Similar to the OOC section's opening post, you will want to keep an eye out for new content in this IC opening post.

High atop a giant mountain lies what locals refer to as Paradise City. All the inhabitants of this city arrive at dawn and in the same way, by safely waking up on a sidewalk or park bench, healed of any ailment and with all bodily scars vanished. They are also found dressed in the same unisex, navy blue comfort suit, much like that of a modern day nurse.
The locals welcome new arrivals in open arms, offering to give them tours and show them the best places to buy new clothes. Whether one chooses to accept their overbearingly kind assistance or explore the city alone, it will become evident that this is no average city. Some streets are futuristic while others seem to resemble idealistic versions of the ages past; one never knows what kind of architecture will be found around the next corner. And venturing off too far in any direction will reveal an invisible wall. Beyond the wall, luscious landscapes below peak out from behind pillow white clouds.
The strangeness does not end at the city’s layout. Upon further investigation, there is no higher authority, no monetary system, basically nothing to create any kind of division of social classes. With no money, comes no need to work. There are no manufacturing plants as anyone can go to a store and request an item to be custom built by a computer operated machine or order the item online. Restaurants are merely themed attractions where people sit at tables where food and drinks are delivered autonomously, only moments after requesting them. In period themed shops, lifelike androids serve their guests 24/7.
After many hours of exploring, one may expect to start feeling tired or hungry, but that is never the case. The longer you stay, the more certain facts become apparent. While inside the invisible walls of this city, you will never get tired, hungry or sick. Furthermore, if you were to become injured, you would bear witness to your body’s new ability to heal itself in a matter of minutes.
Naturally, you may have a few questions such as, “Where am I? How did I get here? How is any of this possible? Can I go back home? What do I do next?” You are not alone. Everyone starts off with the same questions. Eventually, most people give up on their search for answers and choose to live gleefully in the care free city. What will you do?
8 facts you will learn quickly on your first day:
- Day and night pass as usual.
- Weapons seem to be non-existent.
- The weather is always mild and comfortable.
- There are no houses, just free hourly accommodations.
- You can find any kind food or clothes at the stores for free.
- You never get tired and always return to a state of perfect health.
- People eat and drink purely for enjoyment, never getting full and never leaving waste.
- Forms of transportation include: high-speed rails, busses, and single person rides (including animals).
"Good Morning Paradise"
This is the fictional website of two NPCs, Randy and Trixie. You can find their original posts in the IC section. Below are bare summaries of each of their appearances. This is basically a catalog for new people and those back from a long absence.
Paradise City Quests
Golden Rule: No god modding another person's character
Silver Rule: Do not post more than once per hour. This is not quite the place.
Silver Rule: Do not post more than once per hour. This is not quite the place.