Name: His titles and names all which allude to his true function are many and varied, among the most renowned being Metatron, Raziel, and Galizur.
Age: Ageless. Appears around mid 20's
Species: Raziel belongs to a spiritual hierarchy, and as such is spiritual in nature. Angel, messenger, spiritual minister, and emmessary are all are quite accurate descriptions.
Gender: Penis
Personality: Raziel is quiet and reserved, though this is not to say antisocial or socially withdrawn to any measure. He is quite fond of sentient beings, particularly mankind, and is an altruist at heart, seeking divine justice and righteous life for all living creatures.
- Modes of Mobility:Raziel can fly/levitate and maintains his impeccable speeds in most any endeavor. However, the true genius of his method of travel lies in realization. He can create a physical distortion about his frame that enables him to move easily through dense environments but, on an even more impressive scale, Raziel can move from one location to another at the speed of thought like most angels. Since he is not omnipresent, this helps travel long distances with ease. (I know the thought-movement is stupidly overpowered or whatever. I will not use it in combative RP unless it is with his arrival in an introduction thread.)
- Node of Transference:
A real bread winner in Raziel’s list of physical abilities, allowing him to scale up with relative ease. He can manipulate the occurrences or presentation of natural energy and force with his physical and meta-physical existence (which is, as a whole, a node of transference for them…hence the name). His frame can naturally absorb or direct/redirect a variety of energies such as light/radiant (extending across the electromagnetic spectrum and heat), chemical and kinetic/impact force (though it does not eradicate the natural dispersal of impact force; he can still receive damage).
These energies provide Raziel with an equally diverse set of physical/energy base abilities, such as the ability to bend, solidify, amplify the potency/hyperactivate the uses of light (this being the most common aspect of this ability).
It is relatively easy to process some aspects of another (light and heat go hand in hand, as an example), yet natural energy is still highly restrictive. He cannot transfer one energy source as another unrelated frequency. The re-application of certain energies can vary in form (impact force will allow him to dish out that much more, just not in an indefinite way, or release it as a blast/other form).
Heat, as mentioned earlier, goes hand in hand with the use of light. Raziel can absorb massive amounts of heat at a time but will receive a great deal of physical damage if it is not transferred within a reasonable time frame.
A fun fact related to his physical appearance and the node of transference ability is that the dark wings and/or physical appearance is not entirely related to his fashion preferences, but to the absorption of natural energies.
Ruby Ray of Reversal:
The reversal prison is a mathematical product of force supplied at any given time. It will surround the “prisoner” in a seemingly indestructible orb of force once applied but it does not have the purpose to oppose escape. Instead, any further movement within the prison will cause it to shatter, to collapse upon itself (and the prisoner) with the potency levels of that prisoner’s internal network of power present once captured. Given it’s reactive nature, Raziel supplies each case with the paradigmatic value of catalytic transition. The reversal prison can find application through physical contact with Raziel or should Victoria cross an intended target.
- Frame:
It is nearly impossible to explain the true capacities of the mind, the human mind, but the possibilities remain regardless of the struggles to understand it. It is not the same with the mental capacity like Raziel’s, for there are none like his. It started out in one form at the beginning of all, witnessing the creation and the progress of all until the end of it, but with new purpose and order this mind was utterly destroyed and re-created as a singularity. Even in the abstract levels of observation, surely in such utter metaphysical states of wisdom, it is hard to view Raziel’s mind as an individual presence. No, it is impossible to not see this as a severe abundance of them, and this is so. He possesses extreme pools of perceptual frameworks within and about (having sights that are within, upon and about him indefinitely), each offering a heavenly rapidity in processing capacity, pushing to the point that his “sights” view time much differently, especially since he is free from a single thought at any given moment. He views the world mathematically, both the physical and not the honesty of his vision allows him the truth of actuality and probability. If you were looking for the most deadly aspect of this angel, look no further, for Raziel can see both actualities and/or the influences of those actualities in the physical and not with simplicity.
He thinks in a language that other angels do not speak, read or understand save a few select individuals. As a keeper of divine secrets this is a must. If one were unlucky enough to look into his mind in search for these secrets, insanity or death surely await, or the acceptance that is.
Raziel is not known to keep knowledge from others however, having shown that he does deeply care for the sake of others. He has donated sections or wisdom before, often called the Gift of the Angel Raziel. It is exactly that of course, a temporary or everlasting gift to those worthy. To donate to the otherwise mindless or aspects not technically alive will create consciousness and functionality.
Skills that branch from this include telepathy, especially with the targets of donation (I will ask permission if it is with a main or story character) and the ability to learn trades or arts with relative ease (especially with the weave of edification).
Be warned: Raziel is enough to put a tactical genius to shame so watch your steps!
Raziel’s mental presence is massively abundant and wields the ability to use it in a multitude of ways, including what some would call “psychokinesis,” which branches off into many telekinetic applications for the Angel of Secrets. This includes the influence on matter by asserting this mental presence in whichever manner, a point made over the uses of Victoria as it is less destructive in comparison. He can move objects, impose levitation and spread a benign field to amplify his environmental awareness by ten fold (although this is relatively useless for him). Aside from this, there are forces he typically does not apply unless the situation calls for them, such as exerting his psychic forces for whatever purpose. It should be noted that Raziel limits his use of these abilities for the pure sake of their redundancy.
However these are only small portions of his capacity on the mental level.
- Edifying Weave:
An incorporeal weave of convoluted webs about Raziel. It, as said, lacks any physical presence (color, “size,” or energetic frequency) in the natural, uninhibited state. It is primarily used as a decoder or information collector while maintaining a secondary protection use. Its purpose is to observe/record, decode, filter information of physical or non-physical entities that cross or exist about or through any given or all strands in or about its owner. Any information, now matter how cryptic, is processed through the weaves, even if said information exists in an unconventional means (smoke, or a collection of random particles are some simple examples).
The secondary purpose presents an entirely new perspective on the Edification Weave as it defies its non-physical presence at notice. It is highly reactive and oppositional of specific information processed (such as physical or energetic information: mass, velocity/force). It is in these cases that the weave becomes actively-aggressive rather than passively so. The Weave adopts Raziel’s Node of Transference ability, only more potent (and limited) with the specifics provided. It is, at this point, a transparent and reactive web designed as an “ultimate” physical defense.
In one hand, any measure of mass, velocity or force that moves or exists within or about the Weave is cycled through and re-applied immediately in an equal manner (or not applied at all, going into Raziel’s reserves of power). This cycle happens as information is presented, making the weave a physical catalyst. The application of cycled information could assume any manner or nature (rather than a single linear fashion, perhaps a reflective force).
Raw forms of energy are often in extremely complicated and difficult occurrences to re-apply (though not impossible), and find the tendency of refract/dispersing around the weave all together if timed correctly. This is not self-sustaining in sporadic uses (though, in theory, could become so if presented with a consistent force).
The Edification weave is up and about Raziel indefinitely (though the secondary application is a transference of purpose, so it is not automatic), requiring no effort to sustain. Since the weave does not exist under any physical constants in its natural state, all can assume that the weave exists in ten feet in diameter in all directions (unless extended, which requires specification as a physical constant).
- Draconic Sorcery(Catalystic Transition): The reactive replication and consummation of values in which energy-, force- or reactive-based implementations are converted from one state, essence or purpose into another by any measure from an oppositional tampering. In such an instant of conformity, the conversion is held as complete by the consummation of frequencies only to have actually corrupted the contrived sense of new purpose or existence which is then replicated in proportion to the potency of the amended force that it would conform to, subverting whatever force or act into the original nature or form prior to any outside force of alternation. This is the first Paradigmatic Value that is not innate of Raziel but personally constructed by him. It is active in Victoria and the Weave of Edification.
Draconic Sorcery(Quantum Foam): simultaneous abandonment of form and re-form in which an existence or essence relinquishes the self from a particular medium (of well contrived existence or a vague representation of such) and re-enters the physical or non-physical state (in or out of a particular path, mathematical or not) as the previous self to maintain the original state free from outward, inward or otherwise non-granted conformity. All information that is processed to the user(s) during involuntary conformity occurs as to understand a subject (if applicable). This seamless mode makes structured or mis-structured methods of influence a bad choice or drive against whatever is under this Value (Raziel, Victoria, Items of Wroth and Inventicus). This value is a reactive-based implementation. Raziel has reformed this value so it does not conflict with the following value however, as it is conceptually immune to the actions made by the angel willfully or not. As the first, Raziel and Victoria can weave this into other aspects.
Draconic Sorcery(Transcendantality):
An innate trait that influences Raziel and all from or of him on every possible level, existence, essence form or reform possible that cannot find activation by the will of Raziel or aspects from him. Transcendentality, as a value, is an advancement of prominent power, rejuvenation and awareness that has always been once it is so. It is the cause of direct or indirect tampering of space, time, reality (or realities), related realms or dimensions pertaining to each included. The degree of this value is proportional to the influence that triggered it. If any of the above are warped, introduced (as in, portals, teleportation and anything else that distorts any of the factors) or broken, the value will lead to various branches that can include physical or non-physical evolution of capabilities, multiplying his present abilities by various factors or more. If one or more of the above factors are obliterated (as in, you break time, reality or the universe etc.), Raziel will possess the capability and power of said destruction in addition to ability of sustaining said factor by a newly amplified version of the Secrets of Serenity (without the sacrificial aspect). As mentioned, this applies to more than Raziel as an individual. As mentioned, this value cannot find activation by the will or action of Raziel or aspects from him.
As with the other values, people will probably complain about this to extensive degrees. Thing is, these are only useful if someone other than Raziel is greatly overpowered, godmods, or tries to null/void things because “I said so” reasons. So, yes, if you aren’t unfair you won’t even know these are a thing.
Victoria mirrors the dualistic possibilities of the human experience: she can build, present opportunities, or she can destroy with pure apathy. Her components refer and consist to as Absolute: one of Holiness and the other as Corruption. They are within and about each other forever. Given the sheer power scale of Victoria, Raziel reduces the potential threat of her actions or inactions with containment: she resides in complex “grips” of Raziel’s perceptual frameworks/mind/mentalities. It is difficult to explain her origins or existence: innately, she occupies neither space and neither does she consist of mass (and by definition, she is not energy). She simply is.
As mentioned, she has no innate physical characteristics: shape, size, mass or color. She cannot directly affect anything on the physical plane in her uninhibited, natural state. However, should Raziel impose on her nature, Victoria may exist under any of the mentioned paradigms in a severely limited state. In such a case, the Absolutes are characterized by a highly dense darkness for Corruption and an indefinitely “burning” whiteness for Holiness (purity). In the limited state, shape and size are limited by imagination. However, this lesser state is not a stable one: Victoria may only last in this state for a half hour or so before the physical form collapses on itself, returning her to a pure and uninhibited state.
Victoria’s components expand endlessly in potential. Absolutes both target and/or operate on planes of essence, conceptually, rather than physical existence. Holiness does this on a historical and/or purpose level of inorganic and/or non-living targets: recording and establishing the order of essence, amending the ties of the object/existence with said order, establishing new purpose. This hyperactive imposition is temporary for the mundane unless the operation exceeds natural order. Holiness’ operation occupies a secondary system (which refers to as Purity, an alternate name of Holiness), restoration: amplifying the non-physical existence of a target, multiplying the potency to allow restoration.
Absolute Corruption, opposed to Holiness, targets instability/negativity in chosen host(s): from ill intensions, hatred, arrogance or to moral/cognitive instability (insanity, madness). The operation causes the negativity to propagate across the actuality of the targeted essence with such power that the distorted replication becomes an oppositional essence, a polar opposite, from the original host essence. This distorted force is in proportional to the intensity of its original target, amplified to a fatal extent, causing a horrific collapsing before a massive explosion of essence and (since the essence distortion is so powerful) physicality. The speed of this operation is proportional to the targeted host. Of course, this can only happen if Victoria crosses the target, like the first. All Angelic figures (fallen or not) are conceptually immune to Corruption. In her limited state, Corruption disperses extreme states of negativity in whatever it touches (unless, of course, this is an Angelic figure).
Raziel’s method of applying Victoria might vary greatly on occasion. However limitless she might seem, “crossing” the target remains a requirement in which all effects form unless she is in her limited state.
Items of Wrot: Several items transmogrified from the broken body of Astaroth, great demon lord and enemy of Raziel.
Astaroth as a heater shield serves no additional purpose other than protection, but with the utter immensity of his durability outclasses the destructive capacity of ungodly intensities of energy-based weaponry. Raziel can wield this shield manually or not, though there is indeed another quality of the shield that stands out: three pairs of wings that may extend from all sides of it, thereby increasing the size several times over.
Although once held by the foul creature, the poisonous serpent finds new purpose as a mystical bow. Scales of hideous power make this an extremely durable though not near as much as its former master. Instead, the viper bow can utilize various methods of power in Raziel’s use, but also carry various forms of paradigmatic values or the reversal prison framework.
As for the final entity, the great dragon of Astaroth, an additional blend into the Enigma of Damascus attire. This pair of gauntlets and greaves serves to amplify Raziel’s physical abilities to higher extents, thus narrowing the gap of time needed to equal out to foes. In these items stirs tremendous mysticism, an infernal power utterly contradictory of the newfound master, able to exert directed or non-directed force from any and all parts of them, gathered and amplified by the methods of powers gained throughout Raziel’s venture. As durable as the shield, these are a terrible weapon saved for the right occasions.
All Wroth items are innately part of Raziel now, easily manifested at any given time from the Enigma of Damascus.
Universe of Origin: Materia Prime
Note: Credit given to Iron Wings for various(majority) articles and Inspiration on this sheet.
I am also on mobile so forgive any untidyness. It will be fixed later.