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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aktoria
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

CiS forces appeared in the Anobis system and the Republic forces barely had time to respond. A distress signal was sent out for all available Republic forces to respond and defend the system. The CiS forces were here in bulk, and help was definitely needed if the odds were going to be evened out. The Republic had only just recently gained control of the system and it was a hard fought battle, so everything that was now being thrown at them was a counter attack attempting to retake the system.

Master Liona's fleet was the first to respond, coming out of hyperspace a good distance away from the battle, her three Venators waiting and not moving from the point they jumped in at. It wasn't long before the ships started to move forward, picking a small group of CiS frigates that had strayed a ways too far from the battle, launching fighters and bombers. The fighters headed in first, covering the bombers who focused all their firepower on a single frigate, hoping to take it down quickly in a shadow strike, hoping they could have the frigate finished off before the enemy even realized they were under attack.

As the bombers moved in the Venators moved in, positioning themselves just right so their full firepower could be focused on the frigates from afar, not wanting to move in too closely. After all, there were quite a few ships here, and it was a mess. The admirals and other generals were commanding the 'front lines' of this battle. It was best for the smaller fleets to stay back and keep smaller enemy groups from trying to maneuver around the battle. And that's just what Liona's ships were doing, making sure anyone who strayed too far from the main battle paid for it dearly.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Lord Phoenix was in the bridge when the fleet came out of hyperspace he saw the entire fleet begin firing on the republic. They were vastly outnumbered and weren't prepared for this massive assault. He looked over the battle through the hologram that was being projected. He ordered most of his fire power to destroy the Republic flagship. While he sent out fighter escorts with bombers to do damage to various Venators and Acclimators. He kept a large reserve in the hangar that could be called upon when needed.

As the battle raged on a small fleet of Venators came out of hyperspace and he could sense a Jedi on one of them. The Venators easily destroyed some frigates which had strayed too far from the battlefield. He payed little attention to them so long as they weren't a direct threat to the plan and the battle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Innese


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Takisir sighed inwardly, his helmet currently resting on he edge of the hologram-table, one of his hands rubbing at the temples of his head. Without fail, following a string of bad luck at one of the many little gambling dens around Kuat, he had just started to turn his luck around when word of the CiS fleet approaching the Anobis system had reached him, leading to him currently being aboard his personal cruiser, the Stryke, alongside the Victory & 2 Venator Class Star Destroyers en-route to join the battle, which had already started, if the holo-table was accurate.

Scooping up his helmet and keying the com-system he gave the order to prepare for battle, the fleet emerging from hyperspace a few minutes later towards the rear of the main Republic forces. Takisir ordered his Victory & Venator class ships to fill a series of gaps in the Republic battle-line. As for their fighters & bombers, Takisir had them from up around the Stryke, peeling away from the main front of the battle, planning to hunt down stray ships while also doing his best to deter enemy fighters & bombers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

It seemed another place was under attack by the CIS and of course they were requesting for all available fleets. This was just great, right when Sorie was getting comfortable guarding the wookie homeworld. "Alright boys, get us over to the Anobis system, we have to help some sissies," Sorie ordered, earning a small wave of laughter from her men in the bridge as the fleet jumped to the systems that was besieged by the droids.

After a few minutes, they had gotten there with their two Victory 1 Class-Star Destroyer and two Acclimator class-assult ships. They held a defensive position as they aimed the turbo boasters at the enemy fleet. They would only deploy fighters and bombers as defensive measure. The fleet opened fire on the enemy fleet, planning to destroy some frigates.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion-114
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

>Anobis System
>Ominus Private Quarters

Tidus meditated in his private quarters onboard the Ominus as it laid silently in cloak, only metres away from the raging battle. Tidus had only brought the Ominus, two Droidekas as bodyguards and himself. His mind paced over each of the clones, one by one, seeking deep within. Battle Meditation had no affect on robotics as they were not mentally linked to the force and thus could be 'inspired'. However, Clones were still living creatures. Their minds were linked, and so Tidus could effect them. Soon, One by One, Clone troops made small, unnoticeable mistake in their performance and calculations. However these little mistakes often resulted in hellish outcomes, whether for themselves or for their fellow troopers. Soon, the troopers moral began to wither.

That was until he sensed her. A Jedi. Ripe for plucking.

Leaving his Battle Meditation Stance, and taking a moment to removed from prolonged use, the engines of the Ominus fired up and moving through the debris and other cover made his way to her command ship. Still cloaked and heading for the hanger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aktoria
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Liona closed her eyes, waiting silently as three remaining destroyers did their best to return fire, but were completely outgunned by the Venators. She could sense something dark approaching, quickly. Too quick to be one of the capitol ships, but she couldn't quite figure out where it was or where it was headed, just that the general aura of the Dark Side was coming closer.

"Finish those frigates as quickly as possible and form up with the main fleet." She ordered, watching as the ships began to twist into a different formation. She turned and left the bridge, heading into the halls and lifts of the ship making her way through it. Outside, the ships let their undersides show to the frigates for only a moment, as beams shot out, connecting the Venators and Frigates for what seemed like a split second. The frigates immediately began to explode, their shields faltering as flames shot out in different directions, quelled quickly by the vacuum of space. The frigates were taken care of quickly indeed. It was a one shot deal for the battle, but Liona had ordered 'as quickly as possible'. And that was as quickly as possible... The fighters and bombers returned to the ships, forming up with them as escort as the ship began moving around the main fleet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Legion-114
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Using the now destroyed frigates as cover, the Ominus zipped past the floating rubble and headed directly for the hanger bay of the Destroyer in which Tidus could sense the Jedi in. As he entered the Hanger, the Ominus's Stealth Cloak evaporated and anti-personnel cannons lowered themselves as began to shoot at all the ground units to ensure a safe landing.

One the Ominus had finished its decent, the entrance hatch lowered and two Droidekas rolled out, instantly activating their shields and fired at anyone that the cannons had missed. After a minuet of eerie silence, Tidus slowly stepped out onto the ramp, ensuring that he presence was well known to the Jedi.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 7 mos ago

System: Garos
Planet: Garos IV

"Exiting hyperspace in 3...2...1. Out of hyperspace. All systems nominal. Iridima and Yavin's Pride checking in. All ships accounted for." said a B1 pilot droid in his iconic robotic voice. "Contact Iridima. I want a full orbital scan." Darth Tartarus' voice was quite. It was as if he almost whispered. A few minutes went by when the report came in. "Sir. Iridima picked up one ship in orbit sir. It's a...Consular-class cruiser sir." For a moment, Tartarus did not move. If he was smiling, no-one would know. "Order bombers to engage communication arrays, engines, shields and the hyperdrive. I want that ship alive." The B1 responded with: "Roger. Roger."

Quickly the hangar bays came alive as Vulture- and Hyena-droids detached themselves from the maingride and flew into the cold void of space. Each squadron 5 Vultures escorted the heavier Hyena's. The strike was swift and savage. From the bridge, Darth Tartarus could see the well aimed explosions. Ripping arrays apart and destroying the shield generator. Soon, the damaged vessel was pulled in by the Immortalis tractor beam. "Sir. It seems like the ship was able to send out an emergency broadcast." Again, no emotion could be seen on Tartarus. But he was angry. Very angry.

Onboard, a senator was waiting. Expecting a visit from some CIS admiral or even from a sith. It was, however, not him Darth Tartarus wanted. It was the professor of Starship engineering, who was supposed to give a seminar at Corusant about improved Hyperdrive designs, whom Tartarus wanted. Kidnapping a senator was merely an added benefit to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

Just ignore this}}
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aktoria
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A distress signal was sent out to all republic ships immediately once the Sith was spotted in the hangar aboard Liona's flagship Venator. The message was an SOS alerting all Republic ships that Liona's ship had been boarded by a Sith. It had been sent without Liona's command, however, as she wouldn't have cared to send such a message.

Within the hangar, clone troppers and pilots scattered as the ship entered the hangar, getting behind the cover of the hangar bay shields on either side. Safe from the guns and the Droidekas, the clones just waited, weapons ready, though shots could not be fired from either side. The Droids could not hit the clones, but the clones could not hit the droids either, the shields blocking shots from both directions. Still, they were safe... for the time being.

A large pair of double doors hissed open not long after the ship landed, and Liona walked out fairly casually. She raised her hands and threw them to either side, sending the Droids flying into pillars, crushing components and essentially destroying them. "There is no need for such toys here. If you come seeking Jedi, you will find what you seek."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion-114
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Tidus smiled under his mask. This one had a spark within her. And he liked it. He took a few paces towards her with his hands out to his sides, palms open as if to offer a hug. He kept one eye on the troopers.

"Now there was no need for that. Those were very expensive." Tidus mentioned slyly. There seemed to be no ill-intent flowing from him. It was hard to guess what his real motive here was.

"Now my dear, where is your master? I seek a real Jedi." Tidus remarked. Purposely attempting to infuriate her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lord Phoenix continued to see the battle through the holomap and the bridge. The Droids were easily overwhelming the republic forces. "My Lord, is seems one of the republic venators have been boarded by Lord Tidus." A Neimoidian deck officer. The sith nodded "It means nothing, that reckless sith cares more about a good fight then a battle. Send out all Hyena bombers and target life support and engines. Then send a communication to the Admiral that he should begin sending boarding parties. Begin Jaming all enemy communications."

As the crew around him began giving orders,sending communications and dealing with external threats. The sith simple watched the battle no one could see if he was please or angry he just watched as fewer and fewer republic ships arrived and the one that were originally here to defend were badly damaged or destroyed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aktoria
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Liona stood where she was, watching the Sith from behind her mask silently. No feeling were apparent from her, emotion seeming to be something she either hid well or did not posses. "Do not act like an entitled child. If you are not satisfied with the opportunity you have been given, then go board someone else's ship." She crossed her arms, waiting for any sort of real action from the Sith. "Though I should warn you, you have about five minutes before my personal bomber destroys that ship of yours. And it looks quite a bit more expensive than some droids."

The last of the Republic forces arrived and the initial fleet was forced to pull back. The fleets pulled all of their power together, letting the new arrivals form a defensive barrier while the damaged ships moved behind them. It wasn't the best strategy, but it was just enough to let the Republic forces get back in this fight as their tactics allowed the fresh ships to finish off the damaged CiS ships on the front lines, forcing the ships who had been holding back to get into the fight or risk losing a long range engagement as the CiS had brought mostly frigates meant to get in close, while the Republic forces were set up for defense and that meant they were prepared to engage the enemy at any range.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Legion-114
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Using the force, Tidus drew his lightsaber from his belt and into his right hand. As soon as he held his iron grip upon the hilt, the red, unstable blade was awoken. After preforming some maneuver with the blade hen then began to charge towards her.
"You'll have to do!" He yelled as he charged.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 7 mos ago

System: Garos
Orbit: Garos IV

"Plot a hyperdrive course. But hold for my signal. Destination: random seperatist space." Tartarus told the B1 droid commander before he left the bridge. The journey towards the lower hangar deck where the cruiser was pulled in. A dockingring had forcefully attached itself to the ship, and now several droidekas together with several B2 battle droids. The doors opened up, and a crew exited with hands raised. Except for one. The senator. He was an elderly man, but he had fire in his eyes. "If you think the republic will bend to whatever wish you have simply because you hold me captive, you are mistaken! I will not bend to Sith rule. No. And neither will Garos. You just made the gravest mistake of your dear life, sir. The Jedi will be coming for me!" the man stood tall and firm. Until a red lightsaber was next to his neck.

"I suggest you remain silent for the rest of your very short stay onboard of my vessel, mister senator. I have little interest in you." The fire in the senator's eyes whitered. And the red light vanished again. "Now. Who of you is Professor Medina?" asked Darth Tartarus. A young lady stepped forward. "My lady. I'm afraid that, contrary to the rest of the cruiser's crew. I cannot let you go. Seize her." The professor went along with the two B2 droids towards the holding cells. But never did she take her firm gaze off Tartarus. She had the same fire as the senator. But it never whitered.

The rest of the crew was quickly pushed back into the vessel. Which was then dropped into space like a dead ship. Maybe a patrol ship of the Republic would find it. Or ships from Garos IV would come to it's aid. It mattered little.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sorie's fleet moved in to reinforce their allies and make sure that the more damaged ships did not go down. Those ships just needed to jump out of the system before they were completely destroyed, unless they couldn't. Soon they picked up the SOS from their ally and established communications with them, "This is General Sorie, we are sending over gunships to aid you"

"Keep those turbo boasters on the enemies," Sorie reminded her fleet as they moved into a little defensive formation. This needed to be done to avoid any unneeded damage. Five LAAT/c's were deployed along with a squadron a fighters as an escort.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion-114
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

>Orbit over Mechis III

High above the planet of Mechis III laid Lord Tidus's dormant fleet where two Providence Class Destroyers ran through battle simulations with a variety of simulations, all calculating possible outcomes for the battles yet to come.
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