Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by El Taco Taco
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El Taco Taco Schist happens.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Petra de Sauveterre
First Enchanter of the Kirkwall Circle
“A mage is a fire made flesh and a demon asleep.”

Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Age: Thirty-Six
Birthdate: 14th Kingsway, 9:07 Dragon
Birthplace: Alienage of Montsimmard, Orlais

Petra remembered little of life before the Circle. The Templars came for her when she was only six, lightning sparking from her fingertips and dreams twisting ever darker. As a child, the Templars seemed like shining knights, whisking her away from squalor into a magnificent castle. Everything in the Circle glittered, and Petra had thought her life a wonder. And for many years, she had no reason to think otherwise.

Her Harrowing was relatively smooth, and Petra settled comfortably into a life of study. She was given her first apprentice as the blight erupted and ended in Ferelden, more story than reality in the glittering walls of Montsimmard. Instead, Petra focused on her student and her own gentle manipulations of The Game. Petra never rose to great heights in court, but neither was she vilified—a rather remarkable achievement for an elven mage. She purchased a small villa and made herself useful to more powerful players. Life was comfortable.

In 9:33 Dragon, Petra was brought before Divine Beatrix III and named a Senior Enchanter. She found herself among like-minded mages in the Aequitarian fraternity, and Petra found herself politicking more than actually practicing magic as tensions began to rise in the College of Enchanters. In 9:37, Petra was briefly assigned to the University of Orlais as an arcane liaison. Then Kirkwall happened.

The world went mad. Petra found herself at Andoral’s Reach with thousands of her fellow mages, urging for reason. Petra joined the loyalists under First Enchanter Vivienne de Fer. Petra spent much of the conflict finding mage-children throughout Orlais and arranging for their transport and education in safe houses in Val Royeaux and Montsimmard. Then the Breach happened, and things somehow managed to get even worse. Petra was almost impressed.

The conflict was brutal; in the end, Petra wasn’t quite sure how she’d managed to survive it. After nearly four years of battle between Mages and Templars and the empire itself, the Inquisition finally managed to mostly put things back together. The Circle was reforged by Divine Victoria—and after six months of bitter fighting, the rebellions were crushed and reconstruction efforts began in earnest. In early 9:42 Dragon, Petra de Sauveterre was brought before the Divine and named First Enchanter of the Circle of Kirkwall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vanq
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Vanq The Chaos Ladder

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Ryswald Fenmoor

Viscount of Kirkwall

"Viscount, the thankless job of trying to impede a city's desire to self-destroy."

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: Thirty-Nine
Birthdate: 29th Cloudreach, 9:08 Dragon
Birthplace: Hightown, Kirkwall
Ryswald wears his age well. Tall, and with the strength still to match it, his chest and shoulders are broad, warrior-like, though the man only ever received training in such arts and never saw a battlefield himself. His face is wide with hard angles, prominent cheekbones and jawline. Thin lines showing his age are drawn across his face, most prominent around his brown eyes and mouth. His hair, once thick and darkly brown, has thinned out some and is now speckled with gray. He keeps it cropped close, and is dutiful to keeping clean shaven.

The Fenmoor family can trace its existence in Kirkwall to sometime shortly after the end of the Fourth Blight. As a lineage, it has seen its ups and downs in rank and prosperity. Ryswald's father, the late Viscount Armond, rebuilt the family after a string of rather scandalous affairs rocked his grandfather's time as Lord of the Fenmoor estates. Though it is not spoken of in polite society, whispers of such things still exist. The man was said to have had an affair with one of the Circle's mages, an elf no less. He was also a well known gambler who frequently indebted the estate.

Armond though, had a sharp mind for trade and for remaining unblemished. Ryswald was ever the dutiful son in following his father's path. He was raised in Kirkwall and inherited his father's mind for commerce. He avoided scandal, even in his more rebellious phases as a youth. It was an uneventful childhood and adolescence. The Fenmoors were respected, even if considered to be a rather dull lot. When he was a young man of twenty-two his father sent him to tend to business in Orlais. The Fifth Blight began shortly after his arrival in Orlais, and Ryswald would only receive letters from home for the next decade. He read the details his father was able to send of the increasing troubles in his home city.

In Orlais, though, he flourished, softening somewhat from his Kirkwall sensibilities, as his group of acquaintances would refer to it. He had arrived with a disdain for the flamboyant Orlesians, but came to appreciate the beauty it could produce. Politics though only mattered in what it did to trade, and tough times were only beginning as Kirkwall imploded upon itself and then spread through Thedas.

The formation of the Inquisition and their sealing of the breach brought with it peace and profits. It was with great surprise that Ryswald learned of his father's selection to Viscount, and heartbreak when just a short time later he was informed of his father's demise. It had been over a decade since he had seen his father. He had been a different man when he left, and now he returned changed - likely not to the tastes of his city. His recent marriage to Lady Alysanne de Fontaine had seemed a fortuitous event at the time, but would not be received kindly by Kirkwall nobility. The Game may not have held great interest for Ryswald, or other Kirkwallers, but it did have the benefit of teaching him of politicking.

His wife, though, would need to remain behind on his journey home to Kirkwall. She had little interest in the city, nor the arduous travel it would require even as peace returned to Thedas. With great trepidation, Ryswald would make the journey, unsure whether he hoped the city would still welcome his return. It would mar his family once again to lose the Viscount so soon after being raised to it, yet a part of him hoped that to be the case.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drunken Conquistador
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Drunken Conquistador

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Race: Human

Age 38

Birthplace: Hasmal. Free Marches


The fifth son of a shoemaker in the city of Hasmal. Pascal grew up a devout Andrastian, like his parents. Admiring the Templars for their role of holy warriors and protectors of the common folk against the perceived dangers of magic since his earliest days. His admiration for the Order coupled with the desire to give his impoverished family one less mouth to feed was what drove the young Pascal to become an initiate of the Order.

Pascal adapted easily to his new life, though he still maintained some sporadic contact with his family. Finding joy and a sense of duty in the daily rituals and training and quickly integrating with the other initiates. It did not took too long for the young Pascal to be fully inducted into the Order. His generally devout behavior and good physical conditioning ensured that he completed the training in an adequate amount of time. And so Pascal did his vigil, took his vows and received his first dose of lyrium.

Now a proper Templar, Pascal was put under the command of Knight Captain Elias Temig. A templar with more moderate leanings. The time under the Knight Captain served to mold Pascal's views into a more moderate stance. A stance that preached more cooperation and understanding between mages and Templars to fight the growing paranoia and distrust growing within the Circle.

Pascal's time under the leadership of Knight Captain Temig ended when the esteemed templar was killed in a skirmish against a group of maleficarum and hired thugs whilst escorting a bunch of apprentices to the Hasmal Circle. Despite the death of the Knight Captain, Pascal was able to rally the remaining Templars and drive back the assaulting force. Managing to kill the maleficarum and most of the mercenaries. While also ensuring that the apprentices remained unharmed and in the hands of the templars. Upon his return to the Circle Pascal was rewarded with a promotion to the rank of Knight Captain.

The next years passed quietly, or as quite as they could under the circumstances. Pascal grew into his new role and tried to instill the same values he had learned with the late Temig upon his new recruits. But then Kirkwall happened, the Champion helped to slaughter the mages and took control of the city while the Circles around Thedas fell into chaos.

Fortunately the mages and Templars in Hasmal had leaders with more common sense than the norm and while the Mage-Templar War raged all across Thedas, Hasmal became a islet of peace. Though by no means it escaped completely unscathed. As both sides tended to sometimes ignore the Circle's declaration of neutrality for better or for worse. Though mostly for the latter.

The Conclave brought hope that the conflict would soon end. But then the Breach opened and somehow the situation worsened. And still the circle of Hasmal stayed at the sidelines, only watching the conflict unfold. Until the Circle itself had to request help from the Inquisition to protect its mages from an increasingly hostile population. Essentially taking the side of the Inquisition on the conflict.

The Breach was eventually closed and peace returned to Thedas. As the reconstruction efforts started all across the continent, Knight Captain Pascal was chosen among the worthy candidates to be the new Knight Commander of the Kirkwall Circle. A task which will no doubt prove daunting even if going solely by the city's reputation.
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