Name: Jack Wright
Codename: Reaper
Age: 28
Gender: male
Place of Birth: Castile, New York
Occupation: medic (field medic level), and designated scavenger.
Race: Human
Jack is about six foot even, and lean but built. He has rich brown eyes and dirty blonde hair. He's usually considered more handsome than most guys, and he clearly likes being paid attention to for it. He has a perfect cocky yet charming smirk that fits him perfectly.
Powers: supernatural. Jack Wright is a necromancer of sorts. He doesn't raise the dead, but he has a whole slew of magic that draws from death's arts.
Death's Wings: Jack's favorite skill is a short ranged blink teleport. He can use it once every minute, or need be faster at the cost of life aura his or someone else's.
Silent but deadly: His next is invisibility. After a few seconds of concentrating jack vanishes. If he remains still it can last about half an hour to an hour if his concentration is perfect. Moving slow 20 min, Walking normal 10, sprinting 1.
Cold touch of death: Jack has access to the chill of death and can do basic cryokinesis. Little ice shivs, chill people, little things like that.
Reap: Jack's final skill is to drain life. By placing both hands directly on someone and holding them for five minutes he can drain their soul. This energy can do two things either jack heals himself and provides sustenance, or he can trap it in a totem. The trapped souls can be used later to empower his skills, or later healing.
The empowered skills are:
Unlimited blink for one minute for one soul
Double length of invisibility for one soul
Larger ice constructs varies
More control over ice for 5 min for one soul (can propel it through the air, lower temp in a large area, that level)
With more souls he could do astounding things, but he had placed his own moral limits.
Skills: Jack is a medic for the army, so he has all the medical skills needed to treat injuries and some surgeries, but not diseases really. He vaguely remembers things from classes on treating common illnesses, but not many.
Jack is a fully trained Sgt from the military. He is strong, fast, and tactical for it.
Equipment/Resources: Jack is a big fan of old school revolvers and rifles. He carries two Smith and Wesson .45 revolvers and a Mossberg tactical lever action rifle, but has a Winchester on his mantle. This doesn't mean he can't use other guns he just really likes his lever action and revolvers.

Jack wears his military armor, but just normal clothes under them. He has a leather cowboy hat that he does not go out without. He also has a tattered and holey duster that he still wears. Occasionally he wears a pair of goggles for the extra eye protection.
Jack has a couple belt pouches and such with misc supplies. Trail mix, water, stuff like that. Necessities really.
Jack's totem is an small wood carving. He made it himself based on a recurring dream.
Weaknesses: Jack walks a constant moral line knowing he could be super powerful, but at what cost? His reaping of souls makes him feel powerful, and also somewhat like a drug high. He's fought the addiction and won, but he can't let his will lapse.
Jack's moral code let's him only reap those who deserve a fate worse than death. He has on occasions met those people a ripped their souls out leaving the shell to rot.
Jack has death on his side, but he can die like all the rest. His healing factor is strong, but needs a soul to work, and he rarely ever has one to use.
If jack uses his skills too much he begins to tear at his own soul. He has to limit his power use or be ready for the agony of his own soul being torn out.
Jack is human in all other ways.
Psychological Profile:Jack has always been someone torn between lives. A once proud american who saw the nation’s dark underside, and a hero with dark powers. Jack over all is compassionate and a real man of the people. He’s no stranger to manual labor and need be will work all day in the farms right alongside everyone else. Normally he instead is needed for his medical training. Jack has learned a lot about people from medicine and not just physically. He’s learned how to calm down an injured person how to help with the psychological damage that comes with injury. He’s been noted as staying up all night with those who have come down with something that cannot be cured. Most people don’t have a family left, and no one wants to die alone.
This has lead to some questioning Jack. His ability to Reap souls has been known for a while, and that in combination with tending to the dying has some dangerous implications. Jack has never taken the soul of an innocent person even from people who did something against him because they needed to. Only the truly evil deserve that pain.
On the other hand Jack very much lives up to his name. When he finds those who deserve it he is the reaper. Rarely has he come across those that are truly evil those who: know what they do, know it is evil, and want to continue. Those that are driven by these corrupt desires meet the agony of the Reaper.
Jack is always in constant battle with fully indulging in his powers. If he took more souls he knows he could be unstoppable he could cleanse the wasteland. At the same time he knows to do so would prove he was more evil than any soul he ever took.
Biography: Jack was born into a good old fashioned family of farmers. Child six, boy four. He was raised strong from farm work, but he didn't turn out as just a country hick. He went to school and did well gaining an interest in medicine alongside a want to join the military. He wanted to save lives and make those who did wrong pay. He was so sheltered to it all a boy in a red white and blue blindfold.
He pushed through training and was deployed to the real bloody world. Here he was really shaped. Everything went from black and white to gray and red. He learned that everything is relative that his perfect home wasn’t so perfect that our foes were human too, and not always wrong.
six years into his military career Jack was doing well as it turns out honor isn’t entirely lost on the battlefield and his actions and bravery had gotten him promoted up to Sgt. It was also around this time that his powers manifest. Plagued by black dreams Jack found himself connecting to the aura of death: plants sometimes withered under his feet, animals were terrified of him, and other occurrences began. Weeks into this Jack’s dream became more vivid as he was able to make out a recurring totem in them. The powers came under control soon after.
Jack hid his powers not sure whether he was capable of controlling them. He could feel the cold chill of death in them. He knew there was something dark to them, but at the same time he craved that power. This could change the battlefield this could change the world. When other superhumans were confirmed he knew it was time.
There had been a lieutenant on the base who took POWs and then abused them in horrifying ways before executing them. Command had no proof of this, but everyone knew they all had heard it, but no matter what the lieutenant had control and never left any trace. As a lower ranking officer most people who had witness reports were too minor to impact the case either. Jack decided this was where things needed to start. Jack used his powers to follow the lieutenant to the prison and not only get proof in the form of film, but also confront him directly. The two brawled but Jack’s new powers put him on top as he blinked around and chilled the cruel lieutenant. Jack grappled with his foe and began to tear at the blackened soul of the man. He tore the life force right out of him leaving an empty shell to rot. The camera also recorded Jack’s fight and his powers. With no way to edit it Jack decided it was best to submit it all to the brass. With this he was sent to F.O.R.G.E. the new R&D site in Washington.
Jack was still a soldier and held his position but now was subject to tests and exams at least until they realized jack had nothing different physically than a human. He simply had formed an ethereal connection to the energy associated with death. He could channel it, but nothing had actually changed. He was kept in reserve on F.O.R.G.E. until the world started going down. He remained on base part of a back up plan. Jack knew that these wars were going to have hundreds of souls, and likely more than a few hundred corrupted enough Jack would be willing to reap them. Need be he could ascend all his powers to end this war. The chance never came though everything collapsed too fast for a viable plan to be put together. Jack couldn’t do much but defend the base until the end. After it was all over Jack headed south with a band of soldiers for the city of angels. In the end only he and another man, Isaac Hecht, a scientist from the site and now his only friend made it there.
Today Jack does what he can to preserve the lives of the people in the citadel. On one hand he is the caring doctor who even if he can’t save you will stay with you to the end so you won’t be alone. On the other he is the Reaper, a force ready to purge the corruption of this world.
“Death is both mercy and torment. Which can I provide to you?”