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Hidden 10 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

General Information:

Cecilia Woods
Other Names:

Relationship Status:
Dating Inigo

Physical Appearance:

143.2 lbs
Eye Color:
Greyish Blue
Skin Color:
Shape of Face:
Her face is a teardrop shape with the main structure of her face being thinner
Distinguishing Features:
Her purple hair
Build of Body:
Cilia's body is a medium build with a bit of wideness to her shoulders
Hair Color:
She dyes it purple but the natural color is a soft shade of blond
Hair Style:
She keeps her hair long and hanging down her back
Cilia tends to slouch when sitting and occasionally when standing, her whole posture seems more closed off.
She's got some scars on her arms and her hands. Occasionally Beads Magic can cause injuries
Karen Gillian
Guild Mark Location:
Left forearm
Mark Color:


Simple things
Using Obsidian Magic
Actually fighting
Losing Inigo or her sister
Peace and freaking quiet


Cilia wears a simple white shirt, red jacket, jeans, and knee high boots. Nothing too fancy
No jewelry
....Could Inigo technically count? JOKING


She's got some cuts on her legs
Sleeping Habits:
Cilia's a light sleeper
Energy Levels:
Low energy
Eating Habits:
She eats enough to not be underweight
Exercise Habits:
She likes to go out running early in the morning before the sun rises
Her memory could be debated
Unhealthy Habits:
She chews her nails all the time. Sometimes till the point they bleed
Drinking Habits:
She doesn't drink, she's underage

Beads Magic
Obsidian Magic (NOT USED)

Other Trivia:

Favorite Types of Food:
Favorite Types of Drink:
Favorite Colors:

General Information:

Iris Woods
Other Names:

Relationship Status:
Unsure at this point in time

Physical Appearance:

115.4 lbs
Eye Color:
Skin Color:
Shape of Face:
Her face is a bit smaller in shape that her sister. More delicate
Distinguishing Features:
Her bright pink hair
Build of Body:
Ris is built delicatly but don't let that fool you, she can handle a lot
Hair Color:
She dyes it pink but naturally it's a very soft blond that's almst platinum
Hair Style:
She keeps it short, probably a bit above her shoulders
She stands up straight...not like it'll contribute to her height at all
There's thin scars all over her body, mainly from doing stupid things
Billie Piper
Guild Mark Location:
Left shoulder
Mark Color:


Telling Stories
Cheering others up
Maybe Dremmick?
Enclosed spaces
Making others happy
Being Peaceful
Keeping her own emotions in check
Small spaces
The dark
Being alone

She wears a flowy grey jacket, a deep green button up shirt, and black slacks.
She wears a couple different necklaces


A cut across her face
Sleeping Habits:
She sleeps like a rock
Energy Levels:
High energy
Eating Habits:
She eats a lot
Exercise Habits:
She likes to climb trees and buildings for exersice
Pretty decent memory
Unhealthy Habits:
If her hair is long enough she chews on the ends of it
Drinking Habits:
Underage, doesn't drink

Earth Dragon Slayer Magic

Other Trivia:

Favorite Types of Food:
Favorite Types of Drink:
Telling stories
Favorite Colors:
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

There are other apps coming.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Ander Greaves

Age: 20

height: 5'11"

weight: 170lbs

Appearance: Regular height for his age and a slight build. He has ash colored hair that hangs just past his eyes. He has white, but not blind kind of white, eyes. He wears a black sleeveless shirt with a dark green muffler/hood. He wears two dark metal armored gauntlets that cover his elbow, outer forearm, backhand, and knuckles. The fingers are left open after the first joint so he can still use his hands effectively. He has a standard leather belt that holds a few compartments behind him at his back. He has red suspenders that hang off his pants unused. His pants loose but not baggy khaki cargoes. He has black combat boots on. There is a silver looking crest implanted on his chest, on the sternum, with a spot to place two crystals in the center.

Guild Mark: black lock on the upper left outside of his arm with a burn scar in the shape of a T over it.

Personality: Cold. Normally keeps to himself unless he needs to branch out a bit for information. Normally only says what is necessary. He is highly intelligent and good at tactics.

occupation: Removes magic from mages so that that can safely be put in a regular jail cell.

Magic: His magic is the ability to removes someone else's magical ability and turn it into a crystal that he can the use. For example, if he stole your magic he would have to equip your crystal to himself, on his chest, to use it. he can make the crystals float around him so that he can switch them or use them however at a fast rate, but he can only use one at a time. He normally keeps them in one pouch at the back of his belt. There is what seems to be half of one larger silvery crystal that he keeps on his belt at his side. This crystal he can use as a weapon. With this crystal, he can steal someones powers. He first has to charge it and then phase it through someone to steal their power. The powers he takes are lost if the stolen power crystals are broken.

weapon: He has a handle of a katar that he can place his crystal in for a weapon.
his katar

likes: bread/cracker sticks

dislikes: annoying banter

picture for reference but note, clothes are not a complete match. He is on the right.

theme: Strings of fate

Hidden 10 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Inigo

Nickname: N/A



Gender: Male

Guild Mark Color: Black

Guild Mark Location: Upper right arm both when human and as a wolf.

Magic: Reequip weapons, switching between axes, swords, lances, and bows. Can apply magic to his weapons as well. (Examples below my form) His beast form is more of a curse than a magical ability. He only tells those he feels that are close enough to him about it. In his beast form, his senses are definitely improved, allowing him to track others based on their scent, see spirits, and hear animals talk amongst another. If it is nighttime or if Inigo is extremely weak or angry, the transformation is forced. For those that can sense magic, his transformation will give off a large spike. He usually moves far away from his fellow guildmates when he feels that he may transform in fear of being rejected by them for becoming a monster.

Likes: Music, Cilia, stars, and Pocky

Dislikes: Seeing others injured and pointless fighting or arguing

Personality: He is a very kind and caring individual that loves being around others. He’d do almost anything for his friends, his loyalty like that of a dog’s. He tries to appeal to the ladies as much as possible, so he is known for being flirty and charming. Despite his love for dancing, he actually is very embarrassed when it comes to people wanting to watch him or ask him to dance, usually blushing and becoming a bit flustered when asked. Also, when he’s asked about where he runs off to in the late afternoon, he either changes the subject or will simply lie about his whereabouts.

Other: For some unknown reason, Inigo inherited his sister's "shadow", which can give him a large boost in power once possessed at the price of being unable to remember or control his actions until defeated through combat or being reasoned with someone very close to him.

First Name: Morgan
Middle Name: N/A
Last Name: Narukami
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Birthday: October 30th

Height: 5'7
Weight: 105
Personality/Bio: Like her brother, Inigo, Morgan is very caring. Although she has no memories of her past except for the few that she managed to remember, such as her parents and being Inigo’s brother, she has a very optimistic outlook on life. She’s a bit insecure about her amnesia, so she frequently talks to Inigo and has even been caught a few times hitting her head with a tome or into a nearby wall, hoping to jar some memories loose. Whenever nighttime approaches, she leaves with her brother, watching out for him whenever he is in his beast form. She’s able to connect with him telepathically, and if a guild member possibly catches them, she either will call him her wolf companion or say that Inigo is a stray dog.
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Mark: On her upper left arm and is the color purple
Guild Rank: Member
Likes: Books, being around and talking to her brother about the past, and music
Dislikes: Enemies, forgetting things, and people that make fun of or try to hurt her brother
Magic: Shadow Dragon Slayer
Magic Preference: Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
Companion: Inigo, since they almost always travel together
Outfit: Found in appearance
Theme Song: The Girl Who Stole A Star - Chrono Cross
Other: Her uncle, Leon, taught her swordplay and how to use the shadows to her advantage. Since Inigo inherited her "shadow", she does not have to worry about being possessed by it.

First Name: Leon
Middle Name: N/A
Last Name: Narukami
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Birthday: February 13th

Height: 6'3
Weight: 120
Personality: Leon is a calm individual who loves his brother and will do whatever it takes to see his family prosper. He fights for Fairy Tail, representing the guild well.
Bio: Leon's death was accidental, for his brother, Michael, had gone berserk after witnessing the death of his wife and had mistook his own kin for an enemy, flattening him under some rubble. Next thing Leon knew, he was resurrected by the same unknown lost magic user that brought back Michael. When the unknown individual told him how he corrupted his brother, Leon granted him a fate worse than death, utilizing his control over illusions to make him wander through an endless nightmare tailored specifically for him. He then returned to Fairy Tail, being quickly re-accepted and dubbed an S-Class mage soon after.
Guild: Fairy Tail
Guild Mark: Black; below his collar bone on the left pectoral muscle.
Guild Rank: S-Class
Likes: His grandchildren Inigo and Morgan, cherry blossoms, and music.
Dislikes: Unnecessary violence and seeing those he cares about in pain.
Magic (MAX 2): Fire Magic and Illusionary Magic
Magic Preference: Illusionary Magic
Companion: N/A
Outfit: Shown in appearance
Theme Song: Stone Tower Temple - TLOZ: Majora's Mask
Other: Leon, in terms of weapons, will wield a sword or a variety of ninja tools. On occasion, he'll spar against his brother's children to not only keep their skills as sharp as their swords, but also to keep Inigo's Shadow in check.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 1 yr ago

First Name: Paige
Last Name: Unknown
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 5’7
Weight: 130
Personality: Paige is extremely outgoing and at times, very annoying. She has a famous reputation for putting her noise where it doesn’t belong. Once she gets curious, there’s no stopping her from finding the truth, even if means danger. Deep down though, she has a warm heart that will go at all costs to protect the ones she loves.
Bio: The only thing Paige can remember from her younger days was waking up on an unfamiliar bed surrounded by strange men covered in white. That’s it. The first seven years of her life had been erased, deleted from her memory forever. It wasn’t long after waking up did Paige realize she was a wizard, a sky dragon slayer.
Most of her life, she was shipped around from place to place, never having a real home. As she moved around, Paige gained a reputation for trouble. One mention of her name and people would look at her differently, as if she was a monster. It wasn’t until she joined Fairy Tail did Paige feel like she fit in.
Whenever she gets the chance, Paige tries to uncover what happened during the first 7 years of her life. None of the guild members know of her past, and she’d rather not share either.
Location of Guild Mark: right hand
Color: Baby blue
*Knowing everything
Magic: Sky Dragon Slayer Magic

Theme Song: Theme Song – Taking Chances

First Name: Starr

Gender: Female

Age: 19



Weight: 115

Personality (Optional):

While Starr’s appearance may make her seem as weak and girly, it’s far from the truth. Starr is an arrogant and pompous girl, who’s not afraid to make her opinion known. Whether she’s correct or incorrect is irrelevant, for in her mind the truth is always her answer. You can often find her hot within an argument. Due to her past, Starr is emotionally unstable and can be taunted very easily, one of her many weaknesses.

She tends to never trust others, including her guildmates, and will usually keep to herself. Starr has never really had any real friends, but wouldn’t want one anyway because the idea of telling someone her feelings and wants seems tedious and childish to her. When Starr looks through the world, she sees a fake world full of fictitious, polluted ideas of happiness and hope, only used to get out of bed in the morning.

Bio (Optional):

Starr’s life seemed destined for doom the moment she was born. Coming from a family with no money, no name, nothing, she grew up living on the streets. Starr’s mother left after giving birth to both Starr and her twin brother Sky (maybe change later ??) and the two were forced to grow up with an abusive and poor father. Food was scarce and the only clothing she could come across was leftover scraps of fabric from the town dress shop.

In attempt to escape reality, Starr spent most of her time locked up in the library where she could read without interruption. It kept her mind active and learning for she never enrolled in school during her life. Whether it be about a magical knight fighting dragons or a biography about an ancient royal’s life, she read everything her mind could absorb. Eventually, her 9 year old hands came across a different type of book, one of magic. The moment she read about territory magic, she knew what she wanted to do in life. What better way to rise from the dirt than to become a wizard? All of her time went into researching and to her surprise, it wasn’t long before she started to master it.

At age 12, Starr’s brother left her alone with their pathetic father in search for a better life. This is one of Starr’s darkest moment in her life. Compared to her father, Sky was the only role model she could look up to. This memory still haunts her dreams at nights and she continues to wonder why he wouldn’t take her with him. Starr only stayed for a month before leaving her father herself, intending to find her brother herself. On the way, she came across a strong group of wizards full of loving people and support. However, no one was able to fully parent or teach her the ways of living so she mainly kept to herself in the guild and continues to do so to this day.

Most of the guild members know of Starr but keep their distance. She can be absolutely ruthless in battle if provoked. Most of her time is spent in the guild library or out traveling the world, secretly searching for her older brother.

Location of Guild Mark:Right Upper knee

Color: Purple

Likes: Honesty/Books/Magic/Sweets

Dislikes: People/Emotions/

Magic (Can be something you created. MAX 1)::

Territory Magic:The user is able to conjure a kind of wave-like matter that resembles a tomoe, which allows them to manipulate the space around any object or substance of their choice, allowing for great versatility. One can manipulate space as means of defense, offense, by means of forming heat and generating explosions, teleporting people and/or objects of their choice, and granting the user the ability to switch places with other people who are in close proximity.

However, the greatest potential that this Magic offers lies in its trapping and damaging capacities; the caster has the option to imprison any living being of their choice inside their "space", and if the caster desires so, can sap their Magic Power away. In addition, the Magic can be used to summon a god-like entity that can cause a wide scale of destruction.
This Magic is unusual in the sense that it's spells as well as their incantations are uttered in a peculiar language that has been described as "ominous." Furthermore, on occasion a variety of hand signs are utilized before casting this Magic

(Sweet Modern)

Theme Song (Optional):
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

First Name: Sylvia
Last Name: Layson
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Appearance: She has a strip of red running through her hair, and she has gray eyes

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 120lb
Personality: Sylvia’s a very sarcastic person. She’s not afraid to state her opinion due to the fact that she keeps logic behind each opinion. If there’s no sound logic for either side of an argument she stays neutral. Overall, she tends to look at the big picture and doesn't put effort into anything unless there’s a meaningful reason behind it. Though she doesn't like people, they have a tendency to enjoy her presence for some strange reason. Perhaps it's because of her entertaining personality.
Bio: Growing up, Sylvia's parents always pushed her to be perfect in the academic sense. They hated the fact that she could use magic, and never let her use it. Eventually, Sylvia got so sick of her parents that she ran away at the age of 15. After a year and a half of finding odd jobs to do and trying to figure out how her powers worked, she found Fairy Tail.
Parents: Rebecca and Hayle Layson
Location of Guild Mark: Outside of her right ankle
Color: Medium Gray
Likes:Fighting, Writing, Singing, Music, drawing (though she’s not very good), Sleep, Freedom, and Animals.
Dislikes: Being told she’s not good enough, Those with an low IQ, and People in general.
Magic: Wave Manipulation
Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=117090081
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkIWmsP3c_s&list=PLVw7QlYJFb4c6lxTOrZorHDxc51Yd1lQ6
Other: Sylvia has a theory that everything in the world would be solved if everyone where to die. There's a very long explanation to this that she's based off of her own logic. While she admits that she's psychotic by the perceived definition of psychotic, she likes to think that everyone else simply doesn't understand her logic.

Also she frequently uses a double hook sword as a weapon. It's like this:

Except it's more suited to battle. It's more sword-like than the picture.

Plus Sylvia tends to be nerdy at times. Mostly for the sake of being sarcastic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gambit
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Gambit The Artist

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Elijah Earnhardt
NickName (If Any):Elo
Gender: male
Personality (Optional): Nice|caring|Kind|timid |organized
Bio (Optional): When Eli was just an arm baby, his parents(The king and queen of a neighboring kingdom) have gave him up to the King's sister and her husband,along with his older brother Galen. They did this to grant the two a free life. As Eli grew up, he became interested in Celestial magic thanks to an elder woman of the kingdom. So she took him under her wing and taught him the magic. When he was ready, she gave him three copper keys. The Dog,The Dragon, and the Horse.
Parents (Optional):-
Location of Guild Mark: On his shoulder blade
Color: blue and yellow
Likes: His spirits, The guild, cooking, be neat
Dislikes: Dirtyness , letting his friends down
Magic (Can be something you created. MAX 1):: celestial magic
ao comes half way up to Eli( who is 5'9). Hes a young anthro brown dog who wears a white and gold graphic hoodie with brown shorts. His eyes are emerald green. Hes a very cheerful,nice and happy spirit who follows eli where ever he goes. Gao learned martial arts from the monkey spirit Jya
Magic: none, hes a skilled martial artist

Hui The Snake: Hui is a human like spirit with black hair with purple highlights, green eyes, and the scales of a snake( on the sides of his neck and chest, shoulders, under his arms and calve muscles. Hui wears a sleeveless shirt, spike collar, body piercing( Three on his tongue, some on his ears, and snake bites, and on his belly button). This spirit is very perverted and can be super rude and sarcastic. 
Magic: Deadly toxic/poison magic

Shui the Dragon: Shu is a human like spirit with darkish blue hair and goldenrod colored eyes. Shui wears an chinese tunic suitWith an white rose that is pined to his hair, and a black glove he wears on his right hand. Shui is very cruel and cold hearted. Hes claim, but hes super Dangerous. Shui is known to be the strongest spirit beside Laohu the Tiger
Magic: Hes able to turn in a long blue dragon . Hes also able sync with his wizard as well,which makes abit stronger.

Tu the Rabbit: A bite size feral rabbit like spirit with black beaning eyes. her fur color is a pale pink with a pale yellow color on his body( tail, tip of ears, inside of ears and nose). she also acts like a teenager
Magic: Hes able to shape shift

Aya the Horse: Aya is a human like spirit with long pink hair and orange eyes. she wears a half plad shirt, blue jean shorts, and brown boots with a golden buckle. shes very nice and kind, doesn't take crap from others.
Magic: Gun magic

Jyn the Pig: Jyn is a human like spirit with black and white hair and red eyes. He wears a nice tux with black shoes. Hes known to be a gentleman and polite, refers eli as master. Jyn is very similar to virgo
Magic: Hes able to shot super hot blasts

Nui the Ox: Nui is an anthro ox spirit that wears old timy Chinese shorts and bandages on his hands. Nui wears a shark tooth necklace around his neck. Hes like taurs,very strong but is noble. He tokes around huge hacket 
magic: none

Gowa the rat: A human like spirit with the tail and ears of a rat. His hair is dirty blonde his eyes are purple. Gowa wears an oversize red and white sweaters,red scarf,blue jeans with wore out shoes. Hes known to be super crazy and abit psycho. Gowa also carries around knifes and blades, also, he haves a bad habit at appearing by people without notice. Although hes happy an crazy, Gowa is protective over Eli
Magic: Hes able to change his size. Gowa is very strong and speedy when hes smaller

Ryu The sheep: Ryu is a human like spirit with the horns and ears of a sheep. his hair is a dark grey/blue hair and blue eyes. he wears a cloak that covers most of his body. Ryu is super timid,shy, and gets spooked easily. He resembles a young boy
Magic: Support magic

Jya the Monkey: Jyan is a human like spirit with a tail and feet of a monkey. Hes a very build spirit with brown side burns and hair, Grey eyes. He wears Baggy pants, his tail haves golden bracelets( the tip of his tail is white).Jya is very noble,kind, and strong. He carries a large golden and red staff around
Magic: None, skilled fighter

Lee the Rooster: Lee is a large( the size of a pony) feral rooster. His Comb haves a golden ring on it, an sliver bracelet is on his left ankle. He haves arms with feathers. Lee is very smart and size. He tokes around a large spork around with him
Magic: Telekinesis 

Laohu the Tiger: Laohu is a human like spirit with the tail and ears of a white tiger. His hair is white and his eyes are blue. Laohu wears a long fur coat, two belts, jeans and dress shoes. Laohu is very strong, kind, and loving towards everyone, wise to
Magic: Light magic[/i]

The 13th gate
Said to be the strongest of the 12. The whereabouts of them are currently unknown. It is said it's currently resting
Outfit: currently, hes wearing a white shirt with a thin grey long sleeve shirt over it. He still wears his hat,dark pants and light shows
Theme Song (Optional):-

Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Putting these all here so I can do the first post properly.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 5 days ago

First Name: Terra
Last Name (If Any): Greaves
Gender: female
Age: 20

Appearance:Long flowing white hair and silver colored, narrow eyes. She has fair skin a blue dress the goes down to just below the knees. her right sleeve completely covers her arm and the left side is sleeveless. She wears a gold band around her left forearm that continues down her arm in blue ribbon. Within the gold band there are four places to set crystals. She has an intricate sash and a belt, with a few pouches, that hang at her hips. She has brown boots that have a bit of a heel to them.

Weight:114 lbs.
Personality: Unlike her brother she is actually fairly cheerful and loves to explore

Location of Guild Mark:left cheek
Color:faded blue

Likes: to explore, animals, sweets, cooking
Dislikes: being still, small spaces

Magic:: Similar to her brother's except that she can also take the magic from objects and can use the powers extracted to create barriers and defensive enchantments against that magic. example: she can steal fire magic from a fire attack and then protect against fire type magic. She is the other half to what Ander uses. His is offensive while hers is defensive. Also unlike Ander, she can use four different crystal shards at once, and they attach to the bangle like crest on her forearm.

weapon: a large staff that has a place for her to set her half of the crystal in


Theme Song:

Other: She was originally supposed to have both the offensive and defensive form of her magic, but the magic split creating her twin Ander and he got the offensive half.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

First Name: Chelm
Last Name (If Any): Atlas
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 6'10
Weight: 206Ib
Personality (Optional):Chelm is very robotic. He always seems like a brick wall, and some people can actually believe he is. He rarely ever gives any actually note that he is paying attention to what is happening around, almost comedically has no sense of priority, and most of all seems like he doesn't care for anyone. In reality he is surprisinglying wise, a kind soul and on a high mark on the good side. He is gingerly with every living creature, wouldn't kill a fly and is ever happy with himself. He tends to try to help those he sees potential in, though that may be through methose that involve putting them in less than good odds. He will almost always see the better side of things personally.
Bio (Optional): Chelm was always a power crazed person. Since he was a boy he was always trying to find magic to make him better, and doing anything he could to get stronger. Even at the age 16 he was surprisingly powerful. He fell instantly to the promise of power by dark guilds. He would travel from one to the next, working, training and letting them experiment on his body until he was too strong and would defeat all of them then a abruptly leave. Hiso evil phase took its climax as he killed his master for his staff. After this, he was almost instantly defeated by a group of low ranking light guild members. He realized at that moment that power was only worth having if he had at purpose for it. Since then, he has joined fairy tail. He worked hard to restore his honor and grow strong, but in the real way. Now, he is at stake peace with himself.
Location of Guild Mark: Center of stomach
Color: dark grey
Likes: quiet, tea, nature, young people, and people seeking his wisdom
Dislikes: destruction, chaotic beings, quirky people, arrogance, and fireworks
Magic (Can be something you created. Max 2):
Burden magic: burden magic is a style of magic that uses area of affect, touch, and hypnotic ways to inflict heavy hallucinations and statis affects. When used, a thick blue mist will roll from chelm, either in the forms of strange tendrils, a pool of it on the ground unevenly creeping around him, or by a quick flash fron his eye into the enemies as his body begins to cover in it. When it is activated, Chelm can momentarily make people feel extremely fatigued, drained of magic, tired, depressed or more. For more of his magic he can momentarily warp the afflicted's reality, and make illusions. If someone has a lot of will power, and knows what's happening, they can mentally cancel out this magic.
Stave magic: those able to channel their magic through staves and staffs can harness the powers within to harness the powers of the wizard who created the stave. This requires as much magic as the wizard who enchanted would use in the ability stored within, and can only use one spell per stave. Chelm has one. They are extremely rare and even harder to find unbroken ones that are worth while. Chelm's bares acid magic, allowing him to send lines of acid.
Theme Song (Optional): chunga'so revenge
Other: Chelm is secretly really into shoninjump
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Mitsuki March

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Appearance: Mitsuki has long Mahogany hair held in loose twin tails and spring green eyes. She's small in stature with medium build.

Height: 5’0”
Weight: 99 lbs

Personality: Mitsuki is sweet and kind, always willing to help. Around Nate she's usually annoyed and always gives him attitude.

Family: Kara March (mother, deceased) Ludger March (father, deceased)

Bio: Mitsuki's parents used to be members of the Magic Council’s Custody Enforcement unit until they had her. They settled down in the small town of Aldviolet to raise their daughter and have a quiet life. Mitsuki had always heard rumors about the weird kid Nate and was warned to stay away. She didn't listen and became close friends with the outcast. After Nate's mother died, Mitsuki noticed a change in Nate and saw that he received severe bruises. Mitsuki went and asked her parents to talk to Nate's dad to get him to stop abusing his son. The crazy drunk just grew even more angry. One night he came to their house and as soon as Mitsuki's dad opened the door he was killed. Mitsuki's mother did her best to protect her daughter and doing so is how she died. Nate's after was about to kill Mitsuki as well when his son stabbed him. Mitsuki was so traumatised that she forgot the events of that night. The town kept an eye on the two orphans. Mitsuki looked up to one of the few magic users in town, Vera, like an older sister before she left. When Vera came back Mitsuki was bothered by the fact that Vera never smiled anymore. Mitsuki made it her goal to change that. When disaster hit the town Vera vanished trying to protect it. Mitsuki decided to join a guild in hopes of trying to find Vera.

Location of Guild Mark: Right Thigh
Color: Gold

Likes: Sewing, music, swimming
Dislikes: Ghosts

Magic: Vortex Magic - Opens small portals to a pocket dimension. Anything that goes into this pocket dimension can't remain for long. The user can only open these portals in line of sight. This type of magic is mainly used for redirection but can also be used for short range teleportation.

Theme song: Sorairo Days -
Amalee (cover)

-Mitsuki inherited a pair of magic gauntlets from her mother that help enhance her strength. Which helps her greatly since her fighting capability is rather low.
-In the golden locket she wears is with a picture of her parents and one of her Nate and Vera.

Name: Nathaniel Xenakis
Nickname(s): Nate

Gender: Male


Appearance: Nate’s hair is a sandy blonde and has lavender colored eyes. He has a small scar in the center of his chest.

Height: 5’11”
Weight: 153 lbs

Personality: Nate is a very curious person he values information almost as much as he values Mitsuki. He tends to be rather nosey because of his pursuit of information. Nate has a tendency to be rather possessive of Mitsuki always following her whether she knows it or not. Nate is rather sly and tends to joke about things.

Family: Martha Xenakis (Mother, deceased) Corwen Xenakis (Father, deceased)

Bio: Nate's mother was a sweet young mage who absolutely adored her husband and son. Nate's father was a swordsmith with his wife's help they made magical weapons on a regular basis and made quite a living off of it. Nate learned Archive Magic from his mother at a young age. Nate's mother got sick however and she died. Nate's father turned to drinking a lot and was always angry especially since business went bad. He frequently took it out on his son. Nate met Mitsuki around the time his mother got sick and he'd tell his mom about the childish adventures they had to make her smile. After she died he found that Mitsuki was the only thing that would make him smile so he'd try to spend more time with her if he could but that was why she noticed that he was getting beat by his father. Mitsuki tried to get her parents to help but it made things worse. His father got even more enraged. After knocking Nate around to the point that Nate could barely stand, he decided he was going to kill the March family. He grabbed one of his swords and pounded on their door. As soon as it open he stabbed Mitsuki's father and killed him. While Mitsuki's mom urged her daughter to run and hide she tried to fend him off. He decided to attack Mitsuki with the sword’s magic but her mother got between them to protect her. As he was about to attack Mitsuki, Nate stabbed him in the back. When he fell to the ground Nate stabbed him again. Nate felt bad that he wasn't able to do it before he killed Mitsuki's parents. He decided to always be around to protect Mitsuki. Even when she started learning magic and becoming even more capable of doing so he was never far from her. When Vera came back to town his curiosity went nuts because of how secretive she was, he even grew jealous since Mitsuki spent so much time with her. When the town fell under threat he almost died saving Mitsuki. He indulges her desire to search for Vera even though he thinks she is dead. He ended up joining a guild with Mitsuki.

Location of Guild Mark: Left chest
Color: Teal

Likes: Cats, Information and Mitsuki
Dislikes: Loneliness and Snakes

Magic: Archive Magic - Allows the user to convert information into magical data, which can be stored, enabling the user to gain access to previously stored information, such as other types of Magic. It is mainly used by flat-screens which are projected into the air. These screens are very durable and can be used as a shield. It also allows the user to transfer information from person to person more quickly than through verbal communication.
Telepathy - Able to talk with other people through their thoughts and converse over long distances.

Theme song: The Outsider - Marina and the Diamonds

-Nate's jacket was made by Mitsuki and he rarely takes it off.
-Nate is adept with swords and blades but prefers not to utilize it since it was something he learned from his father.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by CuddleKitten
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CuddleKitten CuddleKoOKiez

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

General Information:

Actual Name:
Other Names: Shiro

Species: Nephilim-shadow demon hybrid
Relationship Status:
Single for life x.x

Physical Appearance:

71.8 lbs
Eye Color:Light red

Skin Color:
Shape of Face:
Distinguishing Features:
Her silver white hair and wings and a tail that can appear whenever she needs them
Build of Body:
Petite, not as frail as appearance
Hair Color:
She dyed it white to cover her raven black hair
Hair Style:
She keeps her hair down to her waist
Usually stands straight, can be stiff at most times.l
All over her back, chest, hands, and the back of her neck from a few wars she’s attended to.
Voice: she can’t talk unless stitches are removed.
Guild Mark Location:
Mark Color:
Onyx Black

Personality:Quiet, shy, straight-forward, lazy, sarcastic sometimes, kind

Beautiful things
Playing with fire
Egotistic people
Excessively physical fights
Amulet that hides her from other fallen ones
A simple white robe with a black bikini top and shorts underneath.
No jewelry


Stitched mouth, sometimes she removes it (the string) to release t. (Mark was placed before stitching)
Sleeping Habits:
No sleep unless majorly injured.
Energy Levels:
Eating Habits:
Her kind’s forbidden to eat any food that’s not made for her kind
Exercise Habits:
She shoots poison tipped arrows at tree to get her accuracy better, Uses a large, hooked sword against dummies just in case of an emergency, flies for hours from night ‘till dawn, jogs in the mornings.
Strong yet poor.
Unhealthy Habits:

Drinking Habits:
She drinks frequently since she gets easily stressed, hard to get drunk though.

Shadow magic; controls shadows of others (won’t use unless necessary)
Other Trivia:

Favorite Types of Food:
Anything with matcha
Favorite Types of Drink:
Matcha drinks with boba
Favorite Colors:
Cyan blue
Crimson red
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by slayerofkings
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slayerofkings Fear-Pimping Bad-Faith Agent of Chaos

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Isek Kaiyes
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Biography: Isek’s parents were traveling merchants who had decided to expand their business. In doing so they unknowingly cut in on a Dark Guild’s territory. Their caravan was attacked and Isek was kidnapped at age 12. His parents were told to either leave the area or Isek would be killed. They left and didn’t come back. The Guild recognized Isek’s magical potential and recruited him into the Dark Guild after telling him his parents didn’t want him anymore. Even when he learned the truth Isek stayed, because he despised his parents’ weakness.

Isek decided that power was all that mattered and eventually became one of the Dark Guild’s main enforcers with an ego to match. When Isek was 21 the Guildmaster of Fairy Tail traveled through town and Isek was sent to collect a “toll.” The Guildmaster responded by grabbing Isek’s chains and swinging him by them through the Dark Guild’s headquarters, smashing it and Isek’s belief in his own superiority to pieces. Isek managed to drag himself out of the rubble, spent months recuperating, and a few weeks later traveled to Fairy Tail’s headquarters and asked to join Fairy Tail. Recognizing that Isek had had a change of heart and was sincere, the Guildmaster agreed and 3 years later Isek is fully integrated into his new “family.”

Physical Appearance:
Isek stands about 6'3"tall and weighs in at a bit over 200 lbs. His short-cropped black hair and pale skin draw attention to his green eyes. He’s lean and well-muscled, with a tendency to slouch. His back is covered in scars, although they’re usually covered by loose clothing and his cloak. His Guild Mark is on his right shoulder, and he has the design on his hood.
Personality: Isek enjoys fighting and reading, with an on and off personality that shifts depending on his mood. He prefers simple solutions and easily gets frustrated by problems that can’t be solved with the application of force or personality. He also hates when people steal his snacks. Isek’s strength in combat comes from his ability to combine different uses of his magic, the terrain, and what he knows of his opponents to take them down. He’s also come up with numerous creative uses for his magic out of combat. Isek biggest weaknesses are his “Chain Magic is a hammer and everything else is a nail” approach to problem solving and his fear of failure.

Health: Isek’s active lifestyle, high metabolism, and lack of vices (other than snacking) mean he’s in top shape.

Magic: Isek is a master of Chain Magic, creating and manipulating magical chains. Unlike Wizards who use it as secondary magic, Isek’s chains are stronger, more resilient, and have more uses due to his mastery. He can use them to bind the magic of foes he’s caught in them, manipulate objects from afar, increase his reach, wrap them around himself as body armor, and a variety of other ways.

Other Trivia: Isek loves candy and usually has a bag on his person at any given time. When he’s not on a job he enjoys spending his time reading, sparring, or free-running.

Theme Song: I'm My Own Master Now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RlSgnpLbro
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'll let Jollan also look over it but you've got a green light from me! I love the use of chain magic!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Dremmick Valswei
Age: 22
Gender: Male

Physical Appearance:
What he used to look like:

His right eye is still unaffected by his deformation

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 140lbs
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Tanned
Distinguishing Features: Covered in bandages to hide his scarred and deformed flesh
Build of Body: Skinny and lanky, but what he does have is toned. looks malnourished.
Posture: relaxed
Scars: does his everything count?
Was tempted to do this but I'm just gonna leave it to y'alls imagination :D
Guild Mark Location: The forehead of his mask
Mark Color:Black

Polite, loyal, and friendly, Dremmick would give his life for his friends. He will try to help somebody even if the odds are against him. A few times even, he has pushed himself past his magic limits which caused the cursed flesh to spread across his body. He is however, embarrassed and disgusted by his scars and cursed flesh so he covers his body in bandages so nobody, including himself, has to look at them.

Likes: Medical stuff, Ris, waffles, exploring
Dislikes: Arrogance, his scars, pancakes, talking about his past
Strengths: Very observant, great at physical non-magical combat, heavy hitting magic abilities
Weaknesses: Not a heavy hitter physically (precision vs strength), high magic drain
Fears: losing himself to the curse on his body and what could happen after
Values: friendship, honor, proper manners, his friends lives over his own

Other than what is normally seen on him he has a medical back that has remedies for various poisons and medical supplies. He mainly uses this on long trips. He always has his small notebook and pencil for recording various important details. he has another small red leather journal with a raven embossed in the middle. Its old and worn from years of travel and use, and Dremmick keeps it on him constantly.


Looks as if he is malnourished and covered from head to toe in scarred flesh, which is why he is covered up.

Magic: Blood magic- he can use it to create various attacks (for one, think blood salvo from soul sacrifice), regenerate blood, and seal wounds. he can use his powers on others, but only to heal, because he can not utilize another person's blood, only his own. He can also create objects such as weapons, armor, and thin barriers.

Normally, he could only do these things from his cursed arm, but due to overuse of his magic after exhausting his magic energy, the curse had spread to the rest of his body and now he can use his magic from just about anywhere.

Other Trivia: I got inspiration for his magic type through a mix of 'make' type magic, the game soul sacrifice, and the show Deadman Wonderland. If you are squeamish I wouldn't watch the show. Its a bit over the top and pretty dark. I got hooked on the story but geez...and I thought Attack on Titan was brutal.

Favorite Types of Food: breakfast.... except yoooou pancakes, you floppy wannabe waffles that can't hold onto their syrup!
Favorite Types of Drink: Sweet black tea
Hobbies/Pastimes: fishing actually
Favorite Colors: Green
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