Name: Keira Dalthier
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Type: Godly
School: Demon Hunter
Magic/Weapon(s):*Prayer of Astyr - First Stanza: The flow of life is eternal and shared by all living entities that reside naturally in our world. When one understands the flow of life within all living things, one can command it. Life energy can be taken from a dying creature and transferred to another, strengthening them and healing wounds. The flow can also be hindered in the bodies of whole and living beings, weakening them and causing pain.
*Prayer of Astyr - Second Stanza: Demons and the undead are unnatural. Abominations to Astyr. This Stanza is anathema to these perversions of life, burning them from the inside and binding their movements until they can be slain.
*A simple, unadorned dagger, used as much for rituals as for self-defense.
*While not actually magic, as a Priestess, she is trained in non-magical healing.
Bio: Taken as an infant by the Church of Astyr, Goddess of Life, Kiera was found to be blessed with vitality, overcoming a disease that would have killed a lesser child. Thought to be touched by Astyr, she was raised and trained by the church to be a Priestess of Astyr. When she turned fifteen she was sent to the Academy of Solomon, to ply her power in service to the world and Astyr. She knows all four hundred and sixty two stanzas of the Prayer of Astyr, but at present is able to empower only the first two.
Note: The Prayer of Astyr, able to control life, can be perverted and twisted into Necromancy. As such Necromancers and the Undead are the absolute worst evil imaginable to a servant of Astyr.