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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpiritedDream
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SpiritedDream The One Who Sleeps

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well, I just said that I'm away from the 23rd to the 26th of October...but other than that I'm around. I'm working on collabs with both my characters at the moment.

Now, Andri's Relations:

Lea: I am thankful and pleased she is alive, though the knowledge that she has been taught by the Sith has me somewhat worried. Have they twisted our Master's teachings, subverted them into being parallel to their own? I think she is a resourceful young woman, but still a child in terms of what she has to learn about teh Jedi way and the Force, and I pray that we can make it out of this together. If we do, I will endeavour to help her learn more about our way of life, and correct any misunderstandings spending so much time with the Sith may have caused.

Xid: He is a nice young man, but not very confident, and I worry that he may do something rash and lose his life - which, if what he told me is correct, is not going to be beneficial to the prisoners as a whole, since a lot of the plan he and Tolun Fi have talked about involve his skills with machines. I will gladly go in his place for any torture or discussions, as I have faith in my conviction, and it will spare him the pain and psychological confusion such events would induce, and therefore take his attention away from any plotting the others may need to do.

Shiri: A young Twi'lek, I'm not sure how old she is but she seems younger than Xid. I haven't had a chance to speak with her, but she doesn't appear to be a fighter.

Miasa: The Sluissi is...confusing for me. She talks pleasantly, she enjoys debating differing points of view, and she disdains hurting someone just for the sake of causing pain, but she is a Sith. She has left me with quite a bit to think about, some of which has me rattled. I think in another lifetime, one where she hadn't fallen to the Dark Side or perhaps I had never become a Jedi, we could have been good friends.

Jayda and Zanna: The pair I have only just met, though the Zabrak is extremely familiar to me. She reminds me of someone...it's on the tip of my tongue, but the words won't come. They are both so young; I wonder how either of them have survived the Sith so far, as it is not the best environments to grow up in, even for a Sith Pureblood. Though by the scarring on the Zabrak, it hasn't been an easy time. Perhaps they could be shown the Light Side, and cast off their dark pasts in exchange for happiness.

Denso and Khan: Well...they are males and prisoners. I haven't talked to either of them enough to actually get an impression.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Excellent, @SpiritedDream. Those relations show much of how Andri thinks and works.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I sure hope after explaining the past week I have no reliable internet access for posting counts as an excused absence, because there's no way I'm able to do this little exercise right now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It does, @Dervish.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Ellri I'm here.

Lea Rahn: Koren doesn't really know her, and won't be particularly warm towards her either. She's from a Jedi Dynasty something he disproves on and feels that Jedi from such families do not follow the Code as closely as they should. There will be an element of distrust as he feels she's more likely to fall.

Shiri: Needs to master her motherfucking emotions.

Tolun-Fi: A good individual, calm, thoughtful. Though his neutrality is... disturbing.

Nazca: Koren sees her strength, and wants to help her use it. He also feels somewhat sorry for her as she has only been at the temple for a couple of weeks maximum.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

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Vebra on Vivithe Lansha

Given his stature and long service history Vebra would likely be entertained when the comparatively small Human would be unwilling to match him directly in combat. He would respect the fact that she would know when he had won in combat and would not needless stress him like Sith tended to.

Outside of combat he can appreciate when someone plays the tactician and strategist role well even when playing people against each other, although he doesn't like doing it himself. He also overtly enjoys when people are willing to try and play mind games with him given his background. Almost nobody will actually challenge him in that way anymore and he immensely enjoys it, this would make him perhaps more lenient on her if she continued trying to manipulate and coerce him as he would know what she was doing.

Vebra on Khan Sainen

Being as young as he is Vebra sees a little bit of himself and younger Jayda in him. Vebra would very much take the young jedi under his wing so to speak and attempt to turn him into the jedi that he himself should have been.

While Vebra has a checkered past with Echani he always felt bad for the young boys in their society and how they were considered somewhat less than their female counterparts, this may make Vebra sympathize more for the young lad than he perhaps should.

Vebra would consider training the relatively advanced boy in combat to pass on his pseudo-form III and all the other dirty tricks he had come up with for fighting Sith to someone who would perhaps perfect it one day and become so good at a defensive style as well as prediction he would rarely even need to fight. His ultimate goal would be to get the youngster to a point that he could end fights before they even began or avoid it completely.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Miasa forced us to write that post. We got no choice in the matter.

The droid is more or less one of these.

The target is any one willing (or unwilling) Jedi prisoner. Outcome is up to you, but do use common sense.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Ellri If no-one else does it by the time me and @Rtron are done I'll volunteer Koren.

Might I ask what kind of training weapons? Anything like a training-saber?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Well, either way everyone has experienced a lot.

So @Rtron we can go with this collab and have it end at him being taken?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Step 1: Waiting for @Heat or @Dblade26 to reply, giving them another day to say something in the OoC about it. XD

Step 2:

Start with Xid first through only one and written in his own thoughts as well. I’ll get to others as I meet them because for some odd reason Xid isn’t cooperating with me and I much rather not guess. I'll do Jayda later as well.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

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Step one: I'm here. *superglues self to computer* and I don't plan on disappearing for a while. I have to do a collab next right? @Ellri,@Sundered Echo, I need to know when you're both usually online by so I can actually work on that with you.

Step two: I dont think I understand the prompt. We have to have met them, and tell how we will feel about them in the future? Is that based off of the one experience they've had with each other, or are we looking at all sources of the other's behavior to better tell how we will feel about them? I think everyone's example so far has been the first way, but the impression I got from the prompt was the second.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Step one: I'm here. *superglues self to computer* and I don't plan on disappearing for a while. I have to do a collab next right? @Ellri,@Sundered Echo, I need to know when you're both usually online by so I can actually work on that with you.

Step two: I dont think I understand the prompt. We have to have met them, and tell how we will feel about them in the future? Is that based off of the one experience they've had with each other, or are we looking at all sources of the other's behavior to better tell how we will feel about them? I think everyone's example so far has been the first way, but the impression I got from the prompt was the second.

The prompt is based on what do you think your pc will would think of an individual, based on facts you think they would like or dislike. It can be one you've met or one you've yet to meet. I told mind through Xid's observations of Sish to show his less emphatic side.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Step 1: All good on this front.

Step 2:

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Koren: He'd make a strong Sith.

Good luck with that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Xid: Weakling. Unless he has some hidden strength or cunning, he will die on this ship.

If I recall right... it was Sish screaming and withering on the floor last time he was pushed too far. XD So he fooled the Lizard!
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

After discussion with @Ellri tided my sheet up a bit. Also added a bit more focus on physical skills, and weakened his ability at creating illusions (As again discussed with Ellri). Also added my faithful padawan @Rtron onto my sheet.

There is no actual significant change that breaks anything I've already done or makes him super OP, but if anyone objects let me know.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


One of you are up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

We've seen lots of good responses to the challenge, as well as a few who have acceptable excuses. The following have yet to react to the challenge:
@Heat @Howler @Tzarima @Sundered Echo @Dblade26 @EliteCommander

We know @Vesuvius00 has begun to answer and eagerly await the result.

Status update request and challenge:
(copied from previous page)

This goes for everyone. Please notify us about your status for posting the IC. That is step 1.

Secondly, as part of a challenge we got an idea for somewhere, we would like everyone to write, from their character(s) perspective, an impression for how they would relate to one (or more) other characters that they do not already have a previously defined relation to.
Each such new relation must be based on another character’s appearance and personality/behavior. For reasons of plausibility, it would be ideal if each such relation involves a character your character has actually met. If that doesn’t work for you, do it as a future relation with someone (s)he has yet to meet.

Summed up:
Compose one or more new relation(s) for your character(s), based on the appearance/personality/behavior of other PC(s).
Preferably with characters that have met, but optionally with those that have yet to meet.
Number of relations required is minimum of one per player, but the more the merrier.
Preferably, the relation should be in the perspective of your PC(s) rather than impersonal, but the end is what matters, not the means.

Players that do not reply in any fashion (without prior approval of absence) within a few days will have their characters set aside after 4-5 days.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Being bored and a bit inspired by one of the images from the other day, we made this

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