Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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Doru's eyebrows slightly rise upon seeing this attack, he sighed slowly before sniffing deeply. "Basic ki control, skilled strategizing. Against this planet's weaklings it's no surprise she's the champion, however, she is no match for a skilled warrior man to man. She could overcome this by avoiding combat, but the objective of the tournament is to knock the other person out. She could possibly beat him by luring him out of bounds, but there's too much that could go wrong there... Hmm, maybe she's crazy enough to try it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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Gor began to growl, like an animal. His body twitches, and he convulses. The eye sockets of his helmet begins to glow, and steam appears from underneath. He began to stomp, each time shattering the arena beneath him.
"They call you, world champion!? YOU?! I wanted to face someone with some strength, you..you're a weakling! I let you have a clear opening, and all you did was make my chest hurt a little! Why yooooooou!" He says, as he enters into his enraged state. Moving much faster than normal, he attempts to grab the poor girl, and toss her into the air like a rag doll.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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Doru feels Gor's power surge through his body, giving him a burning sensation in his lower abdomen. Immediately he realized the problem here, and he ran to the announcer, leaping through the broken window and cutting himself. "Stop the match! Now! She's going to be killed!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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Gor began to growl, like an animal. His body twitches, and he convulses. The eye sockets of his helmet begins to glow, and steam appears from underneath. He began to stomp, each time shattering the arena beneath him.
"They call you, world champion!? YOU?! I wanted to face someone with some strength, you..you're a weakling! I let you have a clear opening, and all you did was make my chest hurt a little! Why yooooooou!" He says, as he enters into his enraged state. Moving much faster than normal, he attempts to grab the poor girl, and toss her into the air like a rag doll.

His attempts where not in vein, as here eyes could not detect that he was gone fast enough to notice him behind her. She was ready to cut her lossed and forfeit, only to be thrown into the air like a catapult. She knew she was beat now, but was worried weither she would survive the fall. Closing her eyes and Tightening into a ball, she felt she might be destroyed. The crowd seemed in awe, unable to conceive the fact their favorite fighter was being defeated, and so easily.
"I don't beleive it! It was like he was made of titanium, and took every one of her punches, and to top it, some of the strongest arms and legs we've seen yet!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Ken without hesitation appeared in the air lining up his arms to hold the falling girl. "I believe you made your point Gor." He said descending slowly hovering a few inches off the ground before landing. The girl barely weighted anything compared to what he could lift so it was quite easy for him to forget he was holding her. "Announcer declare the winner your champion has lost!" He said continuing to levitate starring directly at Gor the whole time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Doru channeled his ki into his hands just in case a fight broke out, although he knew how brutally outclassed he was. He had a sinking feeling in his stomach that someone was going to die.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Mizune put down her plate and was by Ken. She was gonna protect these people if she had to. "You better calm down. You couldve killed this person." She raised her ki up to protect herself if neeeded. She wouldnt show the power of her Super Sayain self yet. She was saving it for a real fight
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

23 Smiled at the man and the others around him. THey were good at heart, even the Namekian he before expected was from the demon clan and was ready to kill everyone here. He two was ready to protect these people, but kept his same stance, as to not look like he was getting ready to strike. He wanted to stay on this man's good side.

The crowd was still in awe, jaws wide and full of both concern and excitement. The announcer, who was previously scrambled, decided to infact do as ken said, knowing that chances where that she would infact die if they where to continue, and was willing to cheat to save a life. Escpecially that of a famous and pretty young lady in his case. Throwing his hand down, he shouted the reiteration to the request of ken.
"He is correct, this girl has been defeated! The winner is in fact, Gor. Now if you would all kindly exit the stage, the final match of the first matches will commence! Panrit vs Vernison! Both are without a teaching school behind them, and no real martial arts expericance, and yet they seem ready to fight! Without further adu, let the match commence!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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Doru stared at Gor, ready to fight the demon if need be. He knew that Gor wasn't going to follow the announcer's orders, and prepared himself for a fight. "Why am I defending these... these weaklings?" He thought to himself while grimacing at Gor's intense power. "Why do I always have to be the hero, they should be able to defend themselves! But... a super Namek defends the weak, and I will be a super Namek no matter what!" He took a fighting stance. "Even if it involves defending this worthless planet!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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Gor stood, appearing to still be in his berserk stage. He then seemed to calm down, letting out a long sigh. He then turns, and leaves the arena. "...Next time you pit me against someone weak...I'm killing everyone here." Gor said, loud enough for everyone to hear, before heading off in the direction of the female sayian. He was a tad hungry, but, more importantly, he wanted to speak with her....
With each step he took out of the arena, cracks formed under foot. It was obvious while he wasn't in his berserk, having been snapped out of it by the announcer's announcement, he was still fairly pissed off. The Namek was their saving grace this time, but who knows what the demon Gor will do, next time he is pitted against someone who does not met his expectations?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Doru calmed, but when Gor walked by him, he grew angry, and it was visible on his face, and in the nearby landscape, as rocks from the ground started to fly upwards, and Doru's Red aura began to surround him. He calmed again, and the rocks fell back to the ground, but his aura was still visible, smaller than it was, but still visible. Doru sent a telepathic message to the kai "I know you asked me not to do this, but I only wish to thank you. I apologize for invading your mind, and I won't do it again"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Mizune calmed down and said "Dont worry if we all work together we can bring him down." She sniffed the hear and her eyes widen. "is that steak I smell!" She turned to the guy named Ken and said "I hope to fight you soon in the tournament sir!" She ran to dining are and began eating the steak, people were surprised she was back and was eating almost as she didnt eat the last time. "Ahh this is great..." She said leaning back. Mizune decided to watch the next fight, but her sayain instinct was bursting was excitement. She couldnt wait to see who her next oppenent was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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As Doru began to glow, Gor turned and looked at him. He walked closer, right up to him.
"......You surprise me....Namekian......You, trying to help these...how did you put it...Hill..billys? Yes...Keep up the surprises, and you might make it though the day...as for the rest of you." Gor says, turning around to look at those gathered around. "...If I do something that you think you must stop...stop me. Don't be a coward..cowards die painfully." He says, before walking over to the sayian.
"...And you..girl...I am looking forward to our fight. You show potential....." He states, before returning to sit among the spectators in the bleachers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Doru began to glow, Gor turned and looked at him. He walked closer, right up to him.
"......You surprise me....Namekian......You, trying to help these...how did you put it...Hill..billys? Yes...Keep up the surprises, and you might make it though the day...as for the rest of you." Gor says, turning around to look at those gathered around. "...If I do something that you think you must stop...stop me. Don't be a coward..cowards die painfully." He says, before walking over to the sayian.
"...And you..girl...I am looking forward to our fight. You show potential....." He states, before returning to sit among the spectators in the bleachers.

Putting a hand on the namekian and nodding, his eyes showed he didn't want him to risk anything just yet. He then proceeded to jump the eight foot gate and land on the stage. Before him stood a gaint muscular man, he stood in a brawlers stance and his veins showed just how much mass he had. His eyes where very intense and stared right at the small blue haired boy who Sheepishly took a southpaw fighting stance. He was hoping to make his fight show off as little power as possible, but do to this man's sheer size, that may be a bet difficult. With level and calm eyes, he lowered his strength to about that of a body builder. He wanted to seem strong, but not too strong.

"Let the match begin!"

As soon as those words where annouced, 23 dove to the left, dodging a bone crushing punch. As the man was retracting his gaint arm, the android hit the beast witha series of liver blows before a gaint jumping uppercut. The monster fell back, and the android kept up with a flury of kicks, only to be caught and elbowed in the shin a series of times. Pretending it hurt before spinning to kick Vernison with the back of his heel, the two of them let go and jumped away. Both of them heaved a bit before 23 jumped forward and sent a jumping spinning round house to the man's face, sweeped his legs, only to be body slammed. The two struggled on the ground before 23 grew tired of this and zapped his enemy, only to tug him off the stage and kick him into the grass below.

"We have a winner, the small hipster kid wins!" The announcer shouted, mixed feeling from the crowd roaring.
"hey, I'm not a hipster, this is just what I wear yo-"
"Please clear for the next match, Mizune versus doru!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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Doru smiled and leaped through the broken window again. "What, my turn already?" He clenched his fists, bent his knees and spread his legs. "The last demonstration I did was with only a portion of my power. Now feast on one hundred percent!" Doru's aura began to gather around him, and the ground around his feet began to crack. His voice started gaining in pitch as the ground around him began to be lifted into the air, small rocks at first, then getting bigger. "Who's next? Who is this Mizune? I don't know why I ask, because she's losing this one just as my last opponent did!" He began laughing hysterically.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Mizune smirked as it was her turn. She went to the arena and saw him raising his aura. She smirked ovbviously excited. She raised her aura. A blue aura coating her body, the ground beneath also began cracking. She walked up to him, their auras mixing. She looked up at him. "Dont undrestimate a sayain woman...especially one that is a super sayain." She looked at the announcer "Can you start this match already before I die of boredom!" She shouted over to him
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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Doru grinned "Saiyan huh? I thought they were dead, oh wait, you're just a human, trying to intimidate me! Well too bad princess! Namekians don't fear weaklings!" He held out his arms in a star pose. "Lie some more!" His ki erupted from him in a short ranged red explosive wave. When the dust cleared, Doru stood smirking. "That is true, Namekian power. Show me better, 'Saiyan'!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Mizune was knocked back by the blast.He is a strong one, lets show him what Im made of. She smirked and laughed "Im only a small bit human...but trust me slug boy....Im sayain." She cried out as a lot of ki soared in her body. her eyes became greeen, golden aura covered her body, and her hair was yellow. SHe smirked "Still doubt Im a sayain. This is a super sayain......the stuff of legends...but this was to show you what Im capable of." She powered down and said "Im gonna go SUper sayhain against when I need it. Right now I think I will be fine." Mizune fired multiple ki blasts at him, before flying upward and charging a classic attack. Ka...me...ha..me.." A classic blue ball of ki energy was formed. "Ha!" She shouted as she fired the blue blast of ki energy toward Doru
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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Shocked and afraid of what would happen next, The announcer Jumped back fearfully way. He didn't want to get anywhere near this match. 'Let this match begin!" He said, shouting hoarsely and hiding behind the wall. It was both exciting and scary, and most of the crowd was too fearful to cheer.

23, meanwhile was pouting in the corner. "I didn't get barely any cheers, just because I'm not some super powerful monster like the rest of them.... It's no fair, ya know.... and i'm not a hipster" He said weakly to himself before looking to the fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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"Hah! How foolish do you think I am?" Doru leaped over the attack. "My turn!" He lifted his right arm and fired a blue energy blast from it. "That weak blast probably won't hurt her, she is a Saiyan after all." "Try this!" He yelled as the blast continued towards his target.
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