Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Name: Vladimira Kovalik

Age: 22

Apparent Age: Early 20s

Height: 1.65 meters (5’ 4”)

Weight: 77 kilograms (170 pounds)

Eye Color: A pulsing red, like molten steel, her eyes have whites but no visible pupils. They glow, and the pulsing is in sync with her own heartbeat, and speeds up or slows down to match it. The glow dims if she weakens.

Hair Color: Her hair looks as if it is made of ultra thin steel wires, though it behaves just like normal hair.

Physical Disabilities: A noticeable limp in her right leg- an old injury, broken leg that just didn't heal quite right.

Physical Identifiers:
Eyes and hair
A large burn covers her lower right abdomen and upper thigh.
Her arms are pockmarked with scars of varying sizes.

Appearance: Vladimira is no otherworldly beauty, but still looks more than simply half decent. At some point she'd changed her hairstyle, cutting it shorter and leaving it in a smaller ponytail that could be tucked under a hat or something else. Her face has something of a hardened edge to it, tempered by the heat of molten metal and welding arcs. Her eyes are striking with their pulsing red glow, as is her hair, gleaming in whatever light there is. Her features are Slavic, with relatively thin lips and surprisingly white teeth. She has full, high cheeks with smooth and almost unblemished skin.

Despite her modest height, she has a rather burly upper body for a woman, with defined muscles evident on her arms and shoulders. Her welding goggles, fused to a gas mask, never seem to leave her face, though the glow of her eyes can be seen if one gets close enough and she doesn’t have the filters at their fullest.

Were she to remove her armor and mask, there is little that's particularly triking about her appearance. Arms and upper body pockmarked with scars, burns, and ample muscle. A large bust (think ~38DD/38DDD Approximate bust size. Image contains boobs.) doesn't hurt her looks. Her hips defined more by the degree of muscle packed around them from carrying heavy loads than by any curve.


Residence: Stinger.

Profession: Formerly a metalworker/welder/mechanic/gunsmith, now some sort of high ranking official in Wintergold, currently in Stinger killing people and trying to establish infrastructure.

Aligned Faction: Wintergold.

Andronikov Kovalik- (Father, Alive, Accepting of his daughter’s powers)
Galina Kovalik- (Mother, Deceased)
Andrei Kovalik- (Brother, The bastard’s alive!


Comrade”: An old Mosin-Nagant 91/30, has twenty one notches on the stock, presumably from the Russian soldier who last had the rifle, has a folding bayonet and a carry strap.

Two TT-33 Tokarev pistols: More old Russian weapons, Vladimira carries them in two paddle holsters strapped to her thighs and is somewhat capable of using them simultaneously, though she generally will simply pull out Comrade if she actually needs to shoot somebody at any range.

Thunder (From the East)”: A PTRS-41, somehow survived the apocalypse, she has no idea how, but she’s never gonna give it up, never gonna let it down (never gonna run around and desert it…)


Vladimira has a pair of welding goggles fused with a gas mask fitted with particulate filters to keep out the dust of… Dust… after previous incidents, she decided to plate this new mask in steel. She wears a hooded grey cloak with baggy, overly long sleeves expertly sewn on the inside by someone else to shield the arms from sunlight, blocking out the sun from her body and effectively concealing what she has underneath it. Concealed under the cloak is a headlamp, more than capable of providing enough light to see by at night. She wears urban camoflauge cargo pants with an obscene number of pockets filled with various pieces of scrap metal and other random junk. Her shirt is gray and rather unremarkable. She has two plates of tool steel secured firmly on her front and back, able to stop shots from most firearms up to and including medium power rifle cartridges, but against something like a .30-06 AP the armor will almost never stop it. Four similar but smaller plates protect her elbows and knees, all plates have padding underneath them for comfort and to soften the impact of a bullet or anything else. She wears thick metal plated gloves of her own making, and has a pair of tank like combat boots that reach to about her knees, also plated with metal.


Dirty Rounds: The remnants of several spam cans full of old Soviet milsurp ammunition.
~250 rounds of steel cased 7.62x54R ammunition on five round stripper clips.
~200 rounds of 7.62x25mm Tokarev.
~20 rounds of 14.5x114mm ammunition, custom made for the PTRS.

High Grade Rounds: N/A
Heavy Ammunition: N/A

Backpack A:
An old military rucksack, khaki colored:
Items Within: A basic first aid kit; a spare shirt and pair of pants; extra water; some spare scrap metal for emergencies; food; spare batteries; small blowtorch; water purification tablets; a small wad of plastic bags for… something, she has no idea why she keeps them around; small tent for shelter from the sun folded up and tied to the bottom, a sleeping bag is tied to the top.
Miscellaneous: A rope tied at her belt; bandolier of pouches containing the ammunition loaded onto clips or magazines; a two liter canteen sits on a strap around her shoulder; a compass in a small pouch on her belt, in other pouches on the belt are more small pieces of scrap metal for various uses.

Immortalis Information

Manifested Phenomena: Ferrous Metals (anything with a significant amount of iron, so iron and steel).

Unique Abilities:
Artisan Engineer: Like clay, but shinier and a hell of a lot tougher. Vladimira molds the steel she controls almost as easily as a sculptor working clay into the desired shape. She can mold the steel she controls into almost any shape imaginable, mainly limited by her imagination and the material itself.

Intelligence: Vladimira is smart. She may not have a rigorous higher education in mechanical engineering, but she can reverse engineer the internal workings of a diesel engine with little to no prior knowledge and figure out how to repair it to at least working order.
RUSSIA STRONK: Spend as long as she has lugging about welding equipment and hammering things and one builds up some muscle. She has prodigious physical strength and can carry heavy loads without too much difficulty, as well as having a brutal punch.

Mighty Glacier: Vladimira is relatively slow and not exactly agile, and while able make a short few meters sprint in decent time, is not able to attain any real speed, even when unarmored.
Do you feel lucky, punk?: Despite her intellect (and common sense) telling her such things are ill advised, she’s likely to charge into a situation in the spur of the moment, and has no issue with extreme violence to get what she wants.
Ya’ gotta make do with what ya’ got: Vladimira can only manipulate metal in her environment, she cannot produce it herself.
Dark and Troubled (recent) Past: The nature of her mother’s death and its effect on her father has had a profound effect on her as well, in addition to nightmares about being covered in molten steel that she has no control over, certain things will overwhelm her with paranoia/fear/anger/or any mixture thereof.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Full Name: Lucania Cleodora Melia Castalia
Goes By: Lucania Castalia
Title: "Lei Eccellenza Lucania Cleodora Melia Castalia, Capo del Governo, Duce del Castalai e Fondatore dell'Oro-Inverno"

"Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Tax Officer (CTO), Chief Strategic Planning Officer (CSPO), Chief Risk Management Office (CRMO), Chief Revenue Officer (CRO), Chief Investment Officer (CIO), Chief Creative Officer (CCO), Chief Academic Officer (CAO) of Wintergold Conglomerate"

Other aliases: Capo of the Castalia Family, Duce of the Dust Gold Standard, Prime Minister Madam Castalia, Goldeneye, Gold Singer, The Weasel's Kid, Lucia, Lulu

Age: 28
Appeared Age: Mid-to-Late 30s (34-39)

Height: 4' 10'' (flat-footed), 5' 1/2'' (w/ heels)
Weight: 121lbs

Eye Color: Lucania's iris naturally changes color to correspond with her emotional state, displaying the full range of the color spectrum. Lucania currently wears a contact lens in her right eye to numb the color-shifting of her iris to more subdued shades of her her family's trademarked brown eyes.

The contact doesn't make her right eye completely static, however. Her iris still shifts color, and perceptive people will be be able to detect when the color of the iris of her right eye changes and glistens golden-brown whenever she experiences positive emotions, or becomes a darker brown as she experiences negative emotions.

Lucania's left eye has been replaced by a prosthetic made of gold and glass.

Hair Color: Naturally brunette, with ends becoming bleached lighter in sunlight.

Physical Disabilities:
  • Missing her left eye after a bullet wound.
  • Has trouble moving her left arm after an old bullet wound.

Physical Identifiers:
  • Her left eye is made of real gold plated in glass.
  • She has scars from bullet wounds on her left shoulder and on her right check next to her left eye.
  • Before Lucania got shot, Lucania's hair grew flowers on a daily basis. After recovering from her wound, flowers appear in her hair at a much lower rate.
  • Her body naturally exudes a very flowery scent, many would say she smells of sunflowers.

Appearance:Lucania Castalia, one of the forbidden gems of Dust, possesses a Hellenic, almost mythical beauty. The type of beauty men (and women) spread rumors of-- the type of beauty that can control those who don't look beyond it's surface-- the type of beauty that can start wars, end nations, and inspire a people; Lucania possesses this beauty, and she's completely aware of it.

On a flawless ovular face with high check bones rest large, doe-like eyes that draw admirers in. With a specially designed contact lens, the shades of her iris fluctuate between eye colors of brown and golden and possess an almost hypnotic quality. The left side of her face has a prosthetic eye, made of glass and gold, and a scar only barely covered by makeup. Her face is surrounded by brown locks of curling hair that possesses it's own voluptuous volume, the ends of which tend to become bleached blond in the sunlight. The flowers that grow from her long hair tend only to increase the otherworldly glamor her appearance carries. Her face is one without blemishes, completed with a roman nose and full heart-like lips.

Lucania carries herself with an almost regal air, her face, while kind, is also arrogant, she knows she's attractive and her smirk conveys this. Although not quite buxom, the woman is well-endowed and has the genetic luck of having the fat gained from a life in the cities accumulate in places such as her thighs and hips, further giving an hourglass figure. The dresses she wears tend to exaggerate the parts of her that already look good, such as her flawless olive skin and her overall figure, and tend to downplay those parts that are not, such as her weak arms and un-toned belly.


Residence: Longinus Mansion, Laguna, Wintergold Territory

Profession(s): Capo/Don of the Castalia Family Remnants, Financial Director, Prime Minister, & Co-founder of the Wintergold Conglomerate Territory, Political adviser and ambassador, Investor

Aligned Faction(S): The Castalia Family Remnants of Harlem, Laguna, Wolfwater, Russelgrad, Tas & Sel ; Wintergold of Wolfwater, Harlem, Laguna & Russelgrad
  • Moscow Echo of Wolfwater
  • Allied with several Independent Gaen Scientists
  • Allied with the Dustian Catholic Church of Laguna
  • Alliance with the United Triads of Aqueous
  • Co-owner of the 'Taste of Gold' club, Laguna
  • Co-owner of the 'Ice Box' club, Harlem
  • Rival criminal organizations in Dust

Enemy Faction(S):
  • The Hedonists
  • The Forsaken
  • Aqueous Yakuza
  • Motum Diversum


Other Relations:
  • Salem - Fiancé (deceased)




  • Snub-nosed Revolver: Although only for emergencies, Lucania makes a point of keeping a reliable weapon on her person at all times-- her gun of choice? The Colt Detective Special, a 5 chambered revolver designed for undercover law enforcement of the Old World, making her use of it somewhat ironic.
Armor: Lucania's dresses are anything but 'armor,' however, the works commissioned to her are created with both the aesthetic of the Old World and the practicality of Dust in mind. The rich cloth that is signature to her private line of dresses doesn't serve as much use against a knife or a bullet, but they do serve as adequate protection against the elements of the New World. Not only that, but by including numerous hidden pockets they maximize the amount a person can carry, while minimizing the risk of having things stolen. Dresses with longer, flowing sleeves typically have razor blades sewn into them, allowing for quick cutting attacks in a pinch.

    High Grade Rounds: 18; 5 bullets chambered, 2 speedloaders containing 5 bullets, 3 loose bullets
  • High-quality Bartering Ammo, The Diary of Rosemary, Family Documents, Lighter, Cigarettes, Old World Make-up, Rags, Speedloaders
Dress pockets:
  • High-quality Bartering Ammo, Revolver, Tinted Glasses, Razors, Loose Bullets

Lucania's Guards:

Castalia Family;

Leoluca's Boys

Cullen The Windcaller

Octavia Rowena Atalanta Gabriele

Carmela Shelby:
  • Armour: Suit
  • Weapon: Tommy Gun
  • Ammunition: --
    • Dirty Rounds: 30, access to more

Immortalis Information

Manifested Phenomena: Sound/Sonar

Unique Abilities:
  • Audio Manipulation: Lucania can detect and influence the manner in which her voice travels. Granting her a unique form of communication, as well as primitive echolocation. Sound still dissipates over time for her, she simply possesses a 6th sense for maximizing it's path. A whisper for her could only travel the length of an average sized room.
  • Banshee Scream: Lucania, very briefly, can summon a damaging, ear shattering scream from within her. Although the scream only lasts for a few seconds, the effects it may have on a person's hearing can be permanent. While typically the Scream only deafens its victims for a few minutes, those too close to high intensity screams may suffer permanent ear damage, or have their ear drums outright destroyed.
  • Vocal Imitation: Given time, Lucania can project her voice as an imitation of anything or anyone, be it the growl of an animal, the sound of an instrument, or the voice of another person.

  • A Mind Needs Books: Lucania is clever. Raised in 'the family business,' and given access to the knowledge of the Old World from a young age, the woman has accumulated a good balance of book and street smarts.
  • The Ecstasy of Gold: As heiress to the Castalia Family, Lucania has access to considerable wealth compared to the common man in Dust. Leading a lifestyle free from the worries of day to day survival has allowed her to focus her time on intellectual pursuits.
  • Castalia Family Mafioso: As a mafioso for the Castalia Family Lucania is no stranger to the brawls that come with operating a gang in Dust or the politics that come in dealing with Motum Diversum law enforcement and businesses. While her style of fighting typically relies on intimidating the enemy with numbers and surprise, one doesn't earn the nickname "bloody sleeves" without having taken her fair share of blood.

  • What Do You Mean They Can't Eat Cake: Lucania has been, for the most part, isolated from the truly harsh realities of the world. While she might not be completely ignorant to things that aren't the high society of Dust, her position of privilege has undoubtedly given her a much different view on society than the average person.
  • The Lady Is A Tramp: A sheltered life has deprived Lucania of the chance to build the stamina held by those used to walking for days on end in the deserts of Dust. Not only that, but her dresses impede her ability to run very fast.
  • Do You Even Lift: Lucania isn't the most physically active. Having spent all of her life in cities, with protection, she hasn't needed to build the muscle scavengers and those regularly subjected to the poorer sides of life in the cities need to live.
  • Castalia Family Honor: A disadvantage of following the ways of the mafia of the Old World. Lucania follows a strict code of honor when interacting with law enforcement and others whom The Family would consider their enemies, this is one of the things that sets the Castalia Family above other Dust gangs.
  • Vocal Fatigue: Lucania, while insulated from the damaging effects, can only summon the Scream once or twice per day, and typically experiences fatigue after its use, often losing her voice for several hours.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheMadAsshatter
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TheMadAsshatter Guess who's back

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Name: James Knight
Age: 26
Appeared Age: Mid twenties (23-27)
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 148 lbs.
Eye Color: Viridian.
Hair Color: Black.
Physical Identifiers:
  • Wolf tattoo on right bicep.
  • Several scars across the back.

Appearance: James is a fairly average-looking person who, aside from his eyes, doesn't really have any striking features, unless you catch him without a shirt. Though a bit on the skinny side, his well toned muscles counteract his scrawniness for the most part. He keeps his facial hair in check, saying that it's too itchy to let grow. James doesn't exactly have an imposing stature, though he carries himself with confidence and people tend to respect him just for that. Furthermore, he has an air of optimism about him, with a relatively content or even happy face on him most of the time. While his looks aren't necessarily impressive, his apparent attitude tends to make him somewhat more attractive than he is, though he would never admit to that.

His attire tends to consist of a dark grey hoodie worn under a dark green military style jacket, jeans, black lightweight boots, black half-finger gloves, and a green shemagh.


Residence: Non-permanent.
Profession: Freelancer/scavenger.
Aligned Faction: Neutral.
Relatives: No known relatives.


  • AKS-74: An older model Soviet AKS-74. It's very dirty and has some superficial damage, but it works about as well as it should.
  • CZ-75: A newer, compact model of the CZ-75. It looks far better than the AK, but the ejector has been damaged, resulting in the occasional double-feed or stovepipe. After the battle at Isolone, James made it a point to find the parts and make the necessary repairs to this pistol, and it is now fully functional.

Armor: James rarely wears armor, but when he does, he prefers light armor that doesn't restrict mobility. Generally, a light vest or plate worn under his usual jacket, a brace on his left forearm, and kneepads are the most he would wear.

Dirty Rounds:
  • 46x 5.45mm loose bullets
  • 35x 9mm loose bullets

Mid-Grade Hand-Loads:
  • 90x 5.45mm in 3 30-round AK magazines
  • 42x 9mm in 3 14-round CZ magazines
  • 8x 9mm in 1 50-round box

Military-Grade Ammunition:
  • 7x 7.62mm loose bullets
  • 13x 5.45mm loose bullets
  • 11x 9mm loose bullets
  • 4x 5.56mm loose bullets

  • 1x Avtomat Kalashnikova user guide
  • 3x cans of food
  • 2x bottles of water
  • 1x razor
  • 1x compass
  • 1x map
  • 1x flask filled with whiskey

Messenger Bag:
  • 2x bandages
  • 1x flashlight
  • 1x lighter
  • loose bullets (see above)

  • CZ-75

Thigh Pouch:
  • 3x AK magazine
  • 3x CZ magazine

Immortalis Information

Manifested Phenomena: Perception

Unique Abilities
  • Almost Extrasensory: James could hear a mouse fart from half a mile away. Okay, maybe not, but still, James has extensive sensory powers which are far better than any normal human would ever have. To the uninitiated, it can seem as though James actually has a sixth sense.
  • Pinpoint Accuracy: Just as his senses are more powerful, they are also finely tuned such that James can accurately pinpoint the source of any one stimulus, as well as isolate a specific stimulus from the ambiance.
  • Accelerated Sight: Though James can't activate this ability on demand, often times, when he finds himself in a tense situation, James' perception of time can slow down, giving him more time to think and act accordingly. This can make his reflexes seem extremely good, but that's not exactly the case.

  • Evasion: Having been a slave for the first fourteen years of his life, James eventually learned the importance of not being seen. It's also a lot easier to avoid detection when your powers of observation allow you to reliably tell where your pursuers are.
  • Telegraphing: A combination of him perceiving time more slowly in combat, and his own eye for detail, James can often predict how an attack will be made, which gives him time to either counter or avoid the attack. Conversely, he can tell when an enemy is distracted enough to execute an efficient attack.
  • Son of Kalashnikov: James is extensively familiar with how rifles of the AK family operate, and can diagnose and fix numerous problems that they may have, time and tools permitting. He is also familiar with Russian weaponry in general, though not to as great an extent as AKs specifically.

  • They're Coming to Take Me Away: Despite himself, James will sometimes suffer from fits of crippling paranoia as a result of his past. These only happen on occasion, and the fits usually end within a couple of hours, but he is a complete wreck for the meantime. He knows there's a trigger, but he has yet to find it.
  • I'd Rather Forget: Another result of his past, James tends to avoid the very subject, as does his mind suppress his memory of it. When he does recount it, he can become withdrawn, and his risk of experiencing a paranoia fit increases. Unfortunately, this also prevents him from getting proper help, thus perpetuating a vicious cycle.
  • Interference: Even though James can filter out unnecessary noise from his senses, he can still experience a sort of sensory overload from having too many stimuli to accurately focus on one. For example, James wouldn't be able to accurately pick one voice out from a reasonably large crowd. In addition, the effects of psychotropic drugs are often amplified with him, as are the side effects.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Say Anything
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Say Anything

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Name: Dùghall Begbie

Age: 43

Appeared Age: 50's

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 180 Pounds.

Eye Color: Green.

Hair Color: Dark black with flecks of grey.

Physical Disabilities: Weaker body due to years of intense physical labor and daily survival. Too much physical activity can put him out of the fight for half a day or more in extreme cases. His right leg was broken years ago and never healed back to it's original state, causing Dùghall extreme pain if he is to run for extended periods of time. Smoking for most of his life has greatly weakened his lungs, causing dust, smoke, and other substances to potentially send him into coughing fits and harm him.

Physical Identifiers:

  • Scar across his neck. Looks as if it were caused by a blade.
  • All ten of his fingers are tattooed above the knuckle.
  • Left ear is missing it's lobe.


  • Head: A short mess of curly salt and pepper hair is usually slicked back with natural oils. The lower right side of this mane almost appears to be shaved, revealing scar tissue resembling claw marks. Green eyes scrutinize their surroundings and seem to always be on the alert but the wrinkles underneath them give away a tired look. Grey facial hair is kept at stubble except for on the upper lip where it has been fashioned into a handle bar mustache which curls slightly upward at either end. A scar runs across the length of his neck and his left ear is missing it's lobe.
  • Torso: The man's torso is a testament to his physical aptitude required to survive, despite age. He doesn't have the body of a warrior or athlete but rather that of a gladiator. A large frame supports muscle, with a lack of fat causing skin to be pulled tight against this build. If it weren't for his frame, he would be lean and without the day to day training of a soldier, Dùghall is left without the appearance of a bodybuilder. A myriad of scars covers the man's chest, crisscrossing and intersecting each other. Most appear to be caused by bladework while the rest are a mix of claw and burn marks. His stomach has a crescent moon shaped mark, obviously made by a knife and several healed bullet wounds. The left side of his abdomen has a series of old burn marks. Several cartoonish faces of women are tattooed on his back and the left side of his chest has a some what faded tattoo of a heart.
  • Arms: Both of Dùghall's arms bulge with muscle, truly showing his strength. His arms are mostly free of tattoos except for two names on his upper right arm, 'Aileen' and 'Esme', and a star at the crease between his upper and lower left arm. There are a few marks left from grazing bullets and other miscellaneous accidents on both arms.
  • Legs: There isn't much to note about Dùghall's legs. They are the least muscled part of his body and there are almost no marks except for an 'x' shaped scar on his right knee and a tattoo of the words 'Bad Idea' just above his left ankle.
  • Hands: Both of his wrists are home to many scars left behind by blades. Dùghall's hands and fingers are covered in nicks from both his work and marks of combat. Each of his fingers is tattooed with charms above the knuckle from left to right starting with the left pinky in this order: A crescent moon, a skull, a noose, a cleaver, an E, a 13, a pistol, a tooth, a sun, and an A.


Residence: N/A.

Profession(s): Gunsmith, Mercenary, Bandit.

Aligned Faction: N/A.


  • Aileen Bigbe - Wife (Deceased)
  • Esme Bigbe - Daughter (Deceased)
  • Markus Bigbe - Brother (Whereabouts unknown)
  • Unknown Parents



  • .357 Revolver: Hardly anything special, Dùghall's revolver is an old pistol that was one of his first crafts as a gunsmith. It's always served him well, so he's never seen a reason to get rid of it.
  • Model 700 Bolt Action Rifle: A rifle looted from a caravan that Dùghall's crew raided. Works pretty well but jams easily.
  • Machete:
A worn out machete that Dùghall uses should close combat occurs. It's not very sharp anymore and has a lot of nicks in it but serves well as a bludgeoning tool, beating huge cuts into Dùghall's enemies.

Armor: Regular clothing with a piece that fits over the torso to protect vital organs. This piece was handcrafted by a neighboring business in Archlight and consists of wool padding on the inner layer for a comfortable wear, thick leather on the outer leather to prevent penetration, and wooden squares fitted on the outside to weaken impact. Dùghall also often wears a leather cap to protect from basic head trauma and elbow/knee pads.


  • Dirty Rounds: 59. (30 - rifle, 29 - revolver)
  • High Grade Rounds: 6. (revolver)
  • Heavy Ammunition:

  • Matches
  • Handmade gas mask
  • Container of bullets
  • Canned food
  • Bag of tobacco
  • Pipe
  • Flask
  • Bottle of liquor
  • Bottled water
  • Rags
  • Change of clothes
  • Medicinal herbs
  • Half empty bottle of painkillers
  • Bottle of antibiotics

Miscellaneous: Dùghall has a picture of his wife, child, and himself which was commissioned by a local artist for a small pay.


  • Craftsman: Dùghall is an exceptional craftsman and can create just about anything given the proper materials. The best thing about making your own guns is that you know they won't fail you!
  • Sure Shot: Marksmanship comes from practice and Dùghall has had plenty of time to do as much. His familiarity with guns has also helped in this aspect.
  • Tough: The man is generally tough, having been through a lot of pain both physically and mentally. He can shrug off a lot of damage before being incapacitated.


  • Alcoholic: Liquor will always be there for Dùghall even when nobody else is. It helps him go to sleep at night and makes him feel better about the generally terrible situations he puts himself in. It's strange when he isn't at least a little drunk and the withdrawals he faces from not drinking are problematic.
  • Quick Temper: He gets pretty pissed off when things don't go his way and isn't afraid to show it.
  • Never Again: Dùghall has never truly gotten over the loss of his family and tends to avoid getting close to people. He doesn't trust himself to be dependable to others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Name: Krieg

Age: 22

Appeared Age: Early-twenties

Height: 6’1’’

Weight: 180lbs

Eye Color: His iris is a solid red with no pupil visible, while the white sclera around it has turned jet black. The iris also glows when he’s angry or just afflicted with a strong emotion.

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Physical Disabilities: None.

Physical Identifiers:
  • A scar on his face, which runs right across the bridge of his nose.
  • Several bullet wounds across his body.

Appearance: Krieg’s eyes are his most noticeable feature, betraying his status as an Immortal at first glance. Therefore, he would often wear a pair of mirror sunglasses and use a scarf to cover the lower half of his face. When in public places or on treks across the desert, he also pulls the hood of his cloak up, further hiding his appearance. However, underneath the whole getup, Krieg isn’t too hard to look at, if you don’t count the demonic eyes. Wild, unkempt brown hair framed his face, often kept shoulder-length, strong jaw, nose slightly crooked from too many times broken, all those features give him that look that seems attractive to some, while thuggish to others.

While possessing an imposing height, Krieg doesn’t appear too intimidating. He is fit, years trudging through the scorching deserts of Dust and swinging the crude halberd around have given his muscles definition; however he still seems a bit gangly.


Residence: Nowhere permanent.

Profession: Courier/Guide/Bodyguard

Aligned Faction: Neutral

  • Alrik Degray - Father (Deceased)
  • Therese Adler – Mother (Deceased)
  • Dimitri Degray – Older Half-Brother (Deceased)
  • Sandra Degray – Older Sister (Alive, owner of the Red Rivet in Tas)
  • Jakob Degray – Older Half-Brother (Alive, currently in heading a group of slavers/raiders. Has permanent resident in Eton, but moves about regularly)


  • The Gun : A modified HK UMP9, heavily jury-rigged. Despite its worn and battered appearance, it is still fairly functional.
  • The Walking Stick : A halberd of sort, consisted of a steel pole and a blade crudely welded to it. Also has leather wrappings around the handle for better grip. When out of combat, he has a sheath for the blade, and he does use it as a walking stick sometimes, leaning on it when he’s tired or prodding objects for traps.
  • The Machete : A custom job, looks like the love child of a combat knife and a machete. Often strapped horizontally across his back, right below the backpack.

Armor: A stab vest, reinforced with a metal plate on the upper torso and chain mail sleeves. He also wears a leather gauntlet on his left arm, covered with thick metal plates on the forearms and metal stubs on the knuckles. Additionally, he has knee pads, but that’s it for leg armor.
He only wears armor while working, however, he still wears the stab vest while in town. Better safe than sorry.

  • Dirty Rounds: 5 magazines of 9x19mm (30)

Worn rucksack
  • Rations and water
  • A compass
  • A Swiss army knife
  • Whet stones
  • Map
  • A pair of binoculars, for looking at stuff
  • Flints
  • Several pairs of sun glasses

Miscellaneous: He actually doesn’t like to wear sunglasses, or glasses for that matter.

Immortalis Information

Manifested Phenomena: Fire/Heat

Unique Abilities:
  • Burn baby burn: Krieg can breathe out fire through his mouth, though he otherwise has no control over the element itself.
  • It’s getting hot in here: Krieg can increase his body’s temperature drastically, to the point of giving people third degree burns with just a touch. This also makes him very resistant to any harmful effects of fire, and only the most extreme of temperature can affect him. However he can still die from the lack of oxygen if inside a fire. He can also choose which part of his body to heat up, just for the sake of conserving energy.

  • Stabby : A trained combatant, Krieg has had his fair share of fights. However, his specialty lies mostly in close-quarter combat, either with that halberd of his or utilizing his power in hand-to-hand fights.
  • Potent as a pony : Years travelling across the desert combined with the training he received beforehand, Krieg has amazing stamina. He isn’t practically strong or fast, however he is quite hardy. He can maintain physical activities longer than most, and take longer before succumbing to exhaustion, thirst or hunger.

  • Get over here : A melee fighter most of the time, Krieg’s skill with a gun is sadly neglected. Sure, he knows how to fire, how to reload and how to aim, but that’s about it. He doesn’t know what to do with a jammed or broken gun, and he actually have only used submachine guns and pistols before. It doesn’t help that his abilities are most effective at mid to close range.
  • Only human : Krieg's abilities drain his energy, so it's not a very good idea to abuse them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arcanaut
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Arcanaut when you lose your 500 word post

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Name:Roland Chambers
Age: 34
Appeared Age:34-67 (dependent on how obscured face is)
Weight:200 lbs
Eye Color: When Roland mutated his irises turn an amber yellow color, while his pupils became more oblong, dilating to light in a manner similar to a cat or a snake.

Hair Color: Grey/ Salt-n-pepper
Physical Disabilities: While usually not a hindrance the place that Roland was stabbed during his crucifixion will be a source of pain strong enough to be distracting if he extensively uses his powers or takes blood thinners. It also tends to agitate him when there's going to be a storm.
Physical Identifiers:

  • Scar over left eye, scars from puncture wounds on the lower abdomen, wrists and ankles
  • Brand over right pectoral muscle of a broken circle; looks similar to the Quake logo.
  • grey hair
  • Longinus

Appearance:Once one looks closer at the scruffy grey haired man and realize he isn't geriatric they might think he's ruggedly handsome with his square jaw, trimmed beard and action hero like scar. If for whatever reason they saw him undressed they'd probably be shocked by the myriad scars across his torso and legs that were earned through years of torture and combat, including the brand that nearly cover his right pectoral muscle.

Roland's usual wear is camouflage fatigues similar to ones he wore while a scout for The Soulless. Usually keeping the sleeves rolled up for air circulation and unhindered mobility, Roland also possesses a webweave harness he uses to carry his essentials and weapons if he somehow lost his backpack. He also possesses a scarf he uses not just to block sand and to work as a light poncho, but to conceal his Longinus when he goes into town. Like many other people across Dust Roland wears fingerless gloves so that he may fire his gun without being slowed down.


Profession: Bounty Hunter/Mercenary
Aligned Faction: Neutral. While Roland doesn't bear a grudge against anyone, The Forsaken see him as a traitor while other factions see him as a member of The Forsaken. This usually leads to him being hated by just about everyone.
Relatives: None



  • The Calvary: A Colt Python .357 magnum caliber revolver, Roland rarely uses this but keeps it around with good reason. This behemoth is easy to load and enough stopping power to slow a weaker hollow long enough to change the course of a battle. It is kept strapped to his right thigh.
  • Plumbata: Three weighted darts about the length of Roland's forearm, they are strapped onto his vamprace, ready for him to launch at a moment's notice
  • Bowie Knife:Just a simple bowie knife usually used for non-combat purposes but still ready if need be.
  • Longinus: named after the Roman soldier who pierced the side of Christ with his spear, the Longinus is the trademark weapon of The Soulless. Originally artifacts from the old world their original purpose wasn't as weapons, but were in fact were used for construction of deep sea labs and deep mines, made up of highly dense graphene and nanotubes, that are telescopic in nature. However the Forsaken weren't interested in space-age ways of keeping mines from collapsing but kick-ass spears that were nigh-indestructible and could shift the placements of blades at a moments notice through the usage of three dials that are on the handle. Such an elegant weapon for a more civilized age is hard to come by and even harder to master, and because of this are reserved for the elite of the elite among The Forsaken and as such has become not only an exotic weapon but a badge of office...And a harbinger of death. In practical terms, the Longinus is a double ended spear that can extend to a maximum of fourteen feet that has blades not only on both ends, but blades that can emerge at each joint/lock of a segment allowing for an unpredictable and deadly weapon. For a rough idea of what one may look at, compare the combi-stick from the movie franchise, Predator.

Armor: Roland possesses the bare minimum of armor preferring to be fast enough to get behind cover before the enemy has their sights on him. The only armor that Roland wears is a vamprace on his left arm and a knee pad on his right leg.

  • Dirty Rounds: .357 rounds x24
  • High Grade Rounds:
  • Heavy Ammunition:Dynamite x1

Backpack :

  • One week of trail rations
  • rope
  • medkit
  • sleeping roll
  • duct tape
  • Grappling hook
  • Pot
  • Tarp
  • cigarettes
  • blood thinners
  • Bike clips
  • dynamite

Webweave Belt:Cantina, Lighter, Monocular, flashlight, Longinus (left front side), Bowie knife (back of the waist, horizontally)

Immortalis Information

Manifested Phenomena: Telekinesis
Unique Abilities:

  • Swift as a Coursing River/With All The Force of a Great Typhoon- Roland is able to use his telekinesis to drastically increase his strength and agility, being able to smash through a support column and leap onto a small building in a single bound, or run twice his normal sprinting speed.
  • Gremlin- By touching an object, Roland can interact with the smaller parts of it, be it causing a gun to jam, unlocking a door, or activating switches that he can't directly touch.
  • Telephone- Roland is able to 'tune' items indirectly so long as he is touching something that is touching it. With each subsequent item, different material, and distance what he can do weakens.


  • Mysterious as the Dark Side of the Moon- Roland's training as a scout for The Soulless allows him to sneak into just about anywhere, and track people and animals with ease.
  • Elegant Savage- Roland is a master of melee able to engage a roomful of armed people with nothing but a chair leg and walk out with hardly a sweat.


  • Muh Honor- While he isn't always challenging people these days, when Roland is directly challenged by another person he will refuse to back down no matter how bad the odds are. At other times Roland will refrain from using his powers to keep things 'fair' in the process recklessly himself, and potentially others, rather than just using his powers to end the battle quickly and decisively.
  • Infamous- People who recognize his Longinus will recognize him as a member of The Soulless of The Forsaken and treat him accordingly, while The Forsaken themselves will treat him as a traitor guilty of the highest treason.
  • Hands on Approach- While Roland's abilities are strong he struggles to move anything that he isn't touching be it directly or indirectly. The strongest/fastest use of his ranged-ability when not channeling through a conduit is the retrieval of small items that he has usually already launched such as his darts or his Longinus.
  • Sentimental Type- Despite it being perhaps the toughest thing to survive the apocalypse, Roland will go charging into a burning building if it means his Longinus is still inside and will usually put other things on hold while he searches for his beloved weapon.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 12 mos ago


Name: Julius Ragnar(son)
Age: 27
Appeared Age: Mid-thirties.
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 180 lbs

Eye Color: A grey commonly described as 'storm-grey' - his eyes appear a lighter, warmer grey when he is in a pleasant mood and darker when he is under stress, when his blood is up and when he intends to kill someone. This change is often the only sign that his current temperament has shifted.

Hair Color: Somewhere between blond and white, depending how much he's been in the sun recently. On longer travels his hair tends to turn whiter from exposure whereas prolonged stays in sheltered accommodation returns it to its naturally very pale blond.

Physical Disabilities:
-The little and middle fingers on his left hand are heavily scarred at the joints and he can no longer move them.
-A long, thin scar from just above his right eye halfway down his cheek.

Physical Identifiers:

  • The scar over his right eye.
  • A minor limp, he favours his right leg.


Julius' appearance is so plain, so mild that he could pass by near enough anyone and they would immediately forget that they had seen him. His hair is very pale but in such consistently bright sunlight it is hardly unusual for those born with the brighter shades to then see their hair turn a paler colour and so goes unremarked upon most of the time. Although his eyes are an unusual tint and have a seemingly unnatural glow it would take an observant person to then take notice of this, especially as the young man tends to wear spectacles a great deal of the time.

While pleasing to look upon, Julius lacks neither a chiselled jaw, strong cheekbones or any other feature of the face which might denote handsomeness to many. His jawbone is slightly rounded, although by the shape of his face rather than by excess fat, and his forehead is usually concealed by a loose lock of hair as he refuses to use any form of gel or other hair-fixing substance. His lips are neither thin nor especially full, although his mouth is a little smaller than one might expect of his size.

Indeed, even Julius' minor limp and the scarring around his eye can easily be dismissed; Dust is rarely a pleasant place to live and many travellers suffered injuries from traversing the unforgiving landscape and encounters with its even less charitable residents. His clothes similarly appear to be those of a traveller: his long sand-coloured coat is thin and light to protect his relatively pale skin from sun-burn and is slightly frayed at the edges from years of use, underneath he wears a white shirt with a small notebook tucked into the breast pocket while well-worn cargo pants of a similar colour to his coat cover his legs. These are in turn tucked into brown boots that might have been leather but are so coated in dirt and worn that it's difficult to tell.


Residence: N/A - Traveller. Tends to stay within Motum Diversum and Gaen territories.
Profession: Teacher/archivist
Aligned Faction: None. He merely resides largely in Motum Diversum and Gaen lands.
Relatives: Ragnar ???? - Father (deceased)



  • Quarterstaff: What appears to be merely a walking stick has steel encasing the hardened wood at both ends which gives it both additional weight and a much harder blow. With his athletic physique it would be easy for Julius to crack open an opponent's head with the weapon.
  • Glock 19 9mm: A hardy small firearm Julius was gifted by a grateful gunsmith two years ago. It is still well serviced, largely because he has very rarely had to use it.

Armor: None - he's a travelling teacher and scholar.

  • Dirty Rounds: Two spare clips for his Glock as well as the one already loaded in the weapon (45 rounds in total).


  • Pads of paper, largely poor quality.
  • Several pens of various types (roller-ball, gel etc, whatever he can get his hands on) as well as his own elaborate fountain pen although he has no ink for its use.
  • Flint and tinder.
  • Canteen.
  • Water purifying (iodine) tablets.
  • Two changes of clothes.
  • Food (when travelling - usually canned or a loaf of bread and some salted meat. Usually gifted to him by those whose children he educates).


Immortalis Information

Manifested Phenomena: Air/Wind
Unique Abilities:

  • Sharp ears: It's not that his hearing is enhanced, it's that Julius can detect the vibrations in the air caused by sound waves. The advantage is that he can hear something from far away coming or something out of the range of human hearing, the downside is that he can't necessarily work out what exactly is causing the noise unless it is a similar pattern to something else he has detected before.
  • Cuts like a knife: Compressing air into a blade-like form, Julius can launch these unnatural javelins which will cut through nigh upon anything at enemies. His range isn't particularly long as the air will dissipate once out of the area he can affect.
  • It's a bit windy out here: The obvious; Julius can launch a barrage of air at someone to, quite literally, blow them away.


  • Erudite scholar: Julius is academically very talented. He can understand and apply concepts and theories with alarming speed and even expand on existing ones. While not specifically skilled in any one area he has a wide basis of knowledge. He also has a talent for passing this knowledge onto others.
  • Silver tongue: When he is attempting to be diplomatic, Julius can assuage some of the most violent tempers with words and forge amicable agreement. His learning means he can negotiate for the wealthier families as well as resolve minor disputes in a public house.
  • Strength of arms: He's not a crack shot and lacks the savage skill trained fighters and experienced raiders possess but his discipline and quick-thinking mind make Julius an effective melee fighter.


  • Not a fan of claret: Although he does not mind the sight of blood, and certainly does not faint at the sight of it, Julius heavily dislikes life-threatening violence and will feel sick for days after inflicting serious injuries or seeing violent death. Considering the propensity many other Dust residents have for these acts can make Julius appear soft or cowardly.
  • Intellectual elitism: He loves to teach and help. But only to those who wish to learn. Julius' disdain for those who refuse to acknowledge the importance of an education or, ironically, those who reject ideas other to their own is hard to disguise and has landed him in more than one or two difficult situations.
  • Limp: Due to the injury he sustained as a teenager, Julius still limps slightly and cannot run with the alacrity of others despite his good physical condition. He also favours his right leg over-much in combat which can cause him to overbalance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Name: Roberta Lee S. Jackson
Age: 24
Appeared Age: Early 20s
Height: 2 meters (6’ 7”)
Weight: 98kg (217 pounds)
Eye Color: Heterochromatic eyes, one is a sickly acid green that seems to fizzle and pop like a pool of acid eating away at something, the other is a dead, chalky white, like a crystal of sodium hydroxide.
Hair Color: Crimson.
Physical Disabilities:
Physical Identifiers: Eyes, Cybernetics, massive chemical burn

The first thing that is readily apparent about Roberta is her height. She is tall, not just kind of tall, or above average height, she readily towers over anyone she meets, and ceilings are the bane of her existence. She’s lean, the result of a life spent reading and experimenting instead of getting exercise coupled with a fast metabolism. She a smooth jawline and full lips that seem to settle naturally into a faint smirk. Her hair is a brilliant maroon and cascades down her back in in waves. Her skin is fair and almost entirely unblemished, except right where it meets cybernetics, where it becomes oddly distorted and… simply looks wrong. Her cybernetics are extensive, replacing a full half of her face, her right arm and leg, much of her skeleton and reinforcing the remainder, and a considerable amount of the skin on her right side is patched together and interspersed with the odd bit of carbon fiber or metal visible.

(I can’t find anything that accurately represents how I imagined her face, so nothing there.)

Residence: Sentinel.
Profession: Weapon designer, builder, and… user. Also willing to do pretty much anything for money.
Aligned Faction: None thus far
“Bobby Joe”- Father, deceased
Mary Lee Jackson- Mother, deceased

[hider=Backstory:] Roberta never really knew her parents, and they never really had any effect on her life beyond bringing her into the world. Her mother died in childbirth, and her father drank himself to death shortly after. She was born into the town of Dresden and was luckily a perfect fit, gravitating straight towards the weapons that the town researched and developed. She was taken under the wing of one of Dresden’s top engineers by the name of Thomas, just Thomas, along with a few other promising children, to learn all about the various weapons the town was known for. On her fifth birthday she was given a small journal to write in, the idea of which she scoffed at for a few years, but eventually relented and began to write in the book, if only to keep Thomas off her back.

Entry #1
What even is the point of writing in a journal?

Entry #2
Am I really writing in this? Ugh. Fine. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine. Writing all those i’s made my wrist hurt. Writing is boring. Though today wasn’t. Today was a lot of fun actually. I got to make something burn, then explode, then we saw a demontration of a plasma rifle. It was so awesome to see the plasma melt the steel like it was nothing! They told us that whe we’re bigger we can build plasma rifles too and that we might even make better ones!

I mean, that’s pretty cool, I guess.

Entry #3 (The entry seems to have come significantly after the last one, maybe even years after.)
Finally got to take apart a laser rifle today, don’t know why they would let us mess around with one, but I’m not complaining. A lot of the parts were damaged, reaction chamber was dangerously so actually, good thing nobody shot it or who knows what could’ve happened, probably would’ve been cool to watch though. Focusing array was out of alignment too, if the diagrams are right. Why did they give us, or at least me -who knows what weird stuff they did with the others- something that’d be about as useful as a rifle as a stick with a tube tied to the top? Is it some kind of test?

Entry #4
Tests. So. Many. Tests. Oh they don’t tell us if they’re tests but why else would we be getting so many weapons to tinker with that have ju-ust one little capacitor not connected or a teeny tiny bit of exposed connection right next to the reaction chamber? Sometimes I see people get marched out after the senior engineers see something they don’t like. Most of us here now weren’t here when we started, it’s just me, Sam, and Becky.

Sam’s shy, I still don’t know anything about him, every time I say hi he just ducks his head and looks at whatever project he’s working on for the seniors. Maybe one day he’ll actually look up, that’d be nice.

Becky is his polar opposite. Sam’s all dark skinned and really thin, and has this kinda cute short hair, Becky isn’t plump (I hope she doesn’t read this) but she’s… she has a… a figure. Yeah. A figure. With like, curves and stuff.

Oh also she’s really bubbly and excitable and gets really passionate about whatever project she’s working on. She likes to invite me to eat with her and talk about projects and… stuff. I think she likes me.

Oh God, I just wrote that didn’t I?

Entry #5
So… she and I… did… stuff… why am I even writing this she said she’d be here in an hour I need to get ready. Hopefully I don’t make something explode unintentionally.

Entry #6
So I did make something explode unintentionally, but it looked awesome, and it wasn’t anything important, so all in all I’d say it went amazingly!

Entry #7
[i]She askd me out to dinner tonight, but it felt like she was just going through the motions, it was almost like she was reluctant to talk to me or something. There’s a big test coming up, I think I overheard them talking about sending another third home or something. I can’t tell if it’s a contest to be the last one left or if it’s some weird way of finding the best engineers. Everyone seems to think it’s the former. I keep getting these vicious looks from, well, everyone.

Except Sam and Becky though. They’re still nice. I don’t think Sam is physically capable of being mean, and Becky… well, she’s getting a bit distant, but she’s still my friend. I hope.

Anyway, yeah, she asked if I wanted to go for dinner and I declined, we’re all busy after all and she seemed really on edge. She looked confused. I feel kinda bad…

Entry #8
(This entry is clearly written in a distressed mindset, judging from the smudges on the paper, and probably with the weak hand judging by the quality of the writing) I i cant i dont know what hopend she just it hurts so much wy did she (the entry shows several words and sentences furiously scribbled out)

it hurts so much i cant breath right an i barely hav a rigt arm or leg and they wont show me my fac but it hurts so much

why did she do it

they wont tell me

she just



it hurts so much all of it hurts theyre telling me i shold talk to them but

(The entry shows several more smudged and crossed out lines)

they also wont tell me where she is i think theyre afraid of what id do to her

i jsut wanna know whv

why wont anyon tell me anythnin

sam does actually

sam is only one who actually talsk to me funny really he never did before

apparently she was drunk

apparently she was scared

apparently i woke up in hell becasue theres no way this


(Excerpt from the journal of Sam)
My god.

It's been a month, and I still can't believe what happened. Roberta's sleeping now, not willingly of course, they had to sedate her. Don't think anyone could sleep through that pain, or after what happened to her.

I don't know what happened, as I've written several times before, all I or anyone knows is that Rebecca must've gotten drunk and snapped under the pressure. Next thing we know Roberta's being rushed to a doctor with half of her face, and, well, body in general missing. They still don't know how she's alive. Right arm, right leg, the right half of her face, most of the flesh on the right side of her chest and hips, all just basically... gone.

She looks like a mummy with red hair under all those bandages right now.

I haven't been told much, but from what I know Rebecca must've had a bunch of lye laying around, because that's what she used. Apparently ran right in there, screamed a lot, threw some of the lye and when Roberta collapsed poured the rest of it on her. I think she kicked her too, not that there’s a lot left on her right side to look for a bruise on.

They haven't told her what she did to Rebecca before half her face melted off. They're hoping she'll stop asking.

I'm hoping she won't find out on her own.

I've spent every hour I could here. I mean I wanted to talk with her more beforehand but I could never figure out how to approach her. Now it seems I'm the only one who says anything to her beyond, "You need to eat." or something like that. It's like I'm her only human interaction now. The doctors may as well be robots.

Thomas still hasn't stopped by, I don't know if he will.

I overheard them talking about cybernetics, and asking her soon. It'd be nice if she got to walk again.

I wish there was something I could've done to stop all of this. I think that question's going to haunt me for the rest of my life- was there something I could've done?

(The entry shows a list of pros and cons for 'telling her what happened', the pros seem to have been fully listed, but the cons seem to have been abandoned right in the middle of a word.)

She's waking up.

Entry #9
(This entry is markedly different from the others. For one thing, it’s audio, another is that the person speaking seems almost tired, definitely not the same person who wrote the bubbly and happy messages previously. Additionally, her voice seems… off, as if there’s something not quite human about it now.)
“So. I’m alive, that’s something.” The recording goes almost silent for a few seconds, save for a faint whirring sound and electric whine “I’m not sure how to feel about all this. On the one hand, I won’t be a vegetable, and cybernetics are undeniably fascinating. On the other- it would’ve been nice to actually go to someone and ask for them instead of getting them as a, ‘please don’t die please don’t die’ thing. That tends to put a damper on something that’s otherwise pretty amazing, I mean, I can crush a rock to powder with ease now, but my hand -my hand- is gone. What do you even do?” A sigh, followed by a soft grunt and a small burst of static, the speaker has presumably just sat down. “Why am I even talking into this thing at this point? It’s not like anyone will ever hear this. It’ll just go into some chip in my head or something. S’where everything else I’ve ever written is now too. Amazing what technology the world had before it died. Simply amazing.”
Recording ends.

Entry #10
“Immortal. An interesting word. Old one too. The concept stretches back, it’s as old as civilization. Immortality, eternal life.”

Silence reigns for a full minute.

“Of course in today’s world, it has a much different meaning. Immortals are ‘those freaks’, the people who contracted The Sickness and survived, staying themselves and not becoming Hollow. Some people call them abominations, some say they’re forsaken by God, some might believe they’re here to kill us all.”

Silence reigns once more for several seconds before it’s broken by a brief, humorless laugh,

“Well, I don’t feel like killing anyone. It makes sense I suppose. I was on death’s door for a month, sniffles were the least of their concerns. But it figures though, those sniffles weren’t just sniffles.”

She goes silent again.

“I can control pH. Cruel irony really, the same thing that almost surely affected the phenomena is what I’m now also resistant to. If I’d had this earlier I’d still have my face. Honestly I sometimes wonder if the reason they went to the lengths they did to keep me alive and augment me, so to speak, was just to see if their tech actually worked on an extreme case- if they could turn it around. Otherwise I don’t doubt there wouldn’t have been much ‘help’ past the pinch of a needle and death.”

Once more the recording goes silent, except now there are rustling sounds in the background and the sound of metal clanking, “I’m leaving. They won’t let me stay here, I know that much, honestly I don’t want to stay here anyway. Sam’s gone, he went traveling to Russel, what’s it called now? Russelgrad? Maybe I’ll go to that island, Ash, nobody’ll know me there. Maybe I can get away from… from this.”

Recording ends. [/hider]


Deathstick Boom Thing: A railgun she created on her own, it has a power setting with five positions. Minimum power is roughly equal to a 7.62x39mm round in velocity and projectile weight and can milk about ten shots out of each battery, maximum power can accelerate a 125 grain projectile at nearly five times the speed of a 7.62x39mm, generating about 54,232 joules of kinetic energy. Needless to say, firing at maximum power -especially when the weapon isn’t braced against something other than her- is beyond painful and she can only do so thanks to her cybernetic right arm and reinforced skeleton. It also superheats the projectile and its flight path due to air friction.

10mm Pistol: A Steiner-Bisley Zenith 10mm (Deus Ex ftw), futuristic and potent.

Remington 870 A 12 gauge pump action shotgun, not much else to say about it.

Armor/Apparel: Roberta wears a khaki trench coat with black accents and highlighting, the base of which sits somewhat awkwardly high on her, due to her height. Under it, she wears a sleeveless shirt that hugs her body tightly, since she couldn’t find a bigger one. She has a black and white keffiyeh wrapped around her head and covering her face, leaving only a thin strip of her face where her eyes are visible, she keeps her hair pulled up inside the garment. She sports a pair of too-short cargo pants that nonetheless hang loosely on her. Combat boots and fingerless leather gloves cover her hands and feet. She wears a dilatant treated kevlar vest under the trench coat but over her shirt.
Dirty Rounds:
200 Full Power 10mm Rounds.
50 12 Gauge Shells, Slugs
45 12 Gauge Shells, Buckshot
High Grade Rounds:
30 rechargable batteries for the Deathstick.
50 125 grain projectiles for the Deathstick.
Heavy Ammunition:
Backpack A: A large backpack brought with her from Dresden.

Items Within: Water, lots of food, flashlight, batteries, first aid kit, bottle of sulfuric acid, spare shirt and pants, bedroll, tools and spare parts, lighter, blowtorch, rope, duct tape, journal, and wire.

Miscellaneous: Nothing here yet

Immortalis Information

Manifested Phenomena: pH

Unique Abilities:

Antacid/This is Too Basic: Roberta can change the pH of almost any liquid.

Manipulation: Roberta can control any liquid she has interacted with and changed the pH of, out to a range of 100 meters.


I Totally Asked For This: Roberta’s cybernetic parts are incredibly strong, and the sheer number of gadgets, addons, tools, and general stuff she has installed on them have turned her into a self contained, ridiculously strong, toolbox. She also has an eye that allows her to see in low light conditions, infrared, and ultraviolet.

To Arms in Dixie!: With an intimate knowledge of weaponry born of a lifetime building, destroying, improving them, and designing entirely new ones, Roberta can recognize almost any weapon simply on sight, can fix just about any of them, and also knows just the right area to punch the thing to make it stop working. She also has a seemingly endless supply of weapon schematics to sell to various well off groups or individuals.

Reinforced Skeleton: In order for her not to tear her arm off whenever she uses it, her skeleton has been reinforced to a point where it can withstand impacts and stress that would pulverize a regular skeleton.

Cruel Twist of Fate: Roberta, thanks to her Immortal abilities, is resistant to pH extremes and the effects of their substances. She could bathe in sulfuric acid and drink bleach like water and be none the worse for wear.

Shit, it’s Sherman: Roberta’s cybernetics take a lot of food, a lot. If she doesn’t meet her minimum food intake, really bad things will happen. Cybernetics-eating-her-own-body-for-energy kind of bad. This can be counteracted if she inserts the batteries used in her rail gun into a power feed slot on her sternum, but they don’t grow on trees.

Brains Over Brawn: Roberta may have a superhumanly strong cybnetic arm, leg, and an eye with nightvision, and an incredible intelligence, but the rest of her body…? Exercise? What’s that? A lifetime hunched over schematics and wires hasn’t done much for her physique, in bursts she can do incredible damage with her cybernetics, but sustained intense activity will tire her non-cybernetic parts out. The non-cybernetic parts aren’t particularly strong either since she never bothered to build any muscle on them, so if for some reason she can’t use her two cybernetic limbs, she’s almost helpless, even more so than she would be if she simply had two normal limbs out of action due to a habit relying on them.

A Southern Lady Doesn’t Retreat, She Just Reloads: When faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, Roberta Will. Not. Retreat. She can never back down from a challenge, even if that challenge is impossible.

But I Didn’t Ask for This: Roberta may like her cybernetics, but the conditions that necessitated them she doesn’t. To say she has trust issues would be more than a mild understatement, and underneath the somewhat cheerful exterior is a seething mass of pain and hurt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lightning Fast
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Lightning Fast Aspiring Lawyerguy

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Name: Cyrus Maryson
Age: 25
Appeared Age: Varies, usually around the same as his actual age.
Height: Varies (usually about 5’10)
Weight: Varies (usually around 70 kg/155 lb)
Eye Color: White irises with normal black pupils; usually covered by contact lenses.
Hair Color: Varies, usually a dark brown
Physical Disabilities: Varies
Physical Identifiers: Uhhhhh... Uhm...
  • White (invisible) irises with little black pupils seemingly "floating" in them. Cannot be changed.
  • Usually wears blue costume contacts

In his natural form, Cyrus’ skin takes on an unsettlingly pale tone, and his body is far too skinny for someone of his height and build. As evidence of his immortality, his irises are completely white. In his 'default' form, he lacks some human features entirely, such as defined lips. Everything looks as though it's part of a "blank slate" of sorts. Fortunately, only his eyes are unchangeable, and he conceals those with costume contact lenses.

When in private, he generally maintains appearance before he gained his powers: that of a 5’10 male with brown hair, albeit with a few... “adjustments” to make himself seem more attractive. When performing alongside Archie, he mimics his brother’s appearance entirely so that they can pass as twins and fulfill one of their prized gimmicks.

In public, those who don’t know Cyrus very well will find it unusual to see him wear the same face twice. He changes his appearance as often as someone else might change their clothes... however sparse spare clothes may be in Dust.

As of late, Cyrus has been spending less and less time in what he considers his most “natural” form, switching between identities more and more often. That said, he has also gotten much better at it.


Residence: Hedon territory
Profession: Many cover occupations, including potato farm proprietor
Aligned Faction: Independent
Relatives: Cyrus has two half-siblings, both by different fathers. His older half-sister Essie is rumoured to be a concubine to the king himself, whereas his younger half-brother Archibald (usually called “Archie” or “the Bladed Devil”) He has not seen his sister since they were kidnapped, and his mother, Mary the Magnificent, has been dead for many years.

Though not Cyrus’ family persay, Archie’s biological father Rico is the closest thing to a paternal figure that any of the three children have ever had. He is old enough to be Archie’s grandfather and lives in Russell City. Unlike the other two children’s fathers, however, Rico was a repeat customer, and even spent some of his off-time traveling around with his Mary.


  • M9 Beretta Pistol: For shooting people. Only used in emergencies and usually tucked away somewhere highly inconspicuous.
  • Butterfly Knife: For stabbing things.
    Armour: Cyrus generally foregoes armour completely in favour of his natural regenerative abilities and to remain agile. As of late, he has taken to wearing whatever helps him blend in best, but very much enjoys suits.

  • Dirty Rounds: A large amount.
  • High Grade Rounds: A decent amount. Most of them are for his M9, as he rarely uses any other sort of gun.
  • Heavy Ammunition: Three hand grenades, twelve rocket-propelled grenades (no rocket launcher to use them with), and a tank of propane.

Backpack A:
  • Water Bottle
  • Pen and notepad

  • Scripts and Sheet Music: Considering his background in the performing arts, it’s no surprise that Cyrus has smuggled away as many works of literature and songs as he could. He keeps most of these papers hidden inside his straw mattress. One of his favourites is MacBeth.
  • The Maryson Brothers’ Trailer: Mary the Magnificent’s trailer was sold to Luther alongside her sons, as well as all of her various outfits and costumes. Though many have been lost or sold, some clothes still remain intact. The trailer also contains a large, stage-like mat, several boxes of assorted props and makeup, and enough space for two people to comfortably sleep. It was repainted so that it bares the words “Maryson Brothers Co.” in large, gaudy letters like one might see at an old-world circus... and then repainted again with the words “Montgomery Potato Farms”.
  • Old Pickup Truck: Cyrus finally got around to washing his car! It is now a more pristine shade of red, though spots of rust are still here and there. It serves its purpose, used to transport his goods from one place to another.

Immortalis Information

Manifested Phenomena: Himself
Unique Abilities:
  • ”It’s Just a Flesh Wound!”: Cyrus can regenerate wounds of varying severity and even reattach lost limbs. However, more serious wounds can still be exhausting for him to heal, and generally take longer.
  • A Man of Many Faces: Cyrus can alter his appearance and voice within what is biologically possible. Facial and skin pigment changes are by far the easiest for him, though he can make himself taller, bulkier, older, younger, or even change into a woman, albeit with significant physical effort. As he gets better with his powers, he's even begun experimenting, pushing the bounds of human physiology...

  • That Which Doesn’t Kill Me Makes Me Stronger: As a result of enduring years of physical and mental abuse, Cyrus has an astonishingly high threshold for pain. He doesn’t feel - or at least pretends not to feel - injuries that would make even some greater men groan in agony.
  • Triple Threat: After years of performing in both gladiatorial arenas and theatres, as well as his mother’s training, Cyrus can dance, sing, but most of all, he can act. This helps to make his transformations far more convincing, and even gives his fighting style a bit of humorous performance flair.
  • A Savvy Rogue: Cunning and quick-witted, there is no situation that Cyrus can’t talk his way out of, and few people he can’t win over with honeyed words alone. His experience running what’s left of his mother’s business has only served to improve these abilities. This set of skills has helped him acquire a decent amount of monetary wealth.
  • A Circus Monkey: Cyrus has impressive agility and jumping skill, which have only improved since acquiring Immortal powers.

  • Cocky to A Fault: Cyrus has a tendency to overestimate the extent of his own abilities, has trouble keeping snide comments to himself, and occasionally forgets that others aren’t quite as hardy as he is. This callousness gets him into trouble, and though he himself is resistant to most forms of punishment, he occasionally lacks the foresight to see how his actions could harm others, directly or otherwise.
  • Why bother? I’ve got superpowers!: Quite simply put, Cyrus is a little bit lazy, and tends to over-rely on his powers to compensate for his unrefined skills in other areas, even in melee fights. Because the effectiveness and ease of use of his own regenerative and shapeshifting capabilities are based partly on his physical endurance, this hinders him more than he realizes. After excessive use of these abilities overtime, he will simply become too exhausted to fight if he takes enough bodily damage.
  • A Lover, Not a Fighter: There’s a reason Cyrus prefers to talk his way out of fights: outside of the melee-only world of the arena, Cyrus has very little combat experience, and is more likely to rely on his powers to get him through safely than any real skill. Though he has trained a bit with a sidearm pistol in the past year, his marksmanship is no greater than average, and he can’t effectively use any other type of gun.
  • Some Wounds Don’t Heal: The psychological turmoil that Cyrus has been through still haunts him, but he hides his emotions from everyone around him, instead choosing to cope by treating his own existence as a joke of sorts. This usually manifests in the form of self-deprecating humour that can sometimes come across as unreasonably cruel, macabre or awkward.
  • Don’t Let Me Burn: Though Cyrus learned to love the knife and use it to his advantage, Cyrus never stopped fearing Luther’s second favourite torture method: fire. Though he’s unlikely to turn and run if he sees a flame, he’ll try noticeably to stay as far away as possible from anything larger than a candle. Furthermore, severe burn wounds (especially wounds that have been cauterized) take Cyrus longer to heal: whether this is due to a physical limitation of his powers or a psychological limitation is still up for debate.

In the Past Year...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blubaron45
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Blubaron45 The Musical Mathmagician

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Name: Dustin Supertramp
Age: Does not know, but he thinks he's between 24 to 25.
Appeared Age: Early 30's, mainly because of the grime/complexion on his face.
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 166lb (75.2963 kg)
Eye Color: Indigo, they were once blue before the sickness.
Hair Color: Dusty brown
Physical Disabilities:

  • His left hand is slightly deformed from the minor leprosy he contracted while out on a mission where he accidentally burned his hand which inevitably led to an infection. The hand is also missing the distal phalanx of his (or the tip of his) pinky finger (which was chopped off because of the infection) and often hurts on occasion although not excruciatingly enough to make him yelp in pain.
  • At one time in his career, Dustin was shot in the back, just barely missing his kidney. He was healed but not properly which led to slight discomfort if he puts too much pressure on the wound and prefers to sleep on his stomach because of it.

Physical Identifiers:

  • A light scar trails his face from his lower forehead to his lower check, nearing his lower jaw.
  • Without his gloves, his hands are exposed, showing the subtle forms of leprosy as White Lepers seem to leave entrails of his left hand. They spot him with dark brown pigments across his forearm and hand which also leave his varicose veins almost as black as night that pop from his damaged skin.
  • Thick dreadlocks that tame his dusty brown hair make him quite distinguishable from most people although he's probably not the only person who has this hairstyle.

Dustin is tall and somewhat husky, being packed with large muscles that lay underneath his dirty clothing. His head is topped with messy, curly brown hair which is tightly rounded up into thick dreadlocks that holds his hair together in a way that does not conflict with his occupations as a hired gun. These dreadlocks extend from his head all the way down to his upper back and are held together by silk threads which woven by his adopted mother. It was a look which complimented him since being a small toddler, they symbolized everything he ever was throughout his short childhood and rarely cuts his hair unless it becomes "too thick" or "too long."

The hitman is comprised with broad facial features along with a large hooked nose that hangs from between his light indigo eyes. Dustin has shallow high cheekbones and a mouth which frowns most of the time along with a jaw which sticks out subtly. Overall, Dustin is considered a somewhat handsome man who would almost undoubtedly look far better if he had ever been accustomed to bathing. He also has very long limbs that extend pretty far. However, his left hand still remains deformed from the White Lepers that plague his hand from minor leprosy.

He is also fashioned with two jackets, two shirts and a pair of dusty brown pants. One of his jackets, an old army combat uniform he wears on top of his other clothing, or a brown leather jacket that he wears on occasion (usually in order to blend in with the sand). He owns a black shirt and one old cotton shirt that once belonged to the army combat uniform he scavenged, or what was left of it anyway. For his footwear, Dustin wears a pair of thick boots that are made of a heat resistant material to prevent his feet from getting blisters (these were also stolen from an old army uniform).


Residence: Dustin owns a very small shack made of scavenged metals which is safely hidden somewhere near Isolone but rarely stays the night there. He is a mainly a traveler.
Profession: Hired gun, a mercenary who takes the job of whoever hires him for his "slightly above average" services apart from being a full time scavenger and freelance.
Aligned Faction: Neutral, tries not to be noticed.
Relatives: None (at least not any he knows that are blood-related to him), orphaned at age 4, the only family Dustin ever knew were the scavengers who raised him until he was 17 before living on his own.

  • Edd Campbell "Supertramp" - Adopted father - Status: Alive
  • Martha Campbell "Supertramp" - Adopted mother - Status: Alive
  • Dave Campbell "Supertramp" - Step brother - Status: Alive
  • Tommy Anderson "Supertramp" - Childhood friend - Status: Alive
  • Alexis Jimenez "Supertramp" - Childhood friend - Status: Alive
  • Joe Li "Supertramp" - Childhood friend - Status: Alive
  • Damon Henderson "Supertramp" - Childhood friend - Status: Alive



  • .32 Hunting rifle: A rifle which he uses at times for long range, it is is modded which a longer barrel in order to reach further distances and a scope in order to strike Dustin's targets with immense precision. The large rifle, however, is something that Dustin uses as last resort or as a weapon to kill his enemies long distance.
  • Two 9mm handguns, one silver, one black: Two pistols he uses frequently with both hands although he's far better with his right than he is with his left and often has his silver one in his right hand and the black in the other.
  • One small .22 handgun: An emergency weapon which is safely hidden in Dustin's right leg, underneath his sock.
  • Rusty Katana: A blade of the old world which he rarely uses other than wears it to look cool. He's killed two men before with the ancient sword but doesn't find a practicality in using it. The sword was given to him by his adopted parents when he when travelling alone into the world by himself at age 15.
  • 2 Hidden Knifes: Dustin has several different knifes somewhere tight in his clothing that are hidden which he uses for emergency purposes like short-distance fighting.
  • 5 Throwing Knifes: When going out on a mission which requires both precision and silence, Dustin uses small knives he uses to throw at his enemies with lethal intention.
  • Swiss Army Knife: Not really a weapon he uses, more for practical reasons, if he ever uses it at all.

Armor: On top of Dustin's v-neck undershirt, there lies a white, .2 inch Level II bullet-resistant vest that mainly covers his stomach and chest from bullets. He has found it to be quite useful in most situations but have felt him with swollen bruises and broken bones because of it (but it's better than being shot).

  • Dirty Rounds: Thirten .32 rounds, forty 9mm rounds, eleven .22 rounds.
  • High Grade Rounds: Ten .32 rounds, nineteen 9mm rounds, seven .22 rounds.

Old, Green Everest Hiking Backpack:

  • Clothes he doesn't wear
  • 3 Cans of beans
  • Rolled up Sleeping Bag tied to the bottom of his backpack
  • A box of matches
  • Swiss Army Knife
  • Extra gloves
  • Canteen and five bottles of water
  • Binoculars
  • Lockpick set
  • Rope (20 feet)
  • Dusty map

Some facts:

  • Dustin is secretly an obsessive-compulsive and only walks in a number of steps which are divisible by three. This idiosyncrasy has been embedding into his life since the age of 6 when he started to develop a small passion for numbers and maths from the books he read
  • Dustin is an excessively quick learner and it does not take him very long to master something. He can read very well, play the guitar (almost virtuosically when he played it at the age of 7), and has a hobby of calculating numbers in his head.
  • The hitman also wears a pair of sunglasses to protect himself from his light sensitivity issues.

Immortalis Information

Manifested Phenomena: Precision
Unique Abilities:

  • Lethal Precision: With a handgun, Dustin finds himself unable to tremble when he holds a pistol in his right hand apart from having an amazing precision when firing it. He can also enter a phase which he describes as "time slowing down" where he can make every shot count in the small time frame given to him and has a remarkably fine eyesight because of it apart from having slight light sensitivity issues on occasion. Although he has the ability to fire accurately and slow time down, it doesn't make his movement speed any faster.
  • Keen Analyzer: Apart from his "remarkably fine eyesight," Dustin is gifted with an ability to read people very well and has little to no trouble figuring out their pasts based on either attire, variations in facial expressions in certain situations, the way they talk etc. He is not entirely sure if it is something he was born with, or developed over time but these abilities were most definitely enhanced after contrasting the Immortalis sometime later in life.


  • Dustin can run pretty far without getting winded too easily and endure hard weather change. He does not know where this comes from, but it is believed that it was developed in his days spent running in his childhood.
  • Because of his temper and his experience in survival situations, Dustin has developed a sharp-tongue which he uses to defend himself from those to offend him. If his words fail to protect him, his skills with a handgun apply from there on.


  • If only Dustin had both hands which properly functioned, he would most likely become one of the best gunslingers in the entire land but it seemed like fate had others things in mind instead of having him becoming a world-class gunslinger, had it not been for his left hand being plagued with a minor form of leprosy.
  • Dustin has often a hard time letting go of things, the type of anger he would be displayed would be an internal one as he often holds grudges against people and will seek out to make amends for any harm which has been done to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lightning Fast
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Lightning Fast Aspiring Lawyerguy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Disclaimer: Archie does not own a dragon. Please read the physical description; this was just the best image I've found so far.

Archibald Maryson, “the Bladed Devil”
Age: 23
Appeared Age: Late 20s, early 20s if shaven
Height: 178 cm (5’10)
Weight: 77 kg (170 lbs)
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Physical Disabilities: None.
Physical Identifiers:
  • Neatly trimmed hair
  • Brown goatee and mustache
  • Highly muscular and ruggedly good-looking
  • Several large scars on back from a whip
  • Vaguely Hispanic features
  • Lightly tanned skin

Archie was always the better looking of the Maryson Brothers prior to Cyrus’ acquisition of shapeshifting powers. A chiseled, square jaw and cheekbones outline his tanned face, which features an incredibly well-kept mustache and goatee, and two refreshingly normal-looking blue eyes. Over the last ten years he has honed his body to perfection through vigorous exercise and a strict training regimen in order to keep up with the fighting slaves, immortals, outlaws, mutants and monsters that inhabit Dust and Ash. As a result, Archie's lean frame is rippling with muscles, with not an ounce of fat visible on him. His every movement is calculated, cautious and graceful, harkening back to his background as a dancer and experienced swordsman. Though strong, he is lean compact, and so does not look particularly intimidating.

He occasionally wears a black motorcycle helmet, as well as a black kevlar vest over a white, long-sleeve shirt, brown pants, and a pair of black hiking boots.

Those lucky enough to get Archie's shirt off will no doubt notice the series of whip scars on his back.


Residence: Roaming around Ash, usually resting at small settlements in the area
Profession: Bounty Hunter
Aligned Faction: Independent
Relatives: Cyrus Maryson is Archie’s half-brother. Though they had somewhat of a falling out, which prompted Archie to leave for the island of Ash, they are currently on decent terms, and Archie has returned to see his brother twice since he initially left.

Esmerelda (Essie) “the Elastic” Maryson was also taken as a Forsaken slave, but sold directly to the self-proclaimed “king” of the Forsaken. The brothers have not seen her since.

Mary the Magnificent, mother of the three half-siblings, is unfortunately deceased.

Rico is the name of Archie’s father, though he is old enough to be Archie’s grandfather. He currently resides in Russell City (now part of the Wintergold Conglomerate). Rico was a great deal more responsible than most people who father bastard children, and had an active role in raising Archie, even as Mary travelled around, living a nomadic lifestyle. He is the one who taught Archie Spanish, as well as helping him to hone some more advanced sword techniques.


  • Pen: Pen is Archie’s favourite and most-used sword, named after the old adage “the pen is mightier than the sword”. Like most of the rest of his arsenal, he found it sticking out of a pile of rubble in an old renaissance history museum.
  • Spider Bite: Most of those who see Spider’s Bite don’t live to tell the tale, as Archie prefers to keep it a secret. In situations where he feels he may be outmatched or has given up trying to take his target alive, Archie pulls out this three-pronged secondary weapon to surprise his opponent and go for a swift kill. It can also be used to catch and break swords.
  • The Bastard’s Bastard: This large bastard sword is atypical from what he usually uses, but packs quite the punch. Given Archie’s physical strength, he has no trouble wielding it with one hand, but he definitely prefers using it with two. When using this blade, his fighting style becomes more brutal and fierce, relying on overpowering his opponent rather than using precision strikes. This approach is usually reserved for easily scared foes that will lose composure at the first sign of being overwhelmed, or inexperienced opponents for whom finesse is not as necessary.
  • Silenced 9mm Handgun: Though certainly not the most powerful gun (it certainly couldn’t pierce through a bulletproof vest or a Hollow’s armour), there are two particular aspects of this particular gun which makes it invaluable and irreplaceable for Archie. Firstly, it is quiet, allowing him to stay discreet in most situations. Secondly, it has very little recoil, so it can be utilized with one hand or while on the move, albeit with reduced accuracy.
  • Sawed-off Double-Barrel Shotgun: For getting those gawsh dern whippersnappers off your lawn.

Armor: A bulletproof vest and sometimes a motorcycle helmet. Not much else.
  • Dirty Rounds: 22 shotgun shells, four magazines of 9mm ammo
  • High Grade Rounds: Two magazines of subsonic 9mm rounds
  • Heavy Ammunition: None

Backpack A:
  • Rope
  • Two sets of handcuffs
  • Three days worth of canned food and clean water
  • Can opener
  • Small whetstone and polish
  • Comb and shaving kit
  • Small mirror

  • Motorcycle: The most difficult part was finding proper sand-tires for it, but they’ve made all the difference.

Immortalis Information

Unique Abilities:
  • The Dance of the Bladed Devil: Though by no means an immortal power, one might mistake the grace and power with which Archie uses a sword for something supernatural. Swordsmanship may be somewhat of a lost art, but Archie is a damned good artist.

  • Archie the Amazing: Archie has trained as an acrobat, a dancer, and a swordsman for eleven years. Not only is he in peak physical condition, but Archie can perform acrobatic and agile maneuvers both in and out of combat that push the limits of normal human physiology.
  • Champion of the Arena: Someone who does nothing but fight for most of his life will unsurprisingly be quite good at fighting. Archie’s arena training has given him ample experience with all types of foes. He is not only trained to fight individuals, but large groups of (usually less experienced) people as well. Since swords were not necessarily always available to him, Archie has also been trained intensively in hand-to-hand combat, and intersperses his swashbuckling with well-placed kicks to trip up and disorient his opponents. With or without a sword, Archie is more than a match for most foes in close combat.
  • Be Polite, Be Efficient...: For someone so cock-sure of their abilities, Archie is surprisingly modest and pleasant. Barring a few boasts and well-placed quips, of course. Archie has a level of calmness and cool-headedness about him, and displays a cautious kindness towards anyone who doesn’t immediately strike him as a bad egg.
  • ... Have a Plan to Kill Everyone You Meet: Through years of intense study, Archie has learned how to quickly pick up on his enemies’ fighting styles and gain an advantage over them. Archie claims that he can tell how someone fights simply by watching how they walk.

  • Live to Win: Archie may be very good at what he does, but his constant practice and almost fanatical devotion to his craft are partially from fear that someone else might be better, and partially from a mindset that was drilled into his head during his years fighting in the arena: “If you lose, you will die.” A certain stoic pride also makes it difficult for him to stand down from a direct challenge, even if he knows he has nothing to prove.
  • I Wish I Could Do That...: It pains Archie to know that no matter how much he trains, he will never match the mythical abilities of the immortals, and would likely perish very quickly if he had to fight one of them alone. In the same vein, he often worries that because he lacks any special abilities, he will be seen as useless, particularly if a better swordsman comes along.
  • Man, I’m Pretty: Archie takes perhaps just a little too much pride in his appearance, almost to the point of vanity. Though he has no qualms with getting dirty, he rivals the Ancient Greeks in his obsession with physical perfection, and enjoys showing off.
  • LITERALLY JUST GUY WITH A FANCY METAL STICK: I mean seriously, what do you expect him to do against a Hollow? Seduce it? Sure, he's hard to kill if he manages to get you locked in single combat, but Archie is very much mortal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 13 days ago

Name: Alexandria Svet-Yulia
Aliases: Konung ("King") of the Seditio, The White-eyed Demon, The Red Bitch (derogatory).
Age: 21
Appeared Age: Early Twenties
Height: 5'2
Weight: 115lbs est.
Eye Color: Completely White
Hair Color: Platinum White
Physical Identifiers:
  • Two parallel scars encircling her neck, about 2 1/2 inches in width.
  • Multiple scars crisscrossing her back, varying between 1-2 inches in width.

Appearance: Alexandria isn't the kind of girl one would usually look twice at; unless concerned about her overall general size. A petite oval face, framed by long and haphazardly placed platinum white hair giving her kind of an eccentric look about her as she always hides her eyes behind goggles. Goggles that are usually reflective, or host to a one-way lens, which sit atop a proportionate bulb nose. Small, pert lips which are often set in a pressed line of determination, or puckered, and slightly askew in concentration.

Alexandria, herself, doesn't figure she's very attractive; despite having an average bust; the rest of her completes the picture of her miniatureness which narrow hips, a slender frame, and an almost non existent rump. Though there is evidence of some toned muscle wrapped about her body, she is hardly the picture of the ferocity that lies behind her goggles. She is apt at seeming menacing when she needs to be as of late, and has a shadowy, harder look about her when she does so.


Residence: The village of Isolone.
Profession: Konung ("King") of the Seditio
Aligned Faction: Neutral (Unfavorable towards Standards, aka non-Immortals.)
Relatives: Unknown


  • Twin 9mm Pistols: Alexandria has come across a number of weapons in her travels, her 9mm pistol are the only ones she ever kept for personal use.
  • Twin Tactical Daggers: Alexandria carries two twin daggers, with 17 inch blades, and 7 in handles. These daggers can attach at the hilt, which will extend out slightly when done so, to become a 5 1/2 foot double ended sword staff.

  • Dirty Rounds: 50: contained in five, 10 bullet clips.
  • High Grade Rounds: 20: contained in two, 10 bullet clips.
  • Heavy Ammunition: N/A

Hiking Backpack:
  • Medkit, Rope, Spare clothes and footwear, Sewing Kit, Water supply, Food, Burglary Kit, Small toolkit, Expandible crowbar, Spare shoelaces, Tape, Spare goggles, Flashlight, Fire starter, Water purifying tablets, Sunscreen, Waterproof bags, Thermal blanket, Sleeping bag, Pan, Utensils, Binoculars, Tarp.

Belt Pouches:
  • Ammunition, Pistol, Canteen, Headlamp, Compass, Map, Fire starter, Matches, Lighter.

Immortalis Information

Manifested Phenomena: Electricity And Lightning
Unique Abilities:
  • Battery: Alexandria's affinity for electricity has made her something of a living battery, meaning she can store electricity within herself by feeding off of pre existing electrical currents.
  • Dispersion: For a short period Alexandria can turn specific locations of her body, like a hand, into static electrical form, allowing her to manipulate electronics. This can also be performed on small, conductive items allowing Alexandria to move them as energy, rather than mass. This can only be performed by touching the object.
  • White Lightning: When Alex is in a considerable emotional state, her lightning will become "white hot", increasing in both temperature and force. However, she cannot normally do this.

  • Oo' Shiny: Alexandria was quite a good scavenger, able to make a living off of what she found. Despite giving that up, the skills remain and she has developed a keen eye for useful items in piles of junk, and is quite creative when repurposing the intended use of things.
  • Agility: Years of scavenging and running, have honed Alexandria's body to the point of being able to reach higher than average speeds and maintain them longer. This also allows her to perform acrobatic activities with relative ease; such as parkour.
  • Force of a Whip: Alex may not been strong, but she is honed like a strong, fine blade. Where she could never likely physically throw another person, she can lash out like a whip and obtain a decent amount of force due to her corded, whip like muscle structure. Where she is not raw strength, she is speed, and focus, and even a wagon could kill you if it went fast enough.

  • Conduit: Alexandria is a living electrical node, contact with water will begin to short circuit her and disperse any electrical energy she has into the water. This causes an arcing effect when caught in the rain.
  • Conductivity: Anything that isn't metal is nearly non-conductive meaning her power is ineffective against such surfaces, or armors. This excludes the heat x impact factor of her power.
  • ..Like A Rollercoaster Baby: Alex by no means, is emotionally stable. She's not stronger to emotional and nervous breakdowns, bouts of anger bordering on the extreme, and other such dysfunctions in her chemical process. Despite knowing this, and trying to work on it, she is as likely to stay calm as a bomb shop on fire in a crowded area, even if it's a small and controlled outburst.
  • Who You Gunna Call?: Alex has led some kind of life, as most people have, unfortunately she tends to be one of those people who can't banish her ghosts. She feels the heavy, overbearing weight of the important people in her life haunting her, their death always plaguing her, relentlessly. Even those who abused her still haunt her, and somehow her brain finds a way to incorporate some kind of guilt into that too. These ghosts and bad experiences have been known to send her into a highly unstable emotional state, though she usually isolates herself if she can.
  • Tick, Tick, Boom: Primal Rage is an influence from her Spark, Aeshma, and when she topples over the edge of anger there's nigh little that can be done to stop her, even in an out matched fight. She will fight tooth and nail and spit at this point, and is more than likely to awaken as there is little she can do to resist Aeshma's presence forcing its way forward. Unfortunately, they don't call Aesham "The Hunter" for nothing, and he plays with his food.
  • Manipulator: Alexandria cannot manifest electricity or lightning, and can only use that which is available to her.

Awakened State

Spark Name: Aeshma "The Hunter"

Innate Awakened Abilities:
  • Armor of the Spark: Every spark surrounds their host in a black, chitin like shell, or armor. Their host resides within the armor, typically in the fetal position as they do not control their armored state through direct physical movement. Rather, the spark intercepts the neural commands for movement, and manipulates the armor that way. The spark or the host may be in control, but not both. If a spark is only partially awakened, the host will be stuck in whatever partial state they enter, until they are able to fully awaken. Only then may they revert back to their normal self at will. Additionally, heavy damage to the armor will cause it to break and fall off, reverting back to the normal state of the host.
  • Voice of the Spark: Once awakened, the host and the spark may converse mentally. The Spark can share its knowledge, though since the phenomena is not innate to the spark itself, it can only give ideas and tips for power useage; The spark cannot teach its host mastery over their abilities. The spark can retain memories gathered from their host, recalling things they forget, or even noticing things the host themselves failed to, but only through the host's eyes. Many sparks may know each other, and may recognize other awakened forms. The awakened armor is unique to the spark, which is how sparks may recognize each other, even if the differences between two armor sets are very subtle.

Additional Abilities:
  • Heavy Draw: Aeshma can detect and draw electricity to himself. He can do this with a very large current of energy from nearly a mile away. The smaller the electrical current, the closer he has to be. This ability maxes out at just under a mile, no matter the potential strength of the electricity he detects.
  • Full Dispersion: Aeshma's awakened state gives Alex the power to become flash of lightning for about two seconds, but letting her move incredibly fast. This allows her to pass through her foes and electrocute them as if struck by actual lightning, and to travel along a conductive surface. This is a powerful ability, and its use is quite infrequent.

Additional Strengths:
  • I Can Smell Your Fear: Aeshma is a primal hunter. He has a great sense of tracking, akin to a predatory animal. It's very difficult for somebody to escape him by simply fleeing or hiding.
  • Faster Than A Speeding..: Aeshma is not a creature of strength, or of great endurance, but swiftness and precision. What he lacks in physical prowess, he makes up for quick reflexes and speed. Along with his instincts and razor sharp claws, he makes an incredibly deadly foe.
Additional Weaknesses:
  • Time Bomb: The more power that Aeshma uses, the more he charges the atmosphere around him. Negative and Positive Ions separate as a result of the static charge he gives off from using his power, causing dust to rise into the air. Over a short period of time the dust will gather and draw moisture, forming rainclouds. This effect can only occur outside.
  • Do Not Operate When Wet: Contact with water will short circuit Aeshma's stored power. Continuous contact will drain him until the Awakened State dissipates completely, removing Aeshma from control and leaving Alex with no power.
  • I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore: As of yet, Alex and Aeshma both have very little control over the Awakened state. They may be able to retain full functionality for a time, but fighting the Primal Hunger is a battle quickly lost. It is a feeling, a desire, a need, that overrides whatever priority present and will send them into a bloody frenzy. It is theorized that saying this hunger will give them back control of the Awakened state, but alas that is merely an unproven hypothesis. The Primal Hunger does not differentiate between friend, foe, innocents, or even children. Nobody is safe, so hide yo' kids and hide yo' wife.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago


Name: Pope Honorius V
Age: 387
Appeared Age: 60s
Height: The Pope stands a full 6 1/2 feet tall.
Weight: Roughly 200 pounds
Eye Color: crimson
Hair Color: Pure White
Appearance: The Holy Father of the Sanguinous Papacy is a figure that cannot help but be noticed. He is a giant of a man who towers over most others, a man with a regal bearing and mannerisms that showcase just how confident in his power he is. His white hair is worn long, falling past his shoulders and unlike many elderly his hair is as thick as it ever was. His face is surprisingly soft and rounded though the crimson orbs that are his eyes are more than a bit unsettling to behold, especially as they seem to stare right through people. He is typically clad in the vestments of his office, ornate crimson robes as a sign of his position as head of the Sanguinous and a crown that sits atop his head.

Residence: The Grand Cathedral in Asirgrad
Profession: Pope of the Sanguinous Papacy
Aligned Faction: Sanguinous Papacy
Relatives: Officially unknown, though there are rumors that he may once have had children.



  • Officer's Side Arm: The Holy Father wields a decorated six shot revolver that has been cleaned and polished till it shines brightly. It is a standard weapon but has symbolic importance.
  • Sword of God: An ornate curved sword that likely has origins as a ceremonial officers blade from many years ago the Sword of God is never out of reach of the Holy Father and as many have come to find this blade despite its extreme age and archaic designs is more than capable of slaying the unbelievers.
  • Arsenal of The Church: In addition to the weapons listed above the Holy Father as Pope of the Sanguinous Papacy has access to any and all weapons that the Papacy possesses. The weapons detailed above are merely his personal weapons and ones that he will have in almost any situation.

Armor: Like his chosen Honorious V does not require and scorns all thoughts of armor. His holy blood and the righteousness of the cause are deemed to be enough to armor him against the weapons of the unfaithful. He does however like all of the chosen observed in raids or in other conflicts wear the heavy robes which offer some degree of protection, though his case the robes are crimson as a symbol of his office rather than the standard black.

Immortalis Information

Manifested Phenomena: Blood
Unique Abilities:

Blessed Blood: The Holy Father by bestowing the gift of his sacred blood to another, typically through forcing the other to ingest it can infect them with his particular strain of the virus, leading to the subsequent transformation of the person in question into one of the chosen.

Enhanced Body: He possesses a significantly enhanced body as a result of his mutations, he is strong enough to lift and throw a car, fast enough to be difficult to see should he sprint, ect. The exact extent to which he can push himself is uncertain since he rarely acts himself. His blood also allows him to rapidly regenerate though doing so rapidly consumes the stores of blood in his body and requires him to have transfusions much more frequently.

It Will Not Die: The Holy Father has proven extremely difficult to kill with extreme regenerative properties seemingly sufficient to even recreate his brain after being shot through the head. His fanatical willpower seems to mimicked by the strength of his spark and neither of them plan to die.

Old World Skills: One of the few people alive who actually predates the destruction of the old world the Holy Father possesses a number of skills unknown to the wastes of dust on the whole. A prime example of this is his knowledge of piloting aircraft, something he has taught to some of his most trusted servants of the years allowing them to fly the 'shriekers.'

The Holy Father: He is the Pope of the Sanguinous Papacy and worshiped and obeyed by the chosen. He has great resources and great power at his command.

Everything Fears Fire: Fire is one of the few things that is difficult for the Pope to regenerate from. Wounds made by the flames will eventually heal completely but it takes time more similar to a regular human to do so rather than the extremely accelerated pace.

The Light, It Burns: As the progenitor of the chosen he possesses their vulnerability to ultraviolet light in increased quantities, he swiftly burns in sunlight and other sources cause great discomfort quickly as well. He is also easily blinded temporarily by bright lights of any kind if he has not taken appropriate precautions.

A God Am I: After so many long years of acting in his role and being venerated as the only true conduit between the heavens of the maker above and the masses on earth below the man has begun to believe it himself and that can lead to problems. His former pragmatism has slowly been eroded by his own belief in his divinity and this can lead him to making rash decisions.

Weaknesses Of The Chosen: He has the affiliated issues of the chosen, requiring further blood to sustain himself, ect.

Awakened State

Spark Name: Avarael (The Angel of Blood)

Awakening Conditions: The Holy Father can reach a holy state of awakening where he communes directly with the voices of the Divine and can speak to God directly. This state is reached through the total immersion in blood. This ritual has been performed only a small handful of times and involves the sacrifice of several hundred slaves to produce the necessary amount of blood to trigger the transformation.

Innate Awakened Abilities:

  • Armor of the Spark: Every spark surrounds their host in a black, chitin like shell, or armor. Their host resides within the armor, typically in the fetal position as they do not control their armored state through direct physical movement. Rather, the spark intercepts the neural commands for movement, and manipulates the armor that way. The spark or the host may be in control, but not both. If a spark is only partially awakened, the host will be stuck in whatever partial state they enter, until they are able to fully awaken. Only then may they revert back to their normal self at will. Additionally, heavy damage to the armor will cause it to break and fall off, reverting back to the normal state of the host.
  • Voice of the Spark: Once awakened, the host and the spark may converse mentally. The Spark can share its knowledge, though since the phenomena is not innate to the spark itself, it can only give ideas and tips for power useage; The spark cannot teach its host mastery over their abilities. The spark can retain memories gathered from their host, recalling things they forget, or even noticing things the host themselves failed to, but only through the host's eyes. Many sparks may know each other, and may recognize other awakened forms. The awakened armor is unique to the spark, which is how sparks may recognize each other, even if the differences between two armor sets are very subtle.

Additional Abilities:

  • Blood Angel: In his awakened form he is capable of venting the blood that he absorbed during the awakening process in a number of ways, the most common of which is the formation of wings. The wings emerge from the back of the chitinous armor and are notably made from a different material, a strangely spongy tissue that an analysis would reveal was comprised entirely of blood. These wings grant flight and while they paint a picture more like a demon than an angel in old mythology, the church maintains that this form is angelic. He can also use the blood for other purposes, creating weapons from it, or discharging it as a powerful spray.
  • Blood Sense: In his awakened form he is capable of sensing all blood around him for several miles and is capable of distinguishing the different flavors of it. The chosen appear differently from normal humans, and each immortal appears different from everything else. Due to a specific resonance with the Chosen in particular he is capable of projecting his will through them and acting as a controlling force. However doing so makes his own abilities to coordinate and take actions to suffer due to overextending.

Additional Strengths:

  • Even More Enhanced Attributes: The already impressive physical state of the Holy Father is only enhanced further when he enters into his awakened state.
Additional Weaknesses:

  • Blood Depletion: Every action taken during his time awakened drains the blood supply that allowed him to make the transformation in the first place and as a result he is always on a time limit in the form. The more strenuous the action the faster the reserves of blood burn off and the faster he is forced to revert. Further should he be drained to the point that the form fails him he will require almost immediate transfusions to not immediately fall into a coma and likely die.
  • The Hunger: A corollary to the previous weakness, the need for further blood is driven to an extreme and it takes a great deal of effort to not attempt to feast constantly and replenish the blood supply. Theoretically if he was capable of consuming blood quickly enough to sustain the state he would never be forced from it but there likely is not enough blood in the world.
  • A God Am I 2.0: The arrogance and pride that is one of the greatest downfalls prior to awakening is only enhanced as he enters what he believes to be an angelic form gifted to him by his connection to the heavens and the blessed blood. He does not believe he can be defeated and with the direct communion with Avarael he believes he is directly interfacing with the heavens as an arbiter of the divine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Nieto Family

Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Basic Information

Name: Evelina Quinn
Alias: The Barricade

Gender: Female

Actual Age: 27
Appeared Age: 24

Height: 165 cm
Weight: 62 kg

Eye Colour: Unnaturally bright Green
Hair Colour: Fiery Red

Physical Identifiers:

A waterfall of fiery, wavy curls falls down past her waist, stopping just below her buttocks, framing a fair and near flawless, oval face, though often held in a high ponytail given its length. Large eyes the colour of emeralds peer out from beneath light brows, a line of freckles covering the button nose above her full and luscious lips. She posses an excotic beauty born from the combination of her vivid and rare colours of her eyes and hair, enhancing her many average features to the point where even they shine with a brilliance unseen in most.

She is slim of body, toned, and looks like someone who exercises regularly. Even then, however, she still retains a near perfect hourglass figure, with wide hips and noticeable posterior, as well as a pair of breasts far larger than most any other woman in Dust. She carries herself with a casual air, but is far from ignorant of her surroundings. She appears innocent, and but a quiet and kind girl. She is well aware of how her appearance draws attention, but it is not something she tends to use. She dresses in tight shirts most of the time, with bandages making her bosom appear smaller than it is.



- Healer

Alligned Faction:
Motum Diversum

  • Brian Quinn - Father
  • Sally Quinn - Mother
  • Michael Jones - Grandfather (Mother’s Side) [Deceased]
  • Elizabeth Jones - Grandmother (Mother’s side) [Deceased]
  • Hugh Quinn - Grandfather (Father’s side) [Deceased]
  • Molly Quinn - Grandmother (Father’s side) [Deceased]


- A short broadsword carried horizontally across her lower back/hips.
- SIG P220 Handgun


High Grade Rounds: 121 x 10mm rounds

  • Various herbal remedies & formulas.
  • Splints, bandages, anesthetics; everything a wandering Medic would need, and more.
  • Various necessities (food, water, tent, clothes, soap, etc.)
  • Oils and tools to keep both weapons clean and functional.
  • Tinted Goggles.
  • 8 magazines for her gun (10mm rounds)

Belt Pouches:
  • 3 magazines for her gun
  • SIG P220 Handgun (8 bullets loaded)
  • Compass, Map & Canteen.

A bike, and fuel for it.

Immortalis Information

Manifested Phenomena:
Has the ability to control light in several different ways, chief among them being her ability to create barriers and ropes, or even send it forth as a beam of heat.
- Can turn insubstantial and move with incredible speed for up to 2 seconds before she returns to physical form.
- Estimated Speed: 20 metres pr second
- Resistant to heat and doesn’t seem bothered by high temperatures.
- Immune to flashbangs

- Extensive Medical Knowledge
- Decent gymnastic abilities (Flexibility, reflexes, etc)
- Basic swordsmanship & gun skills
- Enhanced night vision (eyes)

- Not very strong.
- Somewhat vulnerable to cold.
- Not the largest girl around; rather easily pushed around.
- Powers are weakened during the night.

Awakened State

Spark Name: Fianna The Gentle

Awakening Conditions:
Emotional stimulus or other. The first time Eveline achieved the Awakened State was when she was in a life or death situation, and had someone in the crossfire whom she felt she needed to save. Fianna and Evelina are on friendly terms, being fully capable of talking together should they feel like it. As such, Evelina can achieve Awakened at almost any point she could want to, simply by asking Fianna to do it. They have, however, made a rule with each other; They are not to ‘Awaken’ unless the situation calls for it.

Innate Awakened Abilities:
  • Armor of the Spark: Every spark surrounds their host in a black, chitin like shell, or armor. Their host resides within the armor, typically in the fetal position as they do not control their armored state through direct physical movement. Rather, the spark intercepts the neural commands for movement, and manipulates the armor that way. The spark or the host may be in control, but not both. If a spark is only partially awakened, the host will be stuck in whatever partial state they enter, until they are able to fully awaken. Only then may they revert back to their normal self at will. Additionally, heavy damage to the armor will cause it to break and fall off, reverting back to the normal state of the host.
  • Voice of the Spark: Once awakened, the host and the spark may converse mentally. The Spark can share its knowledge, though since the phenomena is not innate to the spark itself, it can only give ideas and tips for power useage; The spark cannot teach its host mastery over their abilities. The spark can retain memories gathered from their host, recalling things they forget, or even noticing things the host themselves failed to, but only through the host's eyes. Many sparks may know each other, and may recognize other awakened forms. The awakened armor is unique to the spark, which is how sparks may recognize each other, even if the differences between two armor sets are very subtle.

Additional Abilities:
  • Manifest: Unlike when she's simply an Immortal and only able to create barriers, her Awakened state allows her to Manifest objects, create items and tools out of light. She uses the principle of her barriers, but instead of simply making an outline of something, she makes a full form of condensed light, causing the tool to glow on its own. For this very reason it is also incredibly hot, burning at several hundred degrees celcius. Her own affinity to the element of light renders her all but immune to the effects of the blade, enabling her to wield it without harm.

Additional Strengths:
  • Impenetrable Fortress: Like all other Immortals, Evelina’s Awakened State surrounds her in a set of armour akin to Chitin, in whatever appearance the Spark desires. Evelina/Fianna’s armour, however, is slightly different than the others. It consist of plates layered upon plates, and looks noticeably thicker than others. In essence, Fianna is far more durable than any other Spark, enabling her to take far more damage than the others before cracking.
  • The Light Is Everywhere: All of Evelina’s previous abilities have received a boost. Her ‘Light Dash’ has its speed increased to roughly 300 metres a second, as opposed to simply 20. The intensity of her Light Beam has been increased (effectively reducing the amount of time and effort it takes her to charge it up to a certain point), and her barriers and ropes are more durable.
  • Immortal Strength: Her physical strength has also been increased, allowing her to surpass the limits of human strength. The vast majority of this extra strength is located in the wing-like structures on her back, however. But even then she still surpasses a normal human’s potential.

Additional Weaknesses:
  • Moonless Night: No matter how powerful Evelina may become, she is still entirely reliant on sunlight to fuel her power as a ‘Manipulator’. This also means that she loses up to 80+% of her power during the night, making her little more than a normal human. She is also unable to use her Awakened form during the night, as Fianna is even more dependent on Sunlight than Evelina herself is.
  • Curse of Compassion: While not a weakness in terms of strength or speed, Fianna and Evelina are both very compassionate personalities, and so does not wish to take lives unless it is a matter of certain death if they do not. As such, they are hesitant to truly go on the offensive even with their limited offensive capabilities, and would rather restrain or tire out their opponents.
  • Equivalent Exchange: Fianna and Evelina are a living fortress. They can withstand insane amounts of damage before they are truly in danger. But this Defense does not come at a cost. Even if their superhuman strength and speed allows them to overcome human limits, they still fall behind every other Immortal in offense. At their fullest, they will only achieve an estimate of 55-60% of another Awakened Immortal’s power.

  • She is a lover of meat, and has a great dislike for Vegetarians. To her, eating meat (as well as vegetables, etc) is the only right thing to do. She believes that her love for all things once-living-now-food is the cause for her teeth changing alongside her eyes when she became an Immortal.
  • Isn’t quite sure of her sexuality. Maybe because she never had any “flings” as a teenager, but she’s not sure.
  • Her skills with a sword are self taught, with her skills with a gun coming from her father.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Name: Octavia Rowena Atalanta Gabriele
Goes by: Octavia Gabriele
Other names: Rowena, Tavi, Gabby.

Age: 24
Appeared Age: 17-20

Height: 57kg (126 lb)
Weight: 170cm (5’7)

Eye Color: Light purple
Hair Color: Dark purple

Physical Identifiers:
  • Purple coloured eyes
  • Purple hair, a few shades darker than her eyes
  • Purple stuff (very fond of the colour)

There a people whose beauty is comparable to the gods from ancient Greece. There are those whose beauty stems from an excotic combination of colours, and even those whose rough and calloused exterior attracts. And then there is Octavia, a young woman whose appearance does not fit into any of these categories. While an attractive young woman in her own right the main focus of any attention directed at her is the startling colour of her hair and eyes. Locks of wavy purple fall down to the middle of her back, framing a face with a slightly pointed chin, high cheekbones and full lips.

Hours upon hours of exercise has gifted her with a body toned to perfection, with powerful thighs, a toned belly and overall slim build. Subtle muscles can be spotted moving beneath her skin as she moves, never so prominent as to detract anything from her feminine side. While not exactly the epitome of the hourglass figure, she still possesses a modest bust and shapely hips transitioning into round thighs.

To see her without her long nails and lips coloured a purple similar to her hair is about as rare as seeing Santa, some would say. And to a degree it is true; she never goes out without at least those two cosmetics.


Residence: Small apartment in Serenity (former). Well-furnished and cozy room in Bitches’ Brew (current, until she finds something for herself).

Profession: Poledancer & Barmaid in the Bitches’ Brew. Formerly the same in Castalia Casino & Hotel.

Aligned Faction: The Castalia Family, Motum Diversum

  • Brianne Rowena Gabriele - Mother
  • Matthew Atalanta Gabriele - Father


1911 Longslide


High Grade Rounds: 45x .45 Super rounds loaded in 15-round magazines
Dirty Rounds: 180 .45 Super rounds loaded in 15-round magazines

Tube of purple lipstick and nail polish, 1911 Longslide, 1 spare magazine, water bottle, and a small make-up set made up of a few old-world and (mostly) Dust manufactured products (gifted as one of her first payments when she started working for the Castalia family).

Immortalis Information

Manifested Phenomena: Fire/Heat

Unique Abilities:
  • Living Furnace: Octavia simply does not get cold. While still capable of feeling hot and being affected by the sun’s rays, she never feels cold, and even warms up her surroundings if she so chooses.
  • Thermal Vision: One thing she quickly noticed when first she became Immortal, was that she could sense vague shapes behind solid objects. Over the cause of a couple of years this ability developed into a perfect thermal vision to be used at her leisure.
  • Fire Manipulation/Creation: The control and creation of fire comes as natural to Octavia as breathing does. At this point in time she’s as comfortable with her powers as she is with her trusty dance partner: Mr. Pole. The range, and amount of fire she can produce using her powers is as of yet unknown. Thanks to this ability she is also completely immune to the effects of fire upon her body.

  • Mr. Pole’s Gift: As a result of several years of pole dancing, Octavia is significantly stronger and more flexible than the average woman her age.
  • A Quicky?: A healthy body also means a healthy mind. She’s a quick thinker and does well in stressing situations.

  • Amateur: Octavia has little to no combat experience, knowing only the basics on how to maintain and shoot her gun. Hand to hand combat is an unknown to her, and despite wanting to learn she has yet to find someone who can.
  • Let’s be friends, Mr Wolf: Perhaps a bit naïve, Octavia is easy to befriend, and slow to suspicion. While not easy to manipulate per se, it’s still not a difficult task to lie to her.
  • Like a Wildfire: As easy as it is to befriend her, as difficult is it to be forgiven. If she is betrayed or a friend is struck down or wounded she becomes nigh uncontrollable, and will not stop until she feels that justice has been served, or proper reparations is sworn (not promised).

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