Petra de Sauveterre
First Enchanter of the Kirkwall Circle
“A mage is a fire made flesh and a demon asleep.”Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Age: Thirty-Six
Birthdate: 14th Kingsway, 9:07 Dragon
Birthplace: Alienage of Montsimmard, Orlais
Petra remembered little of life before the Circle. The Templars came for her when she was only six, lightning sparking from her fingertips and dreams twisting ever darker. As a child, the Templars seemed like shining knights, whisking her away from squalor into a magnificent castle. Everything in the Circle glittered, and Petra had thought her life a wonder. And for many years, she had no reason to think otherwise.
Her Harrowing was relatively smooth, and Petra settled comfortably into a life of study. She was given her first apprentice as the blight erupted and ended in Ferelden, more story than reality in the glittering walls of Montsimmard. Instead, Petra focused on her student and her own gentle manipulations of The Game. Petra never rose to great heights in court, but neither was she vilified—a rather remarkable achievement for an elven mage. She purchased a small villa and made herself useful to more powerful players. Life was comfortable.
In 9:33 Dragon, Petra was brought before Divine Beatrix III and named a Senior Enchanter. She found herself among like-minded mages in the Aequitarian fraternity, and Petra found herself politicking more than actually practicing magic as tensions began to rise in the College of Enchanters. In 9:37, Petra was briefly assigned to the University of Orlais as an arcane liaison. Then Kirkwall happened.
The world went mad. Petra found herself at Andoral’s Reach with thousands of her fellow mages, urging for reason. Petra joined the loyalists under First Enchanter Vivienne de Fer. Petra spent much of the conflict finding mage-children throughout Orlais and arranging for their transport and education in safe houses in Val Royeaux and Montsimmard. Then the Breach happened, and things somehow managed to get even worse. Petra was almost impressed.
The conflict was brutal; in the end, Petra wasn’t quite sure how she’d managed to survive it. After nearly four years of battle between Mages and Templars and the empire itself, the Inquisition finally managed to mostly put things back together. The Circle was reforged by Divine Victoria—and after six months of bitter fighting, the rebellions were crushed and reconstruction efforts began in earnest. In early 9:42 Dragon, Petra de Sauveterre was brought before the Divine and named First Enchanter of the Circle of Kirkwall.