Okay, finally did Terra's cs
First Name: Terra
Last Name (If Any): Greaves
Gender: female
Age: 20 but her aging was postponed in a crystal and she appears 15
Appearance:Long flowing white hair and silver colored, narrow eyes. She has fair skin a blue dress the goes down to just below the knees. her right sleeve completely covers her arm and the left side is sleeveless. She wears a gold band around her left forearm that continues down her arm in blue ribbon. Within the gold band there are four places to set crystals. She has an intricate sash and a belt, with a few pouches, that hang at her hips. She has brown boots that have a bit of a heel to them.
Weight:114 lbs.
Personality: Unlike her brother she is actually fairly cheerful and loves to explore
Location of Guild Mark:left cheek
Color:faded blue
Likes: to explore, animals, sweets, cooking
Dislikes: being still, small spaces
Magic:: Similar to her brother's except that she takes the magic from objects and can use the powers extracted to create barriers and defensive enchantments against that magic. example: she can steal fire magic from a fire attack and then protect against fire type magic. She is the other half to what Ander uses. His is offensive while hers is defensive.
weapon: a large staff that has a place for her to set her half of the crystal in

Theme Song: ...still picking one
Other: She was originally supposed to have both the offensive and defensive form of her magic, but the magic split creating her twin Ander and he got the offensive half.