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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

HopelessIncubus said
wasn't going for a dress uniform in the form of dress blues, I was going for more Class A uniform, essentially ironed fatigues with ribbon bar, rank, and polished boots. the sleeves rolled over the elbows and starched fatigue cap. allwell, Ill role with it.

Ah, sorry - I got confused. I'll edit my post to say that he just looks smart instead.

The15thSpycrab said
Silver.When you're talking about the living quarters, are we sharing rooms? From what you said, it looked like we had individual rooms, but then you said that the commander had a room to himself.

Everyone has an individual room (to avoid the dithering that would come with having to choose who to bunk with), but Blade has a bigger room - privileges of Rank and all that. Being the commander of the GEAR detachment aboard a Landcruiser is a bit like being the Air Boss on a modern day Aircraft carrier. There's a fair bit of seniority attached, with a good amount of privilege.

Kyelin said
I thought I read somewhere about bunks, so I assumed bunk beds. Could be wrong though :L

As far as I know, in most naval terms a bed is always referred to as a 'bunk', though it's not necessarily a bunk bed. Just to be suitably confusing.
They're generally single-occupancy beds that are raised off the floor, and have various storage nooks and stuff built into the frame, and under the mattress as well.
Landcruisers are a bit like Submarines or Aircraft Carriers - every possible inch that can be used to store something, probably has. Space is at a premium, so it's cramped, but the space is used well. Also, imagine exposed pipes and such on every ceiling, and some walls, and a lot of stencils for maintenance and warnings everywhere.

HopelessIncubus said
sounds like we hall have cubical style rooms, sharing 2-3 walls and having a draw-screen divideing us on the non walled sides.....im sure someone can explain that better then I can.

More or less - the 'rear' wall of each of your rooms is the outer wall of the ship. The left and right walls are thin interior walls, shared with a neighbour. One of them will have your bunk up against it, the other will have your personal wash/toilet area. Storage would be under the bed and in multi-purpose storage units. A small desk/dresser is against the rear-most wall, along with a personal chair (like an office-type chair). The 'front' wall is a partial thin wall again, with a sliding screen/curtain to divide you from the main common area, where there's easy chairs etc. to lounge around on, entertainment screens, some books, and a kitchenette for preparing snacks etc.
It's comfy, but not luxurious.

Cartwright said
Crap. The RP went on. WELL I WILL SEE WHAT I CAN DO! I hate joining in when the RP gets past the first stage >.< I am not sure what to post at this very minute but I'll come up with something whenever I can... I REALLY am hoping to find an alternative to the 'late arrival' approach since I did it last time.

Your post was fine, and I left adequate mention in the IC for those people who didn't arrive right away. Also, as a helicopter pilot, it'd be fine for Ken to arrive after the Ship has left port - aircraft-carrying ships don't generally have their aircraft aboard when in harbour - I live in Portsmouth, the Royal Navy has one of it's major ports here, and some of the Destroyers and Helicopter Carriers (because we don't have any aircraft carriers at the moment) are based here, and they almost never come into port with their aircraft aboard. Instead, the aircraft rendezvous with the ship when it's underway, as do the air crew. The aircraft are only ever aboard if the Navy are holding an open day for the public. Landcruisers would likely be the same, so you could've had Ken turn up once we're underway, and that would've been no problem at all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Is two paragraph intro REALLY okay? It isn't even half my best >-< well.. Its a post and its in. I will set up a post later today whenever I can
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Silverwind Blade said

Words that inspire me :3

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The15thSpycrab


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cartwright said
Words that inspire me :3 *Flails* THEY ARE FINE BUT WE STRIVE TO BE GREAT!

Not even great! Only perfect can satisfy!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rafale
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Rafale Eurocanard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh God, I suddenly feel late. Expect a post in a bit.
Honestly though, I have the worst writer's block right now. All I feel like doing is to play Persona and eat pizza.
I will post!
Because it is my duty!

Also, Ashers' bewbies. I missed them.
And there goes all my credibility around here.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tossed in a short not so great IC post since I am still in school XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ramzam

Ramzam Squeaky Boi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Silverwind Blade said

I almost put that one in my signature.

I'll be posting in a few hours, I've just been wrestling with some mental health issues.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rafale said
Also, Ashers' bewbies. I missed them.And there goes all my credibility around here.

FOR SHAME SIR! *Throws down glove.*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Your move Oliver (milkman). Your move.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HopelessIncubus


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

just realized I left mikes age out
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

HopelessIncubus said
just realized I left mikes age out

Yeah. Afraid I couldn't say mikes age as a result. Is your profile pic reflective of his appearance?
Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Esailia sent me a message to say that sadly, she's unable to join in right now. So, I'll keep the infantry fireteam as an NPC group right now instead - maybe Irry can lead them when they're needed.

I'll be posting in a few hours, I've just been wrestling with some mental health issues.

No probs, dude. Take your time, I'm looking forward to seeing your post.

Speaking of Ms. Jacquo...

Character Sheet
Character Name: Iriana 'Irry' Jacquo
Age: 29
Species:Red Panda
Confident, with a good-humoured sharp tongue, Irry is irrepressibly smart and quick-witted, as well as tremendously pro-active and practical. This is not to say that she lacks in character or compassion, or that she is unfriendly.
Irry is very eager to speak to others around her, and to make friends, though she worries that her position as XO to the 'boss' puts her at a distance from others.
She is most dedicated to her position and enlistment in the LDF, and takes any combat role she is in seriously.
Personal History:
Irry is the sister of one of Silverwind's former comrades. The two met while he served with Irry's brother Marlen, in the original incarnation of the 101st Roughriders, and made good friends, and when the Roughriders were reformed, Silver requested Irry to serve alongside him due to her exceptional skills and memory, and she accepted due to the opportunity to get to know more about what happened to her brother for some closure, and to push her training and service in a different direction.
Personal Weapons and Equipment:
Standard LDF semi-automatic pistol and MBR (Modular Battle Rifle) Carbine. Utility/Fighting knife.
GEAR harness if piloting GEAR, or Infantry Battle Armour (non-powered armour) and load-bearing harness if in combat.

Irry rarely pilots a GEAR, but is more than capable of doing so. If she is required to go into battle, she pilots a standard current-model H4R-IC "Harlock Improved" with mission appropriate weaponry in standard LDF camouflage.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

I got the keys for my new house yesterday and will spend most of the comming weekends on painting and laying floors and such. I think I might be able to squeeze a post in tomorrow but I doubt that I can get anything up today.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

No worries, I'll be away most of today myself, and it's not like I'm desperate for everyone to post every day or anything. I like to do other things with my time too :p
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Minder
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Right, I'm going to get a post up later today.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

No worries - I'll get another post up tomorrow to move things along on my end to give you a chance. I'll also work on putting up some data about the Parvan's Claw and it's personnel, as I think that would be interesting to see, and help with consistency and the like.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Peyote


Member Offline since relaunch

-comes out of nowhere

Character Name: Malayke Jutrell

Age: 27

Species: Lioness

Malayke stands at 5'8" and weighs a hearty 140lbs. Her dichromatic fur is a sandy beige on her back, and her stomach and inner sides of her limbs are a tanned cream. A thick head of vibrant orange hair cascades down her back in waves, and a set of teal eyes peers curiously from behind long lashes. She is muscular, but not heavily so, and has feminine curves and long limbs. She dresses normally in brown BDUs, giving her an almost monochrome appearance. Her visage is usually one of warmth, and her smile is bright and infectious.

Malayke is a carefree, warm person, who always has an ear open to the stresses and hardships of life in the military. She is not judgmental, and views life with eyes wide open, accepting and congenial to all she encounters - except enemies. She is not weak, or innocent, and should not be expected or treated as such. However, there are instances where she is inexperienced, especially those dealing with politics. But the most memorable thing about Malayke is the lingering inquisitive feeling that follows from encounters with her. Either the way her head is perpetually tilted, or the aloofness of her dialog, or even a misplaced paroxysm of a laugh in response to things not meant to be jokes, when people talk to Malayke they can tell there is something a tad bit... off with the lioness. At times, she can be seen staring off into the distant at painful memories, and though she’ll talk of them freely, she dislikes to dwell on them.

Personal History:
Malayke Jutrell is from a small independent nation some ways away from Landren in the east. It shares a border with the north, and has had many influences from the Empire. Rendon, as it was named, was and has been in a proxy war with a few southern independent nations that fight for the South. Rendon is an urban nation, full of towering cities contrapuntal from the regular nations allied with the north. It was very militant, with no secret police, just an unforgiving army that reigned over the people indiscriminately, and drafted civilians without basis. There was often open warfare in the country, for the war was actually a losing one, and Rendon consistently gave ground to its enemies.

Malayke grew up in a loving home, but they were victims of the states as much as any other family. Her education was thorough, but without subjects of history, politics, arts, or other elective courses. She was an only child to a single father, who supported the two of them by being in the military(as if he had much choice). Malayke did not and does not agree with the teachings of the north, and hates the doctrine by which she was raised, and holds hatred in her heart toward the Empire, and the ignorance in which they keep their people. Malayke was never drafted, but when she turned 16 she signed up for service because there was little else for her to do in the rapidly deteriorating state. She had little other opportunities with the mass migrations of civilians by the government for safety.

The lioness excelled in the military, proving to be a valuable soldier. She rose through ranks easily, though she never became a commander. She was always a lone soldier after her initial introduction to service, more of an agent of espionage than a foot-soldier. . She was used in many different applications, but was finally put in a unit a little after she was 22. She was assigned to a unit called 'Backbreakers,' who were a specific force used to fight against enemy GEARs. Being at war with southern aligned forces, many awesome and powerful GEARs were used against Rendon. The group were tight knit and like minded, and Mal felt at home with them as best she can.

The were often deployed with heavy artillery, and made use of tanks and explosives regularly. It was a dangerous position, and she was constantly deployed, being in open combat for months on end. She was taught about GEARs, specifically how to pilot and general fighting against the hulking machines. After a while doing that, Malayke came across the Stalker in a battle, and after defeating the troops, and the pilot by forcing him to eject thanks to her favored caustic ammunition, the Rendon militia commandeered the slim GEAR, as they often did with enemy resources. After reconstruction and reloading, the GEAR was given to the Backbreakers for use against others of its kind. Malayke, being the most gifted pilot among them, took command of the Stalker.

It was around this time the war took a turn for the worse. Rendon shrunk dramatically, being pressed by enemies on all borders but the north.The main body of the militia retreated into the North, welcomed as heroes for their actions against heretics. However, all active and deployed troops were abandoned on the battlefield, leaving some 6000 troops stranded and at the mercy of their enemies. The Backbreakers were among these unlucky troops, and were deeply entrenched in enemy lines within weeks. The close group, all against the Empire for their treatment of them, decided instead of making their way North to desert. They traveled west toward more neutral territory, but it was rough going, with enemies found along the way at every turn. One by one, the unit lost members in their escape from warring territory, until only Malayke was left alone with her GEAR in neutral territory.

Eventually, she made her way West, ending up in Landren, and through uninteresting events became a part of the 101st Tactical Roughriders. She is haunted by her lost comrades, and the mystery of what became of her father.

Personal Weapons and Equipment:
-AR754 Class 4 Sub Machine Gun Held in a backstrap. Carries x4 45 round clips, including the one she has loaded.
-.45 Trishot Revolver Holstered on her left hip, as she is left handed. She carries two extra full speedclips.
-She also carries a 6 inch combat knife on her right hip.
-Pilot's harness, specific to the Stalker. (In the pic its the first suit, the blue one, and the blue headpiece of the second one)

Personal Theme: Working on it
Malayke likes all colors, though in their proper places. She has a fondness for colors similar to her pelt.
Mecha Sheet

Gear Name / Serial Number: LNX34 ‘STALKER’ 4965:5224-TRH

Role: Anti-GEAR/ Scout and recon/ Flanking

Normal Loadout:
-Head/neck mounted infantry caliber machine gun. On the top of Stalker’s extended neck, belt fed from x2 150 round belts stored above the cockpit.
-Shoulder mounted missile launcher. While loaded, the Stalker carries nine missiles, each of which are Malayke’s preferred corrosive tipped type. Each is like a warhead, hollowed partially out to contain a rapid-eating acid that can chew through armor and get to soft bodies beneath.
- Semi-Automatic 15mm chain gun, integrated with right arm. Usually has three types of ammunition: 200 rounds of normal ammunition, 200 rounds of anti-armor, and 150 rounds of corrosive ammunition(similar to the missiles, but of a much smaller quantity and slightly less acidic, but can still work its way through armor). Normal ammunition is defaultly loaded, ammunition types can be changed on the battlefield without exit from the GEAR, though it takes a minute for them to change.
-Retractable blade, located on the left arm, used mostly for harsh-terrain control and cutback. It has pneumatic capabilities, and can be used to punch holes in armor.

Other Systems & Equipment:
-Back camera tail: the tip of the tail of the Stalker holds an HD x3 optic zoom camera, as well as a radio antenna. This camera can be used to see around corners in urban environments, or gain a larger scope of any battlefield.
-Large panoramic battlefield simulation system: With the roving use of the tailcam, and the lack of windows in the Stalker, Malayke views the battlefield on rounded screens around her cockpit.
-DEP(Disrupting Electronic Pulse): A defensive measure, the Stalker emits a multi-frequency pulse that disrupts electrical sensors and gives false readings to many types of scopes and detection systems; used in combat when the Stalker is prematurely discovered and Malayke has to make herself close to invisible to escape direct fire. The pulse is harmless to ground soldiers and mechs themselves, but it does leave their systems in shock for a few minutes, so long as they stays in range.
-Her pilot's suit is integrated with the haptic and motion controls of the Stalker for more accurate readings and outcomes.
-Eject-able seat, with pilot's belongings casks attached to the seat(which holds her AR754, survival kit, and medical kit).
-Loud, bass oriented speakers, and multi-color lights in the cockpit, for Malayke is very fond of music and enjoys the strangeness of moody light. She is often signing when she is piloting; it helps her focus(she sings a lot, really, but she has a pleasant voice at least).

Other notes: The Stalker was built for stability, speed, and flexibility. It is light compared to other GEARs, but it what it lacks in strength it makes up for in ability. The GEAR can be easily taken down by a close enough explosion of any kind, but its advanced systems and fast reaction time make it a hard target to hit in general. As per its combat role, the Stalker is rarely actively being targeted. Malayke sits on the lip of the waist of the Stalker, with her legs snugly fit in the thin channel of the abdomen. It was not specifically crafted for use against GEARs; it was used as such by Malayke. The main 'anti-GEAR' part of Stalker is it's acidic munitions. The Stalker is most useful in urban environments, having the ability to flying through crossing streets and lose pursuit, and gain an angle.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dayum that is a hot character but I believe this roleplay is full...

Final call lies with silverwind of course.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Peyote


Member Offline since relaunch

Oh, no, she was pre-approved(kinda).
Shoulda said that
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