Name: Mildred
Level: 8
Age (not on CS but I wanted to include it): 21
Ability: Technician
Moveset: Gust (sketched)
History: Mildred was born to a proud clan of Smeargles who pass on their legacy by demonstrating their treasured family move, Secret Sword, for their children to Sketch as their first move. Unfortunately for Mildred, she became aware and curious of her ability unusually fast. Before she learned about her clan's rite of passage, she had already Sketched the move of a random passing Pokemon. This anomaly made her a bully target, and her naturally nerdy personality and top grades in school only worsened the situation. When she was fourteen, Mildred got so sick of the teasing that she tried to run away. Before long, she was attacked by some villainous Pokemon who wanted to steal her bag, including her favorite art history book! Luckily, a group of adventurers from nearby Medburn saved her. Mildred returned home with a new dream: to give back to the guild that helped her. Five years later, that dream finally came true when she was hired as an assistant secretary at Medburn's guild. She has spent the past year happily organizing lots of paperwork and supplies and performing the occasional obligatory coffee run.
Personality: Mildred's intelligence is what makes her stand out. She's not a very strong fighter, but she loves to learn and solve puzzles and has a nearly photographic memory. Mildred is quiet and shy, but friendly enough. She is usually calm, practical, organized, and efficient. However, sometimes she will totally geek out and become an excitable chatterbox, especially when art and/or history is involved. While Mildred fully supports the guild's mission to protect Pokemon, she doesn't personally like battling. She is a little timid and afraid of the dangerous world beyond the walls of the guild.
P.S. Omg, I thought I might not find any purple Smeargle pictures, and instead I found perfection. ^_^ Thanks, forte_girl17, whoever you are.