Name: Elijah Earnhardt
NickName (If Any):Elo
Gender: male

Personality (Optional): Nice|caring|Kind|timid |organized
Bio (Optional): When Eli was just an arm baby, his parents(The king and queen of a neighboring kingdom) have gave him up to the King's sister and her husband,along with his older brother Galen. They did this to grant the two a free life. As Eli grew up, he became interested in Celestial magic thanks to an elder woman of the kingdom. So she took him under her wing and taught him the magic. When he was ready, she gave him three copper keys. The Dog,The Dragon, and the Horse.
Parents (Optional):-
Location of Guild Mark: On his shoulder blade
Color: blue and yellow
Likes: His spirits, The guild, cooking, be neat
Dislikes: Dirtyness , letting his friends down
Magic (Can be something you created. MAX 1):: celestial magic
ao comes half way up to Eli( who is 5'9). Hes a young anthro brown dog who wears a white and gold graphic hoodie with brown shorts. His eyes are emerald green. Hes a very cheerful,nice and happy spirit who follows eli where ever he goes. Gao learned martial arts from the monkey spirit Jya
Magic: none, hes a skilled martial artist
Hui The Snake: Hui is a human like spirit with black hair with purple highlights, green eyes, and the scales of a snake( on the sides of his neck and chest, shoulders, under his arms and calve muscles. Hui wears a sleeveless shirt, spike collar, body piercing( Three on his tongue, some on his ears, and snake bites, and on his belly button). This spirit is very perverted and can be super rude and sarcastic.
Magic: Deadly toxic/poison magic
Shui the Dragon: Shu is a human like spirit with darkish blue hair and goldenrod colored eyes. Shui wears an chinese tunic suitWith an white rose that is pined to his hair, and a black glove he wears on his right hand. Shui is very cruel and cold hearted. Hes claim, but hes super Dangerous. Shui is known to be the strongest spirit beside Laohu the Tiger
Magic: Hes able to turn in a long blue dragon . Hes also able sync with his wizard as well,which makes abit stronger.
Tu the Rabbit: A bite size feral rabbit like spirit with black beaning eyes. her fur color is a pale pink with a pale yellow color on his body( tail, tip of ears, inside of ears and nose). she also acts like a teenager
Magic: Hes able to shape shift
Aya the Horse: Aya is a human like spirit with long pink hair and orange eyes. she wears a half plad shirt, blue jean shorts, and brown boots with a golden buckle. shes very nice and kind, doesn't take crap from others.
Magic: Gun magic
Jyn the Pig: Jyn is a human like spirit with black and white hair and red eyes. He wears a nice tux with black shoes. Hes known to be a gentleman and polite, refers eli as master. Jyn is very similar to virgo
Magic: Hes able to shot super hot blasts
Nui the Ox: Nui is an anthro ox spirit that wears old timy Chinese shorts and bandages on his hands. Nui wears a shark tooth necklace around his neck. Hes like taurs,very strong but is noble. He tokes around huge hacket
magic: none
Gowa the rat: A human like spirit with the tail and ears of a rat. His hair is dirty blonde his eyes are purple. Gowa wears an oversize red and white sweaters,red scarf,blue jeans with wore out shoes. Hes known to be super crazy and abit psycho. Gowa also carries around knifes and blades, also, he haves a bad habit at appearing by people without notice. Although hes happy an crazy, Gowa is protective over Eli
Magic: Hes able to change his size. Gowa is very strong and speedy when hes smaller
Ryu The sheep: Ryu is a human like spirit with the horns and ears of a sheep. his hair is a dark grey/blue hair and blue eyes. he wears a cloak that covers most of his body. Ryu is super timid,shy, and gets spooked easily. He resembles a young boy
Magic: Support magic
Jya the Monkey: Jyan is a human like spirit with a tail and feet of a monkey. Hes a very build spirit with brown side burns and hair, Grey eyes. He wears Baggy pants, his tail haves golden bracelets( the tip of his tail is white).Jya is very noble,kind, and strong. He carries a large golden and red staff around
Magic: None, skilled fighter
Lee the Rooster: Lee is a large( the size of a pony) feral rooster. His Comb haves a golden ring on it, an sliver bracelet is on his left ankle. He haves arms with feathers. Lee is very smart and size. He tokes around a large spork around with him
Magic: Telekinesis
Laohu the Tiger: Laohu is a human like spirit with the tail and ears of a white tiger. His hair is white and his eyes are blue. Laohu wears a long fur coat, two belts, jeans and dress shoes. Laohu is very strong, kind, and loving towards everyone, wise to
Magic: Light magic[/i]
The 13th gate
Said to be the strongest of the 12. The whereabouts of them are currently unknown. It is said it's currently resting
Outfit: currently, hes wearing a white shirt with a thin grey long sleeve shirt over it. He still wears his hat,dark pants and light shows
Theme Song (Optional):-