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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroku Nagasai

"Would you like any help on this mission of yours, Kuroko? I know I'm not at a hundred percent, but this job sounds simple enough that you and me could handle it with marginal difficulty. It'd be even easier if anyone else joins in, but that'd just be overkill, though that might be just what these assholes need." Aiden face soured as he turned his thoughts to the town that was currently being occupied by a bunch of thugs. "It's people like this that put shame to all mages, so let's show him what the Wizards of Fiore do to losers thinking they can take advantage if defenseless villagers, yeah, Pencil Wizard?"

The Winter Spirit was going to respond to Aiden, until he glances over at the team forming up, with the head being Damon. Right on the wall next to them, was in fact the same job as they were going to partake. He wanted to go at them and say he called dibs first, but was not in the mood for dealing with them. He makes a defeated sigh as he crumples the paper up.

"That team got dibs on it first apparently..." Kuroku answers finally, "I don't feel like arguing with them so I'm just going to let them do it."

He throws away the paper and continues looking at the guild board. Suddenly, he spots yet another mission. One that he hasn't seen before. He plucks it off the board and reads it slowly.

"Hmmm..." Kuro thinks as he turns to Aiden, "I think I have an idea on our substitute mission."

He hands Aiden the job request for him to read as he hears Nigel come into the guild hall. A smile forms on his face as he greets him.

"Nigel ole pal!" he shouts back, "It's good to see ya! How'e everything?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Alice Vetrov

Alice turned to face Isshum when the young man released a cry of pain. The heat from the wild sparks that flew from him held a warmth that was not at all comforting; unlike the fireworks display the dragon slayer had showed the mother and son earlier. Even James detected this, taking a step away from Isshum with tears welling up in his eyes as the man who had been so kind to him fell to the floor.
"Mommy, help him!" brought back from shock by her sons cries, Alice instantly moved into action with as much swiftness as a swordsman moving in to strike. Moving down onto one knee quickly, she gently placed her arm under Isshum's head as he fell to the floor; protecting his skull from receiving any physical damage. With her spare arm, she removed her lab coat and bundled it up into a makeshift pillow to rest his head on top of. Isshum was as warm as anything, from his high fever and from his magical fire that refused to stop. A flame licked up and singed Alice's now bare shoulder, but she didn't wince. It was unfortunate to say, but the feeling of being burned was something she had become all too familiar with while under the care of her old master during the war.

With the flash of a golden magic circle, Alice's eyes radiated with pure power; glowing golden as she scanned the young mans body from head to toe. With her Mystical Sight, she'd be able to quickly determine the issue if it were a physical one. However, this didn't seem to be the case. She was sure that Isshum had accidentally inhaled a poisonous substance from her box, but she knew deep down that was impossible. Those vials were all sealed personally by herself, and she wouldn't make a rookie mistake such as improperly sealing one of them. However this did complicate things, since there didn't seem to be anything physically wrong with Isshum to cause these attacks on his body. Regardless, she had to do something to stop the pain in his heart and try to wake him up.
"Isshum! Isshum! This is Alice Vetrov, we were in my office moments ago!" Alice spoke loud and clearly to the seemingly lifeless body of the young mage. "Your name is Isshum. I am going to treat you, please try to focus on my voice. You're going to be okay." If Isshum was unconscious, then Alice would need to do everything she could to keep him grounded. While she gathered magic power to her hands, she continued to speak his name and where he was. Throughout it all, she kept mentioning that he was going to be fine. She didn't want his body to go into shock.
"You're name is Isshum. I am Alice Vetrov. Listen to my voice; you're going to be fine. Mending Palm!" Pressing down onto his heart with one palm on top of the other; using her elbows for force, Alice began to pump her healing magic in perfectly timed pulses throughout his body. There was nothing that her magic could do to heal him, but by pumping it onto his heart directly she was making sure to keep it beating. "Isshum, listen to me. You are in my office. You're going to be alright, I promise." James sat near Isshum's head, crying gently while he gently pleaded for him to wake up. Alice had no clue what had caused this, but her best hypothesis was that there was a sudden disturbance in Isshum's magic power. It seemed to have settled down as far as she knew, but had left Isshum in a horrible state. She continued to pump power to his heart, hoping to keep him breathing until his magic could stabilise itself.

Beatrix Durandal and April Quartz

April giggled in delight at the sounds of discomfort when Beatrix ensared several of the masked man's lackeys with her wires. To be honest, the young girl didn't even realise how she'd trapped them until the light reflected off of the thin strands, releasing a gentle glare that caught her attention.
"What kind of magic is this?!" One man yelled, but was silenced when a seed bomb dramatically jumped, arms and legs spread, onto his back and latched itself there. Not knowing what was grabbing him, the man started to struggle under the force of the wires to no avail. "Get it off me! Get it off!" The bomb sat on his head, waiting for the command.
"Now you just sit there and be quiet, or..." April spread her arms wide, making a dramtic 'boom' motion with a devilish smile plastered across her face. Many of the other ensared individuals found themselves in a similar position.

April looked over her shoulder as Beatrix complemented her magic, which brought a sincere smile to the young girls expression.
"Oh? I had no idea you were such a woman of fine tastes. This is only the beginning of my repertoire of colorful delights!" The vulgar attitude of the young girl swapped so quickly to sweet and refined that some of the cult members stared in disbelief. Could this be the same person that had spent the last few days adding at least four pages to their book of curse words?

Kicking one leg over the other Beatrix smirked as the ensnared ones became even more trapped by the color bombs now resting atop of them. "Of course my tastes are fine, it is me we are talking about after all. Still it seems only one real threat remains" There were other cult members but the flanks were being dealt with by her dolls, easliy sweeping up the untrained crowd with ease while the two mages focused their attention to Lumen - The masked dark mage.

"Very well done... However it seems that your magic is nothing to be worried about. If this is the exstent of your power that is?"

"Kehahahha~ I have yet to even use a drop of my magic power and yet you are so confident? It is good to see someone so brave!"

Beatrix sounded genuine when giving him a compliment, though she had finished playing around and giving his reputation as a assassin she didn't have any choice but to strike first. Lifting up both her hands she pulled sharply on the tight wires that exstended from her fingers "April, would you mind attacking with me? Marionette - Sword Dance" The wires that had been attached to the cult members weapons suddenly pulled them away from their grasp, bringing them floating into the air before menicingly pointing towards Lumen. However she was not yet finished with her little display, as with a twist of her hand the five swords hummed with magic and activated their ablities! Flame, Ice and Win slashes shot towards her enemy!

The masked man slumped forward at the oncoming attack, his arrogant posture suggesting that Beatrix's efforts would be childs play for him to avoid. Kicking off of the ground, he soared high above the elemental attacks in an almost elegant fashion. April 'tsked' at the insulting display of indifference. She saw Beatrix's blades fly towards the man, but from the way he began to move it seemed as though he would dodge them as well.

Holding Iris in front of her, April decided that she wouldn't give him the chance to dodge.
"Color Switch! Dream Fan!" Taking on a colorful appearance of greens, yellows and white, Iris transformed in her hands into a large, metal fan that was folded closed. With one sweep of her right arm, the fan slowly opened up; completely covering the girl from view. Bringing it back behind her, April took a step forward before swinging the large fan towards the onslaught of blades. "Dream Gale!" A gust of powerful wind swept through the enclosed space in one direction; harshly pushing April and anyone not prepared forward slightly. When the wind passed the weapons, the strength of the gale put strain on the wires holding them. The blades were trying to move faster than the wires permitted thanks to the gust of wind, and eventually the forces in play caused them to snap free and sling forward at almost double their speed.

The masked man was not prepared for the sudden change in velocity of Beatrix's deadly arsenal, so when one blade scraped the side of his arm he gasped in surprise. Quickly changing his position in the air, he scrambled to avoid as many of the weapons as possible. Even despite being caught off guard, he was very nimble. The first wound he received from the attack would be the only one. April frowned, hoping to do more damage to the creep than that. Still, it was a start.

Beatrix was more than a little suprised by the suddenly combination attack, but it was a good kind of suprise since it seemed despite her attuide the girl was very adept at working in tandem with others, at least when she wanted too. Thanks to that Lumen got hurt more than she was exspecting, still she was missing two out fo the five blades because of the force of the wind, so she made sure to restock while she had the chance.

Standing upright once again Lumen may have gasped at the suddeness of the attack but despite his deep wound on his arm he was showing no signs of pain at all. His blood also had a dark blue like color to it. "Suprising. It has been a good while since I saw teamwork, most mages that had died at my hands but strangers and loners even when more and one of them are fighting me. " Suddenly his body twitched a little and slowly but surely he leaned forward to take on a limp fighting stance as if he was a wild beast. "Still, it matters not. You will die like the others, well one of you will at least." Peering towards April for a moment he suddenly dashed forwards, his arm extending to bring out a hidden blade in his forearm!

Shifting her arm the blades followed Beatrix's command to move infront of April, either using the same attack from before or just defense either way he was right where they needed him, at least that is what the girl had suspected. With a flash of the lacrima that made up the eye of the mask Lumen exstended his other arm and spoke aloud "Force Magic - PUSH!" Suddenly a gaint wave of force slammed into the blades infront of April, causing him to fly backwards right for her! Beatrix pulled with all her strength to pull two of the five swords away from her, but the others snapped from their already weakened wires. However, this was not the only effect as it looked like the magi that Lumen had used had broken one of his arms in the process, and yet he only peered down to it in frustration.

There was barely a moment to reach to the blades that furiously flung themselves towards April. That dirty bastard had some despicable tricks up his sleeve. If April were a more skilled fighter, she could have easily defended herself against the blades. As it stood, even with Beatrix deflecting a couple of them, she just wouldn't be fast enough. She closed her eyes in fear, expecting the weapons to hit her. Then something strange came over her. She could swear that for only a moment, a hand had gently rested itself upon her shoulder. The touch was warm and comforting, and oddly familiar to her.

She opened her eyes, expecting to see Beatrix's hand on her. Instead all she saw was the blades of her Dream Fan opened up to form a shield that had blocked the flying weapons. She could swear that she hadn't touched the weapon, but it couldn't have moved on its own? April had no time to think about it, since there were more pressing matters to attend to. She folded the fan shut, staring at the masked strangers broken arm. He seemed disappointed by it, but he showed no signs of pain.

"Just what the hell are you, creep?" Her question was mostly rhetorical, since she was already charging towards him once again with her folded fan as her weapon. She wasn't about to let this chance slide while he was injured. With a hefty swing, she brought Iris down upon Lumen with a surprising amount of force.

Lumen peered up towards the girl charging him, his eye once again flashing as he readied his own forearm blade once more, blocking the incoming strikes but it was clear he was on the defensive and a rather low strength one at that when compared to April's forceful strikes. "Dammit, I should have replaced this a long time ago... How foolish of me to underestermate you." Suddenly he felt his back hit something akin to a wall, but when he pushed April's fan away after a attack to take a fast look he saw two towering black and white angels behid him!

"There is more than just her you have to pay attention too. Ari, Shi deal with this thing."

On Beatrix's orders both the angels raised and swung their spears towards the man, missing by meer inches as he nimbly dashed back away from them, however no matter his speed he was vastly out numbers this time around. It seemed his tactic of having the others weaken them did not work at all with those damn dolls around! Turning his head he spotted April coming in for another strike and with his feet off the ground and unable to avoid it he tried shouting "Force Magic-," but was cut off by the girls attack and as a result was sent sprawling across the ground, unmoving...

April leapt from the ground with excitement at her attack making contact. From the looks of it, the creep seemed to be out cold. Twirling around, the little girl blew a kiss towards the unresponsive stranger with a cheeky grin.
"Ha! Suck it, douchebag! You're so outclassed and outnumbered that it was pathetic for you to even try!" April walked up to his body that lay still and began prodding him in the shoulder with the pointy end of Iris.

"It seems I shall not being paid for this job... "

Lumen's voice echoed out from the body on the ground, and suddenly it seemed to be rising but something was off about how it was doing so... Being unsteady on his feet at first he uses his one good arm to check his ribs "Broken, as exspected. Still I can return without any ploblem. That is unless you wish to still fight me? I do warn you though that using my magic I would be able to wipe out this entire cave system, so I don't suggest it"

Beatrix was making her way over by this point, and though she didn't want to let him go she had a feeling that his calm tone of voice and lack of his own safty from before he was truely willing to take everything down with him if he so wished. "Well then. I shall be leaving. However if we ever meet again I wont be the same. So be ready to perish if we do." With that Lumen started to head towards the exit of the cave, leaving the other cult members to their fates without a second throught.

April raised Iris in objection, not ready to let this creep get away so easily. Yet as she did so a sudden fatigue fell over her. She'd been swapping forms with Iris quite a lot and it had only just taken its toll on her body. Her magic had limits, much more so than someone of Beatrix's power. She was after all, still a rather weak mage in comparison to the puppet master. Although she would never admit it. Turning to face Beatrix, April forcefully stopped panting to try and act as if she wasn't affected by the battle. Even though she had to use Iris as a walking stick.
"Well, looks like we showed him. But now that the ordeal is over, let's be honest with each other. You didn't come looking for me because you actually gave a damn did you? A wizard like you must belong to that damn guild, right?"

"Ah of course I 'give a damn' I would not be here otherwise. As any knight should be. The guild jobs only give me the opportunity to find people in need. Though yes I do belong to that so called guild, there was a reward and everything. Another also came along with me."" Beatrix had both angels return to her side, their clothing and bodies a little damged from the fighting. she also made sure to use some of her physical wire to tie up any remaining cultests. "We shall go and find him and then return. I am sure he has been working just as hard as us. You did very well I must say, much more powerful than I or that assassin exspected."

Beaming at the puppet master, April softened her demeanor up a bit at the compliment. Despite her anxiousness, it seemed as though her intentions were truly to rescue April. For that, she should be thankful for.
"That's why you don't underestimate the amazing Rainbow Mage!" She grinned, twirling around with Iris in her hand. "But, I'd probably be back in that cell by now if you hadn't shown up conveniently. So uh, thanks for that I guess. Let's just go, this place is creepy!" The girl had tried to divert attention away from her expression of gratitude as quickly as possible, walking past Beatrix whilst avoiding eye contact. No doubt the puppet master had something smug to say in regards to April's gratitude; but for now the pair seemed to head out from the hidden cave in search of Sage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A silent Mage, A concerned Sage

Cedar City, Nearly midnight

Sage hummed to himself as he laid out the notes he managed to gather during his time alone, soon he would have to rendezvous with his 'apparent' teammate. 'Why would that want to raise a demon like that in this city? On top of that" he stared at the picture of April before placing it down 'Why do that want to use her as a host?' Racking his brain of answer, it only came up blank.

'Just what in the world are they thinking?' he sighed. 'Perhaps, Uncle Revan would help me out with this, but for now....I'll keep this to myself. Beatrix doesn't need to know about this.' Carefully placing the notes back into his bag. He stood up and looked around. 'Right now, there is a cult that wants April. So my...our current objective is to protect the kid and then decide from there on what to do.'

A sudden gust of wind forced the silent mage to shut is eye before slowly opening them again. 'They should be in the city now.' fishing into his pocket. Sage pulled out an kunai with a explosive tag on it. Throwing into high into the air, it exploded into bright orange fireworks. Even if they where still out of the city, they would have seen it.

@Leslie Hall @Kitsune
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Beatrix Durandal

Beatrix peered up towards the sky as she saw the firework like magic being fired into the sky "Well it is not subtle but it sure is colorful is it not?" She could not help but chuckle at the sight but sweeping out her hand towards the mark one of her angels grabbed onto her chair while the other attempted to grab April from behind!

"This will be both safer and faster! Let us go!"

Despite if April allowed it or not they would either walk or fly to a near by place before coming up to arrive at their destination where the Silent Mage was located. "Oh right, the small thing I forgot to mention. my partner on his mission does not talk. That being said, Sage you may come out now. I have helpfully discovered and even rescued the girl. we may take out leave of this place, which I do suggest." After all people may still be looking for them, and it would be better if they talked with the guild about it rather than the guards...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Aiden Cross

"Meh, if they got dibs, they got dibs. Besides, while the reward isn't as large, it seems easy enough . . . unless you want to hit up this other one instead." Aiden shrugged, looking over both the request Kuroko had chosen, which seemed easy enough and the one he probably should go on given his current condition, before turning his attention towards another request on the board that that he kinda wanted to do, and more importantly, payed a lot more, as well as also seeming a tad more urgent, even if whoever put it up seemed like an entitled ass. A couple of angry twins in Clover town were likely to find themselves taken down by another team due to the historical significance of the town, so it wasn't like it was unlikely for them to get help if they didn't go.

"We'll probably need another person or two, given the difficulty, but then again, it's a protection job so the right companion could make all the difference." Aiden's eyes drifted over to Nigel as Kuroko addressed the living machine, a smile crossing over his features as he glided over to the both of them, taking a seat next to the pink haired man. "and speak of the devil, I don't think anyone's better suited for a protection job than someone who can always keep an eye on the target. What'd ya say, you pink haired genius, want to help break a vote? I want to go with one mission, Lead-head over here want's to go with another. Here's the request forms, which you want to do?"

Aiden placed the two requests in front of the man, airing patiently for his response. As he waited, however, he felt a shiver crawl up his spine, as if someone was watching him, but when he turned around, he saw no one. HE kept his yes locked on the position where he had felt the sensation, but after some time, shrugged it off as just nerves and went back to waiting for Nigel's decision. He doubted that woman would be crazy enough to follow him to the guild hall, much less attack him here.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Taka Shirokawa


Taka listened to Ira's plea, promising that he wouldn't bag on the food that she adored and liked. She then followed him into the cafe as a waiter came in, Ira asking for them to get the best table. She then followed him to a table as she noticed that it was at the back of the cafe, she could tell it was somewhat perfect, due to the light setting the part of the room that they were in. The boy had offered her a seat, she sat down on the seat, but her feet could barely reach the floor due to her short height. She then looked to the boy who had asked her a question, she lifted an eyebrow before breathing in before answering.

"Now are you the one to forget? You made me promise you." Taka sighed after her statement, leaning back in her chair before reaching for the menu that was just before them. She took a look through the menu to see what she would like, she was thinking of some strawberry cake like she always had.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ira
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Ira The Swank Origin

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ira Amaterasu


“ Ahh Touche. Most females would’ve reconsidered due to what I did outside. I’m sure they're gonna make me pay for the small damage done to your precious town.” , Ira said sarcastically . He began to stare into Taka’s eyes, his red pupils focused on what could be going thru her mind at this very moment.

“ I’m actually happy you decided to come. Now that we’re alone I feel I can get to know you better. Let’s start by telling me about your pastlife, you know, before the guild.” As he questioned Taka yet again the waiter appeared with menus and asked the couple, “ What will you two be drinking today?”

“ Could we have your oldest wine. Make sure it sweet too. We should be ready to order by the time you return.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Nakaru Evercloud

It was a common sight along the route taken by the dragon slayer to the guildhall; women swooning, red faced, sighing in reverie, or huffing in contempt. Such was the result of Nakaru's unintentional flirting. The cat sitting on his shoulder looked back at the sight and shook his head. "You've gotta get that under control...that habit can't end well." The cerulean haired mage walked along with hardly a care and a gentle smile on his face. He gave Sykes the usual perplexed look he gave everyone when they mentioned his mannerisms. "What won't end well?" Just then he felt a familiar tremor in the ground. "Fantastic...Damon's getting impatient. If only a certain somebody woke me up on time." Sykes hopped down from Nakaru's shoulder and looked back at him with a seriousness in his eyes. "Sorry, but you need to get more rest...you can't manage it if you burn yourself out."

Nakaru knelt down and pat Sykes on the head. "Thanks. Really...I'm happy to know you always have my back. I'll be fine as long as you keep that up." Sykes averted his gaze trying to act cool. "I'm not one those girls; that charm of yours doesn't work everywhere...Let's hurry up before they leave us behind." Sykes turned and continued walking. "I know you'll keep your promise...just don't kill yourself over it." Nakaru smirked. "Heh, you sentimental furball... They arrived at the guildhall shortly and quickly spotted the rest of the group. "Looks like you guys haven't left yet. And here I thought we were late~" Nakaru said with a snarky tone.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



"You are late," Blanche said, appearing seemingly from out of nowhere behind her charge. "Damon has been waiting for more than and hour. We have a job to do, apparently something with a dark guild." She shoved a hefty looking tome on white magic into his arms before turning towards the door. "While we're traveling, you're to read that, sickness or no. I'll be testing you on it when we get back."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 20 days ago

Nigel Ballard

Nigel set down, in front of him, the little metal cube, turned around on the stool and just watched the people that were coming and going. Occasionally, he would wave at someone, greeting them and other times he would just stare silently. "Mio," he thought and almost instantly, a panel appeared, "Did you call, master?" the little blue-haired cyber girl asked him. "Yes, I did," he told her with a serious look, startling her. "I have a very crucial question for you Mio. It's of utmost importance that you answer it honestly," he said and looked straight in her eyes. "Um, I'll try my best master" she replied, curious now as to what Nigel had to say.

"Mio...If you were a real girl...what color panties would you wear?" ZZZZZTtt The panel closed as a jolt passed through Nigel's body, shocking him. He didn't care though as he more or less expected it and instead, he started laughing out loud. "Your reactions are always so entertaining to watch, Mio," he said as he whipped away the tears from his eyes.

"Nigel ole pal!" a familiar voice called, "It's good to see ya! How's everything?" "Kuroko, hey!" Nigel said and waved back as Kuroko made his way towards him. "I've been mostly good, trying to find something to do but other than that, just chilling here," he said with as smile. Behind him also came Aiden, walking by his friend and sitting right next to Nigel. "...and speak of the devil, I don't think anyone's better suited for a protection job than someone who can always keep an eye on the target. What'd ya say, you pink haired genius, want to help break a vote? I want to go with one mission, Lead-head over here want's to go with another. Here are the request forms, which do you want to do?" "Oi oi, relax. First of all, hey. Secondly," Nigel told Aiden and turned his attention towards the two request forms. "Hmm, personally, If I were alone, I'd do the second one, protection jobs are pretty easy when you are able to have your eyes on the client and on lookout at the same time. Dunno how you guys would handle it though..." he told them jokingly. "If you would have me, why not. I'd pick the second one," he finished.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 11 days ago

Damon Phobos

Damon was glad to see that everyone had finally made it, despite that Bristlebane had ran off to acquire some unknown object or finish some business. The red haired mage walked over to Nakaru and gave him a playful punch in the shoulder. Nakaru was a valuable member of the team and Blanche was basically mom when he was not around Merrian. "Come on guys. I know of a carriage that'll get us to Eastcliff in no time." Damon smiled and began walking toward the edge of town. "We'll pick up Bristlebane on the way." The mission details still bothered Damon to an extent. A Dark Guild was never to be taken lightly no matter how weak they appeared to be. He could remember traveling with Gildarts and having to fight a guild that harbored some cannon that could extract souls. It was a weird experience that left an impact on the protege. Several minutes would pass before they would reach a large carriage, royal in appearance. What was truly offsetting were two massive horses with fire-like magic for a mane and tail attached to the carriage.

"Awesome, right?" Damon commented.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Taka Shirokawa


Taka looked over at Ira with somewhat of a glare as he said then, in truth, she was actually going to make him pay for it once they were done. This date is only temporary after all, after this, she's consider him an enemy of the guild. She is passionate about her guild, but for her all thinking about this it's due to her personality. Taka noticed that he had asked about her past life, she didn't really remember much of it, due to her being such a young age. But before she could answer, the waiter came and asked what they would like to drink, with Ira replying with drinks for them both.

"Let me start then. My earliest memories was me on a boat of some kind, I was being carried by a man, and I couldn't really remember anything else about the boat to be honest. Then I was adopted by a fire mage, who truly was a professional at all sorts of fire magic. And that's where I learned my magic, Living Flame. For a while I was an independent mage, searching for jobs to do, but then my father told me to go join a guild. So I said. Why not? And that's where I came to today, I know... it's boring." Taka sighed as she leaned on the table, putting a hand on her cheek in boredom.

Alexandre Cross

@Kal-El @chukklehed @Vongola_Hasayo @Eklispe

Alexandre softly smiled back to Damon, starting to follow him out of town with the team, they all seemed very nice, this would be his first job in the guild after all. Which means that Alexandre could possibly show off his magic if he wanted to. Eventually they all had reached a beautiful carriage, one that Alexandre had never seen before in his travels. "These horses... are truly beautiful..." Alexandre said as he had widened his eyes, he was tempted to pat the horse, but he could possibly go on fire.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroku Nagasai

"Meh, if they got dibs, they got dibs. Besides, while the reward isn't as large, it seems easy enough . . . unless you want to hit up this other one instead." Aiden replies as he shows Kuroku the job request he chose.

"Hmmmmm..." the Winter Spirit thought aloud, "I suppose we can do this job... thought I gotta say, it looks kinda sketchy."

It was then when he greeting Nigel coming in.

"Kuroko, hey!" Nigel said and waved back as Kuroko made his way towards him. "I've been mostly good, trying to find something to do but other than that, just chilling here,"

"Haha, good to hear." Kuro replies as he directs him to Aiden.

"...and speak of the devil, I don't think anyone's better suited for a protection job than someone who can always keep an eye on the target. What'd ya say, you pink haired genius, want to help break a vote? I want to go with one mission, Lead-head over here want's to go with another. Here are the request forms, which do you want to do?"

Kuro just rolled his eyes when Aiden called him 'Lead-head', which he was pretty alright with considering he's used to it.

"Oi oi, relax. First of all, hey. Secondly," Nigel told Aiden and turned his attention towards the two request forms. "Hmm, personally, If I were alone, I'd do the second one, protection jobs are pretty easy when you are able to have your eyes on the client and on lookout at the same time. Dunno how you guys would handle it though..." he told them jokingly. "If you would have me, why not. I'd pick the second one," he finished.

"Very well then." Kuro responds after a second of silence, "We'll do the second one. I'm up for it."

He then posts back the job request he previously wanted onto the guild board.

"Anyone up for a hot job?" he asks the whole guild, "Ice-Dragon and Pink-Slushie over here are going for a cold one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Bristlebane gave a sigh of relief. It had been in his left, side middle, top pocket the whole time. How silly of him. Bristlebane sprinted outside backtracking and eventually finding his group again. It seemed they were getting into some sort of carriage, pulled by some fiery horses. They reminded him of a card he had seen once. Rapisash? Rapitash? Rapigrash? Eh he would remember sooner or later. Or not. He called out, "Wait for me." as he caught up and jumped into the carriage eager to be on his way. This was going to be fun. "Sweet ride." he said once he was nice and settled. "Anybody own it or we renting?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ira
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Ira The Swank Origin

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ira Amaterasu


Ira laughed as Taka exclaimed her story was boring. It was actually quite interesting. He didn’t know of many people who came from adoptable homes and were still happy. The waiter returned with their drinks and two glasses. He began to pour and asked the two , “ Are you both ready to order?” Ira had no clue what to eat. The menu was filled with delicious treats and savory meats. He looked to Taka for some sort of help, “ What would you suggest for a person who has never ate in a restaurant?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Aiden Cross

Aiden scratched his head in slight embarrassment, having let his excitement get the better of him.

"Sorry, Guess I should've started with a hello, huh, my bad? And of course we wouldn't mind having you on board, Tech-head. With you on board, this'll be easy pickings. Excluding that, I kinda need to talk to you about something anyway." Aiden said, his smile becoming a little more forced for a second, but he soon moved past whatever he was thinking. "But we can get to that later, yeah."

Aiden turned back to face Kuro, only a small smile as the S-ranked mage tried to give them names of his own, and only partially succceded. "Slushie-head was clever, but you're going to have to try harder than 'Ice Dragon' before you can best me in the giving of crappy nicknames, Lead Head. but keep trying, it amuses me."


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroku Nagasai

"I was never really a trash talker... snowball." Kuro answers at a second chance to make a come back, "Anyways, I suggest we get going. We got a train to catch. It will take us to where we are needed."

He then begins to walk out the front door, gesturing the others to come along as well.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Cardinal was showered with light. Long columns of gold broke through the dense clouds in slants, moving along the earth like blocky fingers. The etherious that sat upon the top of one of Oak Town’s famous castles whistled at the sight. It was impressive, something he had rarely seen in all of his years on Ishagar.

In his lap, resting in between his crisscrossed legs was an old, cracked skull. It had long since lost any remnants of its former life and yet it held it tenderly. One hand cuffed its chin while the other clamped its crown.

“Peytra, look at the sunshine. Its really, really bright. Looks like god’s trying to fry everyone with magnifying glasses.” he laughed and stood up. As soon as he did, the wind tugged at the long tails of his scarf; the strength tightening them around his neck.

“Easy big fella, it was just a joke.” Cardinal said, loosening the grip the crimson clothing had on his bare neck. The antenna-like bangs of his hair bent and billowed lightly in the breeze, he could feel the irritating pull.

“The winds of change are blowing again, Peytra. Where to now?”

I S S H U M.

For several long minutes, Isshum was unresponsive to Alice’s calls. Though his magic did stabilize rather quickly thanks to her efforts.

As light fluttered between his lids, Isshum groaned from a severe throbbing in his chest. The after pain of his magic limiters suppressing the great flames inside of him. He sat up with haste and urgency, unsure of what had happened in the last few moments. First his gaze met Alice, who he knew had been affected by whatever happened to him.

“Are you… Are you okay?” he asked softly, his eyes even softer than his voice.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Taka Shirokawa


After explaining her boring story to Ira, the waiter then came over and started to pour their drinks, she looked up at them as they asked a question to the two. Which was what they would like to order, after searching through the menu she had already chosen what she wanted. She just wanted some strawberry cake like usual, after all the owner of this place is a friend to her adoptive father. Ira then asked her a question about the menu, and it was the classic 'what should I get'. She searched through the menu for something that he would probably like, and stumbled upon a ham and cheese panini sandwich. She liked it herself, and hoped that Ira would like it, but who knows.

"The... Ham and Cheese Panini Sandwich is actually pretty good... and also I'll get a Strawberry Cream Cake please." Taka said to Ira before turning towards the waiter, giving them a small smile in politeness as she ordered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ira
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Ira The Swank Origin

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ira Amaterasu


“ Ham and cheese you say? Guess I’ll have that. I’ll also have a steak, a seafood platter, two lemon meringue pie, and some vanilla ice cream.” Ira didn’t seem the type to eat a lot, but that was only judging by his appearance. he turned his attention back to Taka who seemed to be getting more and more comfortable in his presence. He honestly wanted to know how she felt about as far as friendship. Ira didn’t want to seem as if he were rushing things. Girls are so confusing its hard to process the thoughts that manifest in one’s mind . After briefly thinking it over he decided to ask,

“ Is there anything you’d like to know about me? Anything but my past is open to you . It’s kind of harsh so I wouldn’t deem it appropriate for such an occasion.
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