Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Thess


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Androids still do not emit Ki-signals and can not be tracked by fighters trying to sense Ki. However, they do emit energy signals, which can be read by both the current generation of Scouters and the Energy Sensing of Androids. Both of these though require a close proximity to use.

Well, the twins want to be important characters in the tournament, but how and what they will do remains to be seen. I have no problem with Arcosians staying in their True Form for long periods of time, Lord Shiver will do this, though he will be referring to it as his King Form in an effort to make his race think he has four transformations. It still is quite physically exhausting, enough that when Shiver finds himself in trusted company or is in his home, he transforms down to his Diplomatic Form. However, the ability to create new forms I am going to deny, as that is supposed to be part of the mutation that made Frieza's line so powerful.

The genetic diversity of the race is not so much randomized during the larval period, as changing to different forms actually changes the DNA of each Arcosian and thus mating in different forms leads to more diversity. The one hundred population count is only counting the Purebloods, leaving roughly give or take a few, twenty-five for each mountain. The Mixed Bloods actually outnumber them entirely but are individually much weaker and considered second class citizens by the Purebloods. The cultures in the mountains do not really differ from each other, as the initial culture they had was simply to war between the clans and everything they did was focused on this. Once the other mountains were subjugated beneath the Blue clan, what few differences they may have had, such as different naming conventions were seemingly lost in time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 4 days ago

1. Alright, so they'll be prevalent in the tournament.
2. So that can be done, then, in theory. Neat.
3. I mean... Frieza's family line did all have at least four forms (assuming Cold was similar to his sons), but the extra forms were apparently additional downgrades to their true forms, such that (using Final Hours' terminology) they'd end up having the Diplomatic form, two Combat forms, and their True form, with only Cooler having the skill to remain in his True form at all times, and only Cooler having the ability to transform up from their True form until Frieza basically BSed his way into acquiring his Ultimate Evolution, though even then, the latter remained in his Diplomatic form until he actually needed to transform up. Basically, there's a certain precedent for an Arcosian being able to transform up from their True form if they succeed in controlling their True form's power, and considering that all it would realistically represent is a power increase (albeit a potentially large one depending on the owner), I don't necessarily see why it wouldn't be viable to include a Super transformation as part of a particular Arcosian character's arsenal.
4. Oh, okay, transformation alters DNA for more diversity, and only Pure Arcosians are counted as Arcosians. I guess that makes sense, and explains the unasked question of how form changes alter reproduction, though "75" possible parents per Pure blooded Clan is still way less than what's needed to eliminate inbreeding. Hell, even "300" possible parents doesn't eliminate that risk, even if every one of those parents is non-choosy about producing multi-ethnicity children.
5. Fair enough about the cultures.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thess


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

3. I mean... Frieza's family line did all have at least four forms (assuming Cold was similar to his sons), but the extra forms were apparently additional downgrades to their true forms, such that (using Final Hours' terminology) they'd end up having the Diplomatic form, two Combat forms, and their True form, with only Cooler having the skill to remain in his True form at all times, and only Cooler having the ability to transform up from their True form until Frieza basically BSed his way into acquiring his Ultimate Evolution, though even then, the latter remained in his Diplomatic form until he actually needed to transform up. Basically, there's a certain precedent for an Arcosian being able to transform up from their True form if they succeed in controlling their True form's power, and considering that all it would realistically represent is a power increase (albeit a potentially large one depending on the owner), I don't necessarily see why it wouldn't be viable to include a Super transformation as part of a particular Arcosian character's arsenal.

I'm not saying it is entirely impossible for Arcosians outside of Frieza's line to gain additional forms, only that there has been no need for them. No Arcosian in history has ever come anywhere close to the power of Frieza's line, as such none of their bodies has ever exhibited a need for more than three transformations. A byproduct of this is the belief that only Frieza's line can create new forms. Also, a Super transformation is theoretically possible for the Arcosian's, much like it is theoretically possible for Humans and Namekians, but no Arcosian has ever attained such. Until recently the only form of training they have practiced as a species is to control their power, through downgraded forms or controlling their Ki.

(P.S. I still need to see the Resurrection of F, never got a chance to watch it while it was in theaters. :( )

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

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<Snipped quote by BCTheEntity>

I'm not saying it is entirely impossible for Arcosians outside of Frieza's line to gain additional forms, only that there has been no need for them. No Arcosian in history has ever come anywhere close to the power of Frieza's line, as such none of their bodies has ever exhibited a need for more than three transformations. A byproduct of this is the belief that only Frieza's line can create new forms. Also, a Super transformation is theoretically possible for the Arcosian's, much like it is theoretically possible for Humans and Namekians, but no Arcosian has ever attained such. Until recently the only form of training they have practiced as a species is to control their power, through downgraded forms or controlling their Ki.

(P.S. I still need to see the Resurrection of F, never got a chance to watch it while it was in theaters. :( )

Well, fair enough. All I'm saying is, maybe the Super transformation for Arcosians is derived from exceptional ki control allowing them to remain in their True form permanently, using Cooler as a precedent for such
; in such a situation, the number of forms they have to downgrade and control their ki output is irrelevant, as is the amount of ki itself (assuming the Super form's base power is a multiplier of the True form's base power). With that in mind, if such a character couldn't start with a Super transformation, would they in theory be allowed to discover or otherwise unlock it at some point during the game? That goes for a PC of any race with no current transformations, mind, not just the Arcosians.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thess


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Thess>

Well, fair enough. All I'm saying is, maybe the Super transformation for Arcosians is derived from exceptional ki control allowing them to remain in their True form permanently, using Cooler as a precedent for such
; in such a situation, the number of forms they have to downgrade and control their ki output is irrelevant, as is the amount of ki itself (assuming the Super form's base power is a multiplier of the True form's base power). With that in mind, if such a character couldn't start with a Super transformation, would they in theory be allowed to discover or otherwise unlock it at some point during the game? That goes for a PC of any race with no current transformations, mind, not just the Arcosians.

I am fully open to other races discovering or unlocking Super transformations throughout the course of this game, but starting out, it should be assumed that only Saiyans have a Super transformation they can achieve and utilize.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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@Thess That seems fair enough. Aside from that, though, what do you think of my idea regarding one of the Arcosian Clan lords' sons training himself to remain in his True form permanently or near-permanently on the basis of superiority?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Thess


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@BCTheEntity I don't really have an issue with it, it is pretty much what Shiver has done, but staying in the True Form for extended periods will still be very taxing on the Arcosian's body.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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@Thess Aaaalright... so when you say "taxing", how draining is it over time? I mean, considering that an Arcosian can apparently take at least twenty years to first achieve their Diplomatic form, are they in a relatively high degree of pain or suffering for that length of time, or just consistently tired? And is it possible for an Arcosian to perfectly master the True form so that it exerts no more stress on their bodies than the Diplomatic form would, as I proposed, or does the True form always require some toll to remain in over time no matter how much control the Arcosian using it has over their power in that state?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thess


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@BCTheEntity Consistently tired. I've always seen the Arcosian True Forms as a release, when in it you have access to all of your power. However, much like the Super Saiyan transformations which leak energy, so does the True From, just not on such a scale that it is entirely visible in a constant aura. Thus the lower forms are actually used to conserve that energy and sort of seal that leak. I have been thinking that there is a Super Form beyond the True Form, where the leak is sealed and the Arcosian has access to all of their power, which is also boosted, and this is what Cooler achieved. The precursor to reaching this form may be controlling the True Form, but for the moment expect that starting out no Arcosian will have the 'leak' in True Form completely sealed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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@Thess Alright, thank you. I now know what to expect if I ever make an Arcosian character of that sort. Speaking of which, should I? What does everyone think - should I create that character, or should I leave it and not make the character, at least for the time being?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thess


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@BCTheEntity I say go for it if you want, I would be ecstatic if everyone had multiple characters spanning the different races.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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@Thess I mean, if we're going to cover every race, I or somebody else should ideally make a Majin character, since nobody else has done so yet, as opposed to a fourth Arcosian character. Then again... well, my theoretical name for the Arcosian character could still work with a Majin, and I didn't really have a whole heck of a lot planned out for the hypothetical Arcosian beyond what was already presented to me. I'll sleep on it, I think.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 29 days ago

I would like to note we are currently lacking a whole lot of Protagonists.

I mean, the only Human we have so far is an /antagonist/, we have ONE Saiyan with an unstable transformation state who cannot be relied on for mainlining, and the rest are Arcosians and Makaishins.

A Majin is a step in the right direction, I feel, but we also flat-out need more Humans, Saiyans, and Androids.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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I usually only play one character per game, but if it is encouraged I have an idea for an android protagonist that I could bring in. And I've already submitted a draft of my Namekian to the gm. It has special stuff, so I want it all cleared before I post it here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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@Terminal: To be fair, two of the Arcosians are definitely looking like protagonists, or at least antiheroes, and the other one... mmmmmmwe'll talk about him later, I couldn't say whether Shiver's ultimately good or not. Prolly not. Charis is honestly far too weak to have much swaying power among the relatively high-power characters we have at the moment - after closer examination, I realised that Thess' power in LSSj would not be 1800 as I originally thought, but 18000, and that's still the lowest PL so far presented beyond Charis'. And, uh... yeah, Luceptor's definitely rather antagonistic, though depending on what goals the other Makaioshin end up having in the course of the game, he may be compelled to turn on them to ensure they don't deplete his supply of people to deceive and convince to deceive other people. With that said, I'll likely hold off on the second character for the time being, and see whether other people join as the appropriate races before making a judgement call.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

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@Terminal: To be fair, two of the Arcosians are definitely looking like protagonists, or at least antiheroes, and the other one... mmmmmmwe'll talk about him later, I couldn't say whether Shiver's ultimately good or not. Prolly not. Charis is honestly far too weak to have much swaying power among the relatively high-power characters we have at the moment - after closer examination, I realised that Thess' power in LSSj would not be 1800 as I originally thought, but 18000, and that's still the lowest PL so far presented beyond Charis'. And, uh... yeah, Luceptor's definitely rather antagonistic, though depending on what goals the other Makaioshin end up having in the course of the game, he may be compelled to turn on them to ensure they don't deplete his supply of people to deceive and convince to deceive other people. With that said, I'll likely hold off on the second character for the time being, and see whether other people join as the appropriate races before making a judgement call.

The problem is, in the Interest Check Thess stated that they would prefer for all starting characters to have a starting power level of around 1000.

Starting out, most races should be a thousand or lower, exceptions being the Arcosians and Makaioshin.

So Charis has technically already exceeded that limit by 200, and that was a deliberate effort to make her more of a threat to what I perceived would be a cast filled with other beings made with the assumption that we were starting with a 1000 cap. If @Thess has no objections, I have no problem with adjusting their power level accordingly.

Tiamat's power level, on the other hand, was sufficiently high enough that I felt it would be not be in the spirit of fair play to use them from the start of the RP.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Uffizi
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Uffizi We Reap What / We Sow

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@Terminal: To be fair, two of the Arcosians are definitely looking like protagonists, or at least antiheroes, and the other one... mmmmmmwe'll talk about him later, I couldn't say whether Shiver's ultimately good or not. Prolly not. Charis is honestly far too weak to have much swaying power among the relatively high-power characters we have at the moment - after closer examination, I realised that Thess' power in LSSj would not be 1800 as I originally thought, but 18000, and that's still the lowest PL so far presented beyond Charis'. And, uh... yeah, Luceptor's definitely rather antagonistic, though depending on what goals the other Makaioshin end up having in the course of the game, he may be compelled to turn on them to ensure they don't deplete his supply of people to deceive and convince to deceive other people. With that said, I'll likely hold off on the second character for the time being, and see whether other people join as the appropriate races before making a judgement call.

Shiver is far from good. He will be a major antagonist, but not for some time. He will be a "puppeteer" of sorts through the tournament saga and will not directly be involved in the tournament, as he has alterior motives for Arcose, which currently is under his rule. However, there will be a plethora of fighters loyal to the Arcosian Empire whom will participate in the tournament.

Shiver is regarded as the most powerful Arcosian currently, which was achieved by his past. He is of royal blood, but volunteered to purge the blood-stained gladitorial pit of the "boring" competition. There are whispers he may be some reincarnation of the legendary Frieza, but this is untrue. Shiver comes from a strong bloodline, and the combination of martial skill and cunning diplomatics ascended him to becoming Lord of Arcose..after Lord Kryo, his father, was mysteriously murdered. Hmm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Uffizi
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Uffizi We Reap What / We Sow

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Thess and I would like to see more protagonists. I myself will be entering such. I would like the evils of the universe known first, as this is a dark time for Earth, as they essentially are now alone. But, this is when heroes are born. Through preservance and sacrifice, the forces of good can succeed, but sometimes the great irony is evil does prevail. It all depends on you; the players.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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Alright, well, I'll just have to make a protagonist of my own, then. With blackjack, and hookers. And he'll probably not be an Arcosian, as much as I want to flesh out such a character; I have my own ideas regarding a similar Majin character, anyway. To be specific, I'd like to ask about the ki technique level that would be possessed by an ability that allowed a Majin to absorb a target Buu-style, as well as the level of a modified version of that where the Majin subsequently spits the target out again sans most of their ki and technique knowledge. I'm guessing both would probably be either level 3 or level 4, considering how potentially broken such a technique could be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Halvtand
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Halvtand The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As I stated earlier I have an idea for an android protagonist. But playing an android has a major flaw, I have a solution for it that I want to run by everyone before I go nuts with it.
Androids don't grow stronger like the biologicals does. As such you pretty much have to either start at a higher power level and eventually become obsolete, or you find some way of getting stronger that makes sense.

DBZ gives us two examples of the latter. Either by absorbing energy (which worked really well for Gero and 19) or fusing with other androids like cell.
After thinking about the fusion-thingy I got my idea.

Lore: Dr Gero wasn’t the only android-builder in the old red ribbon army. There was at least one more with a vision matching Gero’s, but in a totally different way. Gero built a small number of increasingly powerful androids, the strongest able to stand up even to a super saiyan. The other, called Dr Wheir, instead focused on massive-scale production. He built many factories around the world in secret and had them producing hundreds if not thousands each of the same android. This model had something that Gero would later steal for his cell-design, the power of fusion. Each model was extremely cheap to build, but didn’t hold much power on its own, but by harnessing the power modules from each other they could grow in strength by about 30% per module.
Dr Wheir built an army able to conquer the world, one that would grow more powerful with each loss, instead of weaker. Yet history doesn’t remember his name. The red ribbon army was destroyed only minutes before the androids could be unleashed, Wheir was driven away from his lab and killed by bandits before he could tell anyone about his army.

Long after the death of Goku (the final one) an adventurer stumbled into the ruins of one of Dr Wheir’s factories. Looking for a terminal with information about the place the adventurer accidentally activated the production line and a single android was engaged. The old hardware had deteriorated though, and the last software update became corrupted. When the android booted up it found that it had a similar programming as 17 and 18, but the insubordination software that normally would stop an android from disobeying its master was damaged. This android had perfect free will, not disobeying orders out of choice but because they were not needed.

There are a number of androids all over the world, the combined power of each would give the last android a power level equal to a super saiyan god, but it is unknown how many androids are actually operational.
The android has activated a beacon that will draw all of the working androids to it, but the rate they will do this varies a lot depending on what kinds of obstacles they will have to clear before uniting with their dominant brother. There is also an algorithm in place to spread out the load of androids to the different factories, so even though there are working androids close by, the algorithm might decide to send one from the other end of the world instead. (in short, the android will not simply go “hey, I need more power” and suddenly fifteen powerups appear. That’s just bad writing)
In the beginning the androids are so similar in power that they can stay and fight, but later they will pretty much become powerups.
When a power module is removed this will automatically trigger the self-destruct sequence. Careful timing and planning can therefore result in a powerful explosion (attack) that also powers up the android.

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