a good amount of material to work with.
Demeanor: Jonathan is a quiet man, possibly an introvert by some standards. He prefers hearing others talk, and only jumps into the conversation when he is sure about the validity of his words- when he does, however, he shows signs of great wisdom.
Gaining Jonathan's attention and trust is generally a hard task, and will require patience and skill. For the ones who have, however, he is an extremely loyal companion who will put their lives beyond his.
Jonathan also loves reading and expanding his knowledge over a wide variety of subjects, especially concerning magic.
History: Jonathan is the only son of a blacksmith named Steward Silvas; his mother, Margaret, died at his birth.
Even though not a poor man by any means, Stewart was not satisfied by his way of making a living, and wanted his son to have a better life than him; for that reason, he raised Jonathan to become a priest of Karina. However, as he grew up, he found more interest in his father's tradition. Despite their arguing on that matter, Stewart finally conceded on his son's decisions and trained him to the art of smithing.
One day, at the age of 16, Jonathan broke a swordblade he was working. He was immediately captured by fear and embarrassment as his father walked in, and just when he was about to punish him, they both realised that the blade had reattached. Mesmerized by this unnatural act, Jonathan was directed by his father to concentrate on the hot blade again, and it was proven that he could indeed manipulate the hot metal.
Stewart immediately realised the danger his son was under in this remote and superstitious village. He gave him almost all the money avalaible on him to Jonathan and told him to hurry towards the Academy. Even though initially reluctant, he followed his father's orders. He left his home and, through an adventurous journey that lasted a year, finally reached the whereabouts of the Academy.
During his training, Jonathan took a passionate interest in the study of magic in all its forms. He read scrolls with spells, he learnt books on the study of magical and Arcane arts. He read, and he read, and he read. Even though enchanted by the possibilities offers to him by the path of the Mechanic, he decided to become an Ironworker, in memory of his father- whose fate he did not know since he left his home, and he still doesn't.
In his late-30s, he had reached many conclusions about the art of magic, the most important of which is the fact that magic is not merely a supernatural power with certain limitation, but a power with laws, rules, exploits ; almost akin to a science. This enabled him theoretically to reliably imitate certain applications of magics, up to this point restricted in regards who could use which, into constructions of Metallic nature ; allowing the wielder of a tool- say, a staff- to use said aspect -colloquially known as a spell- without being an apprentice of said element.
He tested and trained on this theory for years, in conjuction with Weavers of other elements,with which he studied all elements at the best of his abilities, and finally was able to create staffs that could imbue users power to execute a spell like ability, weapons imbued with a certain element and unique properties,and much more.

I'm sorry about the wall of text, but for some reason I cannot get spoilers to work with my phone.
Anyways, I will be happy to change anything on my character that you might deem needs change.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by UnusualStranger
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The only reason I haven't lunged right into this is because I'm not sure I can keep up. My Internet connection is hard to get by here, and posting on Freeplay is hard enough when you have to type through a mobile. Meh, might as well try to make a CS at least...
Oh, and do you still have room for a Master?
EDIT: Actually, here's my CS!Name: Jonathan Savonas
Age: 52
Gender: Male
Mastery: Metallic
Specialty: Ironworker
Rank: Master

I will be honest, being barely able to get online is a little bit of a concern, but the sheet is pretty solid. Another Master is a tricky thing though, as I didn't want to have too many Masters as they are obviously very powerful, and having more of them would mean challenges in the story would have to become increasingly dangerous. If you'd be OK with a slightly lower rank, that would be good, but if you feel you could introduce yourself without being too strong to handle, then perhaps a second master might work out OK

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WriterRaven
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WriterRaven Doing My Best

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So hey. Turns out I ended up with some sort of cold-ish thing. Plays havoc with my sleeping and core temperature. As a result I don't think I'll be getting any writing done for the next few days or so.

Which, of course, means I don't want to get left behind. If someone could get Ling into the ship with the others, so she's not left out in the storm, that would be much appreciated. (It can just be a simple mention of her being inside, or someone saying she dashes for shelter. No need to go too in-depth.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Coga19000


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@UnusualStranger Hmmm, I did see that coming. Well, even though a Master, my guy is still Mettalic, which AFAIK is more of a support class (especially as an Ironworker). Now, the most obvious thing I want to pass through is his ability to infuse metals with pseudo-arcane powers, which is obviously easier to pass as acceptable when done by a Master. Now, if this can also happen with a Weaver, I will most likely accept it- but then I will have to lower his age a little, just so it makes sense. Otherwise, I could possibly state that Jonathan is so consumed by his studies and research, that has lost some combat reflexes over the years-which combined with his age should balance him out a bit.
Oh, and I just realised that the airship is already well on its way. Bummer. Can I state that my guy is on the other side of the Scar so he can study it firsthand?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by UnusualStranger
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@UnusualStranger Hmmm, I did see that coming. Well, even though a Master, my guy is still Mettalic, which AFAIK is more of a support class (especially as an Ironworker). Now, the most obvious thing I want to pass through is his ability to infuse metals with pseudo-arcane powers, which is obviously easier to pass as acceptable when done by a Master. Now, if this can also happen with a Weaver, I will most likely accept it- but then I will have to lower his age a little, just so it makes sense. Otherwise, I could possibly state that Jonathan is so consumed by his studies and research, that has lost some combat reflexes over the years-which combined with his age should balance him out a bit.
Oh, and I just realised that the airship is already well on its way. Bummer. Can I state that my guy is on the other side of the Scar so he can study it firsthand?

Well, your character being in the RP as is might take a bit of work since you are already trying to post for him when he isn't finalized. (Least from the discussion here!)

You are able to be at weaver status with some power into pushing the metal to be unique in its own right, but only with a heavy penalty to the use of combat ability as a whole. can't have you running around warrior style with a blade that is unnatural on a whim. Also, other elements are NOT going to be in your reach. There are split elements for a reason.

Also, sitting at the edge of the storm in a metal hut is fine from what I have read, but the storm WAS NOT there in the area the airship is flying through. That in itself is an anomaly because there are select spaces where the Scar does not cover. I would have been happy to introduce you (along with other interested parties) after getting through this particular section, but whats done is done at least for now. But you will need to make the necessary edits, as you are NOT going to be walking through the Scar, with any kind of simple metal shield. You'd get fried by lightning, if you are fortunate.

Slightly crazy I can work with, but you are not going to be having a collection of gadgets. In fact, I question WHY you have them because you are an Ironworker, not a Mechanist, who would be more at home using those kinds of devices.

As a small side note, typically you iron out the sheet before you post in the RP proper for this, but I think you did just fine despite not having a formal invitation. Though, keep in mind that your presence would not be hidden. Again, since the Scar was not covering that area before, the airship passing above would obviously note his presence, they just wouldn't care.

Unless other people have objections to his presence? I like the RP to have some form of cooperation here!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Hello! I'm back to a normal schedule now, I'll start working on a post once I catch up on everything. Also, yay a new person! Nice to meet ya!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeoAJ
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NeoAJ Fine. I'll High Five Myself.

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@hoppiholla391 Just a heads up, your character drawing is not showing up for me. Not sure if it's a dead link or my internet being shit, but just thought you should know.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by hoppiholla391
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hoppiholla391 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

darnit. should be fixed now, @NeoAC thanks for the heads up!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mictlan93
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Mictlan93 Piece of Mine, Peace of Mind

Member Seen 17 days ago

@hoppiholla391 about that drawing, was it commissioned? I'd like a cool little drawing for Horatio...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by UnusualStranger
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Good showing all. However, if we don't see these characters back in action with some regularity, going to have to have them disappear. Can't have characters sitting around forever.

So, quoting the ones who got in here, and if they don't notice in about a week, can't save everyone!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by hoppiholla391
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hoppiholla391 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Mictlan93 actually, i drew it myself, but i've been considering opening character sheet commissions! PM me if you're interested :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Coga19000


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@UnusualStranger Oh. So in short, I screwed up. Sorry, it's been a while since I posted on Casual and I'm a little rusty, apparently.
First of all, the gadgets you mentioned are actually Experiments. They have no use in combat, they are there simply for world building (to measure magical sources like the Scar)
Truth is, I did get into a sort of panic when I found out the Airship is well on its way. If there is another way to introduce me to the crew, I might consider deleting the post altogether, but such a way has not occurred to me.
He doesn't really have to conjure weapons out of nowhere; in fact, I was going to have him make weapons for the crew beforehand instead of that.
As regards elements, do you think they'll be out of my reach as a Weaver, or as a Master too? I am going to keep it as one of his capabilities Anyways (way too connected to his character development) but if you are against their use, I'll take personal care that none of them will enter the battlefield.
Any kind of madness in his talk is also mostly induced from his isolation so next to the Scar, so I do expect most of it to disperse after getting onboard. Hopefully.
And speaking of the Scar, I did not realise the certain part of the Scar actually moved; I thought most if it was a constant barrier. I will edit that too, no problem.
And finally, I never said that my character was hidden; I said merely that in those times with no telecomms, and because of his moving constantly around the Scar, finding him would be difficult.
Again, I'm terribly sorry for posting the wing way, but I panicked. I did try my best to not include too much information on the incomplete posts of the CS, though. And I guess your answer means I cannot be a Master. Meh, well enough.

@Vesuvius00 Thank you! Nice to meet y' all too!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by UnusualStranger
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@UnusualStranger Oh. So in short, I screwed up. Sorry, it's been a while since I posted on Casual and I'm a little rusty, apparently.
First of all, the gadgets you mentioned are actually Experiments. They have no use in combat, they are there simply for world building (to measure magical sources like the Scar)
Truth is, I did get into a sort of panic when I found out the Airship is well on its way. If there is another way to introduce me to the crew, I might consider deleting the post altogether, but such a way has not occurred to me.
He doesn't really have to conjure weapons out of nowhere; in fact, I was going to have him make weapons for the crew beforehand instead of that.
As regards elements, do you think they'll be out of my reach as a Weaver, or as a Master too? I am going to keep it as one of his capabilities Anyways (way too connected to his character development) but if you are against their use, I'll take personal care that none of them will enter the battlefield.
Any kind of madness in his talk is also mostly induced from his isolation so next to the Scar, so I do expect most of it to disperse after getting onboard. Hopefully.
And speaking of the Scar, I did not realise the certain part of the Scar actually moved; I thought most if it was a constant barrier. I will edit that too, no problem.
And finally, I never said that my character was hidden; I said merely that in those times with no telecomms, and because of his moving constantly around the Scar, finding him would be difficult.
Again, I'm terribly sorry for posting the wing way, but I panicked. I did try my best to not include too much information on the incomplete posts of the CS, though. And I guess your answer means I cannot be a Master. Meh, well enough.

No worries about the panic. I imagine you just felt like the door was closing. This is not the case at all!

Experiment stuff is OK, as long as he is not going to take them along. Thats all I ask regarding those, because you are not a mechanist, thus gears and robotics are not supposed to be your expertise, regardless of how long he's been watching the Scar. Reason there are different styles to each Element...

Now, I'm fine with you being able to have metal be tougher due to some techniques you perfected, but no other elements can enter it. There is a reason that there are split classes, and you being able to make weapons of ice,fire, or whatever is far beyond any mage anywhere. Increased strength through your element is fine, tapping into others is not. Again, reason for different styles of each element.

Other stuffs mostly fine, its OK if it was more that he was constantly moving so not really hidden....and yeah, a second Master would be kinda strange this far out. Weavers are still strong in their own right, obviously. Hope that doesn't hurt too much!

But, thats pretty much all thats going on now. Just take it easy, welcome to the party, and hopefully we can not be needing so many edits in the future!
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