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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gris and Mithril: Phosphor Forest

"Uh, yes. Right. Time to save the day!" Gris muttered absently on response to something about victorious gas. He didn't see any poison or fire types around. That was good, because those kinda of pokemon would hardly be good for the clean atmosphere of the forest. Because he was carrying the surprisingly light Mithril with one paw, he had to run on his two rear legs. It was easier to control his velocity when he didn't run madly with his entire being. He was able to swerve between trees with his new friend in tow, though it took a lot of his self control to not investigate some strange glowing moss that he saw on some trees.

As they ventured farther into the forest, the light diminished. They became submerged in gloom, and not the sweet-smelling pokemon. "So what were you doing out here, anyways? I dont really see that many ghost OR steel tyes around here." Gris was much smaller than the arbok and bishrp, and had been running like two small lives depended on it. While he didn't know exactly what to do once they caught up, he was hoping it would be possible to snatch the girls and flee like no tomorrow. He could clearly make out the sounds of two pokemon rearing their way through the forest. "Okay, Mithril, they're right around these trees. Once we get there, we have to get the girls away so we can get to higher ground." With that, he began to run towards their opponents in hope of landing a successfull ambush.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

Oh joy, they were already bonding. Mithril barely suppressed a squee of delight. "I've come to Medburn to pursue of dream of becoming a legendary weapon. Less then a day here and I've already got the hard part out of the way; finding my wielder...that's you by the way, new best friend forever and ever Gris" Mithil began to explain, in a surprisingly coherent manner "I journeyed for many nights from my home in the mountains to here; the place with the magic gate of magicness. For I knew, that I would find the path to my destiny here. So far, I looks like I've been right" he chirped out that last sentence

It was rather amazing how quickly he found himself in a hostage situation, considering how insanely awful his sense of direction was, yet here he was. Within an hour of reaching Medburn, he had found his wielder, and minutes after that, the two of them were going to rescue their first damsels in distress. Had he been someone with a more stable mindset, he would have have been suspicious of all of this. In fact, he most likely would have believed it to be some sort of elaborate trap. However, this was Mithril. If you tried to explain to him why all of this seemed suspect, it would have been like trying to explain string theory in it's entirety to an average American...while speaking Klingon backwards; he would be unable to comprehend what you were trying to tell him on multiple levels. So all of that being what it was, Mithril simply readied himself for combat, as he started up an Arial Ace, preparing for his new best friend forever and ever Gris to swing him for the first time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

[color=630460]Quake Path

The three watched the Gabite behind a large rock, big enough for them, and three others. The Lampent emerged first, followed by a Gollet, and a Misdreavous. The luminous purple light was washed out by the sun, giving it only a slight tinge. "So, your the Gabite Norza was talking about?! I'll say, she could've done better." The Misdreavous scorned, shooting him daggers. The other two laughed, uncontrollably, but soon enough they stopped, and the Misdreavous continued. "Anyways, thats Flick, and thats brickhead." The Gollet rubbed his head to ensure it wasn't a brick. "They are - this - way." He pointed to a direction, and they started to walk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Quake Path

The three watched the Gabite behind a large rock, big enough for them, and three others. The Lampent emerged first, followed by a Gollet, and a Misdreavous. The luminous purple light was washed out by the sun, giving it only a slight tinge. "So, your the Gabite Norza was talking about?! I'll say, she could've done better." The Misdreavous scorned, shooting him daggers. The other two laughed, uncontrollably, but soon enough they stopped, and the Misdreavous continued. "Anyways, thats Flick, and thats brickhead." The Gollet rubbed his head to ensure it wasn't a brick. "They are - this - way." He pointed to a direction, and they started to walk.


Mizu smiled and flexed his claws. Their lowly opinions meant nothing, his actions would speak for themselves. He looked at the Gollet and his smile lessened. He wasn't told he would have to deal with a dullard. Mizu didn't care though. He followed the group of Ghosts and began planning. He couldn't use Sandstorm because of the Misdravus and the Lampent but if they were knocked out he could. The Gollet would be a good meat shield (ectoplasm shield? What are Ghosts made of?) and he could withstand a Sandstorm if it came down to it. He should probably stick to using Sand Tomb and Dual Chop to take the enemies down. He would ambush them by trapping them in a Sand Tomb and then take the trapped Pokemon down with Dual Chop.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celina listened to what Mildred was saying as she continued to sign the documents, before finishing and breathing deeply.
"Ah... well at least we have something to get to safety if things do get rough..." she then says calmly, before looking at Trevor.
"Well... with those papers done, I think we are ready.... maybe... uhm... where would we get our first job anyway?" she said. She kinda really wanted to go and work just a bit... for 2 reasons. One... she knew that with how weak she was, she knew training would be of utmost important. That and she needed to learn about this world a bit more and how it worked. Second of all, if they helped the town's people, they might consider the 2 of them less as a treat and more as helpful people. Deep down she did want to go back home, but if that was impossible... it would be probably better if she get used to this world. Also... if they ever go back.... her and Trevor... she probably will be trying to find out where he lived to go meet him in real person... unless all this is a dream...
Then heck what a dream. But with how she actually felt and how dreams usually are... this definitely didn't feel like a dream.
"Also... any area we should consider good for beginner teams?" she then says.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Somehow, this world had mainly wood and stone technology... as well as these miniature wonders. I took the badge as soon as Mildred showed it off to us, and planned on pinning it to my bag as soon as I got it, just to make sure that I could access it easily without hurting myself. Celina commented on how handy the badge, itself was, and I nodded in agreement, adding "Yup, and to think, at first I assumed that we were just expected to go all the way there, and come all the way back... on our own, without any possible help if we mess up," this badge was probably the best thing that ever happened to me. It was literally a 'run away' command from any RPG game, and, considering my... usual behavior, it would certainly help me to know that there's always a way out of a scary or tough dungeon. Then again... I'm pretty sure Celina won't appreciate it if I made us lose everything we own just because I was afraid of how dark the place got. I guess just for the profit, I'll try to act brave, and only use the badge when it's absolutely necessary. I think as Celina asks for a job, a simple, beginner-level job. I figured she had it handled, and wouldn't pick something too hard, or anything involving an enemy fighting and or ice type... or worse. I start to look around this room, listening in on some random chatter from other, visiting teams, though, there wasn't anything truly interesting, and for some reason, that team that was here moments ago seems to have left, probably for that other place, that 'Treasure Town', wherever that was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gris and Mithril: Phosphor Forest

With a battlecry that sounded more akin to a frightened cleffa than a pokemon on a mission, Gris pounced into the vicinity of their opponents. He knew that both the bisharp and the arbok were stronger than them, but maybe if they were fast enough, they could get the girls out. Thw two pokemon came into view. "Rrrraaaaggghhrrr!" He squealed, taking notice of the fatigued arbok. What were they planning to do with a couple of pre-evolutions anyways? The thought sent shivers down his tail.

Though Gris had no experience swinging swords, he figured since Mithril was so light it wouldn't be an issue. Unfortunately, when he swung the steel type, he felt his fingers loosen around the handle. It startled him, though the sash was still securely tied to his arm. He heard the loud clash of metal against metal. He had never been this close to hostile pokemon before, but since he wasn't alone, it wasn't at all as scary as he thought it was going to be. The girls, though beaten up and probably traumatized, appeared to be in one piece. "Okay, split up!" Gris huffed to his partner before jumping high in the air before beginning a tumble.

Covering it in a dark glow, he smashed his tail down on the bisharp's head, narrowly avoiding the blade that stuck out from the other's forehead. The hard steel wasn't fun to strike, and he winced. He slid Mithril off of him to bring him down as well, the two forming a sort of pinwheel-like motion. A super secret team move?! Tucking below to haul Have and Rin onto his back, figuring that would be the best way to hold them, he rolled into the underbrush. Mid-roll, he heard someone's head hit a rock, and he didn't think it was him. "AAAUGH! This way Mithril!" He yelled after the ghost type as he retreated to safer ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

It really hadn't occored to Mithril that his new best friend forever and ever Gris might not understand how to wield a sword. Mostly because the idea of intricate swordsmanship was completely lost on him. 'You just swing it...what else is there to it?' he would ask if the subject was brought up. Oh sure, he understood the need for flashy sword techniques, but it really wasn't the same as understand the importance of your stance, how you hold the sword, and other such things. So instead of coming to the realization that his partner had absolutely no idea what he was doing, he was excited at his courageous charge (he also couldn't tell that his fierce battlecry sounded more like a small creature in distress)

The impact of his blade against the Bisharp's metal exterior didn't bother Mithril at all. While it is indeed true that living bodies are incredibly complex things, and that the smallest bit of damage in just the right place could prove life threatening...it wasn't the case with a Honedge's blade. The metal blades of his race's evolution line were completely devoid of nerves, so he had absolutely no sensation down there. Not only that, but the blade would grow back if damaged. The closest comparison to a Honedge's blade one could make, is to claws. So no, despite how much the feeling of his blade striking something else metal should have hurt, it caused him no pain.

While Mithril was a little disappointed at how quickly and anti-climatically the fight ended, he was more excited about their new super secret team move. Because as everyone knows; the best super secret team moves are made up on the fly in the heat of battle with no training or preparation. So yeah, over all this was a really good debut fight as far as Mithril was concerned "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! This is so exciting!!!" he squeed as he followed his new best friend forever and ever Gris "I'm so happy to be alive right now. They all said I was crazy for trying to follow my dreams. Well who's crazy now voices in my head?!" Manly tears of joy leaked from his single eyes as he kept up with his partner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mizu's Team

With the Gollet taking the lead, he was the first to spot them. He held his hand out for them to stop. "They are here. The - team." He pointed down to the four walking under the ledge that they were on. He dig his feet into the the rock hard earth, and used bulldoze, sending it crashing down onto the four enemies. Unlucky for the ghosts and dragon the Sawk used quick gaurd and protected his team. The Throh then used circle throw on the Sawk as a boost, and the Sawk used Karate Chop on the Gabite, smashing it into a rock, before coming back down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Mizu shook off the dust and growled. There goes his entire plan. He glared at the Sawk and cracked his neck."I'm quite insulted right now. Stop holding back and hit me for real!" He roared as his arms glowed a bright green. He jumped down onto the group and smashed the Sawk into the hard earth. He then picked it up and threw it at the group as he jumped back out of their range. Mizu began waving his arms around and sand began rising from the ground. He flung his arms forwards and a tornado of sand swept towards the Rescue Team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Your questions will be answered on the tour," Mildred replied with a light smile as she took the forms from Celina. The secretary briefly scanned a few pages and frowned a bit at the team name. Solar Eclipse? They named themselves after an astronomical phenomenon that blocks the source of light and life? She recalled hearing that the guild had some trouble with a certain 'Team Darkness' a few years ago... But she supposed it wasn't right to judge people by their team name any more than their species.

Mildred made a quick note to watch this team carefully. Then she scanned the lobby. All seemed relatively calm at the moment, and her colleague should return from his errand soon. The Smeargle quickly jotted a note that read On orientation tour, please direct all questions to Sophia. We apologize for the inconvenience. Then she placed the note on her desk, tilted it until it lay perfectly straight, and gestured for Team Solar Eclipse to follow her through a grand door at the end of the lobby.

The group journeyed to a few rooms of importance, including the cafeteria, mail room, and nurse's office. The Pokemon working there seemed more than happy to take a few minutes out of their day to explain the basics of living and working at the guild, and Mildred appreciated the time to sit back and recharge. While a particularly chatty Ambipom explained his job, she leafed through the rest of TSE's application, signing each with the lavender ink on her tail.

"Next stop is the job board," Mildred informed as the three Pokemon walked/flew up a spiral staircase. Unless the Smeargle wanted to endure the embarrassment of huffing and puffing like a Snorlax by the time she reached the top, it would take the group a few more minutes to reach their destination. Mildred realized with a twinge of nerves that now would be an appropriate time for small talk. Though she really wanted to say nothing beyond her pre-written script about the guild, she felt it her duty to at least attempt to give an impression of confidence and interest.

"So... uh..." Mildred began, followed by a pause. "How long have you two known each other?" There. A simple question with an answer that could range from two words to a novel. Good start, Mildred inwardly praised herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Mildred took us on a full tour of the place once we finished our paperwork, probably as a measure to make sure we don't get lost. I made a particular note in my head about where the nurse and her office was, given that I'd most likely end up there than anywhere else. I didn't really say much, simply nodding, and commenting "Oh," or "I see," whenever some place was brought up, and talked about at length as if Mildred was a textbook. The tour seemed to end on the top floor of the guild, where two separate boards, which seemed to have notes on them, and at least one of them was called the 'Job Board', given all of the notes, I had to assume that this is what we'd end up doing most of the time when we're not sent off on a special mission from the master of the guild, exploring a place that might have something to do with the stargate, or otherwise dealing with issues that aren't on either of these boards. Mildred then asks us how long we've known each other, and, never being good at lying, I trip over my words as I say "W...we've known, er, each other, for, um, a while. Why d...do you ask?" I didn't even believe myself, but I couldn't just tell her that we both came from the stargate, right? I mean, for all we knew, that could make us criminals in this world... after all, Celina seemed to want to keep quiet about it. I then try to change the subject with "So... what's with the other board, huh? Are those some sort of extra-special jobs for expert exploration teams?" I figured Mildred would forget about my lie as soon as I asked her a question I... might not have been expected to ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celina listened to the explications as they moved around, looking at the different rooms and everything. She looked particularity at the cafeteria... It made her think she didn't have breakfast or anything... but she still didn't feel hungry, which was rather... strange... maybe the change to being in this world actually caused her to have less hunger then usual. And seeing how small she was now.... she probably won't be eating that much food anyway or have the need for that much. She breath deeply before continuing to move, until they arrived at the job board and then Mildred asked her question. She looked at Trevor as she responded. At least he was fallowing the plan on that right now. It was best to stay quiet about it until they get to know and understand what the deal with the whole stargate situation. She then started to look at the job board, searching for any simple job, before looking back at the group and listening to what Trevor was saying.
"Ya... I am kinda wondering about that also." she then commented
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 2 days ago

Mildred frowned as Trevor gave his shaky, vague answer. Maybe she was right to be suspicious of this team. Right then, the Smeargle made up her mind not to let them out of her sight until a higher-ranking member of the guild could check them out. Well, unless they attacked or threatened her... or set foot outside the town border... but barring those limits, Mildred would not be stopped from performing her solemn duty! She quickly resumed her professional demeanor as Trevor asked about the sparser board on the left.

"You're halfway right," Mildred answered, staring grimly at the notes and sketches, some of which she drew herself. "This board is for bounties on wanted criminals. Most of them are stronger than the average Pokemon you'll meet in a dungeon, so we'll only allow teams to hunt crooks if we know th-they're capable. They're arranged fr-from petty thieves at the bottom to pot-t-tentially region-threatening criminals at the top."

Mildred gulped and tore her eyes away from the board that rattled her every time she walked by, as if those sketches would come to life and maul her. But the most frightening of all was a long list of crimes with no image or name near the top of the board. Suddenly remembering her company, the secretary cleared her throat and half-succeeded at plastering on a pleasant smile.

"But you don't have to worry about that board for a while," Mildred continued, quickly escorting the team toward the board on the right. This one nearly overflowed with notes of various size. "This is the job board for other tasks, such as retrieval, escort, and rescue missions. Like the bounty board, missions are arranged by estimated difficulty from bottom to top. Now, let's see if there's anything near the bottom that could fit your team..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 2 days ago

Mildred found one crisp, bright note that must have been placed there earlier today. In a barely legible scrawl, it read:

Mission type: Rescue
Client: Nate the Fennekin
Location: Quake Path
Reward: 5 Geo Pebbles, Protein, $1000
Difficulty: 1
Description: My best friend, Kate the Cyndaquil, and I went into Quake Path on a dare. There, a big Pokemon started chasing us, and we got separated! I made it out, but Kate might still be in there. Please hurry; that big Pokemon might do terrible things if it catches her!

After a little searching, Mildred also found a sightly faded note behind some of the newer ones. In much neater handwriting, it read:

Mission type: Retrieval
Client: Bill the Nidorino
Location: Quake Path
Reward: Heal Seed, Calcium, $1000
Difficulty: 1
Description: My son, Will the Rattata, lost his Pecha Scarf deep in Quake Path. Without that scarf, I can't hug or play with my son for fear of poisoning him with my Poison Point! Please bring his scarf back soon!

"These might be a little tough for a team of two beginners," Mildred commented, pointing out both notices to Celina and Trevor. "But I'm afraid they're the best we have at the moment. You can take one of these assignments if you think you're ready, or you can wait for something a little easier to come along." The Smeargle secretly hoped Team Solar Eclipse would choose to wait. That way, she would definitely have time to inform her superiors of her unsettling hunches about this team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Throh had gotten everyone out of the attack and jumped out in time. boy, was the move Circle Throw useful. After everyone was up on the same level as the opposing group, the fight really began. Sawk ran up to the Gollet with a night slash, sending him back into the other two ghosts. Iya ran up to the Gabite, and did a Force Palm to the side of his head, disorienting him, the a High Jump Kick to his chin, sending him sprawling backwards.

Throh then stepped up With Rockslide. Rocks from all over Quake Path, rose up high into the air, and came down on the group. While the battle was going on, Yere was already making his way to where the energy surges were, speeding through the cracked rock, and the obscured terrain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Mizu was getting knocked around by the Meditite and he was getting quite annoyed. He got up, glared at the Gabite, and roared. Mizu started off with a couple of slashes to the Meditite's chest, then followed up with a Dual Chop to his head, knocking him to the ground. He noticed the Lucario running away and looked to the others. "Someone needs to take care of that damn Lucario!" He yelled as he moved closer to the Meditite and prepared to Slash him into itty bitty pieces.
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